Today, 7 Pennsylvania native students reveal what New Jersey sayings, mannerisms or other traits — if any — have rubbed off on them.

I think I’ve picked up a little bit of the South Jersey accent. I’ve started saying “caw-fee” instead of coffee. Also, I miss being able to order pork roll whenever I go home. – Delaney Molnar, senior Theatre major with concentrations in Musical Theatre and Acting and a Spanish minor from Pittsburgh, PA

I’m originally from Jersey, so I always have it! – Kendall White, senior in Applied Sociology, Lumberton/Burlington, PA

No way PA wins in this! – Daniella Emrich, sophomore, Elementary Education and History major from West Chester, PA

I’ve started calling it “pork roll.” – Brendan McGrath, junior Mechanical Engineering major with a concentration in Automotive Engineering from West Chester, PA

Pork roll, egg and cheese and cheesesteaks. – Kailey Booth, senior Marketing major from Easton, PA

No, I think the Taylor ham/pork roll debate is as stupid as PA’s Wawa/Sheetz debate! – Lindsay Tobias, junior, Radio/TV/Film and Creative Writing major from Wayne, PA

I’ve gotten a slight accent! – Haley DiMezza, senior, Music Industry major with a specialization in Music Business, transfer from Chestnut Hill College and Des Moines Area Community College, from Montgomery County, PA
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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Photos not submitted by students taken by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major