Rowan University’s Newly Created Marching Band Gives All Students the Opportunity for Self-Expression How did Rowan’s Marching Band “Pride of the Profs” come to be? In this video, you will hear from the Dean of the College of Performing Arts Richard Dammers, benefactor John H. Martinson and Director of Band Megan Cooney. Check it out […]
Concert Choir Student Shares Transformative Journey Through Prestigious Ensemble

Vocal Performance Major Achieves a Childhood Dream Through Rowan University’s Concert Choir Class [Editor update : since we first spoke with Moses, he has since graduated with a bachelor of music.] A senior from Trenton, NJ (Mercer County) who transferred to Rowan University from Mercer County College, Moses Possible has been a member of the […]
Music Industry Major Alyssa McAvoy Shares Her Professional Goals

Meet Alyssa McAvoy, a graduating senior music industry major with a minor in entrepreneurship from Shrewsbury, NJ (Monmouth County). Alyssa is here to share her short-term and long-term professional goals. Could you describe your short-term professional goals? “I would love to get my foot in the door by doing sound for more local venues to gain […]
The Professor Behind The Building of Rowan University’s Marching Band, Pride of the Profs

Once she got to Rowan, she didn’t know that we were known to be a teaching school at that time. Her professors within the College of Performing Arts really looked out for her; they would sign her up for conducting symposiums and competitions outside of the department. “One of them was my percussion teacher who […]
My Favorite Class: Concert Choir, Perfect for Non-Music Majors Too

In this first-person perspective, sophomore music major and advertising major Alaina Leinze, from Woolwich Township, NJ (Gloucester County) shares her passion and joy as a student in Concert Choir. Feel free to follow Concert Choir on Instagram at rowanchoirs.
Discovering My Passion: Taking A New Class Changed My College Experience

Alaina Lieze, a junior music and advertising double major from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County) shares this first-person perspective on how joining Rowan Choir helped her rediscover her passion for music, improve her academic performance and feel a sense of belonging on campus.
As a freshman transfer student at Rowan University, I was initially unsure about how to get involved on campus. With so many clubs and activities available, I felt overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start. However, I decided to take a chance and join the music program. Rowan Concert Choir is open to all majors and is a one-credit course that helps to satisfy the Rowan Core educational requirements for artistic literacy. Many students choose to take Concert Choir three times, so that they earn three credits to finish the Rowan Core requirement – and without any textbooks or tests!
Although I was nervous about auditioning for the choir, I was quickly put at ease by the welcoming and supportive members. Through my participation in the Rowan Choirs, I rediscovered my love for making music. I had enjoyed singing in various choirs in the past, but this experience was different. The choir explored various genres of music and performed pieces with social justice themes, such as songs related to The Black Lives Matter Movement and African American spirituals. Singing with this group allowed me to see the world in a new way, and I was grateful to have found a community of people who shared my passion.

Joining the choir also helped me feel a sense of belonging on campus. As a commuter student, it was easy to feel disconnected from the university community. It was also difficult to join a college community a semester late as a transfer student. However, being a part of the Concert Choir gave me a reason to come to campus on weekends and meet new people.
But, the benefits of joining a new ensemble didn’t stop there. As I became more involved in the choir, I noticed improvements in my academic performance. I was more motivated to attend class and complete assignments because I had something to look forward to outside of my coursework.

Looking back on my college experience so far, joining the Rowan Concert Choir was one of the best decisions I ever made. It allowed me to discover my passion, make meaningful connections, and develop important skills that will serve me well in my future career.
If you’re a current or future college student, I encourage you to take a chance and join a club or activity that interests you. It could be photography, dance, politics, or anything in between. College is the perfect time to explore your interests and find your passion, and joining a club is a great way to start.
Like what you see?
Written by: Alaina Lieze, junior music and advertising double major
Story edited by: Valentina Giannattasio, junior dance and marketing double major
#PROFspective: A Closer Look at Music Education and Jazz with Jovan Rivera

Today, we are hearing from Jovan Rivera, a junior Music Education and Jazz Performance major and transfer student from Trenton, NJ (Mercer County). Could you share a few on-campus activities, clubs, sports, or events that you’ve attended so far? What was your favorite, and why? I am a part of the Photography Club, Esports Club, […]
Alumni Success: Ricardo Oropeza, Sony Music Entertainment Analyst and 2019 Music Industry Alumnus

Why did Rowan stand out for you and your college search? Rowan stood out to me for a few main reasons. The first way was through word of mouth. In my high school in Randolph and my graduating class, we had six people attending Rowan. As someone with no family members who have been through […]
Gaining an Edge in the Business as a Music Industry Major: Alyssa McAvoy’s Story

Junior student Alyssa McAvoy shares how she’s making the most of being a Prof
Rowan Alumnus and Band Director Mike Massaro on Music Education

Today we feature a Q and A with 2020 Rowan Music Education graduate Mike Massaro, the middle school band director at Kingsway Regional Middle School and coach for the Rowan Youth Jazz Orchestra. Music is a passion of Mike’s, and it all started for him at an early age. He talks about the journey he has been on with the art, his teaching position and the importance of learning music.
Where did your passion for music stem from?
I can think back through my life of how I got progressively more involved with music, but it all started back when I was a little kid. When my grandmother would be driving me in her car, I’d be in the backseat. And she put in this cassette tape. The first track on it was “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong, and I would sing along in the back and I’d hum along.
I always knew that I liked music a lot. As I got older, eventually I joined band when I was in elementary school, got in the jazz band when I was in middle school.
But it was really when I got into the high school jazz band and my high school band director believed in me a lot, that I knew that this was something that I wanted to spend a life in.
What was the exact moment that you were like, this is what I want to do for my life?
The moment that I realized I wanted to go into music was actually the moment that music had gotten taken away from me. When I was a sophomore in high school, I always used to come right home from school, and I’d go up to my room and I’d practice trumpet right away.
One time that winter break, I was hanging out with a bunch of my friends and we were just being silly sophomores in high school, throwing stuff around the basement. I got hit in the face by a toy and my lip busted, which is not good for trumpet players. I couldn’t play trumpet for about a month or two. So, I would come home and in that time where I previously used to practice, I would just go up and sit, and just keep an icepack on my face, and not do anything. And it was boring. It wasn’t fun, it was depressing.
I realized, if this is what my life is without music, why would I go into anything but music?

Why did you choose Rowan for music?
There were a lot of factors that went into me choosing Rowan for music, but ultimately what it came down to was the professors that I knew I would be studying under, and the individual attention that I knew I’d be receiving.
I can tell, looking at Rowan, that every single professor truly cares about every single student that is involved in their program. Through my time learning with all these professors, I was able to get to know them all so personally, and so closely. Looking at myself now as a teacher, I’m able to look at anything I do and pick apart almost sort of where I got that from, which professor kind of instilled that in me and how it’s grown ever since that.
You knew that you wanted to continue with music, but when did you decide that you wanted to teach it?
So for me, I realized I wanted to go into music in a very finite moment. However, realizing that I wanted to teach music was more of a progressive thing.
It was probably around my junior year in high school, I had gotten a lot more opportunities to teach other students. I was running sectionals, I was just getting to work with a lot of younger students, and I started to really like that feeling of knowing that somebody was getting better at music because of something that I was able to share with them.
I started to fall in love with that feeling so much. I realized it was really what was keeping me going. It was my big spark in life and I knew that I wanted to live with that for the rest of my life.

Can you talk a little bit more about the relationships that you have with the students and the inspiration that their growth brings?
Sure. I believe in all of my students, I believe any one of them can truly achieve what they want to, especially in music. I can look at all of them and see so much of my past self and see so much of my past friends from when I was in their shoes. But I can also see so much new in all of them. There’s so many new ideas that they all bring to the table, so many new things that they want to try, and new things that they’re able to accomplish.
Every student is at a different level. I don’t expect all of my students to achieve the same things. We all start at different levels and we all end at different levels. But ultimately, what my relationship with my students is based off of is progress, and seeing that we’re all able to grow together at the same time.
Music education seems to be one of the first programs that always gets cut. Why do you believe music education is vital to help students build on their skill set?
To anybody that’s asking why music should be in schools, why is music education important? I ask the question, what would your life be without music? it’s something that surrounds us everywhere that we go. We’re in the car, we’re in the store, we go to concerts, we can hear these birds around me right now. Any sound can be considered music.
I think establishing a relationship with that art is one of the most important things that any young student can experience, because it truly exposes them to the world that is around them in a more personal and connected way than, in my opinion, any other field that is out there.

