Today we hear from three Molecular and Cellular Biology majors about their professional goals. They talk about both their short- and long-term goals, as well as how Rowan prepares them to achieve those goals.

“My short-term professional goals include securing an internship as a research assistant and going to a graduate school with an accredited genetic counseling program. My long-term dream goal is to either become a certified genetics counselor or work in the field of gene therapy. I am learning a lot concerning my desired future field of work through classes such as molecular genetics, school research opportunities, and clubs such as Women Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists (WINGS). This degree with provide me with the fundamental tools and information necessary to jump start my career in the field of molecular biology,” says junior Lauren Staman from Pitman, NJ (Gloucester County).

“My short-term professional goals include going to a graduate school for molecular and cellular biology and trying out new areas of research. Long-term goals include building up my research experience and confidence by working for different companies or universities. In addition, to eventually try and go back to school to keep expanding my knowledge and grasp with biological concepts. I am currently doing research with a professor in the molecular and cellular biology department as well as applying for a 5-year accelerated master’s program for molecular and cellular biology that is offered here at Rowan. This degree is providing me with a quality education on biological concepts that will increase my knowledge, and help me with my research journey,” says Esteban Delgado, a junior from Galloway Township, NJ (Atlantic County).

“My short-term goal is to graduate with a 3.5 and gain healthcare experience. My long-term goal is to work in the orthopedic field as a PA [physician’s assistant.] I am preparing to reach these goals by studying the content I acquired in class every day. I also speak with professionals in the healthcare field about the steps to take. My degree will help me in Physician Assistant school because I have already acquired a lot of knowledge about the body and its functions,” says Lauren Cooper, a sophomore from Byram, NJ (Sussex County).
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Story by: Stephanie Batista, sophomore Music Industry major
Header: Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay
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