Senior Prepares for Last Year of 4+1 Program, Gives Advice to Future Educators

Today we speak with Jacob Emig, a senior chemistry major pursuing a master’s degree in education as part of a five-year program at Rowan. Jacob transferred to Rowan from Rowan College at Burlington County and commutes to campus from his home in Marlton, NJ (Burlington County).

Chemistry major Jacob Emig sits at home in front of his open laptop.Why did you choose Rowan?

I went to Rowan College at Burlington County, and I knew a lot of my courses would automatically transfer over to Rowan, which made the financial aspect much better. I commute from home, which isn’t too far from Rowan, which makes it easier. My drive is usually around 30 to 40 minutes. I try to schedule my classes for two or three days a week, and stay on campus pretty much all day. This allows me to also work on the days when I don’t have classes.

What inspired you to choose chemistry and education?

I went into the chemistry major directly set on teaching — the end goal was to become a chemistry teacher the whole time. I studied autobody at a trade school, and I loved that, but I also had a love for chemistry and teaching in high school. Teaching came naturally to me, and I thought it could be a very rewarding career.

I am in the Combined Advanced Degree Program (CADP) with a BA in science for chemistry and a master’s in education, part of the five-year program. Over the past four years, I’ve been taking chemistry courses with some education classes mixed in, and next year I’ll be student teaching as part of the requirements for my master’s degree. I’ll be student teaching at a high school with students in the class probably ranging from freshmen to seniors.

Jacob Emig stands outside wearing goggles and a white lab coat.How do you think your Rowan education will benefit your student teaching experience?

What I learned at Rowan will definitely benefit me. You usually don’t get the chance to understand teaching until you’re actually in the classroom environment. A lot of my courses explain how students learn information and the most beneficial ways of teaching, and it’s all helpful information. I was talking to one of my old high school teachers, and she suggested definitely going for a master’s and gaining that student-teaching experience. It’s very helpful to have a teacher guiding you as you learn your way through navigating the classroom and its challenges.

Tell us about your favorite class in your major that might have had an impact on your studies. 

I had a lot of fun chemistry classes because I just find [chemistry] interesting. A lot of them go into in-depth studies, and my professors are great. My favorite is the one I am wrapping up this semester, STEM Teaching and Research Methods. I was disappointed it was transitioned to an online format because of Covid-19, because it’s a very discussion-based class. We talk about how students learn and the things to keep in mind while teaching. It’s given me a perspective that people wouldn’t normally think about while teaching, like the way you approach a lesson, and the ways you can answer a question. I got to see the opinions of not only my professor but also my classmates.

Have you had any mentors or faculty role models to guide you?

Professors can really influence your experience as a future educator. Professor Trevor Smith is always encouraging to us as students and seems to genuinely enjoy his job. He’s passionate about his subject matter, and being in his class and seeing the way he teaches and seeing how excited he was about teaching was inspiring.

Any advice for future educators?

When you get into the higher level STEM courses, they can become pretty difficult. If you’re in the field more for the teaching side, it can seem like more work than necessary to become a teacher. But if you’re passionate and genuinely care about helping students and making an impact in their lives, it’s definitely worth it in the end. You just have to put in the work to get you there.

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Coping with Grief as a College Student

Allison Niemiec poses for a photo on the Bunce Green.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Allison Niemiec poses in a gazebo on campus.Meet Allison Niemiec, a first year graduate student in the Higher Education Administrative Track program, from Cedar Grove, NJ (Essex County). She shares, “I wanted to write about coping with grief in response to a lot of the current events that surround mental health in higher education. There was a lot of conversation about these topics in my graduate classes, and I was able to see the impact that these events have on college students.” 

Death is a sensitive topic and unexpected event that can cause an individual to experience a variety of different emotions and reactions. The emotions or reactions an individual has in response to loss is often referred to as grief (Thai and Moore, 2018). In college, students already deal with multiple stresses such as with academics, finances, friendships, adjusting to campus, and many more, which can be amplified when dealing with loss and grief. 

A Residential Assistant named Meghan Auer (2019) explains her experience of coping with grief after receiving the shocking news of the death of a dormitory resident that she used to work with. Meghan provides some insight as to what potential steps are toward coping with grief as a college student and student leader. For one, Meghan discusses the importance of processing and taking time to breathe immediately after hearing the news about death (Auer, 2019). She suggests that at this moment an individual will be faced with a variety of emotions at once such as frustration, denial, or feeling overwhelmed. Taking deep breaths helps to clear your mind from feeling these emotions as intensely and calling a close friend can provide positive support (Auer, 2019).

Second, it will be important to let employers or professors know about your loss so that they are aware of the situation and can provide accommodations (Auer, 2019). For example, informing a professor about your loss may be important in the event that you need to travel for services or need an extension on an assignment.

Third, the most important part of the healing process is engaging in self-care. Self-care can appear in a variety of different ways, but can include activities such as creating a routine that provides structure to your day, surrounding yourself with positive people, participating in hobbies that bring forth joy, exercising, and many more (Auer, 2019). In some cases, wellness resources such as group or individual counseling can also help an individual have another environment to talk about their experience with loss and learn more tips on how to cope with grief (Auer, 2019).

Overall, dealing with loss can cause a range of different emotions and reactions in an individual and is most commonly referred to as grief. As a college student the feeling of grief can seem overwhelming especially when dealing with other stressors such as finances, relationships, academics, and getting used to the college environment. Giving yourself time to process the news of the death, informing professors and employers about your loss, and participating in self-care are all beneficial steps towards coping with grief as a college student. 

Like what you see, learn more about our healthy-campus iniatives!


Story by:
Allison Niemiec, first year graduate student in the Higher Education Administrative Track program, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major


Auer, M. (2019, November 8). Coping with Grief and Loss as a College Student. Retrieved from

Thai, C. L., & Moore, J. F. (2018). Grief and bereavement in young adult college students: A review of the literature and implications for practice and research. Communication Research Trends, 37(4), 4-29. Retrieved from

Pandemic Profs: Helping out at the Family’s Coffee Business

Labels from House Cup Coffee, Sarah Niles' father's business
Author Sarah Niles and her father, Brian
Sarah and her father, Brian

Welcome to Rowan at Home, our new series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of coronavirus. Today’s story is from Sarah, a junior isolating from her home in Pennsylvania.  

Hi! My name is Sarah Niles.

I am a junior Leadership & Social Innovation major, with a concentration in Access, Success and Equity in Education Innovation, Dance minor, and Adventure Education Leadership Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS).

My hometown was Haddonfield, NJ in Camden County, although I currently live in Havertown, PA in Delaware County.

I am working at my dad’s coffee roasting company, House Cup Coffee Roasters, while on break. He roasts and sells coffee direct to customers in the town we live in (right outside of Philadelphia), and he also serves as a wholesale coffee distributor for restaurants.

House Cup Coffee Roasters
Part of the House Cup Coffee Roasters’ product line

He recently just opened a cafe called House Cup Cafe, although it is currently closed due to the pandemic.

I’ve been bagging, grinding and delivering coffee and it’s a lot of fun (plus it smells great!).

He has lots of different kinds of coffee. He sources beans from different countries all over the world wherever coffee is grown. 

“Somewhere” is the house blend, which is a secret mix of different beans, and is by far the most popular.

The kinds range from lightest to darkest roasts, like Ethiopia, Columbia, Brazil, Nicaragua, and Sumatra, which coincidentally, are named from where the beans of that roast are from.

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Story and photos by:
Sarah Niles, junior leadership & social innovation major

Pandemic Profs: Clinical Internship Teaching Spanish Remotely

Rosalba standing with her cooperating teacher.

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Maria Rosalba Trejo-Mendiola, a student in the master of science in teaching program. She is isolating from her home in Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County.)

Portrait of Rosalba in woods, standing against a tree.My name is Maria Rosalba Trejo-Mendiola. I was born in Querétaro, Mexico. I moved to the United States at the age of 11. At an early age, I discovered my biggest passion in life was helping others. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career that allowed me to work with people. Of all the possible careers that I could have pursued, I fell in love with the one profession that makes all other professions possible: teaching. I attended Cumberland County College, now known as  Rowan College of South Jersey, where I completed my associate degree in Liberal Arts. I then transferred to Rowan University where I completed my bachelor’s in Spanish. Then, I started working as a Career Placement Developer for Pathstone, a non-profit organization.

Currently, I am earning my master of science in teaching and completing a full-year clinical internship as a Spanish teacher at Vineland High School. My student teaching experience has been one of the most rewarding experiences. I have learned many strategies that I plan on incorporating in my own future Spanish classroom. From my professors, I have learned that to serve all students, it is very important to implement a Universal Design for Learning and that developing meaningful lesson plans goes a long way.

Yellow shoes customized with the word Ms. Trejo.
I love these custom shoes that will help me to kick off my teaching career!

