#PROFspective: Javelin Thrower Daniel McAleavey

#PROFspective: Daniel McAleavey

Meet Daniel McAleavey, a junior community and environmental major from Howell, NJ (Monmouth County) who lived in Rowan Boulevard Apartments this past school year. Daniel throws javelin for men’s track and field.

Daniel throwing javelin in action

Take us to one typical day at Rowan for you: A typical Rowan day consists of me waking up in the morning to go to lift (as an athletic requirement), then class after, then afternoon javelin practice, and if I don’t have another class after practice I would go lift again. I usually do my homework at night.

Daniel (second on right) with some teammates and coach after winning the NJAC title
Daniel (second on right) with teammates and coach after winning the NJAC title.

Why did you choose your major: I choose environmental planning as a major because I liked civil engineering but it was too much material. I found out that planning was a very similar field and they often work with civil engineers, so I thought it’d be a good fit for me. 

What is the most interesting thing you learned in one of your classes this year: The most interesting thing I learned in my class is about transportation planning in urban areas.

Daniel (right) with one of his close friends from Rowan
Daniel (right) with one of his close friends from Rowan.

Tell us one moment that made Rowan feel like home for you: Rowan made me feel like it was the right fit for me is when i first visited the school and met all the nice people, especially my friends on the track team. It also helped that a lot of my friends from home went to Rowan too.

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, senior advertising major