Can you kind of talk about how music can additionally teach kids math and language?
I definitely believe that music is a universal language. It encompasses so many of the other fundamental skills that we see. Math, rhythms are all math. Everyday pitches are all math, and in that same realm of math, it’s all science. Everything that we do is based around physics, It’s all based around acoustics.
In terms of language arts, English, literature and any other language you could possibly dream of, everything that we do is storytelling. It’s all based and structured around the same types of forms that we see in literature and stories. And, I mean if we’re talking history music has such a diverse and extensive and beautiful history throughout all of mankind. It truly does bring every single subject into play all at once, and you can take moments to isolate down and work with those specific subjects.

Whenever it comes to like the band, the orchestra, the jazz band, everybody has to be on the same page or the music fails. How is each individual person important, no matter if they’re the first chair with a big solo, or they’re the last chair?
Ultimately, our job as musicians in an ensemble has to pay respect to the original work that was written, that was composed. That composer wrote that work for a very specific purpose, for a very specific reason. Every single member of our team matters when it comes to making sure that reason can come to life. Whether it’s some situation where there’s one student on a part, like there is in a jazz ensemble, or there’s many students on a part, like there is in a wind ensemble. Every student matters, because again, we’re trying to pay respect to these words.
Ultimately, the melody doesn’t mean anything without the harmony. The harmony doesn’t mean anything without the melody. The drumbeat doesn’t mean anything without the melody and the harmony. It takes every single student to really create the story that we are trying to tell in there. And if you look at an activity like marching band, there’s nowhere to hide on the field. Every single student has a role. There is no bench, all of our students are on 100% of the time.
As a music education teacher, how do you keep everybody engaged evenly?
When it comes to keeping all of the students in the room engaged all the time, I’m constantly asking myself what their skill set is in three different perspectives. I’m looking at the individual skill sets, the skill sets of their sections. Like the trumpets, the alto sax is the percussion section, and then the skill set of the full ensemble.
I think the hardest part about being a band director is finding the balance between managing those three skill sets increasing all at once. ‘m constantly asking myself, is this challenge enough for this student? Is it too much? I want to push the bar for everybody individually, just how I can at the right pace.
The same goes for their sections, they grow together through their sections and ultimately ensemble goes together. So, I’m constantly listening and assessing their growth on those three levels.

What do you feel is the importance of having somebody to guide the students? What was the importance for you to have professors that show you the way and sparks your love for music?
I tell my students all the time, the most important thing that I could ever teach them is how to teach themselves. I always want to be there to give them the material that they need when they are ready for it. And when they are ready to take those next steps, I will push them to do it. But ultimately, I’m not the one playing the instruments. That’s them. I’m not the one sitting in the group playing that is that is them.
I want to constantly be giving them the skills that they need to take any inspiration in any musical knowledge that they can, and use it to make themselves be the best version of themselves that they can.
You touched on this earlier, but could you dive deeper on the overall experience that you’ve got with your professors and how they’ve shaped you as a musician?
One of the most important interactions that I had with a professor when I was at Rowan, was with one of my professors who was actually a middle school band director at a local middle school. This was the day that I realized I wanted to teach middle school.
I went out there on one of my practicums, which was through the ED major, and I saw what he was doing with his students and the level that they were performing. I was completely unaware that middle schoolers can perform at that level. That was the moment where I said, I want to be able to do this.
I was able to talk with this professor for a while afterwards and he talked to me about being a musician, being a teacher, and how important it is to teach to my own musicianship. Everything that I learned in my ensembles, at Rowan, whether it was in jazz band with Denis [DiBlasio], wind ensemble with Dr. Higgins, or my trumpet lessons with with Brian [Appleby-Wineberg], no matter what it was that I learned, these were all things that built my musicianship up.
Ultimately, as a teacher, I’m constantly teaching to what I know. As a musician, I’m constantly pulling from those experiences. So, how did my experiences at Rowan shape myself as a teacher? They built my musicianship. They made me who I was, as a musician. They exposed me to so many different situations and types of music and opportunities, that I was able to take all these things, and now share them with my students who can now evolve on them themselves, teaching to my musicianship.

What is the importance of being able to teach music for grades K-12?
Like I said earlier, music is universal. I think in music, having experience teaching every single grade level can only be beneficial for you. One of the time periods of my most intense growth was during my student teaching, when I was actually teaching kindergarten. I taught K through five general music and it was so much fun. I learned so much more about the teaching process in that time period, through working with kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders. Seeing how they received information and seeing how important structure was.
Music is cool in the fact that from the time we’re young, when we first experience it, and we’re in our music classes in kindergarten, second grade, and all that stuff, we’re working on what is essentially the same set of fundamentals from then all the way up to the professional level. The only thing that changes is the amount of it that we’re able to receive. And of course, yes, concepts become more and more advanced as you get older, but I perceive that as the amount of information that we’re able to receive. Being able to teach at the younger levels and at the older levels is incredibly beneficial, because seeing how people learn and how they receive this information really helps establish what comes next.

What is your role in youth jazz? How did you get involved?
I am the coach for the Rowan Youth Jazz Orchestra. This is a brand new program that is being offered through the Rowan Community Music School, to middle school and high school aged students. I got involved through this shortly after I graduated, I got a call from my former student teaching supervisor who had become the head of the Rowan Community Music School, the director of the school. She called me asking if I would want to hop on board with this new group. I said, Absolutely. We did a semester through Zoom and then we just finished our first full year of in person ensemble rehearsals and performances this year. It’s so fun being able to work alongside Skip Spratt, who is just an absolute amazing educator and musician overall, learning so much from it. I’m glad that I’m able to learn and teach these things at the same time.
How do you find a balance between your teaching and your musicianship?
Finding the balance between the teacher side of things, and the musician side of things can be very difficult at times. But again, I always do everything I can to not compromise the music and exchange for the things that come on the teacher side of things such as, the procedures, the logistics, the discipline.
I make sure that my students know my expectations as early and as upfront as possible, so that we can get right into the music as quickly and as efficiently as we possibly can. The more that side of things is running, the easier it can be for all of us to just experience what we want to get out of the music that is in front of us.

We know that middle schoolers obviously have a shorter attention span. How do you kind of deal with the different environment of middle school compared to college, where you are just coming from?
In college, the music that we’re performing and practicing and playing is consistently at the highest level that is available. In middle school, for most of the students, that is their first time really getting to experience music in this capacity. I often have to take a step back a lot of times and remind myself that it is the first time for the students going through this and that they can’t be expected to know all of these high-level concepts, or even sometimes, just know what to do in any given situation.
That is my job as an educator, to teach them what to do in these situations. So for me, I have to go back to square one and ask myself if I was in their chair, what would the next thing I would need to accomplish be? And then from there, I step into teacher mode and say, how can I help these students accomplish this next step?
Being there for their sort of first interaction with music, have you had that opportunity where you see a spark for the love of music in a student’s eyes? If you have what does that feel like?
Yeah. So for most schools, our pay days on the 15th, and the 30th. That’s cool and all, but for me, the real pay day is when students have those moments of those big realizations. Those, oh that’s it type of moments when they really get something and it’s clear that it locks in, and they actually understand it. That is my pay day. That is when I really understand and that’s when I really feel the reward of what I’m working for. When the students get to experience and when they take that next step, and when they really love what they’re doing.

