#PROFspective: How Senior Jasmine Hull is Working Toward a Better Future in Healthcare

Rowan University Public Health and Wellness major Jasmine stands outside Rowan's Business Hall.

Today we feature senior Public Health and Wellness major Jasmine Hull (she/her) from Mercer County, NJ. Jasmine is living on-campus after transferring to Rowan from Stockton and is a first-generation college student. Here, she gives us some insights into her major and favorite experiences at Rowan.

Why did you choose Rowan?

Larger sum of transfer credits, improvement in support and staffing, cost considerations, community of students I was more familiar with, closer to home and supportive in degree progression.

Can you tell us a little bit about your major?

I chose Public Health and Wellness to learn more about what can be improved and changed within healthcare systems, and how care/utilization can be improved through other communities. After losing a paraplegic family member who I had long been caring for in a seven-year struggle, it was time I learned more about who else I could be helping with a better degree and dedicating more time to a bachelor’s.

Rowan Public Health and Wellness major Jasmine smiles on Meditation Walk.

What do you view as the impact of your major on society?

Better healthcare and insurance options [and] improving the citations and research out there for medical professionals, officials, and policy makers to help the communities in need of change and support.

Could you share a few on-campus activities, clubs, or pre-professional activities you’ve been a part of? What is/was your favorite, and why?

Public Health Club, ABA Club, Rowan Progressives, Prism, Psychology Club, Swim Club. Rowan Pet Therapy, RAH, Snack Chat and Chill were fun too.

I am more a fan of the Public Health Club because we have already taken part in food drive donation, graduate studies and how we can help with policy issues and shortages to come with the ongoing pandemic as well as how the food shortages were exacerbated with its continuation.

Which club, organization, event or friend group here has been the most meaningful to you? How has this aspect of campus impacted your Rowan experience or your personal growth?

Pet therapy. I got to meet Michele at the public pet therapy event last week and pet Muppet and a couple other pets after donating to the sorority. I like the events being open to other students and the outreach attempts made by the staff, but just having solo time in my first month at Rowan to hug Rex did me a lot of good. I could relax and discuss how many places Rex goes to help children and students in different areas or how to get a pet certified (hope to do that in the future) with his owner.

Something about petting a dog until he’s laid out flat and happy does my heart good. Especially being away from mine for so long in a week.

Rowan Public Health and Wellness major Jasmine stands against Science Hall.

What responsibilities are you juggling on a typical day?

I am usually staying up until 2 a.m. lately by squeezing rest in during the afternoons when my roommates are out or busy. In the middle of the night for the first few semesters I had to get used to the evening fire drills and have since adjusted just in case. Otherwise I am making tea in the morning and heating up breakfast before class.

Typically I am working until about 2 p.m. or so, heading to a club meeting, or grabbing food in between events I may have. In hopes of starting my training to become a Transfer Ambassador soon, I try to keep my schedule a bit more free by taking my assignments to computer labs on campus if not at the common area in our apartment.

In the evenings after a small meal, a quick read, or a nap, I typically head to swim practice from 9 to 10:30 p.m. and chat with my mom on the walk home. It is [a] good time to catch up with each other and keep from feeling alone as I walk back. From there I leave my towels to dry, work on a proposal, send a few emails and call it a night.

Are there any professors here who have stood out to you? Why?

Dr. Kneeshaw-Price and Dr. Leslie Spencer. They have been the most insightful and knowledgeable on broader categories of knowledge or avenues their careers have taken them. They have a lot of experiences in their respective fields and a lot of wisdom when I go to them for instruction. I hope to develop better professional relationships with them in the future and learn more from them in the future.

Where do you like to spend your time on campus?

James Hall computer lab is in an ideal place for me to rush to for printing and continuing trains of thought after class. I also like the space because the windows let enough sunlight through that I can get my hands warm while I type. There is also The Pit during Rowan after dark [Rowan After Hours]. I love the events that I can take my roommates to so that we can get free food and join in with games. Or where I can nap by them if things get boring.

Rowan Public Health and Wellness major Jasmine poses outside Business Hall.

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Story by:
Joseph Conte, junior community and environmental planning major

Photos by:
Valentina Giannattasio, sophomore dance and marketing double major