Today, we speak to Sean French, a senior History and International Studies dual major from Haddon Township (Camden County). Sean, a commuter and first-generation student, holds a leadership position in Rowan’s Japanese Culture Club. He tells us more about the club, his majors and why he chose Rowan!
Why did you choose your majors?
I’ve loved history since elementary school, so it made sense to study what I loved. I was originally enrolled as a History and Education major to teach history at the high school level. During my sophomore year, however, I decided to change to History and International Studies (Asia studies concentration) after falling in love with Japanese culture and decided to study abroad in Japan.
Why did you choose Rowan?
I chose Rowan because it was known for having a robust Education department, in state and nearby, so I could commute to school!
Take us through a typical Rowan day for you!
The typical Rowan day for me (pre-Covid) was waking up at 6 a.m., going to the gym near my house, making breakfast, then going down to campus to study at the library or go to class. Then, later in the day, I would go to an e-board meeting for the Japanese Culture Club (I was previously VP and will be President beginning Fall 2020).
At our meetings we would talk about Japanese culture, have activities and games such as karaoke, a bento box competition and arts nights including calligraphy and making origami.
The Japanese Culture Club is a place we’ve worked to make welcoming and open to folks of all backgrounds, where you could hang out with friends and enjoy learning and talking about all things Japan. We’re hoping to continue club meetings this coming semester, be that online or safely in person.
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Story by:
Bianca Torres, rising senior music industry major
Photos by:
Sean French
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