Julia’s Corner: My Favorite Microwavable Foods

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

Rowan offers plenty of dining options for first-year students and beyond. Between all of the stations at the Holly Pointe Cafe, the eight or so restaurants in the Marketplace, and everywhere you can use your Rowan Bucks and Dining Dollars at, the options seem endless.

Soon, however, you will become tired of eating the same five things in the cafe, and you probably used all of your Rowan Bucks three weeks in. With all of the studying and activities you’re involved in, eating may even seem impossible. As a freshman, you unfortunately do not have your own kitchen, but as a new transfer you might. In either case, you have this magical device called a microwave that you can cook plenty of substantial foods in (I know, I couldn’t believe it either).

Here are some of my favorite foods that I made in my microwave freshman year.A double room set up in Willow Hall at Rowan University.

Kraft Easy Mac n Cheese: If you don’t make this in your microwave during college, did you even go? Kraft Mac n Cheese cups are the best microwavable dish. The best part about them is that they’re so easy to make, a toddler can do it. The directions are right on the cup and your food is ready in minutes! They are also inexpensive, come in bulk, and are easy to store in your room. (Editor note: remember to put water in your Easy Mac – not doing so is one of the leading causes of fire alarms in the dorms. Yes, really.)

Chicken Nuggets: Since you have the mini fridge right under your microwave, you can absolutely keep some chicken nuggets in there. They are quick, easy, and a classic that never gets old. Just make sure to read how long to cook them for so you don’t undercook them. 

Pizza rolls/Bagel Bites: Another classic, childhood favorite item. They can easily be stored in the mini fridge and are ready to eat in minutes. Pizza rolls and Bagel Bites make the perfect snack or light lunch when you need something fast. 

Duncan Hines Cake in a Mug: Perfect for when you need a little comfort food. It is like baking a fresh cake at home, but you have the convenience of making it in your microwave (just don’t forget to pack a mug!) They come in so many different flavors, it makes it almost impossible to choose! My favorite is the banana bread, just to make it a little easier for you. Duncan Hines Cake in a Mug

In all honesty, I highly suggest utilizing the cuisine Rowan provides for you most of the time. There are times though, where you are busy studying or need to rush around from work to class, and that just isn’t possible. These microwavable foods are great options and are super easy to make. Enjoy them!

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, advertising graduate

Julia’s Corner: My Favorite Healthy Snacks for Busy Students

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

College is an extremely busy time for all of us. Whether you are rushing from class to a job or up all night studying, you barely have time to breathe, let alone thinking about what to eat. Having a few quick, healthy snacks in your room and your backpack, is the best way to get you fueled up and going strong. Here are some of my favorite snacks to keep around that will keep your mind and your body healthy, and keep you energized throughout the day.

a student sitting at her desk in holly pointe.

Veggies and dip: You will probably have a mini-fridge in your room at Rowan, so keeping these is definitely possible. Carrot sticks with a low fat dip are the perfect homework snack when you’re sitting at your desk. 

Apples: You can even buy them in slices, but they’re a little bit pricier. You can never go wrong with an apple a day! They also pair nicely with some peanut butter, if you want to add something a little more filling.

String Cheese: Snack on these in your room or on your way out the door to class. They are a great source of protein and will hold you over for a whole class.

Protein bars: A classic snack and super easy to store and carry around. Protein bars are a substantial snack to keep in your backpack for anytime you might need it. Just make sure you read the labels in the store to see the actual number of grams of protein. Find the best fit one for you. 

Trail mix: My personal favorite snack ever! Keep a big container of trail mix with zip lock bags in your room and make a bag for on the go.Grab and go food store on campus

Don’t stress about food in college. Make time to eat and stay healthy to avoid the freshman fifteen. Hopefully, these energizing, filling, and best of all, guilt-free snacks will treat you well throughout your college career! 

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, advertising graduate

Meet #Rowan2024: Musical Theatre Major Lexie Miller

Outdoor photo of Lexie.

Meet Musical Theatre major Lexie Miller from Hampton, NJ (Hunterdon County). Lexie is looking forward to meeting new people and living on campus this fall!

A photo of Lexie in front of the owl statue on Rowan's campus.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I’m looking forward to living on campus and getting to meet new people! There are so many exciting things to do on campus, I can’t wait to start in the fall!

What is one activity, club, sport, or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

I would like to play in a club women’s soccer team. I’ve played soccer since I was seven up until my sophomore year of high school and I’d like to pick it back up for fun!

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose my major, Musical Theatre, because I can’t imagine myself doing anything else. I love performing and telling stories, which is why I also want to minor in Creative Writing. When I researched Rowan’s theatre program and auditioned in January, it automatically felt like home and the place I’d want to spend the next four years.

How did you get to know campus?

When I came to campus in January to audition for the Theatre program, it was the first time I saw anything about the campus. I was taken by surprise how much like home the campus felt just by riding through in my car. After I got accepted to the school and program, I took a tour and fell even more in love with the school and all it has to offer!

What music do you like?

I have a wide range of music I like, from Queen to Billie Eilish to Bruno Mars. I’m pretty much down to listen to any music!

Night owl or morning person?

I’m definitely a night owl, I can stay up late and feel fine, but if I have to wake up early It’s a struggle!

Why Rowan?

Rowan is and was my first choice because as soon as I stepped foot on campus I got a feeling that this was the place I wanted to be. It’s so welcoming and has so much to offer from the amazing programs to the fun atmosphere of Rowan Boulevard. I can’t wait for my freshman year to start and to begin my journey as a Rowan student!

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos by:
Lexie Miller

Sophomore Reflects: New Hampshire’s Hilda Barrioz Tells Us What She Learned About Coming to South Jersey

stock image of a laptop, map and a camera

Meet rising sophomore Hilda Barrioz. Hilda is an Athletic Training major all the way from Farmington, New Hampshire! She tells us more about how Rowan became her home away from home and how she adjusted to living on campus in South Jersey.

Tell us a about the change from New Hampshire to South Jersey:

South Jersey was a huge change for me because not only was it far from home but also New Jersey is wildly different than New Hampshire.

Rowan is roughly a 7-hour drive from my house, so making Rowan a home away from home was really important to me. I made sure to print out a bunch of pictures of my friends and family and of course my pets. I hung all them on a set of string lights so that I’d be able to see them every time I went back to my dorm. I also made sure to bring an air freshener version of my favorite candle and some other little decorations from home. 

Living in the dorm wasn’t a new experience for me because I had gone to prep school for part of high school, but New Jersey was a bigger change than I realized. Even the trees and flowers were different than the ones I had at home. I had to get used to the lack of wild animals, like deer and the occasional bear. Rowan mainly has geese. I also have an off-campus job so I needed to get gas. Getting gas for the first time was a weird experience because my whole life I grew up pumping my own gas, and then suddenly I was in a state where people did it for you.

How have you made Rowan your home away from home?

Rowan really has become a home away from home to me and I’ve met some of the most amazing people here and made friends that I don’t know what I would do without. This community is a place where I can be myself, meet new people everyday, and support my friends from other teams. I didn’t realize I could fall in love with a place that’s an hour away from the beach, but South Jersey and Rowan really has my heart.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

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Hilda Barrioz, sophomore athletic training major

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#PROFspective: Meet Japanese Culture-Enthusiast, History and International Studies Major Sean French

Stock image of Japan
Sean smiling for a selfie overlooking mountains in Japan.

Today, we speak to Sean French, a senior History and International Studies dual major from Haddon Township (Camden County). Sean, a commuter and first-generation student, holds a leadership position in Rowan’s Japanese Culture Club. He tells us more about the club, his majors and why he chose Rowan!

Why did you choose your majors?

I’ve loved history since elementary school, so it made sense to study what I loved. I was originally enrolled as a History and Education major to teach history at the high school level. During my sophomore year, however, I decided to change to History and International Studies (Asia studies concentration) after falling in love with Japanese culture and decided to study abroad in Japan.

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan because it was known for having a robust Education department, in state and nearby, so I could commute to school!

Sean eating at a restaurant with a group of his friends.

Take us through a typical Rowan day for you!

The typical Rowan day for me (pre-Covid) was waking up at 6 a.m., going to the gym near my house, making breakfast, then going down to campus to study at the library or go to class. Then, later in the day, I would go to an e-board meeting for the Japanese Culture Club (I was previously VP and will be President beginning Fall 2020).

At our meetings we would talk about Japanese culture, have activities and games such as karaoke, a bento box competition and arts nights including calligraphy and making origami.

The Japanese Culture Club is a place we’ve worked to make welcoming and open to folks of all backgrounds, where you could hang out with friends and enjoy learning and talking about all things Japan. We’re hoping to continue club meetings this coming semester, be that online or safely in person.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, rising senior music industry major

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Sean French

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How I Chose My Major: Exploratory Studies To Psychology Major Sydney Basis

Stock image of a student writing in a notebook

Today, we speak to rising sophomore Sydney Basis. She is from Marlboro, NJ (Monmouth County) and is an on-campus resident. Sydney is a former Exploratory Studies major who then made the decision to become a Psychology major. She’s going to tell us a little more about her experience as an Exploratory Studies major and how she eventually chose the right fit for her!

Sydney smiling and sitting on a beach, wearing a Rowan sweatshirt.

How and why did you find Rowan?

When the time came to start applying for colleges, I had not heard of Rowan yet. Some of my friends were talking about applying to Rowan because they had heard great things about it, so I decided to look into it. After looking around Rowan’s website, I decided to book a campus tour and immediately loved the campus environment. Before my freshman year started, I was still concerned that I could have made the wrong choice but after going to Rowan, I knew that it was the perfect choice for me and I couldn’t have picked a better school.

Why did you originally choose Exploratory Studies?

I chose Exploratory Studies because going into my freshman year, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was really excited to try out all different areas of study because I knew I would eventually find the perfect major for me, which I did. This program was so amazing because it really gave me the freedom to try out everything I was interested in and I was not stuck to just one subject matter.

Drone photo of Rowan's Glassboro campus
After looking online and taking a tour, Sydney “immediately loved the campus environment.”

What has been your favorite experience as an Exploratory Studies major?

My favorite experience as an Exploratory Studies major has definitely been meeting people throughout all of the different classes I have taken. Since you are taking so many different classes to find your interests, you meet people from all different majors and all different career paths. I also enjoyed the Exploratory Studies seminars that Rowan held to give students an idea of what each major at Rowan was like and it gave us the opportunity to speak with the advisors in charge of the majors. This was very helpful to me.

What major are you going into?

I decided to become a Psychology major because I realized that I would like to become an occupational therapist in the future. Although Rowan does not have an OT program, their Psychology program and other classes outside of this program will prepare me for graduate school, which is something I am very excited about.

How did you figure out what major was “the one”?

I was always very interested in psychology, but never really knew what could be done with this degree. I looked at the program guide on Rowan’s website and I loved the classes that it offered. I then looked further and researched the different career opportunities in the field. I found occupational therapy through my research and knew that’s what I wanted to do in the future. Searching around Rowan’s website helped a lot through this whole process.

Any advice to Exploratory Studies majors? Or general advice to Rowan students?

For any Exploratory Studies students, I would definitely tell you that this program is not just about finding what programs you do like, it is also about finding ones that you do not like. It may be disappointing when you do not enjoy a class that you thought you would be interested in, but it is ultimately bringing you closer to a decision because you were able to rule out that field. This will break down your choices and find the perfect major and career for you which is the main goal.

Also, if there are any fields of study that you do enjoy already, I would look into what careers you can do with that kind of degree. This is what helped me find my major and dream job. The Rowan website is very helpful, so you should check it out! 

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

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Sydney Basis, sophomore psychology major

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Meet #Rowan2024: Graphic Design Major Emma Stanley

Stock image of graphic design

Meet incoming freshman Emma Stanley! Emma is a Graphic Design major from Woolwich, NJ (Gloucester County) and is going to be an on-campus resident. Today, she tells us a little bit about herself and why she chose Rowan University.

Emma poses outside her home wearing a #RowanPROUD t-shirt and holding her acceptance letter.

What is something you’re looking forward to at Rowan?

I’m looking forward to joining clubs, meeting new people and getting to enjoy the college life!

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 

I will definitely be continuing to draw, but I hope to get into new clubs such as the D&D club! Other hobbies I also love is to play games like Minecraft or JackBox. I hope to join any game nights.

How or why did you choose your major?Emma sketching with colored pencils.

I chose to major in Graphic Design because I have always been passionate about creating; I have already done jobs in graphic design and know that it is the career for me!

How did you get to know campus?

I have gone on a few Rowan University tours in the past year and have attended the Accepted Students Day.

What music do you like?

I love music of most kinds! I listen to artists varying from Foo Fighters and Green Day to Twenty One Pilots, AJR or Taylor Swift.

Night owl or morning person?

I am more of a night owl.

Why Rowan?

Rowan had amazing opportunities for my career, had a strong sense of community, and lots of club options and ways to get involved!

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

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Emma Stanley, freshman graphic design major

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Junior Major Moments: Theatre Major Julia Rivenburg Stays Active on the Rowan Arts Scene

Today we feature Theatre major Julia Rivenburg from Waldorf, Maryland (Charles County). Julia also has a concentration in Pre-Teaching and is currently pursing her Master of Science in Teaching (M.S.T.) in Theatre Education while commuting to campus. 

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

Some of my favorite faculty moments include being in the Theatre and Dance office with Caitlin Reed and Dr. Elisabeth Hostetter the past three years. I always have wonderful conversations with them about the professional world and they always seem to be able to guide me in the right direction when I need them. Being an out-of-state student, you truly want someplace to feel at home, and with Caitlin and Dr. Liz I never feel homesick.

Photo of Julia wearing a black shirt and glasses
Julia Rivenburg (right)

What is the most amazing or interesting ​thing you’ve learned in your major this year?

This year, the most interesting thing I learned was probably everything that goes into being a director. I waited very patiently to be able to take Directing with Lane Savadove and was so excited to be able to learn about how to apply viewpoints to your directing and being able to execute a point of view. 

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? 

Photo of Julia in front of Bunce Hall.
Julia fields calls on the steps of Bunce Hall.

As far as pre-professional opportunities, I am very fortunate have been a stage manager for multiple Lab Theatre and Mainstage Productions at Rowan, an executive board member for USITT (co-president 2019-2020, senator 2017-2019) and Rowan Lab Theatre (box office coordinator and co-publicity manager), and to currently be the resident house manager over in Bunce Hall’s Tohill Theatre, as well one of the student event coordinators for the Mid-Atlantic Regional College Auditions. Each of these opportunities has furthered my growth in the theatre management field and are titles that I wear proudly.

On top of all of the opportunities I have had the last three years, I am also pleased to announce that next year I will be assistant directing both the musical theatre Cabaret and Heathers alongside Dr. Christopher Marlowe Roche as well as directing The Love Song of J. Robert Oppenheimer in the Lab Theatre.  

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Julia’s Corner: Handling the Emotions on Move-in Day

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

The day you’ve been waiting for since you committed to Rowan is almost here: move-in day! In short, this day is filled with a mix of emotions.

You’re excited to start college to move away for the first time. You might also be overwhelmed because of all of the stuff you have to move and the hustle and bustle happening around you. Of course, you also might be a little sad to be leaving your family, even if you don’t want to admit it.

You cannot necessarily prevent these emotions, but here are some ways to prevent stress and anxiety on move-in day.

Exterior shot of Mimosa Hall

Take your time setting up your room: You do not have to organize every single thing before your family leaves you. Have them help you bring stuff up and set up the things that you definitely will need help with. You can do the rest on your own. You are moving in a few days early, so you will still have time to adjust your room to the way you like it before classes start.

Exterior shot of a residence hall

Everyone else is in the same boat as you: This goes for your roommate, their family, everyone on your floor, the building, and every freshmen on campus. This is a brand-new experience for everyone! You are all probably overwhelmed with setting up your space. You will all miss your families and they will all miss you. 

Breathe! This is an exciting an overwhelming time for you. You might be emotionally overwhelmed, and that is okay! You will be okay! Don’t forget to pause, take a breath and remember that everything is going to be okay. 

Exterior shot of Holly Pointe Commons

Like I said, move-in day is a crazy time for everyone involved. There are so many mixed feelings about leaving home for the first time. Your journey as a Prof is about to begin! It’s a lot to take in, but keeping these things in mind will help you get through move-in day. 

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, advertising graduate

Julia’s Corner: What to Pack and What to Leave Home

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Move-in day is approaching quickly, and you are home making your pack list. Packing for college is an exciting time! You’re probably thinking about how you are going to decorate your room, and what color schemes you’ll want to use. It is likely though, however, that you will pack way more than you need. Remember, your living space is smaller and you may be sharing space. Here are some things that are absolutely worth packing, and some things you can probably do without. 

What to pack

Your favorite plate/bowl:  For when you want to use the microwave, these are really all you’ll need. You do not have a kitchen though, so don’t bring more than one or two.

One set of silverware: To go with the bowl and plate.

Mug: For coffee or that late night hot chocolate.

Dish soap and sponge: To clean all your things!

First aid kit: Anything can happen in college, you never know when you might need a Band Aid.

Extra set of sheets: News flash, you have to clean those. Do yourself a favor and bring an extra set so you can swap them out.

Small tool kit: Just in case something breaks or a screw needs to be tightened. 

Desk Lamp: Not all dorm rooms have overhead lighting. While window light is great, you’ll definitely need one of these. 

Command strips: To hang decor, as well as to use as hangers for clothes, towels, etc. 

Bike: Use a bike, skateboard, or roller blades to get in some outdoor time. They make it super easy to get to class easy too. 

Holly Point Commons.What to leave home

Most of your t-shirts: You’ll get free ones at campus events. Plus, you’ll find yourself wearing the same ones over and over again.

Curtains, tapestries and candles: These go against the Rowan fire code. Resident assistants will make you take them down, so leave them home.

Winter clothes: You won’t need those for a few more months. Bring your favorite jacket and a couple extra layers. If you’re close to home, you can always run back and swap winter/summer clothes.

Kitchen appliances (like a blender): Your living space is too small for these types of things. If you want a smoothie, there are places on campus you can go and use your meal plan at. Save the kitchen stuff for next year when you have a kitchen.

Excessive decorations: They’re a pain to put up and take down. You aren’t living their forever. Just pick two or three of your favorite. 

All in all, make the most of your space your first year of college. There really is no room for clutter, especially when sharing a room. Pack was it absolutely necessary, and you won’t have anything to worry about.

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, advertising graduate

5 Things I Learned My Freshman Year

Drone photo of Rowan's Glassboro Campus

Today we feature Ashley Chan, sophomore Communication Studies major from West Windsor, NJ (Mercer County). Ashley reflects on five major lessons she’s learned during her first year at Rowan.

Photo of Ashley Chan.
  1. Stay Organized 
    It’s important to stay organized as a college student. Forgetting to submit an assignment might show your professor you’re either unprepared or don’t care. However, writing down to-dos and important dates in an agenda, you’ll be on track with everything that needs to be done. 

  2. Join Clubs and Associations 
    Joining different clubs and associations will not only allow you to meet more people, but it will also acclimate you to Rowan. Last year, I was on the Hall Council E-Board and Communication Studies Club, which was a great way to bond with fellow residents and people within my major!
    Ashley Chan and friend posing with instruments.

  3. Study the Map 
    Getting lost on campus happens to all of us at one point. Make sure to look over your schedule and find the location of each class
    before the semester begins, so you don’t get lost on the first day. 

  4. Time Management 
    From classes, clubs, to meals, almost every day will be pretty hectic. Scheduling everything out based on the hour will keep you even more organized and will also allow you to make time for yourself. Me-time is just as important!

  5. Textbooks 
    Wait until you receive the syllabus before purchasing/renting a book; you don’t want to end up with a textbook to find out it’s the wrong one! Also, try comparing prices to find the best deal. I tend to rent my books from Barnes & Noble on-campus since it has textbooks for every class and it’s convenient to return them at the end of the semester. 

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Story and photos by:
Ashley Chan, rising sophomore communication studies major

Advice For Living With Roommates

Five Rowan students posing and smiling outside on campus

Today’s story is from Melanie Sbaraglio, a recent Public Relations and Advertising graduate from Nutley, NJ (Essex County). Melanie joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Ace Screen Printing in Glassboro was cut short due to COVID-19 affecting business. 

Since I’ve lived with roommates for all four years of college, I feel like I experienced a lot. There are going to be times when you feel like it’s the greatest thing in the world and then other times when you want to pull your hair out. However, I am lucky enough that I am best friends with my roommates, so even when conflict arises it is usually something we eventually laugh about. 

