5 Early Childhood Education Majors Share How Their Major Interests Them

College of Education student Cheyenne holds a pennant on campus.

Today, five Early Childhood Education majors tell us why their passion lies in teaching and why their major interests them!

Jordyn posing for a picture in front of a scenic waterfall.

“I’ve always wanted to major in special education. My cousin has Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of ASD. I began working in a special services school district and realized how much I loved doing what I do. Once I fully made my commitment, I transferred to Rowan.” – Jordyn Briner, senior, Early Childhood Education major, Psychology minor, transfer from RCBC, Burlington Twp., NJ (Burlington County)

Cheyenne holding a Rowan flag outside on Rowan's campus.

“I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I began working in a daycare center and felt like I was in the right place. It was then that I wanted to learn more about this field.” – Cheyenne Smith, senior, Early Childhood Education major with a Africana Studies and American Studies dual minor, transfer from Camden County College, Somerdale, NJ (Camden County)

Alicia posing for a selfie.

“I’ve always been interested in early childhood education!” – Alicia Bramble, junior, first-generation college student, Early Childhood Education major, transfer from Camden County College, Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County)

Tyra sitting on a yellow bench on Rowans campus.

“For my whole life, I have been surrounded by early childhood education from my mother. After babysitting and looking after my neighbors and friends, I fell in love with helping children learn.” – Tyra McCombs, sophomore, Early Childhood Education and Liberal Studies major, Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County)

Grace posing for a photo outside Robinson Hall.

“I have known I wanted to be a teacher since I was very little. I would always play ‘teacher’ in my basement and would write on the walls as if it was a classroom.” – Grace Badillo, senior, Early Childhood Education and Literacy Studies major, Orangeburg, NY (Rockland County)

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos not submitted by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

20 Questions With Autumn [VIDEO]

Autumn stands in the Student Center.

Psychology major Autumn Vilchez-Cruz shares what it’s really like to be a Prof, while answering 20 quick questions. As we walk through campus to the Wellness Center, Autumn answers questions about her major, on-campus jobs, and leadership positions.

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Video by:
Adam Clark, senior Radio/TV/Film major
Max Morgan, senior Radio/TV/Film major

Five Reasons the Rowan Boulevard Apartments are Great

View of the Rowan Boulevard Apartments from the courtyard.

The Rowan Boulevard Apartments (RoBo) are upperclassmen dorms. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors can live there. Here are five reasons why students love living there.

1. The rooms. Quintin Stinney says he was pleasantly surprised by the size of the rooms. He is a transfer student, and he says the rooms in RoBo are larger than those at his previous college.

Erwin Lopez, another resident, loves that he, and everyone else in RoBo, is able to have their own rooms while still having the “college experience.”

Quintin poses outside of RoBo.
Quintin Stinney

2. The community. Jasmin Jones, an RA at RoBo, says the community in RoBo, especially the staff, is great. She says that RoBo probably has the most diverse group of students living on campus. Everyone always says “Hi” and holds the door for each other.

Jasmin Jones poses outside of RoBo.
Jasmin Jones

3. Living in an apartment. Jasmin also says she likes being able to live in an apartment instead of a dorm room. Jon Colon, another RA in RoBo, speaks about this further.

“I like living at RoBo because it really does encapsulate what being an adult is. Getting up in the morning, making my own breakfast, and leaving my apartment in the morning to just go outside and live my life feels so surreal,” Jon says.

Apartment living definitely feels more like being an adult rather than living in a dorm. 

Jon Colon poses outside of RoBo.
Jon Colon

4. The windows. Leeranie Vazquez loves that the window screens open up all the way. She says that this is great, especially because she lives on the first floor.

Leeranie Vazquez poses outside of RoBo.
Leeranie Vazquez

5. The proximity to Rowan Boulevard. Erwin Lopez likes that RoBo is so close to Rowan Boulevard. Jon Colon also likes that RoBo is so close to the restaurants, stores and common areas on Rowan Boulevard.

Erwin Lopez poses outside of RoBo
Erwin Lopez

Check out the Rowan Boulevard Apartments here:

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Story and photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Related posts:

What is Rowan Boulevard?

20 Minute Radius: 7 Delicious Coffee Stops

What I Love About Rowan Boulevard!

First Year Voices: Spanish Major Jenna Rech and Biology Major Maria Mousa

Roommates pose together outside on campus.

Today, we speak to freshmen roommates Jenna Rech and Maria Mousa! Jenna is a Spanish major from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) and Maria is a pre-med Biology major. They live on campus in Magnolia Hall. They tell us more about their experience at Rowan so far and what they’re looking forward to in the future.

Maria and Jenna posing together while wearing masks.
Maria (left) hanging out with roommate Jenna (right)

How do you like Rowan?

Jenna: I like it! It’s actually really fun. They’re offering more stuff than I thought they were going to. We went to some of the activities right here on the intramural field.

Maria: I love that they’re still doing activities for everyone here. I also feel like they’re taking a lot of precautions, and it makes me feel a lot safer.

How are you meeting new people and making friends?

Jenna: I met most of my friends from people on our floor. There are only eight of us on the floor, but we all have each other and our group-chat so we all hang out with each other! 

How do you like living in a dorm?

Maria: I love living in a dorm. It’s actually a lot of fun. I was nervous at first, to have the responsibility of living on my own, but I’m actually having a lot of fun. 

What are you looking forward to at Rowan?

Jenna: I’m looking forward to actually having in-person classes and meeting our professors.

Maria: I’m looking forward to having more in-person classes and meeting my classmates!

Maria and Jenna smiling together.

  Like what you see? 


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Video Game Live Streaming During a Global Pandemic

Student holds a gaming device in the Student Center Game Room.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Allison sitting on the Bunce Hall steps.
Author Allison Niemiec.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an ongoing issue that introduced several changes to the way in which society lives their day-to-day lives. One of these major changes were the quarantine and stay-at-home measures that took place during a majority of the spring of 2020 (Nielson Global Media, 2020).

By being forced to stay at home, many people experienced feelings of isolation. As a way to combat these feelings, there was an increase in the number of people either playing video games or live streaming them to others (Nielson Global Media, 2020).

Video game live streaming is an activity in which an individual is able to record themselves playing a video game for an audience of viewers to watch and engage with. According to Li, Wang and Liu (2020), some of the most commonly used video game streaming websites are Twitch and YouTube.

There are several mental health benefits that have allowed for streaming to become popular during the global pandemic. For one, live streaming allows streamers and viewers to communicate and interact with each other through real time methods (Li, Wang and Liu, 2020). A streamer may even encourage their viewers to participate in their stream by inviting them to play a video game together or allowing the viewer to have input on the decisions a streamer makes in certain games. This interactivity is really beneficial because it allows for a streamer to make a community with their viewers and potentially make new friends.

Second, Li, Wang and Liu (2020) suggest streaming can offer moments of suspense and excitement for both the streamer and the viewer. Unlike watching pre-recorded television shows, a viewer is unable to skip to a specific time in the stream to see whether or not the streamer successfully completed a goal or challenge. A viewer is given an opportunity to share in the streamer’s success or failure in real time, which can provide a greater sense of enjoyment from watching a stream in comparison to a television series.

