Humans of Rowan: Finding Her Place in Wrestling, Volunteerism & Student Leadership

Sapjah can be seen at Bunce Hall throwing a fist into the air.

With a sneak peek originally on @HumansofRowan on Instagram, today we learn more about Psychology major Sapjah Zapotitla of Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County). Sapjah is involved on campus as the president of the Sociology and Anthropology Club and a member of intramural wrestling on campus.

What’s your Rowan experience been like as the first woman to join the Wrestling Club? 

It was a bit intimidating at first because of how there was no other females there. There’s men there, but it’s very different from how it was in high school. From my experience in high school, there was a lot more variety in the people that would come to practices in terms of size. 

But with the club, it’s like stepping into a jungle. I was really excited when I first started. I was exhilarated to just try my best and show all of the members that I can prove myself and show that I’m a lot stronger than people expect; because, I am pretty small. It’s been so far so good. In high school, it was a bit more of a hostile environment because I was a girl, but with here at the club, I felt welcomed and accepted. They knew that I wanted to come to the Wrestling Club to have fun. 

Sapjah is wearing a red dress standing next to a tree with her hands on her hips outside of Bunce Hal..

What’s your history with wrestling? 

This is a funny story. I used to be very shy and didn’t really think much of myself. But going into high school my freshman year, I knew I wanted to try something new. So I asked people what sports were available at Cherry Hill East. My peers would go on to say all of the generic different sports that might be offered, but they had also mentioned wrestling.

When I had asked about the sport they went on and said, “Yeah, but that’s only for boys.” At that moment I realized I wanted to go out and try out for that sport. 

I was still really shy for the first few months, but after a while I started to speak up and converse with more people. During my time in high school I had even tried to start the girls’ wrestling team. I knew that even if I didn’t have a place I was ready to go out and make one for myself and others who might be interested in similar things. I want to be the change. I want people to know that they’re being welcomed, especially females in a male-dominated sport. It’s been a really fun experience, to say the least. 

How was that transition like going from high school to Rowan? 

At first, I was just so grateful. It’s an environment that I didn’t know existed. That kind of environment where they’re like “you belong.” It has been amazing to find that here. 

Sapjah is standing in front of Bunce flexing her arms.

How’s your experience been so far here at Rowan? 

I was super nervous getting into Rowan because of financial issues. I’m a first-generation student, and I didn’t have role models to follow suit. I had to figure everything out by myself and I’ll be honest, I felt that pressure.

But, I was determined. If I was going to go to college, I was going to do it the way that I wanted to do it.

I’m currently taking 18 credits, which is six courses. My first two weeks into Rowan I became the president of the Sociology and Anthropology Club. I’ve even gone on to get interviews for future positions as well as getting a job here on campus at the Student Success Center as a secretary. It’s been pretty enthralling! 

What’s it like being the president of the Sociology and Anthropology Club? 

For myself, I’ve always been the type of person who likes to jump in and seize opportunities. For example, like being the first girl wrestler. I just want to be there and participate and do what I can to better myself.

With the Rowan Sociology and Anthropology Club, it was in the process of being rebuilt. When I first got there, no one was showing up. I came up with solutions, working with social media to attempt to recruit new members. I’m all for trying. 

Sapjah is standing in front of Bunce and staring into the distance.

Are there any other clubs that you’re involved in? 

I’m also a part of “Get Fit” here at Rowan. I’m a volunteer there. Last semester I volunteered around 20 hours, and I absolutely loved it. I felt like I belonged there, just helping people with disabilities work out helps me just as much as it helps them. I’m now technically a session manager for Get Fit. 

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Story by:
Lucas Taylor, English education graduate student

Volunteering with the Glassboro Food Bank

Just a stone’s throw away from Rowan University sits the Samaritan Center, a shining pillar of light in the community. Rowan Blog contributor Bianca Gray shares: “As a Rowan student, many of us are volunteering in many different places around the state, but maybe we should take the time to learn more about how we can volunteer our time to the community we all call home.”

The Samaritan Center, also known as the Glassboro Food Bank, is a nonprofit organization located on 123A East High Street. For years, they have been dedicated to providing food and clothes for the low income residents of Glassboro, and Rowan students are starting to get involved in a major way. The Samaritan Center is happy to accept help and donations from any Rowan student looking to make a difference; here are some ways that you can get involved. 

Inside the Glassboro Food Bank, shelves stocked with cans and bags stuffed with food
A look inside the Samaritan Center

Volunteering is a must for any Rowan student. It’s a great way to get involved around the community and help a good cause at the same time. Students looking to volunteer with the organization could be given a couple of different tasks. They could help with distributing and packaging food, organizing food and clothing within the center, or help to maintain the center’s garden. Senior Writing Arts and Marketing major Melanie Kosick volunteered with the organization during the fall Thanksgiving Turkey Drive. 

“We mainly just packaged bags with cranberry sauce, stuffing mix and other Thanksgiving foods for families, handing out a turkey and a gallon of milk with each bag,” Melanie tells us. “Honestly, I really enjoyed the entire experience. Not only did I enjoy working with the staff, but it was a nice way to give back for the holidays.” 

Ingres Simpson stocking the shelves of the Glassboro Food bank
Ingres restocking the shelves!

Melanie’s not the only Prof lending a helping hand though. The organization’s president, Ingres Simpson, is an adjunct professor at Rowan in the Elementary Education program. Simpson first joined the organization back into 2014 after retiring from her previous job as a Supervisor of Instruction at a local public school. She works alongside other retirees to help achieve the Samaritan Center’s primary goal: providing food and clothing to Glassboro residents in need. 

“I am totally committed to our work at the Samaritan Center,” Simpson shares. “It is especially rewarding to be able to help people within my community who struggle to feed themselves and their families.” 

Along with helping those in need feed their families, the Samaritan Center also provides clothing through their Clothing Closet. The clothing is priced anywhere from 25 cents to $3.00. As stated earlier, volunteers could be asked to help organize the clothing, but for those who don’t have the time to spare and would still like to give back, the organization is always accepting clothing donations. 

The Samaritan Center's Clothing Closet
The Clothing Closet

The Samaritan Center is open from Monday – Thursday from 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. On Mondays and Wednesdays, volunteers may help with distributing government-issued food to families and individuals who meet the federal guidelines for low income status. From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Center provides gently used clothing for men, women, and children, which is especially necessary this time of year.

Anyone interested in working with the Samaritan Center should visit the Center’s website where they can not only express their interest in volunteering with the organization but donate anything they have to offer. 

A picture of the Samaritan Center
The Samaritan Center is located at 123A East High Street in Glassboro.

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Story By:
Bianca Gray, senior English major

Photos By:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

Making Friends, Supporting Charity

Gabby and her classmates walking past 301 High Street.

Today we introduce guest blogger Gabby Lang, a sophomore public relations major from Cranford, NJ (Union County.) Gabby learned from home as a first-year student and now, as a sophomore, shares her story of how she branched out to make friends this year. Gabby shares this post to encourage the Rowan community to come out for the Cystic Fibrosis walk Wednesday, November 10, at Bunce Green from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. 

A Rowan University Public Relations Major Poses for a Headshot.I can 100% say that adapting to college was one of the biggest adjustments I have ever had. A new environment, new people, and new everything. I can admit that at first it was very difficult to make new friends and acquaintances, and like everyone else I wanted the “college life” everyone talked about. 

I learned that the cliche advice to join new clubs really was the best advice given to me. If a club appeals to you, jump at the opportunity. I joined PRaction, a student-run public relations firm, to get hands-on experience in my field.

I was scared to join at first because I did not know much about PR and am only a sophomore, however it seemed interesting.  I decided to give it a try, and I was assigned to work on our annual cystic fibrosis fundraising event. 

We host the event in memory of Rowan University student Colette W. Bleistine, who sadly passed away from cystic fibrosis in 2012. Her parents created the Colette W. Bleistine Paying It Forward Foundation, and we donate the money we raise to this foundation. 

3 students standing in front of the CCCA building.

This year, our goal is to raise $590 through a community walk around campus. We welcome our #RowanPROUD family, community neighbors, and those who support finding a cure for cystic fibrosis to join us on Wednesday, November 10 at 5 p.m. at the Bunce Green for the one hour walk. 

Three Rowan Students outside 301 High Street.PRaction placed me with students who had similar interests, and because of this I connected with people I would have never otherwise met. This is the first time that I’ve collaborated in a large group for a professional project. Every group member is delegated a role and it makes you realize you’re a part of something and that your work has purpose and impact. 

