Today, we speak to Dan Pakrad, a junior Mathematics major from Wingdale, N.Y. who is involved in Crew Club. Learn more about Dan, why he chose Rowan and his advice for future and fellow out-of-state students.

What are some fun, off-campus things to do within 20 minutes of Rowan on this side of the bridge?
“Relaxing on my deck (I live in a place just off campus). Hanging out with people on the Crew team. Go to the mall. And walk around campus.”
Why did you choose to leave NY for college?
“I enjoyed the little town environment that Rowan has. Especially with Rowan Boulevard, I love being able to walk down that street.”

Why did you choose Rowan?
“The environment. Also Rowan has a lot of major choices. I was originally an Engineering major but am now Mathematics. There are a lot of choices at Rowan.”
What is one thing about South Jersey that was a happy surprise for you or different than you expected?
“How close everything is. Stores like Walmart and the grocery store. I was expecting it to be a little like my hometown — stores are very far away, but in South Jersey, everything is relatively close.”

Have you adopted any “Jersey” tendencies?
“My brothers from NY when they come here and say they want Taylor ham I correct them and say pork roll. I have also learned that Central Jersey does not exist.”
How has choosing to move out of your hometown area for school benefited you?
“I get to interact with people that I wouldn’t be able to in my town.”
What advice do you have for New York residents leaving NY to go to school in NJ?
“When you first get to Rowan, don’t be afraid to go to every little ice breaker event or join any club you want. I joined the Crew team and was able to meet all of my friends.”
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Story and photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major