One Rowan University Student Shares Her Journey Through Culture Shock Hannah Goolden, a senior business management major from Hammonton, NJ (Atlantic County) shares this first-person perspective on how her life changed when moving from a farm to a city.
off campus living
We’re Not in Glassboro Anymore: Nadine El Maalem Shares Her Study Abroad Experience in Morocco

Nadine El Maalem, a senior Communication Studies major with minors in Arabic Studies and International Studies, is far away from our Glassboro campus. As a Global Ambassador at International Studies Abroad, Nadine is embarking on a non-traditional experience by studying abroad in Morocco.
Nadine learned about the opportunity to study abroad during her Rowan 101 class, a course offered to first year students that highlights a wide range of information on the Rowan experience.
Nadine was inspired to learn more about the program and found a perfect fit: an Arabic program in Morocco. “I thought this would be an amazing opportunity to connect with my own culture. I did the paperwork, and the next semester I was on a plane. That was in 2019. Now it’s 2021, and I’m doing the program a second time because it’s just that good,” she says.

Now, Nadine is in Morocco doing an academic and service learning program. This entails four traditional classes and 90 hours of service learning at an organization for class credit. Nadine works at Association Al Amal for her service learning course. “The organization is dedicated to helping women complete/continue their education by teaching them computer literacy skills, offering embroidery courses to make traditional Moroccan clothing, and cooking courses. The organization also partners with local schools to teach students ages 5-16 English,” she explains.

Nadine is getting a much different experience abroad. “I live with a host family and two other student roommates. My host mom is the best. She makes us Moroccan and French food daily. I really feel like I can connect with the culture because I’m totally immersed in it,” she says.
That’s one of the reasons Nadine wanted to go to Morocco again. “I love interacting with the locals and other students. I’m an extrovert, so I find myself chatting with the person who works at the local shops that is selling me cookies. Studying abroad is such a great piece to tack on your resume and is such an amazing experience; “it’s a win-win.”

Back at Rowan, Nadine is a student ambassador with Rowan’s Education Abroad Office. There, she works with the Education Abroad Advisor, Laura Kahler, as well as other student ambassadors at Rowan to promote the different education abroad opportunities available to Rowan students, as well as to provide one-on-one advising, application help, and information about scholarships and funding for study abroad.
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Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major
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Nadine El Maalem
#PROFspective: Junior Electrical and Computer Engineering Major Omar Bedewy

Today we speak to Omar Bedewy, a junior Electrical and Computer Engineering major with a minor in Business. Omar is an off-campus renter from Paterson, NJ (Passaic County). He transferred to Rowan from Union County College.
What inspired you to choose your major?
Life is changing around us. Before I was an Electrical and Computer Engineering major, I was hoping to be a petroleum engineer. I switched to studying electrical and computer engineering because I believe this field will have a big impact on the future.
Tell us something interesting you’ve learned in a class this semester.
I am taking a class on electromagnetics. I found out that electromagnets are in everything, and I am really interested in the science behind it.
Take us through one typical Rowan day for you.
Wednesdays are usually my busiest days. I come to Rowan at eight in the morning. I have some coffee and check my email. After that, I head out to my first class at 9 a.m. I have a lab right after, but I have 15 minutes in between. During that time, I talk and chill with my friend. After the lab, I go for some tutoring and study for a bit. Then, I have another class. After this class, I go to the cafeteria for my lunch. I have one more class at 5, and then I go home.
Tell us about one club, organization or group of friends that makes you feel like Rowan is home.
I really enjoy going to tutoring at Rowan. The people there make me feel like Rowan is home.
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Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major
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Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major
Valentina Giannattasio, freshman dance and marketing double major
Tips On Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle And Eating Habits In College

Rowan Blog contributor, Public Relations major and student athlete Natalie DePersia shares how students can make healthy options available in their residence halls and where healthy options are accessible around campus.
Dorm eating can be difficult. The refrigerators that come in your room can only hold a little bit of space between two roommates, and there is no access to cooking in dorm rooms. Despite the adjustment from home living to dorm living, there are many ways to seek out healthy food options and to get the daily nutrients your body needs.
Utilize Holly Cafe in Holly Pointe Commons
This was key for me my first year. Because I was always hustling to get from class to practice, I needed to be able to grab something quick and easy at all times. Holly Cafe always has bananas, apples, bars, and cereal available that can be taken on the go. There is even a yogurt and granola station!

Get snacks that do not need to be refrigerated
You do not need a refrigerator to have healthy snacks. Lots of protein-packed snacks can be stored in a pantry. A couple healthy options can be trail mix, rice cakes, protein/energy bars, nuts, nuts/seeds and popcorn. These snacks are not only guilt free, but they taste good!
Seek out healthy options
There are many healthy options available on campus. My personal favorites are Bowl Life and Freshens in the Student Center. Bowl Life is awesome because you can get foods like spinach, sweet potatoes and whole-grain rice. Freshens offers a wide variety of options like smoothies, wraps, salads and more. There are also healthy places off campus like Playa Bowls.

Meal prep
This is targeted more toward students who live in apartments or off campus. Meal prepping can be difficult in a dorm but still possible. Meal prepping is a great way to stay full and while maintaining portion control. I like to meal prep my food on Sundays and again on Wednesdays so I have fully prepared food for a few days at a time!
Carry a reusable water bottle
Staying hydrated is pivotal to overall health. My reusable water bottle not only keeps my beverages cold, it is environmentally friendly. There are many fill up stations located around campus including stations on each floor of each dorm.
Invest in a Keurig
If you are a coffee lover like me … a Keurig was my saving grace by not only saving money, but by staying away from unnecessary sugar. Instead of going to Starbucks or Dunkin daily, I would use my Keurig to make my coffee. I also like how you can make tea, hot cocoa and other beverages with the Keurig.
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Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major
Out-of-State Students’ Returning to Rowan Bucket List

Many out-of-state students are coming to campus for the first time since COVID, while some were able to come to campus last year. Here are some things that out-of-state students are looking forward to when campus opens up a bit more this semester.
Magdelyn Kelly is a senior Musical Theatre and Theatre Education major from Inwood, West Virginia. Magdelyn transferred to Rowan from Blue Ridge Community College. Magdelyn is a first-generation college student and an off-campus renter. She says she’s most looking forward to seeing all her peers and learning face to face again. When asked if there was someone she hasn’t seen in person since before Covid who she is very much looking forward to seeing on campus this fall, Magdelyn replied, “My voice teacher!” Magdelyn is involved with Campus Players and Rowan Lab Theatre, and she adds that Rowan Lab Theatre will be putting on some great shows this year. Magdelyn can’t wait to take part in Rowan After Hours (RAH) and Student University Programmers (SUP) events again, such as Bingo. She can’t wait to take senior pictures with her friends and hang out on campus on Bunce Green.

Nick Kreuz, a senior Electrical and Computer Engineering major from Quakertown, Pennsylvania, is looking forward to working back in the labs with other students. Nick says, “I am looking forward most to going back to a campus that feels alive,” and he notes being on campus last year felt less warm and welcoming than it has been in the past. Some campus must-dos for him include activities put on by the Rec Center (where he will work as a Building Manager) and shows returning to the Planetarium. Nick is also looking forward to visiting Einstein’s Bagels in the mornings for coffee.

