Sophomores Give Advice:
What It’s Like to Live On Campus

Brick residence hall Chestnut Hall, with white columns in front

Before you learn anything in your college classroom, you will first learn what it’s like to live on campus, if you’re a resident. You might have to deal with a roommate who snores so loud the entire building can hear, get trapped in your dorm during a snowstorm, stay up all night eating pizza with your roommates, or get lost trying to find your class. At first, campus living can be tough, but once you find the right balance, living on campus in University housing is one of the best experiences you can have.

Sophomore resident smiles in her room

If you are looking for a little glimpse into campus living, you’ve come to the right place. We had the chance to talk with three sophomores – Michaela, Lexi and Gianna – about their experiences living on campus as a freshmen in Chestnut Hall and Mimosa Hall.

When asked what was the hardest thing about living on campus, they all agreed it was not having as much privacy as they once did. All three students grew up having their own room, so sharing a room with two strangers was the biggest change for them.  They suggested taking this time to figure out if living in close quarters with other people is something you are okay with. This will help you determine what to do with living arrangements for your years at Rowan.

One of the best things about living on campus is being so close to everyone and everything, they said. Your classes are sometimes just a five minute walk away, your neighbors become your best friends and free food is always around the corner (thanks to Rowan After Hours, known as RAH).

“I did love having everything around me and being able to see friends any time of day since every one lives so close on campus. I could just walk over, which was cool,” said Michaela, who is now a sophomore RA in Chestnut Hall.

Another thing these students say is a must when it comes to living on campus is to get involved. With 130 different student-run organizations and clubs, there is something for everyone. Getting involved will give you the chance to do something you like and make some new friends. Rather than staying hidden in your room watching Netflix for hours, you have the opportunity to get out, have some fun and keep busy.

Lexi, a sophomore who lived in Chestnut Hall freshman year said, “To make campus living easier for me I joined clubs. By joining a sorority and club soccer, it introduced me to so many new people and opportunities. There are students of all ages to help you out with anything you need.”

The last thing we asked these students about is if they had any advice for incoming freshmen. The first thing they want freshmen to know is that campus living may take some time to get used to, but it ends up making a huge difference when it comes to the friendships you create. There’s rarely any instances in your life quite like living on campus freshmen year. Everyone is just as nervous and excited as you are to begin this journey at Rowan, so soak it up and enjoy!

By: Katelyne Ortega

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