#PROFspective: Subject Matter Education and English Major Evan Newlin

Evan standing outside of James Hall at statue

Today, we speak with Evan Newlin, a senior subject matter education and English major from Mount Laurel (Burlington County), NJ, who commutes. Evan will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Major: Subject Matter Education and English Dual MajorEvan standing in front of James hall
Year: Senior
Hometown and County: Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County)
Transfer Student: Yes, from Rowan College at Burlington County

Commuter: Yes, from home

Social Clubs: President and founding member of The Improfs, Rowan University’s Improv Comedy Troupe

Do you have an off-campus job? I work as a substitute teacher.

Why did you choose your major? I chose English because I have a passion for our language, literature and critical thinking. Analyzing a piece of literature is like being a detective. And I love sharing my passion with other people so education was a natural fit.

One reason why you chose Rowan? I chose Rowan because I have heard nothing but amazing things about the education and English programs here. Everything I heard, of course, turned out to be true and he have had such an incredible time here! I couldn’t have picked a better school.

Evan sitting on a bench outside in front of flowers at Savitz

My typical day as a Rowan Student:

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I spend my whole day here on campus. I arrive at around 9:00 a.m. for Viator’s course on Shakespeare in the morning. My next class, Western Civilization Since 1660 doesn’t begin until 5:00 p.m. so I have 6 hours to kill. People tell me that I could just go home but these people live on campus and have forgotten that gasoline costs money, I suppose. So I usually do homework in the Student Center.

I am currently enrolled in Teaching/Learning B: English Language Arts so once a week I observe an English teacher at Pitman High School. Being onsite is my favorite part of the education program at Rowan University. I believe that you learn the most about teaching when you’re actually in the classroom. The practical experiences Rowan provides for us are so beneficial. I’m really passionate about teaching and I am eager to begin my student teaching in the spring.

Evan standing in his Improfs shirt in the black box room
In Westby’s blackbox room where The Improfs rehearse

I spend a good portion of my time on campus running The Improfs. The Improfs is Rowan University’s improv comedy club and it is one of my biggest passions. Although very challenging, improv comedy is incredibly rewarding. I’m not exaggerating when I say that improv changed my life. That’s why I knew I had to start my own improv group at Rowan University.Evan in his #ROWANproud shirt

With the help of my friends, our club has grown into something more than just a club. We’ve become a family. But, we are a family that is always accepting new members and this semester, we’ve had our biggest turnout ever! I love seeing new faces so please, if you have any interest in acting and improvisation, come join us. We meet every Monday and Tuesday in Westby 105. It doesn’t matter if you are a theatre major or if you’ve never performed a day in your life. All are welcome! We maintain a very positive, judgement-free environment, so you really have nothing to lose by checking us out.

Evan falling down the stairs rushing to class in James hall
Evan’s eagerness for class sometimes gets the best of him

Signing contracts for the improv club, meeting with Student University Programmers (SUP), posting on social media, and planning meetings ends up taking a lot of time, but I don’t mind it though. I’ve been passionate about improv comedy ever since my sophomore year of high school. To finally be running my own improv troupe with a tremendous number of talented members who are just as passionate as I am is an incredibly rewarding experience.

Story organized and photography by:
Vanessa Vause, junior public relations major and advertising minor

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