Last, another benefit that streaming allows for is the creation of a routine through a streamer’s consistent streaming schedule. The streamer will have a specific time and day to look forward to releasing new content, while a viewer can look forward to watching and interacting with this content. Having these days to look forward to is important because it can make up for some of the disappointment people experience as the result of other major social and in person events during the pandemic.

Allison sitting on the Bunce Hall steps.
Overall, video game live streaming has become increasingly more popular during the months of the global pandemic. Part of this popularity is a result of the various mental health benefits that video game live streaming allows for. Specifically, video game live streaming allows a streamer and viewer to communicate and interact with each other, allows for moments
of suspense and excitement, and allows for the creation of a routine.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Allison Niemiec, Rowan Global student in the M.A. of Higher Education program, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, public relations graduate


Li, Y., Wang, C., and Liu, J. (2020). A systematic review of literature on user behavior in video game live streaming. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3328. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.rowan.edu/10.3390/ijerph17093328

Nielson Global Media. (2020, March 06). 3, 2, 1 Go! Video Gaming is at an All-Time High During COVID-19. Retrieved September 15, 2020, from

Doctoral Student Erica Watson Brown Believes Time Management is the Most Important Part of the Ph.D. Pursuit

Erica Watson Brown stands outside of a playground.

Today we feature Rowan Global student Erica Watson Brown, who’s pursuing a Ph.D. in Education at Rowan. Learn more about her journey, research focus on urban studies and insights on work/life balance. 

Full-time Rowan employee, Erica Watson Brown, is currently in her second year of earning her Ph.D. in Education with a concentration in Urban and Diverse Learning Environments. On top of her doctoral and full-time work, Erica is also a mother and a wife. She is interested in civil rights relating to education, which is evident in her research on diversifying the teacher workforce. 

Having the ability to balance family, work and school was an important factor for the timing of when Erica would pursue this degree. Erica grew a strong interest in Rowan’s Ph.D. program four years ago when she attended an information session. There she asked if it was possible to do the program part time, and they told her not at the time. Erica had been working as a teacher full time in South Jersey, and at that point Erica thought the timing was not right. She said she “wasn’t going to drop any responsibilities in her life.” 

Fast forward a few years later, and Erica landed a job at Rowan University as the Program Coordinator for Elementary Education. After working at Rowan for about a year, she decided it was time to look into the Ph.D. program again. For a number of reasons, she decided that this was a good time to go after the degree. 

Erica Watson Brown stands outside in a playground.

Erica’s concerns about having enough time for all her responsibilities were definitely warranted as she describes the most vital aspect of graduate school is time management. When asked about this, she explained: “The one thing that is the most challenging is all of the reading you have to do. There is a massive amount of information you need to know about different theorists because it will then inform your research at some point in time.”

Erica’s research focuses on diversifying the teacher workforce. This is an issue that hits close to home for her because she went to a school where she was “one of two women of color.” She went on to say she had many good friends and meaningful relationships at school, but it was not always easy. 

“Oftentimes I felt like I was the voice of people of color,” Erica explains. “As a woman of color I have certain insight into situations that relate to social justice.” 

Erica Watson Brown stands outside in a playground.

Her research is extremely prevalent today since it has been made clear there are questions about race that must be asked in every aspect of American life. Erica seems passionate enough about this subject to institute impactful change. 

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Story by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

PA to NJ: 7 Pennsylvanians Share If They’ve Adopted Any “Jersey” Tendencies

Exterior shot of Kailey Booth sitting on campus.

Today, 7 Pennsylvania native students reveal what New Jersey sayings, mannerisms or other traits — if any — have rubbed off on them. 

Delaney posing outside the Campbell Library on campus.

I think I’ve picked up a little bit of the South Jersey accent. I’ve started saying “caw-fee” instead of coffee. Also, I miss being able to order pork roll whenever I go home. – Delaney Molnar, senior Theatre major with concentrations in Musical Theatre and Acting and a Spanish minor from Pittsburgh, PA

Kendall posing for a picture in a green shirt.

I’m originally from Jersey, so I always have it! – Kendall White, senior in  Applied Sociology, Lumberton/Burlington, PA

Daniella posing outside Robinson and Wilson Hall on campus.

No way PA wins in this! – Daniella Emrich, sophomore, Elementary Education and History major from West Chester, PA

Brendan posing outside the Engineering building.

I’ve started calling it “pork roll.” – Brendan McGrath, junior Mechanical Engineering major with a concentration in Automotive Engineering from West Chester, PA

Kailey sitting on the Rohrer College of Business outdoor steps.

Pork roll, egg and cheese and cheesesteaks. – Kailey Booth, senior Marketing major from Easton, PA

Lindsay posing outside Holly Pointe Commons.

No, I think the Taylor ham/pork roll debate is as stupid as PA’s Wawa/Sheetz debate! – Lindsay Tobias, junior, Radio/TV/Film and Creative Writing major from Wayne, PA

Haley posing for a selfie.

I’ve gotten a slight accent! – Haley DiMezza, senior, Music Industry major with a specialization in Music Business, transfer from Chestnut Hill College and Des Moines Area Community College, from Montgomery County, PA

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos not submitted by students taken by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

9 Elementary Education Majors Share What Excites Them About Their Major

Elementary education student poses outside on campus.

Just what excites Rowan’s Elementary Education majors about their program? Today, 9 majors from five counties reveal their answers for Rowan Blog. 

Sandra posing with her graduation cap that says "Ms.Dominguez".

“The thing that excites me the most about my 2 CUGS is being able to create a welcoming and supportive environment for my students. It makes me happy to know that I will be able to value their culture and language in a way that they might have not experienced before. I also enjoy teaching others about the value of emergent bilinguals and how to better support them in all types of settings.” – Sandra Dominguez, senior, Elementary Education major with dual majors in English & Writing Arts, CUGS in Bilingual Education and ESL, Transfer from RCBC, Willingboro, NJ (Burlington County)

TJ sitting on a bench outside on campus.

“What excites me most is being able to go back and teach in my hometown in Camden.” – TJ Jones, senior, Elementary Education and Liberal Studies Major and Writing Arts and American Studies minor, transfer from Camden County College, Camden, NJ (Camden County)

Sara sitting with her family on the steps of Bunce Hall.

“Being able to inspire others to reach their goals, just as I have. I am a first-generation student who was considered an “at risk” student. My parents were immigrants from Mexico who had no education and worked as field workers trying to survive and support their family of ten. I was an emergent bilingual learner and struggled with my academics and had no support at home. School was challenging for me, and I now know how to help other students who share the same background as I did. I want to support them in their journey in school and help them set high goals and achieve them.” – Sara Giron, senior, first-generation, transfer from Cumberland County College, Elementary Education and Literacy Studies major, Bilingual CUGS, Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County)

Tyler sitting outside Wilson Hall.