This experience is so beneficial because I am able to network, gain valuable experience, and help plan an event that will benefit those living with cystic fibrosis. Planning this event has brought so much more passion to my interest in public relations.

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Alumni Success: Mitch McDaniels on Finding Your “WHY”

Mitch poses at the Holly Pointe Commons sign.

Today we speak with Mitch McDaniels, who graduated from the Honors Concentration with a degree in Biochemistry in 2020. Mitch also minored in German Studies throughout his time at Rowan University. He grew up in Hammonton, NJ (Atlantic County) but now lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Mitch was a Resident Assistant (RA) for three years and lived on campus for all four years. He was also actively involved in the Honors College, B.L.A.S.T. Mentoring, the Keck Behavioral Lab at Cooper Medical Schoolthe Academic Associate Program at Cooper University Hospital, Rho Alpha Sigma, and Alpha Epsilon Delta. He was also a volunteer at the Kitchen of Hope Food Bank (Glassboro), and a Chemistry Learning Assistant for four semesters.

What did being an RA and Assistant Resident Director (ARD) mean to you?

Res Life [meaning RLUH or working for Residential Learning and University Housing as an RA, ARD, graduate role, or professional role] is such a unique field and it’s such a diverse and unique group of people that come together to do so much more than just run a building. I absolutely loved it throughout my time at Rowan — the opportunity to be a part of flourishing communities of residents in their first year of college, and hopefully being that go-to guy for my residents for the good, bad and everything in between.

My experience through Res Life has definitely been one of my favorite memories at Rowan because I met so many new, and now lifelong, friends through it. I love when my residents come back and tell me how much fun they had their freshman year or a favorite memory they had from their year in our pod. A few even went on to go into Res Life themselves; it makes me so happy to hear that!

For me, it was really special to see the ways in which my communities grew together, and the ways they found to make a difference together. 

Mitch poses under the "Pork Chopper" statue in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Mitch poses by the “When Pigs Fly, Pork Chopper” Statue which is part of the Sculpture Walk in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

What advice do you have for current students?

I think every first year student should take a little bit of time to find what it is they want to do at Rowan, until they really find their “why,” both on campus and off. I’m still learning exactly what that is for me, honestly. No matter what you do, who you hang out with, or the classes you take, I’ve learned that it’s best to keep an open mind because those moments came when I was least expecting them.

My first year, I was really quite quiet, but I thought that being an RA would be a really unique way to meet people and be part of a community. Lots of people become hyper-focused on the free housing and food, which is pretty sweet, to be honest, but I also wanted to find a place to help in building that welcoming environment I found on campus. I often forget that I had a meal plan and free housing as an RA because I just enjoyed getting to meet everyone and get connected and involved in a way that was different from any other role on campus because their home also becomes yours. 

No matter what you do at Rowan, you really have to take the time to find your “why” [your purpose] at Rowan. There’s this proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I really believe that Rowan’s spirit comes from that small-campus community, where friends, colleagues, and professors all have your back.

My best advice would be to enjoy college for the people and experiences you’re surrounded by — go together, not alone. I’ve found that the best way for me to get things done is when I’m passionate about it and that I want to see it through to the end, together. For me, the Res Life community was that “thing.”

Now stepping into the real world and getting off of the college campus, finding your “why” comes with the territory for everything you do.

Mitch poses confidently in front of a Sioux Falls sign.

Where do you work now?

Now, I work as a Clinical Research Coordinator at Sanford Health, a big hospital system in the Midwest, but mostly in the Dakotas and Minnesota. I’m on a team of four coordinators that are working on a portfolio of COVID studies. We have two different studies that we are mainly working on for the moment. One is for different treatments that focus on outpatient settings, where patients actively have COVID and are sick, but they’re not sick enough to be hospitalized. This study, sponsored by the National Institute of Health, is an Adaptive Platform Study, which means that we are evaluating multiple investigative treatments that can change from time to time, to quickly and safely identify medications that could significantly improve a patient’s COVID-19 diagnosis.

We’re also doing inpatient work with people who are in the ICU on ventilators, high flow oxygen or other life-saving measures to support them throughout their battle with COVID-19. It’s another adaptive platform study evaluating various medications for people suffering more severe COVID, and who have received advanced life-saving therapeutics or interventions to keep them alive or better support them.

I was always asking myself “why” because I wanted to pour all that I could into any activity I was doing. I didn’t want anything to be just a checkbox for my resume. It really needed to be something that I cared about and believed in.

Part of my “why” for medicine is that I want to be a resource for people wherever I go. That’s something I saw in my family with my father being an FBI agent. I want to be able to carry my skills into underserved areas at some point in my career and make a difference within those communities.  

Mitch wears a light blue shirt and stands in front of a waterfall.
Mitch loves the famous Falls Park in his new hometown of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

What do you hope to do in the medical field?

It really hit when I had the chance to really immerse myself in the Camden community through Cooper, first as a student at MEDacademy at Cooper Medical School, and later as an Academic Associate at Cooper University Hospital. I really began to see that a physician doesn’t work in a bubble, they are someone who’s active and embedded within the community that they are trusted to serve. Ever since, I saw medicine as an opportunity to expand upon the skills, mindset and joy that Res Life has brought me, to help better build a community.

Of course, Rowan has always supported and nourished my curiosity for science and the human body; it’s also helped me to find my voice in leadership. But what my time at Rowan and Cooper has gifted me with has been the opportunity to think, grow excited and imagine how I wanted to give back to the community at the intersection of science, leadership, education, research and policy. 

Part of my “why” for medicine is that I want to be a resource for all people wherever I may go. That’s something I saw, and valued, in my family with my father being a Special Agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I hope to be able to carry my skills into communities (especially those underserved) throughout southern New Jersey, our nation, and the world throughout my career and in hopes of making a difference within those communities by empowering the people of those communities through all I learn from them. No matter what field of medicine I pursue, there’s nothing more important to me than to help these communities I hope to serve to thrive and grow.

A gorgeous blue and orange sunset shines above a majestic waterfall in Minnesota.
Mitch captured the beauty of Falls Park with just his phone.

Tell me about your favorite memory from Res Life? 

My favorite moments were those that were unscripted where I would just hang out with my residents on a random Tuesday night in a hallway or lounge of Holly Pointe. We would have the best conversations! I would always leave my door open because I wanted people to be able to walk in and just sit down. I wanted them to know my room was theirs too, and that it was a safe space where they could unwind, have fun, or talk anything over. The most organic moments were the times when I felt true friendship forming between myself and my residents, and it was not any longer just me “supervising” their freshman experience.

One of my favorite memories in these communities as an RA and an ARD was bringing my residents to the food pantry. I really loved the idea of getting into the Glassboro Community and all of us volunteering together and seeing the ripple our pod could make in the greater community. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t mention the awesome staffs I worked with throughout my three years in Res Life. I couldn’t think of a better group of people to program with, spend time with, or occasionally deal with those 3 a.m. fire alarms. Those unscripted moments, with my residents and RAs alike, made every moment worth it. I owe it to them for helping me to find my why throughout undergrad. 

Waterfalls and tower in Sioux Falls, Minnesota
Another gorgeous sunset by the Queen Bee Mill in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

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Story by: 
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos courtesy of:
Mitch McDaniels, biochemistry graduate

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Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s Community Service Efforts

Chris Acevedo poses in a wooded, snowy area.

Today we speak to Chris Acevedo, president of Rowan’s Omicron Chapter of the Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. Chris is a sophomore Management Information Systems major from Winslow, NJ (Camden County). Chris lives off-campus and is a first-generation college student. Chris is also a student veteran. Chris tells us about Lambda Theta Phi’s community service work they have done recently.

Chris poses inside Business Hall.

Can you tell me about the community service Lambda Theta Phi is doing?

Since Rowan is located in Glassboro, we like to focus a lot of our community service on either Camden or Atlantic City, because those cities need help. There are many people who need help in those cities, and we want to help as many people as we can. We collaborate with other chapters such as the chapters at Rutgers – Camden, Temple and Stockton. S

Some of the community services we have done include feeding and giving away items to homeless people in Philadelphia, Camden, and Atlantic City. Sometimes we do smaller engagements such as clean-ups of towns and people’s backyards, but we try to do big events serving 150 families or more. We try to help as many people as we can. Recently we have held four community outreach events. Near Thanksgiving, we gave away Thanksgiving baskets that consisted of items such as turkey, cornbread, cranberry sauce, and other traditional Thanksgiving foods. We were able to drive food to some families as well.

