Maximizing Summer: Interning at Campbell’s Soup Company and Taking Summer Classes at Rowan University

Landon stands in front of Bunce, decorated with the 100 year banner.

A glimpse into hands-on learning for a finance and management information systems major Landon Nicholson, a senior double major in management information systems and finance from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County), gives some insight into his experience taking summer classes at Rowan and his summer internship at Campbell’s Soup Company. Landon wrapped up two online […]

Genesis Roman, Management Information Systems Major and Intern for Arizona IT Firm

View from above a Business Hall room.

Today we feature Genesis Roman, a senior Management Information Systems major from Jersey City, NJ (Hudson County). Genesis also has a Certificate of Undergraduate Studies (CUGS) in Cyber Security and has previously worked on campus for Classroom Support. She discusses her experiences with her major and details her recent internship for Insight Enterprises Incorporated, based in Arizona.

Why did you choose Rowan to study Management Information Systems?

My English teacher in high school told us to broaden our horizons and to further our education in a different area than our home town. I personally believe staying in your hometown for college limits your perspective on life. There is so much more to see and learn outside of your comfort zone, so I wanted to go somewhere not too far from home but far enough to where I could learn in a new environment and meet new people.

Rowan put me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible. 

Genesis Roman.
Genesis Roman

Why did you choose to study Management Information Systems? 

I have always been very fascinated with technology. I have had so many experiences growing up that made me realize this major was something I would be very interested in. For instance, when I was younger, I had a PlayStation 2 and I completely broke it down just to put it all back together. Also, when Tumblr came out,  I was so interested in coding my personal page so I could customize it to my own liking. This is how I started learning HTML and coding.

In the grand scheme of things, I really enjoy how challenging it is to fix things, and I also enjoy helping others. Management Information Systems is a major that combines both of these passions of mine.

What are your future plans and what is your dream job for working as a MIS major?

I am still trying to figure out what my dream profession is. This is a big reason why I decided to apply and take on the internship opportunity at Insight Enterprises. Currently, I am interning for Insight Enterprises and doing something completely different compared to the responsibilities I had for this company in the summer. From my experience in the past few months, I think I am developing a great interest in being a Solutions Architect. I really enjoy supporting clients and deciphering what the best solutions are for them and their particular needs. 

Exterior shot of Business Hall.

How did you seek out the internship opportunity for Insight Enterprises?

One day I received an email from Professor Jennifer Nicholson regarding the internship, sent out to all MIS majors; the position was described as a Systems and Database Administrator. At the time, I was unsure of what this position entailed; however, I thought it was a great opportunity to try something new and to branch out from New Jersey. When I applied for this position I was applying to relocate to Tempe, Arizona. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the internship was switched to a remote position, however, I hope I can one day see the Insight Enterprises Headquarters in person and potentially relocate there for an in-person position.

What were the commitments and responsibilities of this internship? 

This position was a 10-week internship where I worked eight hours everyday starting at 7 a.m. Insight Enterprises is a technology company that provides smart and innovative solutions for their clients. Within the company, I worked within the Cloud and Data Center Transformation branch during the past summer. This is where I worked on several different projects a week and collaborated with several different teams. This got confusing at times, but it taught me how to be good at multitasking and productive in a busy work environment.

The company also provided workshops for us interns where we learned how to transition from college education to being able to utilize our skills everyday in the workplace. This experience mentally prepared me for the tasks I would face as an intern.

Exterior shot of Business Hall.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced as an Insight Enterprises intern? 

One of the biggest challenges I faced was being able to stay mentally focused while working remotely. It was difficult at times to try and be in work mode when I am surrounded by my family and in my household environment. I found it was also difficult at times to not only learn all this new information as an intern, but know how to solve problems and utilize the skills I learned while working remotely. I quickly realized that it is easy to be hard on yourself when your fellow employers have more experience than you; however, with time and consistency, you will not only learn so much but be able to apply your new knowledge to your work.

What have you learned from being an intern for Insight Enterprises?