My classes at Rowan University have allowed me to go into my field placement and put into practice what I have learned in class. This year, as part of World Language’s methods sequence: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment I: World Languages and Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment II: World Languages,  I learned about High Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTP) for World Languages (Glisan & Donato, 2017). One of the biggest takeaways from these classes was learning about these practices and being able to incorporate it into my lessons. This also allowed me to learn about my own strengths and weaknesses. Rosabla in mid-jump, wearing a Rowan sweatshirt, in front of Bunce Hall.

From my classmates, I have learned that it is very important to be supportive of each other; to give each other feedback and to be willing to share ideas. From my Cooperating Teacher, Sra. DeJesús, I have learned that it is important to develop  positive relationships with the students. I have also learned different methods of teaching. One of my favorites methods of teaching is learning centers. Through Sra. DeJesus, I have become a strong believer that learning centers offer students the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning. If learning centers are well-designed, students will be able to walk away with valuable information. I am very thankful that my cooperating teacher has been very supportive throughout this learning experience. Sra. DeJesús allowed me to be involved in the classroom since day one of my field experience, allowing me to have as much practice as possible. I have developed strong bonds with the students, confirming for me that I have chosen the correct field to pursue a career in, teaching. From my field supervisor, I have learned about lesson planning. I have learned to reflect on what worked well and what can use improvement.

Rosalba stands with her cooperating teacher holding a book.
My cooperating teacher, Sra. DeJesús (left) and me.

I am very thankful to everyone that has helped me grow as a professional in one capacity or another. I also want to thank my family for always supporting my daughter and myself, throughout this learning process.

As far as my remote work, the transition has been really smooth. My cooperating teacher has been using Google classroom  for a long time now. We have been collaborating together to teach remotely. We have incorporated Zoom meetings and Google meets on  a weekly basis. Other technological applications that have been useful are Quizlet, Kahoot, and FlipGrid. Through this transition we have been maintaining communication with students and parents.

Rosalba stands in her graduation gown holding her daughter, with Bunce Hall in the background.
My daughter and I at my undergraduate graduation ceremony.

We understand that the transition is not easy for students, therefore we continue to be available to support our students. I am currently working part time from home with Pathstone, completing my field hours at Vineland High School via virtual communications, and spending quality and instructional time with my four year old, Suheily Carrasco.

Although it can be challenging at times, I love what I do. I learned that in this profession it is very important to love what you do and the rest comes with hard work and determination. In May 2020, I will complete my master’s of science of teaching. Although I never imagined that my last year of graduate school would be the one that forced us to practice social distancing to protect us from the spread of COVID-19, I want to remain focused and positive that it will end soon.

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Grit & Greatness

Jess Hassell poses outside of Bunce.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Jess Hassell poses for a photo outside of Bunce.Meet Jessica Hassell, a second-year Higher Education Administration graduate student from Owings Mills, Md. Jess wrote this article to help the Rowan community. She shares: “Fear can be paralyzing. I was inspired to write this article because I was so worried about success that it was stopping me from being my best self. I hope that this article will help other Rowan University students not be afraid to fail and to persevere.”

Failure is a scary word. In the collegiate environment, failure is associated with under-achievement, incompetence or a lack of trying. As college students, there is a tendency to get stuck in the dichotomy of success or failure. This manner of thinking can result in every nonsuccess: raising stress levels, being demotivating, or even debilitating (Shelton, 2017). Therefore, students must reorient their thinking to understand each “failure” as a growth experience.  

When success is determined by grades, deadlines, expectations and a long list of involvements, it is difficult for college students to manage coursework, jobs, clubs and a social life with health and emotional well-being. If an individual finds themselves incapacitated by a nonsuccess, employing mindfulness can help manage the stresses being experienced (Shelton, 2017). Having an awareness of oneself, challenges and support systems can cultivate an internal shift wherein growth from failure is acceptable.  

Jess Hassell speaks to another Healthy Campus Initiatives intern on Rowan BoulevardThat being said, there exists no person who sets out to undertake a task and enjoys it when their efforts lead to a lack of success. The result of an unexpected outcome can leave individuals questioning their abilities, but this should not be the case. Mistakes or unexpected outcomes are necessary for experimentation, problem-solving and increasing efficiency (Driscoll, 1989; Shelton, 2017). As such, it can be helpful to remember that success is only the expected or desired outcome. Understanding what does not work can only help when developing strategies to inform future courses of action. Without unexpected results, there is no push for innovation, so the opportunity to fail should be embraced (Driscoll, 1989).  

Grit is a better word. To have grit means to have the courage and ability to overcome obstacles and challenges. Recognizing one’s capacity for psychological grit, wherein an individual has the passion and perseverance to achieve their long-term goals, can ease the stress of a failure (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007; Vonderheyde, 2017).  Moreover, each nonsuccess and subsequent attempt to continue teach us a greater lesson about our capacity to persevere.  

Like what you see, learn more about our healthy campus initiatives!


Story by:
Jessica Hassell, second-year higher education administration graduate student, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major


Driscoll, D. (1989). The Benefits Of Failure. Sales and Marketing Management, 141(5), 46. Retrieved from

Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087–1101.

Muenks, K., Wigfield, A., Yang, J. S., & O’Neal, C. R. (2017). How true is grit? assessing its relations to high school and college students’ personality characteristics, self-regulation, engagement, and achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(5), 599-620. doi:

Shelton, I. G., Jr. (2017). A generic qualitative investigation of academic stress in college students in the 21st century (Order No. 10608475). Available from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; Social Science Premium Collection. (1947584353). Retrieved from

Vonderheyde, E. (2017). The relationship between mindfulness and stress among college students.

Dr. Rosetta Treece, Ed.D. ’16, Spearheads Mental Health Initiative [VIDEO]

Rosetta shaking hands with another dog trainer.

Dr. Rosetta Treece, a 2016 graduate of Rowan’s doctorate of educational leadership (Ed.D.) program, serves as Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Hopewell Valley School District in Pennington (Mercer County) in what she calls her “dream job.” 

Dr. Treece is in charge of K-12 curricula, school technology and programming such as equity and basic skills. 

However, her spearheading of the school district’s mental health initiatives is deeply personal, as she lost her son to suicide in early 2017. 

Dr. Treece and her superintendent crafted policies and professional development to support suicide prevention throughout the Hopewell Valley School District. 

She partnered with Attitudes in Reverse (AIR), an outreach program, to train therapy dogs — even her own — for the schools. “It’s amazing to see a student that’s completely shut down, not open to talking … and then the dog would come in, and they would just open up,” she says.

Dr. Treece says mental health is a challenging issue to take on with schools because there’s a stigma around it. She’s making it her mission to break the stigma. 

“I put myself out there. I let people know what I’ve been through so that I can start tearing down those walls of the stigma of what mental health looks like,” Dr. Treece says. “This is a lifetime commitment for me.”

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How One Professor Changed My Perspective on Math

Adriana and Professor Smith smile in front of the Mathematics suite.

Meet Adriana Simiriglio, a junior Elementary Education major specializing in Mathematics from Gloucester County. Today she shares how her mathematics professor changed her outlook on teaching and learning that ultimately made her a better problem-solver and soon-to-be teacher.

Adriana sits outside Education Hall.

I’m an education major. This means that I will relearn nearly 12 years of schooling, but this time from another perspective.

I was a little hesitant to take my math class my first year. I was good at math, but I was never the strongest at it, and I was afraid that college math would be at least 50 times harder than what I experienced during my regular school years.

It wasn’t.

I walked into the classroom to meet my bright-eyed professor, William Smith, who welcomed me with open arms and was already practicing everyone’s names. He placed us sitting in different groups, where I was able to meet three other education majors who were scared of math just like me.

He started out by handing us all a pencil because he knew a lot of us would ultimately forget. However, it was what he had inscribed on the pencil that got my mind reeling.

“Math is not a spectator sport.”

A close up photo of a pencil that reads "Math is not a spectator sport."
Adriana still holds onto the pencil that Professor Smith gave to the class.

Professor Smith began to explain what this math class really was. We had to relearn all of math, starting with regular addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and then next semester, we’ll continue with fractions and probability. I was shocked. I had to relearn addition and subtraction? That was a kindergarten skill that I had already mastered many eons ago.

I thought I knew it all. I was wrong.

To help support us, Professor Smith made his own textbook and made it available in a PDF form. He explained he would never to assign too much homework because assigning book problems that don’t give us an answer and show us how to solve the problem are useless because we will never learn that way.

As soon as he was done explaining, he put addition problems on the board. Simple addition problems, but this started the epiphany of why math isn’t as scary as it looks.

The problems were easy, 2+2, 5+5, 20+10. When he asked us to explain our answer, we just simply said that “we knew it.” There was no explanation.

That’s the problem. We are never forced to explain. We are robots to the common knowledge, but we don’t know why or how we got the answers to the problems.

