Transfer Nutrition & Dietetics Majors Share Their Professional Goals

A stock image from Pexels showing a close up of a variety of densely packed fruits and vegetables.

Meet transfer Nutrition & Dietetics majors Kathleen Ramos, Diana Turrisi, and Monique Peña as they share their professional goals within the healthcare industry.

Could you describe your short-term professional goals? 

I currently just have short-term goals within the semesters to at least get As and to be on the Dean’s list. Also I would like to be more active in nutrition care club.” – Diana Turrisi, senior transfer student from Ocean County College

I’m applying to the master’s program for Nutrition and Dietetics this spring.” – Monique Peña, junior transfer student from Brigham Young University

What is your long-term professional dream goal?

“My dream goal is to become registered dietitian either working in community or clinical nutrition and I want continue my passion with graphic design. I also want to travel more and explore the world.” – Kathleen Ramos, senior transfer student from Brookdale Community College

I would love to be a registered dietitian and help others feel good and live healthy lives.” – Monique Peña, junior transfer student from Brigham Young University

What internships, clubs, networking, etc. are you involved in and how do they support your goals?

“Wellness Center Intern, Vice President at Nutrition Care Club, Success Coach with Rowan Student Success Program, Apart of Cohort 7 in the Coordinated Program in Dietetics.” – Kathleen Ramos, senior transfer student from Brookdale Community College

“I don’t participate much on campus, but I do work a part-time job in order to support myself and my small family. I’m learning a lot about balancing school, work-life, and my personal life. It’s very hectic but I learned that I am capable to do anything that I set my mind on.” – Monique Peña, junior transfer student from Brigham Young University

What Rowan professors or Rowan classes have been most helpful and enlightening to you, and how?

“I would say Dr. Lobuono for guiding me into the Dietetics program, Dr. Willis for helping me find my love for traveling, Dr. Spencer for guiding me in Health Science Department.” – Kathleen Ramos, senior transfer student from Brookdale Community College

“I would definitely have to say Dr. LoBuono!” – Diana Turrisi, senior transfer student from Ocean County College

Kathleen poses under a student-created rock arch art installation.
Kathleen Ramos

How will this degree support your dreams and goals?

“Earning my BS and MS in Nutrition at Rowan will help me prepare to take my RD exam in the future and find the right job for me.” – Kathleen Ramos, senior transfer student from Brookdale Community College

“This will help me gain my masters and internship all in one so when I graduate in 2025 with my master’s I can take my national exam to be able to practice.” – Diana Turrisi, senior transfer student from Ocean County College

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Written by: Jordyn Dauter, junior double major in dance & elementary education

Photos by: Valentina Giannattasio

Header photo by Mark Stebnicki