How do you describe Rowan for someone to come here to further their music education?
The beautiful thing about majoring in Music Education at Rowan is that you’re going to be constantly surrounded by professors who care about you. Like I was talking about earlier, every single professor that I had believed in me and was patient with me through my learning process, and gave me the tools that I needed to figure it out and to succeed on my own. I had such a different college experience than a lot of my friends. We were all looking for different things. But whatever it was that we were looking for, our professors were able to help us achieve that and find that and live that.
So for any student that is looking into Rowan, no matter what it is that you want to accomplish with your time in college, these professors in this department is there for you to make sure that can happen.
Watch our video feature of Mike here:
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Jada Johnson, political science major
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Brian Seay, senior sports communication and media, radio/TV/film major
Alumni Success: Catherine Chambers ‘16, Where My Music Education Degree Has Taken Me

What made you choose Rowan? What made you choose music? When I first started exploring colleges as a senior in high school, I really wanted to move far away from New Jersey and find my own way. I was set on not going to a state school, but I humored my mother and decided to […]
Alumni Success: Music Performance Major, Clarinet Player Lia Boncouer ’20 Joins U.S. Navy Fleet Bands

Today, we feature Lia Boncouer, who graduated from Rowan’s Music Performance program with a concentration in Clarinet Performance. Currently, Lia is completing her Master of Music degree at the University of Michigan. She discusses her undergraduate experience at Rowan, her journey to becoming a Music Performance major, and shares details on her recent acceptance of […]
Samantha Midili and Bianca Jeremiah: Two Women Leaders in a Male-dominated Industry

Samantha Midili, a senior Mechanical Engineering major from Ocean City, NJ (Cape May County), and Bianca Jeremiah, a junior Mechanical Engineering major with minors in Physics and Music from Bridgewater, NJ (Somerset County), share their experiences as women in the Society of Automotive Engineers Club at Rowan University.
Samantha and Bianca are not just women in STEM: they are leaders and trailblazers in the engineering field.
Both are on the e-board of the Society of Automotive Engineers club on campus. Bianca describes the club as “an opportunity to not only do research and create designs but actually manufacture cars and bring those designs to life.”
She adds, “We get the opportunity to compete in an annual global competition. There are different areas of competition that your car can get judged on: the acceleration test, suspension test, maneuverability, endurance, and a business component that delves into the cost of building the car. This year, the competition is in Rochester NY, so we will have the opportunity to compete against other colleges in the area.”

Samantha, the leader of the Baja competition team, talks about her first experience when joining the club. “When I walked in, there was only me and one other girl in the room. It was intimidating and I felt out of place at first, but I stuck with it and I started driving cars. I am so glad I did because now I actually feel like I belong and that there’s a space for me here at Rowan. I can do something I love and feel empowered that I am one of few women that do it.”
Bianca had a similar experience. “I joined the club as a freshman because I knew other people in the program recommended it. I remember my first project was to build a trebuchet for a pumpkin-chucking competition. After that, I was hooked. I started working on cars and began learning about machining, problem-solving and the importance of working with a team. The club has taught me how to work in intense situations and how to learn/think on the spot.”

The Society of Automotive Engineers Club has given Samantha and Bianca the opportunity to learn in the classroom and then apply it. Samantha says, “Rowan is so unique because the program is so hands-on. In many other schools, you don’t get past conceptualizing a design or reading about it in a textbook. Here, you almost always get to create the design and make it come to life by manufacturing it.”

Bianca shares the same sentiment.
“Being a mechanical engineer means designing to manufacture. At Rowan, you get to go through the entire process of research, design, and implementation; just like in the industry. It is so interesting to get to execute every angle from start to finish and actually create something,” she says.
Although it may be difficult at times, both Samantha and Bianca are happy and proud to be leaders in a male-dominated industry. Samantha says, “My teammates respect me, look out for me, and have my back. We have a great sense of camaraderie, and we are always together. I really feel like we all come together as a team, regardless of our differences, because we just want to build a winning car.”
“I feel fortunate to be a part of a community where I feel accepted regardless of my identity,” Bianca says. “Sometimes I might be the only girl in my classes and that is overwhelming, but I always try and tell myself that if I made it here, I belong here. I want to be that inspiration for other women in the program, too. I want to know they are accepted and belong. Creating that space and opportunity for everyone is important to me.”
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Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major
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Stephanie Batista, junior business management major
A Q&A with Terry Nguyen, Co-President of Rowan’s Neurodiversity Club

What brought you to the Biomedical Art and Visualization program? A little background information about myself would be that I always loved art. But I also really valued the importance of scientific endeavors, and just general scientific literacy. I wanted something that could combine the two of them. But … I didn’t want to fully […]
Prof Pairs, Love is in the Air: The Story of Scott and Kevin

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20 Minute Radius: The Music Barn [VIDEO]

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My Favorite Class: Foundations of Music Education

Today we feature first-generation college senior Luis Ozoria. Luis’s favorite class was Foundations of Music Education in the Music department taught by Dr. Adrian Barnes. Luis recently graduated with a bachelor’s of music in Jazz Studies and is from Galloway, NJ (Atlantic County). Tell us a little about what the class is… The class gives […]
Vinyl Record Club [VIDEO]

Members of the Vinyl Record Club share their favorite aspects of vinyl, analyze the authentic analog sounds of records, and welcome you to join the fun. Whether you own vinyl or just love music – all are welcome.
Explore our clubs, honor societies, Greek organizations and sports to make the most out of your college experience.
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Video & Music by:
Max Morgan, Radio/TV/Film graduate
Secondary videographer:
Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major
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My Favorite Class: Instrumental Conducting 2

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.
Abby Bernhardt is a first-generation college student and a recent graduate with a degree in Instrumental Music Education from Egg Harbor City (Atlantic County). Her favorite class was Instrumental Conducting 2 in the Music department taught by Dr. Joe Higgins.
Tell us a little about what the class is.
This class is a continuation of Conducting 1, and in this class you learn skills regarding how to conduct a band. We also focused a lot on things to do to make us better educators, and how to select repertoire that represents wide groups of people.
Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting or special to you.
I loved this class because it made me realize what I want to do with my future. I learned so many things that I had been waiting for since high school, and I plan on using all of them in my career.
Is there anything else that made this class impactful?
Dr. Higgins is a wonderful teacher and role model, and I am so grateful to have been able to have had this time spent learning from him.
What makes this professor great?
Dr. Higgins not only is an amazing educator himself, but he is very good at teaching others how to be their own type of great teacher also. He also is always around for a chat or some advice.
How did this class help to support your academic or personal growth, or your professional goals?
This class helped me solidify that I want to be a music teacher. I was always excited to go to class and learn new things that will help me immensely in my future. This class also gave me a lot of motivation to do well in school.
What are your professional goals?
I plan on being a music teacher for a bit and then getting my master’s and going into administration as an arts administrator or vice principal. This way I will be able to support my students in the classroom and then help to support them from above, and hopefully help others to see the importance of arts education.
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Caitlyn Dickinson, public relations and advertising graduate
Senior Alex Brown Shares Insight on Rowan’s Music Industry Major

Today we speak with Alex Brown, a senior Music Industry major from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County). He tells us more about his experiences in the Music Industry program.
What area of the music industry interests you?
“Artist management. I’ve always enjoyed helping people, and I’ve taken that aspect of my personality and translated it to music. Music is one of my passions; I used to sing throughout middle school and high school. I kind of just merged the two into this field of managing artists, getting their music out there for fans to discover them and make sure those fans stay to support them. That’s my dream job, but I’m content with anything within the music industry.”
What music was played in your home? What music did you grow up listening to?
“I’m from a Caribbean family. Both of my parents and I were born in Jamaica, but since my father had citizenship in the U.S., I’m considered American. They would play all kinds of songs, top 40 pop songs, reggae, old school songs like classical blues. I had a wide range of influences.”
Alex mentions that there are two different tracks you can take within the program. The first is the business side of the industry, which focuses on contracts, the structure of labels and organizations, learning about deals, management, marketing, touring, promoting and sponsorships. The second aspect is the technology side that focuses on the production of music, where students gain skills about special effects, recording vocals, using a soundboard and live recording.
Alex says, “There are many options available for people who want to be an artist and hone their craft or people who want to work more behind the scenes and looking at the business aspect.”
Alex enjoys that the program is run by professors who are still actively working in the industry. He mentions one of his professors is currently working at Atlantic Records managing artists like Estelle. Alex adds, “It is good to have that aspect that you’re working with people who are still in the field.”
Have you had any internships yet?
“I’ve had two internships, one being with the Philadelphia International Music Festival. They bring in [students] from all over the world for a two-week program where they get to work with professional musicians who are part of the Philly Orchestra. Before the camp started, I worked in their offices where I was mainly contacting universities and schools to see if anyone was interested in registering for any last-minute spots. Once the camp session started, I acted as a residential manager for children who chose to stay on the camp. I’d stay there for the entire two weeks, live in the dorms with them, make sure they were going to lessons, practice their instrument and I helped out with the choir program.
“My second internship was with the school label, Rowan Music Group, over the summer. We essentially worked on building up our social media, looking for music to put in a compilation, and learning about different aspects of how labels run.
“Both internships were so fun, I learned different things from the two and I hope to take that experience with me into whatever next position I can get.”
Is there anything you wish you knew beforehand about your major or anything that is better than you expected that you could share with others?
“I wish I knew more about this option in high school. I never knew there were dedicated programs for the music industry and learning the ins and outs. I wish I was better prepared for all this program has to offer.”
Like what you see?
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Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising double major
Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
#PROFspective: Perks of Living On Campus with Dom Natali

Today we speak with Dominick Natali, a first-year Music Industry major from Washington Township (Gloucester County) who lives on campus.
What are you looking forward to about next year?
I’m looking forward to my first apartment and not having people accidentally come into the room. I currently live in a suite. Some days I’m working in my room in my pajamas and one of my suitemates will accidentally open the room when they’re trying to lock the door.
Do you know how to cook?
I know how to cook pasta. I’m a proud Italian! I can only make pasta. I don’t know what I’ll be learning to cook next year, but I am going to get an unlimited meal plan. I love getting as much food as I want. I do enjoy Jersey Mike’s.