Petro Skrypnyk has never been to campus before, and he is excited to see the place he has been studying at for a year. Petro is a senior Computer Science major and commutes from his home in Philadelphia. Before attending Rowan, Petro transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County. Petro wants to get involved with Rowan’s Association for Computing Machinery and the Volleyball team. Petro is excited to earn his bachelor’s degree and meet up with people in between classes.

Samuel Jolade, senior Computing and Informatics major from Deer Park, New York, is excited to come back to the Rowan campus after nearly two years. He can’t wait to get back into Gaming Club and visit the Game Room in the Student Center. Samuel hasn’t seen his friend Max and a few other friends since before COVID, and he is excited to see them.

Ashleigh Jankowski is a junior Biomedical Engineering major with a Chemistry minor from Catonsville, Maryland. Ashleigh is living off campus this semester. Ashleigh says while “virtual learning was a great way to proceed in learning while continuing to be socially distanced, nothing can replace the friendly, bustling campus atmosphere.” She is looking forward to taking classes that are major specific this year, and because most of them are engineering labs, hopefully having them in person! She is looking forward to Outdoors Club getting started again, as she is hoping to go on a few trips with them this semester. She’s also looking forward to RAH events like Bingo and SUP activities like Outdoor Movie Night. Ashleigh also can’t wait to hang out at Einstein’s Bagels again.

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Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major
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Meet Transfer Profs: Liberal Studies Major Erin Finter

Meet incoming transfer student and first-generation college student Erin Finter! Erin is an aspiring Liberal Studies major from Medford, NJ (Burlington County) who transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County. She shares more about what she’s looking forward to at Rowan University and she gives advice to other transfer students.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?
New professors!
What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?
I’m currently the VP of the criminal justice club … I’d love the chance to continue that!
What majors are you considering and why?
I’ve chosen liberal studies with a focus in law.
Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?
The 3+1 info event. It was well put together and full of great information!
Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?
Figure out what you want to do after graduating and pick a school bed equipped to help you achieve it!
Where are you going to live next year?
Renting off campus!
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Senior Jerico Mellet’s Favorite Class: Molecular Biophysics

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.
Today we speak to Jerico Mellet, a senior Biomedical Engineering major with CUGS in Training and Development and Management and Leadership. Jerico is a first-generation college student and off-campus renter from Gloucester County. He tells us about a course that left a lasting impression with him.
What is your favorite class?
My favorite class is Biophysics [now called Molecular Biophysics], which was taught by Dr. Nathaniel Nucci. The course is offered by the Physics Department.
Tell us a little about what the class is.
The class studied biological processes using Gibb’s Free Energy Equation. The equation includes entropy and enthalpy, and entropy is the part where probability comes into play. For instance, the reason our DNA gets read/copied properly is that the probability of the protein going forward and copying correctly is higher than it going backward and copying incorrectly.
The content of the class was very fascinating to me, and the way that Dr. Nucci taught the course was very effective. He didn’t spoonfeed us information; it was a lot like teaching us how to fish instead so we can independently make the discoveries and solutions.
That class was the first class that got me really interested and excited about science because before I’ve been studying math on its own like calculus, or studying biology on its own.
There was always some overlap, but the Biophysics (now it’s called Molecular Biophysics) class really connected the fields and put everything into a new perspective for me. We covered a lot of information, but not so much that it was overwhelming. He kept everything at an understandable pace.
Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting.
The class put what I knew about biology in mathematical/probabilistic terms, which changed the way I view science, biology and math.
Is there anything else that made this class impactful?
It pushed me beyond my comfort zone, and how he led the class toward understanding the concepts was empowering because he wouldn’t just give us the answers, but sometimes asked us questions to have us revisit what we thought we knew.
What makes this professor great?
He gave us the tools to figure out the questions. He’d walk around checking in on everyone, always made himself available, and was encouraging.
How did this class help to support your academic or personal growth or your professional goals?
It helped me see connections between different fields of science, biology and math. As I take further classes, I grow curious about other connections such as harmony in music and how harmonious movement could be energy efficient.
What are your professional goals?
Since I was born in Peru and speak Spanish, I want to go back and start a company there to provide healthy jobs for people and that would benefit the country as a whole, and eventually bring that to other countries around the world.
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Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s Community Service Efforts

Today we speak to Chris Acevedo, president of Rowan’s Omicron Chapter of the Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. Chris is a sophomore Management Information Systems major from Winslow, NJ (Camden County). Chris lives off-campus and is a first-generation college student. Chris is also a student veteran. Chris tells us about Lambda Theta Phi’s community service work they have done recently.
Can you tell me about the community service Lambda Theta Phi is doing?
Since Rowan is located in Glassboro, we like to focus a lot of our community service on either Camden or Atlantic City, because those cities need help. There are many people who need help in those cities, and we want to help as many people as we can. We collaborate with other chapters such as the chapters at Rutgers – Camden, Temple and Stockton. S
Some of the community services we have done include feeding and giving away items to homeless people in Philadelphia, Camden, and Atlantic City. Sometimes we do smaller engagements such as clean-ups of towns and people’s backyards, but we try to do big events serving 150 families or more. We try to help as many people as we can. Recently we have held four community outreach events. Near Thanksgiving, we gave away Thanksgiving baskets that consisted of items such as turkey, cornbread, cranberry sauce, and other traditional Thanksgiving foods. We were able to drive food to some families as well.
Near the holidays, we had a holiday-themed event that helped around 300 families. We had a brother dress up as Santa Claus and we gave away toys donated by the Heart of Camden and Total Turf, as well as hats, coats, and gloves. We did a similar event in January, handing out hats, coats, gloves, scarves, and toys. We have also done an event where we walked around Walter Rand in Camden, giving away hand warmers, gloves, and other winter items.

Why is the Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity so focused on community service?
The root of our organization is based on service. Our principles and ideals emphasize catering to the communities that many of us come from. As we progress in our endeavors as individuals and as a collective, we always aim to uplift the very community that has raised us.
What would you say the benefits of being involved in Greek life are?
Greek life advances networking. There are many reasons that people pursue Greek life; i.e. a sense of family/belonging, making friends. But the biggest positive is networking. You meet people from all walks of life and all different ages. Sometimes you’re able to meet people who have similar interests and can offer guidance, or you can meet someone that’s gone down a different path and offers different perspectives on life. Whatever your reason for joining a Greek organization, you are always going to meet someone new.
Lambda Theta Phi is big on community service but it isn’t our only task. We are big on the connection / social aspect. We enjoy the presence of our brothers making a lot of bonding events, whether it’s our chapter here at Rowan or any other schools. Connecting with other Greek organizations makes your networking bigger and more relationships that last forever.
Like what you see?
Story and photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Community service photo submitted by:
Chris Acevedo, sophomore management information systems major
#PROFspective: Junior Biochemistry Major, Student-Athlete Caitlyn Cordell