Now for the big guns, 367+83. Everyone was amused by what we thought was humor. So, we grabbed our papers, carried and borrowed with confidence, and all came up with the same answer. When we were asked why, it was just because “we were taught that way.” We had absolutely no knowledge of why we did math the way we did math.

Adriana and Professor Smith chatting at a table.

This is when he explained the pinnacle of what math truly is:

We are forced in our classes to memorize formulas, patterns, ways of solving problems the quickest. We are never taught to look at the problem, become problem solvers, and think of our own way to solve it. He asked how many of us were told by our teachers “not to use your way,” or “don’t use your parents way, just stick to this” even though we were getting the right answers. We were forced to copy the work of our teachers, and expected to get the right answers. All of us raised our hands. He told us he is going to guide us through this class, but he is not going to teach it, we are.

We are going to explain our thinking of answers to the class, share our own ways of solving the problem so others can try, and most importantly: scrap all formulas and shortcuts because they will never show you what math truly is. No more carrying and borrowing, no more solving from the right to the left. He taught us so many different ways to add, subtract, multiply, and divide so we could find what works best for us. Tests told us on every question to use the method that works best for us.

Throughout the semester, he had us volunteer to lead the class lessons, and as I started to feel comfortable and confident with my own work, I took strides and led the class multiple times, even within the first week of school. He told us that if we are going to be teachers, we have to get up in front of the class and explain something that is our biggest fear to our peers first. 

But why? Why did we feel confident? The answer is simple: We were allowed to let our brains work out and process problems in a way that we could figure out. We weren’t force-fed information that we had to mimic, but instead, we were given full range to expand our minds and understand what we were learning.

Adriana and Professor Smith hug.

So yes, math is not a spectator sport. It requires effort, thinking, and problem-solving skills. But when you open your mind to the different possibilities that math has to offer, it is only the beginning of what you can accomplish. Not only did this class change my perspective on math as a future teacher, but it made me feel confident instead of belittled when I couldn’t solve a problem, it made me feel empowered that I could solve the problems the way that I saw fit, and most importantly: this class taught me that math isn’t something to be afraid of. It is only yourself that can make you afraid, but when you have the right teacher, math can be as easy as 3.14.

Interested in education? Learn more about our majors.


Story by:
Adriana Simiriglio, junior elementary education major

Ed.D. Program Paves the Path to Success for Educational Leader

Exterior shot of Sussex County Community College, where Rowan Ed.D. student Ketan Gandhi works

Ketan Gandhi, from Asbury Park (Monmouth County), is well-versed in higher education, so his standards were high when considering the universities he could potentially earn his Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree. After completing his undergraduate studies at Bombay University in India, and earning an MBA in general administration at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, he still wanted to learn more about the world of education.

Rowan Ed.D. student Ketan Gandhi meets with students as CFO of Sussex County Community College His experience in leadership positions at Burlington County College, Rutgers University and Sussex County Community College (where he is currently the CFO and EVP of Administrative Services) inspired him to explore the differences in leadership styles between private educational institutes and higher education.

“What motivates people in higher education is different than in a private business scenario,” Ketan says. “Understanding the type of leadership required to govern a higher institution could set me up for a more successful career in education.”

Rowan Ed.D. student Ketan sits at a desk with his laptop open, smiling.He came across the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program at Rowan University through recommendations from colleagues who had had a positive experience in it.

“I also looked at a few other institutions, but what I liked about Rowan’s program is that it is led by faculty members with higher levels of experience and education. The faculty are actual presidents or provosts at universities, and can give me direct, relevant advice based on their experience.” 

The quality that secured Ketan’s decision to attend the Rowan Ed.D. program was its concentration in Community College Leadership Initiative (CCLI), which pertains directly to his professional experience and interests.

Though he has not been in school since 1986, Ketan was concerned about the transition back to intense learning. Luckily, “faculty members are open to allowing me to adjust, and I have support from my boss, my wife and my family,” he says.

“Each member of my cohort works at a different college or university, which allows us to share different experiences and perspectives,” he says. “It makes for better discussions and more learning opportunities.”

Leadership Theory, the first course he is taking for the program, has already ignited his passion for education and leadership. “This course has allowed me to truly understand the way I come across as a leader and who I want to be. I’ve already learned a lot about myself,” he reflects. A book that he has read during the course, “Discover Your True North” by Bill George, has also been an inspiration to him on this educational journey.

Rowan Ed.D. student Ketan Gandhi meets with students as CFO of Sussex County Community College

Ketan’s ultimate goal throughout Rowan’s Ed.D. program is to change and adapt to a new leadership style.

“I was very much a task-oriented leader,” he says. “In just a few weeks, I am already starting to see myself transforming into more of an entrepreneurial leader. It’s all about breaking habits that I’ve already established and improving them, really honing my skills.”

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Story by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Photos courtesy of:
Ketan Gandhi and Sussex County Community College

Siblings At Rowan: Madison and Sophia Agostini

Sisters Sophia and Madison Agostini pose in front of a wood panel wall.

Today, we launch a Siblings at Rowan series with sisters Madison and Sophia Agostini.

Sophia and Madison pose with school supplies in front of a wooden background.
Madison (left) and Sophia (right) Agostini

Names: Madison and Sophia Agostini

Majors/Minors: Madison: Elementary Education and Literacy Studies dual major. Sophia: Business Management major, Law and Justice minor

Years in school: M: 5th year S: Senior

Hometown and County: Washington Township, Gloucester County

Do you commute? If not, where do you live? S: Both. I live on campus, and Madison lived on campus, but now she commutes.

M: I lived on campus for four years, but since I’m student teaching, it made more sense for me to live at home this year since I don’t spend as much time on campus.

Social clubs each of you is a part of: M: I am the President of Kappa Delta Pi, a teacher honors society, and I am a member of Circle K, a volunteer club. I also write for HerCampus, a girls’ college website, and I’m an Admissions Ambassador.

S: I’m on the executive board of the Pre-Law Society. I’m also the undergraduate coordinator for the Food Bank of South Jersey

On-campus jobs: S: We both work in Admissions.

Why did you choose Rowan? M: At first I didn’t like that it was close to home, but then it started to feel nice that I could go home whenever I wanted. I wanted to go further away, but the first year of the Rowan Choice program was my year, so I was able to do that program and not spend as much. It’s great to go to a school with big school opportunities but small school class sizes.

S: I would agree with that, I really like the small class sizes. I didn’t really apply to many schools and I felt I knew Rowan pretty well because Madison already went here and I had already been on campus twice before I applied. It felt like the natural choice.

How has having your sister at Rowan with you impacted your college career? S: It always gave us someone we could go to that wasn’t our roommates. It was good to have a change of scenery and a new voice to Sophia is sitting on a couch in the student center.hear. It was definitely better than having to pick up the phone. It’s nice.

M: My sophomore year and her freshman here I lived in Edgewood and she lived in Chestnut, which was a minute walk from each other, and that year she had no kitchen and no air conditioning so she would come over if her room was hot or she wanted a meal that wasn’t dining hall food or made in a microwave. It was also nice to run into each other on campus or just see each other. 

What is your favorite part about going to Rowan together? S: I like that we’re similar and we do similar things on campus, and it also showed us how different we are at the same time. We aren’t really in any of the same clubs despite being on campus together. It allowed us to be strong as Madison is sitting on a couch in the student center.individuals but still grow side by side.

M: I think that we have similar qualities and we do some of the same things, but we also bring similar qualities to the different things we do. We also have some friends in common, but also different friends. S: We do our own thing, but it’s nice to have someone supporting you along the way. 

What are some favorite memories about being together on campus or funny sibling stories? M: Hanging out with our other sister on campus is a nice memory that we have together.

S: It was also nice when Madison invited me over for dinner a lot.

M: It was also cool that when Sophia turned 21 I was able to come over and spend the night with her and her friends.

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Story and photography by:

Rachel Rumsby, freshman communication studies and public relations double major

Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

#PROFspective: Graduate Education Student Donn Matthew Garby

Name: Donn Matthew GarbyDonn Garby stands outside of Hawthorne Hall.
Major: Ph.D. in Education
Concentrations: Higher Education
Year: Second year Ph.D. student
Hometown and County: Naples, FL 
Resident or commuter: Resident
Academic clubs: Founder and Council Member of Education Student Association (ESA), Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA)
Do you work on campus?: Yes, I am a Graduate Coordinator for the Interfaith and Spiritual Exploration Center & Adjunct for the College of Education

Tell us about your transition into the graduate program. My transition was not too bad. I came directly from my master’s program, so I was still in that “student mindset.” The largest transition was coming from a large R1 university, in a large city, to a smaller institution in a [more] rural town. Saying that, though, the benefits of Rowan, and the faculty interactions make it so that I feel home in the College of Education.