“Field Experience. There is nothing I love more than being in a classroom and working with students. It is a great change of scenery from a typical college class and I get to learn directly from my experiences.” – Tyler Davis, senior, First-generation, Elementary Education major with a minor in American Studies, Marlton, NJ (Burlington County)

Catherine posing for a picture on a boat dock.

“I love feeling like I have all of the knowledge to support and understand the people I am surrounded by. This CUGS program gives me the tools to actually be able to support future emergent bilingual students with real, substantial tools and suggestions instead of just basic “support” that doesn’t always help as much as it could be.” – Catherine Klinger, sophomore, Elementary Education and Literacy Studies major, Moorestown, NJ (Camden County)

Michael posing for a photo outside on campus.

“I’m excited to take courses pertaining to instruction, specifically, my choice of CUGS, which is ESL education. To gain the knowledge to teach ESL students excites me!” – Michael Keser, junior, first-generation, Elementary Education major, transfer from RCSJ at Cumberland Campus, Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County)

Cameron posing for a photo outside on campus.

“The idea of meeting both students and their families and being one of the biggest factors in the beginning stages of their lives. There are many challenges that are presented to kids during the course of their educational careers, but for some, it is more diverse and harder than others. Some have special needs and special experiences in which they can bring valuable perspective to the table. I was one of the kids. I have Auditory Processing Disorder, so I know the ins and outs of both the 504 and IEP experiences. I know where especially these kids are, and their challenges that both they and their parents may be still trying to explore together. I have been in their shoes, and I can easily relate to them and derive strategies that can work for everyone.” – Cameron Dubrow, senior, first-generation, transfer from Camden County College, Elementary Education and Writing Arts major from Voorhees, NJ (Camden County)

Ashley posing for a photo outside on campus.

“The incredible sense of community! I formed a Rowan family of preservice teachers once I completed my general education courses and moved into core classes. We’ve been able to lean on each other through coursework, Praxis test prep, and the student teaching process. Education is truly a major that will make you feel at home.” – Ashley Mosley, junior, Elementary Education and Literacy Studies (Salem County)

Cait posing for a photo at the Sugar Factory restaurant.

“I’m most excited about being able to teach and also helping kids grow.” – Cait Braun, Sophomore, Elementary Inclusive Education with a minor in Psychology, Hammonton, NJ (Atlantic County)

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography, if not provided, taken by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

First Year Voices: Marketing Major Lili Solimando

Lili poses in front of yellow and orange bushes. There is a brick building in the background and a tree with green leaves.

Today we speak with Lili Solimando, a Marketing major within the Rohrer College of Business who is enjoying life at Chestnut Hall so far. Lily plans to get more involved once things open back up on campus.

Lili poses in front of a brick building with a tree with green leaves on the right hand side.

How do you like living in Chestnut?

It’s pretty good. I don’t really have any problems with the people on my floor, and my roommate’s pretty nice also. 

Have you thought about joining any clubs or organizations on campus?

I was going to do the Tennis Club, but they aren’t meeting I guess because of COVID, so I guess I’ll do that next year. 

Are your classes remote or hybrid, and how has that adjustment been?

I’ve had a mix of some online and some hybrid. 

Lili poses in a purple mask in front of a brick building.

What are you looking forward to for the rest of this semester?

I’m hoping that more of my classes will be in person and there will be more events.

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

First Year Voices: Roommates Chris Voyantzis and Bekim Krkuti

Today, we speak to roommates Chris Voyantzis and Bekim Krkuti, who live on campus in Chestnut Hall. Chris is an Engineering Entrepreneurship major and Bekim is a Supply Chain and Logistics major. They’re both from Freehold, NJ (Monmouth County). They tell us more about why they chose their majors and what it’s like living on campus.

Bekim and Chris standing next to each other with their masks on.
Bekim (left) with Chris (right)

How did you two meet each other? 

Bekim: We’ve been friends for a while. We went to the same high school together!

Why did you choose Rowan?

Chris: It was close to home. There are things that are appealing to me. The campus looks nice the student center is cool and there’s a lot of things to do here.

Why did you choose your major?

Chris: I was just looking for something that gives me a problem solving aspect of learning. Also, a more traditional education at the same time.

Bekim: I chose my major because my dad was into it and he explained some things to me and decided to put my foot into it too.

What do you like about living in Chestnut?

Chris: Its gonna be warm inside in the winter!

Chris with a blue mask on.

How’s campus been for you so far?

Chris: It’s been good! It’s been fun meeting new people, walking around and doing what you want to do.

What do you like about campus?

Bekim: I like how there’s a lot of people out and about … having fun, playing basketball and stuff like that!

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Fear of Failure and How to Move On

Jennifer stands outside by a wooded area of campus.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Jennifer leaning against the trail bridge on campus.
Author Jennifer Necsutu.

As Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Of course, failure to accomplish a certain goal in our life is a common fear that we all experience. Some say fear can be so paralyzing for certain individuals that they “freeze” instead of “fighting” in response to the anxiety and stress of completing that specific goal. In other words, fear of failure can evolve into an obstacle in our lives and sometimes prevents us from becoming successful. 

According to neuropsychologist Dr. Theo Tsaousides (2017), there are several reasons why people are generally afraid to try to fulfill their goals, which include a setback to one’s self-worth, emotions of shame, loss of social connections, disappointing important people in one’s life and the dread of an uncertain future.

Moreover, fear of failure could potentially impact our mental and physical health should we allow ourselves to be consumed by it. Typically, those who are afraid of attaining a goal can eventually suffer from fatigue, emotional exhaustion, hopelessness, and/or chronic worry as well as become more unhappy with their lives and perform worse in their particular fields (Tsaousides, 2017). 

Jennifer sitting and smiling.

Despite these possible reasons and consequences for being scared to fail, it is crucial for us to realize that failure is what makes us human and is an essential part of our lives. Ultimately, nobody is perfect; we all make mistakes and fail endlessly. Failure does not make us a loser or any less successful than we were before. Rather, it gives us an opportunity to learn new challenges and build our confidence when we bounce back from a difficult situation.

Overall, just as the entrepreneur Courtney Johnson emphasized in his TedTalk (2018), we shouldn’t let the fear of failure prevent us from pursuing our goals, desires and dreams; it is the fear of not trying that we should be afraid of instead. Additionally, we should keep in mind that we are all strong in our own ways and can overcome our individual fears of failing to reach our full potential. Because, in the end, anything is possible if we continue to take our journey of discovering ourselves.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Jennifer Necsutu, junior biochemistry major, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major


Johnson, C. (2018, October). Failure is necessary [Video]. TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/courtney_johnson_failure_is_necessary

Tsaousides, T. (2017, December 27). Why Fear of Failure Can Keep You Stuck. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/smashing-the-brainblocks/201712/why-fear-failure-can-keep-you-stuck

5 Tips for Talking about Politics this Thanksgiving

Author Jason Brooks outside on campus.