Today we speak to Caitlyn Cordell, a junior Biochemistry major with a Psychology minor from Middletown, Delaware. Caitlyn is a first-generation college student who lives off-campus.
What is a typical Rowan day for you?
I typically start with breakfast, go to class anytime from 9:30-1:45, eat a snack between classes, I have soccer practice starting at 2, then I eat some dinner and do homework. After that, I will watch a movie or hang out with some friends if I am caught up on my work.
Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?
One time I felt inspired that my major was right for me was when I got accepted into a research program at Cooper Hospital. I felt like all my classes had prepared me well and I made the right decision.
Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?
I was really excited to be living on campus for the first time, to make new friends, and study subjects I was interested in. I think my professors did a really great job of being accepting and creating a comfortable environment in their classrooms. This allowed me to connect with other students in the class easier and I made some of my best friends because of that welcoming feeling.
What are your professional goals?
I want to go to medical school and become a physician.
How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?
The science department has prepared me for my medical school exam and given me an excellent foundation of knowledge. The Pre-Health Society at Rowan has been a very beneficial club, the meetings help keep me on track for success. They also host cool workshops on topics such as vital signs, suturing, or getting to view and touch different brains.
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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Passionate About Inspiring Women in Male-Dominated Field, Talia Tomarchio

Today we speak to Talia Tomarchio, a senior Computer Science major with a minor in neuroscience and an honors concentration. A Burlington County native, Talia is a transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County, and a first-generation college student who lives off-campus in an apartment. Before COVID-19, she was a tutoring monitor for the computer science department and a front desk assistant. She is also a part of the Association of Computing Machinery’s Committee on Women, and Rowan’s Equestrian Team. Talia is also a winner of Rowan’s 2020 Idea Challenge.
What wakes you up in the morning?
Two things. One would be helping others. I really want to inspire women to be comfortable in a male-dominated industry. My other passion would probably be neuroscience, the subject I’m studying for my minor. I want to eventually get a job to take artificial intelligence or machine learning and integrate it with neuroscience and help the world that way. It’s a stretch, but my goal is to find a way to positively help people’s mental health through computer science. I would love to do that. That is my ultimate goal in life. Maybe I could analyze behavior patterns or create an app to help mental health. I am not sure exactly what I would do, but that is what I want to contribute to society.
How would you tell a fellow student interested in your major that they’re choosing a worthwhile field?
I think Computer Science is growing to be one of the largest majors at Rowan. We’re also accredited by the Computing Accreditation Committee of ABET. I really like the computer science department at Rowan because you know all your professors, so you don’t feel uncomfortable going to them. I think that computer science is a worthwhile degree to earn because there are so many options for fields to go into. For example, there are fields such as cybersecurity, data science, and artificial intelligence. There are many paths a computer science graduate can go down, and the degree is always going to be valuable.
What inspired you to know that you were in the right major for you?
I’ve always wanted to go into computer science, even as a little kid. I have always been good with computers. I wasn’t pushed toward the field, I just enjoy it. Nobody in my family ever had a technical background either. I always wished I could learn how to program or code or become a software engineer, but I never had the confidence to do it. I traveled for a little while after my first year of college, and then I decided to “go for it” after I returned. I think that the support from the computer science department faculty at Rowan really helped me build my confidence.
Has there been a faculty or staff member that’s really helped you to connect with the next step for your career?
The first one would be Dr. Anthony Breitzman, the Data Science Coordinator for the Computer Science Department. I performed research with him this semester on analyzing Myers-Briggs personality types through Twitter tweets. When you do research, you usually are a graduate student. I was a little intimidated because I was an undergrad, but Dr. Breitzman reassured me contrary to my perfectionist mentality, that I don’t have to know everything right now and that I will always be learning even after I graduate. I also asked him for career advice, on what kind of career path options I could go down. Working with him really helped build my confidence.
The second person would be Dr. Kristen diNovi, the Assistant Dean of the Honor’s College. She has been so supportive of me for all of my endeavors, and so helpful every time I asked her for advice. She connected me with Dr. Susana Santos and the Entrepreneurship Department in the Rohrer College of Business. They helped me grow Steminist Squad, my nonprofit organization that won the 2020 Rowan Idea Challenge.
How was your transition into Rowan?
My first time going to college, I went to Rutgers out of high school. Then, I took some time off and I traveled the country. I lived in Florida and on the West Coast for a bit, and then I came back and decided to finish school. I am a bit older than the average undergraduate student, but I feel that it made me take my studies more seriously. The transition to Rowan was really great. At first, I was a bit overwhelmed because I wanted to be involved in everything. I tried to take on more clubs and activities and classes than I could handle, but I overcame it with the support of the Computer Science Department faculty and staff. Micheal Schillo, my advisor, and Dr. Jennifer Kay, a professor in the department, told me it is okay to slow down. With their support, I was able to realize that I did not need to be involved in every single club and activity. From that experience, my advice to other students that feel overwhelmed is to seek support and utilize your resources, because they are there at Rowan, and know that it’s OK if you are not perfect.
Why Rowan?
I think it goes back to the fact that everyone knows everyone here. At first, I wanted to go to a big school, but I felt like I was just a number there. Rowan’s faculty to student ratio is perfect for me. I can get personalized help or tutoring or raise my hand in class at Rowan. I like the small school feeling at Rowan, even though Rowan isn’t small.
Like what you see?
Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies, and public relations double major
Photos provided by:
Talia Tomarchio, senior computer science major
Beyond the Classroom: PR/Advertising Double Major Steven Saxon on How Volunteerism Ties into His Major

Today we speak to senior Public Relations and Advertising double major and avid volunteer Steven Saxon. Steven is living off-campus in Glassboro, but he is from Haworth, NJ (Bergen County).
What got you interested in your intended field?
As a kid, both my parents were involved in business, particularly public relations. My dad was a PR representative, and my mom was an account manager. I saw that both of my parents dealt with people for their job, a lot. There was a lot of person-to-person interaction, not a lot of sitting behind a desk, and, more specifically, when you have interactions like that in the working world, it opens up a lot more opportunities than behind a desk.
I believe that the most praise you can get for doing desk work is doing an outstanding job. When you’re talking to someone, there’s so many different ways and things that can open up in a conversation that just help you, benefit you, or interest you, that don’t even relate to business. I want to do exactly what my dad does.
How did you get into volunteering?
Every single person, if you are given free time, you have to stay productive. It’s just kind of innate as humans. You can’t wake up every day and sit in your living room and look for a new TV show or just scroll through social media. It’ll bring you into a hole, and then by the time it’s time to be productive again whether you got your job or school, it becomes three times as hard now that you’re so used to doing nothing.
During school … I’m the Vice President of Public Relations for Sigma Alpha Lambda, which is the Leadership Honor Society. I’m in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). I’m very involved at school when it is in session. So when it’s not in session, I know sometimes people look for a job, but I’m not looking at the money at the moment; I’m looking to build my resume my connections, things like that. I could get a job and I have in the past for like three months over a break. But I think there are a lot more substantial things I could do than make some money over there because I mean money’s not really a huge issue for me right now, as long as I focus on my academics.
How does your volunteer work tie in with your majors?
Volunteer work ties in with my majors for multiple reasons. First, by getting to meet these people and beginning the volunteer process, I get to know them and establish a relationship with them. After that, I can talk to them in the future and maybe get a recommendation, a new volunteering opportunity or job offers from them. Also, my major has helped me because I know that communication and public relations is key. For my current volunteer position at The Kitchen of Hope, I was applying and I was told that people call to see if they can volunteer there all the time, and I think that my knowledge of communication helped me get the position, and she didn’t even know too much about me. I’m sure she got an a three-minute phone call with everyone else, I got a five-minute phone call with her, and I finally landed the volunteer opportunity.
How did you find these volunteer opportunities?
For my volunteer position when I worked with Veterans of Foreign Wars, I looked up “social service,” and that is what led me to them. I also volunteered with Claws, a cat adoption and rescue center, and I got that opportunity by calling them. I was told to email them, so I communicated with them through email. I made sure to present myself as someone who loves animals. I secured my current position at Kitchen of Hope by talking with the people that work there for a few weeks.
What has been the most meaningful experience that you’ve had while volunteering?
While I was volunteering with Veterans of Foreign Wars, I was assigned different veterans to work with and help them with their duties. The veterans ran a restaurant and worked in an office. One of the guys I was assigned to was Sherman. Sherman was a quiet guy. I like to talk when things get awkward, and I talked to Sherman often. He loved it when I came in to volunteer, and I noticed that he became more comfortable with me. He went from mumbling orders at me to telling me stories about his time in the military.
What knowledge or skills have you developed through this opportunity that you will take with you for future endeavors?
I have learned to be more tolerant. I have also been exposed to different types of people and I met a lot of people I would not have met otherwise.
Like what you see?
Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
Alumni Success: B.A. in Mathematics Grad Bri Arnold