This internship has led me to believe that this is a profession that I want to be working in. I also learned how to successfully work from home and in a remote environment. Sophomore year of college I would continuously tell my friends that I wanted a remote job because of my aspirations to travel and work simultaneously. Now, I am halfway there and already have a feel of what working remotely is like.

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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

#PROFspective: Finance Major, Management Information Systems Minor Sasmita Prabu

Today we feature Sasmita Prabu, a junior Finance major who is also minoring in Management Information Systems. Sasmita works for the Office of Volunteerism as a Blood Services Coordinator and is also the secretary of the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Business Club. She discusses her major and goes into detail about her involvement in several clubs around campus.

Why did you choose Rowan to study finance?

I chose Rowan because it quickly became my happy medium. It was a school that not only met my expectations in regards to academic opportunity, it also fit my desired needs for professor-to-student ratio. When deciding on a university to further my education, it was important to me to be able to learn in an environment where my professors could dedicate more time to engage with their students.

I also believe that it is important to be located near a major city. The location of Rowan is a short drive to Philadelphia, where I have endless opportunities for internships and future jobs.

Sasmita Prabu outside College of Business.

Why did you choose to study finance?

I wanted to study a major that utilizes my analytical and communication skills.

What are your future plans and what is your dream job for working as a finance major?

Currently, I am exploring my options for the future through hands-on internship experiences. Last summer I interned for AT&T’s Billing Operations department.

This summer I am seeking an internship opportunity that will allow me to expand on my skill sets further and utilize them in my future endeavors. 

Sasmita Prabu.

What does your role as Undergraduate Coordinator of Blood Services for the Office of Volunteerism entail? How did you get involved with this?

My role as Undergraduate Coordinator of Blood Services includes working closely with colleagues of the Office of Volunteerism team to help organize bi-monthly on-campus blood drives with the support of the American Red Cross.

My freshman year I attended a series of volunteering events where I heard about this opportunity. However, my initial interest in volunteering and working with blood drives started in high school. While in high school, I was the president of my Red Cross club where I also helped facilitate blood drives. These opportunities have been a great way to give back to the community and build leadership skills while doing so.

What does the day of a blood drive look like?

There is so much preparation involved before the day of a blood drive. The work realistically begins many weeks prior with advertising the drive, contacting donors, and recruiting student volunteers. We have immense support from student organizations, clubs and faculty that make our bi-monthly blood drives not only possible but successful. I am organizing these blood drives, but I do have an entire family of colleagues and student organizations supporting and assisting me.

Sasmita Prabu wearing red cross hat.

Can you tell us more about the Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Business Club? What are your responsibilities as secretary of this club? How did you get involved with this?

This is a newly founded student organization embracing diversity and promoting inclusion and belonging in the workplace. This club provides a sense of community and inclusive professional development resources to all majors. It is important to note that DIBB is not focused on just business majors.

My responsibilities as secretary of this club includes communicating with our members and maintaining club records. I also assist our club Community Outreach Chair in event planning by scheduling guest speakers. Additionally, I look forward to taking on more responsibilities this semester as I was recently promoted to club Vice President.

What is your advice for other women as finance majors that are simply trying to compete in a field that is male dominant? 

I think it is important to have confidence in yourself and your questions. There will be times where you may be unsure of yourself, and asking questions and seeking help will only aid you.

Sasmita Prabu outside of College of Business.

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Story by: 
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

Jake McFarland: A Rowan Alumnus with an MBA Fellowship in Data, Technology and Analytics

Jake McFarland earned his bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems at Rowan’s Rohrer College of Business and has returned to pursue his master’s degree in business administration (MBA) through Rowan Global. Jake, an MBA Fellow in Data, Technology and Analytics, shares his journey to the master’s program and his online student experience. 

Currently, Jake is an IT project manager at Energy Management Systems. His current project for the company is to retire a legacy billing system to adopt a more modern infrastructure and provide better customer service/easier processes for employees.

In the past, Jake has worked as a full stack developer and saved the company $5.5 million in the first quarter he worked there.

Jake hiking with his spouse.

Jake felt like he had hit a personal development ceiling, which inspired him to pursue a master’s degree.