What aspect of apartment life do you look forward to most of all?
I am looking forward to having personal space and the way the apartment is set up where everyone has their own individual room.
I don’t have a roommate right now luckily. So I don’t experience having to hear somebody else’s alarm before your own or somebody not coming back to the room because they’re out. If anything, I’m just excited to be able to have a place with some buddies.
Has it been lonely without a roommate?
It hasn’t been very lonely this year even without a roommate. It’s also beneficial because I like being able to play loud music in his room. I listen to a lot of rock and metal, 90s metal (Slipknot, Korn, Linkin Park) and modern stuff. I met Stephanie Batista [featured here] through the Rowan Alternative Music Club. I thought I was the only person that liked this kind of music because everyone talked about Weezer. I didn’t hear anyone talk about Slipknot or Chevelle until Stephanie did! That’s how we became friends. There’s always a place for loud music at Rowan. Rowan has a diverse music taste.

Tell me more about your social life!
My friends at Rowan are from before college as well as music events. The Rowan Alt Music Club and Rowan Photography Club have been really great for making new friends. I’m not a photographer [yet] but I model for the club and hope to learn more about photography.
I haven’t been able to do much because of school work, but I go to the trivia nights with friends. [Surprisingly,] a whole room of 30 people didn’t know anything about Tom Cruise movies! I also go to RAH events, and I look forward to “post-Covid” in-person classes. I learn better in person and can focus more when in an actual classroom compared to studying in your dorm room on your laptop. I associate the dorm room with downtime, food, comfort and the classroom with work. For me, it’s a weird balance of “I have to learn” and “I want to get food out of my fridge and take a nap.”
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Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major
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Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
Music Majors Share Music to Listen to While Studying

Need some tunes to help you study for finals? Here are some recommendations from upperclassmen music majors.

Spiegel im Spiegel – Arvo Pärt
“It’s one of my favorite minimalist pieces. It repeats over and over, so it’s good to listen to when you’re trying to focus. I love how delicate it sounds; it reminds me of a lullaby. A couple years ago, I was reading a book called ‘The Rest Is Noise’ by Alex Ross. Pärt was mentioned in it, so I wanted to dive into his music more,” says senior Kimmy Speers, a Music Education: Instrumental major from Morristown, NJ (Morris County).

3Am Talk – Icemann
“Chill vibe. I created the song myself,” says first-generation junior Justin Nunez, a Music Industry major with a concentration in Technology and a transfer from Kean University from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County).

Nocturnes (all 21) – Chopin
“It is very calming and relaxing. Chopin is very popular in the classical music world, and played very often by pianists,” says senior Lisa Harkisheimer, a Music Education Instrumental major from Sicklerville, NJ (Gloucester County).

Etude No.2 – Phillip Glass
“Phillip Glass is a minimalist artist. His songs are thought provoking and stimulating to the ear. I studied minimalist artists in my theory course a year ago and found the compositions of Phillip Glass. I use his Playlist on Spotify to focus when I’m studying and thought it might help other students,” say junior Melissa Breslin of Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County), a Music Education Instrumental major and transfer student from Rowan College at Gloucester County.

Rêverie – Claude Debussy (or really anything by Debussy)
“It relaxes me without putting me to sleep. I discovered the song by researching romantic composers on my own and also hearing his music in my music classes,” says senior Liz Cicali, a Music Education major with a specialization in instrumental music from Absecon, NJ (Atlantic County).

The Brain Dance – Animals as Leaders
“This will stimulate your mind and senses in every way. You will be awakened to learn and receptive to new information. I discovered the song at a concert,” says senior Sunshine Jones, a Music Education Vocal Major and Classical Guitar minor from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County).

L.A. Vibes – Iman Omari
“Iman Omari is the king of chill and loops. He’s a producer that makes dream like beats. He can chop any song up and claim it as his own. A lot of his music doesn’t contain words, he has a beat tape that has nothing but loops and it really helps me study. Hearing the beats allow me to read, think and focus on my tasks. I’m able to listen to music and concentrate, that’s all I need in this world. Music and focus,” says first-generation college junior Phinesse Scott, a Music Industry major and transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County
Phinesse adds: “I discovered Iman Omari through YouTube. You can really go down a never-ending hole on YouTube. I typically like to search for beats on there and I came across one of his old tracks and it was at that moment I became a fan and looked for every song I could find that he made.”

Check Yes Juliet – We The Kings
“It’s a good song and catchy but by studying to this song it helps you to think back to what you read right before an exam if you listen to it again. It’s a popular pop rock song similar to artists I listen to,” says first-generation college junior Amanda Uretsky, a Music Industry major with a concentration in Technology and Business from Lumberton, NJ (Burlington County).

Imagine Paris – Daniel Paterok
“I find this song very relaxing, which I believe is important when doing homework or studying. Plus, I find the melody really pretty and catchy. I found this song on a public Spotify playlist that I sometimes listen to when I study,” says junior Emileigh Zane, a Music Industry major with a Business concentration who transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey and is from Penns Grove, NJ (Salem County).
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
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Meet Transfer Profs: Future Marine Biologist Malin Barnes

Meet incoming transfer student and Biological Sciences major Malin Barnes. Malin is a transfer from Eastern New Mexico University and is originally from Abilene, Texas. He shares more about what he’s looking forward to and why he chose Rowan.
Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?
Advancing my academic career and exploring the music culture on campus.
Why Rowan?
I was stationed in New Jersey from Texas. Rowan seemed to be the best fit for transferring my credits to, and the programs seems very credible and comprehensive.
What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?
Symphonic band/pep band and Greek life.
Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?
If possible, I’d like to explore more marine-based skills and explore all the benefits of living in a coastal state.
What major are you considering and why?
Biological Science. I want to work towards a master’s of marine biology to pursue a career in coral reef conservation and restoration.
Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?
I did do a private guided tour of the campus. It was very comprehensive and informative. Although a lot of the tour was focused on freshmen rather than a transferring student, it was fun to explore the campus as a new student would.
Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?
If you want to focus on your career and not have a huge amount of your campus life spent on sports, Rowan is the place to go. It’s modern and up to date, and isn’t overburdened with a focus on high-level sports.
What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?
The lack of a football focus. Back home it’s all about college sports, but Rowan feels more like a school focused on education.
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
We are #RowanPROUD to be included on Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s 2021 Transfer Honor Roll, which recognizes select nationwide colleges and universities that foster dynamic pathways for transfer students.
First Year Voices [VIDEO]

Today we chat with Nathalie Hernandez, a violin performance major from Feasterville-Trevose, PA, and Marc Rivera, a music industry major from Ewing, NJ. These two freshmen share their experience so far this year and what they’re most looking forward to during their time at Rowan. Like what you see? Video by:Max Morgan, senior Radio/TV/Film major […]
First Year Voices: Hip-Hop Artist Pharaoh Freer

Today we feature Pharaoh Freer, a freshman Music Industry major. Pharaoh is from Jamesburg, NJ (Middlesex County) and lives on campus. When you wake up in the morning, what are you most looking forward to in that day? I think about what I am going to get accomplished that day. What did I not do […]
What Profs Are Listening to: First Year, Sophomore Edition

Today we hear from Rowan freshmen and sophomores about what music they have been listening to. Nyds Rivera is a first-year student with a Writing Arts major and psychology minor at Rowan from Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County). They said, “My Chemical Romance is probably my top favorite but I have been listening to a […]
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Jazz Bass And Classical Cello Major Rafael Alvarez From Tampa, FL

Today we speak with first generation college student, Rafael Alvarez, who is a transfer from Raritan Valley Community College. Rafael is a senior double major in Jazz Bass performance and Classical Cello. He is originally from Tampa, FL. Why did you transfer to Rowan? There were just a lot of opportunities and my brother went […]
Music To Listen To While Studying, According to 7 Music Majors

Need some study music recommendations? Let students from Rowan’s music majors give you some suggestions.