Today we feature Bri Arnold, an alumna from the Class of 2019 who holds a B.A. in Mathematics. Bri transferred to Rowan from Monmouth University in 2016. She lived on campus during her sophomore year in Holly Pointe Commons and lived off-campus during her junior and senior years. Bri is from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County), and currently lives in West Chester, PA.
What made you want to come to Rowan? I met my current fiance, who is also a Rowan graduate, while he was a student at Rowan and I was a freshman at a different university. After visiting the campus so much and seeing all that Rowan has to offer, I fell in love with the University and I transferred. It was the best decision I ever made.
What field are you in? I graduated with a degree in Mathematics, but I am in the field of data analytics. I work for Chemours, a DuPont spin-off, based in Wilmington, Delaware, in internal audit, but I’m not really an auditor. I just do the fun stuff.
How did your degree help you get into the field of internal audit? My math degree helped me, but what really helped the most was my minor in Statistics. When you have mathematics as a degree, you usually go in one of two directions, which are theory math and applied math. I chose to go the route of applied math, and I went into the industry. The statistics helped me out because I learned how to analyze data sets; take large data sets and draw conclusions in the ways that my auditors want to see it.
Did you have any internships while you were at Rowan? The summer before my Junior year, I participated in a research program with the College of Science and Mathematics. When I was a senior, I was an intern at Chemours. They offered me a full-time job, and I am still working there today.
What did you love about Rowan? The best decision I ever made was transferring to Rowan. The location of Rowan is great, because it’s so close to Philly, it’s pretty close to Atlantic City, and Wilmington, and all these other places where there are job opportunities. It’s in a good area, and I don’t think I would have had the opportunities I had at Rowan at any other college. My professors were open and wanted to help, and they wanted to make sure that you knew the material, and not just that you went to class and then took an exam. They were totally invested in your education. Transferring to Rowan is the best decision I ever made, and I don’t think I would be where I am now if I never went to Rowan. I’m so grateful I transferred.
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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Photos provided by:
Bri Arnold
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Marketing Major and Rugby Player Chase Shebey

Today we feature junior Marketing major and rugby player Chase Shebey. Chase is an off-campus resident from Glen Gardner, NJ (Hunterdon County). Chase transferred to Rowan from New England College.
How has a faculty or staff member here helped to connect you with the next step for your career? My advisor was very helpful in getting me on the right track for my major. A lot of opportunities after college have opened up through Alumni on the Rugby Team.
Tell us about your transition into Rowan. Before transferring, I was nervous if I made the right choice to come to Rowan. I didn’t like my old school and wanted to make sure I got it right this time. After reaching out to friends that I knew went here, they reassured me that Rowan was definitely the right choice.
Could you tell us about pre-professional opportunities that you’ve become aware of (or involved in) that will help you to be better prepared to go into your field? Through playing rugby, I was given the opportunity to study abroad in New Zealand to not only get another schools’ perspective on my marketing major but to also play rugby for their school team as well. That will allow me to have a more diversified understanding of marketing, especially on an international scale.
How was transferring to Rowan the right choice for you? Rowan allows me to have a good balance of having fun with my friends and playing a sport, while still putting my education above all.
How have you been able to make friends and have fun at Rowan? When I’m not in class or studying, before quarantine a lot of my free time was spent playing rugby. Now, my roommates and I spend most of our time playing backyard games or working out while enjoying the weather.
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Story and photography by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Senior Marketing Major Byron P. Campbell Jr. Reflects On The Black Lives Matter Movement

Today we speak to Byron P. Campbell Jr., a senior Marketing major from Neptune, NJ (Monmouth County). He lived on campus for three years and lives off-campus this year. Byron is a first-generation college student.
How have you gotten involved at Rowan?
I joined Greek life and I was a Resident Assistant for three years. I have gone to ASPIRE Leadership retreats, and I have been to Multicultural Men’s Retreats for the Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution (SJICR) office. I have also spoken on a panel about leadership at Rowan.
What does the Black Lives Matter movement mean to you?
BLM is an awareness of what’s been happening since the beginning. We want to be equal like everyone else. It’s always been one step forward, one step back. The protests get attention, and they get people to see what’s been happening since the beginning.
What do you think that Rowan can do to better serve the BLM movement?
Rowan has made great strides, but there should be more free spaces to speak. There is SJICR, where people usually talk. There needs to be more spaces to talk about it. People feel a divide, and they need an opportunity to talk. There are lots of meetings, events and resources are out there, but for some reason it hasn’t translated to the students participating more. Understanding how other people feel is important. You need to understand how others feel.
What does inclusivity mean to you?
A space to talk. Some people will put you down and say all lives matter, but having your voice heard is important.
Do you feel Rowan is an inclusive environment?
It will take a while to be more inclusive. Rowan is reactive and not preventative. Nobody speaks up and tells the right people when there is a problem, but always [does] something after the fact.
Could you share a little bit about your relationship with Vice President Richard Jones?
He has been one of the most supportive people on campus for me. I met him at my freshman orientation, when he was a speaker. I asked him my freshman year if he could take me under his wing, and he’s helped me through college. Richard Jones has been a mentor to me.
What is one of your favorite moments with a faculty/staff member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
One favorite experience in my Intro to Marketing class with Professor Puckett was learning how marketing is used all the time, whether selling a product or service or even selling yourself for a job. That really made me want to switch my major to marketing. At the time I was an accounting major, and it was Professor Puckett who shared with me that he thought marketing would be a good fit for me.
What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year?
One amazing thing I learned in my major this year is all the paths I can take with a marketing major. I can be in all types of fields in the job force.
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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Photos courtesy of:
Byron P. Campbell Jr., senior marketing major
Junior Major Moments: Law and Justice Major Nicolette Salzano