One of my first tips is to be prepared for a lot of sharing. Especially if you’re the roommate who has the best clothes. In my case I am that roommate. I didn’t think I would be the one that everyone wants to borrow from but my closet gets raided by at least two roommates whenever we are getting ready to go out. The important thing to remember here is to have patience and to keep track of who takes what.

My roommates and I outside of our house together.
Melanie (lower left) lived off campus with roommates her senior year.

Next, make sure that everyone does their part when it comes to cleaning up after themselves. My roommates and I developed a weekly chore list and everyone gets a task for the week. For example, taking out the trash, cleaning the floors or cleaning the bathrooms. Although we still argue at times when the kitchen is left a mess or the drain gets clogged this where more patience comes in because with six people in one house messes are for sure going to pile up. 

Another pro tip is to have house meetings. With six girls living together who are all very vocal with their opinions it is important to get everything out in the open at one time. No one likes having conflict in their house especially when it’s the place you come home to after a long day of classes or other activities.  

My last tip is something that I have realized over the years. Don’t sweat the small stuff because this is a time of life where you’re supposed to be having fun and enjoying your time with the people around you. Sometimes my roommates will walk downstairs with my clothes on and say, “Oh by the way I’m gonna borrow this.” Other times we argue over things like who left all the lights on or who let their garbage pile up without taking it outside. In reality these things are small issues that can be easily talked out.

Melanie poses with her roommates

I have become the type of person who lets a lot of things slide without saying anything because I think about whether it’s really something that bothers me in the long run and usually the answer is no. I think this can be good to an extent but if something is really getting on your nerves don’t let it keep happening; otherwise, you’re going to let it all build up and just explode one day. Talk things out, keep yourself grounded and remember the important thing is to enjoy your time living with your best friends while you can. 

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Melanie Sbaraglio, senior public relations and advertising graduate 

Junior Major Moments: Construction Management Major Kemet Rose

Stock image low angle shot of high rise building

Today we feature online student Kemet Rose, a Construction Management major from Ridgefield Park, NJ (Bergen County). Kemet is a second-generation college student who transferred from Eastern Gateway Community College and William Paterson University. 

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

I don’t have many experiences with faculty [yet] considering I an online student only. The most inspiring visionary related to the construction field right now is Elon Musk. He is changing the world with his new solar technology in addition to many other things like his tunnel project.

Headshot of Kemet wearing a blue shirt against a neutral background

What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year? 

Until now I was always ignorant of how long construction as an industry has been around and how important it is to society. 

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? 

I don’t have any pre-professional experiences that relate directly to my growth in Construction Management. I would consider all of my experiences up to this point as supporting my ability to grow. 

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RA and Psychology Major Jeremiah Garcia Reflects on His Experience as a Rowan Freshman

Exterior shot of Evergreen Hall

Today we feature third-year Psychology major and Urban Studies minor Jeremiah Garcia. Jeremiah is a first-generation college student from Camden, NJ (Camden County). Jeremiah is also a Residence Assistant (RA) in Evergreen Hall

Psychology major Jeremiah poses outside with trees in the background.

How does being involved on campus impact your college experience?

I am an RA and I am involved in the Minority Association of Premedical Students (MAPS), and the Residence Hall Association (RHA). I was able to step outside of my comfort zone, learn leadership and confidence, and feel like I have my voice heard. As an RA I help incoming freshmen with things I had a hard time with. This has made me a better person and made me not afraid to use my voice.

How were you able to make friends on campus?

I made friends by going to the Rec Center. I was able to get my mind right at the Rec Center when things got hard and I met people there. I also met people at events, Rowan After Hours (RAH) and classes. Freshman year was competitive, but you have to be a leader in class and make study groups or say that you should get lunch together. It depends on the class, though. Some are more group-oriented than others.

Psychology major Jeremiah poses at a Rowan After Hours event.

How were you able to adjust to campus life?

I was able to adjust by getting help and using Rowan’s resources. Putting myself out there was the best way to adjust. It gave me confidence and a push to succeed. 

What does inclusivity mean to you?

Some people are different, and it is important to have inclusivity so that people can make new friends and have the same opportunities as everyone else regardless of race, gender and appearance.

Psychology major Jeremiah poses with Rowan friends.

Do you think that Rowan is inclusive?

Yes. Everyone has the opportunity to be in leadership positions, they just need to do well academically and have the confidence to earn the positions. Rowan is inclusive. 

What are you looking forward to next year?

Being on campus. I miss campus. I am also excited to get into new opportunities. I would like to try out for the baseball team and to get into an honors society.  It will be my second year as an RA and I am looking forward to the experience. I am also looking forward to taking new classes, doing well in my major and getting better grades.

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Julia’s Corner: How to do Laundry

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

It’s no secret that you become responsible for a lot of things when you move away to college. You’re living on your own. Mom and Dad aren’t there to help you with every little thing. One thing that many college freshmen have to learn to do when they move away is, you guessed it, laundry. It sounds scary and easy to mess up, but it is actually a very simple process. Here are some easy steps to successfully do your laundry. Laundry Room- Rowan Housing

Separate your clothes: By this, I mean by whites, colors, and delicates. You do not want your white clothes being stained by that one neon pink shirt you have, and you do not want your silk blouse to be ruined because it wasn’t on the delicate cycle. Separating your clothes makes a stress-free laundry process, and the machine settings are very simple to use, making the process even easier. 

Use one or two pods per load: I highly recommend starting with laundry pods over liquid detergent. All you do is throw it in with your clothes and it does all the work. You don’t need more than one or two, depending on the load size, so they last a few months. I switched to liquid detergent once I got the hang of it since it is usually cheaper. You can do the same, but for the first few times, the pods are perfect. 

One or two dryer sheets per load: This is similar to the pods. You do not need more than one or two dryer sheets, but be sure to use them. If you don’t throw one in, your clothes will not feel the same when you take them out of the dryer, and will be very uncomfortable to wear. Rowan mascot sitting in a Rowan laundry room.

Set a timer for when your laundry will be done: I beg you, please DO NOT be that person the forgets (or is too lazy), that their laundry is in the machine. There have been times where I couldn’t use a machine for hours or had to go to another floor because people left their laundry sitting in there. Set a timer so you do not forget about it, and try not to leave the building until your laundry is finished. 

Doing your own laundry might sound scary at first if you’ve never done it before. I remember being so scared of destroying all of my clothes, but don’t be scared. It really is not a hard process at all. It’ll be like clockwork once you get used to it. Just follow these steps and you’ll be a pro in no time. 

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#PROFspective: Nutrition and Exercise Science Major Caroline Lippincott

Outdoor photo of Rowan Boulevard

Today’s #PROFspective features Caroline Lippincott, a senior majoring in Nutrition and Exercise Science from Columbus, NJ (Burlington County). Caroline, a first-generation college student who lives off campus, transferred to Rowan from Stockton University. How have you gotten involved on campus? I’m proudly a part of organizations such as Theta Phi Alpha and Inter Greek Council […]

Meet #Rowan2024: From First Open House, Rowan Felt Like Home For Music Education Major Morgan Blake

Meet Music Education major Morgan Blake from Riverside, NJ (Burlington County). Morgan is excited for new experiences and to be living on campus this coming fall.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? 

I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and trying out new clubs! I would love to step away from my comfort zone and join something I never would have thought of!

Morgan pictured in Rowan apparel with her admissions acceptance packet

What is one activity, club, sport, or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

I’ve participated in Drama Club all four years of high school, and I’m looking forward to auditioning for Rowan’s plays and musicals!

How did you choose your major? 

Freshman year I found my passion for music and performing. I wish I had realized this when I was younger, so naturally I decided to become a music education major.

My goal is to have the impact on upcoming generations to be true to who they are and what they love.

How did you get to know campus? 

I visited a Rowan open house my junior year.

What music do you like?

I’m a huge Grateful Dead fan! I also love Broadway soundtracks and even have a taste in classical music. 

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely a morning person. I hate waking up late, so I usually go to bed quite early. 

Why Rowan? 

After my first open house, I realized Rowan’s community made me feel like I’m at home!

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Senior Reflects: Sociology Major Peterson Dossous Strives to “Never Stop Thinking and Learning” in His Field

Sociology graduate Peterson stands outside wearing a suit

Today we feature Peterson Dossous, a recent Rowan graduate who studied Sociology from Jersey City, NJ (Hudson County). Peterson reflects on his experience as a Prof and how he made the most out of his college experience.

Peterson celebrates his commencement with family

Did you have an on-campus job?

I worked for the Office of Career Advancement, which consisted of filing documents, answering phones, managing meetings, preparing career fairs, engaging and interacting with students. It was a great opportunity to acquire well-rounded skills to apply in an office setting post-grad. It enhanced my customer service, Excel sheet and interpersonal communication skills. 

Do you have any mentors at Rowan?

Mr. Richard Jones, [Vice President of Student Engagement], has been a mentor of mine. I was part of a new program he was starting up to best interact with students and increase student participation on campus, which helped to broaden my horizon.

What is your favorite academic or professional accomplishment?

That I graduated and am in the position I’m in. Not everyone gets the opportunity or finds the motivation to go to college where I’m from.

Peterson stands outside wearing a business suit

What got you interested in your intended field?

I was always interested in finding the reasons why people do the things they do. Originally, I was a psych major but changed due to the amount of school you need to go through and knowing how much money people pay psychologists to receive help. I want to figure out the common problem a group of people have and create a space for them to relate and resolve the problem.

Sociology keeps the mind running and I love it. I will never stop thinking and learning in my field. I get to live and learn through everybody else. I will use their testimonies for future experiences.

Eventually, I’d love to help traumatized soldiers transition into society. Every group of people is institutionalized in their own way. Students in school, inmates in prison, soldiers in combat. Soldiers don’t have an accessible outlet. Most people can call a friend, parent, or mentor to mellow you out; but as a soldier, not many people can relate to the suffering or they have difficulty opening up. Talking to a counselor engages everyone in the discussion. It teaches them the tools to reclaim a “normal” lifestyle and how to handle and cope with certain environments. 

Peterson stands outside wearing a business suit

What knowledge or skills have you developed through your time at Rowan that you will take into you for future endeavors?

The most important lesson I’ve learned at Rowan is exercising social skills — articulating a conversation, guiding important discussions, interacting in the corporate world … being punctual, organized and accountable.

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Story by:
Alyssa Bauer, public relations graduate

Photos courtesy of:
Peterson Dossous

Beyond the Classroom: Up in the Air with Mechanical Engineering Major and Pilot Jay Petersen

Jay posing next to a small private plane.

Today, we speak to Jay Petersen, a sophomore Mechanical Engineering major from Edison, NJ (Middlesex County). Jay is an on-campus resident and a fourth-generation college student! Jay tells us more about himself, his major and when he’s not in the classroom, his passion for flying.

How did you find Rowan?

My parents had me work with college counselors my Junior year of high school and they really encouraged me to focus on a school that matches my personality and interests. I had the chance to attend Purdue but being born and raised in NJ, I’m very rooted here. Rowan also felt more like home. The campus wasn’t overwhelming, the staff was incredibly nice and welcoming.  It was an experience that made me feel very comfortable. I didn’t experience that same attention and sincereness from the other big schools.  At Rowan I’m not just a number but I’m a member of a community — especially with the honors program I’m in!

Why did you choose your major?

Ever since I was young I knew I wanted to be an engineer like my dad. It’s all I’ve been around my whole life and his work motivated me to explore this option further. I contemplated a focus in medicine but in the end, engineering just aligned more to my interests.

How did you come to find your interest in flying? Did anyone push you in the right direction?

It all really started with a test flight that my parents gifted me for my 17th birthday but aeronautics has always fascinated me. Whether it’s figuring out how they put a plane together or actually getting it in the air, the whole process is intriguing. Who knows, I may end up using my degree to get into that field long term, but flying just seemed like a natural skill to obtain. Something about knowing you’re in control of this machine and figuring out how to get yourself off the ground is amazing. 

Mechanical engineering major Jay flying a plane over New York City.

Do you fly over campus often?

Yes, I try to fly by about once a month. I also try to do as many cross-country flights as possible. That’s when you fly from one airport to another that is at least 75 miles away. This gives me practice in my communications with air traffic control for neighboring commercial airports.  The further you can fly in one trip, the more confident you feel.

A picture of Rowan's campus taken from Jay's plane.
Jay captured this aerial view of Rowan’s Glassboro campus.

What’s the best part about becoming a pilot?

It’s a sense of accomplishment and the freedom to go wherever I want without the Jersey traffic! Knowing I can achieve this and pass a six-hour FAA exam makes me feel like I can do much more in life. Sky’s the limit! (pun intended).

Any advice to students or those looking into getting a private pilot license or learning to fly?

Find the right school. Having an instructor that is committed to you and your goal is very important. Also make sure you are going to be able to invest the time and money. I was very fortunate to have my parents support me financially and mentally so that really did help me get through it. It’s not easy to balance this goal with school so try to do it in your summer months.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos provided by:
Jay Petersen, sophomore mechanical engineering major

Meet #Rowan2024: Accounting Major Lily Fuchs

Lily stands in front of Business Hall.

Meet incoming freshman Accounting major Lily Fuchs. Lily will commute to Rowan from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County). Today, she tells us a little more about herself and why she chose Rowan University.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

When I get to campus, I am looking forward to making new friends and building connections within the Rowan community, as well as getting involved in clubs and activities!

Lily stands in front of Bunce Hall green

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? (Or, something new you’d like to try?)

In high school, I was part of my school’s tennis team, and I would really like to continue playing tennis when I come to Rowan!

How or why did you choose your major?​

I chose accounting as my major because I have always loved working with numbers and I feel like it would be a good fit for my personality as someone who is very organized and detail-oriented.

How did you get to know campus?

I live close to campus, so I have already been somewhat familiar with it, but to get to know it better, I attended a tour, an admitted students’ day and virtual sessions.

What kind of music do you like?

I listen to all different types of music, but mostly pop.

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely more of a morning person, as I am excited to start each day!

Why Rowan?

I chose Rowan because I have seen it change over the years and I am very impressed with how it has grown. It’s in the perfect location and is the right size for me. I cannot wait to start in the fall!

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Advice From An RA

Exterior drone photo of Chestnut Hall.

Meet Loredonna Fiore, junior Public Relations and Advertising double major with a minor in Communication Studies from Elk Township, NJ (Gloucester County). Loredonna was a Resident Assistant (RA) for Chestnut Hall this past year until COVID-19 shut down campus. She looks forward to being the Assistant Resident Director (ARD) of Mimosa Hall in the fall and shares how RA’s help students comfortably transition into college life.

Loredonna poses with a Rowan RA.
Loredonna (left) with a fellow Rowan RA.

New room, new roommate, new classes, new life! These are the paramount changes that people living on Rowan’s campus undergo when transitioning through college.

To help with life in a residence hall, your resident assistant can be a major resource for you.

To begin, resident assistants are required to host at least 5 events that residents can attend on various campus locations. The first event type is a community builder. Community building programs happen within the residence hall and are meant to unify the members of a floor/residence hall as a whole. Whether it is a gaming tournament, a self-care night, or a DIY craft party, community builders are designed to be social and fun for members of the hall.

The other event type is the Campus Community Connection programs. These programs are made in an effort to unify the students with the greater Rowan community by exposing them to Rowan-run activities or resources around campus. These include meditation classes, career fairs or even a 10,000 bingo night. 

Loredonna with other Rowan RA's.Along with programming, resident assistants are available for the students they serve on a deeper level. Once a semester, resident assistants conduct a one-on-one meeting with students. During these meetings, students will be able to discuss academics, involvement, the environment in the residence halls, overall emotional/mental health, and any other concerns the student may have. Resident assistants have a list of resources available to help direct students not only during one-on-one meetings, but at any point throughout the semester as well. 

Community meetings will also be hosted throughout the year to stimulate an ongoing conversation among residents to ensure their health, happiness, and safety. During these meetings, there will be discussions about residence hall policy, fun happenings around Rowan (programs, athletic events, live shows), and different suggestions about how students can live in harmony in a residence hall. 

Your resident assistant is basically a built-in support system and friend that Rowan gives each student. They are trained for weeks in the summer to effectively handle all different situations and to advocate for the needs of all residents. During move-in week, stop by to see your RA and begin to develop a relationship with them. As an RA, I can promise they will be delighted to meet you and get to know you throughout the school year. 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising double major

Advice for Packing to Live Away at School

Exterior shot of Mimosa Hall

Today’s feature is from Bianca Torres, a senior Music Industry major with a minor in Marketing from Morris County, NJ. She most recently lived on campus in Whitney Center. She writes: “Going to a college farther away from home has helped me get out of my comfort zone and has helped me become a much more well-rounded individual! I know that adjusting to living at school can be a big change.” 

Whether you live 30 minutes or five hours away, when you make the decision to live on campus, its important to think about what you’re going to be packing when you go to school. Here’s some advice on what you should pack and how you should pack!

Don’t bring too much or bring too little.

Finding the right balance of stuff to bring is important because you never want to end up having too little or too much. Make sure you’re bringing the essentials and enough to get you through weeks or months of living at school.

Shared room in Mimosa Hall

Be organized.

Staying organized when it comes to packing away for school makes the grueling process of moving in a lot easier and quicker. It can also help you stay organized in your new space once you have everything laid out.

Communicate with your roommate(s) about what they’re bringing and what you are sharing.

If you are living with other students, make sure you’re all on the same page of what to bring and what you are sharing with each other. That way you can split up the items and costs amongst each other.

Make a list of things you think you’ll need to bring.

Making a list is always helpful to keep yourself organized and to help you remember what you need to bring with you and what you think you may need to get later.

Room in Evergreen Hall

Make sure you have the essentials!

At the end of the day, make sure you’re bring the really important things. If you live far away, it’ll be harder to get those essentials that you need! 

Don’t forget to bring something to decorate!

Don’t forget the fun stuff! Always bring something to decorate your space to really make it your own! Living away from home can be hard and personalizing your room could help make it more comfortable for you. Your living space will be your home away from home so might as well make it something you love!

Two students get a mask treatment inside their residence hall

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Julia’s Corner: Getting Along with a Roommate

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

Ahhh, roommates. In the wise words of Forest Gump, they’re like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get. They are probably the first person you will ever live with that isn’t a family member. Not to mention the fact that a lot of you have probably never shared a room before, and your freshman year living space is rather tight. Here are some tips on living with a roommate and how to handle certain situations.

Do not stress too much about choosing your first-year roommate. college dorm room Chances are, you will be placed in a Facebook group created by Rowan so you can meet your fellow future Profs. A lot of the time, people use this opportunity to choose a roommate. I did this, and my roommate and I were great friends. However, a lot of other students go into this thinking their roommate will be their best friend since they chose each other, and it ends up being the complete opposite. You can end up spending too much time together and not branching out, among other things, which will ultimately cause you to get annoyed with each other. At the end of the day, whether you choose them or not, they’re still a stranger and you won’t know what they’re really like until you live with them. Going in random may sound skeptical, but that’s how it was always done before technology! I’ve heard some great stories about random roommates, so I would keep that option in mind. Student studying at a desk under a top bunk bed.

Respect each ether’s space: Okay, this sounds a little challenging because you do not have much space to begin with. It’s easy to feel claustrophobic and get in each other’s way every so often. However, once you move all of your stuff in, divide the room evenly so that you each have your own areas for homework, sleeping, etc. One person leaving their stuff on the other person’s side of the room can get frustrating after a while, so stick to your side. 

freshmen dorm roomBorrowing items is okay, but always ask! There may be times that you and your roommate need to borrow things from each other. You might need to borrow a calculator for a test because yours broke, or your roommate might have run out of water bottles and needs to take one of yours to work. Even borrowing outfits for an interview or a party from each other is a common thing. Think about this though: if you were all of a sudden missing a calculator, or came home and saw your roommate in your shirt without any warning, how would you feel? Probably pretty frustrated. To avoid an argument, always ask permission to borrow items. Your future roommate will likely say yes 99% of the time. 

Respect each other’s sleep and study schedules! This is probably the one that causes the most conflict between roommates. Picture this: It is after midnight, you have an eight A.M. class in the morning, and your roommate comes in with people. It could be just one friend, but it could also be multiple. Either way, it is disrespectful to you and your schedule. To avoid situations like this, go over each other’s schedules before the semester begins. That way, your roommate can hang out in one of their friends’ rooms or the student center (it’s open till one A.M!) on those nights. This also goes for when you have to study for a big exam or have a project to finish and need your space. Ask them to hang out somewhere else, or go to the library, which is also open pretty late with tons of study space. 

