According to Karen: Advice for High School Seniors

Karen and her friends.

Today we feature Karen Lee, a junior marketing major with a minor in strategic communication. Karen is from Edison, NJ (Middlesex County), lives on campus in the Townhouses and is public relations chair of the Animal Advocacy Club. Karen shares her experiences with us today to help future students. 

On graduating college early:

I didn’t plan to graduate college a semester early. But I will. In addition to saving money and time, this will look great on my resume and give me a head start in the world. During my senior year of high school my school encouraged us to enroll in a program to earn college credits. So I did. I started my freshman year at Rowan with 10 credits already earned, in pre-calculus, psychology and sociology. The program fee was $200, which was totally worth it. 

Once I was here, I sketched out what I wanted my four-year academic plan to look like, using Rowan’s program DegreeWorks. Then I talked to my advisor to make sure I was on the right track. I had to take two summer classes to make early graduation a reality, and I’m glad I did. 

Karen sitting outside of Business Hall.

On making friends at Rowan: 

I made my entire friend group through Facebook groups and a future leaders program here at Rowan. They are great ways to make friends! Classes are a good place to not only make friends, but also future connections, which is especially important in business.

On taking a gap year:

It wasn’t going to help me to reach my goals for my life if I took a gap year because of coronavirus. After I graduate, I’d like to go into advertising. I’ll live at home, save up some money, and then move out to start my life. I’d like to move to a city, maybe New York.

Karen standing outside.

On the importance of real-life experiences:

I know I need an internship — I’m starting that search right now. The Rohrer College of Business, which the marketing major is a part of, has a Professional Development Center. Every week they email a list of internships and full time jobs to apply for — I’ve been getting these emails since my freshman year. I’ll also go to career fairs and talk to my family for connections. 

On living with roommates: 

Consider living with strangers. Sometimes living with friends isn’t best, because it’s super fun at first but you might not be compatible as roommates and it’ll harm the friendship. 

Karen and her friends sitting on steps.

On why Rowan is right for her:

I wanted to get out of the house — far enough away, but not too far. This semester I needed a lot from home. Financially Rowan made sense, since it’s in state and a public school. Getting info on College Board and from talking to people just wasn’t the same as visiting campus — I only had the sense that this was the school for me after I visited campus.

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