Meet #Rowan2025 student Kiran Kaur! Kiran is an incoming freshman Law and Justice Studies major from Westampton, NJ (Burlington County). Kiran is excited to come to Rowan and shares what she looks forward to in college.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college?
I am trying to make new good friends. I am studying Law and Justice Studies.
What is one hobby, activity, sport or club you were a part of in high school that you’d like to continue in college?
I would like to be a part of a baking club if there are any. I like baking cupcakes, cake pops, cookies and cake!
Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself in college? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?
I just want to learn more about my major and develop new skills in the career.
What majors are you considering and why?
Law and Justice Studies. I’m trying to go in the pre-corrections path.
Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?
Yes, it was a nice college!
Do you have advice for other high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet?
Rowan University is a pretty clean and nice campus. They should try applying and take a tour.
Where are you going to live next year?
On campus.
What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?
The campus and restaurants near the campus.
Like what you see?
Story by: Bianca Torres, Senior, Music Industry major