Today we speak with Joseph Scafiro, a senior History major from Cinnaminson, NJ (Burlington County) and programming coordinator for Rowan After Hours (RAH). Joseph will share his #PROFspective with us about what his job entails and why you should get involved each weekend.
Name: Joseph Scafiro
Major: History
Minor: None
Year: Senior
Where do you live? I live in an off-campus house, five minutes from campus.
Commuter? No
Job: Programming Coordinator for Rowan After Hours (RAH)
What inspired you to get involved on campus? During the second semester of my freshman year, I went to an interest meeting for a job with the SCCA, the Office of Student Activities at the time. While RAH wasn’t my original intention for going to the meeting, I applied nonetheless and figured I’d see what it was all about. As soon as I shadowed, however, I was hooked and decided to go all-in with the office, working there for the next three years and working as a coordinator for two of those three years.
What group, club or organization makes Rowan feel like home? I’d have to say the SCCA at the Student Center. I’ve worked there for three years now, and through the SCCA I’ve found many people who I consider lifelong friends. No matter what office within the organization that people work for, everyone tries their hardest to be welcoming and supportive and, most importantly, friendly to everyone else. I specifically work for Rowan After Hours, and while I have many, many fond memories of that specific branch, I still hold a great amount of love for that office as the whole.

What is your typical day like at Rowan? I usually wake up around 9 or 10 a.m., depending upon what I have going on in the day. I often spend early parts of the morning cleaning up my house and making breakfast before I head to the campus to get my day started. I try to stop by the SCCA’s office to get some work done or just see what’s going on before heading to classes for the day. After that, I usually grab a late lunch or early dinner, and if I have work or a meeting, head there. On my weekends (specifically Thursday, Friday and Saturday), I work for Rowan After Hours, where I take great pride in putting on free nightly events for the campus community to enjoy. Beyond that, I see my friends intermittently, often fitting them in when I don’t have work or other projects to be working on and hanging out with them as much as I can.
What advice would you give your high school self about choosing a college? Find somewhere that feels like home to you, especially somewhere that you can see yourself for at least the next four years of your life. College is such an important and formative time, and my personality has changed drastically since I came to Rowan. I’d also tell my high school self to find some time to get involved earlier, as even though I worked and was involved on campus for three years, I’d have loved to get involved earlier and stay as such for longer.
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Story and photography by:
Peter Planamente, senior journalism major