Near the holidays, we had a holiday-themed event that helped around 300 families. We had a brother dress up as Santa Claus and we gave away toys donated by the Heart of Camden and Total Turf, as well as hats, coats, and gloves. We did a similar event in January, handing out hats, coats, gloves, scarves, and toys. We have also done an event where we walked around Walter Rand in Camden, giving away hand warmers, gloves, and other winter items. 

Chris and some of his brothers from other South Jersey and Pennsylvania chapters pose at a community service event they put on together.
Chris (second from left) and some of his brothers from other South Jersey and Pennsylvania chapters pose at a community service event they put on together.

Why is the Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity so focused on community service?

The root of our organization is based on service. Our principles and ideals emphasize catering to the communities that many of us come from. As we progress in our endeavors as individuals and as a collective, we always aim to uplift the very community that has raised us.

What would you say the benefits of being involved in Greek life are? 

Greek life advances networking. There are many reasons that people pursue Greek life; i.e. a sense of family/belonging, making friends. But the biggest positive is networking. You meet people from all walks of life and all different ages. Sometimes you’re able to meet people who have similar interests and can offer guidance, or you can meet someone that’s gone down a different path and offers different perspectives on life. Whatever your reason for joining a Greek organization, you are always going to meet someone new. 

Chris poses outdoors in a snowy, wooded area.

What else does the Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity focus on besides community service?

Lambda Theta Phi is big on community service but it isn’t our only task. We are big on the connection / social aspect. We enjoy the presence of our brothers making a lot of bonding events, whether it’s our chapter here at Rowan or any other schools. Connecting with other Greek organizations makes your networking bigger and more relationships that last forever.

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Story and photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Community service photo submitted by:
Chris Acevedo, sophomore management information systems major

Meet #Rowan2025: Undeclared Turned Business Major Bailey Livezey

Home photo of Bailey.

Today, we meet #Rowan2025 student Bailey Livezey! Bailey, an incoming freshman from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County), was originally undeclared; she then decided a Business degree would be the right fit for her. She shares what clubs she wants to continue pursuing in her college career and offers some advice to other incoming freshmen.

A portrait photo of Bailey in her high school graduation cap and gown.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college?

I am looking forward to starting a new chapter in my life and perhaps learning something about myself that I didn’t know before.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club you were a part of in high school that you’d like to continue in college?

I have done Key Club and love the aspects about it! Doing community service and helping those in need brings me happiness. I would love to continue to this in college.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself in college? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?

I do not have a specific career that I want to do, so I am hoping to figure out what I am passionate about and expand on that.

What majors are you considering and why?

I applied undecided, but I am going to declare as a [College of Business] major. Business includes such a wide variety of careers, which is very exciting to me. I have hope I will fall in love with one of them!

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

I attended a virtual event of Rowan that explained the basics about the campus and what Rowan is about. Not knowing what I want to do as a career, this event assured me that I will figure out my future at Rowan.

Do you have advice for other high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Don’t take everything in at once! If you look at it all, it will only overwhelm you. Enjoy the process and take it one step at a time.

Where are you going to live next year?

I’m commuting from home!

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

The campus is definitely one of my favorite things about Rowan. The Rowan campus is always expanding. I have seen it grow since I live very close by. With the campus consistently evolving, the opportunities that lie on this campus do as well.

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Story by: Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Beyond the Classroom: PR/Advertising Double Major Steven Saxon on How Volunteerism Ties into His Major

Steven poses outside by the Rec Center at Rowan.

Today we speak to senior Public Relations and Advertising double major and avid volunteer Steven Saxon. Steven is living off-campus in Glassboro, but he is from Haworth, NJ (Bergen County). 

Steven poses in front of the Rowan Prof Owl statue.

What got you interested in your intended field?

As a kid, both my parents were involved in business, particularly public relations. My dad was a PR representative, and my mom was an account manager. I saw that both of my parents dealt with people for their job, a lot. There was a lot of person-to-person interaction, not a lot of sitting behind a desk, and, more specifically, when you have interactions like that in the working world, it opens up a lot more opportunities than behind a desk.

I believe that the most praise you can get for doing desk work is doing an outstanding job. When you’re talking to someone, there’s so many different ways and things that can open up in a conversation that just help you, benefit you, or interest you, that don’t even relate to business. I want to do exactly what my dad does.

How did you get into volunteering?

Every single person, if you are given free time, you have to stay productive. It’s just kind of innate as humans. You can’t wake up every day and sit in your living room and look for a new TV show or just scroll through social media. It’ll bring you into a hole, and then by the time it’s time to be productive again whether you got your job or school, it becomes three times as hard now that you’re so used to doing nothing.

During school … I’m the Vice President of Public Relations for Sigma Alpha Lambda, which is the Leadership Honor Society. I’m in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). I’m very involved at school when it is in session. So when it’s not in session, I know sometimes people look for a job, but I’m not looking at the money at the moment; I’m looking to build my resume my connections, things like that. I could get a job and I have in the past for like three months over a break. But I think there are a lot more substantial things I could do than make some money over there because I mean money’s not really a huge issue for me right now, as long as I focus on my academics. 

Steven poses outside at Rowan.

How does your volunteer work tie in with your majors?

Volunteer work ties in with my majors for multiple reasons. First, by getting to meet these people and beginning the volunteer process, I get to know them and establish a relationship with them. After that, I can talk to them in the future and maybe get a recommendation, a new volunteering opportunity or job offers from them. Also, my major has helped me because I know that communication and public relations is key. For my current volunteer position at The Kitchen of Hope, I was applying and I was told that people call to see if they can volunteer there all the time, and I think that my knowledge of communication helped me get the position, and she didn’t even know too much about me. I’m sure she got an a three-minute phone call with everyone else, I got a five-minute phone call with her, and I finally landed the volunteer opportunity. 

How did you find these volunteer opportunities?

For my volunteer position when I worked with Veterans of Foreign Wars, I looked up “social service,” and that is what led me to them. I also volunteered with Claws, a cat adoption and rescue center, and I got that opportunity by calling them. I was told to email them, so I communicated with them through email. I made sure to present myself as someone who loves animals. I secured my current position at Kitchen of Hope by talking with the people that work there for a few weeks. 

Steven poses on a bench.

What has been the most meaningful experience that you’ve had while volunteering?

While I was volunteering with Veterans of Foreign Wars, I was assigned different veterans to work with and help them with their duties. The veterans ran a restaurant and worked in an office. One of the guys I was assigned to was Sherman. Sherman was a quiet guy. I like to talk when things get awkward, and I talked to Sherman often. He loved it when I came in to volunteer, and I noticed that he became more comfortable with me. He went from mumbling orders at me to telling me stories about his time in the military.

What knowledge or skills have you developed through this opportunity that you will take with you for future endeavors?

I have learned to be more tolerant. I have also been exposed to different types of people and I met a lot of people I would not have met otherwise.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Student Leadership with Volunteerism: Fresh For All [VIDEO]

A stock image of peaches, basil and tomatoes.

Rowan University students share their volunteer and leadership experience with Fresh For All, an on-campus initiative partnership with Philabundance that brings free, fresh fruits and vegetables to campus every week. Video by:Adam Clark, senior Radio/TV/Film major Music by:Louis Testa III, music composition and jazz studies Thank you to New Jersey Digest for recognizing Rowan Blog […]

Student Leadership with Volunteerism: Fresh For All [VIDEO]

Will, the student leader of Fresh For All poses on Rowan's campus.

Rowan University students share their volunteer and leadership experience with Fresh For All, an on-campus initiative spearheaded by Philabundance that brings free, fresh fruits and vegetables to campus every week.

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Student Created:
Adam Clark, senior Radio/TV/Film major
Louis Testa III, senior music composition major

Beyond the Classroom: Meet Africana Studies Club President Nafisat Olapade

Nafisat Olapade sitting on a cement bench in front of a large brick building.

Today we feature Nafisat Olapade, president of the Africana Studies Club. She’s a Biological Sciences and Psychology double major and a first-generation college student. Here, she tells us more about the club and her leadership role in this campus organization. 

Nafisat Olapade poses on a black metal bench in front of some trees.

Can you tell me about the Africana Studies Club?

Africana Studies Club is here to promote a higher level of consciousness for students when it comes to whatever path they decide to choose after Rowan. It’s important to emphasize Africana Studies as a major or a minor. It’s important to battle racial disparities in its forefront in whatever career you decide to get into. 

Nafisat Olapade poses in an orange shirt in front of bushes and a parking lot.

Is the Africana Studies Club involved in any events?