Why did you choose Rowan’s graduate program? I chose Rowan’s graduate program because it offered me the opportunity to connect with faculty on a one-on-one level, provided me resources to conduct my Rowan PhD student Donn Garby working at his cubicle in Hawthorne Hall.research, and allowed me the space to explore different career and research paths. In addition, with it being a new program, it allowed me to help make a difference and work to shape the program for the benefit of future students.

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or research focus? One thing I wish people knew about my academic discipline is that we are people outside of our research. A lot of times, people, and students specifically, see us as a researcher or faculty member. But we have lives, we have hobbies, and although our research is a large aspect of who we are, that is not all that we are.

What is one thing this field has allowed you to do, that you either dreamed of doing or thought you’d never get to do? One thing this field has allowed me to do is turn my research into practice. It has been so rewarding to see that happen, and I am so grateful.

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling? On my busiest day, I am juggling two classes, a meeting for my program and Senate meetings.

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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

How One Rowan Professor’s Digital Office Hours Help the Online Learning Community

Dr. Anna Sun, assistant professor of Educational Services and Leadership, saw the problem in both her teaching and research: how can faculty meet with students outside of class when the course is online? 

Her solution — offering e-office hours for her classes — earned her accolades this fall at Rowan Global Learning & Partnerships’ inaugural Excellence in Online Learning awards

Dr. Sun says she felt a range of emotions upon being recognized for her work.

Dr. Anna Sun stands in front of the James Hall statue“I feel honored, surprised and happy. I’m glad I’m recognized by peers, by students, by Rowan at large and as a community. And I’m surprised because online teaching relatively speaking is still new. 

“I feel that more and more the community recognizes the importance of online teaching, sees it’s another way to meet the students’ needs, and it could provide the quality teaching and instruction in this pioneering format,” she adds. 

The College of Education professor’s research focuses on social justice and school administration leadership in K-12 settings. She also studies how counterparts in other countries approach similar issues, debates and questions in education. 

Dr. Sun joined Rowan six years ago, as her department collaborated with Rowan Global to launch an online teaching program to better meet students’ needs. The online courses are called light hybrid because there are two face-to-face times scheduled between faculty and students each semester. Dr. Sun saw how successful this model was and sought to incorporate an element of this in her office hours for online courses. 

“I wanted to create a online learning community,” she explains. “The challenge or the debate sometimes would be, there’s no face-to-face time. So that’s the time I thought we need to create with this e-office hours, like the face-to-face office hours.”

Dr. Sun designates the second Monday of the month to e-office hours, where students can make appointments and meet with her via phone, email, videoconference or other digital format to ask questions on or talk about the course. 

Dr. Anna Sun meets with a Rowan student inside James Hall

She says students have appreciated the courses with e-office hours.

“They feel I’m very approachable and I respond to students’ questions right away. They felt that this is exactly what they learned from face-to-face,” Dr. Sun says. “The research [also] shows that in the online setting we should have this instruction presence; I want the students to feel like they can reach me at any time when they have questions.”

Her e-office hours contribution is just one part of a more expansive goal of Dr. Sun’s to prepare future school leaders. 

“In my teaching, we have a lot of discussions about social justice school leadership, transformational leadership,” Dr. Sun says. “And I feel my teaching, my interactions with students provide cutting-edge, effective approaches for them to become the reformers, the leaders, to make big changes in education.

“Our program prepares candidates with social justice approaches to make a big impact in the field. Both my teaching and the research are so important in this regard.”

Dr. Anna Sun stands in front of a bronze statue outside of James Hall

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Full-Circle Moment: Communications Alumna Finds New Role at Rowan as Parent Advocate

Wilson Hall, on the campus of Rowan University

Two generations of #RowanPROUD alumni live in the Wilner household. 

Lisa, from West Deptford (Gloucester County), earned her degree from Glassboro State College (now Rowan University) in Communications — with a minor in Advertising and concentration in Marketing — in 1986. Her son, Ben, graduated with a Music degree in 2018 and is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Higher Education at the College of Education

Bunce Hall at Rowan University
Lisa Ann Wilner graduated from Glassboro State College, now Rowan University, in 1986.

Lisa’s seasoned career included high-level management roles among nonprofits such as the Children’s Miracle Network and the Arthritis Foundation and production credits for Warner Brothers and Suburban Cable (now Comcast). 

“I had access to things because Rowan was on my résumé,” Lisa said. “At that point I was competing with students from Syracuse and other [top-tier communication] schools.”

When it came time for her son to choose a college, Lisa’s alma mater was one of a few on Ben’s radar. He was also accepted to nearby Temple and received scholarship money from several other universities. But it was a chance meeting with John Woodruff, director of the Academic Success Center, that changed everything for Ben and soon, for Lisa, too.

“When [Ben] came to the Accepted Students Reception, and he sat down with John, he said, ‘They have the support systems here that I need to be successful.’ And obviously there are because he graduated magna cum laude,” Lisa proudly shared. 

As a student with disabilities, Ben required individualized help for his specific needs, and the Academic Success Center was there to guide him. He utilized extra test-taking time in the Testing Center and sought the help of an academic coach. The Academic Success Center coordinated with the the Music department, which took great care in pairing Ben with an appropriate advisor. Lisa also noted that although Ben ultimately opted to commute, the Center had matched him with a roommate.

“These are steps above and beyond that Rowan does. What I have seen here through the Academic Success Center has just been outstanding,” she said.  

Lisa is a featured speaker for the Academic Success Center’s College Prep Transition Conference and a parent network member with Rowan’s Autism PATH program, which aims to strengthen employment outcomes and networking opportunities for neurodiverse students. 

Lisa and Ben Wilner, both Rowan alumni, at their home
Ben Wilner ’18 (left) and Lisa Ann Wilner at home. Ben is pursuing his master’s degree at the College of Education. Lisa speaks at parents’ groups and conferences for Rowan’s Academic Success Center.

“What I’ve seen [at Rowan] in the last four years, as a parent who sat through IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meetings for 14 years … I have never seen services like exist here. They may exist at other places, but it’s done right here. I talk to parents’ groups. Ben talks to high school students for New Jersey’s Dare to Dream conferences every year. He talks to students and says ‘You can go to college, this is the route to get there.’”

Lisa shared that, through his own academic advisor experience, Ben enrolled in the Higher Education advising track program so he could help fellow students down the road. In addition to his coursework, he’s now working as a part-time academic advisor at an area community college. She said there is “no doubt in [her] mind” Ben will find employment after earning his graduate degree this spring. Lisa also hopes Ben will eventually complete his doctorate in music theory after his successful undergraduate work in Rowan’s “incredible” music program.

“Rowan’s growth and support of all students make me incredibly proud to be an [alumna],” she said.

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Higher Education Master’s Program Sounds Like Sweet Success For Rowan Music Alum Ben Wilner

Ben Wilner stands outside James Hall

Future college students will be fortunate to have Ben Wilner as their academic advisor. 

The Gloucester County native and aspiring academic counselor, who will complete his master’s degree in the College of Education’s Higher Education track this spring, didn’t initially set his sights on the program until his own interaction with an advisor. 

“He’s been nothing but a huge help during the undergraduate process,” Ben says. “I want to give back because of my experiences in the undergraduate setting.” 

Ben Wilner on the first floor of James HallBen graduated magna cum laude from Rowan’s highly competitive Music program after what he revealed was a difficult transition to college life as a student with disabilities. He’s now empowered to “inspire students with disabilities to stay in college, so they can break obstacles to get where they need to go in the college setting because I’ve broken every obstacle up until this point,” Ben explains. 

Ben says he wouldn’t be in college without a love of music, for which he’s a triple threat in voice, guitar and piano. He had just graduated from high school to pursue music at Rowan when the overwhelm set in. 

“I overcame it that first semester, and my entire undergraduate years I got help when I needed it and asked for assistance for the resources I need to obtain, like the Disability Resources office [also called the Academic Success Center] or academic coaching or my professors,” Ben says. “I always say to have connections with your professors. I feel like this transition showed me that it’s a lot different.”

After his first semester, Ben, working with the Academic Success Center, met regularly with his academic coach, who he says honed his writing, editing and organizational skills. 

He also registered with the Testing Center, which he says helped him with both test-taking and studying. The Testing Center was “welcoming and allowed me to do my tests and quizzes in a quieter space,” Ben adds. 

Ben Wilner standing on the third floor of James HallBen’s academic career flourished after that first semester. He joined the Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society and Sigma Alpha Lambda, a national leadership honor society. He presented at Rowan’s College Prep Transition Conference, which offers workshops and tools to support students with disabilities and their families as they head toward college life. 