Today we feature Law and Justice major and Psychology minor Nicolette Salzano. Nicolette is a transfer student living off-campus this fall.
Can you please share a favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
As a Law and Justice major, I have had numerous classes with Professor Houser. She is a great teacher, motivator and friend. She makes our classes engaging and interesting for each student and has worked closely with me to help me achieve success in the field.
What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year?
The most interesting thing I have learned in my major this year is how many vast options of work are available to me. Being a Law and Justice major, the opportunities are endless in the field. It is great to know I will always have something interesting going on in my everyday work life.
What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth?
I am a member of the Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority, Phi Kappa chapter here at Rowan. This chapter has expanded my horizons in so many different ways, such as making so many new and extraordinary friendships and always keeping busy with community and campus work.
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Story by:
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate
Header photo by:
Anthony Raisley
Advice For Living With Roommates

Today’s story is from Melanie Sbaraglio, a recent Public Relations and Advertising graduate from Nutley, NJ (Essex County). Melanie joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Ace Screen Printing in Glassboro was cut short due to COVID-19 affecting business.
Since I’ve lived with roommates for all four years of college, I feel like I experienced a lot. There are going to be times when you feel like it’s the greatest thing in the world and then other times when you want to pull your hair out. However, I am lucky enough that I am best friends with my roommates, so even when conflict arises it is usually something we eventually laugh about.
One of my first tips is to be prepared for a lot of sharing. Especially if you’re the roommate who has the best clothes. In my case I am that roommate. I didn’t think I would be the one that everyone wants to borrow from but my closet gets raided by at least two roommates whenever we are getting ready to go out. The important thing to remember here is to have patience and to keep track of who takes what.

Next, make sure that everyone does their part when it comes to cleaning up after themselves. My roommates and I developed a weekly chore list and everyone gets a task for the week. For example, taking out the trash, cleaning the floors or cleaning the bathrooms. Although we still argue at times when the kitchen is left a mess or the drain gets clogged this where more patience comes in because with six people in one house messes are for sure going to pile up.
Another pro tip is to have house meetings. With six girls living together who are all very vocal with their opinions it is important to get everything out in the open at one time. No one likes having conflict in their house especially when it’s the place you come home to after a long day of classes or other activities.
My last tip is something that I have realized over the years. Don’t sweat the small stuff because this is a time of life where you’re supposed to be having fun and enjoying your time with the people around you. Sometimes my roommates will walk downstairs with my clothes on and say, “Oh by the way I’m gonna borrow this.” Other times we argue over things like who left all the lights on or who let their garbage pile up without taking it outside. In reality these things are small issues that can be easily talked out.
I have become the type of person who lets a lot of things slide without saying anything because I think about whether it’s really something that bothers me in the long run and usually the answer is no. I think this can be good to an extent but if something is really getting on your nerves don’t let it keep happening; otherwise, you’re going to let it all build up and just explode one day. Talk things out, keep yourself grounded and remember the important thing is to enjoy your time living with your best friends while you can.
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Story by:
Melanie Sbaraglio, senior public relations and advertising graduate
#PROFspective: Nutrition and Exercise Science Major Caroline Lippincott

Today’s #PROFspective features Caroline Lippincott, a senior majoring in Nutrition and Exercise Science from Columbus, NJ (Burlington County). Caroline, a first-generation college student who lives off campus, transferred to Rowan from Stockton University. How have you gotten involved on campus? I’m proudly a part of organizations such as Theta Phi Alpha and Inter Greek Council […]
Senior #PROFspective: Health & Exercise Science Major

A transfer from Salem Community College, senior Harrison Goblentz will graduate with a degree in health and exercise science. His first year at Rowan, Harrison rented an off-campus apartment; his second year he rented an off-campus house with four friends.
Reflecting on his college experience, Harrison wishes that he would have devoted more time to clubs such as intramural basketball, volunteer club, and fitness club. New transfers, learn from his experience!
A typical Rowan day for Harrison included gym, school, hanging out with friends, and hanging out with his girlfriend. Harrison took six courses this last semester so his schedule was very busy. Harrison would normally take his classes in the morning, eat some lunch, do some homework, and then hit the gym at night. Harrison also worked at his Uncle’s meat business, called Niblock’s, in Salem on the weekends.
Being a health and exercise science major requires a lot of time and attention, he says. Harrison has future goals of being a nurse or a police officer. While he enjoys the fitness lifestyle and training, he also has that in mind for a career in the future.
One of the most interesting things Harrison has learned this year in one of his classes is that he got to learn how to calculate body fat percentage. This was learned in his exercise physiology class.
Harrison realized Rowan was the right fit for him when he met his friends. Harrison has such a close bond with his guys and it made his college experience so much better. He also realized when he started at this university after transferring that the academic curriculum was more up his ally. Harrison stated Rowan University has changed his college experience for the best.
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Story and photography by:
Devon Graf, Senior Communication Studies Major
Photos by: IG @Harrisoncoblentz
Senior Reflects: Sports Communication Major Austin Michael Jones Graduates with Pro Team Aspirations

Today we feature Austin Michael Jones, a Sports Communication and Media major from Franklinville, NJ (Gloucester County). This first-generation senior, who transferred from Rowan College of New Jersey, lives off campus. Austin shares his future plans and favorite Rowan moments, including meeting a basketball Hall of Famer.
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite moment with a faculty moment was going to Atlanta, Georgia for the NCAA Inclusion Forum with Professor Yannick Kluch. Rowan students Thomas Cardona, Kayla Santiago and Alexandra Brooks also attended the event. We got to learn and make connections with fellow professor and students who are devoted to make a cultural change about diversity.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
When I got to meet basketball Hall of Famer Charles Barkley. He gave us students such great advice about life and the obstacles he had to overcome. The coolest thing was I was literally sitting next to Barkley.
What are your career aspirations? How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
My career aspiration is to work front office with an NFL or NBA team. The Pizza with the Pros helped me because I got to make some connections that have been able to help me with my future career. Also, speaking with Yannick Kluch and Neil Hartman have allowed me search for positions that best fit me.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to give thanks to my family, friends and all the faculty members that have helped me through my educational path. I also want to say thank you to my late mother who has been watching above me. Lastly, thank you Rowan University for being part of my life.
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Senior Reflects: Friendship & Greek Life

Today’s story is from Melanie Sbaraglio, a senior public relations and advertising major social-distancing from her house in Nutley, NJ (Essex County). Melanie joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Ace Screen Printing in Glassboro was cut short due to COVID-19 affecting business.
I have made a lot of memories throughout my four years here at Rowan. My experiences have shaped me into the person that I am today in so many ways.
When I think back to the first day that I moved into my freshman dorm, I had no idea what the next few years would have in store. Now as a senior who is almost reaching the point of graduation, I want to share some of my favorite moments from the past four years.

The first memory I have is moving into my freshman dorm and meeting my first friend at Rowan, Emily. Emily and I have experienced everything together at Rowan because we have been roommates since freshman year. We even ended up both joining the same sorority during our sophomore year, Alpha Sigma Tau. Joining my sorority brought me to so many amazing friends that I continue to make memories with all the time.
Moving into 114 Victoria junior year was definitely one of the best times. My roommates and I were all just starting to meet new people since joining Greek Life. I’d have to say this was my favorite year of college. It was when everything started to finally fall into place for me, and I realized that I loved this school.