We have events that are planned, currently this year we plan on doing volunteering programs. We’re partnering with NJAC, which is the New Jersey Abolitionist Collective; they work with the communities that are less funded and have less opportunities. They are also really big on advocating for the rights of inmates. We plan on doing a volunteering outreach programs with them.

What do you hope to get out of the Africana Studies Club for yourself?

Africana Studies itself allows me to learn more about how I can use whatever position I gain in the future to help people in communities that need help. It allows me to be aware of the disparities and just the structural racism that is in a lot of different fields in the world and how I can do my part from where I stand. 

Nafisat Olapade poses in an orange shirt in front of a rocky wall.

Does the Africana Studies Club have a different meaning this year with the Black Lives Matter movement?

I think right now we have a lot of people who care, and that’s something great to hold onto. I feel like this momentum is great for our club and it’s great for also gaining members. People need to translate their caring and social media activism into things that are tangible in real life. I think this momentum that we currently have could be used in the club and having people just gain awareness in what racism means in day-to-day life. 

What is your favorite thing about the Africana Studies Club?

I really like that I’m friends with my e-board members, some of them are my roommates actually. I like the passion behind a lot of the members in the club and I like that I get to leave something at Rowan before I move on. 

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Story by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

#PROFspective: Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management Major Maribeth Novsak

Marybeth sits outside on campus.

Maribeth Novsak, a senior Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management major from Cape May Court House, NJ (Cape May County), shares some highlights of her Rowan experience. 

What inspired you to choose your major?

I actually started as an Athletic Training student here at Rowan. After my sophomore year, I realized I wasn’t happy in the classroom but I was happy working as an EMT and learning about mass casualty and shelter operations, that’s what really drew me to switch my major to Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, as well as a great group of friends and family.

How are you involved on campus? How does it fulfill you or support your future goals?

I currently volunteer with Rowan EMS as well as hold one of their two student worker positions. When I am there as a student worker I coordinate non-emergency transports for students to doctors’ offices. When I am there in a volunteer capacity, I answer 911 calls, assist in the training of EMTs as well as help with the driver training program. I’m usually at the squad about 48 hours a week.

Marybeth stands outside on campus.

Could you share with us one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

Every interaction that I have with my classmates and professors as well as every time I hand in a quality paper or project shows me that this is where I am meant to be and I made the right choice in changing my major.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a Rowan professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.

All of our professors in our program are great. There is one professor in particular that I have connected with, and she has become a great mentor to me. Not only have I had her for multiple classes she has helped me with career advising and has let me talk through all of the different scenarios with her.

The thing with my field is, I feel like learning the curriculum is important but learning the networking and building capital for yourself is even more important because one day you are going to need to use it.

maribeth in front of prof statue

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Quintin Stinney, radio/television/film major 

5 Ways Students Are Giving Back This Season

Although this time of year is filled with gifts and twinkly lights, the holidays are also known as the season of giving. Here are 5 ways Rowan students are giving back this holiday season through the Office of Volunteerism

1. The SHOP

The SHOP is a food and resource pantry located in room 141 of Building 5 in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. The SHOP is donation based, so students, faculty and members of the Glassboro community can donate items for students to pick up free of charge. The SHOP has a plethora of canned goods, cleaning supplies, toiletries and other items students may need. To give back this season, consider donating or volunteering to help work at The SHOP.

2. Fresh for All

The Fresh for All program by Philabundance is a resource available on Rowan’s campus. Fresh for All provides fresh fruits and vegetables for Rowan students and the Rowan community. Each Friday, the produce is available for pick up from 10-11 a.m. in Parking Lot D on Rowan’s Glassboro campus. This is a great resource for students of the Rowan community to stay healthy and eat well. To give back this season, volunteer by portioning out the produce, bringing the produce into the person’s vehicle and/or assisting walkup clients. See our video on the Fresh For All program. 

Student with fruits and vegetables.

3. Volunteer for Ronald McDonald House Charities

To give back this season, consider volunteering at the Chamberlain Student Center with the Office of Volunteerism. There, you’ll be able to help make snack packs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Ronald McDonald House Charity is a non-profit organization that aims to support children and their families. 

4. Make Handwritten Cards

A handwritten note can really show someone how much you care. This holiday season, you can help the members of the assisted living center at Juniper Village feel appreciated. The Office of Volunteerism is hosting card making sessions at the Chamberlain Student Center to provide supplies for the cards. 

5. Make Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches 

There’s no better combination than peanut butter and jelly. To volunteer this season, you can come make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Cathedral Kitchen with the Office of Volunteerism. This is a great way to give back to the greater South Jersey community. 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Beyond the Classroom: Fresh For All Coordinator William Hendrixson Reflects on Giving Back

Will sits among pine trees on campus.

Today we speak with William Hendrixson, a fifth-year senior from Egg Harbor Township (Atlantic County) who is currently on track to complete a dual major in Management Information Systems and Computing and Informatics. He also has a leadership role with the volunteer program Fresh For All. Learn more about William and his strong passion for helping the community.

Will stands in front of tree and ornamental grass on campus.

William Hendrixson is the top coordinator in charge of Fresh For All, a food distribution program on campus with the goal of getting fresh produce to the campus and surrounding communities. 

Will explains: “Fresh For All is a program where we work with a couple of different organizations to get fresh vegetables, fruit and sometimes dairy, to students and local community members who need it.” 

The program is set up every Friday from 10-11 a.m. in parking lot D by the Engineering building. The food comes from an outside organization called Philabundance, which goes out to farmer’s markets and grocery stores seeking donations. 

When asked who is eligible for free food, he says anyone at all. “You don’t need ID, you don’t need proof of need, or anything. We distribute every Friday, year round,” he adds.

According to Will, Fresh for All serves on average 150 families a week.

“Our highest is around 170,” he says.

In terms of the ratio of students to families, he explains, “It’s definitely more families. More from the local communities. I would say it can be up to about a quarter students, but the majority is definitely locals [who] need it.”

Will sits on a stone in front of trees on campus.

Will works with the Office of Volunteerism at Rowan, which put him in charge of the Fresh for All program. He says his individual responsibility on Fridays during distribution is to “make sure the event goes smoothly.” 

Fresh For All has given William the opportunity to to go out and help people. Even though it has nothing to do with his majors or career, he still just enjoys the feeling of putting a smile on someone’s face. 

When asked if this was something that he sees in his future, William responds: “Not necessarily as a career, because as I mentioned I’m kind of more from a tech background. But I want to be successful enough where I can give back to the community.” 

Will stands in front of textured wall on campus.

Will’s favorite thing about Fresh For All is the genuine difference that it makes. He says, “You can kind of see on people’s faces that it really helps and that’s definitely it, just knowing that you’re making a difference in someone’s week.”

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Story and photography by:
Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

How I Made Friends at Rowan

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a recent Communications Studies graduate from Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Some incoming college students may wonder: How am I going to make friends? It’s one of the highest worries around. Incoming students may be used to having all of their home town friends that they went to school with for many years, and now everyone is splitting up to go away to different universities.

My incoming freshman year I joined a Rowan Students Facebook group. I think that was my best decision. After going to Rowan’s open house and being put into groups that we did activities with, I met a couple of students, and we switched telephone numbers. After that, they added me to this Facebook group that had hundreds of incoming freshman. By reaching out and posting in this page and connecting on different social media platforms, I was able to get into touch and build relationships even before the semester started.

Devon (second from left) and friends participated in a community-wide clean-up event.
Devon (second from left) and friends participated in a community-wide clean-up event.

Well, it didn’t end there! Once the semester progressed I joined a lot of clubs. Rowan offers a numerous amount of clubs where you can team bond, socialize and participate in different activities. My favorite club I joined was Volunteer Club. With doing this, I ended up being a tutor at South Woods State Prison and met a couple of friends I still have close friendships with today. 

Rowan After Hours was also a great opportunity to make friends. The wonderful thing about that would be going with the friends I had, and meeting new ones! So the group friendship expanded. RAH would hold fun nights such as BINGO night or movie night. So my college experience didn’t always have to be about going out to parties every night and trying to socialize that way. 

Although, going out was also a fun way to make friends. Rush sorority events were a great way to socialize, meet new people and personalities. I remember meeting girls from towns over, and states over. I met my roommates from doing this. 

Whether you’re worried about meeting friends, or nervous to go out and socialize, don’t be. You’re not the only one in the same boat. I was nervous myself, and so were the girls I’m best friends with today. It just takes a little courage and a positive attitude.

Be yourself! Join groups and clubs, participate in activities at Rowan, and you will have a great time meeting your friend group. 