“I knew a master’s degree would make me a more competitive applicant and would open up more opportunities in the workplace,” he says. “Being in a fellowship program is great to get my work and brand out there while also singing the praises of colleagues and the amazing research happening.” 

Currently, Jake is enrolled in managerial accounting. “It’s been a decade since I’ve been a student, so I forgot what it was like to be in college. In managerial accounting, I am learning how to read financial statements, and it’s making me more appreciative of learning broader topics in the field that I haven’t gotten through just work experience.”

Jake at an event with his spouse.

Jake speaks candidly of the balancing act he manages since starting the program as a full-time employee, spouse and father who does not live near the Rowan University campus. 

“It is difficult to juggle all of the responsibilities, but early on I spoke to an inaugural fellow who gave me great advice. They explained that the program wasn’t supposed to be another full-time job. Rowan makes it so easy for us to benefit from the program while doing it at a manageable pace.”

Jake adds, “It is also extremely helpful that the program is online since I do not live locally. Rowan has made it easy to integrate myself into the current student population and alumni network.”

Jake holding his child.

Ultimately, Jake chose Rowan to pursue his graduate degree because of the preliminary research he did on other programs.

“Rowan’s cost is reasonable compared to other schools and just made everything so accessible and easy to apply. I wanted to have the flexibility of an online program but also get a good degree — Rowan gives me this option.”  

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos courtesy of:
Jake McFarland

#PROFspective: Junior Marketing Major Jake Mayer

Jake poses in a wooded area.

Today we speak to Jake Mayer, a junior Marketing major with a Management Information Systems minor. Jake is a first-generation student from Stratford, NJ (Camden County), and a Resident Assistant. Jake is co-president of Rowan Club Baseball and a member of both the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Rowan Economics Society.

Jake poses in front of Business Hall.

On your busiest day, what personal, academic, non-academic, and social responsibilities are you juggling?

On my busiest day, I would be balancing my schoolwork, being a Resident Assistant (RA) and the responsibilities that come with that, having two other jobs at Trifecta Therapeutics and Pro Image Sports, while also going on a daily Zoom call with my family members at night.

What are your professional goals?

My short-term professional goals are to apply and get accepted as a second-year Resident Assistant (RA) or Assistant Resident Director (ARD) for the 2021-22 school year, as well as get an internship for the summer to hopefully turn that experience into a career. My long-term professional goals are to graduate from Rowan University and get a job in the marketing, business world to begin my career.

How are you involved on campus?

On-campus, I am a Resident Assistant (RA) in 230 Victoria, the co-president of Rowan University’s club baseball team, and a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA). Being involved in these allow me to be involved and network with fellow Profs of different majors, ages and backgrounds. The most supportive of my future goals is AMA, where I interact with fellow marketing majors and network with marketing professionals. Hopefully, by interacting with fellow marketing majors and networking with professionals, I will make connections that will help me get into my future career field.

Jake poses in a wooded area on campus.

Could you share with us one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

I felt really inspired in my Entrepreneurship class during the final project of the class when my groupmates were looking towards me to lead the project in the marketing aspects. It was a fictional company and product idea that we came up with and I put a lot of effort into the project and we got an A. It may not sound like a lot, but leading this project in the marketing aspect of our project really inspired me and made me feel confident about my chosen major.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a Rowan professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.

One professor who I really enjoy talking to and one who makes me feel supported in my goals is Dr. Michael Milovich, professor of MIS. He is extremely supportive of students’ goals and guiding them to reach them in realistic ways. In his lectures and discussions, he always relates class material to the real world and how we can use tips and tricks that he provides to us to succeed in future situations that we will all experience, such as a job interview or how to move up the ladder of a company. I love him as a professor and would highly recommend that any student take his class if they have the chance.

What advice would you give your high school self about choosing a major, campus involvement, or choosing a college/university?