A Rowan dorm room, focused on the "Home" wall hanging with the O as a Rowan owl.Overall, living in a dorm with a complete stranger is an adjustment. If you’ve never shared a room before, this is the first time you do not truly have your own space. Your first year roommate doesn’t have to be your best friend at Rowan, but following these suggestions will at least help you to get along in your living space. If you have issues that won’t get better, or your roommate is doing things in your room that make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to talk to your resident assistant. They are there to help you work things out. Right now, try not to worry so much about it. Go into your new living space with an open mind and positive attitude. With that mindset, you and your new roommate will be off to a great start. 

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#PROFspective: Rising Senior Psychology Major Tiara Gbeintor

Tiana poses outside in front of a tree.

Today we feature rising senior Psychology major Tiara Gbeintor. Tiara is a commuter student from Beverly, NJ (Burlington County). 

Why did you choose your major? I choose my major of psychology because this major has always been interesting to me. I knew with this major I could make an impact, considering my future goals in higher education.

Tiara poses next to a tree.

Why did you choose Rowan? I chose Rowan University because it was truly my number one school. Many of my friends are alumni of Rowan University, and I felt at home. Rowan was a great choice for my bachelor’s degree. It has been an experience with no regrets.

Tiara poses with some friends.

Take us through a typical Rowan day for you. When I first transferred to Rowan University, I was an on-campus student. I would go to class from Monday to Thursday. After class, my friends and I would get lunch and finish up any projects or homework before I would head to work. I enjoyed my professors. I would have loved to join clubs but my hectic school and work schedule would not allow me. Hopefully this semester I will be able to join some clubs. My class schedule is a little lighter, and I will do my best to be in a lot more activities. Also, there are many awesome restaurants on campus that I can’t wait to try.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Junior Major Moments: Bio Major Michael Camacho on His Favorite Class and Rowan Clubs

Rowan Biological Sciences major Michael Camacho (seen at right) with friends

Today we feature Michael Camacho, a Biological Sciences major with a minor in Psychology. He is a first-generation college student who commutes from his home in Pine Hill, NJ (Camden County).

What is your favorite moment with a faculty member or favorite experience in one of your classes? Outdoor photo of Michael Camacho in front of wooded area

My favorite part was going to my Microbiology class and learning from Dr. Elizabeth Brooks. She taught her lectures in such a manner that not only excited me to learn, but also intrigued me. She has over 30 years of experience in her field and still has this spark of passion in her that is truly remarkable and inspiring to me. One day I hope to walk in her footsteps and become the passionate, caring, professional, and inspiring person that she is.

What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year? 

I’d say the most amazing and interesting thing I’ve learned in my major is that the human body truly is amazing in that the physiology protects us every day.

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? Group photo of the Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity.  

Some of my pre-professional experiences include the Minority Association of Premedical Students (MAPS) and Rowan’s Biology Club. Though, the one organization that has truly supported my growth is Alpha Phi Omega (APO).

We are an organization that strives by our principles of being a leader, being a friend, and being of service. Being surrounded by these individuals has truly made it feel like a second home and seeing the passion in each of us to be of service to our community is one of the many reasons why I enjoy APO so much.

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Beyond the Classroom: Music Education Major Mike Massaro Directs Two Local High School Bands

stock image of a trumpet player against a red background

Meet Mike Massaro, a recent Music Education graduate and commuter from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County). He had the great opportunity to take his musical skills outside of the classroom and was able to direct the jazz band and marching band at a local high school. He tells us more about his experience and his passion for music education.

Four years ago, every single person I knew was telling me, “All of the opportunities and resources are there, you just have to choose to use them.” Genuinely, it probably took me until my 7th semester to truly understand what that meant. However, I had been surfing the opportunities of Rowan University since the first day I stepped on the campus.

Music Education is considered a double major at RU — music and education. Because of this, my program involves being a student of both the College of Performing Arts and College of Education (two degrees, two commencement ceremonies, etc).

The most amazing aspect of this has been being able to learn from and collaborate with my student colleagues and the incomparable faculty from both colleges. Being around other people who want to see you learn is what truly can put your college education to the next level.

I’m going to be very real here: more than likely, you will graduate. You will get the paper. At the end of the day, many will earn that paper, but the paper isn’t what matters in the end. It’s the education that went INTO the paper. What can YOU do to make what is very likely to be your most enriching 4+ years of education as educational as possible for YOU?

As an educator, my belief on this is very firm and was inspired by one of our CPA adjunct professors, Mr. Gerry DeLoach. The passion for what it is that you are teaching is what will drive you forward as an educator. Your knowledge and ability in your specific subject or field is what makes you tick. It is so important to keep that flare to learn alive. What you do in your field sets your ability for what you can do as a teacher. How tall will you let that ceiling be?

Mike Massaro playing trumpet with a high school band on the bleachers.

Here’s a short story. I was offered a very rare opportunity to direct a marching band and jazz band at a local school, Woodstown High School, while still completing my undergrad. By my sophomore year I was directing the jazz band, and junior year I was directing the marching band. It was a dream come true come early — teaching real students.

The program showed success very quickly. One of my beliefs when it comes to teaching is that the best way to learn how to teach is to teach. I wanted to do as much as I could for this school’s music program. It seemed like every day I was at Rowan, speaking to my professors about teaching strategies, learning more about music, and sharing and listening to stories; then in the evening, I would go put it all into practice when I taught for real. One of my biggest focuses through my undergrad was on making this program grow, because I knew that the more I was able to learn as a musician and a teacher, the more I would be able to teach these students. I think it is very important as a teacher to learn from your students, as they can teach us far more than we can teach them. I certainly learned so much from them.

Rowan let me learn from these students.

If it wasn’t for the education that I received every day, the conversations and performing experiences that I had, I would have never had anything fresh to offer my students. I’ve had professors come out to Woodstown on their own time to give clinics to the bands and watch me teach. What the faculty has to offer is truly unmatched. Rowan is a growing school that still has a small school feel where it matters the most — in the classroom.

The professors here care for you and want to watch YOU learn. We don’t have massive educational lectures. We have conversations about the real world and how you can make it better. In my teaching, I can directly categorize aspects of individual professors that have molded so many aspects of my musicianship and teaching.

Mike Massaro sitting with a trumpet

Thanks for making it to the bottom of my text blob. I have one more blurb. My trumpet professor, Dr. Bryan Appleby-Wineberg, once said, “You can’t change the whole world at once, but you can start by changing your corner of it.” Dr. AW’s belief about education is one that should resonate with all of us. Educators are at the center of any community. The educators teach the students, the students graduate, the students get jobs, contribute to our workforce, grow the economy — the students become the doctors, entertainers, designers, chefs, researchers who allow our community to grow. It all starts at the educator.

The educators are the students. The students are the educators. Be the best one you can be and take the opportunity. We are profs. Eruditio spes mundi — education, hope of the world.

If I knew my last time riding back from the student center on my skateboard holding my box of hot pulled pork with a piece of cornbread and a cup of red Gatorade would be my last time, I probably would have done it again. Remember that when you get nervous, it’s because you care.

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Rising Sophomore Advice: Law and Justice Major Dynasty Suarez

Dynasty posing with her roommate in their dorm room.
Dynasty posing for a selfie.

Meet rising sophomore, Dynasty Suarez. Dynasty is a Law and Justice major with a minor in Psychology from Woodbridge, NJ (Middlesex County). She is planning on living on campus this upcoming year and is proudly a part of the Rowan Dance team, where she met some of her best friends. Here, she shares advice on how to adjust to living with new roommates and how to make friends on campus.

Any advice on living with a new roommate?

I was so fortunate to have an amazing roommate, we instantly became best friends and never had any issues regarding anything. We did everything together, and still do, even though we aren’t on campus as of right now. One major thing is communication between the both of you and things will go smoothly. I can’t wait for the next three years to live with my roomie!

How did you go about making new friends at Rowan?

By joining the Dance Team, I met my first set of lifetime friends that I can share on and off the dance floor. I also started engaging in conversations with people in class and furthering that to meeting up and then meeting their friends. It starts great friendships! 

Being active on campus and going to different events that Rowan has to offer is also a great start. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Find a group of people that make you feel like yourself. You may not meet them on the first day, but explore different people because eventually you will find the best group of people. I sure did!

Any advice for incoming freshman or transfer students?

Last thing I can say to incoming freshman is to not take the time you have at Rowan for granted. As you know, our [2019-2020 academic] year got cut short because of COVID-19, and we didn’t get to experience a full spring semester. All I could think about was how much I missed the environment at Rowan and all the amazing people I’ve met there. I can’t wait to return back to campus for another year.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos provided by:
Dynasty Suarez, rising law and justice major

Junior Major Moments: Health Promotion & Wellness Management Major Krishna Mansukhani

Krishna flexing his muscles outside 232 Victoria St.

Today we feature junior Krishna Mansukhani, a Health Promotion & Wellness Management major with a minor in Psychology of Sports and Exercise from Sayreville, NJ (Middlesex County). Krishna transferred to Rowan from Middlesex Community College in fall 2017.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

If I could pick one moment in my college career based upon an interesting class experience I would say it would be with Dr. Spencer. She is someone I respect in my field and was also my professor for my intro class in my major. She does so much for the health and fitness field like teaching us students or even running a health program called Get Fit, where students help mentally challenged people become active by working out or doing any kind of physical activity they enjoy. Dr. Spencer has taught me so much about my field and what I’m getting into, which makes what I do today and every day so much more important.

What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year?

The most interesting thing I learned in my major if I can only choose one it would be learning why we do this. I learned a new perspective on the satisfaction of helping someone achieve their goals and feel more confident in themselves. It could have been with all the certifications I got this past year. I don’t know what it is, but this year I learned how to take my coaching business to the next level.

Krishna working out at the Fitness Center.

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth?

I personally run an online coaching business and post vlog-like videos, a full day of eating, and workout tips on YouTube and Instagram. I was the VP of the Nutrition Care Club during my sophomore year and still take part in activities. But the number one thing that helps me grow is the satisfaction I get from helping my followers, clients or people messaging me questions about college or fitness. 

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Story by:
Alyssa Bauer, public relations graduate

Julia’s Corner: The Benefits of Working On Campus

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

Let’s be real, college is expensive. Whether you are paying your own tuition or just have other expenses, you will likely run out of money at some point during the year. You might’ve tried to find a job, but the hours were too much to handle and you fell behind in school. It may sound like there is no solution to this problem, but there most certainly is one.

rec center employee

When I first transferred to Rowan as a second semester sophomore, I was broke because I didn’t have a job at my other school. However, since I am a certified lifeguard and swim instructor, I decided to apply to the Recreation Center, one of the largest on-campus employers of student workers. I was hired right away and was getting money in every other week. Having an on-campus job saved me, and it can do the same for you. Here are some benefits of working on campus. 

Convenience: No car, no problem! Having an on-campus job means you can walk to work in minutes. If you’re scheduled for an early opening shift, you can wake up 20 minutes before your shift starts and still be on time. If you have class right after work, you can make it on time without having to worry about traffic. Plus, your money doesn’t have to go toward gas since you aren’t driving anywhere. 

Flexibility: When you work on campus, your supervisor understands that you and all of your coworkers are students. At the beginning of each semester, my supervisor had us all send us our class schedules to her so we wouldn’t have work during class. All departments in the recreation center, as well as all other on campus jobs, have this same policy. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about having to prioritize work over school.Alejandra works in Enterprise Center on a desktop computer.

Short shifts and hours: Rowan has a policy that students who work on campus can not work more than 20 hours per week during the school year. Most shifts only last around two to four hours also, so your job wouldn’t take up too much of your time. You would still have plenty of time to focus on school, enjoy your college experience, and still make a decent amount of cash without having to work around the clock. 

More friends! I have made some great friendships working in aquatics at the recreation center. I know people who work in other departments, at the student center, in admissions, etc, who have developed tons of great relationships as well. It is a great way to get out of your room and talk to people. Additionally, you can make professional connections with supervisors and get letters of recommendation for the future. student center employees

Money is a stressful subject, but working on campus makes dealing with it a little bit easier. You are set up with a walking commute and flexible schedule with light hours and still making enough money to get by. What more can you ask for? If interested, you can apply even before moving in!

Check out Prof Jobs for some on-campus employment opportunities. 

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#PROFspective: Feeling Like a Member of the Student Body Through the Online Learning Experience

Exterior image of Rowan Welcome Center as seen from Rowan Boulevard

Meet Liberal Studies major Krystal Mannering from Atlantic County, NJ. Krystal, a first-generation college student, works full-time while running a business, providing for her household and taking care of a toddler. Read her perspective on how Rowan has made her feel “accepted and welcomed” as an online student. 

Selfie of Krystal Mannering

Being an online student for most of my educational career, the need for a connection with a physical campus might seem like a translucent goal. Common speculation is online students aren’t receiving “the college experience” that an in-person student receives.

For many online colleges and educational facilities, this statement is true. I’ve attended two other online colleges throughout my career, and Rowan University is the first online program where I’ve felt like an actual member of the student body.

From the moment I called Rowan, I felt accepted and welcomed. My heart had just been broken by my current school at the time, and as I was sobbing uncontrollably, I began calling multiple schools and explained my situation. The first Rowan advisor I spoke to was faced with the challenge of my vulnerability but ensured me that even as an online student, my role had a place.

I work a full-time job, have a home to provide for, a business, and a toddler to take care of, so online schooling is my only option. Two other schools stated they couldn’t help me, and another didn’t answer the phone. The advisors at Rowan greeted me with a cheerful attitude and helped me every step of the way. Even though I live an hour away, the Rowan staff took the necessary time I needed to feel comfortable with my decision.

Rowan student orientation outside Wilson Hall
A 2019 Rowan student orientation session

As I entered my first semester, I was armed with eagerness and fear. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I wasn’t sure that I was going to feel the acceptance that I craved. I joined Rowan’s social media platforms and I was quickly comforted by fellow Rowan students. One student suggested that I attend the campus orientation and I signed up for the next available event (highly recommended!).

Walking through the Rowan campus reassured my decision to attend Rowan as an online student. It felt right to walk through the halls, dorms and college grounds. Each orientation leader was extremely informative to the incoming freshman students, and each demonstration I attended that day began to further confirm my choice.

The orientation leaders expressed that online students are offered the same accommodations as in-person students. My friend (and now fellow classmate) and I walked through the streets of the campus, and we were presented with cheerful little shops, wonderful eateries, statues and artifacts plastered throughout the campus.

Drone shot of Richard Wacker Stadium
Richard Wacker Stadium

As the event concluded, my friend and I decided to make our way out to Richard Wacker Stadium, the stadium that I will graduate in. Being eligible to attend a physical graduation as an online student is very important to me and is one of the many perks of studying online with Rowan University. As we stepped foot onto the track that surrounds the beautiful stadium, the reality of my choice to attend Rowan began to set in.

Overwhelmed with emotion, I was so thankful to have found Rowan University. The online classes are more organized than other schools that I’ve attended. The professors are extremely involved, and helpful if you maintain a consistent work ethic. The alumni at Rowan reassured me that my needs weren’t burdensome. Class sizes are manageable, and classmates are a welcoming wealth of knowledge. Each day, I continue to be thankful for my choice to attend Rowan University as an online student. My future is clear now that I’m a PROF!

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Story by:
Krystal Mannering, liberal studies major

Rowan Commuters: James Milward [VIDEO]

James Milward sits on the green next to Wilson Hall

Welcome to our new “Rowan Commuter” series, where we take an inside look at the lives and experiences of Rowan University commuters and how their overall college experience is without living on campus.

In this video, Geology major James Milward talks about how he balances Rock Climbing Club and spending time with his group of Geology majors with being a commuter student here at Rowan. 

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Video by:
Tom Copsetta, radio/TV/film graduate

Rowan Commuters: Kayla Santiago [VIDEO]

Welcome to our new “Rowan Commuter” series, where we take an inside look at the lives and experiences of Rowan University commuters and how their overall college experience is without living on campus.

In this video, Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts double-major Kayla Santiago talks about how she balances a busy schedule with being a commuter student here at Rowan. 

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Video by:
Tom Copsetta, radio/TV/film graduate

From Teacher to Student: Career Change Brings Nutrition and Exercise Science Major Kerry Perez to Rowan

Photo of Kerry and her four children.

Today we feature adult learner Kerry Perez, a Nutrition and Exercise Science major from Haddonfield, NJ (Camden County). She transferred to Rowan from Camden County College. Kerry shares how she’s made a successful transition from full-time teacher to “nontraditional” student here at Rowan. 

Photo of Kerry.

Before you pursued your degree here at Rowan, you were an educator. Could you share why you are making a career shift?

I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, and that is exactly what I became. I studied elementary education at Bucknell University and graduated in 2002, I took my first teaching job after a yearlong AmeriCorps Volunteer position, right outside Washington D.C and continued this path for the next 11 years.  In those years I got a master’s in special education at Rider University and taught in three different schools, moving as my husband made his way through medical school and surgical residency.

I loved teaching both for the rewards personally and professionally.  In 2011, my husband and I welcomed our first set of girl twins, Esme and Georgina. With lots of help and support I was able to go back to teaching and continued for three more years until we were blessed with our second set of twins (boy/girl) in 2014. When I left for maternity leave, I had all intentions of returning to this career that I loved.  But the reality of having four children under the age 3 and a husband who was now living in Albany, NY (I was in Haddonfield, NJ) completing his fellowship set in hard. 

The decision to leave teaching was a hard one; this career had defined me and for a large part was how I valued myself. Thrust in the role of stay-at-home mom, staying on top of the demands of young children, while also not losing one’s identity, is incredibly challenging. I knew that staying home with them was a luxury that many parents do not have, so I also struggled to stay grateful. I continued to remind myself raising these four children to be valuable members of society, to teach them a strong moral compass so that our world would be better off, was truly the most important work that anyone could do.

Photo of Kerry and her four children.

What inspired you to choose your major?

As my children got older our family was introduced to some mental health issues and young daughter was diagnosed with anxiety at the tender age of six and in addition to therapy, we became educated about the important role of nutrition on mental health. I found myself deeply connecting with the notion that food is our healer, and that through changes to our diet we can positively affect not only our physical health but also our mental health. I could not resist continuing to explore this passion in nutrition and dietetics, and with the gentle nudge and support of my husband a new and scary path began.

I knew that I wanted to return to the work force in some fashion, but I was only ever going to be a teacher, this new path would involve subjects and content I hadn’t studied in over 20 years (actually I had avoided) and even though I had both a bachelor’s of science and a master’s degree I would pretty much be starting from the beginning.

Photo of Kerry and two of her children.

How did the transition go from teaching to learning? 

I graduated in the class of 2002 — we didn’t have cell phones, we barely had email. So here I was in 2019 and taking both an online and on-campus class. Canvas, Banner ID, Examity, Google Classroom, and the Cloud were new terms, and the learning curve was steep and quick. As a double hit I was learning how to navigate the world of online learning while also learning content I had avoided, which was science. To top it all off my brain as a 39 year old just didn’t function like my 20-year-old brain, I had mastered the techniques of making a third grader’s lunch while emptying the dishwasher, folding laundry, cooking dinner and kissing boo-boos, but figuring out the potassium and sodium pump or stoichiometry was a different ball game. There may have been tears, a lot of questioning of why I am putting myself through this.

Being a nontraditional student, being almost double the age of many of your peers, being part of classes that you have little recollection of, is intimidating and humbling. My first class I brought notebooks, highlighters and my reading glasses, the rest of the class brought their iPads and cell phones. 

The juggling of studying and completing classwork and finding the balance of fulfilling my role as a mom and wife while not feeling guilty about pursuing a new career is challenging. There won’t ever be the right balance: some days the kids overrun all my checklists and some days I’m up early or stay up late to watch yet another YouTube video on calorimetry.

Any parting advice for Rowan students, specifically adult learners or those who are considering going back to school?

It is hard, but we can do hard things.

I remind myself that one day my four children will reach a wall they’d rather not climb. A wall that on the other side leads to opportunities they never dreamed of, I want to be able to tell about the time I, too, met that wall. I desperately wanted to stop and fell many times but I climbed that wall and it was worth it. 

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Junior Major Moments: Law and Justice Major, Track and Field Captain Francis Terry

Francis poses with a trophy.

Today we feature Francis Terry, a Law and Justice Studies major from Laurel Springs, NJ (Camden County) who recently completed his junior year at Rowan. Francis, a first-generation college student, is a transfer student from Neumann University and lives off-campus. 