Today senior Political Science major Jason Brooks shares with us tips for talking about politics this Thanksgiving. Jason is from Monroe Township, NJ (Middlesex County). He is the assistant Vice President of Student Affairs for SGA, one of the executive chair for the Student Alumni Association and an Admissions Ambassador. When millions of Americans gather […]

20 Minute Radius: Glassboro Wildlife Management Area [VIDEO]

Two students in Rowan gear sit at the nature preserve.

Join us as two Rowan students visit a nearby nature preserve.

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Video by:
Adam Clark, senior Radio/TV/Film major

Music by:
Louis Testa, junior music composition major

Beyond the Classroom: Fresh For All Coordinator William Hendrixson Reflects on Giving Back

Will sits among pine trees on campus.

Today we speak with William Hendrixson, a fifth-year senior from Egg Harbor Township (Atlantic County) who is currently on track to complete a dual major in Management Information Systems and Computing and Informatics. He also has a leadership role with the volunteer program Fresh For All. Learn more about William and his strong passion for helping the community.

Will stands in front of tree and ornamental grass on campus.

William Hendrixson is the top coordinator in charge of Fresh For All, a food distribution program on campus with the goal of getting fresh produce to the campus and surrounding communities. 

Will explains: “Fresh For All is a program where we work with a couple of different organizations to get fresh vegetables, fruit and sometimes dairy, to students and local community members who need it.” 

The program is set up every Friday from 10-11 a.m. in parking lot D by the Engineering building. The food comes from an outside organization called Philabundance, which goes out to farmer’s markets and grocery stores seeking donations. 

When asked who is eligible for free food, he says anyone at all. “You don’t need ID, you don’t need proof of need, or anything. We distribute every Friday, year round,” he adds.

According to Will, Fresh for All serves on average 150 families a week.

“Our highest is around 170,” he says.

In terms of the ratio of students to families, he explains, “It’s definitely more families. More from the local communities. I would say it can be up to about a quarter students, but the majority is definitely locals [who] need it.”

Will sits on a stone in front of trees on campus.

Will works with the Office of Volunteerism at Rowan, which put him in charge of the Fresh for All program. He says his individual responsibility on Fridays during distribution is to “make sure the event goes smoothly.” 

Fresh For All has given William the opportunity to to go out and help people. Even though it has nothing to do with his majors or career, he still just enjoys the feeling of putting a smile on someone’s face. 

When asked if this was something that he sees in his future, William responds: “Not necessarily as a career, because as I mentioned I’m kind of more from a tech background. But I want to be successful enough where I can give back to the community.” 

Will stands in front of textured wall on campus.

Will’s favorite thing about Fresh For All is the genuine difference that it makes. He says, “You can kind of see on people’s faces that it really helps and that’s definitely it, just knowing that you’re making a difference in someone’s week.”

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Story and photography by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

#PROFspective: Studio Art Major Hannah Spronz

Hannah standing outside

Today we feature Hannah Spronz, a senior Studio Art major from Belvidere, NJ (Warren County). Hannah is president of The Rowan Arts Collective and a part of Rowan After Hours (RAH). On your busiest day, what personal, academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling? When I’m super busy, I’m probably balancing classes with my […]

My First Apartment: Rachel Rumsby in Rowan Boulevard Apartments

Exterior shot of Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

Today we feature sophomore Communication Studies and Public Relations major Rachel Rumsby from River Edge, NJ (Bergen County). Rachel is an on-campus resident currently living in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. Here, she shares with us her experience living in an apartment for the first time.

Rachel in her kitchen in her apartment.
Author Rachel in her Rowan Boulevard Apartments kitchen.

Before I lived in an apartment at Rowan, I visited my friends at theirs. I got to see what it was like to have a kitchen and living room on campus, and not just a dorm room. This taste of life with a common area made me excited to live in one of my own. This year, I was finally able to live in my first apartment. 

Even though I picked housing in the sophomore housing round, I was still able to get a room in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. I love the set up of the kitchen and living room, and I especially love having my own room. It is great to have my own space, even though I am living with three other girls. The residences are set up with four single rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. 

Rachel sits in her bed at the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

Living in Mimosa Hall last year, I did not have my own kitchen or living room areas. It is really nice to be able to cook whenever I want since I have the 10 meals a week meal plan! I also love having the extra space in the living room to hang out with my roommates, do homework or just chill. Having air conditioning and a thermostat in my apartment is also a welcome amenity. 

Moving into my first apartment, there were a lot of things I needed that I did not need in my dorm room in Mimosa. I needed pots and pans, utensils, plates and cups, and more kitchen supplies. My roommates brought a toaster oven and a microwave, and I brought a blender. Since I am in upperclassmen housing now, I am allowed to have kitchen appliances! 

Before moving into my accommodation, I was worried about whether or not my roommates and I would get along. Turns out, I had nothing to worry about! I randomly selected two of my roommates and my third roommate is my friend that I met last year in the Crew Club Team. We all get along great, and we communicate well with each other. Everyone is very easy going, and we feel comfortable discussing household conditions.

Our RA met with us to establish a roommate agreement, and the process was very smooth. Each of us having our own rooms made the process a lot easier. We all agreed that we should keep our common area clean and do our part in cleaning. 

Exterior shot of Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

All in all, living in my first apartment has been great so far! I have been able to cook, and I have my own room! My roommates are awesome, and I feel like I have more independence than I did while living in Mimosa. I love living in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments! 

Like what you see? 


Story and interior photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Exterior photos by:
Anthony Raisley, senior history major

9 Radio/TV/Film Majors Share How Their Major Supports Their Professional Goals

Today, we speak with 9 Radio/TV/Film (RTF) majors on how their major will advance their future careers. 

Lauren smiling and posing for a photo.

“This major supports my professional goals because it helps me succeed in my field and prepared me for when I go into the professional scene.” – Lauren Kilroy, senior, transfer, RTF major from Cinnaminson, NJ (Burlington County)

Jabreeah posing for a selfie.

“It teaches me all about the behind the scenes work in movies.” – Jabreeah Holmes, senior, RTF major from Camden, NJ (Camden County)

Emily smiling and posing for a selfie.

“It supports my professional goals because I already know hands-down I want to be a part of the television industry. I’ve already started floating possible job ideas in my head once I graduate Rowan. I am also taking a minor in advertising just in case I want to apply my RTF skills in a more commercial type of way. The fact is there are so many job opportunities with this major it’s still hard to know which one you will wind up taking once you graduate!” – Emily Sayles, sophomore, RTF major, Advertising minor from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County)

Jerry posing for a picture while wearing sunglasses.

“It teaches me a lot about the industry and how to get my foot in the door.” – Jerry Libert, junior, transfer, first-generation college student, RTF major and Creative Writing minor from Beachwood, NJ (Ocean County)

Corey posing for a selfie.

“It teaches me about the process of making films, television, and radio which allows me to see what things I like about each. It gives me access to equipment I can use to make my own projects.” – Corey Peoples, senior, transfer from RCGC, RTF major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County)

Julia smiling and posing for a selfie in front of a world map.