I came out of my shell a lot junior year and did things that I never thought I would do. From participating in Greek Life pageants to dancing on stage with my sorority for lip sync during Homecoming and Greek Week, I was finally having the college experience I’d always hoped for. I gained so much confidence after joining a sorority because it got me involved on campus and recruitment pushed me out of my comfort zone. Finally finding the friends/roommates who I still live with this year also gave me so much confidence because I finally felt like I belonged here.
The start to senior year will also always remain one of the best times of my life. My five roommates and I moved into our off-campus house together, which was another new and exciting experience. Although senior year was unfortunately cut short, I will always have the best memories from Rowan. I will always have the friends that I made along the way as well and will continue to keep making amazing memories with them.
The time spent at this school brought so much good into my life, and I would not change a thing about how it all came together.
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Story and photos by:
Melanie Sbaraglio, senior public relations and advertising major
Celebrating Earth Day | 10 Ways to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

Today’s story is from Dominique Fiorentino, a junior public relations major from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County) who rents a house off-campus with friends.
Living a greener lifestyle is something everyone should aspire to become better at. Reducing your carbon impact, creating less waste, and focusing on sustainability – all of this is much easier than you may think. That is why I am here to provide 10 simple ways to reduce your environmental impact in your everyday lifestyle.
Use a reusable water bottle.
The cost of the average reusable water bottle is about the same price as three cases of water. Imagine all of the money you save and plastic waste you avoid from this simple change. Rowan provides water bottle refilling stations in each of their buildings to keep your bottle full. You can take the extra step and purchase a water filter for your dorm to ensure you always have clean water!
Find alternative ways of travel.
Rather than always driving to class, find an alternative! You can soak in the fresh air and get moving by walking or biking to class. Not only are these environmentally friendly alternatives, but they are also good for your own well being. If these aren’t an option, you could take the Rowan Shuttle or carpool with friends! Any of these options allows you to help reduce CO2 emissions and contribute to a cleaner planet.
Refuse plastic utensils and straws.
Single-use plastic utensils take an average of 1,000 years to decompose. That means every plastic fork, knife, straw that has been used in our lifetimes is still polluting the planet. When dining at home, stick to reusable silverware. You can take it a step further by refusing plastic utensils and straws when ordering take out food. This simple switch will go a long way.
Take shorter showers.
The average shower head uses about 2 gallons of water per minute. By making a conscious effort to shorten your showers, not only will you be saving water but also energy used to heat the water.
Shop with reusable bags.
Don’t contribute to the billions of plastic bags used worldwide each year. Most of these bags end up polluting our waterways and harming sea life. Think of all the waste we could reduce by simply switching to reusable bags every time we shop. If you have difficulty remembering your plastic bags when shopping, try keeping them in your car!
Thrift or borrow clothing.
Believe it or not, the fashion industry contributes 10% of the global carbon emissions. Rather than buying a new outfit for every occasion, borrow something from a friend or visit your local thrift store. And trust me, your wallet will thank you later!
Support companies with sustainable business practices.
If possible, buy from companies who are certified B corporations. Companies who use renewable energy and recycled products, and strive to reduce their environmental impact. The more green companies are supported, the more likely other companies will soon follow.
Turn off and unplug.
When not in use, unplug and turn off your chargers, fans, lamps, etc. Although these objects may seem like they’re “off”, they are still using plenty of energy. The planet and your wallet will thank you later.
Limit your meat and dairy.
It can be difficult to completely cut out animal products. This is why I suggest choosing vegan/ vegetarian options when possible. Items such as almond milk, dairy-free yogurt, vegan snacks, and meat alternatives. If you would like to take it a step further, dedicate your Mondays to Meatless Mondays! This way you can ensure that you are truly making an effort to limit your animal product intake.
Educate others about what they can do!
Spread the word to those around you on how they can do their part! The more of us practicing environmentally friendly habits, the more of a positive impact we will make.
Although these are just a few minor adjustments in your everyday lifestyle, they can go a long way. Imagine the positive impact we would make if we all made the effort and did our part to help keep our planet clean. Whether you decide to implement just a few or all of these mindful tips is up to you. It is all about being consistent with these habits that will make a difference.
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20 Minute Radius: Fireside Family Restaurant

Looking for a quality spot to get breakfast, lunch or dinner? Fireside Family Restaurant in Pitman may just be the place for you! Located just 10 minutes off of Rowan’s campus, this hidden gem is just off of Woodbury Road and has a homey atmosphere inside that offers a variety of dishes.
I transferred to Rowan last fall. During my first semester, a few of my friends and I would always try to find a local breakfast place to go to on Saturday mornings. After a bit of curiosity, I found Fireside through Google recommendations, so we decided to check it out.
As soon as you walk in, you’re immediately greeted with the warmest enthusiasm by the hostess. There are booths and tables for preference to sit at. The menu contains many options to choose from, which range from breakfast items such as bagels, pancakes, omelets and hash browns to lunch and dinner items such as burgers, pasta and steak.
Fireside Family Restaurant became my go-to place for breakfast every Saturday morning with my friends and we’ve been going back there ever since my first semester. This past weekend, I was there.
I got an order of French toast that came with a choice of eggs and meat. I chose my eggs over easy and ordered sausage and bacon for the meat. It’s definitely a delicious meal that I highly recommend to get here. When I’m not ordering that, I like to get a breakfast sandwich in the form of a sausage, egg, cheese and bacon sandwich on a plain toasted bagel with a side of hash browns.
The best part about Fireside is the student discount! If you bring a student I.D. you get 10% of your bill.
Fireside Family Restaurant is open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Be sure to check it out if you’re in the area!
Fireside Family Restaurant
401 Woodbury Glassboro Road
Sewell, NJ 08080
Story and photography by:
Enzo Ronchi, senior public relations major
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#PROFspective: Bioinformatics Major Anne Marie Fernandez

