Today, we speak with seven History majors from Rowan’s College of Humanities & Social Sciences about how this program has set them up for professional success.

“This major supports my professional goal of being a teacher and continuing to give back to my community and my country. I am excited to see where my dual major takes me,” says junior Frank Gurcsik, a History and Education major from Gloucester County.

“There are so many things that you can do utilizing a history degree. Clearly, predominantly, a lot of the participants of the history program pursue teaching. But there are other things that you can do, such as engaging in the political arena, engaging in areas that you can serve somehow, in a museum field, the list can continue,” says Diamonnique M., a Rowan Global student in the master’s of history program from Essex County.

“It has been helping me prepare to excel and understand the topics that I will teach one day,” says junior Lauren Fowler, a History and Subject Matter Education major and transfer student from Rowan College of South Jersey from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County).

“I hope to work in government or do history research for a media company or a news network since I will have the writing and research skills,” says senior Anthony Raisley, a History major with a concentration in U.S. History, minors in Entrepreneurship, New Media, International Studies, and a Certificate of Undergraduate Studies in Italian from Middletown, NJ (Monmouth County).

“The major has lectures for how to use your history degree even in fields you never thought of. Also, the people of the department are always willing to help give advise on how to succeed,” says senior Krystyna Ebert, a History and Education major from East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County).

“I am looking toward going into a career in foreign policy and international relations, and this major gives me the knowledge of history and historical antecedents which will allow me to pursue more informed and historically-aware foreign policy,” says senior Katherine Trauger, a History and Political Science major with minors in Women’s and Gender Studies and International Studies and an Honors Concentration from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County).

“My major has been helping me to prepare and become an educator in history and being effective in my own classroom,” says junior Raymond Wos, Jr., a History and Subject Matter Education major with a minor in International Studies, who is a transfer from Rowan College of South Jersey and is from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County).

“Well, I’d like to go to graduate school and earn a doctoral degree to become a history professor one day, so I’d say it supports it very well!” says first-generation college senior Peter Macrina of Philadelphia, a History major with a Psychology and American Studies minor who is a transfer student from Camden County College.
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Bianca Torres, Senior, Music Industry major