Senior Reflects: My Most Interesting Classes at Rowan

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Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a senior communications studies major self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Coming to an ending of my college experience, I get to reflect on the little things and the big things. From the amazing memories I have had at Rowan University I reflect a lot on my friends, as well as my professors and peers.

One of my favorite classes I have taken as a Communication Studies major is Integrated Communication Marketing. Although I would have to say a number of my classes became my “most” interesting one, as each course brought me different knowledge within my field.Communication studies major Devon Graf studying outside Holly Pointe Commons

My coursework at Rowan provided me with an excellent foundation and allowed me to put my skill sets into practice. Courses such as Participatory Media helped my skills in social media strategy. I helped to kickstart The Daily Challenge Social Media Campaign through regular posts and interact with users on multiple platforms, analysis of analytics and observing marketing trends. This provided great insight into the likes and dislikes of college students.

Communication Studies major Devon Graf working on her Daily Challenge Class Project.
A peer and I posing for our class project for Communication Studies, we had to create our own social media platform!

My Integrated Marketing Communication class allowed me to create a product and marketing plan for a specialized portable solar charger. The last course I will highlight is Public Relations of Law and Ethics. Upon learning about the theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, in its relevance to marketing, I was able to understand and tend to my client’s needs on a higher level during my internship at Enchanted Celebrations in West Creek, NJ.

I believe a college course is what you make of it. Sometimes we students have to take courses we don’t want to, or we don’t think we need, but those courses can pay off. Trust me. Down the line, you might actually refer to something you learned in Art Appreciation or American Government. Not all majors need to stick with one specific course load. Broaden your knowledge! Take each course you are signed up for with a positive attitude.

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Story and photography by:
Devon Graf, senior communication studies major