I really enjoy listening to NCT and Day6 when I study.
They have both nice songs for background music (ballads calm songs) and songs that are upbeat and fun to keep you awake and feel more energized.
How It Was Discovered: I’ve been listening to the K-Pop genre since 2011 so I knew about NCT since they debuted as a group and Day6 was one of the first groups I listened to when I got into the genre.
– Mia Visconti, Freshman, Music Therapy major, Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County)

Ballade no.1 in g minor Op. 23 by Chopin
Chopin was an amazing romantic composer and pianist whose pieces are very emotional and well written. It is great background music for studying or doing something important. I use it for tests all the time.
How It Was Discovered: From the movie “The Pianist”
– Anthony Jimenez, Freshman, Music Education and Music Performance major, Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County)

I suggest listening to Aladdin – Not3s.
This song has a very soothing vibe to help you vibe but still focus, with a little bit of Afro-beat tunes to groove to, very nice to study with.
How It Was Discovered: I discovered this song through the music streaming app AudioMack.
– Samuel Poku, Freshman, Music Industry major, Old Bridge, NJ (Middlesex County)

Plants – Crumb
It’s not too distracting and it’s soothing to listen to even when you aren’t doing homework.
How It Was Discovered: On my recommended songs in Spotify.
– Katie Alvarez, Sophomore, Music Education major, Passaic, NJ (Passaic County)

Darlin’ – Tobi Lou
It’s slow and I like his voice.
How It Was Discovered: From a friend
– Nayyirah Wood, Freshman, Music Education major, Philadelphia, Pa

“walk but in the garden” – LLusion
Off the bat, you can recognize the chord progression remains in a major key. The melody has aspects of suspense and resolution, making it pleasing to the ear. A unique aspect about this song is that the melody and chord progression repeat consistently throughout the piece, easily making it uplifting background noise.
How It Was Discovered: I was editing a Spotify playlist of mine, and this song popped up in the recommended songs section. I find a lot of new music through this feature of Spotify’s playlists.
– Arianna Granda, Freshman, Vocal Music Education major, Bantiviglio Honors Concentration, Rockaway, NJ (Morris County)

Sweetest Somebody I Know – Nelson Rangell
The song just has a really chill vibe to it that you can just listen to in the background while doing other things.
– Tyler O’Shaughnessy, Sophomore, Music Education – Instrumental major, Atco, NJ (Camden County)
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
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Seniors Share How They Have Grown From Their Freshman Year Mistakes

Rowan seniors Stephania Bocanegra, Alexander Brown and Aaron Lee reveal how their freshmen year mistakes helped them grow into the student leaders they are today.
Stephania Bocanegra, a Civil and Environmental Engineering major from Cape May, NJ (Cape May County), currently lives on campus as a Resident Assistant at Victoria Apartments. Stephania started off at a community college and transferred to Rowan.
“I wish I kept the work ethic I had as an honors student in high school to my first year of college,” she says. “By the time I transferred, I didn’t feel as prepared because I slacked off a bit in community college. My grades were good, but I didn’t need to work as hard. When I got to Rowan, I needed to start working harder because the classes were very different.”
Stephania quickly got into a groove at Rowan and began to flourish in the college environment. She is the Student Government Association officer for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the United Latinos Association.

Alexander Brown is a Music Industry Business Major with minors in Africana Studies, Music, and a Vocal Concentration. He is originally from Montego Bay, Jamaica and currently lives on campus as a Resident Assistant in Chestnut Hall. He shared that as a freshman, he didn’t take advantage of all of the extracurricular options that are available at Rowan. “I was more focused on adjusting myself to college life, so I was nervous to try too many new things. As I continued to grow, I tried to join organizations and clubs to put myself out there and get involved to meet new people,” he says.
As a senior, Alex is now the President of Profecy Acapella Club and the Treasurer of music fraternity Phi Mu Alpha.

Aaron Lee is a Chemistry and Public Relations double major from Portsmouth, Virginia. “A mistake I made my freshman year was not tapping into the resources around me,” he says. “Coming out of high school, I thought I had everything figured out, so I didn’t take advantage of a lot of things. Whether that was the tutoring services or even just sitting in the library to do my work instead of my room, I assumed that I could handle things the same way I always did. But college is very different. As I got older, I grew a lot by using what’s available on campus.”
Aaron is now the Assistant Resident Director of Evergreen and Magnolia Halls, an Orientation Leader and the President of both the Anime and Improv Clubs.

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Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major
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Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
Meet #Rowan2024: Radio/TV/Film Major Allison Bruce

Meet future freshman Radio/ TV/Film major Allison Bruce. Allison is excited to become a Rowan student and hopes to get involved in a music program.
What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I am looking forward to meeting new people and all of my professors.
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?
I would like to find a way to continue being a part of the music program. I was in percussion ensemble in high school and I would love to continue that!
How or why did you choose your major?
I was honestly not sure what I was going to major in until last summer when my sister got me an internship with her friend at Bridgeport Speedway. I was assisting him in filming the races there, and it was so much fun so I decided to be a Radio/TV/Film major!
How did you get to know campus?
I attended an open house to get to know campus, I have friends that have taken me to a few places around campus. I am excited to keep learning about Rowan.
What music do you like?
I really like music and I listen to just about everything. The only genre that I don’t like as much would be heavy metal.
Night owl or morning person?
I am such a night owl. I stay up way too late way too often!
Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because I have a few friends here already, but the program and atmosphere seemed really helpful and accommodating. I can’t wait to start this fall!
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Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate
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Allison Bruce
Meet #Rowan2024: Accounting Major Lily Fuchs

Meet incoming freshman Accounting major Lily Fuchs. Lily will commute to Rowan from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County). Today, she tells us a little more about herself and why she chose Rowan University.
What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?
When I get to campus, I am looking forward to making new friends and building connections within the Rowan community, as well as getting involved in clubs and activities!
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or, something new you’d like to try?)
In high school, I was part of my school’s tennis team, and I would really like to continue playing tennis when I come to Rowan!
How or why did you choose your major?
I chose accounting as my major because I have always loved working with numbers and I feel like it would be a good fit for my personality as someone who is very organized and detail-oriented.
How did you get to know campus?
I live close to campus, so I have already been somewhat familiar with it, but to get to know it better, I attended a tour, an admitted students’ day and virtual sessions.
What kind of music do you like?
I listen to all different types of music, but mostly pop.
Night owl or morning person?
I am definitely more of a morning person, as I am excited to start each day!
Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because I have seen it change over the years and I am very impressed with how it has grown. It’s in the perfect location and is the right size for me. I cannot wait to start in the fall!
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Beyond the Classroom: Music Education Major Mike Massaro Directs Two Local High School Bands

Meet Mike Massaro, a recent Music Education graduate and commuter from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County). He had the great opportunity to take his musical skills outside of the classroom and was able to direct the jazz band and marching band at a local high school. He tells us more about his experience and his passion for music education.
Four years ago, every single person I knew was telling me, “All of the opportunities and resources are there, you just have to choose to use them.” Genuinely, it probably took me until my 7th semester to truly understand what that meant. However, I had been surfing the opportunities of Rowan University since the first day I stepped on the campus.

