Senior Reflects On How He Found Himself At Rowan

Danny Ryan sits working in front of a microphone at Rowan Radio.

When senior Danny Ryan, a Sports Communication and Media major with concentrations in Sports Journalism and Radio Television & Film Sports Production, with a minor in Marketing, was considering colleges, he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do.

The Woodbury, NJ (Gloucester County) native shares, “I chose Rowan because of the close proximity to my hometown. I was never really a huge fan of being in overwhelming debt after going away to a ‘major’ college, to be honest. Additionally, I found myself lost on where to go with my life after high school. I had gone to Gloucester County Institute of Technology for Finance and Business Management, but I couldn’t necessarily see myself loving a job in that industry unless it involved my one true passion, sports.“

Danny Ryan wears business attire while working the booth at a baseball game.

He went on to add, “Just two years before my graduation from high school, Rowan introduced a brand new major called Sports Communications and Media, or Sports CAM for short. Once I found out about the major I scheduled a visit on campus with coordinator Emil Steiner and the rest is history. I knew this program was the right fit for me.”

He continued, “The Sports CAM major is a program that helps students gain experience covering sports in many different ways. Whether that be through radio, television, journalism, or even communications studies, etc. No matter what your interest in sport is, chances are that the Sports CAM program can help you tap into that interest from a career standpoint one way or another.”

Danny delved even deeper into what his future in Sports CAM will look like as he peered ahead to what he intends to do with his degree after he graduates, gushing, “At the moment, my intended career path is to earn an opportunity as a producer for a sports talk radio station in the greater Philadelphia or tri-state area (whether that be a job or internship to get my foot in the door). From there I hope to eventually become a sports talk radio host for a sports talk radio station or a sports television network.” He continued, “I would also be interested in pursuing a career in marketing for a sports team or separate sports-related organization. After gaining the experience and knowledge I have over the past three years, I’m very confident that I will achieve at least one of the career goals I’m striving toward.” 

Danny Ryan wears business attire while posing with the Rowan Radio dinosaur and two friends at Rowan Homecoming.
Danny with some other members of the Rowan Radio fam at Rowan Homecoming.

Outside the classroom, Danny finds himself involved in clubs and organizations on campus, with his heaviest involvement being with Rowan Radio. Sharing that, “When I first joined Rowan Radio, I started off as a general staff member like everyone else, however, the position of sports director quickly became available after the sports director at the time was set to graduate. When applications for the position opened, I immediately created my cover letter, updated my resume, and applied. I have occupied the position of sports director since 2021 and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Pulling from the heart Danny went on to say, “The experience and knowledge I have gained from working at the radio station have prepared me for the working world in ways I couldn’t have imagined. As for other clubs on campus, I have been involved in RTN (Rowan Television Network) in brief stints as talent for studio shows, which has taught me a lot about producing a television show behind the scenes, along with the amount of work that goes into a successful broadcast.”

Danny Ryan poses with Rowan Radio station manager Derek Jones.
Danny with Rowan Radio station manager Derek Jones

When asked what a day in the life of Danny Ryan looks like, he illustrated a clear picture of his day-to-day life, telling us, “Like every student at Rowan, I am responsible for my academic success in the classes I’m enrolled in, however, the Sports CAM major demands that you get involved with campus organizations or outside internships as soon as possible. That reason alone was a big factor in my decision to apply for sports director at Rowan Radio. As sports director I’m tasked with managing the schedules of the broadcasters in our sports department, ensuring that all of the pieces are in place for a successful broadcast of the Rowan sport we’re covering that day. On top of this, we are constantly producing sports talk content via our five professional sports podcasts, our live weekly sports talk show ‘Offsides’ that airs three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) on, Channel 2, along with a 30-minute show about Rowan University sports called the Rowan Sports Review.” 

He adds, “Aside from my responsibilities as sports director, I’m also a second-year radio and television intern with the Delaware Blue Coats, the G-League Affiliate of the Philadelphia 76ers. During the spring and summertime, I’m also an intern for the Blue Coats’ next-door neighbors, the Wilmington Blue Rocks (High-A affiliate of the Washington Nationals). I’ve had the pleasure of being an on-field promotional host for the Blue Rocks, as well as broadcasting Blue Rocks baseball as a play-by-play broadcaster and color commentator through Rowan Radio. I’ve also been granted the opportunity to work alongside the Philadelphia Eagles as a game day staff member”. With gratitude Danny went on to say, “These opportunities wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Rowan and the Sports Communications and Media program.“

Danny stands with a friend bundled up for an Eagles game as a fan, with the filled stadium behind him.
Danny and Rowan alumni Jennifer McGraw on game day.

When asked to reflect through his time at Rowan and pinpoint what he believes to be his greatest achievement during his time here, Danny pondered for a moment before answering going on to say, “If had to choose, I would say earning a spot on the undergraduate Dean’s List four (hopefully five) times. Aside from that, I would have to say the connections I’ve made during my time here, along with the industry professionals I’ve had the chance to work with, learn from, and interview throughout the past three years.”

Nonetheless, Danny Ryan has a budding career in the Sports CAM field and so much to come for him as his days as a Rowan student begin to wind down, when asked to simply describe his time here at Rowan University, he said, “busy, but worth it.”

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Story by: 
Asiya Robinson, junior writing arts major

Photos courtesy of Danny Ryan