Writing Creative Non-Fiction, My Favorite Class at Rowan University

Asiye studying inside of the library.

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series. With 100+ majors and countless areas of faculty expertise across campus, dip into one of these classes to fulfill your Rowan University course requirements. [Editor review and update November 15, 2024.] As I complete my final semester here at Rowan University, I’ve taken a vast […]

National Book Month: Writing Arts & Journalism Students, Faculty Share Favorite Reads

A female student browses a bookshelf at the bookstore.

The month of October is known as a time centered around witches, pumpkins, and candy of course. However, as werewolves howl at the moon and that first October moon rises, National Book Month also begins! With only 31 days to celebrate Rowan students and faculty weigh on their favorite current and past reads on their […]

Spotlight Welcome on Incoming Transfer Paige Britt

Paige stands in the sun with flowers behind her.

“While I’m really excited to be going to Rowan, my biggest concerns when choosing a school were the financial aspects. It was really important to me that all of my credits transferred and that I could truly afford the school I was going to. Rowan made that happen for me.” Written by Jordyn Dauter, sophomore […]

#PROFspective: A Closer Look At PULLA Tracker and its Founder Siena Rampulla

Rowan University Psychology major Siena stands underneath the art installation Time Sweeps by Discovery Hall.

Siena Rampulla is a senior student here at Rowan University, originally from Holmdel, NJ (Monmouth County). Siena is a Psychology major, with an honors concentration and a minor in Journalism.  When asked to share more about her major, Siena explained she originally planned to go on the pre-med track, which was a long-term dream of […]

Rowan University Student Discovers New Passion After Finding The Whit [VIDEO]

After discovering our school newspaper, The Whit, Helena Perray ’22 changed her major to Journalism and worked her way up to become co-editor-in-chief her senior year. She credits The Whit for helping her build relationships and her interpersonal communication skills. “The Whit has been an invaluable experience because you’re working with a group of people […]

Beyond the Classroom: Sports Communication, Journalism Major Larry Diehlman Writes for South Jersey Magazine

Larry holds a notebook outside on an athletic field.

Meet Larry Diehlman, a senior Sports Communication and Media and Journalism double major with a German minor and Esports CUGS. Larry is a commuter student from Gloucester County, NJ and a columnist for The Whit campus newspaper. Here, Larry tells us about his summer internship with South Jersey Magazine and offers advice for future journalists. 

How did you discover your internship?

I actually found it in an email from Professor Kathryn Quigley [chair of the Journalism Department]. She was sending all these emails about internships. I was looking through the emails, and I found the South Jersey Magazine internship. I saw the requirements, and I thought, “Ok, this could be good.” I feel like the work I do there is pretty good. I am so glad I got it. 

Larry leans against a fence inside Wackar Stadium.

What does your day-to-day look like at South Jersey Magazine?

It honestly depends on what the assistant editor of the magazine needs me to do. A lot of times I’m doing events and calendars. Sometimes I go online, and find events or whittle down articles or press releases she gives me, so we can put them in the magazine. Sometimes they’ll give me mini projects to do. Last week, she gave me an assignment. I had to go back and look at all the covers from 2016 to the present of one of our branches. For South Jersey Biz, I had a look back at the covers, and if they had a person or people on them, I had to write who it was and who they were for. We’re avoiding repeats so we can have fresh covers as much as we can. I know Dr. Houshmand was on there a few times. That’s the day-to-day. Projects, events, calendars and whatever they need me to do.

Have you learned anything new in this internship?

Yes. I’ve learned the power of editing, such as trimming down articles, what’s important in a story and what’s maybe not, at least for that excerpt. I’ve learned about using the power of research, looking up events, and seeing what’s relevant and what’s not.

I always work in a timely manner, and I always make sure I hit deadlines, but deadlines are always another great thing to practice. But I’ve learned a lot of good skills so far. I haven’t done too much of being given something to write about and going to write it. But I’ve been honing skills I’ve learned from journalism classes or The Whit. Those are what I’ve learned so far.

Larry writes in a notebook inside Wackar Stadium.

Has your experience helped you inside and outside of school?