Devon (left) with friends (and one furry friend)
Devon (left) with friends (and one furry friend)

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Story and photos by:
Devon Graf, communication studies graduate

#MeetRowan2024: Multi-talented Marketing Major Megan Steckler

Photo of Megan outside in a wooded area

Today we feature future freshman and Marketing major Megan Steckler from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County). Megan is excited to be commuting to Rowan in the fall. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

Although this may sound cliche, I am looking forward to taking classes, meeting new people and experiencing the college life.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

In high school, I played field hockey, lacrosse, and I swam. Hopefully, I will continue to play lacrosse. I also want to continue participating in Key Club, or another volunteer-oriented club, and Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) at Rowan.

How or why did you choose your major?​

In high school, I was part of a specialized program called the Business Leadership Academy (BLA). It is a business-oriented curriculum that I found challenging and a lot of fun!

I like business because it is such a versatile subject. One of my favorite classes in the BLA at Kingsway High School was my marketing class. I love the creative side of business, and I want to continue to explore that part specifically in college.

How did you get to know campus?

I live close to Rowan, I attended Rowan’s Think Like an Entrepreneur camp last summer, and my older sister attends Rowan now. So, even though I have never received an “official” tour, I am already very familiar with the campus.

What music do you like?

I love pop, rock and alternative music. 

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely a night owl!

Why Rowan?​​

Rowan is a really good school, it is close to home, and I was fortunate to receive a Merit Scholarship. Also, the school is still growing, the campus is expanding, and I can’t wait to get started! I am excited about all of the opportunities at Rowan! Go Profs!

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

How the Volunteer Club Impacts My Rowan Experience

Student volunteer pets a gray tabby cat at an animal shelter

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a recent communications studies graduate self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Volunteering at Rowan University has been such a wonderful and rewarding experience. Are you looking to make friends? Help out the community? Feel good about yourself? I would recommend joining the Volunteer Club at Rowan.

Rowan students volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House South Jersey

It’s also important in other ways. Volunteering is important as it offers essential help to worthwhile causes, people in need and the wider community. Indeed, many organizations and charities rely on the generosity of volunteers as often they’re only partially-funded through government or local councils and cannot afford to pay salaries for all their staff. In fact, many companies depend almost solely upon teams of volunteers (like you!) to help them thrive and do their work.

If you’re feeling bored, isolated or simply want to widen your social circle, volunteering for Rowan is an important – and often fun – way to meet new people. In fact, one of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together, and volunteering lets you do just that.

Rowan student volunteers at animal shelter

What kind of volunteer options does Rowan offer? Many! Some of my favorites have been playing bingo at our local senior citizens center, helping out the local ASPCA animal shelter, and even taking a bus over to Camden to help serve food to the homeless and less fortunate at Cathedral Soup Kitchen. I even volunteered to be a tutor at South Woods State Prison.

Every volunteer event is meaningful and impacted my life positively. The look on the senior citizens’ faces to have someone young sitting next to them to play bingo is priceless. The animals I got to walk for a couple hours at the animal shelter felt loved. The prisoners I got to teach mathematics to and socialize with felt important. The greatest reward I have ever felt is donating at the soup kitchen and passing out hot cooked meals to families in need. 

Rowan students volunteer at Food Bank of South Jersey

Doing good for others and our community helps to create a sense of accomplishment. And working as a volunteer can also gave me a sense of pride and identity, helping to boost my self-confidence further by taking me out of my natural comfort zone and environment. It was also an escape from the typical school day. I was able to wake up and volunteer in the mornings for a couple of hours and then go to my classes. The volunteer event schedule has numerous days and times to apply yourself. I noticed that volunteering boosted my mental health simply because it made me happier: the so-called “helper’s high.” 

So next semester, try it out. Volunteering is a win-win situation all around. Reach out to the Volunteer Club and Rowan University if you have any questions or would like to learn more. 

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Story by:
Devon Graf, Communication Studies graduate
Rowan University Volunteer Website

Meet Rowan #2024: Athletic Training Major, Firefighter Chooses Rowan To Be Close to Hometown

Logan poses with Rowan University's mascot.

Today we feature Logan Robenolt, an incoming Athletic Training major from Barrington, NJ (Camden County). He tells us more about what he’s looking forward to at Rowan University and why he chose Rowan. 

Logan poses with Rowan University mascot, Whoo RU. What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 

I did stage crew in high school, and I would like to continue to help with productions that take place at Rowan.

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose athletic training since I would like to become a physical therapist and this is a start to that profession. But the reason why I want to become one is that I was in physical therapy for about three years when I broke my arm and I just grew a liking to it. 

Why did you choose a university close to home?

I chose a university close to home since my twin brother wanted to go to an out-of-state college, and I wasn’t trying to create a lot of debt. However, I am a firefighter in my hometown so when I’m home I can still run fire calls when the time permits. 

Why Rowan?

I’ve had many teachers and mentors who were in Rowan for my major and other topics. They encouraged me to go to Rowan since it’s the same education — if not better than — other schools for a much, much cheaper price. 

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Senior Reflects: Psychology Major Nicole Byrne Shares Her Favorite Rowan Moments

Basketball court inside Esby Gym

Today we feature senior Nicole Byrne, a psychology major and neuroscience minor from Brick, New Jersey (Ocean County) who used to walk to campus everyday from her home she called “Lil Bed.” She originally transferred from Stockton University.

Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite experience with a faculty member during my time at Rowan was being Dr. Martinez’s learning assistant (LA) for an entire semester. I had her as a professor and I loved how she taught. When I became her LA, our relationship expanded to something more. She was there for me through graduate school applications and through bumps in the road. I learned so much from her and I am beyond grateful for the relationship we established. She was a mentor that listened to me whenever I needed it. I loved hearing her hilarious stories about her kids and she loved my crazy stories about my family. It was an amazing experience to be able to open up to my professor.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? I was able to volunteer and be a ref at the Unified Sports this last semester. I had a blast. Being able to hangout and ref my favorite sport was one of the most memorable moments that I was able to receive while my time here at Rowan. The Green Team thought I was hilarious with the random and weird moves I would do with the basketball during time outs. It was the purest and the most fun I have had in a long time! 

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I was fortunate enough to be a student researcher at Rowan University’s Schizophrenia-Spectrum research lab. My fellow classmates, graduate students and Dr. Dinzeo taught me so much and helped me realize that I have a passion for research. I wouldn’t have gotten the necessary tools to get into my dream graduate program if it wasn’t for that lab and the members in it. They will always have a special place in my heart!

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I want to give a HUGE shout out to my little sister Brittany who is still at Rowan University and my other sister Chelsea who has inspired me every single day. I want to thank my friends, teammates, my “B-Town” longtime friends and Jeremy Brown. Without the love and support they all give me each and every day, I wouldn’t be where I am today!  

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Senior Reflects: Accounting and Finance Double Major Stephanie Revas

Stephanie poses in front of business hall.

Accounting and finance double major Stephanie poses outside Wilson Hall.Meet Stephanie Revas, an accounting and finance double major with a human resources management minor for her CPA from Bellmawr, NJ (Camden County). Stephanie is a member of Beta Alpha Psi, the international honor organization for financial information students and professionals, and lived on campus during her time at Rowan.

Favorite experience: One of my favorite experiences was working with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program for four years. By volunteering with the program, it opened up so many doors and connections that truly shaped my experience in college.

How did you meet your closest friends: One of my closest friends I met during summer orientation, and then our paths kept crossing. I met others through our residence halls or clubs. 

Career Aspirations: I’m currently studying for my CPA exam, and eventually I plan on working as an auditor. 

Shout outs: I couldn’t have gotten through university without the support of my parents, friends, and the business faculty specifically those in the Dean’s Office, Accounting and Finance Department, and Human Resource Department. 

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Volunteer for Your Well-being

Roxy Urso poses for a photo outside of the Student Center.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Roxy Urso poses for a photo outside of the Student Center.Meet Roxy Urso, junior Biology major from Barnegat, NJ (Ocean County). Roxy felt inspired by her love of volunteering to write this article. She shares: “There is more to it than just getting hours for school or to look good on applications. It can be very beneficial for a person’s mental health as well. I hope this article will involve more people in the programs Rowan has to offer that are centered around volunteering after they see the value it can have.”

Giving a small piece of a day to help someone — whether it is a friend or someone new — can make a huge difference in how people view themselves. There is something about giving time to others that gives a sense of love and appreciation that is hard to find through any other means.

Being college students, we often get lost in the dizzying cycle of school, friends, and oftentimes work. It feels like there is often not much else out there besides the college campus we reside in, however there is a huge community of people surrounding the local campus, as well as the area.