If I were in high school, I would tell myself to choose a major that I really enjoy and can envision myself working in for the rest of my adult life. As far as finding the perfect college or university, do more research and look around at other schools. Choosing the right place is important so that there isn’t the chance of transferring and going back to square one.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies, and public relations double major

Photos by:
Jabreeah Holmes, senior radio/TV/film major

My Favorite Class: Fahed Shakil’s Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic

Exterior shot of bridge connecting Engineering and Rowan Halls.

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.

Today we feature Fahed Shakil, a senior Computing and Informatics, Psychology and Liberal Studies triple major. Fahed has concentrations in Cyber SecuritySociology and Applied Computing, and he earned CUGS in Management Information Systems and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Fahed is a first-generation college student and commutes to Rowan from Gloucester City, NJ (Camden County). 

What was the name of your favorite class at Rowan?

My favorite class at Rowan is my Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic.

What department was the class in?

The class is in the Engineering Department

Fahed poses in a suit with his cords.

Who taught the class when you took it?

Professors Karl Dyer and Mario Leone were my professors for my Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic.

Tell us a little about what the class is.

The class provided students the opportunity to gain and apply knowledge regarding human-centric product development utilizing industry-standard practices. Students were taught how to communicate with clients, understand their vision, needs, and wants, manage expectations, develop/maintain comprehensive documentation, and create a product with the main focus being to ensure client satisfaction.

As a Computing and Informatics, Psychology and Liberal Studies triple major, how did you get into a Junior/Senior Engineering Clinic?

I am not an engineering major, nor do I have any prior formal education in any field of engineering, nor would I satisfy the requirements needed to gain admission into Rowan’s engineering program, let alone be a part of a junior/senior level course. However, over the past four years, I have worked alongside a wide variety of engineering students and observed their world as a member of the Apprentice Engineering Team at Rowan, aka the A-Team, who Mr. Leone and Mr. Dyer manage together to efficiently support various initiatives and operations within the College of Engineering.

I was trying to figure out what to do during my 2019 summer vacation and then I remembered that Mr. Leone and Mr. Dyer were going to be teaching a summer course about project management, human-centric design, and providing students the opportunity to work on projects pitched by clients with the similar expectations as students would experience in a job setting. This sparked my interest out of sheer curiosity of wanting to learn things outside my comfort zone and academic discipline.

About 30 minutes before the start of the first day of the course, I went to Mr. Leone’s office, and luckily Mr. Dyer was present as well. At that moment I asked Mr. Leone and Mr. Dyer if I could sit in on the course throughout the summer and just observe the discussions that were going to take place and try to learn some of the content they were teaching. They allowed me to sit in on the course, and throughout the summer I had a wonderful experience.

Materials in an ECE lab.

Part of what made the experience that made it so memorable was that the ever-looming stress of getting a good grade for the class was non-existent as I was not being graded. The learning was purposeful, applicable to various aspects of life, and downright fun. I was exposed to various software I had never used before, engaged in eye-opening group discussions, and was able to observe the process engineers go through in making an idea into a reality while focusing on a human-centric design.

Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting.

This is a course that you cannot describe the experience you have in words that would fairly justify it. It is something unique, and the real value of the learning that takes place is really evident if you are a part of the A-Team. Based on the description of the class, it seems pretty simple, but there is more to the class than what meets the eye. This class was interesting because the professors stripped away the “status quo” style of teaching. Instead, they opted for a more free-flow style of self-directed learning, similar to the environment that students would be in when they enter the workforce, while still having support from the professors as needed.

It was always a new and exciting day full of learning when you were in this class. One day we could be having an energetic and deep group discussion on a thought-provoking Ted Talk for a while. Another day we could be analyzing human behavior and conducting a group design review of different teams working on various projects.

Is there anything else that made this class impactful?

I’ve never been happy when I was forced to learn in a traditional academic setting as I didn’t like the structure of it. It was akin to squeezing a square cube into a round hole. If you push hard enough you may make it fit, but you’re gonna damage the cube in the process. Eventually, I just began to mildly accept the dismal reality that learning can’t be fun and this is how things just are.

Fast forward to my experiences on The A-Team and the Jr/Sr clinic, that all changed.

