#PROFspective: Mechanical Engineering Major Alexa Aulicino

Alexa standing outside of Engineering building

Today, we speak with Alexa Aulicino, a freshman mechanical engineering major from Cinnaminson (Burlington County), NJ, who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Alexa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Alexa in her engineering hoodie outside the engineering building

Name: Alexa Aulicino
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Spanish
Year: Freshman
Hometown and County: Cinnaminson (Burlington County)
Resident: Yes, in Holly Pointe Commons
Academic clubs: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Women in Engineering, Society of Women Engineers, Freshman leadership involvement program, Mentee in One on One Leadership Mentor Program, Rowan Environmental Action League
Athletic clubs: Unified Sports

Why did you choose your major? Mechanical engineering fits on me like the glass slipper fits on Cinderella’s foot. I was ecstatic the first day I could officially say I was an engineering student because all the hard work put in behind the scenes and the chance to truly impact the world is so empowering. It is cliché to claim you will change the world but the hands-on nature of being a mechanical engineer and designing and implementing projects gives me the opportunity to break forth into the future. As for my Spanish minor, I have always loved the language and my future holds the hopes of meeting many people and traveling to many parts of the world. My bi-literacy breaks the Spanish – English language barrier that will help me to converse and collaborate on all types of engineering projects.

Alexa on her laptop outside of Wilson Hall at Rowan UniversityOne reason why you chose Rowan? Why Rowan? Whoo knows for sure? [Editor note: We love puns that reference our Prof mascot, Whoo RU!] Back when I was applying to schools I never imagined that I would be such a proud Rowan engineering student. Everything has fallen into place and I am so glad that I committed to such a brilliant school.

My typical day as a Rowan student:

Monday morning and I’m finally awake! After snoozing many alarms, feeling my roommate’s cold stare from being disturbed, and realizing that I have slept in just long enough; I get ready, grab an apple from my desk, and dash out the door. Monday starts with a 12:30 Spanish Composition class. ¡Esta clase es fantástica! (This class is fantastic!) After Spanish I am headed to my Introduction to Ballet class. Through the five positions, three port de bras, and pirouettes, I am reminded to keep my toes pointed, face turned, and my arms strong but graceful.Alexa sits cross legged in the new engineering building at Rowan University

Today is Tuesday. My day starts with a 9:30 Engineering Clinic. My peers in this class are mainly from my dorm pod so our friendships become more tightly knit each day in and out of class. Calculus II is next on the agenda where sine and cosine flip flop places and integrate and differentiate. I recall the theorems as my pencil scratches to implement them on paper. Later tonight I have my C++ Computer Science and Programming course whose lesson I will either take interest in or share a confused glance with my peers.

Alexa hanging outside of Wilson HallLunches are usually eaten with friends that have paralleling free time, however, I am not opposed to eating by myself. College is quite a transition from high school. As a freshman, my perspective of college changed after my first week as I fell into the groove of my new lifestyle. Despite the academics, I feel as though I am in an eternal summer. I have free time which I have the power to cash in for sleep, tutoring help, or networking amongst my peers. I am an adult now with responsibilities and a fear of the unknown. Yet, let’s not stray too far, tomorrow is just Wednesday. It’s the splitting point of my week and I find myself retracing my steps from Monday with the exception that that C++ class sticks around to end my day at 9:00 p.m.

Thursday has arrived and although we are over the midweek crisis, I have a schedule similar to Tuesday with a departure of C++ until it is due to reappear this upcoming Tuesday.

Alexa outside of the engineering building

Thankfully it’s Friday and my one class is Calculus II. At 2:00, there is a free block for all students and I find myself going to engineering clubs like American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Women in Engineering, and Society of Women Engineers. I am also a part of the One on One Leadership Mentor program and First Year Involvement Program where I attend meetings to stay involved on campus as I strive to be a leader and role model.

My weekends are just as eventful as my week. Some Saturdays I do cleanups as a member of Rowan’s Environmental Activism League as well as attend community service activities through the Office of Volunteerism. My Sunday mornings are filled with me dribbling up and down the field and my spring Sunday mornings will be filled with shooting hoops alongside Special Olympics through Unified Sports.

Alexa leaning on the engineering sign outside of Henry M Rowan HallWhat does a typical day as a Rowan student look like? Well, to quell that falsity, there is no typical day. Every day here is pleasant and surprising with club meetings, free events, new acquaintances, seeing old faces, learning from lectures, and powering into the future yet continually treasuring the present. From Monday to Sunday, filled with academics to friendly hangouts, I uncover an absolute truth: I am in the right place and could not be a happier Prof!

Story organized and photography by:
Vanessa Vause, junior public relations major and advertising minor

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