His own advising experience, along with the guidance he received through the Academic Success Center, pivoted Ben’s career path from music to counseling. He’s applying his graduate coursework to an internship this year with the Academic Success Center, working with students who may be struggling as he once was — which speaks to why he’s so passionate about his future career: 

“I really was inspired by how much I have learned in the college setting, the resources I used to succeed in the college environment,” Ben says. He hopes to “help students advocate for themselves, making sure they do what they need to do to succeed. It’s not easy, but they’ve got to take one day at a time to break those obstacles. 

“I’d like to help those students to keep going and never give up. Every student, no matter their differences are.”

Wide shot of Ben Wilner on the first floor of James Hall

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Ed.D. Graduate, Community College President on His Game-Changing Rowan Experience

As public relations and marketing spokesperson for New York Transit, communicating news for the bus division that transported seven million passengers a day, Stephen Nacco saw his long-term career prospects heading on a different path — toward higher education. 

Nacco traded media for academia, where he rose to top administrative positions at two New Jersey-based community colleges. 

Rowan alumnus Dr. Stephen Nacco, president of Danville Area Community College in Illinois
Rowan alumnus Dr. Stephen Nacco (above)

His career moved further ahead while enrolled in Rowan’s Ed.D. in Educational Leadership: Community College Leadership Initiative (CCLI). “I never wanted to be a community college president until that program,” he said. 

Now, Dr. Stephen Nacco uses the skills he learned in his cohort from more than 750 miles away. 

As president of Danville Area Community College (DACC), about 2.5 hours south of Chicago, Dr. Nacco leads a school that serves more than 6,100 part-time and full-time students. While the city of Danville has seen its population steadily decline over the years, DACC has seen its enrollment and graduation rates increase — which Dr. Nacco credits to his faculty and board, with whom he has built a collaborative leadership team. 

Rowan alumnus Dr. Stephen Nacco (second from right) at Danville Area Community College, where he is president“It’s the coalescing of ideas here, and that to me is what makes working at this college rewarding,” Dr. Nacco said. “Every month we do something — this is straight out of something I learned at Rowan — where a different department comes out with a ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goal.’ And it’s got to be out there. It might seem impossible, but you’re going to try to figure out a way to make it work.

“I think collaboratively in a small community college, it’s really a lot of fun to be able to work this way,” he added. 

Convenient classes, offered right on the campus in which he worked at the time, initially attracted Dr. Nacco to the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program. Yet the longer he immersed himself in his coursework, the more Stephen felt compelled to seek a community college president position post-grad. 

Rowan alumnus Dr. Stephen Nacco (right), president of Danville Area Community College in Illinois“I was able to study my own leadership and look at leadership theory,” he said. “As I was in the program more and more, I wanted to continue to move up in community colleges … that they’re not ‘junior colleges,’ what they do for workforce development and what they do for turning around lives.”

Dr. Nacco noted Rowan’s teaching faculty included community college presidents, who enhanced the program through their “war stories” and mentorship. He also acknowledged Dr. James Coaxum, associate professor in the College of Education, whom he said had “a style that was calm for people, not just with me, but for many students who were anxious to go back to college.” 

After completing the Ed.D. degree part-time in three years, Dr. Nacco ultimately secured the top spot at DACC in 2016. The importance of the job is not lost on him.

“Being in DACC, you can’t imagine how important this college is to this community,” he said. 

For future students considering the Ed.D. program, Dr. Nacco offers this advice: “Whatever your niche is, don’t be constrained by that niche. Go into it with the idea with you can be surprised with what you want to do. It doesn’t matter what your job is, if you know what you’re doing is important to the people around you, then it’s a good career. And Rowan can help you get there.”

Rowan alumnus Dr. Stephen Nacco's school, Danville Area Community College, offers a Wind Tech program
Rowan Ed.D. alumnus Dr. Stephen Nacco, president of Danville Area Community College in Illinois, is especially proud of his school’s Wind Tech program, one of few in the country that trains students to maintain wind turbines and prepares graduates for work in the emerging wind energy industry.

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Hybrid Doctoral Studies Program Offers Flexibility for Aspiring Educational Administrator

Exterior shot of James Hall, home of the College of Education

First-generation college student Manuela Jiménez has always had plenty of ambition and little free time. After receiving her undergraduate degree from Rutgers University, the Perth Amboy, NJ (Middlesex County) teacher knew that she wanted to continue her education. She earned her master’s in Educational Leadership from Montclair State University while teaching secondary students, and attained her school principal and supervisor credentials. Jimenez believes that learning is a lifelong process, and in an effort to reflect on her practice as an educator, she decided to continue her studies. 

A simple Google search led Manuela to discover the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) program at Rowan, and she dove right in. “I came across this top-rated hybrid doctoral program and was thrilled to hear about it!” she says. “Being a full-time working individual, it’s so convenient to be in a program that gives me the flexibility I need to have face-to-face classes and online classes that allow me to also work.” 

Rowan Ed.D. student Manuela sits at a desk with the name "Ms. Jimenez" in colorful letters pasted to the front of the desk.
Manuela — or Ms. Jimenez, as her students call her — sits at her desk, ready for another successful day!

Flexibility was a requirement when it came to Manuela’s decision to enroll in a doctorate program. She currently teaches English to seventh graders at a local school, and is the Chair for the elective department — two time-consuming positions that require a lot of work and dedication. She met with a Rowan University advisor in order to determine the perfect schedule that would integrate with her work preferences. The face-to-face class meetings are convenient to her schedule, and she prefers to complete the online portion of her learning during her breaks from teaching. “Having access to all of my learning materials and professor office hours online is very helpful to me because of my schedule,” she says.

Though this schedule may sound overwhelming, Manuela loves every moment of it. “It’s a very rigorous program, but it makes me want to learn more! The more that I read, the more inquisitive I become about my current methods as a practitioner. My professors provide thorough feedback for every assignment, and prepare me to feel more competent and confident in the workplace,” she says.

The most rewarding part of the program is that the content Manuela learns through her courses can be applied to her teaching the very same day! Since she completes her online work throughout the school day, the lessons she learns are fresh in her mind, allowing her to apply the theories from her readings to her classroom to see real results. And since she’s started the Ed.D. program, she is already noticing a difference in the quality of her interactions with students and faculty.

“It’s not all about the concept but the implementation of it in the teaching environment,” she says. “I am becoming a more reflective practitioner, learning the difference between theory and practice by applying the curriculum of these courses to my real-life interactions.”

Drone shot overlooking Rowan's Glassboro campus at sunset
“It’s so convenient to be in a program that gives me the flexibility I need to have face-to-face classes and online classes that allow me to also work,” Manuela says of Rowan’s Ed.D. program.

“I’ve definitely made the right choice with Rowan,” Manuela says. “The program is hard but it’s worth it, because the quality of the education I’m receiving is truly impactful. It’s inspiring that first-generation college students like myself can make it in their career, and pursue a higher education degree while juggling everything else in life.”

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Story by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Toxic Friend Groups

Jessica Hassell, a Higher Education Administration track graduate student and author of story, sits in woods on Rowan University's campus

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Meet Jessica Hassell, a second-year Higher Education Administration track graduate student who wrote this article to start a discussion about toxic friendships. She shares, “I hope that this article will help Rowan University students become more conscious about how they are treated by others and whether or not they like that treatment.”

College students tend to not think much about the health of their relationships. When building friend groups, individuals can find Higher Education Administration track graduate student Jessica Hassell sits near a bush on Rowan University's campus.themselves displaying patterns of behaviors that may or may not reflect their values. 

Friend groups are social relationships that have complex dynamics, where everyone plays a role. There are some friends who play positive roles that help keep the group active and engaging. These friends act as the initiator; the one that always suggests something fun to do, or the consensus tester who checks to see how everyone feels about the next course of action (Benne, 1948). However, there are also friends who aggressors who dominate, degrade or distract others to get what they want out of the group. It is important for young people to be able to recognize toxic friendships that can negatively impact their wellbeing.  

There is minimal research on toxic friendships, but there are a multitude of tactics that toxic individuals use to control others. Some of these tactics include being passive-aggressive to make the victim change without having an open dialogue, never apologizing when they overstep boundaries, and even holding grudges and using past favors or mistakes to guilt the victim into changing their behaviors (“Types of Abuse – Loveisrespect,” 2017). It is helpful for every person in a social circle to think about how these relationships make them feel and evaluate which members of that friend group make them feel empowered and disempowered.  

Higher Education Administration track graduate student Jessica Hassell (left) talks to another student on Rowan Boulevard. Often, it is easier for young people to recognize abuse in intimate partnerships than in their immediate social circles. Commonly referenced in literature surrounding domestic abuse is the power and control wheel developed by the Domestic Abuse and Intervention Project in Duluth Minnesota (“Power and Control Wheels,” 2017). It details eight methods of power and control: coercion/threats, intimidation, emotional abuse, isolation, obfuscation, economic abuse, using children and using male privilege. While some elements of the Power and Control wheel may only apply to heteronormative intimate partnerships, others can be applied to all relationships.  

