#PROFspective: Chemical Engineering Major Dylan Regan

Today, we speak with Dylan Regan, a freshman chemical engineering major from Toms River (Ocean County), NJ, who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Dylan will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Rowan engineering student Dylan outside with bookbag on Rowan campus

Name: Dylan Regan
Major: Chemical Engineering at the Henry M. Rowan College Of Engineering
Concentrations: Hopefully the honors concentration
Year: Freshman
Hometown and County: Toms River (Ocean County)
On Campus Resident: Yes; Holly Pointe Commons

Academic Clubs: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Women in Engineering

Athletic Clubs: Unified Sports

Social Clubs: First Year Leadership Involvement Program, Student University Programmers, Rowan Chabad; The Rohr Chabad Jewish Center at Rowan University 

Why did you choose your major? I chose chemical engineering because I have always had a passion for helping others. I have also always enjoyed math and science. I find chemistry intriguing but like how engineering challenges the creative end of my brain.

Rowan student Dylan pictured at Henry M. Rowan college of engineering sign outside the engineering building on campus

One reason you chose Rowan? I love the size of the campus. It is the perfect, moderate size. You can go for walks and see tons of people you never have before, but a familiar face still pops up and here and there which is really comforting. There are enough students to have a lot of clubs but it is small enough that there are still open spots to get involved.

My typical day as a Rowan student:

A day in the life of Dylan Regan is chock full of studies, volunteering, and sleeping. There are days where I relax and do not do much but there are also many days where I don’t step foot back into my dorm until late at night. Mondays and Wednesdays are my catch up days. On Monday I have two classes and on Wednesday I only have one so once those are over I am free to either be unproductive or bang out as much work as I can. I typically prefer to do the latter to free up my weekend, but sometimes a nap is much needed.

Rowan student Dylan studying outside Henry M. Rowan Engineering building at a fountain and lake

Sometimes on a Monday or a Wednesday I will go to Rowan’s ProfTalks to take pictures. ProfTalks are like TEDTalks but here at Rowan and given by staff and students. It is such a great experience and I love being able to take photos for the speakers. On Tuesday and Thursday I’m typically out and about all day. On Tuesday I have class from 8 am until 6: 15 pm with some breaks for food. After class on Tuesday I work with the Student University Programmers Cinema division. I am a big fan of getting together all the snacks for the event. SUP is such a great group of people and it doesn’t even feel like I’m working.

Rowan student Dylan pictured at the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering building "Building on excellence" sign On Friday, I get to sleep in. It’s pretty great if I am going to be honest. I always feel the best on Fridays because class does not start until 12:30 pm so I actually have time to eat and get nicely dressed before class. After class is clubs! I was blown away by how many clubs Rowan offers on campus. Sometimes, it is a little hard to juggle them when they all meet at the same time. Occasionally, I go to the American Institute of Chemical Engineering or AIChE. It is always insightful to network with older students and have them help me on my path towards becoming a successful engineer. I also frequent First-Year Leadership Involvement Program or FLIP. Sometimes, we just hang out and sometimes we have very educational meetings with presentations ranging from resources on campus to how to successfully build your resume.

Rowan student Dylan reading Rowan's newspaper The Whit inside the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering

After clubs, I’ll grab a bite to eat and I’m back in my dorm at around 4:40 pm. If I am swamped with homework I will try to get some done but I typically hang out with friends at this time. Living at Holly Pointe is convenient especially on my floor. I am part of the Engineering Learning Community so all my classmates live right around the corner. A weekend for Dylan Regan includes organizing my next week and relaxing in my friend’s room. Sunday is homework day. As bad as this sounds, my floor leaves most of our homework for Sunday and bang it out together. That is a week in my shoes. I love all the clubs I am a part of and love hanging out with my friends from class and Leadership Rowan, but my workload as an engineer comes first and sometimes inhibits me from seeing some friends for a week.

Rowan University is a great place to network and succeed academically and I am glad I made the choice to attend college here.

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Story organized and photography by:
Vanessa Vause, junior public relations major and advertising minor