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

My favorite moment with a faculty member was with my coaches on March 15, 2018 in Birmingham, Alabama at the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships. I finished 5th in the nation and earned my first All-American accolade. When they called my name I stepped on the podium and looked at the cameras, the crowd and my teammates cheering for me. My assistant coach, Coach Tate, handed me the medal. I remember hugging Coach Tate thanking him for everything he’s done for me.

Francis poses with one of his assistant coaches.
Francis poses with Coach Tate after getting his award.

We took our picture and I had to get my pants and jacket back on and cool down because I had another race in about 2 hours. The 4×400 was the last event of the day and we finished 3rd in the 4×400. That placement would place us 3rd in the nation as a team. So after I hugged my teammates and congratulated the other teams I got back on the podium. When I got off the podium I saw my Head Coach, Coach Dimit, crying tears of joy so we hugged. We were all so excited to be ranked 3rd in the nation as a team. No, we didn’t win the National Championship, but we were all still proud of every single one of our teammates. 

Francis poses with his team with their third place trophy.
Francis poses with his team with their third-place trophy.

Is there anyone who is a visionary in your field who inspires you and goes above and beyond for you? I wouldn’t say he’s a visionary in my field, but someone who has impacted me tremendously at Rowan University is Eddy. He’s one of the janitors at Rowan University in Esby Gym [editor’s note: this staff member was identified as Edward Garrison, senior maintenance worker for both Esby Gym and The John Green Team House]. Eddy is one of the loudest, but also down-to-earth men I have ever met. Every time I walk into Esby Gym I can just feel his presence. He always screams “Yo Francis,” then shakes my hand and asks how my day is going. Some days we just stand in the hall and talk about sports, life, or anything on our minds that day.

No matter what, Eddy always makes time to say “Hi” to someone. He’s one of the hardest-working guys I know, and his attitude is always upbeat no matter what. I may not want to be a janitor in my lifetime, but I want to mimic the way he looks at life — his demeanor, work ethic, attitude and just his everyday life of bringing happiness to others. Eddy is one most influential people I’ve encountered throughout my life. Every day I’m blessed to have met a man like Eddy and have him to help shape me for the future. 

What is the most amazing or interesting ​thing you’ve learned in your major this year? The most amazing thing I’ve learned in my major this year was in my Law Seminar Class with Professor Stone. Even though the majority of the class was taught online due to COVID, this class really opened my eyes. During the course of the semester, we had to use an Excel spreadsheet and take our 40 questions and ask every student who was enrolled in that class questions about their family life. We then had to compare all of our work and compare it to our thesis. We wrote about a 10-page paper on our thesis and results that we calculated throughout the semester. It was an awesome experience working with classmates and developing our own short theory.

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? Due to COVID, I had one internship canceled, but two pre-professional experiences I have had would be being a Team Captain for the Men’s Track and Field team and working on the Board for S.A.A.C (Student-Athlete Advisory Committee). Being one of the Captains in the team I’ve definitely had to look at myself differently. Over the past 4 years at Neumann and Rowan, I’ve had many people to look up to and follow. Jeffery Tucker was one of the Captains in 2018, and he’s played a huge role in my life on and off the track.

Being a captain you’re held to a higher standard. As a captain, I’ve been in difficult situations with my own teammates but we’ve worked past them together. I always try and make myself available for my teammates or even other student-athletes. We all have stuff going on in our lives and every day I’ve learned something new from being around other student-athletes. When you’re around 70+ teammates and being one of the leaders of the team it gets very stressful. Being a captain doesn’t make me higher than anyone else, we are all still on the same team representing the same school and athletic department. I strive to represent myself in the best way possible in the classroom, on the track and even within the community. I hope that I can impact someone’s life for the better the way Jeff did for me.

Francis and three of his teammates pose with their individual awards.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Julia’s Corner: Advice for Freshmen Moving Away From Home for the First Time

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

You did it! You graduated. Take a second to appreciate this moment.  In a short time, you will leave your home to attend Rowan University. It is an exciting time, and you probably can’t wait to get away and live on your own. Whether you live 15 minutes up the road or three hours away in North Jersey, moving away for the first time can be exciting and nerve-wracking. Here are my tips for adjusting to this new experience: Three students standing in the hallway of Holly Pointe Commons.

You are moving from a house with the people who raised you, to a small college dorm with a new person(s). You may not have had to worry about space before, but for on-campus living–pack only the essentials. There isn’t much room, and you don’t want to take up too much room for your stuff. Sharing space and being mindful of items can help prevent disagreements with the people you’ll be living with for the next nine months. Personal space is also very important. Make sure to discuss space with your roommates and consider scheduling time out of the room. To avoid this, I would usually do my homework in our on-campus library or Barnes & Noble. I also like to take walks and go to the gym on campus for outdoor time and mental breaks. It might seem strange for you at first, but it’ll become normal in no time. 

Homesickness is a thing. Right now, you are probably more than An outside shot of Magnolia Hall.ready to move away from home. The freedom is great, I won’t deny that, but you will definitely miss your family more than you think you will. Do not be embarrassed by this, it happens to everyone. It is okay to go home for a weekend or schedule video chats to spend time with them. After all, closeness to home is probably one of the reasons why you chose an in-state school. If you happen to be out-of-state, however, FaceTime and other video chat options are super helpful. Plus, the Philadelphia airport is only about a half hour away, making it convenient to go home for the holidays. Weekends at Rowan are great, especially once you get involved and get to know people, but there is nothing as refreshing as a weekend home with the people you’ve known your whole life.  

Laundry! Once you’re away from your parents, there are some things you will have to do yourself that you may have relied on them for in the past. One of those things is laundry. It piles up fast, and if you don’t learn how to do it, you will run out of clothes fast! I suggest learning to do laundry before moving in. Chances are, the machines at school are much simpler to use than the ones you have at home, so it’ll be a piece of cake once you get there. The best part is, the Rowan machines take debit cards now, so you don’t have to worry about having quarters like I did as a freshman. 

Take advantage of on-campus resources. This is a very new experience for you. It’s absolutely okay if you need some guidance along the way. Do not be afraid to ask for help. If you get involved in an activity or club, which I suggest, ask an upperclassmen for help or advice. They are usually more than happy to help! If you want mental health support, our wellness center has counselors who are available to help. It might be a little uncomfortable to ask for help at first, but college is all about coming out of your comfort zone. Don’t be shy! They’re happy to help you!

Moving away from home for the first time is a big step in life. It’s a scary and exciting experience all at the same time. In no time, you’ll be proud to call Rowan home. 

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20 Minute Radius: Pitman’s Alcyon Park

an aerial photo of Jen in a blue kayak surrounded by lilypads in Alcyon lake.

Is the boredom of being quarantined at home (to prevent the spread of COVID-19) getting to you lately? Luckily, the weather has warmed up and there are plenty of outdoor spaces near campus that allow you to get a breath of fresh air while still maintaining social distance! 

the head of a blue kayak in a lake, facing trees, in Alcyon ParkIf you’re craving some sunshine, I recommend a trip to Alcyon Park in Pitman, NJ — less than a 10-minute drive from campus! Invite a family member, pet or roommate (if you’re safely quarantined together) and set out on your journey. I suggest taking a backpack along with you, with supplies including plenty of water, some granola bars, sunscreen, sunglasses or a hat, and anything else you might need during an outdoor adventure.

The park is home to several sports fields and a playground, but if that’s not your thing, there are hiking trails and even a boat launch! The boat launch is located at the coordinates (39.7284°, -75.1433°), which you can search in Google Maps to access. This is the perfect opportunity to take a peaceful kayak ride on Alcyon Lake, which is what my roommates and I did.

an aerial photo of Jen in a blue kayak surrounded by lilypads in Alcyon lake.
My roommate captured this photo of me with our drone camera!

Alcyon Park is a historic South Jersey location, and according to southjerseytrails.org, it used to serve as a racing track for horses and cars in the 1940s and 50s.

Information and photos about the park’s rich history is posted throughout the trails, so the further you walk, the more you learn. Pretty cool!

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Story by:
Nicole Cier, writing arts graduate

Meet #Rowan2024: Mechanical Engineering Major, Car Enthusiast AJ Marchev

Photo of Engineering Hall.

Today we feature incoming freshman and Mechanical Engineering major AJ Marchev from East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County).

Photo of AJ Marchev in Rowan apparel.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

One of the biggest things I’m looking forward to is meeting new people and spending time on campus. I visited a couple times, and I have a feeling the next four years are going to be pretty good. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I’m excited to try the SAE [International, formerly the Society of Automotive Engineers], especially the Baja racing. 

Photo of AJ Marchev's cars and Rowan sign outside his home.

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose my major because I have always loved cars and I hope to play some part in the future of the car industry. 

How did you get to know the campus?

I went to an open house last summer. 

What music do you like?

I love rap music, especially Eminem, Travis Scott and J. Cole.

Why Rowan?

I chose Rowan because when I visited the campus, everyone seemed so much happier than everywhere else I went to. It seemed like a place where I could accomplish my goals while also making friends and having a good time. 

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Passing the Torch: Master’s Graduate, Teacher Offers Advice

Megan Pfizenmayer stands outside of Bunce Hall in her cap and gown

Meghan Pfizenmayer, who recently earned her master’s degree in Special Education, advises future graduate students to learn “time management, between working and school online, not waiting until the night before to get things done.

“I would do a lot of school work after my own school day was over. I might be there until 8 or 9 p.m., but it helped me keep everything going and not doing things the night before,” she explains.

Megan Pfizenmayer stands with her mom and a graduation sign outside of Bunce Hall

Meghan, from Gloucester County, NJ, works as an elementary school resource room teacher for the Washington Township School District. She says her Inquiry in Special Education Settings class, a capstone course she took her last semester, was among her favorites.

“It was a research-based class. It was interesting, too, because we had to shift due to coronavirus. It helped me a lot to learn how to do online teaching,” she adds. 

While celebrating her graduation with family, Meghan realized just how long she’s really been part of the Rowan community. 

Megan Pfizenmayer stands outside of Bunce Hall with her family

“I grew up on this campus. I went to Kids Rule summer day camp here from the time I was 6. Just walking around the campus, we would have field trips out here. It’s a [surreal] end to my journey,” she says. 

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Passing the Torch: Second-generation Rowan Grad Offers Advice

Front of Bunce Hall in the backrground and Don's cap in the foreground

“Take advantage of everything that’s available to you here,” says Don Stahlberger, a recent Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate from Pittgrove, NJ (Salem County). His mom, Lisa, graduated from the College of Education when Rowan was then Glassboro State College. 

Don in the center with his parents on either side in front of Bunce Hall

“We have access to a lot of equipment and resources that a lot of people don’t have,” Don says. “Learn as much as you can about it because it will help you when you go to look for a job.”

Don should know: he’s already secured a position with the IT firm Innovative Defense Technologies and will soon relocate to Arlington, Virginia. 

He notes his favorite class within the College of Engineering was Computer Architecture. 

“We basically built a computer processor from the ground up, and it taught me a lot about my major and it was just really insightful,” Don explains. 

Don holding graduation balloons in front of Bunce Hall

As he leaves campus for the last time as an undergrad, Don says, “Rowan has been awesome. If I had to go back and do it all again … I’d pick Rowan again.”

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Passing the Torch: Biological Sciences Grad Reflects, Offers Wise Words of Advice

Kira and her best friend Sean stand outside of Bunce Hall

“Forge your own path. What does my mother always say? Be unapologetically authentic,” says Kira Malik, from Manalapan, NJ (Monmouth County), who recently graduated with a Biological Sciences degree and will soon continue her education in nursing. 

Kira, who says she did not have a “traditional college route,” has loved healthcare since she was 3 years old. She began her college career at an out-of-state school, then moved to community college. When her best friend and Rowan student, Sean, suggested she apply to his school, Kira did so on a whim — and got in. 

Kira wears her cap and gown in front of Bunce Hall

Kira says she never questioned what her major would be; she “always knew that biology was the route.” And on that, Rowan delivered. Her Intro to Ecology class expanded a love for plants. Stream Ecology class took her into on-campus waters for experiments in “big waders.” And Microbiology, while “amazing,” turned her into a “germaphobe.”

Rowan “has given me a broad science education, not just strictly healthcare or anatomy,” she says. 

As an EMT in Sayreville, NJ, Kira will now expand on her healthcare experience and science education in pursuit of a nurse practitioner or midwife career. She says on the work ahead: “I’m just genuinely [interested in] helping people and just expanding my own knowledge of science and the medical field and research.”

Looking back on her last two years at Rowan, Kira has sage advice for fellow students: “Grades aren’t the only thing about college. There’s so much more to your college experience than just your grades and just studying. It’s so important to get involved and make a group of friends but not stay with that one group. You can still branch out, you can always meet new people.

Kira walks down Bunce Green in her cap and gown

“Smile at everybody, you never know who that smile’s going to touch.”

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Passing the Torch: Psychology Major, Academic Coach Shares Her Parting Tips for Success

Chelsey Fitton stands in her cap and gown outside of Bunce Hall

“Take advantage of every opportunity in the Psychology department. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed, too,” says Chelsey Fitton from Woodstown, NJ (Salem County), who recently earned her Psychology degree. 

“I found the faculty and staff to be super helpful within the (Psychology) department. And it’s a family. The professors don’t really see you as a number, they know you by name. When I’d go in, they’d say, ‘Hi, Chelsey, how are you doing?’ That’s important, too,” she explains.  

Chelsey holds up her decorated sunflower cap in front of Bunce Hall

Chelsey, who transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey and commuted to campus, says to “stay involved as much as possible.” She was part of the honors society Delta Alpha Pi, for individuals with learning disabilities, and worked on campus as an academic coach with the Academic Success Center. Chelsey knows her future path will involve helping others.

“I really enjoy working with people,” she says. “And even during this COVID situation, I’m finding I’m not a fan of isolating. I have to be around people.”

Ready to move forward, Chelsey couldn’t forget a few people who helped her along the way. 

Chelsey stands with her parents in front of Bunce Hall

“I’d like to thank my professors and my family for all their support because I definitely wouldn’t be where I am with a degree without them.” 

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Passing the Torch: Psychology Major, Prospective Grad Student Shares Tips For Success

Sarah Transue holds her decorated cap in front of Bunce Hall

“Get involved in clubs and really make it worthwhile being a Prof,” says Sarah Transue, a recent graduate with a degree in Psychology and minor in neuroscience who commuted to campus from Mickleton, NJ (Gloucester County). 

Her advice for fellow commuters? “Get here super early before classes.”

Portrait of Sarah Transue in cap and gown in front of Bunce Hall

Sarah, who transferred to Rowan, counts Perception as well as Psychology as a Profession and Practice among her favorite courses. She also enjoyed classes with Dr. Davis-LaMastro. “She really illuminated how each field of psychology is really different,” Sarah says. 

She plans to return to campus in 2021 as a graduate student to pursue a master’s degree in mental health counseling. 

Sarah Transue stands in her graduation gown holding her cap in the air in front of Bunce Hall

“I want to be a counselor in marriage and family therapy. It’s really fascinating how that whole system works,” Sarah says. “I hope to start in fall 2021. I’m very excited.” 

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Senior Reflects: Bio Major Aaron Krivchenia Prepares for a Career in Ecology

Aaron standing outside science hall

Today we feature recent Biological Sciences graduate Aaron Krivchenia. Aaron is from Aaron poses for a portrait.Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) and shares his research experience during his time at Rowan.

Are you involved in any academic or social clubs?

I am a Brother of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. We do not have many brothers who study biology, but they are always there to extend a helping hand and aid in networking. I’ve done plenty of mock presentations in front of them, which helped me prepare for conferences I’ve attended. 

What got you interested in your intended field?

I’ve always been interested in ecology. I grew up in the woods and would always search for stream beds. It grew my passion. 

What is your favorite accomplishment?

When I presented a poster at the ESA International Conference in Kentucky summer of 2019. The poster covered a high-resolution spatial survey of cyanobacterial indicators: phycocyanin and chlorophyll in a small reservoir, Dow Lake, in Athens, Ohio. The data was from Dr. Ruhl’s dissertation, so old data but new questions. For ESA, about seven of us presented and for AAAS it was just me and Dr. Ruhl in attendance. For these, I mostly went to panels where people discussed their research. I’m more interested in the science being done. I wish I tried doing some more professional development, but now I have a better idea of what to do for next time. 

Aaron poses outside by Science Hall.What did your research beyond the classroom entail?

I worked in environmental conservation, which I started in second semester sophomore year. Professor Dr. Richmond of Bio 4: Intro to Ecology promoted the position and I immediately showed interest. My work at the lab includes seasonal sampling of small polymictic reservoirs for: seasonal zooplankton community composition, environmental tests, water quality tests, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, ph level, nitrogen, and phosphorus. For seasonal sampling, we went out weekly during the summer, typically on Mondays, to five reservoirs in South Jersey: Malaga, Elmer, Palantine, Parvin, and Rainbow, of which the latter four are in a series meaning they are a part of the same watershed, kind of like Russian nesting dolls. At each site we would toss buckets into the damn and outfall, collecting the data using a variety of probes and chemicals. We also ran 10L of water from each site through a mesh strainer to collect zooplankton for subsequent taxonomic identification in the lab.

Aaron poses by a gazebo.We have a variety of projects being done with the data we collect. My specific project involved conducting a study with an ultimate goal of creating a predictive model for cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (cHABs) across South Jersey. I surveyed 26 small reservoirs collecting data for various environmental variables and photo indicators phycocyanin and chlorophyll. We also took raw water samples back to Science Hall and with the help of Dr. Carone, developed a qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) to account for cyanobacterial cell densities. This was also done for the weekly sampling which gave us temporal data — how the cyanobacterial composition varies across the season. 

What knowledge or skills have you developed through this opportunity that you will take with you for future endeavors?

Everything I’ve done is applicable to my future in ecology. I learned GIS, analysis software, and my writing and public speaking abilities have improved. I’m more confident talking about science and my work in a way people outside of my industry can understand. I’ve also learned how to conduct good science, be diligent about methods and materials I’m working with. 

What are your next steps or goals?

Right now, I’m searching for jobs in wildlife, private entries and eventually will attend graduate school.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Mechanical Engineering Major Kenny Lieur

Exterior shot of Engineering Hall.

Today we feature incoming freshman and mechanical engineering major Kenny Lieur. He is a first-generation college student from Pennsauken, NJ, (Camden County) and will be commuting to campus in the fall. 

Photo of Kenny Lieur.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I am very excited about meeting new people with diverse skills and interesting backstories.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

In high school, I was on a FIRST robotics team in which we built robots to compete in competitions. I would like to continue something like this by joining the AIAA or even the Society of Automotive Engineers.

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose Mechanical Engineering as my major because I love designing and building things that serve purposes that benefit society in profound ways.

How did you get to know the campus? 

I took a tour of the entire campus in the spring of 2019 with my classmates who also wanted to see what Rowan was like.

Photo of Kenny Lieur.

What music do you like?

I really like R&B and pop music.

Night owl or morning person?

I am more of a night owl since all the best ideas come to me at 3 a.m.

Why Rowan?

Rowan is the most affordable university near where I live. Not only that, but all of my duel enrollment credits would be accepted by Rowan, which would give me a leg up once I attend. Additionally, I heard that Rowan is a great school for engineering that is ABET-accredited.

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How I Made Friends at Rowan

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a recent Communications Studies graduate from Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Some incoming college students may wonder: How am I going to make friends? It’s one of the highest worries around. Incoming students may be used to having all of their home town friends that they went to school with for many years, and now everyone is splitting up to go away to different universities.

My incoming freshman year I joined a Rowan Students Facebook group. I think that was my best decision. After going to Rowan’s open house and being put into groups that we did activities with, I met a couple of students, and we switched telephone numbers. After that, they added me to this Facebook group that had hundreds of incoming freshman. By reaching out and posting in this page and connecting on different social media platforms, I was able to get into touch and build relationships even before the semester started.

Devon (second from left) and friends participated in a community-wide clean-up event.
Devon (second from left) and friends participated in a community-wide clean-up event.

Well, it didn’t end there! Once the semester progressed I joined a lot of clubs. Rowan offers a numerous amount of clubs where you can team bond, socialize and participate in different activities. My favorite club I joined was Volunteer Club. With doing this, I ended up being a tutor at South Woods State Prison and met a couple of friends I still have close friendships with today. 

Rowan After Hours was also a great opportunity to make friends. The wonderful thing about that would be going with the friends I had, and meeting new ones! So the group friendship expanded. RAH would hold fun nights such as BINGO night or movie night. So my college experience didn’t always have to be about going out to parties every night and trying to socialize that way. 