Although many college friend groups may not have to worry about physical abuse or children, issues surrounding digital abuse, financial abuse, and emotional/verbal abuse can cause anxiety and be signs of toxic friendship. Many people have online access and digital abuse means using online means to take away an individual’s autonomy. It can include directly or indirectly putting someone down in status, spreading rumors online or video recording someone without their consent. Regarding financial abuse, it can include someone watching over another friend’s finances.

By one friend asking for money repeatedly or another friend using money to hold power over another person’s actions, or a friend making another feel guilty about their purchases — these are ways of controlling others. Even exerting emotional/verbal abuse can manifest itself in friend groups as individuals within the group tell members what to do or who to talk to, name-call and allow individuals to be degraded, or even those that make any member feel like their feelings are unimportant (“Types of Abuse – Loveisrespect,” 2017). Once an individual recognizes these toxic behaviors, they can speak out or exit.  

College is full opportunities. If an individual finds themselves in a toxic friend group, it’s simple to create distance between oneself and the unhealthy relationship to find new friends elsewhere. Others might choose to use this time to practice their communication skills and attempt to confront the behaviors that make them feel controlled and powerless. No matter the choice, everyone should consider the role that they play in their friend group, take time to consider the health of their social circle and the impact that these relationships are having on their wellbeing.  

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Story by:
Jessica Hassell, second-year higher education administration graduate student, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major


Benne, Kenneth D, and Sheats, Paul. “Functional Roles of Group Members.” Journal of Social Issues. 4.2 (1948): 41–49. Web.

“Power and Control Wheels.” Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, 2017,

“Types of Abuse – Loveisrespect.”, National Domestic Violence Hotline, 2017,

The Mental Health Benefits of Cosplay

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Meet Allison Niemiec, a first year graduate student in the Higher Education Administrative Track program, who wrote this article because cosplay has been […]

Faculty PROFile: College of Education’s Angela Beale-Tawfeeq

Meet Dr. Angela Beale-Tawfeeq, Associate Professor of Health and Physical Education Teacher Education within the College of Education.

What is your area of expertise? My area of expertise is program Dr. Angela Beale-Tawfeeq sitting at her desk.development and evaluation for minority communities, drowning prevention and aquatic safety among African American and Hispanic/Latino populations, youth development and culturally responsive teaching.

I currently serve as a member of the American Red Cross, Scientific Advisory Council, Aquatic Sub Council, and the director of education and research for Diversity in Aquatics, a nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization whose mission is to save lives and reduce the incidence of drowning through global efforts.

Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your discipline that made you feel passionate about your field? When I came to realize that I could transform the perception of the field of health and physical education by showing how physical education can have a positive effect on public health. The perception of physical education and health education often times has been limited to stereotypical images of the “coach” with a whistle using their “outside voice” to encourage students to participate in physical education classes, hence physical activity. When I came to understand that I could become a “change agent” in my community, combining my love of family, culturally relevant pedagogy, social justice, to encourage youth through physical education/health and wellness, I strive to teach my students to view themselves as agents of change who will teach in classrooms with more than walls and balls.

Dr. Angela Beale-Tawfeeq sitting in James Hall.Share with us one aspect of student engagement that you enjoy most, and why? The opportunity to empower communities and students to empower themselves with relevant and inspiring educational experiences that will enable them to take control of their lives, shape their career goals, imagine future endeavors and become active participants in their scholastic journey.

Describe an experience you’ve had with a student that made you feel excited about educating the next generation in your field? One of the most challenging aspects of academia is finding out how you will be able to add to the body of literature in one’s professional field in the areas of research, service and teaching. At times, I have struggled with finding my voice among the structured parameters of research which defines worth by one’s ability to “conduct a systematic investigation of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.”  It is my belief that as an educator one must have or be willing to gain a true knowledge of the students and their world to present content that can evoke an intrinsic response.

From 2008 – 2013, I developed Project Guard: Make A Splash E.N.D.N.Y, an aquatic and water safety initiative developed for schools and community organizations to foster respect, responsibility and relevance. Project Guard: Make A Splash E.N.D.N.Y was a collaborative venture among the (ARC) American Red Cross of Long Island, USA Olympic Swimming: Make A Splash Initiative, Adelphi University, the Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) Alliance and a neighboring local school district. It was this collaborative opportunity with students, at both the university and K-12 levels, that I believe that whether we are teaching in the local public schools or in an institution of higher education that we are supposed to provide students with relevant curriculum that will be meaningful and not dehumanizing to them. I believe we should design programs and opportunities because we believe that if we do not lead by example, we cannot expect our students to follow and model what they have learned and been taught.

I believe we teach because we believe that students are supposed to be researchers, problem solvers, critical thinkers, learners and much more. I believe we teach because we believe that students should be able to believe that goals in life are always achievable as long as they do not give in. I believe we teach because we believe that Dr. Angela Beale-Tawfeeq typing at her desk.providing relevant physical education and physical activity may require collaborations beyond school. We do it because we know that students must be “global citizens” and culturally aware and be prepared to use strategies that will sustain them whether in the classroom and in life, for “a new world order is in the making, and it is up to us to prepare ourselves that we may take our rightful place in it” (el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, Malcolm X, 1963).

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or your research focus? One of the things that I wish people knew about the field? It is more than a field of play. One purpose of health education physical education methods courses is to help preservice teachers develop an understanding of, and acquire, the pedagogical skills needed to facilitate learning through movement. As a professional, I strive to engage stakeholders in the K-12 experience. I believe that through the creation of innovative programs, embedded in the richness of the culture, curricula, and communities, that we are all a part of, we will begin to create the next generation of effective teachers who are truly reflective of the students and communities they serve.

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​​Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

Success For All: Support Systems at Rowan and Where to Find Them

If your student has a documented disability, sending them to college without an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may feel downright scary. 

Lisa Wilner, parent of a College of Education graduate student in the Higher Education program, wants to flip the script. 

“[Parents] need to understand that universities are not abandoning the IEP resources that your child had,” she said. “Your job is to teach your child to use the resources that exist and to find the proper university for your major that has the resources. Rowan has them.” 

Lisa is a featured speaker for the Academic Success Center’s College Prep Transition Conference and a parent network member with Rowan’s Autism PATH program, which aims to strengthen employment outcomes and networking opportunities for neurodiverse students and alumni. 

Lisa’s tips, gleaned from five years at Rowan with her son, Ben — who also earned his undergraduate degree in Music from the College of Performing Arts — offer a parent’s take into the university’s academic and wellness resources.

  • “If you have a student with a disability, you should register them with the Academic Success Center, even if you don’t think they’ll need it. If they think they can get extra test-taking time at the Testing Center, and they didn’t register and they ask the professor, they’re still going to have to take that test. It’s not like they can change it instantly. To register with the Academic Success Center, they need their senior year or [most recent] documentation of disability.” 

  • “I highly recommend the College Compass [transition to college] program. Students come in early, before the rest of freshmen students, and they get familiar with the school. They get comfortable, before everything starts to happen. And whether your student is on the [autism] spectrum, has ADD, has emotional issues, no matter what challenges, it gives them a comfort zone within the school.”

  • “Register with Academic Success Center to work with an academic coach. I look at it as an insurance policy. If they never use it, that’s wonderful. But if they need it and you didn’t register them, you’re going to have issues because you can’t go backwards.”

  • “This is for all students — drop-in and math tutoring and writing labs, all students have [access to] those. We just have to teach our children to utilize the services.” 

  • “[Students] have to build relationship with professors. Meet your professors. They have to know who you are by name. They have to go to their office hours. Get their email. When your student gets their accommodation letter, give it to the professor on day one, trust your student to do that.”

  • “Your student needs to utilize Blackboard and check their email. I get more calls from parents saying my son’s crashing because he never checked his email. Some students are really good about that, others aren’t. A lot of professors [also] communicate through smartphones.” 

  • “The first two weeks of the semester and right before finals, your student will be freaking out. They will be a stress mess. So whatever their stress relief is, tell them to do it … it could be the gym or to just breathe. Rowan has something that is very unique — they have one counselor [at the Wellness Center] who specializes with working with students on the [autism] spectrum, ADD and such.”
Lisa Ann Wilner with son Ben Wilner at home
Lisa Ann Wilner with son Ben (left) at home.

Lisa’s final tips: “Your student knows more than you think they know. You just have to get them to advocate for themselves. At this point, we’re letting the student go. We’re their emotional support and their encouragement. Rowan is their scholastic support.”

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Alumni Success: William Moylan, Special Education Teacher

Unified Sports members posing for a photo

William Moylan graduated with his bachelor’s degree in Subject Matter Education/Math (2013) and master’s in Special Education (2015). From Park Ridge, NJ (Bergen County), William chose Rowan because he liked the small school feel and the respected education program. The distance was also perfect for him — Rowan was close enough for it to be “close to home” but also far enough away so he could “get away.”