I’m trying to learn things outside of the classroom. I got to a point where I feel I get it already in the classroom. I want to actually apply my knowledge to the outside world. With one semester left in college, I can finally take that next step into the real world, not worry about a book assignment due in a week. It feels so liberating to be outside of the classroom.

Why did you choose Rowan University?

Rowan was the first choice I had. It had the major I wanted. I knew some of my friends would be there. It was honestly close by. It was just everything I wanted, and the tuition wasn’t ridiculously expensive. If you go to other colleges, one semester over there might be the same price as two or three semesters at Rowan. All those factors were good. I got accepted to other schools, but I tossed the other two aside. I said, “I’m at Rowan.”

Why did you choose your Sports Communication and Media major, and then your Journalism major?

I’ve always wanted to do something in sports. I came into Rowan with a passion for broadcasting, but I guess over time, I realized maybe I didn’t have the broadcasting voice, so I pushed my way to the writing side. I know COVID took away certain opportunities, and there are only so many spots available, so I decided writing is more my strong suit.

Larry stands at the 50 yard line inside Wackar Stadium.

Can you tell us about your column with The Whit?

I do a weekly NBA column called “Diehlman at Halftime.” I know it’s pretty popular on the site and in the column section. I talked about a variety of NBA teams, and I know that some of the other columns and articles that people do focus a lot on Philadelphia area sports, but I go through the whole rotation of the NBA. I praise some teams, and I mock teams. Sometimes I go a little harder on others, but I tried to throw some humor in there a lot. But I try to divide it into an introduction and then highlight low light and a random stat. It’s more my commentary, but I have statistics. 

Did your work with this weekly column prepare you for your current internship?

Oh, yeah, definitely. We had to email the editor at South Jersey Magazine or wherever we were applying for a resume cover letter and writing samples. I think I had to submit either three or five. The samples I sent were from my columns. I noticed they were impressed. I think it definitely helped.

What are your future goals and career goals?

Before I started at Rowan, I said, “I want to be a sports broadcaster. I’m going to be the next Monday Night Football guy.” That dream plummeted, realizing that few people get that job, even those with the experience. Some people who actually played the sport don’t even get that job. I decided it would not work. I had to come to the writing side, and I’m like, “Well, I could cover a team, I could cover a league, the NFL and NBA are where I’m at.”

With The Whit, I have some NBA experience already. Now the traveling part, I don’t, but it will give me a starting point to show an employer I can turn things in on a weekly basis. I can also make fresh content, not just saying the same five things over again. That’s my ambition. But Neil Hartman has always told us, “You’re not going to get the ESPN job on day one.”

Larry sits near a laptop inside Wackar Stadium.

What is your advice for future students on internships?

I would say try to get involved as early as you can. There are some opportunities that you can’t get early on. For example, you had to be a sophomore to get this internship. So you might not get certain opportunities as a freshman, but in sophomore year and above, try to get as much experience as you can. If you’re getting emails about internships, don’t just delete them, actually open them and see what they’re about.

When you’re at the internships, just try to soak in as much as you can. Obviously, take nothing for granted. Be on time and do your work. Complain as little as you can. Just try to use everything you can, and maybe apply it back to the classroom. For example, if it’s a summer internship, I’ll take everything I’m learning right now. Then, I’ll go into the fall semester and say, “Okay, this is what I learned” and tie it in with what the professors teach us. Now, I’ll take that, and I’ll reapply it at my next opportunity. Then it’s just this one continuing cycle until you get a full-time job, and you’re working many hours a week. So definitely soak in as much knowledge as you can.

Final thoughts?

I guess it’s been a weird experience going through COVID during college and studying journalism. I was fortunate enough to graduate high school right before COVID, so my high school experience was untouched. In my second semester of college, COVID said, “Here is my time now,” so I had one real semester of college and then everything went south, having those two semesters that we’ll never get back in person. Now that we’ve made a comeback here on campus, it’s been an experience just learning to adapt to this major.

Journalism is certainly a major that was affected by COVID, especially with sports. But always learn how to adapt. No matter what major you’re in, and if you have to adapt and learn quickly, and also pace yourself as well. 

Like what you see?


