#PROFspective PROS Edition: Philosophy Major Donald C Roberts III

rowan pros member giving tour

Today, we speak with Donald C Roberts III, a junior philosophy major from Irvington, NJ, who lives on campus in Edgewood Park Apartments. Donald will give us insight on his career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Donald C. Roberts IIIstudent portrait
Major: Philosophy in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Minor: Psychology minor
Year: Junior

Hometown and County: Irvington, NJ (Essex County)

On Campus Resident: Yes, Edgewood Park Apartments

Academic clubs: Writing Arts Club

Social clubs: True Colors, Live Events committee for Student University Programmers (SUP)

Do you work on campus? I am a student worker for the office of Social Justice, Inclusion and Conflict Resolution in Robinson Hall, room 214 and I’m a Peer Referral and Orientation Staff (PROS) member. 

Why did you choose your major? I enjoy learning about logic and ethics as well as writing about them and seeing how they relate to modern society.

One reason why you chose Rowan? Small campus and class sizes, campus beauty and affordability!

My Life at Rowan:

One can typically find me casually strolling along campus with my headphones on or in the office of Social Justice, Inclusion and Conflict Resolution (SJICR).

Thursdays are my favorite days of the week because they are packed with obligations and it’s the prelude to the almost-weekend (I have a Friday morning class). Plus, both of my Thursday classes have a small class size and I really enjoy writing essays for them. After my daily routine, my day starts with Western Civilization to 1660 at 8 a.m. I love this class because I not only learn about history but still have opportunities to write about it. After, I decide whether or not I want to eat in Holly Pointe’s dining hall or in the Student Center’s Marketplace.

student in office of student activities

Depending on my choice, I wait for my 11:00 a.m. class in the Office of Student Activities (OSA) housed on the top floor of the Student Center or where I live in Edgewood Park Apartments. My last class of the day is Introduction to Ethics-WI (Writing Intensive) where we discuss our philosophical readings, their relation to current times as well as our take on it.

Afterwards, I usually have lunch with my freshman mentee from the Harley E. Flack Mentoring Program in the Marketplace, mostly because the sushi station is open. With the mentor program, I am assigned a student and work with him throughout his first year. We discuss his progress in classes, his social life, how he’s growing professionally and then get to do fun stuff like deciding when we’ll do homework or where to eat (Ry’s Bagels, which is amazing).

student meets with mentee in the library

I often switch up our meeting locations and activities, just to diversify his experience. After, I head back to Edgewood to nap and eat snacks.

I usually then head to the Wellness Center for Group Therapy. There, I’m one of few students who share about their lives and/or topics. We work on separately or as a group, all supervised by two professional counselors. I find this is a great place for students to go to when they just need a safe place. Right after, I usually go back to my apartment to watch to watch Game of Thrones or Naruto (including the filler episodes).

student worker in office of social justice and inclusion

In the evening, I excitedly rush to the Office of Social Justice, Inclusion and Conflict Resolution office in Robinson Hall where I have my work-study job. I sign in with my supervisor Ms. Tara Ferrucci (T.Rucch and/or mom as she is sometimes called) and if I have no major tasks, I’m allowed to study. My tasks range from: secretarial work, loaning our free books to students, errands with other departments, and simply greeting guests while helping as needed. Afterwards, I’m usually tired so I visit a friend and watch TV until we decide to check out Rowan After Hours (RAH) in the Student Center Pit and check out the free midnight food bar.

PROS staff meets with student
The Student Center outdoor seating area is great for studying or meetings.

Aside from Thursdays, I thoroughly enjoy going to bingo nights hosted by RAH. They provide the opportunity to win some luxurious prizes for free, of which I’ve won a bike (and nearly a $200 Wawa gift card!). On Friday afternoons, I attend the Writing Arts club where we’re collectively working on a short novel. Some of the members and I went to the library’s Archives Department where we were allowed to go through old documents, letters and buttons from past years, books published from art and literature clubs that are still active on campus etc. There’s always something to do at Rowan and there are shuttles provided that run to food markets through the SHOP food pantry and resource center (a few times per month), other Rowan campuses, Philadelphia (on most Saturdays) through RAH, and public transportation even runs through the heart of campus. It’s definitely worth checking out.

Lastly, my most favorite thing at Rowan is the Peer Referral and Orientation Staff (PROS) of which I’m a second year member. Each staff member that I’ve met, including alumni, is amazing and wants to ensure a great experience for incoming freshmen and transfer students. You can find us giving advice, facilitating eccentric, but fun ice-breakers and facilitating conversations to help others make friends. We also make awesome group signs which one will see at orientation, just for our students. Everything we do is done because we love people and proudly represent Rowan. I’m proud to call the PROS my family since they helped me become a better version of myself. Having stellar co-workers and supervisors makes it easier for me to share my experiences, wisdom and enthusiasm for new life transitions, and for that I am truly fortunate.

student in cart for SGA
Donald always has his Spirit Cords on his backpack

Coming into college, I was repeatedly told to join numerous clubs and like high school, I joined too many but this time I was not able to perform my best in my college courses. Soon, I had let them go and only participated in the events of the Social Justice office. Eventually, I applied for the PROS because I always wanted to give advice that would prevent other students from making similar mistakes and to ensure a positive first experience at a place that I loved. Although it is not a club, and instead a job, it provides many partner opportunities with other university departments, improvement with many interpersonal and professional skills, a solid paycheck and the satisfaction of knowing that you helped better someone’s experience transitioning into Rowan. Had it not been for my love for Rowan, countless mentors, friends and the Pre-College Institute, being a PROS member would be impossible. Overall, I would recommend students to start out with one or two clubs, to consistently balance coursework throughout the semester. And although clubs are essential, it is key to realize that jobs such as PROS, Resident Assistants, Admissions Ambassadors and many more are just as important, if not more so, to future employers for the skills gained.

As a result of joining the PROS, I received spirit braids which signify our presence, team bonding and school pride, since I’m #RowanPROUD. The first two colors are brown and yellow representing Rowan’s school colors while the third color signifies our PROS teams. Those teams consist of PROS who have students in specific colleges and thus, they work together on occasion. This year, I am a part of the “Red Jaguars” and I have majors ranging in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences! Look for me at orientation!

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here.

Story and photography by: Jen Green, public relations major