#PROFspective: Philosophy & Religious Studies and Communication Studies Major Vincent Colantuoni

Today we speak with Vincent Colantuoni, a senior philosophy and religious studies and communication studies double major from Brick Township, Ocean County, who lives on campus as the assistant resident director in Rowan Blvd. Apartments (Robo.) Vincent will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. 

Name: Vincent Colantuonistudent portrait; Vincent stands wearing a backpack, with Robo behind him
Major(s):  Philosophy & Religious Studies within the College of Humanities & Social Sciences and Communication Studies within the College of Communication & Creative Arts
Year: Senior

Hometown and County: Brick Township, NJ (Ocean County)

Resident: Yes, Rowan Boulevard Apartments

Academic clubs: Phi Sigma Tau (National Philosophy Honor Society) – Member; Lambda Pi Eta (National Communication Association) – Petitioning Member.

Social clubs:  Student University Programmers (SUP) – Director of Special Events

Do you work on campus?  Yes, SUP – Director of Special Events; Residential Learning & University Housing – Assistant Resident Director (ARD) of Rowan Boulevard Apartments

Why did you choose your major? I honestly chose communication studies because I did not want to come into college without a major. It is something I randomly picked up, and ever since I began taking classes and learning the theories and patterns behind the ways we all communicate, I have never considered changing out of the major.

Philosophy was an interest of mine. It began as a minor for fun, as I liked the critical thinking and conceptual engineering philosophy required. I was eventually lead to majoring when the department reevaluated the curriculum and I realized I had to take fewer classes than I thought to major in the subject. 

One reason why you chose Rowan? My stepmom is a Rowan alumna! She persuaded me to apply to Rowan initially, while I was still in high school. Once admitted, I attended an accepted students day/campus tour. I remember standing in the Student Center pit while the admissions ambassador was talking about all of the different events constantly happening all over campus. It was when she began talking about the Office of Student Activities when I realized that this is where I wanted to be for the next four years. I know college is all about academics and doing well to earn a degree, but knowing that it was also a place to do a lot of other fun things really sold it for me!

student in SUP office

My Typical Day as a Rowan Student

A typical day in my life is usually packed from beginning to end. Normally, I wake up between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. depending on the day. Usually, I will either attend a morning yoga class, or get a head start on homework for the day. student in resident officeEither way, once all of that is finished, I’ll wash up for the day and head down to the Rowan Boulevard offices for a few hours to get some work done. With my position in Res Life, I may end up either running around the building taking care of apartment issues or sit in the office answering emails or logging information. It varies every day!

From there, I’ll grab a bite to eat in the Student Center and head straight to class. This semester, I am taking three philosophy courses, so classes have been consisting of some really intense discussions which make you think of concepts in ways you wouldn’t normally think of them. Once class is over, I’ll head to the Office of Student Activities to work for a few more hours planning events for Rowan! This semester, I was able to plan the Winter Ball semi-formal, masquerade themed dance and I’m happy to see it just sold out.
 It will be held in the Student Center on February 18. We are offering  a cocktail hour, dinner and a dance night!

Right now I am working on a few projects like Rowan’s official Lil’ Sibs Weekend on February 21. During this weekend, students can bring their little siblings to experience campus for a few days and we overload them with programming and fun events. I look forward to seeing some new faces there. I love that job and it is rewarding every day I’m there!

student outside Robo housingAfter that, I usually grab lunch and head back to my apartment to hang out and do more homework until I have some sort of meeting later in the evening/night, head to the Rec Center for a run, see my girlfriend, or go to a Rowan After Hours event. Once I get back, I’ll get ready for bed, read for awhile, and fall asleep to do it all over again the next day!

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here

Story organized and photography by:
Jen Green, senior public relations major