After reflecting on a story that exemplifies the idea of never settling for the status quo and the learning that took place within the Clinic, I decided to try something new in one of my classes after observing how students were able to learn through a hands-on experience in the classroom rather than just listening to lectures and doing assignments afterward.

During the Fall 2019 semester, I had to take a class for my Computing & Informatics major, called Introduction to Web Development. I didn’t want to go back to the traditional style of learning in a college class after observing how the learning was done in the Clinic course, so I went to my professor’s, Mr. Darren Provine, office after class and asked him what content he had to teach us by the end of the semester. Professor Provine responded that he had to teach us, HTML, CSS, and Javascript or PHP. After explaining to him that I wanted to try to learn differently by doing a semester-long project in place of what he had already planned on doing, he supported my idea. 

Materials in an ECE clinic lab.

So from that day I engaged myself in a self-directed learning style and worked on my personal project. While everyone else in the class was following the standard routine for the course, I was curiously learning at my own pace. I still attended the professor’s class, but the entire time I’d be working on my project while the professor was teaching. At times when I would hit a roadblock in my project that I couldn’t find a solution to, I’d ask my peers on the A-Team and Professor Provine for advice. Additionally, from time to time, I’d check in with Professor Provine to keep him up to date regarding my progress. At the conclusion of the semester, I presented my project and Professor Provine gave me an “A” as my project had included all the requirements he asked for, as well as, extra concepts that had not been covered in the course. Little did I know, the extra concepts that I had learned and applied in the project were supposed to be taught and applied in my Senior Capstone course in the following semester. 

Thanks to the A-Team and the clinic course, for one of the first times in my life, I was finally happy and excited to learn, as I had finally been exposed to an alternative style of learning which engaged my curiosity and made learning the central focus rather than getting good and meaningless test scores. Additionally, I was able to free up my time that would have otherwise been occupied by the course, learn at my own pace with no stress, and collaborate with my A-Team peers on additional projects that we were working on which enabled us to further our learning that semester.

What makes the professors great?

Professors Dyer & Leone are able to clearly break down and articulate concepts in various ways so nobody is left confused if one explanation didn’t work for everyone. They created a fun and engaging learning environment that made me excited to go back the following day, even though I wasn’t enrolled in the class or an engineer. The professors sparked curiosity in the students who were enrolled in the class and would provide resources and food for thought to help students find answers to their questions rather than just giving them an answer. They were always present and genuinely cared about the work and learning that was being accomplished, as well as, the wellbeing of their students.

What are your professional goals?

At the moment I don’t have any as I am still working on figuring them out. Although, a lifetime goal I have is to keep trying to put a smile on people’s faces.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies, and public relations double major

Student photo provided by:
Fahed Shakil, senior computing and informatics, psychology, and liberal studies triple major

Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s Community Service Efforts

Chris Acevedo poses in a wooded, snowy area.

Today we speak to Chris Acevedo, president of Rowan’s Omicron Chapter of the Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. Chris is a sophomore Management Information Systems major from Winslow, NJ (Camden County). Chris lives off-campus and is a first-generation college student. Chris is also a student veteran. Chris tells us about Lambda Theta Phi’s community service work they have done recently.

Chris poses inside Business Hall.

Can you tell me about the community service Lambda Theta Phi is doing?

Since Rowan is located in Glassboro, we like to focus a lot of our community service on either Camden or Atlantic City, because those cities need help. There are many people who need help in those cities, and we want to help as many people as we can. We collaborate with other chapters such as the chapters at Rutgers – Camden, Temple and Stockton. S

Some of the community services we have done include feeding and giving away items to homeless people in Philadelphia, Camden, and Atlantic City. Sometimes we do smaller engagements such as clean-ups of towns and people’s backyards, but we try to do big events serving 150 families or more. We try to help as many people as we can. Recently we have held four community outreach events. Near Thanksgiving, we gave away Thanksgiving baskets that consisted of items such as turkey, cornbread, cranberry sauce, and other traditional Thanksgiving foods. We were able to drive food to some families as well.

