How I Made Friends At Rowan, Bianca’s Experience

Bianca and friends happily greet a friend on Rowan Boulevard.

Hi! My name is Bianca Torres. I’m a senior Music Industry major with a minor in Marketing from Morris County, NJ who has lived on campus all four years. Going to college has helped me get out of my comfort zone and has helped me become a much more well-rounded individual! I know that adjusting to college can be tough – especially when it comes to meeting new people. 

Going to Rowan was an easy decision for me. My sister had gone here before me so I already knew a lot about the school. It’s about two hours away from where I live so it was the perfect distance for me, and Rowan has a really great Music Industry program. So I was pretty confident in my decision to go there.

The one thing that I was a little nervous about: meeting new people. I was excited about being independent and on my own for the first time in college. However, it was hard for me at first to find people who I really enjoyed being with. I quickly realized that I was going to have to put myself out there more. Here’s what I did to make some new friends.

Reached Out to People I Already Knew.

My first friend in college is actually someone I went to high school with! Although we never talked in high school, I figured it would be a good start to talk to someone I related with at least a little bit! I came up to him one day in the Holly Pointe dining hall and we started eating together almost every day! We instantly became friends. Then he introduced me to Racquetball Club.

Joined Clubs and Sports Teams.

Through Racquetball Club, I’ve found a sport that I’ve never tried but ended up really liking and found some of my best friends! Being a part of a team is a great way to meet people with the same interests and makes you feel like you are a part of something. Without Racquetball, I would have never found my friends.

Marcella and I at my surprise 21st birthday party

Talked to My Classmates.

One of my best friends is someone who was sitting right next to me in class. The first day of classes is nerve wracking enough for a lot of us and finding the right seat is crucial. When I first walked in, I found a seat that I thought would be a good spot in the classroom. I never thought I would have ended up sitting next to my now best friend and roommate! We started doing class projects together, and I realized that we liked the same things and had the same sense of humor. Finally, I decided to ask if she wanted to get lunch with me one day. The rest is history. 

Got To Know My Co-Workers.

I made some great friends through my on-campus job for the Rowan Blog! The great thing about on-campus jobs is that your co-workers are also usually students too. From going on shoots together, talking in the office, and getting lunch in between, it’s almost hard to not know a lot about the people I work with! I’m so grateful for the Rowan Blog and for all the great friends that I’ve made from the blog too. 

There are so many ways to get involved on campus and to put yourself out there. It’s difficult adjusting to an entirely new environment and situation but one of the best things about going to a university is meeting all kinds of different and exciting people! Luckily, I found my people at Rowan!

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Story and Photos by:
Bianca Torres senior music industry major