A great way college students can refocus their sense of purpose and learn more about who they are is through volunteering. By volunteering with true intentions to genuinely help someone, studies have shown that people who chose to volunteer have less stress and anxiety, helps fight depressions, and stay more physically healthy (Segal 2019).

Rowan students volunteer as part of the First Year Connection: Volunteerism program.
Rowan students volunteer for a disaster relief organization through the First Year Connection: Volunteerism program.

Volunteering allows people to make meaningful connections with people, either bonding while volunteering, or making connections with the people being helped. There has even been multiple studies to show that volunteering will help lower blood pressure as people age (Segal 2019).

There are so many resources to find volunteering sites, on campus and in the community. A great resource is the Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement and Commuter Services. They offer multiple trips and events weekly that can allow a student to volunteer, even if it’s just for an hour during the week.

Any opportunity to volunteer will prove tremendous benefits for mental, as well as physical, health. There are multiple opportunities around campus, as well as in the community, that will help reap those benefits.

Like what you see, learn more about our healthy campus initiatives!


Story by:
Roxy Urso, junior biology major, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major


Segal, J., & Robinson, L. (2019, November 26). Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits.

Students Make Furry Friends at Salem County Humane Society [VIDEO]

a person petting a cat on its head.

Through Rowan University’s Office of Volunteerism, students mingle and make new furry friends while volunteering at the Salem County Humane Society. Volunteer tasks include cleaning cages, setting out food and water, and socializing the animals. 

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Video by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Music by:
Louis Testa III, junior music composition major

Recovering Philanthropy at Rowan University

Sam smiling for a portrait outside Engineering Hall.

Sam Bollendorf poses in Engineering Hall.Meet Samantha Bollendorf, sophomore biomedical engineering major from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County.) She shares her passion for volunteering with the Food Recovery Network and encourages students to deepen their volunteer experiences on-campus. 

“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” – George Eliot

There are few feelings, as a college student and human being, that rival the sensation of giving back to a cause, any cause, that matters to you. Giving all that we can do individually to better the lives of those that we empathize with is just about as rewarding as it gets, and it’s safe to say that we all wish we could participate in philanthropic efforts a little more than we already do.

It’s easy to be philanthropic when you’re a well-established gajillionaire, but as an undergraduate 20-something scraping together loose change to do your laundry and buy discount cereal from Aldi, donating to your favorite non-profits is an act easier said than done. Money is tight, and some days, starting a personal GoFundMe to keep your Spotify subscription afloat doesn’t seem all too crazy. All of this begs the question: “How can I give back on-campus in a way that works for me?”

As a student who actively volunteers and is constantly searching for ways to be more immersed on campus, I can assure you that Rowan offers a plethora of opportunities for students to give back. The breadth of volunteer efforts on campus reach a scope far beyond the bounds of our school — philanthropic efforts tend to reach the Glassboro community, as well as greater national causes.

That being said, it can be difficult to weed through the zillions of opportunities provided by our university to find the activities that really resonate with us as individuals. After a full year (and one semester) here at Rowan, I’ve found my own personal unsung hero of philanthropy in the form of Rowan’s Food Recovery Network.

Rowan’s Food Recovery Network is a small, student-led organization on campus that works on a weekly basis to source unused, otherwise wasted food from Rowan University’s dining halls. Students and faculty transport recovered food to local shelters in the Glassboro community. Food Recovery Network redirects food waste to a worthy cause, and gives students a chance to positively impact their surrounding community in a way that’s meaningful, and of course, doable.

Food Recovery Network logo Being a part of something like Food Recovery Network at Rowan, a university that encourages sustainability and practicing sustainable habits, is extremely rewarding. Being able to give back to those that have lent a hand in building beautiful Glassboro — the town that us Profs get to call home — is an opportunity I’m beyond grateful to have.

The best part? I don’t have to dip into my Spotify subscription fund to give back — all that I need to donate is my time, energy and my drive, shared by everyone at Food Recovery, to make the lives of those around us just a little less difficult. That’s the case with most volunteer efforts at Rowan University — so enhance your college experience, and lend a hand!

Like what you see, learn more about our healthy campus initiatives!


Story by:
Samantha Bollendorf, sophomore biomedical engineering major

Photos by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

#PROFspective: International Student Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang stands outside Science Hall

Today, we speak with Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang, a junior Nutrition major from Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam who commutes from Cape May. Nam Phuong will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang poses outside in front of the Rowan owl statueYour name: Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang

Your major(s): Nutrition

Are you a first-generation college student? No

Your year: Junior

Transfer student: Yes. I transferred my credits from Atlantic Cape Community College.

Hometown: Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam

Where do you live? Cape May, NJ (Cape May County)

Commuter: Yes, this [fall] semester I [commuted] 5 days a week from Cape May.

Academic clubs you are a part of:  Nutrition Care Club, student member of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Social clubs you are a part of: Volunteer for the Community Foodbank of New Jersey, Social Media Volunteer for Clinical Nutrition Management Dietetic Practice Group.

Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field.

This is my first semester at Rowan as a Dietetics student. I have to say that the Department of Health Sciences keeps me excited every week with weekly emails about different opportunities for internship/jobs/volunteer experiences for Rowan students in our field. Recently, I received an email about an internship for students who are interested in attending the Health Promotion Conference in South Carolina. The chapter will cover the transportation and hotel fee for the accepted interns, and the conference fee is waived for interns. How cool is that!

Nam Phuong’s laptop stickers are Keith Haring designs. “His work just speaks to me and makes me happy!” she says.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.

I really enjoy my Intro to Nutrition Profession class with Dr. [Christina] Riccardo. In this class, we are encouraged to develop our professional philosophies, making connections, identify both professional and personal future goals, as well as build positive growth mindset. As we are still in the preparation for the program, I think it is very important for each of us to reflect and know what we really want to do in the future, as we don’t want to enter the program and realize it’s not what we thought it to be, right?  

Describe for us an on-campus experience (academic or non-academic) in which you felt that your future goals are supported.

The Office of Career Advancement (OCA) in Savitz Hall is very helpful and valuable for me as well as anyone who is a current Rowan student. Most of the time a good GPA is not enough to get the job that we want; it is also about how we present ourselves in person and on paper. It is sometimes quite intimidating for many students to create a professional resume, prepare for an interview or search for job opportunities. The OCA helps students learn how to write a proper cover letter, résumé, do mock interviews and find jobs and internships. I think this service is absolutely amazing. I received a lot of help and I am very grateful for all the feedback and suggestions from the faculty in this office.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you?

Rowan has a diverse college environment where people with different backgrounds, personalities and perspectives come together. The diversity is a great opportunity for students to learn and grow from each other. In the midst of diversity, there are associations for students with particular interests, and that made me feel like I belong. The second week at Rowan, at the Fall Festival, I met the Vietnamese Student Association. That made me feel so happy when there is diversity and ethnic integrity.  

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang listens to podcasts on her commute to Rowan's campus
“I listen to podcasts that explain topics that I find particularly challenging in my classes.”

Why did you choose Rowan?

I want to be a Registered Dietitian and the first thing to do to become one is to get my education at an accredited institution. I did my research and found that Rowan is one of the 62 accredited colleges in America that offers the program I am pursuing, which I think is so awesome. I had a chance to talk to my current academic advisor, Ms. Dwyer, a year before I applied to Rowan. She helped me with what I should expect and what I should do to prepare for the program. As I learn more about the program, I am so excited to see Rowan expanding the opportunities for Dietetics students.

What’s your favorite thing about your typical Monday at Rowan?

I am taking 17 credits this semester, plus 15 hours commuting per week, so currently my favorite thing to do during the week is enjoy my coffee and podcast as I drive to campus. Some days I listen to Spotify, and other days I listen to podcasts. One of my favorite things about my days at Rowan is my studying time at the Campbell Library between classes. The staff is very friendly, and there are a lot of quiet study spaces for individual use as well as group use. Also, the printers at Rowan are awesome. 

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Story by:

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang, junior nutrition major

Photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

4333 Collective Holiday Show [VIDEO]

Sweetpills lead singer

Jayce Williams, a senior Music Industry major from 4333, a student-run music collective, tells us about his fundraising holiday show featuring Tigers Jaw, Oso Oso, Twentythreenineteen, Sweetpill and Typopro. The show raised more than 400 cans of food for the Glassboro Food Bank.

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. 


Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Saint Bernard Project [VIDEO]

students moving construction equipment in a shell of a house

Students volunteer their time to the Saint Bernard disaster relief program, to repair and hurricane-proof houses damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

Through the summer First-Year Connection: Volunteerism program, incoming students — both freshmen and transfer — embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus.

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Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Humane Society of Salem County [VIDEO]

students petting a dog at the humane society shelter

Students volunteer at the Humane Society of Salem County, cleaning the facility, feeding the animals and most importantly: playing with the animals. 

Through the summer First-Year Connection program, incoming students – both freshmen and transfer – embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus.

Like what you see, come visit us!


Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Ronald McDonald House [VIDEO]

students cook at the ronald mcdonald house

Together with the Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey, students prepare and serve food for families in need. 

Through the summer First-Year Connection: Volunteerism program, incoming students — both freshmen and transfer — embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus.

Like what you see, come visit us!


Video by: Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

Volunteerism at Rowan: Food Bank of South Jersey [VIDEO]

students sorting food at the south jersey food bank

Students work together with the Food Bank of South Jersey sorting and organizing food to provide for the food-insecure. 

Through the summer First-Year Connection: Volunteerism program, incoming students — both freshmen and transfer — embrace togetherness and philanthropy to build community and provide service. Once the school year starts, the volunteerism continues. The Office of Volunteerism hosts monthly projects for five nonprofits, as well as a host of additional activities both on- and off-campus.

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Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Don DeWitt, junior music technology major

First Year Voices: Public Relations Major Rachel Rumsby

Freshman Public Relations major Rachel Rumsby sits on a bench outside on Rowan's campus.

Freshman Public Relations major Rachel Rumsby sits outside on Rowan's campus. Ten toes in. This is the motto of First-Year Connection: Leadership, and how I tried to live during my transition into college. For me, this meant getting as involved as possible to meet a lot of people and get acclimated to campus. 

The first home I found on campus was First Year Connection: Leadership (FCL). This is a four-day program for freshmen and transfer students that focuses on kickstarting your leadership journey at Rowan. This program allowed me to move into Mimosa, my freshman dorm, early, which really set me up for success here at Rowan. By the time the semester started, I had 40 new friends and was all moved in! FCL also jump-started my leadership Rowan career, where I am currently working on my Bronze Leadership Certificate. I still hang out with these people now, even though FCL ended months ago!

Rachel Rumsby (middle) poses with her First-Year Connection: Leadership group.
Rachel Rumsby (middle) poses with her First-Year Connection: Leadership group. (photo by Jessica Hassell)

The second group that I joined at Rowan is Student University Programmers (SUP). SUP is a group that makes programs and events happen for students by students here at Rowan. One of the FCL mentors is the president of SUP, and my RA is the Director of Charitable Events for SUP, and they really encouraged me to join. I don’t attend every event or meeting, but when I do they are always super friendly.

Joining Rowan’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, a national pre-professional organization, and PRaction, Rowan’s student-run public relations firm, also helped me in my transition to Rowan.

Rachel Rumbsy (right) hands out granola bars at Rowan University's Student Center for The SHOP.
Rachel Rumsby (right) hands out granola bars at Rowan University’s Student Center for The SHOP food pantry.

Being on a team for a PRaction client as a freshman really makes me feel like I am going to be professionally prepared after leaving Rowan. I am learning about the profession that I would like to go into, so I can be sure that public relations is actually what I want to do. 

My team on-campus is the Crew Club team. We are an up-and-coming club that welcomes people of any skill level in rowing. We are working toward earning enough money to buy a boat so that we can start competing. We are preparing to compete by working out, erging (rowing on a machine) and team bonding. I have found the members of the crew team to be my closest friends on campus. We are always looking for reasons to be together!

All of these clubs are family because they have helped me transition into having a successful start at Rowan. However, my college experience would be very different if I didn’t live on campus. My RA has been amazing with helping me through everything from roommate issues to how to use the laundry machine. My floormates are also becoming like family to me as well. I am so thankful to have this experience living on campus with them.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, freshman public relations major

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

First Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management Graduate Reflects on His Rowan Experience

Jeff Dever, a 2017 alum from Moorestown, NJ (Burlington County), has many reasons to be #RowanPROUD. He made Rowan history as the first student to graduate with a degree in Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, and has made countless contributions to campus safety throughout his undergraduate years. But where did his success begin?

The walls of Robinson Hall were the sign he was looking for to launch a successful career. During his sophomore year, they were adorned with posters advertising the new Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management program at Rowan University.

At the time, I was a volunteer firefighter, working part-time in emergency medical services (EMS). I’d always had an interest in the field, so I thought, why not go talk to my advisor and give it a try?” he recalls.

Jeff Dever, an alumnus of the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management program, stands in front of a Rowan University EMS truck.The advisors and faculty within the department were eager to help an interested — and experienced, as a bonus — student transition into this exciting new major. 

“I had originally started at Rowan with a dual major in History and Education. I was headed down the teaching track when I realized maybe that wasn’t what I wanted to pursue,” Jeff says. “I spent a lot of time that semester in their offices as they helped me figure out how to incorporate the credits that I had already earned as an Education major into my progress in the emergency management program, as well as my experience as a first responder.”

The role models Jeff grew close with over the next few years in the program shaped the positive experience he had as one of the first students to enter the realm of disaster preparedness and emergency management. He credits his professors and advisors within the major for helping him explore careers in the field and find his place in the program. 

“They wanted me to graduate on time and grow as a person, but also encouraged me to bring my outside experiences as a first responder into their learning environment,” he says. “I don’t think you get such personalized attention and assistance like that at many other universities, especially one that is growing as quickly [as Rowan is].”

One of the first professors Jeff met in the program, Len Clark, quickly became a mentor throughout his college experience. 

“At the time [I was in Clark’s class], I was working part-time at the Gloucester County EMS. He was the former emergency management coordinator of Gloucester County, so we would always go into class and swap stories about our experiences,” Jeff shares. He stayed in touch with Clark beyond graduation, as he continued on to work with the Camden EMS and with FEMA.

Jeff Dever, an alumnus of the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management program, reunites with a former mentor from his undergraduate days with Rowan EMS.
Jeff reunites with a former mentor from his undergraduate days with Rowan EMS.

Jeff credits the outstanding education he earned in the major to the variety of wise, experienced faculty members who taught him. Many of his professors were first responders and emergency management authorities throughout South Jersey themselves, as were his peers and classmates in the program. This is what contributed to such a tight-knit, collaborative environment within the program that led to lifelong friendships and impactful careers.

“The professors I had were all very invested in the success of their students, because they realized that these were the students who would be taking over their roles once they’ve retired. They want to leave people in good hands,” Jeff says. 

“You see a lot more camaraderie in the program, because you have professors who are retired firefighters or police officers teaching current or aspiring firefighters and police officers. Of course you have professional expectations to get your work done and come to class, but you also know that these people genuinely care about your wellbeing and your success.”

Jeff attributes his accomplishments in his career so far to the rich experiences he gained through an on-campus internship with the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) at Rowan and as a line officer in the Rowan EMS. As an intern with the OEM, Jeff made numerous contributions to the safe environment Rowan students appreciate today, such as managing inventory for Rowan’s shelter stockpile and updating the campus emergency operations plan, in the case of any major incident on campus.

But his most memorable accomplishment as an intern was his role in Rowan earning the HeartSafe Campus status, which there are signs posted for throughout campus. Through this program, a certain percentage of students are trained in CPR, and CPR training events are held regularly on campus. It’s one of the many ways Rowan sets itself apart from other universities in terms of safety.

Jeff Dever, an alumnus of the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management program, stands proud with one of the HeartSafe Campus stations he helped bring to Rowan.
Jeff stands proud with one of the HeartSafe Campus stations he helped bring to Rowan.

“All these experiences I had as a disaster preparedness and emergency management student not only helped me in my professional development, but it made the campus that I love a safer place. It was a really cool, win-win experience — and something I take a lot of pride in.”

As Jeff sets off to continue his career as an Emergency Management Specialist at the Wake County Department of Fire Services in Raleigh, North Carolina, he encourages more students to look into the disaster preparedness and emergency management program at Rowan.

“As we see more disasters being declared in the United States, a lot of jurisdictions and nonprofit agencies are seeking more formal education with their emergency management team.

What Rowan offers in this program — with accessibility to opportunities like Rowan EMS and internships — is a mix of that formal education as well as practical experience, which is so important in this field.”

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

A Leader in Rowan’s First-Year Connection: Volunteerism Program

Amanda Yannarella, a Biomedical Engineering major, was a student leader this summer in the First-Year Connection: Volunteerism Program.