Although, going out was also a fun way to make friends. Rush sorority events were a great way to socialize, meet new people and personalities. I remember meeting girls from towns over, and states over. I met my roommates from doing this. 

Whether you’re worried about meeting friends, or nervous to go out and socialize, don’t be. You’re not the only one in the same boat. I was nervous myself, and so were the girls I’m best friends with today. It just takes a little courage and a positive attitude.

Be yourself! Join groups and clubs, participate in activities at Rowan, and you will have a great time meeting your friend group. 

Devon (left) with friends (and one furry friend)
Devon (left) with friends (and one furry friend)

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Story and photos by:
Devon Graf, communication studies graduate

Sophomore Reflects: Tips from Computer Science Major Frank Ziegler

Photo of Frank Ziegler wearing a hooded sweatshirt sitting in a graffiti-covered room

Meet Frank Ziegler, sophomore computer science major, who commutes from Gibbsboro, NJ (Camden County). Frank reflects on his years at Rowan and shares what he has learned.

When I first started school at Rowan, I didn’t understand how the online system (i.e. Blackboard, Self-Service, Starfish) worked. It took me some time to figure out the flow of things. For incoming freshmen, I’d suggest to look over these platforms before the semester starts or ask someone for help. Usually 9 times out of 10, they’re happy to help if you ask politely.

From my experience, people in the Rowan community are generally friendly and helpful. I’ve actually created friendships here by asking for help whether for an assignment or lesson I was struggling with. 

Photo of Frank Ziegler wearing a hooded sweatshirt sitting in a graffiti-covered room

Choosing a major for me was hard. My passion is making music, but I also really enjoy solving code. For me it was a decision of how to balance my passion with my career or turning my passion my career. For someone dealing with the same problem, I would suggest to consider what you enjoy and see yourself doing in the future. I’m happy with my major and hope you will be too.

If possible, I definitely would recommend living on-campus to fully immerse yourself in the culture, especially if you’re more of an introvert. Commuting hindered my social life, but I joined some clubs and found like-minded people I enjoy hanging out with.

Join Rowan Vocals if you can sing. Seriously. That’s how I made friends. I’ve never felt more comfortable with a group than I do with them. They are such great people. And if you can’t sing, join a group that fits your interests. It’s the best thing I did for my college experience. 

Frank with his friends from Rowan Vocals group

My biggest piece of advice is to understand that going to college is a lifestyle change. I had a really hard time at first because I was dealing with mental health issues and lacked motivation. I wish I had more time to prepare and understand how to best manage my time. I work part-time, commute and do a lot of music production work, so every semester I adapt to the workload and class schedule.

College is in no way like high school, it’s like a full-time job. You need to fully commit to it and and learn how to manage your time to make the best of it. The faster, the better.

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Story by:
Frank Ziegler, sophomore computer science major

Photos courtesy of:
Frank Ziegler

Junior Major Moments: Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management Major Connor Crafton-Tempel

Exterior shot of Rowan EMS building

Today we feature Disaster Preparedness and Management major Connor Crafton-Tempel from Freehold, NJ (Monmouth County). Connor is a transfer student and commutes to campus. 

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? 

Outdoor selfie of Connor wearing reflective sunglasses

Professor Carty, who taught my Disaster Planning, Mitigation, and Recovery course at our Camden campus, was a really big influence on me. When I first came into the program, I knew I wanted to work for the Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management (OEM), but I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do with the OEM.

Then, Professor Carty was teaching us about threat and risk assessments, just before the COVID-19 outbreak turned into a pandemic. It was during her class that I realized I wanted to go into disaster planning and specially work on disease-related disasters (mainly epidemics and pandemics). 

What is the most amazing or interesting ​thing you’ve learned in your major this year? Close up photo of Connor.

I think that the most interesting thing I learned this year was how to perform a threat assessment. This is becoming really helpful, since my parish has asked me to help with the reopening. 

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth?

I’d have to say my honor society (Epsilon Pi Phi, the DPEM honor society) and Rowan University EMS. Rowan EMS is helping me gain new skills as an EMT, and the honor society is beneficial for getting connections within the industry.

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#MeetRowan2024: Multi-talented Marketing Major Megan Steckler

Photo of Megan outside in a wooded area

Today we feature future freshman and Marketing major Megan Steckler from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County). Megan is excited to be commuting to Rowan in the fall. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

Although this may sound cliche, I am looking forward to taking classes, meeting new people and experiencing the college life.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

In high school, I played field hockey, lacrosse, and I swam. Hopefully, I will continue to play lacrosse. I also want to continue participating in Key Club, or another volunteer-oriented club, and Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) at Rowan.

How or why did you choose your major?​

In high school, I was part of a specialized program called the Business Leadership Academy (BLA). It is a business-oriented curriculum that I found challenging and a lot of fun!

I like business because it is such a versatile subject. One of my favorite classes in the BLA at Kingsway High School was my marketing class. I love the creative side of business, and I want to continue to explore that part specifically in college.

How did you get to know campus?

I live close to Rowan, I attended Rowan’s Think Like an Entrepreneur camp last summer, and my older sister attends Rowan now. So, even though I have never received an “official” tour, I am already very familiar with the campus.

What music do you like?

I love pop, rock and alternative music. 

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely a night owl!

Why Rowan?​​

Rowan is a really good school, it is close to home, and I was fortunate to receive a Merit Scholarship. Also, the school is still growing, the campus is expanding, and I can’t wait to get started! I am excited about all of the opportunities at Rowan! Go Profs!

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

Meet #Rowan2024: Musical Theatre Major Anthony Finke

Photo of Anthony with his hands stretched out wearing a black t-shirt

Meet Musical Theatre major Anthony Finke. Anthony, from Wood-Ridge, NJ (Bergen County), is excited to live on campus this fall! 

Black and white headshot of Anthony.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? 

I am looking forward to meeting so many new people and getting to perform in the shows at Rowan!!! I’m also looking forward to getting to work with professionals in the field that I want to go into as a full-time job.

What is one activity, club, sport, or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

One activity that I did in high school that I’d love to continue in college is definitely the theater department but also [one of the ] choirs

How did you choose your major? 

Collage of Anthony in Rowan apparel.

I chose musical theater because I’ve been doing theater since the fifth grade and it is something I want to do when I get older. 

How did you get to know campus? 

I knew about the campus because I took an on-campus tour which was so cool to take a look at where I’m going to be living for the next four years! 

What music do you like?

I like pop music and a lot of Broadway albums. 

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely a night owl. 

Why Rowan? 

I chose Rowan because I really like the school and the campus. The theater program is absolutely amazing, and the staff and students are incredibly talented and so easy to work with/talk to!

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Junior Major Moments: Modern Languages and Linguistics Major Charisse N. Watts

Photo of Charisse.

Today we feature Modern Languages and Linguistics major Charisse N. Watts from Plainfield, NJ (Union County). Charisse is a transfer student and lived on-campus in 220 Rowan Blvd. before COVID-19 shut down campus. 

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member of a favorite experience in one of your classes?

Summit in Washington D.C. for the Model African Union course meeting with Political Officer, Ms. Seraphine Manirambona from the African Union Mission.
Charisse (second from right) attends a meeting in Washington D.C. with political officer Ms. Seraphine Manirambona.

One of my fondest memories was attending a summit in Washington D.C. for the weekend for my Model African Union course led by Professor Lauren Anderson.

What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year? 

Make sure you ask the right questions of your advisors when choosing your major so you make sure everything is lined up properly for the next four years.

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth?

Some of the members of The Fearless Freyja Chapter of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Incorporated at Rowan University.
Members of the Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Incorporated.

Thanks to the help of Professor Benjamin Dworkin and Rowan Institute for Public Policy Citizenship (RIPPAC), I was able to land three internship opportunities. I interned for the Office of Assemblyman Daniel R. Benson (14th Legislative District, Hamilton), The New Jersey State League of Municipalities and the Camden County Democratic Committee.

Ever since joining Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Incorporated I was able to connect with sisters and mentors who continue to help learn more about different backgrounds and cultures, which I believe is essential to know before entering the workforce.

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

#PROFspective: Sophomore Health Promotion and Wellness Management Major Brianna Bentley

Brianna poses for a photo outside Business Hall.

Today we feature sophomore Brianna Bentley, a first-generation college student. She is a Health Promotion and Wellness Management major with a minor in Psychology. Brianna commutes from her home in Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County). We were able to speak to her just before she was getting ready to leave campus because of social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19.

What academic and social clubs are you a part of?

I am a part of  UnifiedBrianna poses for a photo outside Business Hall. Sports, Pre-Allied Health Club, and American Sign Language Club.

Do you have any on-campus jobs?

When the campus reopens, I will be working at the Rec Center!

Why did you choose a university close to home?

I couldn’t imagine being too far from my family, and Rowan was the only college I toured that felt like “home” away from home.

How do you get that “away” feeling while close to home?

Hanging out with friends on campus, whether that is to study or have fun.

What is the most interesting thing you did on campus this year?

I helped out at the Unified Sports Championship game.Brianna poses for a photo outside Business Hall.

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned in a class this year?

All of the material I learned in Psych of Human Sexuality! I highly recommend this course to anyone; I left each class feeling like I learned something new about myself.

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

Enjoy every moment, get involved, study hard, and make memories you’ll never forget!

What’s the best decision you’ve made since you got to college?

Volunteering with the Get Fit program.

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Story and photography by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Julia’s Corner: It is Okay to Not Know Your Major

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

As a kid, we all have a point where we think we know what we want to be when we grow up. Then, a few weeks, or maybe days, later, we change our minds. This pattern often continues all the way through high school. Then you graduate high school, and the pressure’s on. There’s so much outside pressure to grow up and ‘figure out what you want to be,’ but college is the time to explore your options and learn what is a good fit for you.

Kayla commentates on a Rowan Athletics game.Many freshmen come in panicked if they don’t know what they do yet. You might think that if you do not have a major, you are doomed for all eternity. Quite frankly, I’ve learned that it is just the opposite. Not deciding on a major in the beginning can actually be a really positive thing for your academic career. Going in as an undecided major, called exploratory studies at Rowan, forces you to get your general education requirements out of the way first. You’ll likely have them all complete by the end of your second year, and by then, you’ll probably know what major you want. Then, you can finally start taking classes that you know you will enjoy, and not be stuck finishing a gen-ed class as a senior. This is what I did and I became an advertising major, and haven’t taken a gen-ed since sophomore year. I am very happy with the major that I chose, and glad I don’t have to worry about gen-eds anymore. 

Two students working on a laptop in a computer lab.

Rowan’s exploratory studies major connects you with campus resources and advisors who can help guide you toward a major that’s right for you. Many people have a general idea of what fields they are drawn to, but they want a closer look before committing to a major. Exploratory studies workshops provide an insider’s look at each specific College within the University.

Choosing a major is a big decision and should not be taken lightly. Going into your first year as undecided is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is a much smarter decision than scrambling to choose a major that you’ll end up not enjoying. Don’t panic about it, because eventually, things will click and you will find your passion. 

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3 Ways I Make College More Affordable

Christian walks down Rowan Boulevard with two other students

Today we feature junior Communication Studies major and Journalism minor Christian A. Browne, who commutes to Rowan from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County) and is originally from Philadelphia. Christian transferred to Rowan from Camden County College. Let’s be honest, college is a huge financial decision. With food, textbooks and parking, there are a bunch of expenses […]

20 Minute Radius: Pitman’s Maggie Paige Boutique

Close up shot of clothing at Maggie Paige Boutique

Looking for some cute clothes to update your wardrobe or to wear for a fun time out with friends (while practicing social distancing)?

Interior shot of Maggie Paige Boutique in PitmanMaggie Paige Boutique is the perfect place to go. This clothing and accessories store is located right in Pitman, and it’s only an 8-minute drive from campus.

We talked to the owner, Emily, about her experience opening and running a clothing boutique since 2017. 

Interior shot of Maggie Paige BoutiqueGrowing up, Emily loved playing with all of her grandmother Margaret’s clothes and costume jewelry. Since her grandmother started her love for fashion, Emily wanted to honor her by naming the store Maggie. 

As soon as I walked in the store I could feel the rustic and quaint vibe. I felt like I was shopping in a friend’s closet. They offer several options, from cute dresses to comfy hoodies. Several accessories around the store, like bracelets, support other local businesses in the area. 

Interior shot of Maggie Paige Boutique with social media linkEmily’s ultimate goal for the store is to create affordable and accessible fashion for women. Prices range from $19-$60.

If you mention this article you can get 10% off your next Maggie Paige purchase. 

Can’t make it to the store? You can order online at https://maggiepaige.commentsold.com/store 

You can also order order by phone by calling 856.218.5143. 

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Story and photography by: 
Jenna Fischer, rising senior public relations major

Senior Reflects: Biological Sciences Major Brenden Finley on the Outdoors Club, Fossils and His Future

Photo of Brenden and friends.

Today we feature Brenden Finley from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County) who recently graduated with a degree in Biological Sciences. Here, Brenden shares his favorite Rowan memories and his plans for the future. 

Could you please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

A favorite moment of mine happened in the course Edelman Fossil Park Experience with Dr. Voegele. Having the opportunity to uncover fossils in the research pit was incredible. I’ll never forget the first fossil I unearthed. It was especially memorable when I was able to record and map my finds in the log book.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? 

I couldn’t pick just one moment at Rowan, so I have to say sitting around the campfire on every camping trip with the Rowan Outdoors Club. Serving on the e-board of the outdoors club has been a favorite part of my Rowan experience by far. Giving Rowan students a chance to escape and enjoy nature is incredibly rewarding. The friends I’ve met through the club will surely be lifelong.

Outdoors Club Franklin Parker Preserve Day Hike

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?

I plan on becoming a surgical technician first, then going to physician’s assistant school. Dr. Supplee and Dr. Grinias helped me when I was having second thoughts about my original plan and helped me see that plans can change. This allowed me to rethink and make a new plan about my future. 

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? 

I want to thank my family and friends for always supporting my decisions and for keeping me grounded, Katie Huber and Kristin Henderson at the Rec Center for always being there to help and listen, and Dr. Grinias and Dr. Jonnalagadda for inspiring me to continue when I felt like giving up.

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Header photo: Brenden Finley (left) with friends

Cook with Me: Brioche French Toast

Printed plate with French toast and bananas

Welcome to our new series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s video is from Bianca Torres, a senior Music Industry major isolating from her home in Long Valley, NJ (Morris County).

Step into Bianca’s kitchen as she whips up a delicious breakfast treat, Brioche French Toast, from home. 

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Video and music by:
Bianca Torres, music industry major

Header photo courtesy of:

Meet #Rowan2024: Biological Sciences Major AnneMarie Dominique

Selfie of AnnMarie.

Today we feature incoming freshman and Biological Sciences major AnneMarie Dominique. She is from Newport, NJ (Cumberland County) and will be commuting to campus in the fall. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?
I really look forward to learning at Rowan University and starting college!
AnnMarie pictured on the tennis court.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I played tennis in high school and I really want to continue this in college. I hope to be on the Rowan tennis team.

How or why did you choose your major?​

I chose to major in Biological Sciences because I want to be in the medical field. I want to be an oncologist and I’m very excited.

How did you get to know campus?

I didn’t take a tour but I did have a virtual tour of the campus and it was great.

What music do you like?
I love classical music because I play piano but I also love pop music as well!
Selfie of AnnMarie in front of pink and white azaleas
Night owl or morning person?

I am a morning person all of the way! I love being up bright and early.

Why Rowan?​​

Rowan is a great campus! It’s close to home and I’ve heard really great things about the facility and all of the people there!

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#PROFspective: Nutrition, Exercise Science Major and Aspiring Business Owner Tyler Weiss

Tyler Weiss sits outside of Business Hall.

Today we feature Tyler Weiss, a Nutrition major with a specialization in Exercise Science. Tyler, a junior from Winfield Park, NJ (Union County), lives on campus. 

Tyler Weiss sits outside of Business Hall wearing a blue sweatshirt

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan because of its size. I felt the community wasn’t too small, so I’d have a lot of opportunities to meet new people, but I wasn’t too big.

How did you know Rowan was the right choice for you?

It was a mix of things. I always knew I wanted to be a personal trainer and eventually own a gym. My friends would always ask me for fitness advice. In high school, I talked to my gym teacher about my passion for fitness and she suggested her alma mater, Rowan University.

What clubs and activities are you involved in on campus?

I work as a personal trainer for the Rec Center. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to train anyone [right now], but typically, I’d be working with a client 2-3 times per week. I’ve also conducted body scans, gym tours, and routine obligations.

Tyler sitting reading a book in front of Business Hall

What is a topic you learned in class that you applied in your industry?

An important lesson we learn in the program is communicating with clients. Students are used to anatomy and physiology terms, but most people aren’t. I’ve learned methods to explain certain exercises in a way they’ll understand.

How are you keeping in touch with your Rowan friends while at home?

Since being at home, my Rowan friends and I keep in touch by texting.

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Story by:
Alyssa Bauer, public relations graduate

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Writing Arts Major Makenzie Forrest

Exterior shot of 260 Victoria

Meet Makenzie Forrest, a Writing Arts major from Collingswood, New Jersey (Camden County). She will be graduating with the Rowan class of 2023.

What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I’m looking forward to having small classes (a big plus), living on campus, and going to events/being in clubs.

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose Writing Arts because I love writing.

Why did you choose a university that is close to home?

It’s more familiar to me. I’ve been visiting Rowan’s campus for homecoming with my family every year since I was 5. It’s also only 20 minutes from my house.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

Makenzie Forrest: future transferBeing part of a writing organization (the college I’m transferring from didn’t have one, but my high school did!).

Why Rowan?

To me, Rowan can still offer the full college experience, while many other schools are stripping away everything besides classes. Rowan has character. People are friendly, and there are things to do on campus. It’s more than just a few hundred acres or buildings. The people make it what it is.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Law and Justice Studies Major Brianna Carr

Photo of Brianna holding her admissions packet

Today we feature Law and Justice Studies major Brianna Carr from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County). Brianna is a first-generation college student and will be living on Rowan’s campus this fall. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I can’t wait to meet new people at Rowan, and I’m excited to study criminal justice.

Photo of Brianna in Rowan apparel.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

In high school I participated in many clubs and activities that I would like to continue at Rowan, and I can’t wait to explore what else Rowan has to offer.

 How or why did you choose your major?​

I chose to major in Law & Justice Studies because I have always been passionate in learning about crime and the justice system.

 How did you get to know campus?

Due to COVID-19, I wasn’t able to visit campus in person, but I have learned so many things from Rowan’s website and I can’t wait to be there in person.

What music do you like?

I listen to all kinds of music but I mostly listen to R&B and rap.

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely a night owl over a morning person. 

Why Rowan?​​

I chose Rowan because it is a great school with a lot to offer and it is close to my family and friends. 

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Aspiring Attorney Carl Watkins Shares His Experience in the 3+3 Program

Rowan University banner outside of Wilson Hall.

Meet Carl Watkins, a junior Law and Justice major from Chicago, IL who transferred to Rowan University from DeVry University. 

Carl Watkins in a Law & Justice t-shirt.Favorite faculty moment: I had a Public Speaking professor who had a different philosophy than every other teacher. He wanted to ensure students in college enjoyed their time and did not stress about everything. He taught that, in the business world, it is essential to be able to socialize and communicate with your peers. This teacher would set up activities for us in class to enable networking with each other so we would feel comfortable interacting in real-world situations. 

Is there anyone who is a visionary in your field who inspires you? I am truly inspired by Professor Stanley Yeldell; he was one of the first professors to join the Law & Justice Studies department when Rowan was known as Glassboro State College. For me personally, he has been a true mentor and has inspired me to excel and be an example for the next generation of those that seek to also be great.

What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year? Having an internship at a law firm really showed me the ins and outs of how an attorney Carl Watkins with his son.works. I have the joy of actually visiting courtrooms and seeing attorneys in action in a legal setting. Though there are so many aspects to the law, being at Hoffman DiMuzio gave me options and avenues that I didn’t know existed.

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? I am currently a junior in the 3+3 program with aspirations of attending Rutgers Law in the Fall of 2021. I am also the treasurer of the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. I am an active member of the Pre-Law Society and entering into my second-semester internship at Hoffman DiMuzio.

I love being involved and active in campus life as it lets you explore and network with people from all walks of life.

I got a late start on college. I served in the U.S. Army, got married, had two children: one who graduated from Widener University and one entering into his second year at Rowan College of South Jersey. I’m amazed at what I have accomplished so far. 

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First Year Voices: English Language Program Student Steve Ngo

An aerial view of Rowan University's campus.