“This major teaches me the skills I will need to get into the industry. By educating us on Radio, Tv, and Film, we are able to get our foot in the door easier because we have so many skill sets.” – Julia Faupel, junior, transfer, RTF major, Theatre minor from Collingswood, NJ (Camden County)

Ally smiling and hugging an orange cat.

“It helps me to get into NASCAR or the NFL to pursue the career I want.” –  Ally Bruce, freshman, RTF major from Woolwich Twp., NJ (Gloucester County)

Gary smiling for a photo while wearing headphones.

“I learn from a lot of people who i respect and are professionals in my desired fields.” – Gary Erdelyi, senior, first-generation college student, RTF and Journalism major from Brick, NJ (Ocean County)

A picture of a flyer of a production written by Joe.

“I want to be a screenwriter, and the classes have helped me learn more about the craft while Cinema Workshop has given me real life experience in writing for the screen.” – Joe Pidgeon, junior, transfer, RTF major and Creative Writing minor from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County)

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

First Year Voices: Chemistry Major Spencer Feldman

Spencer wearing a hat and standing outside on campus.

Today, we speak to freshman Chemistry major Spencer Feldman from Livingston, NJ (Essex County). Spencer is currently residing on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. He tells us a little more about why he chose Rowan and what he likes to do on campus.

Spencer outside Mimosa Hall.

Why Rowan?

I chose Rowan because of the location. Also, when I came here I felt that this was a true college campus. It felt easy and simple here. It’s not a huge campus, it’s not a small campus. It’s just enough!

What do you like to do on campus?

Whenever the courts are open, I run around and play basketball. If Holly Pointe To-Go is open, I’ll get food or I’ll go get food at Grill Nation. Other than that, I hang out with my friends outside, walk around campus and go to the Gazebo. We’re always hanging outside because of [Covid-19], we can’t really go indoors together too often. We also go to [Rowan] Boulevard and there’s outdoor dining so there’s a lot to do!

Spencer outside Mimosa Hall.

How’s living in Holly Pointe?

It’s nice living on the first floor. The ceilings are higher and the food is really close too, so that’s always nice!

What do you like about Rowan so far?

I actually like how it’s still alive on campus right now. There’s a lot of other colleges that are kind of empty right now. At Rowan, there’s still a lot of things happening, and we can still get the college experience.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

RAINN and Sexual Assault Prevention

McCarly sits on a bench on campus outside.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

McCarly sitting on a bench outside James Hall.

Hey everyone, McCarly Thompson here from Healthy Campus Initiatives! According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), “Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 5 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison” (RAINN, 2020).

I’m sure I can speak for everyone reading this when I say these are very disturbing stats that definitely trigger a response for change.

Fortunately for us, change has been on the way. Did you know that the rate of sexual assault and rape has decreased 63% since 1993? This trend is due to the increase of sexual assault awareness spreading across the nation. RAINN is the largest anti-sexual violence organization amongst these groups, partenering with over 1,000 local service providers nationwide.

One of their main resources is the National Sexual Assault Hotline, where people can call in for a number of reasons. By either getting help from trained staff members, locating health centers that provide a number of health care services, or obtaining long term sexual assault support in their area, RAINN offers a number of free services to everyone. Get this: the National Assault Hotline has helped more than 3,000,000 who have suffered from sexual violence since its commencement in 1994!

There are even other ways RAINN promotes sexual assault awareness/prevention aside from a victim reaching out. Even if you haven’t personally been a victim to sexual violence, you can call the hotline in order to find out ways you can get someone else the help they need. RAINN also promotes the idea of C.A.R.E., which stands for creating a distraction (from the victim), asking directly (to the perpetrator), referring to authority (against the perpetrator) and enlisting others (to help). These four scenarios are taken by a bystander and can effectively decrease the chances of a sexually violent act occurring, putting victims in the hands of safety. 

The main message of spreading sexual awareness/prevention is standing up and speaking out. If you see something, say something. Most sexual assaults go unreported due to the fear of misbelief of retaliation; however, third-party bystanders are able to intervene either directly or completely anonymously. Putting an end to sexual violence may seem like a far-reaching goal, but if we all do our parts as actively-caring citizens, we can put a stop to this epidemic in significant ways. 

Be safe and be smart, MC out.

McCarly sitting on a bench next to his skateboard outside on campus.

Like what you see?


Story by:
McCarly Thompson, junior psychology major, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

The following URL is a link to RAINN’s official website where you can find more information on sexual awareness/assault prevention: https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline

Betzy Miranda: Soldier, Student, Nurse

Betzy looks at a distance holding her military helmet.

Meet Betzy Miranda, a graduate student in Rowan Global’s M.S. in Nursing program, Nurse Practitioner concentration who is completing her degree while working as both a nurse and a case manager in the United States military. Learn more about she balances her responsibilities and why she is furthering her education at Rowan. 

Betzy Miranda is a triple threat. She is a member of the U.S. military, a student and the only Spanish-speaking nurse in her program. Her story can’t seem to get more awe-inspiring, but the work she does in each of these roles is even more impressive. 

Her work with the U.S. military was inspired by her ex-husband, who experienced post-traumatic stress disorder after his service with the Navy. Currently, Betzy is an Army Nurse Case Manager for the Medical Management unit. She works with soldiers suffering from anxiety, PTSD and TBI. 

Along with her military duties, Betzy is advancing her practice further by attending Cooper Medical School of Rowan University. She is grateful that she gets a chance to do both, even if it isn’t easy at times.

“Dr. Kasper has been such an ace. When I come back from my military responsibilities, I have a limited amount of time to get back to my school work. He has been flexible with deadlines and that has made things a lot easier on me. I am a soldier first, and he understands that,” Betzy says.

With her degree, Betzy plans on working in the operating room or with interventional radiology with a focus in cardiology. “I always want to be challenged. I always want to advance my knowledge,” she says. “I always want to do more for the patient. That is why I came back to school at this point in my life.”

Currently, Betzy is the only Spanish-speaking nurse in her program. She loves being an advocate for the Latino community and helping break the language barrier so her patients can have the best care possible. 

Betzy attributes her passion for care to her grandmother. “She always wanted to care for people, heal people, even cook for people. I feel like I’m the same way. Even on my day off, I’ll reach out to a friend and ask if they’re doing okay. I just want to help others.”  

Betzy is originally from Union City, New Jersey. After high school, Betzy moved to Florida, where she attended Florida Community College on a full-ride scholarship. She moved on to graduate from Norfolk State University and obtained a second degree from Drexel University’s accelerated program.

Betzy holds her military helmet.

Betzy has been a nurse for five years and is clearly ready to take on the world. “I still can’t believe that I’m little Betzy from Union City High School. I have come so far to be where I am now. I really count these blessings.” 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Inclusive Elementary Education Major Joseph Soto

Joe sitting on a chair outside.