Name: Anne Marie Fernandez
Year: I would say that I’m a “super senior,” but I’m in the graduate portion of my combined BS/MS degree program.
Major: Bioinformatics
Hometown and county: Stratford, NJ (Camden County)
On-campus resident or commuter: Commuter
Where do you live (on or off campus): I live off-campus, at home, with my parents and younger sister.
First-generation college student?: Kind of! My mother graduated with her nursing degree in the Philippines, but I’m the first in my family to go to school in the U.S. and graduate with a degree.
Academic clubs: I am a member of the Tau Sigma Transfer Honor Society, Biology Club and Rowan University Philippine American Coalition (RUPAC).
Job on campus: I work in the Holly Pointe Commons office as a Service Assistant.
What inspired you to choose your major and the 4+1 program? When I was in the process of transferring to Rowan I was torn between Translational Biomedical Sciences and Bioinformatics, but the interdisciplinary aspect of bioinformatics is what won me over.
During the spring semester of my junior year, I felt that I wasn’t prepared enough to go into the job market after my senior year and I also was interested in taking more classes. Those two reasons pushed me into applying for the 4+1 program. I was especially interested in the new biology classes that were offering in the fall at that time, which are now offered under the Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) department.
How does your field impact the world? What impact would you like to have on the world in your field? The field of bioinformatics has ties to several different disciplines in the scientific community. A few major ones are: biology, chemistry, computer science, information technology, mathematics and statistics. Most research is based on biological or chemical data done on a molecular level. In the biological aspect, research is usually done on genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics.
Did you ever have a moment of uncertainty within your major? How did you get through the challenge? I feel that every student at one point questions whether they chose the right major, and I was definitely one of them at several points of my undergraduate career. When that happens, for me personally, it’s usually because I’m burnt out due to school and stress. To get through it, I typically take a break from my work and go over the reasons why I chose my major in the first place and recall all the great experiences I had by choosing this path, such as the people I met and made connections with and all the interesting topics I learned during the courses I took. But the major proponent that always puts me right back on track is my family, and how I would choose bioinformatics over nursing in a heartbeat.
What is one thing about Rowan that was a happy surprise for you? I loved the feeling/vibe the campus gave off. I’m not much of a city girl and can only withstand the busy atmosphere for short spurts of time. So, I really wanted to go to a university with a suburban feel like the community college that I attended, and Rowan ended up being the perfect fit for me.
Tell us about one club, organization or group of friends that make you feel like Rowan is home. I already felt comfortable with Rowan when I transferred, but what really made it feel like home were the friends I made through RUPAC (also known as PAC). The club and its members are so welcoming and lively that there’s never a dull moment at general board meetings (GBMs).
But the great thing about PAC is that the time spent with members is not solely isolated to club meetings. You are able to create connections on a deeper level (if you choose to do so) with them due to the time spent with them outside of GBMs just by playing games, studying together or just by talking with each other about anything and everything. The people in this organization really do create a safe space for others to flourish and be themselves and this family atmosphere is what makes Rowan feel like home to me.
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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major
What Profs Are Listening To: Gianna Witasick

Name: Gianna Witasick
Major: Psychology with a Pre-Med concentration, might pick up an Anthropology major!
Year: Junior
Hometown and county: Ocean City, NJ (Cape May County)
Off-campus resident? Yes
First-generation college student? No
What are you listening to right now?
“I chose five songs that remind me of this time of year for the whole fall vibe. I chose “Petulia” by The Kooks, “Livewire” by Oh Wonder, “Mykonos” by Fleet Foxes, “Pale Blue Eyes” by The Velvet Underground and “Heavenly” by Shoobies, which is a new song they just released!
Why did you pick these songs?
“I think that they all have a very similar fall-type vibe, like when you’re walking down the street and it’s starting to get colder outside and there’s all the colorful leaves on the ground. These are the songs I want to be listening to to put myself in the mood for this time of year. It’s a very specific type of mellowness that’s a little bit more calm than the summer. I have playlists for every time of year!”
Do you have a favorite from those five songs you picked?
“That’s a really good question! I really like ‘Petulia,’ I think it’s upbeat for a fall song. I think a lot of fall songs tend to be on the sad side for some reason because I guess it’s the end of the summer season. It makes me happy, it’s a really good feeling. Also the new Shoobies song ‘Heavenly’ is so good. It’s a bit different from their other music and their old sound but in a really good way. Shoobies are a local band from the Asbury Park area and they rock! Shameless plug, they’re the best band in New Jersey and the world.”
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Story and photography by:
Enzo Ronchi, senior public relations major
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Music Industry Major Nikola Berardo

This is Nikola Berardo, a junior Music Industry major with a concentration in Music Technology from Absecon, NJ (Atlantic County). Today, he will share his experiences on his first month at Rowan University.
Name: Nikola Berardo
Major: Music Industry with a Music Technology concentration
Year: Junior
Hometown and County: Absecon, NJ (Atlantic County)
Off-campus resident? Yes
First-generation college student? No
Tell us about your transition into Rowan. Were you nervous?
“I was not nervous initially, but as the first day approached, I grew a little jittery. But the first day went really well! I had a great time and transitioning was fine. Pretty straightforward.”
Why did you choose Rowan?
“It was the cheapest option, and it was pretty close to my hometown. I looked into Stevens Institute of Technology and The University of the Arts as well.”
Why did you want to major in Music Industry?
“Because I’m a musician, I play in various bands, I play various instruments and I’m a huge fan of music.”
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Story and photography by:
Enzo Ronchi, senior public relations major
PROF Pets: Egg, Frankie and Gandalf

Meet Egg, Frankie and Gandalf!
Names: Egg, Frankie (after Frank Ocean) and Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings)
Breed: Dumbo rats, hairless
Age: approximately six months old
Likes: fruit and climbing
Dislikes: baths
“I’m grateful that I found an off-campus house so I can have my rats with me at school! They’re actually such sweet pets, and I think people should give them a chance.” — Jenny Hovell, senior Law and Justice Studies/Art double major from Blairstown, NJ (Warren County).
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Story and photography by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Psychology Major Greg Joyce

Today we speak with senior Psychology major Gregory Joyce from Alloway (Salem County). Joyce will share his experience in his first year here at Rowan.
Name: Gregory Joyce
Major: Psychology
Year: Senior
Transfer Student: Yes, from Coastal Carolina
Hometown and County: Alloway Township, Salem County
Off-Campus resident?: Yes, I live in a house off-campus
Academic clubs: Applied Behavioral Analysis Club
Social clubs: Tau Delta Phi Fraternity
Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.
“I had a Child Psychology professor who would conduct simple child behavior tests on her own son, which made me notice how seriously she took her job and how much she cared about the course.”
Why did you choose Rowan?
“It was close to home and I was familiar with the area. I also heard that the Psych program is highly recommended.”
What’s your favorite thing about your typical Monday at Rowan?
“I enjoy plugging in my earbuds and listening to my favorite music on my way to class.”
On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling?
“On my busiest days, I am working, doing homework, studying and helping organize social events for my fraternity.”
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Story and photography by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major
20 Minute Radius: Rowand’s Farm

Just last week, a friend and I were cooped up in the house with nothing to do. So we decided to take a drive around Glassboro to see what we can get into. We had a craving for fresh fruit, but didn’t want to risk the chances of buying bad fruit from a grocery store. New Jersey is full of produce stands and we knew there had to be a good one around campus.
To our surprise on Greentree Road just behind the ShopRite is a quant little farmer’s market. We decide to pull over to check it out and we ended up very pleasantly surprised. Watermelon, cherries, avocados, bananas, corn, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, plums, pears, apples, peppers, zucchini — any fresh produce you could possibly want! Rowand’s Farm is a produce stand that sells only locally grown fruits and vegetables without breaking the bank.
Rowand’s offers a variety of fresh produce and the opportunity to pick your own strawberries! Sunday through Friday the market is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, they are not open on Saturdays. Fortunately the market recently opened for the season and will be open until October. Once the fall rolls around the market will have a larger assortment of fresh vegetables as well.
The best part is that the market is less than five minutes from campus! Students can easily get there by car, bike or even by foot. The produce is reasonably priced and picked fresh daily. Get your friends together, take a refreshing bike ride to the Rowand’s Farm and spend the day picking your own fruit and making memories. It is definitely worth the trip, and the strawberries hit the spot!
Contact them at (856) 589-9234 or on their Facebook page!
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Story and photography by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major
Tips for Successfully Finding Off-Campus Housing