William Moylan (top row, second from left) credits his on-campus experience with Unified Sports with his own work as a special education teacher.
William Moylan (top row, second from left) credits his on-campus experience in Unified Sports with inspiring his career as a special education teacher.

Bill worked in the Recreation Center when he attended Rowan. He says that many of the essential skills that helped him then and later in life were provided by the Rec Center, such as resume building, social skills and figuring out where he wanted to take his career. 

Bill also worked with Unified Sports, a program where Special Olympics athletes and Rowan students come together to play competitive games; it also offered students volunteer coaching opportunities. This experience led Bill down the career path he’s in now in special education. It helped him realize how important working in a positive atmosphere is, and he wanted to instill that feeling to more students.

Bill recalled his idea to have he and the other coaches start wearing suits to their games. Along with suits, they’d wear different outfits for certain events, like pink for breast cancer awareness and Hawaiian shirts for the Hawaiian Invitational event. This tradition, along with others started by Bill and his friends, carries on to this day. 

Bill said the most exciting thing he’s currently doing is working with the Special Olympics and Unified Sports, “being able to make an impact on individuals with intellectual disabilities and how that environment around Unified and the atmosphere can trickle into every day life and society,” he explained. 

The most fulfilling part of his career now is working with the intellectually disabled, being able use his youth right now to show that he’s been in their shoes and that their struggles are OK. He shows them a perspective from an inclusive atmosphere to help them be able to grow.

Rowan alumnus William Moylan speaks at a Unified Sports event
Moylan speaks at a Unified Sports event.

Bill teaches math at Whippany Park High School, where he says he always talks to his students about the positive environment you can find in college and in general how valuable the experience of college can be.

This is Bill’s fifth year teaching, and the first year that he’s seeing students he’s been with throughout their high school experience graduate and move on to college. He says 12-15 of his students are coming to Rowan for the class of 2023.

When asked if he had any advice for students interested in his career path, Bill believes the biggest thing that made his application stand out from others was his involvement with the Rec Center, Unified Sports and the Special Olympics. Bill urges any student to start joining clubs and getting these valuable experiences as soon as they can. He mentioned that he started working with Unified Sports during his junior year and wishes he had started even sooner.

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Story by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Photos courtesy of:
William Moylan

First Year Voices: Rowan Choice Orientation

A group photo of three freshmen outside Wilson Hall
Three Rowan Choice students standing together in the Wilson Hall Courtyard.

Meet Ariana, Connor and Kayla, three Rowan Choice freshmen who met at orientation this summer.

“I’m so excited for the new adventure here on campus,” says Ariana Trabucco, an incoming Marketing major from Wayne, NJ (Passaic County).

“I’m most looking forward to being on a such a diverse campus. Rowan is a cultural mixing pot, and I’m excited to meet all sorts of new people,” says Connor Stevenson, an incoming Theatre Arts major from Haddonfield, NJ (Camden County).

“I can’t wait to meet new friends from different areas and new places. Since nobody knows me yet, it feels like a fresh new start with all new friends,” says Kayla Szymanski, an incoming Early Childhood Education major from Old Bridge, NJ (Middlesex County).

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Story and photography by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/television/film major

Danielle’s Journey from the Ed.D. Program to Overseer of $20 Million

Woman sitting in pink lawn chair laughing while the sun shines down

Meet Dr. Danielle B. Jubanyik, a Rowan alumna and Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County) native with her Ed.D. in educational leadership. Danielle is currently working at the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development as the State Director for Adult Education & Literacy Services. She is responsible for $20 million worth of funds that are used to help New Jersey adults attain a stronger education and hopefully lead to a brighter future. Learn how Rowan’s Ed.D. program helped prepare her for making a powerful impact in the New Jersey community.Professional business woman smiling at the camera

Danielle started her Rowan University journey 20 years ago, finishing her undergrad with a B.A. in English with a secondary education certification in 2003. Five years later, she earned her M.Ed. in teacher leadership with a writing arts concentration, and then completed her Ed.D. in 2013.

“Education has always been a passion of mine,” said Danielle. “One of my fondest memories is playing school as a child over summer breaks.” Danielle’s passion for education was easily matched at Rowan — a fact she knew early on as her mom attended the school when it was known as Glassboro State College. It became a “no-brainer” for her to attend, pairing the school’s positive reputation with its affordability.

“The rigor for this doctorate was intense, the amount of research requirements helped me to become a stronger writer and speaker, and the cohort portion allowed me to grow from others with different perspectives,” Danielle revealed. The cohort allows students to build off one another in the program, providing an experience with diversity and multiple facets for students to grow from.

At the beginning of the program you conduct research into a topic of your choosing associated with education, leading you to write the research portion (Chapter 1) of what will become a dissertation. Once this portion is completed, it must be presented to a dissertation chair (chosen by the student) for review and approval. “Presenting to the dissertation chair allows them to judge whether you can read, write, research, synthesize information and demonstrate your dedication,” Danielle explained.

Following this initial check-point you continue with the required coursework, with each class acting as a different puzzle piece for the dissertation. “You may begin to meet folks in-person and may be doing surveys or phone interviews,” said Danielle, referring to the bulk of the program. “In another class you’ll learn about social justice — potentially writing a chapter about why it’s important to learn about the perceptions and professional development people are receiving to produce a well-versed teacher.”

Once you’re finished writing the dissertation, you present a Rowan-formatted package to a dissertation committee (a group of individuals selected by the student to review and critique the work). After passing their approval, you schedule the dissertation symposium. This openWoman leaning against a wall while the sun shines through a window behind her event allows the student to present all findings while arguing their research to a committee that will judge whether you’re ready to receive the title of doctor.

The experiences Danielle had throughout her time in the Ed.D. program prepared her for her current role as the State Director for Adult Education & Literacy Services. As a representative for the state of New Jersey in Washington, D.C. she needs to hold strong communication skills that allow her to defend her views and argue for her opinions. “All of these pieces of the Ed.D. program: multitudes of research, the rigor, the accountability, speaking components all factor into my job,” said Danielle. Rowan’s Ed.D. program provides students all of these opportunities for an impactful career that can help change lives for the better.

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Story and photography by:
Alexander Belli, new graduate with a B.A. in public relations and advertising

The Ed.D. Program Showed Christina Just How Strong She Truly Is

Family of four strolling down a side walk on the main street of a town

Meet Christina DiDonato Dillon, mother of two (Luke, one year old and Filomena, 10 months old) and wife to Drew. Christina earned her undergraduate degree in early childhood education and sociology from Rowan University in 2011, graduated in 2016 with her M.A. in school administration, and is currently working toward earning her Ed.D. in educational leadership. Christina lives in Hammonton, NJ (Atlantic County) with her beautiful family while working as a real estate agent and assisting her parents with the family business, KMD Constructions. This is truly one woman who can do it all!

A woman in a pink top and white pants with her hand on her hip posing on a busy town street sidewalkChristina, a lifelong Prof, found her love for teaching at an early age and knew Rowan University would be the school to help her achieve this dream. “I knew Rowan was the choice for me,” said Christina. “I was most impressed with the devotion its faculty and staff have towards education and truly teaching it like a calling.” During her time within the College of Education, Christina has had the opportunity to learn from inspiring professors. Creating connections that helped her find her first teaching position in the Deptford Township School District. Christina has had seven years within the public schooling system teaching pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and second grade.

Now, working toward her Ed.D in educational leadership, Christina looks back and reflects on the accomplishments she’s already achieved and the dedication she’s put into the program. When entering the Ed.D program you can expect to conduct heavy research into a topic you choose and must get approval for by faculty within the program. You will grow your understanding of qualitative and quantitative data, build more on courses from previous graduate and undergraduate programs, and eventually A family of four with a son and daughter sitting at a coffee shop table happily talking to each othercomplete a dissertation. “The coursework is incredibly reflective,” Christina explained, referring to the educational leadership program. “It’s something that helps you to better understand ‘who am I,’ allowing you to apply the concepts in real-world situations.”

Through this program, Christina learned about the strength she’s always had within her and discovered what she was capable of accomplishing. “The program is so motivating and also difficult, but it brings you to a point of ‘what kind of person am I as a leader, as a teacher, and as a person in a family?” Christina revealed, referring to juggling all her responsibilities. The program, though challenging, benefits its students in ways one might not expect. As Christina has shown, you may learn more about yourself through A woman wearing a pink shirt holding a baby girl in front of a decorative chalkboardworking towards an Ed.D while still gaining that higher education.

“Leadership influences change toward a shared vision through empowerment and built relationships. The concept that leadership is an influential process is the thought and definition I endorse. When thought of as an influential process, we can combine the ideas that leadership is complete as a trait, ability, skill, behavior and relationship.” An excerpt from Christina’s dissertation, which is titled Organizational Culture, Partnerships, and Placemaking — Social Emotional Learning via the Perspectives of School Leaders and Parents in an Early Childhood Setting: An Ethnographic Case Study.