Music Education is considered a double major at RU — music and education. Because of this, my program involves being a student of both the College of Performing Arts and College of Education (two degrees, two commencement ceremonies, etc).
The most amazing aspect of this has been being able to learn from and collaborate with my student colleagues and the incomparable faculty from both colleges. Being around other people who want to see you learn is what truly can put your college education to the next level.
I’m going to be very real here: more than likely, you will graduate. You will get the paper. At the end of the day, many will earn that paper, but the paper isn’t what matters in the end. It’s the education that went INTO the paper. What can YOU do to make what is very likely to be your most enriching 4+ years of education as educational as possible for YOU?
As an educator, my belief on this is very firm and was inspired by one of our CPA adjunct professors, Mr. Gerry DeLoach. The passion for what it is that you are teaching is what will drive you forward as an educator. Your knowledge and ability in your specific subject or field is what makes you tick. It is so important to keep that flare to learn alive. What you do in your field sets your ability for what you can do as a teacher. How tall will you let that ceiling be?
Here’s a short story. I was offered a very rare opportunity to direct a marching band and jazz band at a local school, Woodstown High School, while still completing my undergrad. By my sophomore year I was directing the jazz band, and junior year I was directing the marching band. It was a dream come true come early — teaching real students.
The program showed success very quickly. One of my beliefs when it comes to teaching is that the best way to learn how to teach is to teach. I wanted to do as much as I could for this school’s music program. It seemed like every day I was at Rowan, speaking to my professors about teaching strategies, learning more about music, and sharing and listening to stories; then in the evening, I would go put it all into practice when I taught for real. One of my biggest focuses through my undergrad was on making this program grow, because I knew that the more I was able to learn as a musician and a teacher, the more I would be able to teach these students. I think it is very important as a teacher to learn from your students, as they can teach us far more than we can teach them. I certainly learned so much from them.
Rowan let me learn from these students.
If it wasn’t for the education that I received every day, the conversations and performing experiences that I had, I would have never had anything fresh to offer my students. I’ve had professors come out to Woodstown on their own time to give clinics to the bands and watch me teach. What the faculty has to offer is truly unmatched. Rowan is a growing school that still has a small school feel where it matters the most — in the classroom.
The professors here care for you and want to watch YOU learn. We don’t have massive educational lectures. We have conversations about the real world and how you can make it better. In my teaching, I can directly categorize aspects of individual professors that have molded so many aspects of my musicianship and teaching.
Thanks for making it to the bottom of my text blob. I have one more blurb. My trumpet professor, Dr. Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, once said, “You can’t change the whole world at once, but you can start by changing your corner of it.” Dr. AW’s belief about education is one that should resonate with all of us. Educators are at the center of any community. The educators teach the students, the students graduate, the students get jobs, contribute to our workforce, grow the economy — the students become the doctors, entertainers, designers, chefs, researchers who allow our community to grow. It all starts at the educator.
The educators are the students. The students are the educators. Be the best one you can be and take the opportunity. We are profs. Eruditio spes mundi — education, hope of the world.
If I knew my last time riding back from the student center on my skateboard holding my box of hot pulled pork with a piece of cornbread and a cup of red Gatorade would be my last time, I probably would have done it again. Remember that when you get nervous, it’s because you care.
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20 Classes at Rowan to Further Education on Race & Social Justice

As the Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion stated earlier this month, “Universities are not exempt from facing issues that plague our society and threaten our democracy.” It is extremely important to recognize these issues and take the necessary steps to educate ourselves and those around us on the dangers of racism, to start making the changes the world needs to see.
These courses* are available to Rowan students, focusing on the history of race, the dangers that racism instills in society, and ways that we can prevent racism as a community.
- Black Lives Matter: An Ethnographic Perspective of The Movement (AFST 11350)
Oppression, injustice, and violence has plagued black and brown lives through a history of colonization in the United States. Beyond the black nationalist movements of the 19th and 20th centuries, the New Jim Crow has given rise to the #BlackLivesMatter movement. The #BLM Movement has erupted as a platform that has fueled social media activism and creates space for grassroots organizing that emboldens narratives of rupture and resilience and asserts the voices and dignity of all.
This course will cover topics related to the socio-cultural, political, legal, and education foundational aspects of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Students will gain real-life perspectives on the impact of the BLM Movement on America’s current social justice landscape as well as their own personal assumptions. Students will engage in critical reflection, in-class discussion and debates, as well as an analysis of the constructs of culture, race, and class in order to gain a better understanding of their identity and social categorizations in America’s established systems of oppression.
- Anthropology of Race and Ethnicity (ANTH 02275)
This course focuses on the historical development and current status of the race concept, a purported descriptor of human diversity and potential. Using the perspectives of four-field anthropology, this course covers the historical development of the race concept as well as current scholarship, controversies and consequences of race. Students will read relevant texts from biological anthropology, linguistics, cultural anthropology and archaeology.
- Examining Intersectionality in Critical Theories of Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality & Citizenship (CASE 90512)
This course provides an overview of intersectionality and selected theoretical lineages which intersectionality often draws from including feminism, critical theory, critical race theory, ethnic studies, queer studies, nationalism, and de/post-colonialism. Beyond studying and summarizing relevant work, the course challenges students to critically synthesize and apply these frameworks to the study of urban education and communities.
- Race, Ethnicity, Class & Justice (CJ 09532)
This course will include an in-depth study of race, ethnicity and class, and their evolving impact upon the U.S. criminal justice system, as well as the system’s impact on minorities, the poor, and their communities. A major focus of this course will be a critical examination and analysis of how race, ethnicity, and class have impacted the nature, content, and quality of justice that is rendered within the nation. One major purpose of our study is to provide students with an opportunity to gain sophisticated understanding of the inequities that minorities experience within our system of justice and in the wider community. Students will learn to critically assess significant research concerning race, ethnicity and class and the criminal justice system, and understand the practical applications of this research.
- African American Literature I (ENGL 02354)
This upper-level survey course examines African American literature from its beginnings in the colonial period through the Harlem Renaissance. We will engage in close readings of seminar vernacular, autobiographical, poetic, creative, and critical tests, exploring the relationship between literary expression and the highly charged American social, cultural, and political histories that form its context.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in U.S. Literature (ENGL 02530)
This class explores the ways literary texts enforce, subvert, or otherwise complicate constructions of race, ethnicity, class, gender, age, physical ability, religion, and/or sexual orientation. The course will address topics such as the formation of identity, both personal and cultural; privilege and exclusion; assimilation and the myth of the melting pot; immigration; geographical and metaphorical borderlands; and the complexities of ethnic, religious, and political nationalism.
- Hip Hop Culture: Music, Lifestyle, Fashion and Politics (MUS 40344)
The main objectives of this course are to discuss the origins of Hip Hop culture and study its influence around the world. Students will explore the key elements of Hip Hop, understand the importance and necessity of entrepreneurship and analyze how the Hip Hop Culture has evolved into a dominant force over the years. Students will examine the impact that Hip Hop has on fashion by helping to catapult the sales and positioning of major fashion and sneaker brands as well as creating independent clothing lines by way of entrepreneurship. The course will discuss and analyze the unprecedented effects and influence that Hip Hop has on global lifestyles, language, and politics.
- History of American Education (FNDS 21150)
This course provides an in-depth study of American education from 1600 to the present, covering preschool through post-secondary education. It focuses on the social forces, sources of conflict, major educational figures and patterns of schooling during each period. In addition, the course will highlight the ways in which diversity has been accommodated, marginalized, or rejected in American education. Students will be able to identify and discuss ways in which diversity has been accommodated, marginalized, or rejected in American education.
- Songs Of Praise/Protest (INTR 01172)
This course will examine the ways in which music has served as an instrument for social change. African-American music in the form of Spirituals and Blackface Minstrelsy will provide a mechanism for exploring social change, tensions between races, confused dynamics of racial identity, and stereotypes. Hymns of the late 18th and early 19th century will demonstrate how women used song as a means of self-expression denied them in other spheres. Finally, the civil rights and protest songs of the 60s and 70s will provide a backdrop for exploring issues of race and social culture.
- Minorities, Crime And Criminal Justice (LAWJ 05205)
In this course students critically examine the involvement of minorities with crime in the U.S. both as perpetrators and victims. Additionally, they will be afforded the opportunity to understand, critically examine, and apply significant theoretical perspectives for the study of minority criminality. They will develop an understanding of the impact of race and class within the law-making process, the content of the law, and the quality of justice afforded minorities within the American criminal justice system.
- Philosophy and Race – WI (PHIL 09327)
This course will explore philosophical issues related to “race,” including the role of modern European philosophers in the development of the concept of ‘race’ and historical and contemporary critical examinations of ‘race’ and racism.
- The Politics of Race in American Society (POSC 07324)
This course examines the central role of race in American political culture and American politics at large. We will examine concepts through the use of interdisciplinary resources including film, biography and scholarly materials. The course will approach the study of race through an intersectional lens.
- Psychology Of Racism And Ethnocentrism: Causes, Development, Consequences, Solutions (PSY 01310)
This course provides an opportunity for students to develop critical understanding of psychological perspectives regarding the root causes, complex patterns, and the individual, group, and societal consequences of racism and ethnocentrism in the United States of America. The course will draw upon comparative data regarding the psychological factors involved in historic or contemporary race and ethnic relations within selected international contexts to explore parallel and unique cross-cultural phenomena.
- Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and Gender (SOC 08442)
This course examines issues of environmental equity and social justice. It examines the rights of people to live in a clean environment free from hazardous pollution or contamination and to access the natural resources necessary to sustain health, safety, and livelihoods. A primary focus of this course will be the topics of race, class, and gender as they relate to environmental disputes.
15. Critical Race Theory: Social Justice, Advocacy and Intervention (SOC 08488)
Students will explore the social construction of race and the subsequent implications this phenomenon has for particular members of this society. Building upon the origins of the Critical Legal Studies Movement and Critical Race Theory (CRT), students will examine their own dispositions for significant issues from the centrality of race to better understand the need for becoming social justice advocates while learning a variety of social justice intervention strategies.
- Critical Race Theory: Application and Intervention (SOC 08578)
Students will explore the social construction of race and the subsequent implications this phenomenon has for particular members of society. Building upon the origins of the Critical Legal Studies Movement and Critical Race Theory (CRT), students will examine their own dispositions for significant issues from the centrality of race, class and gender to better understand the need for becoming social justice advocates while learning a variety of social justice intervention strategies. Specific attention will be focused on the medical/clinical setting where issues of race, class and gender can pose barriers to culturally competent care for clients.
- Black Americans and American Politics (POSC 07324)
This course examines the role of Black Americans in the political system, the forms and changing nature of their participation and a review of judicial and administrative decisions affecting the political and social status of Black Americans. This course may not be offered annually.
- African American History to 1865 (HIST 05376)
This course surveys the major social, economic and cultural developments of the black community from Africa to the Civil War. It emphasizes a comparison of the transition from Africa to slave culture and studies the contribution of blacks to the making of America.
- African American History Since 1865 (HIST 05377)
This course studies the development of the black community from emancipation to contemporary America, tracing such major themes as the pattern of migration and the various methods of black protest developed and employed in the 20th century.
- Sociology of Minority Groups (SOC 08230)
This course analyzes the nature of the relationships among ethnic, racial and other groupings in our society. It examines and tests sociological theories by the study of specific past and present minority group situations.
*Disclaimer: Not all of these courses are offered this fall, and some may already be full; check for availability when it is time to register.
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Meet #Rowan2024: Computer Science Major, Musician Hunter Gareau