Amanda Yannarella, a Biomedical Engineering major, was a student leader this summer in the First-Year Connection: Volunteerism Program.

Meet Amanda Yannarella, a sophomore majoring in Biomedical Engineering from Burlington Township, NJ (Burlington County). This summer, Amanda became a student leader for this year’s Rowan’s First-Year Connection: Volunteerism Program. Today she will share with us her experience in the program and what she’s learned from being a student leader.

Why did you decide to join Rowan’s First-Year Connection program?

“Last year as a freshman, I wanted to get acclimated to campus and wanted to start of my year well by volunteering.Amanda Yannarella, a Biomedical Engineering major, was a student leader this summer in the First-Year Connection: Volunteerism Program. I volunteered a lot in high school, too. I was in Key Club, so I did a lot of volunteering then and I wanted to continue here. I was a leader this year because I loved it so much my freshman year. I wanted to do it again and have a positive impact on the incoming first-year students, because that was really important to me.”

What kind of activities did you do?

“We went to the Food Bank of South Jersey and we helped sort all the donations they had into proteins, soups and grains. Two people went into the bakery to bake muffins, so that was really cool. We also helped with the Saint Bernard’s [disaster relief] Project, which is similar to Habitat for Humanity, in which I am also involved in. We went to someone’s house that was damaged by Hurricane Sandy and we helped fix up their house. We did flooring, drywall, spackling and hurricane clips, which is supposed to help the roof stay on with strong winds.

“Then we helped with the Little Owls Preschool at Rowan. We were cleaning their classrooms to prepare for the school year. It took us about two hours, which would have taken all the Little Owl teachers all day. Then we did SAIL Bowling Night; they do activities for adults on the autism spectrum. We had a great time bowling with them and making conversations — just hanging out and having fun, but it was important because I feel like we were making everyone’s day better. I’m not good at bowling, but still had a good time.”

Amanda Yannarella, a Biomedical Engineering major, was a student leader this summer in the First-Year Connection: Volunteerism Program. What was your favorite activity?

“The Saint Bernard’s Project was my favorite because you learn skills that I feel you can transfer to your own house. Now I know how to put in hardwood flooring, and that’s pretty cool.”

What knowledge or skills have you developed through this program?

“When we went to the food bank [someone] told us the amount of food we sorted, which was a lot, was between 2,000 to 5,000 pounds. The guy was like, ‘Congratulations guys, you really helped us out, but there are still families going to bed hungry tonight. And even though we worked so hard there is still a lot of work to be done.’ Then you’re like, ‘Wait what? I just did this whole work and you’re telling me that there’s more?’ It’s kind of eye opening. That is why I like doing stuff like that because you get impacted and it’s good to get reminded with that kind of stuff. And as a leader I learned leadership skills, like learning to communicate. I use to hate talking. I was so quiet when I was younger, but this actually helped me get more comfortable talking to bigger groups of people.”

What did being a leader for Rowan’s First-Year Connection program mean to you?

“I liked being able to have an impact on incoming students and setting them off into a positive way. We were focusing on the volunteering stuff all week and the importance of that, but we were also getting them ready for campus. And it just meant a lot to get that kind of leadership experience under my belt.”

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

Beyond the Classroom: A Leader in Rowan’s First-Year Connection Program

First-Year Volunteer Connection student leader Rose Dickmann (center, in green) helps out at the St. Bernard's disaster relief project.

Meet Rose Dickmann from Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County), a transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) who is majoring in Supply Chain and Logistics at the Rohrer College of Business. Rose was a student leader for this year’s Rowan’s First-Year Connection: Volunteerism Program. Today she will share with us her experience in the program and what she’s learned from being a student leader.

First-Year Volunteer Connection student leader Rose Dickmann looks on during her summer volunteer experience. Every year entering students (freshmen and transfers) who have registered for the program arrive early on-campus for the Fall semester and participate in group activities run by Rowan’s staff members and upper-class student leaders.

In 2018, Rose decided to join the Rowan’s First-Year Connection Program to meet new people. She had just transferred from RCBC and saw that the program was an excellent way not only to meet new people, but to help in the community. “That’s one reason I was attracted to the program, because it was something different and interesting,” she said.

Rose had a great time last year as one of the participants in the program and she decided to return this year, but as a student leader. “I loved the program so much last year, that I wanted to make it a good time for this year’s new students,” Rose said.

First-Year Volunteer Connection student leader Rose Dickmann helps out at the St. Bernard's disaster relief project. This year there were four student leaders and they all had to work together in planning different types of activities for the participants to do during their free time. “We put together a scavenger hunt and some games,” she said.

The leaders had responsibilities to accomplish throughout the one-week program, like coordinating trips and arranging breakfast and dinner in between their service projects.

Some of the service projects that the student leaders and participants got a chance to volunteer at this year were: Food Bank of South Jersey, Saint Bernard’s Project for disaster relief, Little Owls Preschool at Rowan, Salem County Humane Society and the Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey. 

The Little Owls project was one of Rose’s favorite places to volunteer. The Rowan Preschool is in James Hall. “We went in and cleaned their two classrooms. We helped them out with their deep clean day. Once we finished just about everything was all ready for them,” she said. 

For Rose, being one of the student leaders for Rowan’s First-Year Connection Program is important. “To me personally it’s an opportunity to make students feel welcome on campus and to encourage them to get involved in volunteerism, to get involved just in general on campus and to make sure their transition to college is as smooth as it can be,” she said

First-Year Volunteer Connection student leader Rose Dickmann helps out at the St. Bernard's disaster relief project. Being a student leader has taught Rose to work along with other fellow leaders, bounce off ideas from one another and how to make plans in a group where everyone agrees.

“I really loved getting to know my fellow leaders more and getting to know the participants,” Rose said.

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

Journalism Alumna Tells Her Story of Giving Back

Callie Condo and her fellow Whit employees during a fire drill during her time at Rowan University

Calista Condo, a 2008 alumna, has made her way from working at Rowan’s The Whit student newspaper to her role as an outreach specialist for Temple University’s Career Center. She has Rowan’s Journalism department to thank for her communication skills and her ability to transmit information to the public. 

Condo began her journey as a commuter from Deptford, New Jersey (Gloucester County). At her time at Rowan, she studied Journalism with a concentration in editing and publishing. She also had a minor in Art with a concentration in photography. Classes such as Media Studies and News Reporting impacted her professional career. Within those classes she learned how to analyze our society and the way we view media. She developed a close relationship with Professor Kathryn Quigley, who was not only one of her favorite professors, but the faculty advisor for The Whit. 

Condo and her husband on their wedding day
Calista and her husband on their wedding day.

She also met her husband at Rowan!

While at Rowan she also participated in two intensive internships. The first was an internship with Next City, a nonprofit organization about city planning. She was an art intern whose main job focused primarily on copy editing and design editing for their magazine.

She then ventured on to intern for the South Jersey Times as a photojournalist. According to Condo, both internships were amazing experiences that really prepared her for the field of journalism. In fact, the South Jersey Times appreciated her efforts so much that they offered her a part-time job after her graduation in 2008. 

Rowan alumna Calista Condo volunteering with a youth soccer league in Camden.
Volunteering with a youth soccer league in Camden.

In the midst of working for the South Jersey Times, she developed a strong connection to her community. She started volunteering for a nonprofit youth soccer organization in Camden. After some time of volunteering, she became a board member for this organization and eventually helped run the program.

Her passion for community, volunteerism and youth, in addition to her keen communication skills, led her to eventually begin working for Big Brothers, Big Sisters. While working there, she helped recruit volunteers for their school-based programming. Through this organization she worked with student organizations all over, one of them being the Temple University Career Center.

After this long journey of giving back, Condo eventually landed a position with the Temple University Career Center as an outreach specialist for employer partnerships. In this position, she helps students find employment through career fairs and special events. 

Rowan alumna Calista Condo with her relatives, who are also graduates of Rowan
Condo (left) with her relatives, who are also Rowan graduates.

Her time at Rowan, especially as a Journalism major, made her able to look at information and make it digestible to the public. She believes, “Journalists are some of the most intelligent people [she] has ever known, which makes them so versatile and with those important communication skills, they can settle into any position with ease.” 

She still holds the fun and goofy times, working late at night for The Whit, near and dear to her heart. 

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Story by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major

Photos courtesy of: Calista Condo

#PROFspective: Management, Marketing & HR Management Major Ryan Klohr

Today we speak with Ryan Klohr, a senior triple major (management, marketing and human resources management) from Ocean Township, Monmouth County, who lives off campus. Ryan will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a […]