Near the holidays, we had a holiday-themed event that helped around 300 families. We had a brother dress up as Santa Claus and we gave away toys donated by the Heart of Camden and Total Turf, as well as hats, coats, and gloves. We did a similar event in January, handing out hats, coats, gloves, scarves, and toys. We have also done an event where we walked around Walter Rand in Camden, giving away hand warmers, gloves, and other winter items. 

Chris and some of his brothers from other South Jersey and Pennsylvania chapters pose at a community service event they put on together.
Chris (second from left) and some of his brothers from other South Jersey and Pennsylvania chapters pose at a community service event they put on together.

Why is the Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity so focused on community service?

The root of our organization is based on service. Our principles and ideals emphasize catering to the communities that many of us come from. As we progress in our endeavors as individuals and as a collective, we always aim to uplift the very community that has raised us.

What would you say the benefits of being involved in Greek life are? 

Greek life advances networking. There are many reasons that people pursue Greek life; i.e. a sense of family/belonging, making friends. But the biggest positive is networking. You meet people from all walks of life and all different ages. Sometimes you’re able to meet people who have similar interests and can offer guidance, or you can meet someone that’s gone down a different path and offers different perspectives on life. Whatever your reason for joining a Greek organization, you are always going to meet someone new. 

Chris poses outdoors in a snowy, wooded area.

What else does the Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity focus on besides community service?

Lambda Theta Phi is big on community service but it isn’t our only task. We are big on the connection / social aspect. We enjoy the presence of our brothers making a lot of bonding events, whether it’s our chapter here at Rowan or any other schools. Connecting with other Greek organizations makes your networking bigger and more relationships that last forever.

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Story and photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Community service photo submitted by:
Chris Acevedo, sophomore management information systems major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Senior Computing and Informatics Major Abraham Reyes

Abraham poses in front of Science Hall.

Today we speak to Abraham Reyes, a senior, first-generation college student who transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County. Abraham majors in Computing and Informatics, minors in Business Administration and has a CUGS in Management Information Systems Certification. He is a commuter student from Camden, NJ (Camden County).

Abraham sits on a wall by the Student Center.

What is a typical Rowan day for you?

My typical Rowan day, since classes became primarily virtual, starts with breakfast and checking emails and the early news. I sign into my classes, which are all on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and start my day. After morning classes are through, I usually drive to the Rowan campus to grab lunch.

Being on campus is like a second home for me and I miss the environment, so I treat myself twice a week by driving to campus for lunch. I was fortunate enough to have my 2020 summer internship at Lockheed Martin extended through the entire fall semester, so I work virtually from my home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?

At Rowan, I decided to major in Computing & Informatics, as well as minor in Business Administration. When I took Applied Database Technologies with Professor Arafat Qureshi during my first semester at Rowan, I immediately wanted to know more about coding, the organization and analysis of large quantities of data, and how it all applied to the business world. As I continued to take additional classes in my major, I felt confident that Computing & Informatics was the right major for me, and it definitely opened the door for me to my internship.

Abraham poses in front of Science Hall.

Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?

I began my college career at Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC). I knew I wanted to transfer to Rowan University because I wanted to explore a larger campus environment and join the Rowan University community. RCBC has a wonderful partnership with Rowan University, with many opportunities, and the transition from RCBC to Rowan was pretty smooth. I was really nervous and excited to transition from community college to a four-year college. It took me a while to get used to the larger campus, but now I’m very comfortable there and the Glassboro campus is like a second home to me.

What are your professional goals?

My professional goal is to land a full-time position at Lockheed Martin since I’ve been so happy with my ongoing internship, and I now better understand all the opportunities available for someone with a Computing & Informatics degree. I hope to work in the future with good, talented people to solve complex real-world problems.

How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?

Rowan University has helped me so much with almost everything. My advisors were very supportive and gave me the best recommendations for choosing classes. All my professors have challenged me and helped prepare me for the unexpected in the workforce.