Today we feature Computer Science major Hunter Gareau. Hunter, from Shamong, NJ (Burlington County), is the first of his siblings to attend college.
What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I’m looking forward to the college experience: staying in a dormitory, making new friends, and participating in different activities.
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?
I’ve done band since fourth grade, specifically I play trumpet. I’d like to continue playing trumpet in college.
How or why did you choose your major?
I wanted to design games for a while, but I decided to broaden that with computer science. I like being creative, and I’m good at math, so this is my ideal field.
How did you get to know campus?
I visited the campus last summer while looking at colleges. I don’t know it too well, but I think I’ll know much better once I attend the virtual orientation.
What music do you like?
I enjoy most music genres, but my favorites are rock and indie.
Night owl or morning person?
Why Rowan?
Rowan is close to home, I have friends going to Rowan, and I was given a good offer to go to Rowan, it just made the most sense.
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Meet #Rowan2024: Africana Studies Major Makyia J. Green

Today we feature Makyia J. Green, an Africana Studies major. Makyia is a future freshman from Camden, NJ (Camden County).
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?
I would like to continue with music, cheerleading, and dance while attending Rowan.
How or why did you choose your major?
I chose my major because it’s something I feel is important to learn more about.
What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I am looking forward to the campus experience.
Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because of the environment. The people are friendly and everything is close by. Rowan is the best choice for me to further my education.
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Meet #Rowan2024: Music Education Major Christopher Cinkutis

Today, we speak to incoming freshman Christopher Cinkutis, a Music Education major from Little Egg Harbor, NJ (Ocean County). He will be an on-campus resident and is looking forward to starting his college experience at Rowan University and spending time on campus.
What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
“I look forward to the social aspect of meeting new people and playing with amazing musicians.”
How or why did you choose your major?
“I chose my major Music Education based on my love of music, helping others, and performing.”
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or a new one you’d like to try?)
“I’m not exactly sure, but I’m excited to see what new things Rowan will have to offer!”
Why Rowan?
“I chose Rowan for the outstanding performing arts program. It is an honor to study under Bryan Appleby-Wineberg. I am confident a degree from Rowan will get me prepared for a carer in music education.”
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Photos courtesy of:
Christopher Cinkutis
Meet Rowan #2024: Diandra Panasis Looks Forward to Her First Year at Rowan

Today we feature Diandra Panasis, an incoming freshman and Psychology major from Freehold Township, NJ (Monmouth County). She will be living on campus this fall.
Meet #Rowan 2024: Future Music Educator Anthony Demateis

Today, we speak to incoming freshman Anthony Demateis, a Music Education major from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County). He will be an on-campus resident and is looking forward to starting his college experience at Rowan University and spending time on campus.
What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
“Next year, I am looking forward to starting my college career and further studying my major as well as making new friends.”
How or why did you choose your major?
“I chose my major because it was the place I excelled the most and I felt the most compelled to pursue.”
What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or a new one you’d like to try?)
“I definitely want to be in the Rowan Jazz Band as this was one of my favorite activities in high school, and I can’t wait to go to the college level.”
Why Rowan?
“Rowan is a perfect match for me, it is close and well suited for my major.”
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Meet #Rowan2024: Environmental & Sustainability Studies Major Aarushi Gupta

Today we feature incoming freshman Aarushi Gupta, an Environmental & Sustainability Studies major from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County) who plans to live on campus.
What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I’m looking forward to decorating my dorm room the most! I’m also very excited to meet new people and make some friends!
How or why did you choose your major?
I chose Environmental & Sustainability Studies because I have always loved nature and I am concerned for what the future holds. I am also interested in the 4+1 program that allows me to complete an MBA. I believe that understanding the finances of businesses and industry is integral to getting them to follow the proper environmental policies and regulations.
What is one activity that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?
I’ve played the violin since third grade and although I’m not a music major, I’d like to continue to practice and perform music. I’m also looking forward to seeing which art or graphic design clubs I want to join.
Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because it seems like a small community that offers a host of new opportunities for me. It also seems to be a solid, affordable education that will allow me to pursue my dreams in the future. But the main reason is because I don’t think I could stay away from my dog, Rancho, for too long! He’s a border collie mutt and he’ll be two years old this July!
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Pandemic Profs: New Routines and Calming Views

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Lauren Repmann, a sophomore relocated to her house in Middlesex County, NJ, for the rest of the semester.
Hello! My name is Lauren, and I am a sophomore biomedical engineering student at Rowan.

Since coming home, I’ve spent lots of time with my 2-year-old cat, Buddy. He is very cute, but quite the handful.
For the past week, I’ve been eating chopped salads for lunch. While I eat, Buddy sits next to me and begs for little pieces of chicken and cheese. He even puts his nose right up to my bowl!
When I am not at Rowan, I live in Laurence Harbor, a little New Jersey shore town directly across from New York City.
I enjoy waking up early in the mornings to take walks on the boardwalk and watch the sun rise. I use these morning walks as opportunities to improve my photography skills!