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Story and photography by:
Alexander Belli, new graduate with a B.A. in public relations and advertising

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Christian Pineda

Christian facing front towards the camera

Today we speak with Christian Pineda, a junior English and education dual major. He transferred to Rowan University last fall semester after two semesters at Rowan College at Gloucester County.

Name: Christian Pineda
Year: Senior
Major: English & Education
Hometown: Franklinville, NJ (Gloucester County)
Transfer student? Yes
Where do you live? Off-campus

“What gets me out of bed in the morning is my writing,” said Christian. He is currently in the process of writing a book, having always had a passion for creative writing he is finally able to make his own creation.

“I would tell someone interested in English or education that either field is full of opportunity but they are also fields that you have to love what you do!’ 

“Something that inspired me and made me know that I was in the right field was after I started class for my programs specifically. A common response from many students, most say after their second year at college they really started enjoying learning about their future field,” Christian shared.

Christian looking at his laptop

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Story and Photography by:
Justin Borelli, senior advertising major

Sean’s Home Away From Home: Kappa Delta Pi

Sean Lowry, a senior elementary education major with a dual major in geography from Caldwell, NJ (Essex County), feels most at home within the education honor society at Rowan, Kappa Delta Pi. A transfer student from the County College of Morris, this year Sean is president of Kappa Delta Pi and lives on campus in 220 Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Video by: Alexander Belli, senior public relations and advertising major
Edited by: Nicole Cier, junior writing arts major
Music by: Don Dewitt, junior music industry major

Marcus’s Home Away From Home: Education Praxis Lab [VIDEO]

Marcus standing inside James Hall near the Praxis Lab in jacket and bookbag on

Marcus King feels most at home around his friends and classmates in the Rowan Praxis Lab in James Hall. Get a sneak peak into the area that’s important to this junior health and physical education major from Willingboro, NJ (Burlington County.)

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Video by: Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and theatre double major
Music by: Dan Ledden, senior public relations major

#PROFspective: Ph.D. in Education Candidate Sanaz Shahi

close up of business woman with brick building in the background

Today, we speak with Sanaz Shahi, a Ph.D. candidate in Education from Iran-Tehran, who lives off campus. Sanaz will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University international student and how she got the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Year: Ph.D Candidate. (expected year of graduation: […]

Rebecca Schnier Discusses Student Teaching

Rebecca Shnier stands outside of James Hall at Rowan University, in front of a bronze artwork that says Knowledge is Power

Meet Rebecca Schnier, a senior Education and Liberal Studies dual major from North Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County). She has a Teachers of Students with Disabilities endorsement and student teaches at John H. Winslow Elementary School in Vineland, NJ.  Today we chat with her about the opportunities she has had to engage in her majors at Rowan University, […]

#PROFspective: Art and Secondary Education Dual Major Molly Moore

Today, we speak with Molly Moore, a junior art and secondary education major from Robbinsville, NJ (Mercer County), who rents a house off campus. Molly will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]

#PROFspective: Mathematics and Education Major Lawrance Stephenson

Student outside Wilson Hall on bridge

Today, we speak with Lawrance Stephenson-Mosley, a freshmen Mathematics and Education major from Bridgeton, NJ, who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Lawrance will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he got the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. […]

Students Unify Rowan through Unified Sports

Kaitlee and Joseph sit on a bench together

 Co-presidents of Unified Sports, seniors Kaitlee Francisco, an elementary education and mathematics major from Washington Township (Gloucester County) and Joseph Egan, a mechanical engineering major from Fairfield (Essex County) contribute to the Rowan and South Jersey communities in ways that go far beyond the classroom.  On Nov. 3, Kaitlee and Joseph were elated to see […]

#PROFspective: Psychological Science Major Mark A. Ziegler-Thayer

Mark inside Campbell Library at Rowan on campus

Today, we speak with Mark A. Ziegler-Thayer, a junior psychological science major from Stratford (Camden County), New Jersey, who lives on campus, in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. Mark will share their #PROFpective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how they’re getting the most out of their university experience […]

Accepted Students Preview the College of Education

Naveen stands arms outstretched in front of stained glass at James Hall

The College of Education at Rowan University recently held an Accepted Students Banquet for incoming freshmen looking to pursue a major in education. A busy schedule of events invited prospective students to explore all that Rowan has to offer and learn more about what being a Prof is all about. Ambassadors were eager to speak […]

Elementary Education & Liberal Studies #PROFspective: Jen Fagan (Student Teaching Edition)

Today we speak with Jennifer Fagan, a senior elementary education and liberal studies major from Kenilworth (Union County), New Jersey, who rents a townhouse off campus. Jennifer will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student who is completing her student teaching this semester.  Name: Jennifer Fagan Major: […]

Henry, College of Education at Rowan University [VIDEO]

Henry, a Rowan University College of Education student sits in elementary school classroom

Hey! I’m Henry, a junior at the College of Education. Welcome to my College, and to Rowan University. Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Video Created By: Alexander Belli, public relations and advertising double major Carlo Lingesso, public relations major Courtney Hopper, marketing and advertising double major Jayce Williams, music […]

#PROFspective: Early Childhood Education & Literacy Studies Major Melissa Martinique

Education major Melissa outside of Robinson Circle at Rowan University campus

Today, we speak with Melissa Martinique, a junior early childhood education and literacy studies major from West Milford Township (Passaic County), NJ, who lives on campus in townhouses. Melissa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college […]

#PROFspective: Elementary Education & Liberal Studies Major Destiny Shoultz

Rowan student Destiny sitting outside of Chamberlin student center at Rowan University

Today, we speak with Destiny Shoultz, a senior elementary education and liberal studies major from Pine Hill (Camden County), NJ, who commutes from home. Destiny will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]

#PROFspective: Art Education Major Melissa Glenn

Rowan student Melissa holding her drawing outside Westby art building

Today, we speak with Melissa Glenn, a recent graduate this fall with a bachelor’s degree in art education from Randolph (Morris County), NJ, who lives in a rental house off campus. Melissa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she got the most out […]

#PROFspective: Early Childhood Education and American Studies Major Chrissie McCabe

Rowan student Chrissie outside of Robinson Hall reading a book

Today, we speak with Chrissie McCabe, a senior early childhood education & American studies major from Mantua (Gloucester County), NJ, who commutes from home. Chrissie will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]

Inside Look: 5 Reasons Brinsley Loves Living in Magnolia Hall

Living at Rowan University is something incoming resident students look forward to. It’s  an exciting time to grow and learn about living away from home. For many, this is the first opportunity to live independently without any family close by. It’s the first stepping stone into adulthood. Brinsley Granatella, freshman chemistry education major from Egg […]

#PROFspective: Subject Matter Education and English Major Evan Newlin

Evan standing outside of James Hall at statue

Today, we speak with Evan Newlin, a senior subject matter education and English major from Mount Laurel (Burlington County), NJ, who commutes. Evan will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Major: Subject Matter […]

#PROFspective: Elementary Education & Literacy Studies Major Katherine Brown

Today we speak with Katherine Brown, a senior elementary education and literacy studies major from Cherry Hill, Camden County, who lives off campus. Katherine will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Katherine Brown – […]

#PROFspective: Early Childhood Education Major Naveen Khan

Student in SGA office

Today we speak with Naveen Khan, a senior early childhood education and history/Spanish double major from Cherry Hill, Camden County, who commutes from home. She will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Naveen Khan […]

#PROFspective: Education and History Double Major Erin Anderson

student outside office of admissions

Today we speak with Erin Anderson, a junior education and history major from Marlton, Burlington County, who lives off campus. Erin will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Erin Anderson Major: Subject Matter Education: History […]

#PROFspective: Secondary Education & History Major Joseph Bittmann

student poses for honor society

Today we meet Joseph Bittmann, a senior secondary education and history double major from Washington Township, Gloucester County. Joe talks about his #PROFspective on his final year at Rowan and how he’s successfully balancing being a club president, honor student, and Rowan Prof! Name: Joseph Bittmann Major: Dual major in Secondary Education and History within the College of Education […]

#PROFspective: Elementary Education & English Major Lila Kelley

student preps for exam sitting at a table

Today we speak with Lila Kelley, a junior Elementary Education and English dual major from Sicklerville, Camden County, who commutes to Rowan. Lila will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Lila Kelley Major: Elementary Education […]

#PROFspective: Elementary Education and English Major Nicole Wyglendowski

Nicole Wyglendowski working as a supervisor at the Rowan's Rec Center

Today we speak with Nicole Wyglendowski, a senior elementary education and English dual major from Washington Township, Warren County, who rents a house off campus. Nicole will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a […]