First Year Voices: Musical Theatre Majors Ben Helbert and Connor Shields

Today, we speak to freshmen Musical Theatre majors Ben Helbert and Connor Shields! Both out-of-state students, Ben is from Williamsburg, VA and Connor is from Holland, PA. They live on campus in Holly Pointe and Mimosa Hall. Here, they tell us more about their time at Rowan so far and why they like living on campus.

Connor and Ben sitting with each other outside the student center.
Connor (left) sitting with Ben (right) outside of the Student Center

How did you two meet each other?

Ben: My friend Leslie made a Facebook group chat. We got together through that chat but then decided to make a separate Performing Arts Snapchat group chat too.

Connor: So, that’s how a lot of us met each other beforehand through that. Now, here we are!

How do you like campus and New Jersey so far?

Connor: I love it here. I don’t want to go back home!

Ben: New Jersey is different than I expected. The cars are a lot louder here, but other than that, it’s pretty similar! 

Connor sitting outside the student center while wearing a Rowan shirt.

How are classes going?

Ben: It’s going great! I had my voice lesson. I got to meet my voice teacher and figure out how I sound. It was good! At the moment my classes are online, but hopefully they will move to Hy-flex soon.

Where are you living on campus, and how do you like it?

Ben: I live in Holly Pointe. I like that Holly Pointe is colder, its so nice and I love the dining hall attached to it! I also love hanging out around Rowan Boulevard.

Connor: I live in Mimosa! I love living there. I like the vibe of it. It’s so nice that it’s right in the middle of campus, so I can just say “It’s a 5 minute walk, let’s go get something!”

Ben sitting and smiling for a photo outside the student center while wearing yellow crocs and Rowan gear.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major