Today we speak to Steve Ngo, who recently completed his freshman year in the English Language Program. He lives in Egg Harbor Township (Atlantic County). Before the university closed due to COVID-19, Steve lived on campus at Holly Pointe Commons. Steve is a first-generation college student.

Bunce Hall, a building that dates back to Rowan's origins.

What is one way you made friends this year? 

I met my friends when I stayed in my dorm and when I started my first classes at Rowan.

What is something you’re looking forward to at Rowan next year? 

Next year, I want to make more new friends and have more experiences.

The Rowan owl statue outside of Robinson Hall.

What would you tell a future student who is interested in coming to Rowan? 

Find a mentor who can lead you to the field you are interested in. Set a target for your path, then do it step by step and you’ll reach what you want!

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Meet #Rowan2024: Lindenwold’s Maiyah, Law and Justice Major, Ready to Explore College Life

Photo of Maiyah outside in a yellow shirt and blue jacket

Today we feature incoming freshman Maiyah from Lindenwold, NJ (Camden County). Maiyah will be entering Rowan University as a Law and Justice Studies major. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

In high school, I played softball and I hope to play at Rowan also. 

How or why did you chose your major?

I am fascinated with anything that has to do with law and I love to see what they go through, so that’s why I picked law and justice as my major.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? 

Next year I hope to meet new people and explore college life.

Selfie of Maiyah wearing a red and black-checked shirt

Why Rowan? 

I got to know the campus from an overnight program called A Day in the Life of A College Student. In that program I was shown what is it like to be a student at Rowan, and I got tips on how to make it a better experience for me. When I went on the tour, all the people there seemed to enjoy the environment and the people that I got to know really made me feel like this was a good choice for me.

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

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Meet #Rowan2024: Computer Science Major, Musician Hunter Gareau

Pixabay stock image of a trumpet

Today we feature Computer Science major Hunter Gareau. Hunter, from Shamong, NJ (Burlington County), is the first of his siblings to attend college. 

Portrait of Hunter in rubber duck patterned shirt and shorts at home

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I’m looking forward to the college experience: staying in a dormitory, making new friends, and participating in different activities.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I’ve done band since fourth grade, specifically I play trumpet. I’d like to continue playing trumpet in college.

How or why did you choose your major?​

I wanted to design games for a while, but I decided to broaden that with computer science. I like being creative, and I’m good at math, so this is my ideal field.

How did you get to know campus?

I visited the campus last summer while looking at colleges. I don’t know it too well, but I think I’ll know much better once I attend the virtual orientation.

What music do you like?

I enjoy most music genres, but my favorites are rock and indie.

Night owl or morning person?

I’m definitely a night owl.

Why Rowan?​​

Rowan is close to home, I have friends going to Rowan, and I was given a good offer to go to Rowan, it just made the most sense.

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#PROFspective: Double Major Gloria Sanckon, President of the African Student Association

Drone photo of Glassboro campus

Today we feature Gloria Sanckon, a junior Psychology and Sociology double major from Burlington Township, NJ (Burlington County). She transferred to Rowan from Burlington County College and is a first-generation college student. This year, Gloria lived on campus at the 114 Victoria Street apartments.

A portrait of Gloria wearing a purple one-sleeved shirt.Tell us about one club, organization or group of friends that make you feel like Rowan is home. 

I used to be the president for the Residence Hall Association, but now I am the president for African Student Association. What made Rowan feel like home was the group of friends I made through my organization. Everyone was extremely welcoming and supportive. There’s never a boring time at programs and meetings, and you can make great friends. For instance, when we don’t have a program coming up, we spend time outside of the club playing games, cooking, and chatting at a member spot. 

What’s your favorite thing about your typical Monday at Rowan?

African Student Association (ASA) general meetings have to be one of the greatest things on Mondays at Rowan. As an e-board member, I have to go to general meetings and bring Rowan ASA together. We all meet up and do activities to educate African students.

What is one thing about Rowan that was a happy surprise for you?

One thing that was a happy surprise to me about Rowan is that there’s always something to do. For instance, Rowan After Hours (RAH) hosts events every Thursday, Friday and Saturday for students on and off-campus. Before coming to Rowan, I was a homebody, but the events on campus are interesting and it forces me to come out and meet new people.

A photo of Gloria standing in a colorful dress.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a professor or staff member in which you felt like they truly cared about your well-being. ​

During my first semester, I struggled horribly to stay on top of my work due to being a first-generation student with no support from home. Not because I was not hardworking, but because my memory was almost nonexistent. It did not imply if I went to class because I couldn’t concentrate. Not like, “Oh! I am just distracted,” but like, “Did I even go to class today? What did we talk about?” “How are my siblings back home?” “Who’s helping my mom?” It was scary and frustrating. But reaching out to my professors and communicating with them cleared my mind off a little.

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Story by:
Nicole Cier, writing arts graduate

20 Minute Radius: 10 Local Ice Cream Places

Purple ice cream on Rowan Boulvard.

School is out and summer vacation is in! What sweet treat goes hand-in-hand with the summer time? Ice cream! Hanging out in the Glassboro area? Check out these ice cream shops that are within 20 miles from campus!

1. Alaura Kitchen, Pitman, NJ

Whether you’re looking for a meal or just a sweet treat, Alaura’s is the place to stop in downtown Pitman. They change their menu weekly, so there’s tons of flavors to choose from, even dietary options! The Belgian fries are a must. 

2. Dippy’s, Mantua. NJ

The best homemade ice cream in town! Dippy’s is great and has a variety of flavors to choose from! Their blueberry flavor is a jersey iconic. Blueberry will make your mouth water with delight and feel reminiscent of the South Jersey native fruit. 

3. Scoopy’s Ice Cream and Water Ice, Sewell, NJ

Looking for your carnival favorites? Scoopy’s offers more than just your classic scoop. From Dole Whip to their arctic swirl to a classic sundae, you won’t be disappointed!

4. Cono’s Pizza and Ice Cream, Glassboro, NJ

Walking back from class? Grab a slice and scoop on your way back! Located behind Rowan Boulevard, this shop will have you visiting every day! And did we mention their pizzas come in cones?

5. Yogo Factory, Glassboro, NJ

Not completely feeling ice cream today? Stop by the Yogo Factory for some sweet frozen yogurt on Rowan Boulevard. Add your own toppings and pay with your Rowan Bucks! Yogo Factory is definitely a Prof’s favorite!

6. Bruster’s Real Ice Cream, Sewell, NJ

Bruster’s is the place to hang out with your friends where everyone can get what they want! Their ice cream pies are truly one of a kind and to die for!

7. Reggina Gelato and Espresso Bar, Mullica Hill, NJ

Reggina’s is the best place to stop for some Italian sweets. They have all your favorites, gelato, cannolis and more! Make sure you try their strawberry lemonade and mascarpone! 

8. Stio’s Water Ice and Ice Cream, Washington Township, NJ

Who doesn’t love family owned businesses? You’ll feel a part of the family after the first bite! Skip the line and order online! You’ll need to take your time picking from their delicious hand dipped flavors!

9. Twin Kiss Drive In, Clayton, NJ

Looking for both salty and sweet? Stop by Twin Kiss to grab a pretzel and some ice cream! You’ll love their outdoor seating area!

10. Mueller’s Ice Cream and Fruit Freezz, Deptford Township, NJ

A hand holding a cup of ice cream You’ll feel transported to the Jersey shore boardwalk the second you lay eyes on the menu. Order funnel cake, ice cream floats, and choose from 24 flavors of soft serve. They’re known for their Fruit Freezz drinks. They are formulated with fresh fruit juice and the pulp will definitely get stuck in your teeth in the best way possible. 

Due to COVID-19, these shops are all currently available for take-out only. Got more suggestions? Share a picture of your favorite place using #IceCreamforRowan!

Story by: 
Camryn Hadley, junior
Kailey Bertelsen, senior

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TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Computing and Informatics Major Saad Khalid

Exterior shot of Robinson Hall

Today’s TRANSFERmation Tuesday features Saad Khalid, a computing and informatics major. He commutes from his home in Gloucester County. He transferred to Rowan from the Rowan College of South Jersey, Gloucester Campus.

What is one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

Honestly, it would have to be my interest in technology. I enjoy learning new things, and my program makes me feel inspired and confident.

What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year?

Networking. It’s interesting to see what really happens behind the scenes!

A selfie of Khalid, crouching while resting his arm on his knee.

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan because it is close to my house, and it seemed like an amazing place to go to school.

What are you most looking forward to at Rowan next year?

I am looking forward to taking new classes and learning from new professors!

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Meet #Rowan2024: Union County’s Chelsea Joseph Has Pre-Med Aspirations

Stock image of doctor with lab samples

Today we feature Biological Sciences major Chelsea Joseph. Chelsea was born in Brooklyn, NY but moved to and will be commuting to Rowan from Union, NJ (Union County). 

Selfie of Chelsea.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

Some things I look forward to next year at Rowan are learning many different and complex subjects, making new friendships and exploring the area.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I played volleyball all four years in high school so I would love to continue playing in college. I don’t think I’ll compete, but it’s always an option.

How or why did you choose your major?​                                                        

I chose my major because my mom is a registered nurse. She’s been a registered nurse for over 25 years and she has been in every department possible. Now she is a school nurse.

Growing up, she was always talking about what happened at work, what happens when you don’t take care of yourself, and what drugs can do to the human body. So I kind of ran with it and tested it out when I took Human Anatomy And Physiology in high school. When I realized I enjoyed the class and it was easy for me, I decided that I wanted to go into the medical field. Since I love children, I thought why not combine the two and be a pediatrician. That’s how I chose my major.

How did you get to know campus?                                                                         

I joined the Rowan family right when everything was closing because of COVID-19 so everything that I know is from online. Since everything is changing I’m curious as to what the in-person experience will be like but I’m excited to see what it holds. 

Selfie of Chelsea.

What music do you like?                                                                                        
As far as music, I am in love with music and I love variety. Old, new, throwbacks, R&B, Rap, Hip-Hop, Socca, Pop, etc. I’m always willing to try new music so the list just keeps expanding.

Night owl or morning person?                                                                               
I am 1000% a night owl. I’m -1000% a morning person. Everyone that knows me knows better than to wake me up in the morning without food and coffee or juice.

Why Rowan?​​                                                                                                              
I chose Rowan because I heard it’s a great school and I recently moved to the area. But, before choosing Rowan I drove through the campus a little and I liked it. It was alive and I wanted to be a part of it. I feel like that is how you should start the next chapter of your life — finding something that seduces you to want more.

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Julia’s Corner: How Athletic Involvement Helped Me

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising this spring. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

Okay, I understand that athletics are not for everyone. As someone who originally started college as a varsity athlete, I completely understand that. When I transferred to Rowan, I knew that the NCAA was not for me, but I still wanted some kind of sport in my life. They are a great option for those who are interested, but as other options Rowan also has many club sports and intramural sports for students to choose from. I had been a competitive swimmer for my whole life, so I decided to try out the club swim team. Joining the team was one the best decisions I have ever made, and there are several reasons as to why that is. 

Me getting ready to race backstroke.It kept me busy: Having practice twice a week at night was the perfect way to occupy my time. It was a good amount of practice to still have time for school and a job, and it kept me moving and socializing instead of just laying in bed by myself. It was also the perfect workout before bed, I would always fall right asleep. Additionally, on weekends we had meets, it gave me something to do for that entire day. As a senior, I became an officer for the club. Fulfilling my duties kept me busy, and it also helped with my professional development. It may not seem like it now, but you will have times in college where you are bored. Joining a club or intramural sport will definitely solve that problem. 

Kept me active: I was always an athlete growing up. Fitness and athletics have always had a huge impact on my life. Even though I didn’t want the full commitment of the NCAA, I still wanted some kind of fit, competitive lifestyle. After attending the first practice, I knew club swim would help with that no problem. Even though it is a club sport, we still compete and practice hard, and almost always get in a good workout. Most other club sports have the same type of dynamic. Intramurals, even though they are seasonal and only compete at Rowan, also helps to keep students active. 

Gave me friends: My favorite part of course! In my eyes, a good social environment in club swim was just as important as the athletic aspect.

Me (right) with some club swim friends
Me (right) with some club swim friends.

Although many varsity athletes make lifelong friendships on their teams, the social interaction is the main reason why many students join sports clubs and intramurals to begin with. I have made some of my forever friends from club swim, and I know many other athletes that have done the same. It is one of the best ways to make friends. 

Like I said, athletics aren’t everyone’s thing, but getting involved in any kind of sport on campus is a positive thing. Rowan has several NCAA teams if you’re interested in competing on that level. You can explore these teams. A lot of people have great experiences on these teams, but if you don’t want that commitment, club sports and intramurals are great options. They are the perfect thing to keep you busy, active, and of course, give you some of the best friends you’ll ever have. 

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How the Volunteer Club Impacts My Rowan Experience

Student volunteer pets a gray tabby cat at an animal shelter

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a recent communications studies graduate self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Volunteering at Rowan University has been such a wonderful and rewarding experience. Are you looking to make friends? Help out the community? Feel good about yourself? I would recommend joining the Volunteer Club at Rowan.

Rowan students volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House South Jersey

It’s also important in other ways. Volunteering is important as it offers essential help to worthwhile causes, people in need and the wider community. Indeed, many organizations and charities rely on the generosity of volunteers as often they’re only partially-funded through government or local councils and cannot afford to pay salaries for all their staff. In fact, many companies depend almost solely upon teams of volunteers (like you!) to help them thrive and do their work.

If you’re feeling bored, isolated or simply want to widen your social circle, volunteering for Rowan is an important – and often fun – way to meet new people. In fact, one of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together, and volunteering lets you do just that.

Rowan student volunteers at animal shelter

What kind of volunteer options does Rowan offer? Many! Some of my favorites have been playing bingo at our local senior citizens center, helping out the local ASPCA animal shelter, and even taking a bus over to Camden to help serve food to the homeless and less fortunate at Cathedral Soup Kitchen. I even volunteered to be a tutor at South Woods State Prison.

Every volunteer event is meaningful and impacted my life positively. The look on the senior citizens’ faces to have someone young sitting next to them to play bingo is priceless. The animals I got to walk for a couple hours at the animal shelter felt loved. The prisoners I got to teach mathematics to and socialize with felt important. The greatest reward I have ever felt is donating at the soup kitchen and passing out hot cooked meals to families in need. 

Rowan students volunteer at Food Bank of South Jersey

Doing good for others and our community helps to create a sense of accomplishment. And working as a volunteer can also gave me a sense of pride and identity, helping to boost my self-confidence further by taking me out of my natural comfort zone and environment. It was also an escape from the typical school day. I was able to wake up and volunteer in the mornings for a couple of hours and then go to my classes. The volunteer event schedule has numerous days and times to apply yourself. I noticed that volunteering boosted my mental health simply because it made me happier: the so-called “helper’s high.” 

So next semester, try it out. Volunteering is a win-win situation all around. Reach out to the Volunteer Club and Rowan University if you have any questions or would like to learn more. 

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Story by:
Devon Graf, Communication Studies graduate
Rowan University Volunteer Website

Study with Me: Sound Design [VIDEO]


Watch Adam Clark, a senior Radio/TV/Film major, as he takes you through the final project in his Sound for Film & Video class. For this project, he created a sound design for a Playstation game. See Adam rebuild the game trailer’s audio “from scratch.” 

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Story and video by:
Adam Clark, senior radio/tv/film major

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#Rowan2020 Instagram Contest Winner Jodi Heady

Jodi holding her decorated Graduation cap that says, "It takes a big step to shape little minds."

Meet #Rowan2020 Instagram Contest winner and recent graduate, Jodi Heady! Jodi graduated in Literacy Studies under Subject-matter Education with two minors in Education and Psychology. Jodi commuted to Rowan during her last semester from her home in Mantua, NJ (Gloucester County). She’s a first-generation college student who transferred to Rowan University from Rowan College of South Jersey. She reflects on her time at Rowan and tells us where she’s headed next.

How does it feel to be an official college graduate?

It feels great! I am a first-generation college student, so to be able to have this accomplishment for not only myself but for my family as well is a great achievement. I worked very hard to graduate, and although I loved my time at Rowan, I am excited to see what is next for me.

What was your most memorable experience at Rowan?

My most memorable experiences at Rowan are the times I was able to work with the amazing students and staff in the Reading Clinic and the Rowan University Early Childhood Demonstration Center. The Reading Clinic is where I had my classes School Reading Problems and Supervised Clinical Practice in Reading. In those classes, I was able to tutor children with reading comprehension, fluency, writing and word study. I loved seeing how much the children’s literacy skills grew by the end of each semester.

In this class, I worked with amazing people who guided me in my journey to become a teacher. Those people include my classmates, Kelly the secretary, and my professor the amazing Dr. Valarie Lee. I also loved my time at the Rowan University Early Childhood Demonstration Center. The children and staff there were all so sweet, and it was the best way to either start or end my school day! I loved seeing how creative the children could be. And I loved having little dance parties with the children. I do not think I ever had a day there where I was not laughing or smiling.

What are the things you will miss the most about Rowan?

I will definitely miss the staff and students at Rowan University Early Childhood Demonstration Center. I will also miss my advisor (April Ellerbe), and my professors I had throughout my years here at Rowan. I will also miss HollyBash, it was always something I looked forward to during the Spring semester.

What’s next for you?

I have been applying to many daycares to become a teacher lead, and I am just waiting to hear back from them. I heard back from one daycare, and they told me when they are open again they will get in touch with me!

Any advice for those who are graduating next year?

Be proud of this accomplishment no matter how long it took you. I am graduating with my bachelor’s in Literacy Studies after six years of college, and I am very proud of myself. No matter if you graduate in four years or six years or more than that, what you have done is amazing and I want you to celebrate this milestone. You deserve it!

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Behind the Scenes with #Rowan2020 Contest Winner Edgar Aquino Huerta, Creator of the Viral Graduation Video

Meet recent graduate and #Rowan2020 Social Media contest winner, Edgar Aquino HuertaEdgar, from Bridgeton, NJ (Cumberland County), earned a bachelor’s degree in Radio/TV/Film. His virtual commencement video became a viral sensation and caught the attention of national media outlets. Read more about Edgar and his plans after Rowan. 

Edgar Aquino Huerta wants to be famous for creating videos and films, but he never expected popularity to come so soon.

His 15-second video has racked up over 600,000 views on TikTok, over 34,000 views on Instagram, and over 3,500 views on Facebook.

Edgar working inside Lucas Greenhouse, where he shot the viral graduation video

Edgar’s video features him celebrating his graduation at the farm where he works. In it, he watches Rowan’s “virtual commencement,” and then walks down the center aisle of a greenhouse as his coworkers applaud. This is set to the tune of Glenn Miller’s “In the Mood,” a song that makes Edgar think of the Golden Age of Hollywood — fitting, since he dreams of making it big as a screenwriter and director.

When Rowan announced a social media contest, Edgar started brainstorming. The best five posts from graduating Profs would win $100 Target gift cards, and Edgar thought that “sounded good.” At first, he struggled to come up with an original idea. Then, his boss made a joke about holding commencement at the farm.

Edgar ran with that idea and drew up storyboards. He says, “Although my video was 15 seconds, I still wanted to use my skills to make it cinematic.” He learned a lot as a Radio/TV/Film major at Rowan, and wanted to make the best contest entry possible.

Edgar says that two of his coworkers, Maria and Jose, were especially important to the video’s production. Maria helped organize everyone by telling the other workers where to stand. Jose assumed the role of cameraman — despite having never used an iPhone before! Edgar taught him on the fly and was impressed with how quickly Jose caught on.

At first, Edgar says his coworkers didn’t understand the video they were making. He says, “It wasn’t until they saw the final picture that they understood the purpose of the video.” That said, they were always enthusiastic to help celebrate his achievement. And later on, some coworkers “even made their kids download TikTok so they could show their families.”

Edgar in the greenhouse in the graduation filmEdgar also received support from his mother, who has been in Mexico for the past 10 years. She got “sentimental because she couldn’t be with [him] during that little ceremony.” The image on Edgar’s cap is actually a picture he drew of his mother. He included that as a way to recognize all she’s done for him over the years.

Edgar’s video got very popular overnight, and only got more buzz from there. He says, “The next morning, I noticed the video was going viral.” His phone was going off constantly with notifications. It wasn’t before long that news stations caught wind of the sensation. He has now been featured on several platforms, including Good Morning America, Un Nuevo Dia (Telemundo), and Despierta America (Univision). Edgar says, “I was making headlines for one week straight, and getting to talk to people I never thought I would meet.” He was even contacted about a few work opportunities in Los Angeles.