The Office of Career Advancement at Rowan has also helped me so much with networking, mock interviews and tips on nailing an interview. I feel like I made the best decision to attend Rowan University and call this school a second home. I’m currently working at Lockheed Martin as a Data Analysis/Project Management intern supporting the Global Supply Chain Competitive Intelligence Team. My internship has been extended four times, and I will now be transitioning to new tasks that will assist in developing additional skillsets. I would not be where I am today without the education and support I have received from Rowan University and many members of the faculty and staff.

I have enjoyed so many of my classes, such as Management Information Systems with Dr. Berrin Guner, and Organizational Behavior with Dr. Richard Jonsen. I would like to give a special “thank you” to Professor Bridget Temme-Soifer for helping me with Statistical Analysis and giving me the tools to see how data works in the real world. 

I also want to give a special “thank you” to Chiara, my Academic Success Advisor from the Academic Success Center, for helping me so much throughout my college experience. Finally, I’d like to thank my mother for always believing in me and for all the sacrifices she made over the years to help me become the person I am today. Overall, I feel that I made the best decision in choosing my major and minor, so now I feel confident about my future.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Jabreeah Holmes, senior radio, television and film major

We are #RowanPROUD to be included on Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s 2021 Transfer Honor Roll, which recognizes select nationwide colleges and universities that foster dynamic pathways for transfer students.

3 Finance Majors Share Financial Tips for College Students

Kyle standing at Business building.

Rowan’s Finance majors love to talk dollars and cents. Today, they give some of their best advice to peers or future Profs. 

Kyle outside the business building wearing a monogramed Rowan SGA jacket.

“Eliminate the small everyday purchases, coffee at Starbucks, going out for lunch, etc.” – Kyle Perez, senior Finance major with a Certificate of Undergraduate Studies in Management and Leadership, Manalapan, NJ (Monmouth County)

Peter taking a selfie.

“Learn to budget effectively, cook more at home instead of eating out. On average, college students could save around $1,000 a month if they eat out less.” – Peter Moran, senior, Finance major, transfer student from Cumberland County College (Cumberland County)

Jaden posing for a picture while wearing a suit and tie.

“Try to save at least $10 a week. It can go a long way toward building your financial future.” – Jaden Sinondon, senior Accounting and Finance Major with a Management Information Systems minor, Toms River, NJ (Ocean County)

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

6 Economics Majors Share What They Wish They Knew About Their Major

Economics major Sarah stands outside

“Economics is a social science which is focused on governments, individuals, companies, the environment, and every factor which affects each of these. Economics is not similar to a business or finance major and students will receive a broad education about the world rather than a specific education to prepare one to trade stocks or such.” […]

Beyond the Classroom: Fresh For All Coordinator William Hendrixson Reflects on Giving Back

Will sits among pine trees on campus.

Today we speak with William Hendrixson, a fifth-year senior from Egg Harbor Township (Atlantic County) who is currently on track to complete a dual major in Management Information Systems and Computing and Informatics. He also has a leadership role with the volunteer program Fresh For All. Learn more about William and his strong passion for helping the community.

Will stands in front of tree and ornamental grass on campus.

William Hendrixson is the top coordinator in charge of Fresh For All, a food distribution program on campus with the goal of getting fresh produce to the campus and surrounding communities. 

Will explains: “Fresh For All is a program where we work with a couple of different organizations to get fresh vegetables, fruit and sometimes dairy, to students and local community members who need it.” 

The program is set up every Friday from 10-11 a.m. in parking lot D by the Engineering building. The food comes from an outside organization called Philabundance, which goes out to farmer’s markets and grocery stores seeking donations. 

When asked who is eligible for free food, he says anyone at all. “You don’t need ID, you don’t need proof of need, or anything. We distribute every Friday, year round,” he adds.

According to Will, Fresh for All serves on average 150 families a week.

“Our highest is around 170,” he says.

In terms of the ratio of students to families, he explains, “It’s definitely more families. More from the local communities. I would say it can be up to about a quarter students, but the majority is definitely locals [who] need it.”

Will sits on a stone in front of trees on campus.

Will works with the Office of Volunteerism at Rowan, which put him in charge of the Fresh for All program. He says his individual responsibility on Fridays during distribution is to “make sure the event goes smoothly.” 