Today we speak to Joseph Soto, a junior Inclusive Elementary Education major from Riverdale, NJ (Morris County). He transferred from Passaic County Community College and talks about his time and transition to Rowan. How has a faculty or staff member here helped to connect you with the next step for your career? An admissions counselor […]

8 Chemical Engineering Majors Share the WOW Moment in Their Majors

Chemical engineering student works in lab.

Today, eight Chemical Engineering majors share their “WOW! I’m in the right major for me!” moments.

Dylan sitting on the steps of the engineering building.

“Well, it turned out my physics teacher was right. Most of everything that I’ve learned is intuitive to me, whether it is in engineering or chemistry. Quite honestly, I catch myself accidentally memorizing equations and information before I go to study.” – Dylan Snyder, sophomore Chemical Engineering major from Wilmington, Delaware

Tori posing with a sign that says "AlChe".

“Once I visited Rowan and heard about the program I knew it was right for me.” – Tori Vanduren, senior Chemical Engineering major from Kutztown, PA

Margot smiling and wearing lab gear.

“Learning about how the healthcare industry and engineering can intersect in a chemical engineer’s career fascinated me.” – Margot Clarke, senior, Chemical Engineering major with a concentration in Biomedical Engineering and Honors Studies, minor in Chemistry, and CUGS in Spanish, from Delran, NJ (Burlington County)

Alyssa posing in a scenic area on a bridge.

“I love science and math.” – Alyssa Grassie, senior, first-generation, Chemical Engineering major and Mathematics minor, Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County)

A black and white photo of Jenna smiling.

“I knew this was the right major for me by making friends in my major that love and get excited about the same weird things as me. Just when you walk outside and the humidity makes you think about the topics discussed in class, your mind goes on a tangent, and then you stop yourself (and think ‘Wow I am weird’). But the next day a friend tells you how they did a similar thing. When that happens, it just makes you feel understood and at home.” – Jenna Wyshinski, Senior, Chemical Engineering major with a minor in Business Administration, from Pennsville, NJ (Salem County)

Courtney posing with a Rowan shirt inside the Wilson Hall building.

“Sophomore year, I had the opportunity to work as a research assistant in Dr. Stanzione’s lab. Getting to experience so many applications of chemical engineering and material synthesis was such a cool experience and made me realize that I am right where I am supposed to be.” – Courtney Lemasney, junior, Chemical Engineering major, Sicklerville, NJ (Gloucester County)

Rebecca sitting and smiling on the floor.

“When I started taking classes my freshman year and genuinely enjoyed what I was learning.” – Rebecca Hansson, senior Chemical Engineering major from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County)

A chemical engineering lab.

“Actually making alum in chem lab.” – Evan Harper (not pictured), sophomore Chemical Engineering major working toward minors in Chemistry and Mathematics, Bridgewater, NJ (Somerset County)

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Beyond the Classroom: Biomedical Art and Visualization Major Emerson Harman on Starting Queer Voices Project

Emerson wears a rainbow mask outside.

Today’s “Beyond the Classroom” features Emerson Harman, a freshman who has already joined numerous on-campus organizations. They also launched the “Queer Voices” Project, aimed at spreading awareness and showing the presence of the LGBTQIA+ community at Rowan.

Emerson poses outside on campus.

Freshman Wisconsin native Emerson Harman has not hesitated to get involved on campus in this first couple of months of the semester. They’ve already joined Rowan’s Wind Ensemble, the Biology Club, the Biomedical Art and Visualization club and PRISM. Being part of all these organizations already is a huge head start for a freshman, and the crazy part is that none of these is even Emerson’s most impressive accomplishment at Rowan so far. 

Emerson started “Queer Voices,” which involves interviewing (and photographing) Rowan faculty and students who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community and uploading the content to the Queer Voices website. Emerson meets with students, faculty and alumni to ask various questions relating to Rowan’s LGBTQIA+ community and other related topics. 

Emerson stands outside, looks to the side on campus.

Emerson says the “whole goal of [the project] is to raise awareness and presence of the LGBT community on campus.” 

Emerson is hoping that word of mouth will help grow Queer Voices into something bigger. It is only November, and they already have content on the website from seven faculty members, nine students and two alumni. 

“It started off with just faculty … and then it grew, and other students heard about it and were like, ‘Hey, can I get involved too?’” Emerson explains.

With the current state of the pandemic and social distancing still being enforced, it is not an easy time to make new friends in a new place. When Emerson was asked about how difficult this is, they did not act like it was a huge issue. 

“I think there has been a lot of good programming from the university itself for new freshmen. Even though most things are virtual, I’ve still been able to meet a lot of people both in my dorm and in classes,” Emerson says.

Emerson wears a mask on campus.

Emerson decided to go to Rowan all the way from Wisconsin because of their major. Emerson is a Biomedical Art and Visualization major, which is only offered at three schools in the country, Rowan being one of them. It is likely that the atmosphere and culture in Glassboro is much different than that of Dodgeville, Wisconsin, but Emerson has seemingly adjusted quickly. 

“It feels like a small university but at the same time it’s obviously not. It’s really close to a lot of major cities too which is nice,” Emerson says.

Click here to visit Queer Voices. 

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Story by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photography by:
Quintin Stinney, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Prof Style: Computer Science Major Matthew Kresge Shows Off His Colorful Hair

Today, we feature sophomore Matthew Kresge, a Computer Science major with a minor in Mathematics from Douglasville, PA. Matthew tells us more about his fashionable hairstyle.

Matthew smiles while wearing a mask.

Why Rowan?

Honestly, I knew I wanted to go a little bit away from home. I kind of wanted to go to a school that I knew a lot of classmates weren’t going to go to, so I thought this would be the right school for me.

What did you use to get your hair color?

 I use Arctic Fox for my hair. 

How did you decide on the color?

So, when I first dyed it, I bleached my hair because it was a brown. It turned blonde, then when I dyed it again, it turned into a darker blue. This is like two weeks of fading so it turned into this shade of green! At first, my parents were very hesitant to let me dye my hair, but now they don’t really care.

Have you dyed your hair before?

Before this, I dyed my hair red, like a very bright red, and then it faded into orange.

Profile shot of Matthew's hair while wearing a mask.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

First Year Voices: Biology Major Analiz Santana and Exercise Science Major Mia Guerra

Today, we speak with freshmen Analiz Santana and Mia Guerra. Analiz is a Biology major from Pennsauken, NJ (Camden County) who is currently residing in Mimosa and Mia is an Exercise Science major currently residing in Holly Pointe from Hasbrouck Heights, NJ (Bergen County). They tell us more about why they chose Rowan and how it is being a freshmen in college during a pandemic.

Analiz and Mia hanging out on campus.
Analiz (left) and Mia (right) hanging out outside!

How did you two meet each other?

Mia: They were just walking by one of my friend’s dorms and we had the door open and they just said “Hi,” and that’s how we met.

Why did you choose Rowan?

Analiz: My sister goes here too! She’s a sophomore. Last year, she would always invite me onto campus last year and she’s also a basketball player and I would always go to her games. I had to choose between here and TCNJ, and I chose here because I ended up really loving it here.

