Rowan’s Finance majors love to talk dollars and cents. Today, they give some of their best advice to peers or future Profs.

“Eliminate the small everyday purchases, coffee at Starbucks, going out for lunch, etc.” – Kyle Perez, senior Finance major with a Certificate of Undergraduate Studies in Management and Leadership, Manalapan, NJ (Monmouth County)

“Learn to budget effectively, cook more at home instead of eating out. On average, college students could save around $1,000 a month if they eat out less.” – Peter Moran, senior, Finance major, transfer student from Cumberland County College (Cumberland County)

“Try to save at least $10 a week. It can go a long way toward building your financial future.” – Jaden Sinondon, senior Accounting and Finance Major with a Management Information Systems minor, Toms River, NJ (Ocean County)
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major