On Our Way Up! Workshop Prepares Students for Success

a room full of students looks on as a faculty speaker presents her thoughts on professional behavior at job interviews.

The Office of Career Advancement held their annual career advancement workshop, On Our Way Up!, during the third week of September as a way for ambitious students to learn about the opportunities available to them on campus.

Dr. Monroe hugs a student in the front of the room as she receives a giftcard as a raffle prize.
Dr. Alicia Monroe congratulates a career-oriented student as she receives a raffle prize giftcard.

The event, hosted by Assistant Director Dr. Alicia Monroe, featured opening remarks from Director Robert Bullard and Dean Jones, three esteemed and well-respected staff at Rowan. While the event typically attracts upperclassmen, a notable amount of freshmen and sophomores eagerly began their path to career advancement early.

In partnership with Target, the event covered the key aspects to job interviews, personal branding, professionalism and networking. Voorhees (Camden County) Target representative Kimberly Nichols

A representative from Target stands before the students, explaining her experience networking.
Target representative Kim Nichols shares her networking advice.

worked with Dr. Monroe to enforce these concepts and educate students on their importance in the professional world. It was a fun, motivating, and high energy environment that encouraged students to voice their opinions and ask any questions they had about landing their dream job one day. Plus food and raffle prizes, which are always a hit!

The workshop also served as a reminder to students of the many resources available to them on campus, including the upcoming Career Fair this semester (October 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Recreation Center).

A happy student holds up a Rowan business card holder she received at the event and smiles.
Senior marketing major Barakat Olusekun, from East Orange, smiles with a business card holder she received at the event.

With over 150 employers planning to attend, Monroe says it is “the quality of interactions, not quantity” that matters most at these types of networking events. Nichols agreed, adding that students should present themselves in an “authentic but memorable way” so that they will leaving a lasting impression on potential employers.

Besides the career fair, students of all years and majors are encouraged to visit the OCA for resume critiques, mock interviews, advice for job and internship hunting and anything else they need to achieve their career goals. As Dr. Monroe put it, “Rowan has the resources. Use them.”


A student shakes faculty member Ruben Britt's hand as part of a demonstration on job interview etiquette.
Sophomore Luis Acevedo shakes Office of Career Advancement Assistant Director Ruben Britt’s hand during a presentation on job interview etiquette.

Thank you to all of the staff and faculty who made this event a success, including Dean Richard Jones, Dr. Alicia Monroe, Robert Bullard, Julie Peterson, Patrick Massaro, Ruben Britt, Dr. Deneen Hendrick, Janet Duffield and grad interns Candace and Kaitlyn.

Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, junior writing arts major

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