This story is one within a multi-part series highlighting the aspirations, hopes and dreams of a few of Rowan University’s international students. Read the other stories.
Meet Myrana Ruzigamanzi, a junior International Studies & Globalization major from Rwanda-Kigali.

What Rowan professors or Rowan classes have been most helpful and enlightening to you, and how?
“I will start with my favorite class so far and it was the Introduction to Global Literature with professor DiAntonio. Literature has always been my favorite subject since high school; we read so many books that were revealing to me and had a connection with our status quo. It was the fact that there is always more to a story or a tale or a comic book and the different styles of writing that convey so much emotion and imagery from the reader was an eye-opening experience for me, it goes hand in hand with the French Literature Class that I took with Professor Smith Edwards. Another class was the Survey of Criminal Justice class with Professor Steven Rolando which gave me the basics of American Law 101. I could go on and on about it – other than liking crime shows that was all the knowledge I had, but this class provided me more detailed definitions and procedures from the history of crime in America, the criminal justice process and policing. Lastly, Future of Food by professor Toni Farmer. All I can say about this is that I am no longer against GMOs and yeah, the fact that we produce more than enough food to feed the entire 8 billion population but there is still food insecurity is unfortunate and it need to change.”

What is your long-term professional goal or dream career?
“For my career, I want to be in politics and public service. As for my professional long-term goals, I know I have a few and I am not stuck on only one, because politics is very broad, and I still yet to discover what is out there and how I can contribute to it. I am open to my course being changed over time the more I learn, but for now I would like to become an ambassador or a government spokesperson or even president.”
Are you involved in internships, clubs, networking, etc. here at Rowan? If so, please share what they are and how they support your goals.
“Yes, I am in few clubs, and they include Strong Tower Family (a Christian organization on campus) of which I am the president. I am the secretary of the Model Diplomacy Club (which me and my colleagues started a year ago after attending Model African Union in Washington), former senator of the Rowan Center for the Study of Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights, The Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship, and Circle K international. This summer I had the opportunity to intern at the Ministry of foreign affairs and internal corporation back in Rwanda.”

How will this degree support your dreams and goals?
“This degree has provided me with an all-round perspective on global issues and international relations as a whole amongst countries. Now I have started evaluating the systems and seeking possible sustainable solutions, bearing in mind that we could maintain the status quo in certain areas that some countries are excelling in and improve other areas where countries are struggling.”
Could you share your thoughts on the international student community here at Rowan?
“Honestly, I struggled a bit at first it was a whole new world for me and for some time I just wanted to go home. I was not connecting to the campus or the people, but that changed when I decided to go out there and get involved. I will say that I connected to the campus and the people better when I became a community assistant (residence hall student advisor) two years ago. I worried less (because when I was just doing things on my own I kept thinking about it and it discouraged me a lot), I also had insomnia for that whole semester because of the 7 hour time difference from home. But I use mostly ‘WhatsApp’ (it’s an app) to communicate with my family (I did not cut ties with them just because I was now more involved. I speak to them frequently through video call, voice call and texts. I will say that the international community here at Rowan for the most part, people hang out with whom they have more in common in terms of nationality, and more.”

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Written by: Jordyn Dauter, junior double major in dance & elementary education