Edgar in a scene from the viral graduation videoEdgar attributes the video’s viral success to a couple different factors. For one, it was uploaded at just the right time. With the COVID-19 pandemic ruining gatherings of all kinds, these are unprecedented times. Edgar’s uniquely safe way of celebrating acts as a much-needed ray of hope. Edgar says, “I turned a bad situation into something great.” Additionally, the video encourages pride in underappreciated workers. Greenhouses are places of hard manual labor, but Edgar chose to celebrate its beauty instead. Edgar says, “I was aiming at inspiring my community into being proud of where they come from, and to never feel ashamed of our own people.”

In the future, Edgar plans to move to Los Angeles and write screenplays. He credits Rowan’s Professor Keir Politz with helping him decide to pursue this path. Edgar wants to expose his “audience to these worlds that are being ignored.” For now, Edgar and his friends are working on projects to show appreciation for farm workers in their community. They do this though organizing caravans and collecting donations to meet the workers’ needs. Edgar wants everyone to know that farm workers are essential.

You can hear about Edgar’s immigration story in this audio documentary from Rowan Radio.

Like what you see?


Story by: 
Adam Clark, senior radio/television/film major

#Rowan2020 Instagram Contest Winner Megan Miller

Megan poses in front of the Rec Center in her graduation cap and gown.

Today we feature #Rowan2020 Instagram contest winner Megan Miller. Megan is a recent graduate with a bachelor of fine arts in Biomedical Art and Visualization from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County). Megan lived on campus during her freshman and sophomore years and lived off-campus during her junior and senior years. 

Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? 

My favorite experience in a class was my Surgical Illustration class. Being able to go into surgery and stand right next to the doctor was incredible, especially being able to see what happens during a surgery first-hand.

Megan wears a Rowan shirt outdoors

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? 

My favorite personal moment from Rowan was being on the Rowan University Swim Team and winning our fourth straight NJAC title and third straight Metropolitan Conference Championship!

How did being a student-athlete enhance your Rowan experience?

Being a student-athlete was the best decision I could have ever made when coming to Rowan. It took up a lot of time and was a lot of hard work, but all the amazing memories and friends that were made along the way made it all worth it. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Rowan Athletics just feels like a giant family, and I can’t wait to come back and continue to support them as an alum!

Megan poses in her graduation cap and gown.

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? 

I aspire to be a medical illustrator. Being a medical illustrator will allow me to see and experience things I would never have the opportunity of seeing while being able to draw. I’ve always found the medical world very interesting but loved drawing and wanted to go to school for it. I was lucky enough to find out that Rowan has the Biomedical Art and Visualization program, which combines the medical world with drawing. 

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors, or mentors?

I would like to shout of my parents for always being my # 1 supporters. I also want to thank my friends, I wouldn’t have been able to make it through the past four years without them!

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

#Rowan2020 Instagram Contest Winner Gianna Floria

Gianna poses in front of a freshman residence hall in her graduation regalia.

Today we feature #Rowan2020 Instagram contest winner Gianna Floria. Gianna is a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Lakewood, NJ (Ocean County). Gianna lived on campus during her time at Rowan.

Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes. 

My favorite experience with a faculty member was going to New Orleans with Dr. Chelsie Young and two of the other research assistants in my lab for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) research conference this past February. It was my first time at a research conference and in New Orleans so it was thrilling!

Gianna presents her research poster with her professor.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?

My favorite personal moment at Rowan was giving my first lecture as a learning assistant this past fall. In preparation for this class, I was so anxious and I asked my roommates to sit through my lecture to rehearse at least four times. Each time they gave me feedback and empowered me to be the best I could be. The morning of, my roommate Jenna made me coffee and each of my roommates made sure to do something to wish me luck. The lecture went better than I could’ve ever expected, and seeing the students’ reactions as well as the reaction of the professor I was assisting, was incredible. I will never forget that feeling and each person that contributed to it. 

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? 

After Rowan, I plan to go to graduate school to get a Ph.D. in research social psychology with a research emphasis in human sexuality studies. I want to use this research to eventually curate a more progressive, comprehensive, and inclusive sex education program in America. Rowan’s incredible psychology department introduced me to the broad spectrum of psychological studies and I’m forever grateful for it.

Dr. Lisa Farkas teaches the best Psychology as a Professions and Practice course and because of her, I had my curriculum vitae and personal statement ready for grad school! Kristine Sietz’s Psychology of Human Sexuality class opened my eyes to the enticing academic world of human sexuality and how truly awful the state of sex education is in America, which gave me my drive to change it. Dr. Chelsie Young introduced me to the world of social psychology when I became a student in her class during her first semester here at Rowan. After a couple of meetings with Dr. Young, she had helped me figure out my entire career path. I then became a learning assistant in her social psychology classes, discovered my love for teaching, joined her Rowan Emotions, Alcohol, and College Health  (R.E.A.C.H.) Lab and discovered my love for research.

Gianna sits in front of Robinson Hall wearing her graduation gown and holding her cap.

How did the clubs and organizations you joined at Rowan enhance your experience?

I didn’t join many clubs throughout my time at Rowan and that is the one thing I do regret. I was in the Animal Advocacy club for a short period of time, which introduced me to many friends. Joining the R.E.A.C.H. lab was probably one of the best things I have done at Rowan, as I met amazing peers and was able to learn so much from them. I also got vital research experience and career development skills through our weekly labs, and through this, I was able to submit research for and go to the SPSP research conference.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors, or mentors? 

I’d love to thank my parents and family of course, for supporting me unconditionally throughout my college career. I’d like to thank my three roommates, Rachel, Jenna, and Elena, for not only being my friends and roommates, but for being the brilliant, ambitious, and admirable women they are. They have always pushed me to be the best I can be, and I’m so grateful for it. I’d like to thank my group of best friends in my hometown for being a safe haven of love and laughter when being on-campus became way too stressful for me. I’d like to also thank Dr. Chelsie Young for taking a chance on me. I had no idea what I was going to do with my degree when I met Dr. Young, and through her guidance, I know exactly what I want and how to get it. I aspire to one day be the patient and incredible mentor that she is.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

#Rowan2020 Instagram Contest Winner Enzo Ronchi

Enzo stands against a brick building on campus
Enzo in his cap and gown sitting on a chair outside a house. He is holding a dog who is wearing a matching cap and gown.

Meet recent graduate and #Rowan2020 Instagram Contest winner, Enzo Ronchi! Enzo graduated with a degree in Public Relations and is originally from Ventnor, NJ (Atlantic County). He transferred from Atlantic Cape Community College and has spent the past two years at Rowan University. He reflects on the past two years of his Rowan University journey!

Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes.

One of my favorite moments during my time at Rowan was with a faculty member was taking Ad Copywriting with Professor Rodolico. We had to do various PowerPoint presentations, and he makes every student feel very comfortable and confident during a presentation and gives great constructive criticism. I took this class fall 2019. I also really enjoyed my experience in Intro to PR with Cristin Farney! She made me feel super at home when I first transferred here. That was during fall 2018.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?

My most meaningful and personal moments were performing at Rowan Alt Music’s and 4333 Collective shows with my band Transfer Post. Ever since quarantine started, the one thing I miss the most is playing and attending live music shows go any kind.

What are your career aspirations, and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?

I think my career aspirations lie within PR/social media in the music industry. That would be my ideal career after college. But working with any form of social media marketing management would be great! I can say almost all of my classes I took between 2018 and 2020 really shaped me and gave me the resources to make myself a better student of PR. This past semester, I interned at 4333 Collective as its social media marketing manager, and I had an amazing experience doing that.

Shout outs:

My family, my friends, The Hamilton House, 4333, Rowan Alt, Jersey Mike’s Italian Subs, Transfer Post, RowanBlog, RoBo, Wilson Hall Studio 1, Pizza Hut, 301 High Street, Rowan PRSSAPRaction, Rodolico, Farney, Schoenstein, Novak, Fitzgerald.

Like what you see? 


Meet #Rowan2024: Exploratory Studies Major Amanda McNally Furthers Her Athletic Career at Rowan

Photo of future Prof Amanda visiting Rowan.

Today we feature Exploratory Studies major Amanda McNally from Tabernacle, NJ (Burlington County). Amanda is excited to be living on campus this fall and competing on two of Rowan’s athletic teams.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? 

I’m looking forward to being on campus and all of the student events. I’m super excited to meet so many new people and make new friends! I’m even looking forward to my classes and exploring career opportunities.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 

Photo of Amanda running track while in high school

I will be running cross country and track & field at Rowan, and I couldn’t be more excited and grateful to be continuing my athletic career as I further my studies!

I’m also excited to get involved with community service on campus as that is something that I enjoyed very much throughout high school. I love helping people and have had many volunteer opportunities so I’m looking forward to the ways that Rowan will help me delve deeper and continue to make an impact on the lives of others! While I’m at it, here is the link to my service project!

How or why did you chose your major? Selfie of Amanda.

I am currently undecided, but that’s okay! I have always been the type of person who needs to have a plan for everything, but deciding my major and choosing my career are two things I don’t have one for.

It’s a little stressful right now, but I have great confidence in the Exploratory Studies program and I know that my major will work itself out! Currently I am interested in majoring in mathematics, health and exercise science, or secondary education, but I am looking forward to the opportunities the program offers to try different classes and learn about my options before I decide! 

How did you get to know campus? 

I have been to Rowan many many times in the past but I did attend a tour last summer and Accepted Students Day before the campus closed. I have also used the online resources to help me learn more about the university’s programs during Covid-19.

What music do you like?

I listen to many different types of music but my favorite is alternative pop. I mostly listen to bands like Coin, Smallpools, Wallows, and AJR. My taste runs the gamut from Sabrina Carpenter to Linkin Park.

Night owl or morning person?

Is both an answer? I love waking up for early morning practices, runs and breakfast, but I also love those late nights with friends toasting marshmallows for s’mores, swimming or watching movies. It depends on the day!

Why Rowan? 

Whether it was for fall festivals for piano, field hockey camps, or activities for family members who are now alums, I have been on campus many times in the past! I took some time to check out some other universities before making my decision, but I always knew that I would be attending Rowan because it is like home! Everything from the location to the academic programs to the community is why I chose Rowan, and I am so excited and proud to become a Prof this fall. 

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Meet Rowan #2024: Commuter Yasmien Farhat Looks Forward to Club Involvement

A drone photo of James Hall.

Today we feature incoming freshman Yasmien Farhat, an elementary education major from South Jersey.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school Yasmien poses for a selfie in a Rowan t-shirt.that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

Throughout my high school career, I fell in love with volleyball. Being on the court with my teammates and feeling my opponents’ competitive energy made my drive for the game even stronger.

Even though I love the game, I want to focus on my education but still play when I am able to, and so hopefully I will be playing club volleyball when campus reopens. Also, I want to join many clubs that Rowan offers to broaden my network throughout the school. 

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose to go into elementary education because I have always found myself drawn to young kids, I love how fun and clueless they find themselves to be. I want to influence the change that the new generations to come have to offer to the world. And so, I want to pass down my knowledge to younger kids and be part of that change even though it’s on such a smaller scale.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I look forward to the new opportunities that I will have at Rowan. I cannot wait to be part of the great programs that they have to offer to further my education. 

A portrait of Yasmien standing in front of a stone buildingWhy did you choose a university that is in-state for you?

I chose to go to an in-state university because of my financial situation. I can’t afford to dorm and attend an out-of-state school. Although it may seem like a saddening moment, I find some joy in being close to home. I still get to be a part of my little siblings’ life and get to help out with things at home.

Why Rowan?

Out of all the schools that I applied to, Rowan intrigued me the most because of its education program. In addition, my sister, who is now a sophomore at Rowan, told me great things about the campus. And so I look forward to going there.

Like what you see? 


#PROFspective: Pre-Med Junior Andrea Owens on the Biological Sciences Major, Making Change in Healthcare

Selfie of Andrea.

Today we feature Andrea Owens, a junior Biological Sciences major with a Chemistry minor and concentration in pre-medicine. Andrea is a transfer and a first-generation college student. She commuted from home before COVID-19 shut down campus. Andrea will share with us her #PROFspective on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

On campus Andrea is a member of the Minority Association of Pre-medical Students (MAPS), The Tau Sigma National Honor Society, and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated (AKA). Off campus she works in retail at New York & Company. Andrea representing her sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha.

What inspired you to choose your major?

Since I was 5 years old, I always knew that I wanted to become a doctor. So, once I got to high school, I mastered biology and chemistry and decided to major and minor in them.

What would you share with a future student interested in your major?

My first advice to any transfer students who are majoring in Biology is to make friends who are within your major. The beginning of my first semester at Rowan, I did not have any friends in my major. I studied alone for everything, which caused a lot of stress. Once I made friends with people in my major, we formed many study groups and I found the biggest support system. The friends I have made are truly amazing, and I could not thank them enough.

Andrea pictured in in a medical lab coat.

How does your field impact the world? What impact would you like to have on the world in your field? 

The importance of the healthcare field is that the conditions of life are always changing, and as long as there are health care providers who are specifically trained in medicine, there will always be help. An impact that I would love to have in my field is to make minorities feel heard and important. In the medical field, there are thousands of stories on how African Americans do not feel as though they are getting the proper treatment when they are being treated or examined by health care professionals. I am going to make that change.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a Rowan professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field? 

Dr. Kristen Barrett was my professor for Organic Chemistry I and II. She is a young African-American woman in her field, and she provided superb detail in everything she did while I took her courses. Her path of excellence inspires all her students, including me. 

Like what you see?


Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos courtesy of:
Andrea Owens

Meet #Rowan2024: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Bridget McDevitt

Photo of Bridget.

Today we feature Civil and Environmental Engineering major Bridget McDevitt. She is from Logan Township, NJ (Gloucester County) and will be commuting to Rowan in the fall.   

Photo of Bridget on the beach at sunset.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

Something that I’m looking forward to next year at Rowan is finally beginning to trek forward on developing my career. I’m beyond excited to be taught by incredibly educated professors, and to dive headfirst into knowledge, as cliche as it sounds. I’m also excited to be learning in a new environment that’s more tailored to the individual student as opposed to high school.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?  

I didn’t participate too much in high school, and it really wasn’t until my junior or senior year where I came out of my shell and developed my hobby of gardening! It’s so rewarding giving back to the planet meanwhile channeling your creativity in the aesthetics of landscaping. So, I’d like to join some gardening and environmental clubs. Also, writing and fashion are secret diversions of mine, so I would join some clubs geared towards that as well. 

How or why did you choose your major?​                                                            

I chose my major because growing up, my dad used gardening as his release from the world and as I got older, I really recognized the significance in that. Plus, through his gardening lessons, we created a bond. I want to protect the land and the soil that he cultivates, and on a broader scheme I would like to preserve the ecosystems within various communities. So, I thought environmental engineering would fit right in. Also, I intended on double majoring in community health and perhaps minoring in English. 

How did you get to know campus?                                                                  

Living in Logan Township, I’ve had family members who attended Rowan and the university is pretty much a household name. I’ve driven by the campus plenty of times, but it wasn’t until I went on a tour where it really struck me as a place where I’d want to further my education. It’s quaint, but still a vibrant little campus. 

What music do you like?                                                                                            

I love all types of music! But to name a few genres, I prefer indie, rock, alternative, and punk. My diverse concert list ranges from Taylor Swift, to KISS (not by choice), all the way to Warped Tour.  

Night owl or morning person?                                                                         

Most certainly I am a night owl. My creativity seems to ignite anytime past 11 p.m., which was a good excuse to hand in assignments late 🙂 mornings are only attractive when you’re at the beach. 

Why Rowan?​​                                                                                                                 

I was attracted to the proximity of Rowan, and of course the affordability. I plan on furthering my education for a long time coming, hopefully eventually getting my doctorates. That being said, cost efficacy was a big factor. Not only is it affordable, but you also acquire a quality education, which of course is my number one priority. Plus, my mom is my best friend. Leaving her is a thought I cannot handle!!

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#PROFspective: Sophomore Health Promotion & Wellness Management Major Hajah Carpenter

Hajah walks around campus.

Today we feature sophomore Health Promotion & Wellness Management major Hajah Carpenter. She is a first-generation college student from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County). Before campus closed due to COVID-19, Hajah lived in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

How are you getting the most out of your college experience? 

I’m getting the most out of my experience at Rowan by trying to participate, get involved and take walks on beautiful days. I really appreciate Rowan’s campus and how beautiful it is. 

Hajah leaning up against a tree

What are you learning socially and academically about yourself?

I am learning about how much I love to work and communicate with people! I love to help others, whether it’s with schoolwork or being someone to talk to!

How have you grown as a person since coming to Rowan? 

Rowan has helped prepare me for the outside world and has made me very excited for my future! My ideas for the future have grown and I’m excited to continue in my education! My major has inspired me to hopefully open up my own gym one day!

What experiences have you enjoyed the most at Rowan?

I love all the events Rowan runs in the Student Center!

Hajah walks around campus.

How do you get involved on campus?

I get involved by attending events on campus, and being a part of the Club Lacrosse team!

How have you made friends and continue to make friends?

I have many many friends at Rowan who I love dearly. I have met some friends from Willow Hall, where I lived my freshman year! I also like to keep in contact with people I have done group projects or been in classes with! I have made a good amount of my friends in study groups I join for my classes too.

How do you create that “away” at school experience while close to home?

My friends have become my family here at Rowan, so I feel at home here.

Why Rowan?

Rowan has always had a good reputation while I was growing up! My family is from Glassboro, and watching the ‘boro be built up to what it is now has been amazing!

Exterior photo of Hajah leaning up against a tree

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Meet #Rowan2024: Computer Science Major Joe Talucci

Today we feature Joe Talucci, a Computer Science major from Haddon Township, NJ (Camden County). Joe will be commuting to Rowan this fall as an incoming freshman. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I am looking forward to meeting my classmates and the faculty. 

Joe and the Prof mascot Whoo RU.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I’d love to continue with performing arts like acting, playing the violin, and helping out backstage. 

How or why did you choose your major?​

I chose Computer Science because I love working with computers. Coding is a great outlet for creativity that uses my skillset.

How did you get to know campus?

I took a tour earlier this year and revisited on Accepted Students Day. Joe visiting Rowan's Science Building.

What music do you like?

 I like Jazz, especially by Jimmy Rushing. 

Night owl or morning person?

Night owl, but it depends on my sleep schedule. 

Why Rowan?​​

I know several upperclassmen who went here and had great experiences with the faculty, and I’m excited to meet them. 

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TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Early Childhood Education Major Jordyn Briner

Upward view of white blossoms on a tree and a clear sky with puffy white clouds.

Today’s TRANSFERmation Tuesday features Jordyn Briner, a transfer from Rowan College at Burlington County. Jordyn is a junior early childhood education major who commutes to campus from her home in Burlington Township, NJ (Burlington County).

Jordyn Briner selfie shows her smiling and wearing glasses.

One moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you? 

In high school, I always wanted to be a Special Education Teacher, when I went off to college I wasn’t 100% confident in my choice. So I decided to major in 3 different programs for an associate degree. I began working in a Special Services school my sophomore year of college. I loved the job, coworkers and the children. Seeing the strides the children would make and seeing how you made a difference in their lives really helped me see I chose the right path all along. 

Why did you choose Rowan?

My mother attended Rowan when it was called Glassboro State. She loved it when she attended, and I thought I would too. Since working full- and part-time, the commute is much easier. 45 minutes to commute is long due to traffic but I really couldn’t see myself going anywhere other than Rowan. Its education program was highly spoken of and was known for having one of the best education programs. 

What are you most looking forward to at Rowan next year?​

I’m looking forward to my last couple of field placements and eventually my clinical practice. Next year, will be my last year at Rowan (as an undergrad, will be attending for graduate). I also look forward to their on-campus workshops, activities, and events. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: Law and Justice Major Haley Flores “Super Excited to Start New Beginnings”

Photo of Haley (left) and a friend.

Today we feature Law and Justice major Haley Flores from Sussex, NJ (Sussex County). 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

A couple activities I would like to continue at Rowan are joining the softball and volleyball clubs.Portrait of Haley Flores looking down with sun casting in the frame

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose Law and Justice as my major because I’ve always been interested in being a police officer. When I was younger I lived on two military bases. The military police officers were always around making sure we were safe while we played outside. I want to continue to keep communities safe.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I’m really looking forward to meeting many people at Rowan. Along with that I’m super excited to start new beginnings and begin learning more about my major.

Have you noticed any differences yet between northern New Jersey and southern New Jersey?