Live with roommates Some can be put off by the thought of living with multiple people, but from my own experience it has been very rewarding. My housemates and I had a few classes together before discussing the idea of living together. We were all a little nervous at first, but they became my best […]
#PROFspective: Mechanical Engineering Major Morgan Dean

Today, we speak with Morgan Dean, a senior mechanical engineering major who rents a house off campus with friends. Morgan will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.
Name: Morgan Dean
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minors or concentrations: Writing Arts, Mathematics; Bantivoglio Honors College
Year: Senior
Hometown and County: Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County)
Off-Campus resident: Yes, I live in a house on University Boulevard with my five roommates!
Do you work on campus? If so, where/what do you do? I work as a tutor in the Rowan University Writing Center (in Campbell Library)
What wakes you up in the morning? The thrill of getting to do and/or learn something new. Also, I love to have my morning coffee while reading!
What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or research focus? I find that being a girl in engineering, especially one of the five or six in the MechE undergraduate program, is more advantageous than most realize. Additionally, although mechanical engineering tends to be associated with cars/engines/etc., the possibilities of post-undergraduate work are endless. You’re in no way tied down to any one field of work.
What is one thing this field has allowed you to do, that you either dreamed of doing or thought you’d never get to do? Through its interdisciplinary program, mechanical engineering sparked my interest in biomedical engineering. Although I once said I would never take another biology class again, I am now set to be a PhD Biomedical Engineering student come Fall 2019.
Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? The Rowan Writing Center has provided me with a sense of belonging ever since I began working there. The staff took me in immediately as family and I always feel a sense of peace while in the space.
Why Rowan? I have made some incredible student-professor relationships here which have shaped my future by unlocking my potential. Professors Dr. Staehle, and Dr. Merrill and Writing Center Director Celeste DelRusso have exposed me to new areas of research through the engineering clinic curriculum, summer programs, and professional development conferences. Additionally, I would never have been accepted to graduate school if it weren’t for these valuable connections I made.
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Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major
#PROFspective: Civil Engineering Major Joseph Cerasi

Today, we speak with Joseph Cerasi, a junior civil engineering major who rents a house off campus. Joseph will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Joseph Cerasi Major: Civil Engineering Year: Junior […]
What Profs are Listening To: Hashim Rahman

Hashim Rahman, junior law and justice major from West Windsor, NJ (Mercer County). “I’ve been listening to a lot rap lately such as Drake, Travis Scott, you know all of the big names in the industry today. Currently my favorite song is STARGAZING by Travis Scott off of his album Astroworld.” Hashim lives off campus […]
#PROFspective: Advertising Major & Aspiring Nurse Practitioner John Brittin

Today, we speak with John Brittin, a junior advertising major from Upper Township, NJ (Cape May County). John will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student, how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof, and what helped him to choose Rowan University. […]
(Weekly) Daily Dish: Taco Tuesday

Chef Alyssa gives you the scoop on what’s cookin’ in her apartment… Who needs to go out for Taco Tuesday when you can host one instead? No need to feel intimated or overwhelmed when cooking with your friends because if the end result is bad, you’re all to blame! Ingredients: • 4-6 chicken cutlets • […]
Elementary Education & Liberal Studies #PROFspective: Jen Fagan (Student Teaching Edition)

Today we speak with Jennifer Fagan, a senior elementary education and liberal studies major from Kenilworth (Union County), New Jersey, who rents a townhouse off campus. Jennifer will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student who is completing her student teaching this semester. Name: Jennifer Fagan Major: […]
#PROFspective: Art Education Major Melissa Glenn

Today, we speak with Melissa Glenn, a recent graduate this fall with a bachelor’s degree in art education from Randolph (Morris County), NJ, who lives in a rental house off campus. Melissa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she got the most out […]
#PROFspective: Advertising Major Erika Solis

Today, we speak with Erika Solis, a junior advertising major from Elizabeth (Union County), NJ, who rents an apartment off campus. Erika will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Erika […]
#PROFspective: Environmental and Sustainability Studies Major Katie Elliott

Today, we speak with Katie Elliot, a senior environmental and sustainability studies major from Hopewell (Mercer County), NJ, who rents an apartment off campus. Katie will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]
#PROFspective: Environmental and Sustainability Studies Major Ryan Hamblin

Today, we speak with Ryan Hamblin, a senior environmental and sustainability studies major from Hillsborough (Somerset County), NJ, who rents a house off campus. Ryan will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan […]
#PROFspective Liberal Studies Sequence Business and Sociology Major Tiara Nock

Today we speak with Tiara Nock, a senior liberal studies: sequence business and sociology major from Franklinville, Gloucester County, who rents an apartment off campus. She will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: […]
#PROFspective: Elementary Education & Literacy Studies Major Katherine Brown

Today we speak with Katherine Brown, a senior elementary education and literacy studies major from Cherry Hill, Camden County, who lives off campus. Katherine will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Katherine Brown – […]
#PROFspective: Electrical and Computer Engineering Major Matthew Sambucci

Today we speak with Matthew Sambucci, a senior electrical and computer engineering major from Mt Laurel, Burlington County, who rents a house off campus with friends. Matthew will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan […]
#PROFspective: Music Major Dean A.A. Mason

Today we speak with Dean A.A. Mason, a senior music major from Vineland, Cumberland County, who rents an apartment off campus and commutes to Rowan. Dean will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: […]
#PROFspective: Biology Major Kevin Jacome

Today we speak with Kevin Jacome, a senior biology, pre-med major from Mt. Laurel, Burlington County, who rents a house off campus with friends. Kevin will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Kevin […]
#PROFspective: Communications Studies Major
Hamish James Silva

Today we speak with Hamish James Silva, a junior communications studies major from Hammonton, Atlantic County, who lives off campus with friends. He will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Hamish James Silva Major: […]
#PROFspective: Psychology Major Miles Cordero

Today we speak with Miles Cordero, a junior psychology major and passionate anthropology minor from Freehold, Monmouth County, who lives off campus. Miles will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: […]
#PROFspective: Elementary Education and English Major Nicole Wyglendowski

Today we speak with Nicole Wyglendowski, a senior elementary education and English dual major from Washington Township, Warren County, who rents a house off campus. Nicole will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a […]
#PROFspective: History Major Riley Anne Ferry

Today we speak with Riley Anne Ferry, a senior history major from Seaville, Cape May County, who lives in an off campus house with friends. Riley Anne will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as […]
#PROFspective: Biochemistry and Biology Major Kelso Borrell

Today we speak with Kelso Borrell, a senior biochemistry and biology double major from Old Bridge, Middlesex County, who rents a house off campus. Kelso will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. […]
#PROFspective: Biomedical Engineering Major Amanda Burke

Today we speak with Amanda Burke, a junior biomedical engineering major from Toms River, Ocean County, who rents a house off campus. Amanda will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: […]
#PROFspective: Mechanical Engineering Major Lexi Basantis

Today we speak with Lexi Basantis, a senior mechanical engineering major from Medford Lakes, Burlington County, who lives off campus with friends. Lexi will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: […]
#PROFspective: Management, Marketing & HR Management Major Ryan Klohr

Today we speak with Ryan Klohr, a senior triple major (management, marketing and human resources management) from Ocean Township, Monmouth County, who lives off campus. Ryan will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a […]