Today we speak to Melissa Luna, a junior, out-of-state student from Queens, NY majoring in Radio, Television and Film with a Journalism minor. Melissa transferred from CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is involved in Rowan Radio 89.7 WGLS-FM.
What are some fun off-campus things to do within 20 minutes of Rowan on this side of the bridge?
I personally like looking around the shops in Haddonfield or passing by the ice cream parlor in Pitman Grove! The Comic Book Store and Thai Thai, right on the edge of campus, are also very nice places to stop by as well.
Why did you choose to leave NY for college?
I chose to leave New York for college to move out of my comfort zone and the monotony of the city and wanted to see what other towns could offer me.

Why did you choose Rowan?
I chose Rowan because I had found a brochure from them in a pile of old high school college fair pamphlets and became interested in the courses they offered, including the RTF major, which I am currently in.
What is one thing about South Jersey that was a happy surprise for you or different than you expected?
One thing that was a lot different than I expected was how far apart everything is spaced from each other. In NYC, everything is tightly packed together, so when first moving here, it was a little jarring to see how far everything was.
Have you adopted any “Jersey” tendencies?
I don’t think I have adopted any true Jersey tendencies, but since moving here I have garnered a craving of Thai food since there are so many Thai restaurants in the area.

How has choosing to move out of your hometown area for school benefited you?
Since moving away from New York, I have discovered things about myself that I never knew before and found passions in things that I had previously held little interest in such as photography, television history/production and radio. When I am at Rowan, I can now focus on myself rather than the things going on around me.
What advice do you have for New York residents leaving NY to go to school in NJ?
My advice would be to always prepare when going back home! My biggest challenge since moving is when I travel from Glassboro to NYC, it’s always such a hassle when it comes to bus fares and multiple transfers. But besides that, it should be an easy adjustment!
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Story and photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major