It’s OK to be Scared

cassidy stands in front of a brick wall.

Moving away from home is scary. I’m not going to sit here and lie Cassidy posing for a portrait on train tracksand say that the transition from high school to college was easy for me. I’m sure other people had smooth transitions and would love to share their stories, but for the people who are scared to move away, I want to let you know that you’re not alone.

The longest I had been away from my parents before moving to college was on a school trip to Europe that was a week long, and by the end of the week, I called my parents crying.

Believe it or not, I was excited to move into college. Buying all the things I needed for my dorm was exciting, but there was always a voice in the back of my mind that said, “What if I’m making a mistake?” My boyfriend who lived close to me was commuting, so why was I going to live on campus? I pushed those thoughts out of my head and told myself I wanted the “full college experience.”

Cassidy holding a sunflower umbrella by red foliage.I moved in a day before move-in day because I had a late orientation date. I had talked to my roommate before I moved in and we decided to live together because we were both Theatre majors. My family moved me in, we had dinner, and then they left. Then I was alone in a place I was not familiar with. I had no idea where anything was and I felt alone. I decided to reach out to my friends from home and we hung out all night. I felt a little more comfortable. The next night, my roommate Faith invited me to hang out with some people from the department. Little did I know that I would make a ton of friends that would help me through this rough transition.

Cassidy and her sister on her first move in day.During my first week of classes, I met professors who made sure I was comfortable and taking care of myself. I quickly learned that everyone cared about me and I wasn’t alone. I joined clubs, performed in shows and made friends along the way who have changed my life for the better.

If you are scared or anxious about moving away from home, I want to let you know that it’s OK. Once you get to college, you will quickly realize that everyone here wants to help you and they want to see you succeed. So don’t be afraid, call your parents every day, and don’t forget that if you’re having a really tough time, just reach out.

Story by:
Cassidy Anderson, sophomore public relations and theatre major

Photos by:
Scott Anderson

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