I’ve been taking pictures of the Laurence Harbor waterfront since I was about 10 years old, and each morning I get to add new pictures to my collection. These pictures make up the slide show home screen on my laptop. When I’m away at Rowan, I look back at these pictures for a little taste of home.
In addition to photography, I also enjoy playing piano! Now that I have more time on my hands, I plan to learn many new songs. I learned to play two songs over spring break, Dancing in the Moonlight and Bless the Broken Road.
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Story and photos by:
Lauren Repmann, biomedical engineering sophomore
As We Evolve, So Does Our Music

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.Meet Allegra Giannini, junior English major, from South Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County.) Allegra wrote this article to connect the Rowan community. She shares, “I wrote this piece on music because I feel that music is a universal thing that connects humans together. From the meme in Bee Movie where he asks, “Ya like jazz?” music never fails to be a talking point. I’ve met countless people who have said music has saved their lives or impacted them in an equally large way. Ask practically anyone who their favorite musical artist is, and you see their eyes light up. It’s one of my favorite things because it makes me happy to see people talk so passionately about something. My article talks about how normal it is to let music have an impact on you. How it’s been clinically proven that the right music can decrease anxiety and simultaneously elevate your mood. It’s an important, yet overlooked part of our lives. But it’s a discussion worth having.”
Music has been around since the dawn of time. It began most likely with a rhythmic beating of rocks against a hard surface, and humming, to downloading a music program and mixing sounds with a keyboard. One easy way to study societal evolution is by exploring the wide range of music. Most people on this planet have a type in music. The answers often heard range from rock, indie, rap, R&B, the list is endless. One interesting question though, is what makes people have a taste? Do people tend to enjoy music they’ve grown up on? Or is it scientifically speaking people’s neurological reactions to the aesthetic sounds created. Perhaps both answers are true, but maybe there is one more. The other answer would be where one is developmentally influences the kind of music they listen to. Not just because of rhythm or melody, but perhaps because of the lyrics.
What do people most remember about songs? Everyone has done that thing where they try to look up a song in Google, but can’t remember the title so they either type in the rhythm which looks something like, “that song that goes dum da dee dum.” Or they Google a snippet of the lyrics, they may Google, “Same as it ever was” and learn the song they were looking for is “Once in a Lifetime” by Talking Heads. Whatever the case may be, they Google the lyrics that stuck out to them the most, the ones they resonate with. Maybe the lyric “same as it ever was” perfectly describes how they feel on the inside. Those lyrics hit home, they mean something to them.
If people correlate how their lives are going with songs, they may find that they gravitate towards artists, albums or songs they feel perfectly encapsulates how they are mentally feeling, or brings up a memory. An article written by Nancy Shute for NPR from September 2013 said, “Music is a powerful cue for retrieving strong personal memories — when you kissed that girl at summer camp; the blue polka-dot dress you wore to prom; how lonely you were freshman year.” (Shute,
That article may be from 7 years ago, but the message still stands. Music is a lot more powerful than some give it credit. Hearing a song can change someone’s mood instantaneously. It is important that it’s power is embraced. So, when the going gets tough, it’s a good idea to put on a song. Make a “Happy Times” playlist, or even a “Rad and Sad” playlist. Sometimes listening to the songs that bring on the tears is just as healthy. What’s most important is embracing the effect music has on one’s personality.
Like what you see? Learn more about our healthy campus initiatives!
Story by:
Allegra Giannini, junior English major, Wellness Center intern
Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major
PROF Pets: Zazu

Meet Zazu!
Name: Zazu
Breed: Golden Retriever
Age: 1 year old
Likes: rolling in dirt and mud, being pet and cuddled, playing with other pups, and taking naps!
Dislikes: when people fly by on skateboards — too loud!
“Zazu is a Seeing Eye puppy, and I’m in the Seeing Eye organization of Gloucester County. I’m taking him out for a walk right now while my friend is in class, but I’ve raised a Seeing Eye puppy before on my own, and it was an awesome experience. I definitely recommend getting involved!” – Ben Graham, Piano Performance major from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County).
Like what you see, come visit us!
Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major
4333 Collective Holiday Show [VIDEO]

Jayce Williams, a senior Music Industry major from 4333, a student-run music collective, tells us about his fundraising holiday show featuring Tigers Jaw, Oso Oso, Twentythreenineteen, Sweetpill and Typopro. The show raised more than 400 cans of food for the Glassboro Food Bank.
Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.
Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major
Higher Education Master’s Program Sounds Like Sweet Success For Rowan Music Alum Ben Wilner

Future college students will be fortunate to have Ben Wilner as their academic advisor.
The Gloucester County native and aspiring academic counselor, who will complete his master’s degree in the College of Education’s Higher Education track this spring, didn’t initially set his sights on the program until his own interaction with an advisor.
“He’s been nothing but a huge help during the undergraduate process,” Ben says. “I want to give back because of my experiences in the undergraduate setting.”
Ben graduated magna cum laude from Rowan’s highly competitive Music program after what he revealed was a difficult transition to college life as a student with disabilities. He’s now empowered to “inspire students with disabilities to stay in college, so they can break obstacles to get where they need to go in the college setting because I’ve broken every obstacle up until this point,” Ben explains.
Ben says he wouldn’t be in college without a love of music, for which he’s a triple threat in voice, guitar and piano. He had just graduated from high school to pursue music at Rowan when the overwhelm set in.
“I overcame it that first semester, and my entire undergraduate years I got help when I needed it and asked for assistance for the resources I need to obtain, like the Disability Resources office [also called the Academic Success Center] or academic coaching or my professors,” Ben says. “I always say to have connections with your professors. I feel like this transition showed me that it’s a lot different.”
After his first semester, Ben, working with the Academic Success Center, met regularly with his academic coach, who he says honed his writing, editing and organizational skills.
He also registered with the Testing Center, which he says helped him with both test-taking and studying. The Testing Center was “welcoming and allowed me to do my tests and quizzes in a quieter space,” Ben adds.
Ben’s academic career flourished after that first semester. He joined the Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society and Sigma Alpha Lambda, a national leadership honor society. He presented at Rowan’s College Prep Transition Conference, which offers workshops and tools to support students with disabilities and their families as they head toward college life.
His own advising experience, along with the guidance he received through the Academic Success Center, pivoted Ben’s career path from music to counseling. He’s applying his graduate coursework to an internship this year with the Academic Success Center, working with students who may be struggling as he once was — which speaks to why he’s so passionate about his future career:
“I really was inspired by how much I have learned in the college setting, the resources I used to succeed in the college environment,” Ben says. He hopes to “help students advocate for themselves, making sure they do what they need to do to succeed. It’s not easy, but they’ve got to take one day at a time to break those obstacles.
“I’d like to help those students to keep going and never give up. Every student, no matter their differences are.”
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Joshua’s Home Away From Home: Wilson Practice Rooms [VIDEO]

An environmental studies freshman from Nutley, NJ (Essex County), Joshua Masucci has continued with his love for playing music and has found a welcoming home away from home within the College of Performing Arts’ Wilson Hall’s practice rooms. Like what you see? Come visit us! VISIT CAMPUS Produced by: Alexander Belli, senior public relations and advertising […]
Don’s Home Away From Home: Studio 1 [VIDEO]

Watch Don DeWitt, junior music industry major and commuter from Monroeville, NJ (Gloucester County) in his home-away-from-home at Rowan, Studio 1 in Wilson Hall. Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. VISIT CAMPUS Enter for a chance to win a Rowan t-shirt! Email RowanBlog [at] with the date and time […]
First Year Voices: Maya Norton

“Hey Rowan people! If someone wants to start a ska band (horns and punk music) hit me up,” Maya Norton. Music Industry major, Medford, NJ (Burlington County). VISIT CAMPUS Enter for a chance to win a Rowan t-shirt! Email RowanBlog [at] with the date and time of your upcoming campus tour … we may […]
#PROFspective: Music Major Dean A.A. Mason

Today we speak with Dean A.A. Mason, a senior music major from Vineland, Cumberland County, who rents an apartment off campus and commutes to Rowan. Dean will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: […]
#PROFspective: Music Major Steve Solkela [VIDEO]

Normally, our #PROFspective series highlights a day in the life of a major here at Rowan University, through the written word of the student. With sophomore music major Steve Solkela, however, we felt it best for him to tell part of his story in his own voice. A Minnesota native, the one-man-band will share his […]
Timothy Schwarz: Musician, Performer & Professor

Timothy Schwarz, MM, DMA, is an accomplished musician, elite violinist and inspiring educator at Rowan University. At just 9 years old he won a competition to play solo with the Philadelphia Orchestra. He toured the world as an Artistic Ambassador on behalf of the U.S. State Department playing places like Syria, Egypt, Israel and Sri Lanka. […]
Block Party Draws Big Crowd with Multicultural Munchies

Homecoming weekend couldn’t officially start without the annual Homecoming Block Party. Friday, Oct. 7, Hollybush Mansion’s front lawn was transformed into a massive celebration of school and national pride with the 2016 theme, PROFlympics. Complete with food trucks, inflatables, and giveaways, this year’s homecoming catered to students and families alike. Upon entering, students were met […]