Today we feature three members of the Men’s Club Lacrosse team as they share their experiences and touch upon why Rowan Men’s Club Lacrosse is a great extracurricular to participate in.
Participating in sports at the high school level is important to students as it fuels their competitive edge, allows individuals to make new friends, and simply teaches students about leadership and confidence. However, being recruited by collegiate sports teams and continuing to play at college can be physically rigorous, difficult to manage socially, and requires an immense amount of time.

Rowan University does not have a collegiate Division III Men’s Lacrosse team; however, the university does offer a Men’s Club Lacrosse team. Today we feature several members of the team to hear their insights on the program.

Ryan Meiluta is a senior long stick midfielder majoring in Civil Engineering from Delran, NJ (Burlington County).
Why did you choose to play men’s club lacrosse?
I wanted to continue playing lacrosse and compete.
What is your favorite thing about being a member of the men’s club lacrosse team?
The bonds we have with our teammates.
Do you play on the team more so for the social aspect or because you love the sport?
I started because I love the sport, but the social aspect makes it a lot better.
How many days a week do you practice?
Two days a week.

Christian Boylan is a senior midfielder from Hillsborough, NJ (Somerset County) majoring in Environmental Science and Sustainability and minoring in geology and environmental planning.
Why did you choose to play men’s club lacrosse?
I really enjoy playing lacrosse and wanted to continue to be a part of a team.
What is your favorite thing about being a member of the men’s club lacrosse team?
My teammates.
What is a pro of playing for the team?
Winning games and winning the games without a coach is definitely a pro.
If Rowan had an NJAC/ NCAA men’s lacrosse team, would you pursue that or try to walk on?

Ryan Collins is a junior defender majoring in Marketing and is from Lacey Township, NJ (Ocean County).
Why did you choose to play men’s club lacrosse?
I chose to play lacrosse at Rowan because I wanted to continue playing the sport after high school. I felt it was a good way to meet new people and to continue playing.
Do you travel and play other schools?
Yes, we travel to different tournaments and colleges playing other club teams from all different schools.
How competitive would you say the team is?
I’d say the team is very competitive. Every practice and game we have we all give 100%, and our goal is to be the best we can.
Do you play on the team more so for the social aspect or because you love the sport?
I’d say a little bit of both, they’re both great factors that come with playing on the club team. I’ve always loved lacrosse and have played my whole life so I knew I wanted to play in college. But, I think club lacrosse was the perfect thing to do because I am able to focus a ton on school while still playing the sport and spending time with teammates.

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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major
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