What I noticed the most is that in Northern Jersey we say “Taylor ham” but in Southern Jersey many say “pork roll.” Everyone gets very political about a piece of meat.

Why Rowan?

I chose Rowan because when I first toured the school I absolutely loved everything about it and I felt like it was the best choice for me. It’s not too far away from home and Rowan has a small town felling to it. All of the staff members already are super understanding and helpful with everything and Rowan provides  great programs so I can further my education quicker by enrolling in the Degree in 3 program.

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Meet #Rowan2024: Inclusive Education Major Lexi Davis

Today we feature Inclusive Education major Lexi Davis from Riverside, NJ (Burlington County). 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?Selfie of Inclusive Education major Lexi Davis 

Going to Rowan, I’m looking the most forward to being able to gain knowledge on things I actually find interest in. I’m also looking forward to meeting new people outside of my small hometown.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I wasn’t a very active person in high school, I only did color guard for marching band from 7th grade until my junior year. However, when I start at Rowan, I want to be more active, particularly dancing. I’ve always wanted to take a dance class but I was always too nervous and shy. I feel like at Rowan, I can finally be myself and try new things.

How or why did you choose your major?​ 

Growing up, I’ve been surrounded by teachers. I have multiple aunts and uncles who are teachers. Teaching has also interested me in the fact that I would be helping kids learn and give them valuable knowledge to use in their lives. I’ve also always had a soft spot for the special education department in schools. I feel all kids should be able to get a good quality education with a disability or not.

I chose Inclusive Education as my major because I would be able to give both Gen Ed students and Special Ed students the same opportunity at a good quality education. 

How did you get to know campus?

Ever since I started telling my teachers in school that I wanted to study teaching, 99% of them have told me to look into Rowan. In the spring of my junior year, I started looking into Rowan and I really liked everything about it. In November of my senior year, I took a tour and went to a seminar on Inclusive Education and I fell in love with the school and everything about it! I saw myself spending the next four years of my life there, and I still do!

What music do you like? 

Personally, I am a fan of all types of music, but I mostly listen to alternative music or pop music. My favorite artists are Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, and Ariana Grande.

Why Rowan?​​ 

Well, I love everything about the school. The faculty and other students are really nice, the campus is beautiful, the opportunities never end, the major selection is expansive, and the departments are extremely helpful and useful to each of the students, making everything easy and accessible. I’m so excited that this is where I’m going to spend the next four years of my life!! Go Profs!!

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Photos courtesy of:
Lexi Davis

Meet #Rowan2024: Exploratory Studies Major DJ Hickman

Portrait of incoming freshman DJ Hickman

Today we feature Exploratory Studies major DJ Hickman from Northfield, NJ (Atlantic County). 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I’m very much looking forward to meeting the people who will soon become my friends for my lifetime. Selfie of DJ.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I did musical theatre, vocal, and marching band in high school. I would love to join the school’s musical and band! 

How or why did you choose your major?​

I chose my major because I’m still very conflicted on what I want to do as a career, so leaving it open with this major is very helpful. Photo of DJ with an ice cream cone.

How did you get to know campus?

I went to a couple of campus tours and did MARCAs [Mid-Atlantic Regional College Theatre and Dance Auditions] there for musical theatre. My brother, Jesse Hickman, is also a student at Rowan, so I’ve hung out with him during the year. 

What music do you like?

I really like indie, alternative and rock music. Musicians including Beabadoobee, 1975 and more. 

Night owl or morning person?

It depends! I’m usually a morning person but ever since this pandemic I haven’t gone to sleep until 3 a.m.

Why Rowan?​​

It’s the one college that I felt comfortable and safe in, which is my deal breaker. It feels like a second home to me. 

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Julia’s Corner: Finding Friends

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

There are a lot of things about starting college that can be absolutely terrifying. One of those things is worrying about finding friends. I’ve got some good news for you: you are not the only person anxious about this. Every college first year or new transfer is worried about not making any friends. Here are some ways to help you come out of your comfort zone and break that fear of never finding friends.

Get out of your room.

When first moving in, you might not know what to really do with yourself besides sit in your room and watch television. Or, if you commute, you might just drive to campus and back home after class. I know this is a crazy time for you and it’s so easy to get stuck inside, but do not do this! Friends are not just going to magically appear at your door. Sure, you might have been friends with your roommate already, but you both need other friends so you do not get sick of living with each other.

A good start would be to go to the events that your resident assistant sets up at the beginning of the semester, or make a point to go to the September organization fair, where there are tons of tables of people representing their clubs and organizations. This way, you get out of your room (or car), and get to know some of the people. 

Students on Bunce Green.
Go to first-year student events.

At the beginning of the semester, there will be some events to attend for new students to get to know each other. Rowan After Hours (RAH) has a lot of fun, late-night events to get students to interact with one another. They might sound lame at first, but don’t let that keep you from going. You might even meet your best friends there. Plus, there is usually free food of some kind, and it’s hard to say no to that, right? 

First year students outside Holly Pointe.

Two words: Get. Involved.

This is HUGE! Many first year and new transfers go into college not wanting to get involved because they are afraid they will fall behind on school work or won’t fit in. Yes, it is true you are at Rowan for a degree, but getting involved in something will help you to make friends and professional connections. I joined the Swim Club and it introduced me to my best friends. 

There are a lot of activity fairs at the beginning of each semester to share information about different clubs and organizations. Look out for these dates so you can find the perfect fit for you.

I’m going to be completely honest with you — college can sometimes feel like a lonely place. You might feel sad and overwhelmed and might even just want to go home. But once you find a great group of friends everything will fall into place. 

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, advertising graduate

Senior Reflects: From Military to Music Industry, Travis Keiser Thanks Faculty, Family, Friends

Travis on stage playing in a band.

Today we feature Travis Keiser, a Music Industry: Technology major from Washington, NJ (Warren County). He transferred and was commuting to Rowan before COVID-19 shut down campus. 

Selfie of Travis Keiser in the Chamberlain Student CenterCould you please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

One of my favorite moments was when my professor Barb Adams told me that I looked exhausted and I joked saying, “It must be from all the exhaustion I’ve been getting.” We both chuckled. She pulled me aside after and asked if I was okay and was genuinely concerned about my lack of sleep due to school. It’s that level of caring that is truly amazing.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? 

During Public Speaking, I was giving my first speech and completely froze up in the middle of my speech. Instead of the class quietly giggling, I was greeted with “You’ve got this” and “It’s all good dude!” [There was] a lot of positivity that I was not used to.

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? 

I would love to work in post-production for a music/movie studio, as well as become a movie/tv show score composer. The Music Industry department faculty have really given me the expertise and knowledge that I need to pursue these careers.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? 

I want to give a huge thank you to Beth and Connie at the Military Service office for all of their help during my time at Rowan. Transitioning from military to college life was difficult, but they made it easy. They seriously are the best and deserve a raise!

Also a HUUUUUUGE thank you to Jeff Hiatt, Barb Adams, Jeff Otto, and Mat Gendreau for all of their mentoring and teaching. And one last shoutout to Matt, Emma, Stella, Mike, my mom, sister and my girlfriend Katie for all of their amazing support and love throughout this journey!

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#PROFspective: Javelin Thrower Daniel McAleavey

#PROFspective: Daniel McAleavey

Meet Daniel McAleavey, a junior community and environmental major from Howell, NJ (Monmouth County) who lived in Rowan Boulevard Apartments this past school year. Daniel throws javelin for men’s track and field.

Daniel throwing javelin in action

Take us to one typical day at Rowan for you: A typical Rowan day consists of me waking up in the morning to go to lift (as an athletic requirement), then class after, then afternoon javelin practice, and if I don’t have another class after practice I would go lift again. I usually do my homework at night.

Daniel (second on right) with some teammates and coach after winning the NJAC title
Daniel (second on right) with teammates and coach after winning the NJAC title.

Why did you choose your major: I choose environmental planning as a major because I liked civil engineering but it was too much material. I found out that planning was a very similar field and they often work with civil engineers, so I thought it’d be a good fit for me. 

What is the most interesting thing you learned in one of your classes this year: The most interesting thing I learned in my class is about transportation planning in urban areas.

Daniel (right) with one of his close friends from Rowan
Daniel (right) with one of his close friends from Rowan.

Tell us one moment that made Rowan feel like home for you: Rowan made me feel like it was the right fit for me is when i first visited the school and met all the nice people, especially my friends on the track team. It also helped that a lot of my friends from home went to Rowan too.

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, senior advertising major

Meet #Rowan2024: Mechanical Engineering Major Emma Redmond

Selfie of Emma holding a drawing of Rowan.

Today we feature Mechanical Engineering major Emma Redmond. She is from Mantua, NJ (Gloucester County) and will commute to Rowan in the fall. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? I am looking forward to meeting all of the new people at Rowan, and making some new friends! Selfie of Emma.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? I would love to continue playing my flute when I am at Rowan. 

How or why did you choose your major?​ I chose my major because I went to a vocational-technical high school on an engineering track, and I have really discovered how much I love solving problems in my own way!

How did you get to know campus? I came to a tour my junior year with my Gloucester County Institute of Technology class, and attended a STEM workshop at Rowan as well which was a blast! 

What music do you like? I enjoy alternative rock, classic rock, and K-pop mostly. Selfie of Emma in Rowan attire.

Night owl or morning person? Morning person, my puppy gets me up early. 🙂 

Why Rowan?​​ I chose Rowan because not only do in-state students get great tuition prices, but the engineering program is fantastic. I feel like I will be challenged, will gain real-world work experience, and it being very close to home is another plus.  

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Meet Rowan #2024: Theatre Major Looks Forward to Acting and Dancing on Campus

students dancing in a bright room with windows.

Today we feature Shayla Moon, an incoming theatre major with a concentration in acting and a minor in communication studies, from Pennington, NJ (Mercer County).

Shayla stands in a grassy field wearing a gray Rowan t-shirt.What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

“I did dance, and I would love to continue that at Rowan. I’m possibly looking into trying out for the dance team and taking dance classes.”

How and why did you choose your major?

“I chose acting because I have always had a passion for theatre, and I know that that is what I want to do with my life, whether it’s teaching, being onstage or being a part of a company.”

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

“I am looking forward to meeting new friends and experiencing college life in general. I also hope to join clubs and possibly rush!”

Why did you choose Rowan?

“I chose Rowan because I loved the theatre program and the school in general. I came for an open house and just fell in love with the vibe at Rowan!”

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Meet #Rowan2024: Africana Studies Major Makyia J. Green

Drone shot of Bunce Green

Today we feature Makyia J. Green, an Africana Studies major. Makyia is a future freshman from Camden, NJ (Camden County). 

Selfie of Makyia J. Green

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 

I would like to continue with music, cheerleading, and dance while attending Rowan. 

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose my major because it’s something I feel is important to learn more about. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I am looking forward to the campus experience.

Why Rowan?

I chose Rowan because of the environment. The people are friendly and everything is close by. Rowan is the best choice for me to further my education. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: Future Math and STEM Educator Rachel Bonhomme

Meet Rachel Bonhomme, a future Math and STEM Education major from Brick, NJ (Ocean County). She is excited to be an on-campus resident and part of the Rowan community. She tells us more about why she chose Rowan University! 

Rachel Bonhomme is wearing a #RowanPROUD T-shirt and is holding up her acceptance letter.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 

One activity I’ve always done in the past is choir! It’s always been a part of my life and I’d love to join at least one of Rowan’s choirs.”

How or why did you choose your major?

I’ve always wanted to teach because my mom is a teacher and I’ve been impacted positively by so many teachers, so I thought it was a good choice! I learned about the 4+1 Math and STEM Education pathway, and I thought it was an amazing opportunity to get what I need.”

Why did you choose a university close to home?

Choosing a university close to home has always been one of my top priorities, and Rowan is a perfect distance away from home! It’s close enough that if anything happens, I’m not a long distance from home, but it’s far enough that I get the freedom I need. “

Why Rowan?

The moment I stepped onto Rowan’s campus, I knew that I wanted to go here. The environment was exactly what I was looking for, and every interaction I’ve had with staff has been a great one! There are amazing programs and opportunities, and it’s just a great fit for me.”

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Photos courtesy of:
Rachel Bonhomme

Quarantine at Home Workouts

stock image of woman planking

Today we feature sophomore Lynzie Morgan, a Public Relations major with a minor in Marketing. She is from Hamilton, NJ (Mercer County) and lived in 230 Victoria before COVID-19 shut down campus. 

Welcome to Rowan at Home workouts! This is a great opportunity to get your heartbeat pumping and inherit a new great beginning in a rough time like this.

Getting a good workout can help lower cholesterol, burn fat cells, improve heart health and decrease chances of mental health issues.

Among these issues that we try to prevent by working out, there are several unknown positives to working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The science behind it in a nutshell has to do with adrenaline. This is a hormone released that helps your body react in a faster manner, causing the body to make sugar to use for fuel.

Lynzie doing a "HIIT" workout in her driveway.
Lynzie sets up her HIIT workout with a yoga mat and a jump rope.

With gyms being closed, it’s difficult to find motivation to continue working out at home. However, there are specific workouts titled “HIIT” that make it super easy to get moving and burn a lot of calories. “HIIT” stands for high intensity interval training, which consists of short, 45 seconds to one minute intervals with complete cardio and then usually a shorter interval of a rest period.

These workouts can be done so easily outside and they don’t require any equipment, making it super convenient to do. No money is needed, which makes this also very convenient. “HITT” is located on YouTube for free access whenever you want.

Lynzie and her friend Maria.
Author Lynzie and her friend Maria on a socially distant walk.

My friend Maria and I have been working out together, at the local park or in her driveway six feet apart. Our workout includes a 3-mile run, “HIIT” and driveway circuits we make up with the equipment we already have. We use 8 lb. weights, resistance bands, jump rope and a yoga mat. From there we make up a circuit and rotate to each station after one minute.

Being stuck in the house all day has resulted in us trying new things and working out outside has been keeping us busy. It’s something everyone should try and do, even if it’s for a short amount of time a few days a week!

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Story by: 
Lynzie Morgan, public relations major

Header image courtesy of:

Graduating College at 19

Tom Copsetta on the riverfront

Earning a college degree at 19, and earning an associate degree while still in high school, is not something we hear about very often. I asked Tom Copsetta, a 2020 graduate of the radio/TV/film program at Rowan, and previously ambassador for the High School Option Program (HSOP), a few questions about his experience.

Tom earned his associate degree in radio/TV/film from Rowan College of Gloucester County (now RCSJ) before even graduating high school.  

Radio/TV/film major Tom Copsetta stands in front of a river and cityscape

When I asked Tom about what it was like to balance high school and college work, he said it was most difficult to maintain a healthy mental state. There was no break from school during the process; even his high school summer and winter breaks were filled with college work. He went on to say that his high school career consisted of challenging honors courses, so “stacking college on top of it was really rough at times.” On the bright side, he said the college work consisted mostly of general education courses, which he found not to be so difficult.

Although the workload was stressful, Tom said that it taught him how not to crack under pressure. “Many people would say I was crazy for doing this, which I probably am, but I tend to just be an all-around workaholic,” he added. 

I asked Tom if he had any advice for students thinking of getting into the program and he said, “Try your best to manage your time and get things done so you can sleep at night.” Honest advice like that is what some students need to hear when thinking about entering a program that can be so time consuming.

He recommends taking all online classes because they can be done at your own pace. However, if you are not one that can handle online courses, HSOP will be a tough challenge. Tom also says to take advantage of CLEP tests. These are exams that you pay to take instead of taking the actual college course. By taking these exams he was able to pass English 101 and 102 as well as math 101 and 102. He saved thousands of dollars and earned 12 credits.

He says the spotlight that he gained from HSOP is now great because it is a great resume builder and a way to “quickly build an impressive image” of himself to new people. However, the spotlight back when everything first took off was definitely overwhelming. It felt great to have his hard work recognized, but also overbearing at times because it was a lot of attention he didn’t ask for. The main reason why he gained so much attention is because he made a video promoting the program that took off, making him an ambassador for two years. 

I asked what got him interested in radio/TV/film as a major and he said, “This is just the closest major I could find to what I love, which is video production as a whole including motion design, visual effects, cinematography and more.”

Radio/TV/film major Tom Copsetta stands in front of a river and cityscape

Tom began making videos with his friends at just 9 years old and always loved cameras and capturing moments. Marty Bouchard, who started the Washington Township High School television production course 34 years ago, was and still is a big inspiration to him.

“Marty is an absolute legend,” says Tom. “He was the man who solidified my interest in the field, and taught me many techniques in making professional content.” Tom said that Marty made the classroom a fun and enjoyable experience for all of his students because he cared about their progress. 

The most important thing Tom learned through this whole experience is to push yourself. Although it can be hard to get going and make progress, it will lead you to success and many other great opportunities. Experiencing stress and the side effects of it and learning how to deal with it is a very important thing to go through as well. Tom says that even though the program showed him how important time management is, he is still convinced that he “holds the world record for most assignments submitted at 11:59 p.m.” 

Radio/TV/film major Tom Copsetta stands in front of a river and cityscape

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Story by:
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate 

Photos courtesy of:
Tom Copsetta

Meet #Rowan 2024: Computer Science Major Dean Julien Joins Freshmen Class From Haiti

Dean and friends.

Today we feature Dean Julien, a Computer Science major from Montrouis Le Maire, Haiti and a first-generation college student.Computer science major Dean Julien in his native Haiti

What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I am looking forward to meeting a lot of people, seeing old friends, and being the proudest basketball player on the Rowan team

How or why did you choose your major? 

I chose computer science because I love messing with my computer and I want to learn more out of it.

What is one activity, club, sport, or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I loved playing basketball in high school and I would like to continue playing at Rowan.

Dean Julien and friends in his native Haiti.

Why Rowan? 

Because from what I heard it’s a good college and it’s close to where I am going to be staying. 

Like what you see?


Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos courtesy of:
Dean Julien

Meet #Rowan2024: Biochemistry Major from Nigeria, Damilola Bukola Babalola

Stock image of biology test tubes

Today we feature Damilola Bukola Babalola, a Biochemistry major from Nigeria, Africa. 

Selfie of Damilola Bukola Babalola.

What are a few things you are looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I look forward to greatness, more knowledge, achieving my goals, socializing, and much more.

How or why did you choose your major?

I chose my major because my goal has always been to help and save lives and to understand living organisms at the smallest unit.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

Movie acting. 

Why Rowan?

With my comparison to other universities of my options, I noticed Rowan University is among the top best universities in the US. It will also groom me more academically and help achieve my life goals. 

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Meet #Rowan2024: Psychology Major, Maryland Native Bri Broadwater Headed to Glassboro

Formal photo of incoming student Bri Broadwater

Today we feature future freshman Bri Broadwater from Bel Air, Maryland. Bri is a Psychology major and the first in her family to attend college. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

Bri cheerleading in high school.

In high school I was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities. Most of them were based around choir and the Creative Writing Club, which I founded.

In my junior year I decided to try out for cheerleading. At first, I was not sure if it was the right choice. How was a visually impaired girl who had never cheered before going to learn all of the complexities of this hands on sport? It was not easy, and I made a lot of mistakes. But I loved it! I learned to tumble, stunt, and smile, even when I’m tired. Not only has it made me a better athlete, I am also a better person because of it. I will not be trying out for cheer at Rowan during my first year, but that does not mean that I won’t cheer again. 

How or why did you choose your major?

Have you ever wondered why people are the way they are? Why addicts stay addicted even though it damages them? How mothers can look at the children they birthed and hurt them in the same ways they were hurt,  children repeating the same mistakes they saw their parents make? Have you ever wondered any of those things? I have, and the field of psychology is a great place to start looking for answers to questions like that. It also puts people in a position to help others who are searching for the same answers. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

Like most freshmen, going to college will be the first time I am on my own. When I visited Rowan, there were a multitude of things that interested me — from the theatre program to taking a dance class. There are so many things that I cannot wait to become a part of.  

Why did you choose a university that is out-of-state or out-of-country for you?

I have always been an adventurous person. As a child, I moved around a lot. I got to learn about different cultures and people, and I stayed in interesting places. Because of this, I like to explore and see new places and people. 

Why Rowan?  

Bri pictured with a photo of a Prof she made out of brail.

I visited 7 colleges over the past two years — from South Carolina to Ohio, and even two colleges in my home state, Maryland. Visiting Rowan was different from any of them. The atmosphere was so fun and inviting, and I could see myself being in classes at Rowan as well as extracurriculars.

I felt like Rowan pulled me out of my shell. College is going to be a new experience, and Rowan is where I feel most comfortable having that new experience.

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