First Year Voices: Bella Hargesheimer Reflects on Freshman Year

Bella wearing Rowan gear with a foam Rowan finger.

Today we speak to Bella Hargesheimer, a freshman Spanish major from Philadelphia, PA wrapping up her first year. She lived on campus in Holly Pointe this school year.

Bella poses with her fellow PROS members.
Bella, right, with her fellow Peer Referral & Orientation Staff (PROS) members.

What is one moment you’ve had with a club or a group of friends that made you feel like Rowan is “home”? Second semester I applied to be a Peer Referral and Orientation Staff (PROS) member and part of training was a weekend camping retreat. We did so many team bonding exercises and fun activities and I finally felt that I had found my group. Obviously for our job we were supposed to be really close and we’re going to be living with each other for two months over the summer and in that weekend I had found my Rowan family.

What was your favorite roommate moment or your favorite moment with friends this year? My favorite roommate moment was right before winter break. My roommate and I were born two days apart so we planned a joint party in the Pod lounge and we had so much fun planning it. December is also just a great month and every time I’d walk into the room she was blasting Christmas music and we’d just sing and dance. 

Bella and her roommate, Jess, close to their birthday.
Bella and her roommate from this year, Jess, close to their birthday.

What is one thing about Rowan that was a happy surprise for you? One thing about Rowan that was a happy surprise for me was the campus is a lot smaller than I thought. For some reason on the tour I thought Rowan was huge. I was like I’m never going to get the hang of this, everything is extremely far apart and this is too disorienting. Then I moved onto campus and realized everything is a lot closer than I thought and getting from place to place is a lot less of a hassle than I had expected it was going to be. 

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Organized by:
Rachel Rumsby, freshman communication studies and public relations double major