Analiz and Mia talking outside on campus.

Mia: I’m on the cross-country track team. I like the program here. I like the campus in general in comparison to other colleges as well. I was supposed to choose a campus in Indiana, but I ended up choosing here!

How has it been being freshmen at college during pandemic?

Analiz: It was helpful having that first week where we didn’t have to worry about classes. It was good to actually figure out where we need to put our masks on and figure out the rules around here. It was actually really helpful.

Mia: Just learning the campus in general, too. Walking around and learning where our classes are and stuff was helpful, too!

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista sophomore music industry major

(FRESH)man Voices: Radio/TV/Film Major Vicky Stein & Geology Major Sammy Mason

Sammy and Vicky walk together on campus.

Today, we speak to freshmen Vicky Stein and Sammy Mason from Lewes, Delaware who live on campus in Chestnut Hall. Vicky is a Radio/TV/Film major and Sammy is a Geology major. They tell us more about their favorite spots on campus and give some advice for incoming students.

Sammy and Vicky walking together side by side.
Sammy (left) and Vicky (right) walking together on campus.

How did you two meet each other?

Sammy: It’s kind of a funny story actually! I was originally from New Jersey, which is pretty funny. We went to the same high school. She was friends with one of my friends. She originally thought I was annoying … but three years later, we became friends and now we’re here!

How is living in Chestnut? Have you met your RA?

Vicky: Chestnut is fine! I really like my RA, she’s really nice!

Are you interested in joining any clubs?

Sammy: I really wanted to do Crew Club but then [Covid-19] hit us, and I don’t know how that would work!

Vicky: I’m not sure about any of the clubs here yet!

Sammy wearing a pink mask and an orange "Danny Devito" shirt.

What’s your favorite spot on-campus so far?

Vicky: I really like the Rec Center.

Sammy: I mainly just hang out at the Student Center. I like it there!

Any advice for incoming freshmen?

Vicky: Rowan’s a really nice community to come to. If you’re looking for a place to talk and interact with people, Rowan’s a great place.

Sammy and Vicky posing together.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations major

4 Communications Studies Majors Share One Cool Thing They’ve Learned From Their Major

Exterior shot of the Victoria ECCA building.

From curriculum to content, four Communication Studies majors reveal what they really like about this program.

Nadine posing and smiling for a picture.

“I think the coolest thing about the Communication Studies major is our ability to customize our experiences and tailor it to our specific interests through the addition of other majors, minors and CUGS. There’s a lot of really valuable free elective space, so we are granted the opportunity to branch out, try different things, and further our studies in different areas if we so choose. Students should take full advantage of this, and try something new or declare some other majors, minors, CUGS, etc., in order to really make the most of their time at Rowan University and make themselves stand out!” – Nadine El Maalem, junior, first-generation college student, Communication Studies major, with minors in International Studies and Arabic, French CUGS, from Monmouth County

Lexi posing for a selfie.

“One cool thing about my major is the conversation-based classes. I’ve found myself engaged 100% of the class time. I have also learned much more in my major courses than in Rowan Core courses because of the way our professors structure them.” – Lexi Robinson, Junior, Communications major, Bellmawr, NJ (Camden County)

Jonathan smiling for a photo.

“One cool thing that I learned this major is the different types of communication from interpersonal, mediated, and face-to-face. Learning these concepts helped me to be a better speaker and effective communicator.” – Jonathan DeRose, senior Communications Studies major from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County)

A picture of Tatianna's two dogs.

“In a way communications reminds me of psychology, but instead of learning about why people are the way they are you learn about how they react to things you say/do. In return you are able to create better relationships with others.” – Tatianna Addison, senior, transfer student from Rowan College of Burlington County, Communications Studies major from Pemberton, NJ (Burlington County)

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

How Remote Students Are Staying Involved On Campus: PR Major Jenna Fischer

Student's home desk.

Today, we speak to Jenna Fischer, a senior Public Relations major with a Strategic Communications minor who transferred from Middlesex County College. Jenna is studying remotely from her home in East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County) in light of COVID-19. She tells us more about how she’s staying involved on campus while living at home.

Jenna sitting on her bed in her dorm room.

“I chose Rowan because I saw that [the school] had a lot of opportunities to grow within my major. They were one of the few colleges in the state that had my major and had other options to go along with it,” says PR major Jenna Fischer, who initially chose Rowan because she knew a degree at Rowan would help her get her foot in the door with a job before she graduates.

At Middlesex County College, Jenna initially didn’t know what major would be the right one for her. She decided to talk to her advisor and everything suddenly came together. 

“I needed to talk to someone about picking classes, and I didn’t know what to pick. She told me, ‘Well, you seem like you would be good in public relations.’ I didn’t even know what that was! She started explaining it more, and I realized that it would be a good fit for me. So, I looked into it some more and ended up falling in love with it,” she explains. 

Jenna’s senior year has been a little different than the rest of her years at Rowan because of the COVID-19 pandemic. She admits there have been some challenges with taking online courses and staying at home in East Brunswick, NJ. 

“Honestly, one of the most challenging parts is I feel like I have a lot more work! I also have been going a little stir-crazy. I’m a very introverted person so I like being home … but this is a new level!” 

However, even though she’s off-campus, Jenna is still staying hopeful and active on-campus through her e-board position as Communications Director with Rowan’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America. She had her doubts about being able to work with the club remotely, but she found that she still enjoys her work with the club.

Jenna's computer screen displays the PRSSA website.

“I was kind of worried because I was thinking what am I going to do because I’m not on campus but it was a lot easier than I thought,” Jenna says. “I’m always reaching out to the advisors of the club to just make sure I’m on the right track of things.”

Jenna also shares that her club meetings give her a sense of community even when she’s away. She says PRSSA has been very accommodating and she feels more connected to everyone on campus. 

“Our e-board meetings definitely keep me informed with what’s going on. Everyone’s also super understanding. We did do an in-person picnic, but we also had a virtual option so I think its beneficial for a club to incorporate both options. I actually did end up going to campus because I was itching to go! Get involved in some kind of club because that’s the main reason why I’m in contact with everyone on campus. Everyone in the club are mainly my friends on campus too.”

When asked about the pros and cons of staying remote this semester, Jenna says:

“The main reason why I didn’t want to come back to campus was because I was scared that I was going to catch something and bring it back home. I also didn’t feel the need to be back on campus if I was doing my classes online. So I feel a little safer being home. A con for me would be that I don’t get to see my friends in person very much. One way I do try to stay involved is that I FaceTime them a lot, which I highly recommend everyone do!  I’m not a big fan of talking on the phone but it’s good to be able to talk and see your friends that way.”

Jenna's at home school desk.
Jenna’s “at home” school desk set up

Quarantine hasn’t been all bad for Jenna. She even found an internship opportunity within her field!

“I was so ready to give up on applying because I wouldn’t hear back or I wouldn’t get them. I was getting so frustrated because a lot of my friends were still getting internships! So, I was scrolling through social media and this one company I was kind of eyeing put out a post saying ‘Hey we’re going to have summer interns.’

