Today, six Economics majors tell us what they wish they knew about their major!

“I wish I would’ve known how much calculus was involved, but I do have to say it has improved my mathematical skills significantly.” – Sarah Prosser, senior, Economics major with a minor in Writing Arts, transfer student through Rowan Choice partnership with Rowan College of South Jersey, Ocean City, NJ (Ocean County)

“I didn’t know much about this major until about a year ago. I thought I would go into Finance or Accounting. I wasn’t ready to commit to a major so specific. I knew I wanted a major related to business, but many of them are very narrow. Economics is perfect because it is a broader degree related to business. With this degree, I can choose from a variety of careers.” – Rachel Ricci, junior Economics major, transfer student from RCSJ, Millville, NJ (Cumberland County)

“I wasn’t expecting to connect with many other Econ students or professors, but everyone is so nice and willing to help you learn. All professors I’ve had so far have been excited to share what they know with their students and make sure we really comprehend the material. They seem to always go the extra mile for us.” – Niamh McGovern, senior, Economics major, transfer student from Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ (Ocean County)

“Economics is a social science which is focused on governments, individuals, companies, the environment, and every factor which affects each of these. Economics is not similar to a business or finance major and students will receive a broad education about the world rather than a specific education to prepare one to trade stocks or such.” – Ryan Brubeck, junior, Economics major with a Mathematics minor, Blockchain CUGS, Business Analytics CUGS, Westwood, NJ (Bergen County)

“It is a myth that you need to be good at math to be successful in the economics field of study.” – Nick Scheurer, senior, Economics major with a Business Administration minor, CUGS: Management Information Systems, first-generation college student from Flemington, NJ (Hunterdon County)

“This is going to be my second major since I already have a prior bachelor’s degree. I graduated in Finance and Accounting from the University of Tirana. This means that I knew what I would go through when I chose Economics as my second degree in the States. My passion for mathematics and exact sciences makes me love what I do every day.” – Elona Noka, senior, Economics and Political Science double major, transfer student from Albania, Deptford, NJ (Gloucester County)
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major