Committed to affordability, Rowan University offers students multiple paths to admittance. One such path available is the Rowan Choice program. Rowan Choice students live on Rowan’s main campus in Glassboro, but shuttle to a local county college for their classes. The program truly offers the best of both worlds, where students can enjoy college life […]
Author: Bianca Blando
What is the Real Cost of a Rowan Degree? [Infographic]

College is an investment and, with costs rising, it is important to choose a school committed to keeping higher education affordable. Rowan University has made that commitment, but big picture may still seem daunting. Let’s take a look at the cost of a Rowan undergraduate education, compared to the purchases you make everyday. A breakdown of […]
Rowan Students Share the Best Study Spots on Campus

As finals week comes to a close and students and faculty head home for the holidays, we started thinking—where do most people spend their time studying for finals week? We walked around campus and asked students where they do their best studying and why. From the library to the lawn, these are the best study […]
5 Ways Your Major Can Give Back This Season

It’s that time of year again. When my phone rings with calls from what feels like 100 family members, asking what I want for Christmas. And this year, I have a very different answer. I am so appreciative of the things, material and not, that I have. A wonderful family, an awesome internship, and the […]
Philly: Nearby Holiday Attractions for Rowan Students

The end of Thanksgiving and the start of December mark the most wonderful season of the entire year—the holiday season! But as a college student, the three weeks of school between Thanksgiving break and finals are a challenge. Professors bombard you with your last projects and exams. To get you through the next few weeks, […]
The Best of Both Worlds: Introducing Rowan Choice

Rowan University’s premier partnership with local community college Rowan College at Gloucester County (RCGC) is an innovative collaboration that offers a variety of pathways to earning a college education. One such pathway is Rowan Choice, a program that a few hundred students enroll in each year, with the goal of making college more accessible to South Jersey […]
The Rowan Connection: Community College Partners & You

Part of Rowan University’s commitment to affordability includes welcoming in thousands of transfer students each year. These students arrive at Rowan from as close as statewide community colleges and as far as from across the country. But, for those from two local nearby community colleges, there are serious perks to transferring into the Rowan family. Rowan currently has two […]
Transfer students are choosing Rowan. Here’s why.

The Greater Philadelphia area is a haven for higher education. High quality college students from the area have plenty of options when choosing the institution that’s right for them. So what sets Rowan University apart and entices thousands of new students each year? We decided to talk to students who recently transferred from other local colleges […]
3 Moms Tell Us Why Their Families Chose Rowan

Families play a major role in college decision-making. For transfer students, college decisions can take even more planning and guidance than usual. Despite that extra time agonizing over making the right choice, so many talented students transfer to Rowan University each year. We had a feeling our students’ families might have something to do with it, so we sat down for […]
High Schoolers Catapult Their Way to Pumpkin Chunkin’ Win

Hear ye, hear ye! On Friday, Oct. 28, 2016 Rowan University’s South Jersey Tech Park lawn became a battleground of the medieval kind. The university’s chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) hosted the annual Pumpkin Chunkin’, with schools around the region building high-caliber trebuchets to participate in an epic pumpkin-launching competition. This […]