“So I applied immediately and ended up getting it! It was so much fun and all-remote. I was a social media marketing intern. I was skeptical about it at first because I wasn’t sure if I was going to get the same experience. It was so fun!”

Jenna shares a piece of advice for those struggling to connect with Rowan’s campus while being remote.

“Definitely reach out to professors if you want to get involved in any kind of club. I know professors who are also advisors who will usually plug in clubs at the end of class. PRSSA is looking for general members! It’s not scary, we have a speaker of the week talk to the club and you can participate if you want! I really do think it’s helpful. Just participating in any kind of Zoom club or event — I really recommend!”

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos courtesy of:
Jenna Fischer


Angela stands on a bridge on campus.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

A portrait style photo of Angela.

Turning on the TV or opening up the News app nowadays can feel like a chore. Or the opposite could be true — it may bring a sense of control.

Developing obsessive news checking behaviors is a common phenomenon, moreso now than ever. People want to remain informed as often as possible. Nobody wants to be the “last to know” or be seen as “uneducated.” However, constantly having a stream of news media, oftentimes not good news, can be anxiety inducing.

According to a clinical psychologist at McLean Hospital, Jacqueline Bullis, Ph.D., “staying glued to the television or constantly refreshing our social media feeds may help us feel slightly less anxious in the short term. These behaviors ultimately have the opposite effect.” (Bullus, J. (2020, April 21). 

Angela sitting and reading a book outside the Business building.

While it’s important to stay up to date in order to continuously be aware of how to protect yourselves and others, it’s not necessary to stay plugged in all hours of the day. It may be beneficial to designate an amount of time it’s okay to check the news per day, or set aside a specific time slot when reading the news is acceptable.

Limiting exposure to news media outlets may be a key component to self preserving mental health. Not engaging in news-related conversation or viewing all hours of the day does not make someone uneducated, but rather is vital to self preservation. It’s important to set boundaries with friends, family and peers when it comes to these discussions since they can be incredibly emotionally draining. 

While it is tempting to be up to date all day, the news will be there at the end of the day, or early the next morning if one wishes to consume it. The amazing aspect of technology is that things online don’t disappear: people aren’t missing out if they don’t click the notification on their phone for the newest Covid-19 update right away.

Put the phone on Do Not Disturb and take a break.

Angela sitting and posing.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Angela Colo, junior psychology major, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Beyond the Classroom: Generation Action’s Rowan Chapter President, Alexis Thompson

Lex stands outside on campus.

Today we feature Alexis Thompson, who goes by Lex, from Lawnside, NJ (Camden County). They are a senior, first-generation college student and Psychology major with a minor in Africana Studies and a focus on reproductive justice. Lex transferred to Rowan from Hampton University in Spring of 2018. Lex tells us about Generation Action, what their […]

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Computer Science Major Enkee Davaadolgor

Enkee standing in front of brick wall.

Today we feature first-generation senior Enkee Davaadolgor, who majors in Computer Science along with a concentration in Cybersecurity. He is a commuter from Ewing, NJ (Mercer County) who transferred from Mercer County Community College. What wakes you up in the morning? My motivation to wake up each and every morning is definitely my family and […]

#PROFspective: Learning by Doing with Engineering Major Nicholas Kreuz

Nick stands outside in front of green tree foliage.

Nicholas Kreuz working on electronics in an engineering lab.

Today we speak to junior Nicholas Kreuz, an Electrical and Computer Engineering major from Pennsylvania. Here, Nick shares his Rowan experience through his work in Engineering Clinics, including creating a quadcopter drone and a rocket, which he will enter into a competition in New Mexico. 

Nicholas Kreuz of Quakertown, Pennsylvania is the epitome of “involved” at Rowan. He has an on-campus job as a building manager for Campus Recreation while also being a part of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity.

Nick is on track to get his bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His goal with this degree is to work in the field of aerospace engineering. Nick said he “would love to work for a company like Boeing or Lockheed Martin” when he is finished at Rowan. 

Nick grew an interest in engineering at an early age due to his desire to be very “hands-on and technically oriented.” He said throughout middle school and high school he knew he would want to pursue something involving engineering, but it wasn’t until he arrived at Rowan that he became interested in the electrical and computer engineering aspect to it.

“When I came to this college in particular I really liked how they combined the two majors into one and really had a hands-on focus to their curriculum, especially the clinical classes through the engineering building,” Nick says.

Engineering student Nicholas Kreuz poses sitting down with his hands on top of one another.

Engineering Clinics are the signature aspect of Rowan’s engineering programs. For all four years, engineering students participate in these clinic classes, which involve various hands-on projects. With the guidance of a credentialed engineer, students in groups have the opportunity to learn by doing. 

One of the things that Nick has accomplished in a clinic class involved “constructing and testing a fully submersible Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle (UROV).” Kreuz explains the concept of the project and what was asked of him and his group:

“We had to simulate a task that a UROV in the field would have to do. For example, work on an oil rig and go to the seafloor to examine something. So we had this obstacle course set up and had a basic system of motors and a receiver that we could use that would be the actual operation of the vehicle but as far as constructing the vehicle and designing it to complete all its tasks was completely up to us.”

One semester later, Nick was tasked with creating a “Quadcopter Drone,” which unfortunately he was not able to finish once all students were sent home for Covid-19. He says this project’s objective was a similar concept to the UROV because there was a certain task that the drone had to perform. Like his last project, this too was going to be tested on an obstacle course that was meant to simulate a real-life situation. 

Perhaps the most impressive part of Kreuz’s college career so far is his most recent endeavor. Nick is a part of a team with nine other students and one professor to build a rocket and compete in the Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition in New Mexico. 

Nick Kreuz poses and smiles outdoors.

This is a yearly competition that hosts around 40-50 schools in a desert in New Mexico. Anyone who is a part of a college or university is allowed to enter the competition. Teams at the competitions will test their rockets in front of a group of judges. 

“The way it works is they judge us on our documentation, our predictions, and our calculations, and the second half of the competition comes from how well our rocket actually performs,” Nick says.

Projects in the engineering clinics can be so involved and advanced that they can last as long as five years. Nick will work on this one through this entire school year, and the competition in New Mexico will take place after next semester. 

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Story by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

First Year Voices: Journalism Major Austin Ahart

Today, we speak to Austin Ahart, a freshman Journalism major who currently resides on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Austin tells us more about his on-campus experience.

Austin posing for a picture.

How is living in Holly Pointe? 

I love Holly Pointe, it’s beautiful! 

Have you met your RA?

I have! My RA is super supportive. He’s been really awesome, to be honest. He’s helped me a lot throughout the move-in process, and he’s made me feel very welcome.

Austin posing for a picture.

What’s your favorite on-campus spot to eat?

I love eating at Chef Jet! The food is great, and to be honest, the people working there are pretty great too.

Any advice to incoming freshmen? 

Take it patiently. In terms of trying to absorb everything, I really recommend just being patient.

 Like what you see? 


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major