Rowan Blog contributor, Public Relations major and student athlete Natalie DePersia captures Rowan’s beloved Prof Pets.
As tribute to National Dog Day, we would like to highlight some of the pets of our Rowan students and alumni.

National Dog Day is more than just a day to have a bigger incentive to post a cute picture of your furry friend. This national day is a holiday that is also celebrated to bring awareness to the canine population that needs adopting and rescuing. National Dog Day is a day to celebrate every dog breed at every stage and age.

While purchasing an owning purebred dogs in America is common, it is important to be educated on the importance of adopting a dog. There are many shelters around that have purebred adoption options available as well. By adopting a furry friend, you may not only save the life of your dog, you are contributing to breaking the system of pet overpopulation, you will be paying way less than buying a dog from a breeder, and you can be potentially inspiring others to adopt as well.

Dogs are important because they also provide company and companionship. Whether you are trying to sleep through a windy storm, afraid of the dark, or simply having a bad day, a dog can not only help you feel better, they can relieve stress and anxiety as well. Dogs provide endless positivity; the simplest adventures are viewed as the greatest joy from a dogs point of view.

Dogs are also amazing by their ability to help their owners. There are many different types of service dogs ranging from; diabetes assist dogs that can detect low blood sugar levels, autism service dogs that assist those with autism by helping them with everyday tasks, hearing dogs that assist individuals with hearing problems, seizure response dogs who assist their owner during or after a seizure, guide dogs who assist visibly impaired owners, and more.

Dogs truly are amazing and provide so much love and presence in our everyday lives. Whether you have a dog of your own, are looking into adopting a furry friend, or just love these companions from afar, make sure to send some love to a dog today.

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Story By:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major