Fresh For All has given William the opportunity to to go out and help people. Even though it has nothing to do with his majors or career, he still just enjoys the feeling of putting a smile on someone’s face. 

When asked if this was something that he sees in his future, William responds: “Not necessarily as a career, because as I mentioned I’m kind of more from a tech background. But I want to be successful enough where I can give back to the community.” 

Will stands in front of textured wall on campus.

Will’s favorite thing about Fresh For All is the genuine difference that it makes. He says, “You can kind of see on people’s faces that it really helps and that’s definitely it, just knowing that you’re making a difference in someone’s week.”

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Story and photography by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

5 Accounting and Finance Majors Tell Us Their WOW Moment in Their Majors

Exterior shot of Business Hall.

Today, five Accounting and Finance majors from the Rohrer College of Business reveal that magic moment they discovered their major was clearly the right fit. 

Matt smiling for a photo while wearing a suit.

“My ‘WOW’ moment was when I was looking at job opportunities that I can try to get with my major/experience.” – Matt Cangemi, senior, Finance major and Economics minor from Hunterdon County

David smiling while wearing a suit.

“The moment I realized that I could apply what I’m learning in the class room into my daily life of trading and running a business, I knew I was in the right major.” – David Nicolas, senior, first-generation college student and accounting major, Trenton, NJ (Mercer County)

Brian (left) posing with his two friends
Brian (left) posing with two friends.

“You’ll know you’re in the right major when you meet people outside the classroom who are just like you only to later find out they’re also finance majors. People who care about finance and economics generally tend to gravitate towards each other.” – Brian Vechesky, senior, transfer from Rowan College of South Jersey, Finance major from Burlington, NJ (Burlington County)

Jonathan smiling outside Business Hall.

“This major was the right major for me in the beginning because I knew that Rowan had an awesome business college, and the amount of networking events that they offer here is invaluable.” – Jonathan Phan, sophomore, Accounting major and Management Information Systems major, commuter from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County)

Matthew standing next to an "Intern Day" sign.

“Throughout my first classes each topic sparked my interest. I fell in love with accounting ever since I switched majors.” – Matthew Knox, senior, Accounting major, South River, NJ (Middlesex County)

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

3 HR Management Majors Share What Excites Them About Their Major

Exterior shot of Business Hall.

Today, three students from the Rohrer College of Business Human Resources Management program tell us what excites them about their major.

Tuan standing outside a Long Horn Restaurant.

“I am learning to be [in] one of the most important roles in any business.” – Tuan Anh Phan, junior, Human Resources Management major, transfer from Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ), Vietnam

Lindaura taking a selfie.

“What excites me about my major is being able to stand up for the people that would work for us. Making sure they are not being discriminated against and they are all being paid equally and any other law that is implemented to help the work environment to be fair and peaceful. I also get excited about recruiting and being the person to find the best fit for the company and our team.” – Lindaura Cristo, junior, Human Resources Management, transfer from Rowan College of Burlington County (RCBC), first-generation college student from Brazil

Amanda sitting on the steps outside the Rohrer College of Business.

“The idea that I will have the ability to help people, being able to help them grow to become their true selves, I’ll be a leader guiding future leaders.” – Amanda Holzlein, junior, Human Resources Management major with a minor in Management Information Systems, first-generation college student from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County)

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior Music Industry major

It’s Who You Know: Management Information Systems Major Lands Internship

Serving as a volunteer peer mentor for the Dr. Harley E. Flack Student Mentoring Program opened the door for  Management Information Systems (MIS) major Steven Brito to land an exciting internship in his desired field, beginning early in his junior year. With his internship, which is on campus within the web services portion of the Office of […]

#PROFspective: Management Information Systems Major Steven Brito

Today, we speak with Steven Brito, a junior management information systems major from Plainfield (Union County), NJ, who lives on campus in Triad Apartments. Steven will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan […]

#PROFspective: Accounting Major Kyle Perez

Kyle in front of Rohrer College of Business sign

Today, we speak with Kyle Perez, a freshman accounting major from Robbinsville (Mercer County), NJ, who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Kyle will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. […]