Today, we feature Donovan Cruz, a first-year student from Galloway, NJ (Atlantic County), whose major is currently undecided. He looks forward to becoming more involved as he becomes more settled into this new chapter of life in Glassboro.
When asked why he made the choice to change his major from Radio/Television/Film, Donovan explained he had an epiphany when he got to campus and soon discovered that “Rowan has so much more to offer,” which led to himself keeping himself open to many different potential career paths by becoming undecided for the time being.
Donovan went on to gush over the courses he’s taking that cover a vast amount of topics and for himself, he called the fall semester his “broader term.” Some of these broader courses are News Media Literacy, Spirituality & Healing and Sexuality & Society. As all these courses cover many different topics and can stem over to many different careers, they are aiding in Donovan’s current plan to dive into many different academic fields and see what truly feeds his soul.

As the fall semester kicks off, autumn leaves begin to fall like pieces into place, and the campus is filled with so much more to indulge in. When asked “What fun things have you done on campus so far this semester and what are some things you look to do in the coming months?” Donovan answered that so far during his short duration on campus he’s found a lot of his enjoyment outside of his academics coming from spending time with his friends.
In the coming months, he hopes to make more strong connections on campus and to become more involved in campus activities.

Rowan University is located in the heart of South Jersey, and many of the students who occupy the campus come from both near and far away to pursue higher education. Donovan is originally from Galloway, NJ (Atlantic County), which is about an hour away from the university.
Considering there is a long catalog of universities in New Jersey, we asked Donovan the question of all questions: “Why did you choose Rowan?” Donovan responded that he chose to attend Rowan because it is “far from home, but not too far,” and he also deemed the university to have a “home away from home vibe.”
He went on to add that a lot of his friends who ventured to the universities prior to him chose Rowan and all had great things to say about the university and what it has to offer for its students.
Lastly, when asked “if you could describe your first year so far in one word what would it be,” the answer for Donovan was simple and straightforward: “Promising.”
As Donovan continues to indulge in a plethora of different courses, joins more student organizations, and continues to connect with his peers on campus, his future is bright and definitely filled to the brim with promise as he continues to amplify his own voice and navigate his first year at Rowan University.

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Story by:
Asiya Robinson, junior writing arts major
Photos by:
Joseph Conte, junior community and environmental planning major