Edited by:
Rachel Rumsby, senior communication studies and public relations major

Photos by:
Ashley Craven, junior sports communication and media major

Alumni Success: “What’s Good” with Isaiah Showell ‘15, Multimedia Journalist and Local Storyteller

Isaiah interviews a subject for What's Good.

Isaiah Showell of Atlantic County has hosted and produced more than 100 videos spotlighting the people, places and programs of South Jersey communities for the series “What’s Good,” which he founded in 2017. Isaiah, who graduated with a Journalism degree from the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts, shares his own South Jersey […]

Black #PROFspective: Radio/TV/Film and Journalism Dual Major Kariyah Bennett

Today we feature Kariyah Bennett, a Radio/Television/Film and Journalism double major. Kariyah is from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County) and is a senior graduating this spring. Kariyah spends her free time as a member of Rowan Radio and the Rowan Television Network. She also works at the Rowan Recreation Center. Kariyah shares her experience as […]

Transfer to Transformed: Five Students Share

Exterior shot of a walkway near Wilson Hall.

Rowan Blog celebrates National Transfer Student Week and partners with the Office of Student Success Programs in spotlighting five students who have found their new college home at Rowan University. Victoria (Tore) Butler, Elementary Education and Literacy Studies major who transferred from The University of Scranton in fall 2019 Why did you select to transfer […]

Senior Reflects: Dyone Payne, PR Major, Reflects on the Joys of College

Dee poses ecstatically in a pink dress and glasses, with her hands up in the air.

Today we speak with Dyone Payne, who will be graduating this May with a degree in Public Relations and two minors in Journalism and Strategic Communication. Dyone is from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County) and is part of the Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) sorority. 

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

My favorite class memory was with Dr. Schoenstein during IMC. Every week we would give a presentation about a product or company we created. From start to finish, we created the logos, company brand, position statement, and most importantly the presentation. She actually wanted us to be prepared for the real world. She wanted us to be able to present a brand in a short amount of time. 

Could you share your favorite social memory?

Meet the Greeks is one of my favorites. To see all of the organizations come together, perform, have a good time, and most importantly inform students about who they are. 

What are your career aspirations?

I aspire to work in the marketing and advertising space. I would love to contribute to storytelling, especially in this environment.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

The EOF program is how I got admitted into Rowan. They have been a major support system to and for me throughout the past four years! Shout out to everyone in that office. 

Dyone poses by a pile of lemons and hanging plants at the Philadelphia Garden Convention, wearing a lovely baby blue dress.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

Shout out to my advisors and professors, Mr. Morton, Ms. Brucker, Mrs. Mummert, Prof. Farney, and Prof. Rodolico. From beginning to end, all of you have pushed me to grow beyond boundaries, ask questions, and go beyond what is expected of a student, person, and most importantly, a professional. I value each lesson I learned from every one of you.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Professor Royek! I believe I took Composition Writing I or II with him my freshman year. Professor Royek taught me so many lessons, but most importantly he taught me to always ask questions, be patient, and learn something from what others have to offer. I’ll never forget he helped me with my paper and as we did the mock interview he taught me how to be conversational rather than sticking to the script. 

I then applied that to my life by always having a plan and if the plan fails, improvise! Want to learn from people. Want to be friendly. And most importantly take your time!!

What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience? 

Incoming freshmen, take your time. Whatever you want to do, do it and don’t let anyone stop you! You’ll learn so many things once you just live life outside the classroom. At the end of the day, JUST DO YOU!

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Leadership #PROFspective: Kalie VanDewater, Editor-in-Chief of the Whit

Kalie sits and smiles outside on campus.

Today we feature Kalie VanDewater, a leader at Rowan University. Kalie is Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of Rowan’s newspaper, The Whit. She is a senior Journalism and Modern Languages and Linguistics double major with a minor in International Studies from Mount Holly, NJ (Burlington County). Kalie is also involved in the Rowan Environmental Action League and ASL Club

This story is part of a series spotlighting campus leaders during Women’s History Month. 

Kalie stands on a walkway on campus.

What is your role in your organization?

As EIC of the Whit, I have a managerial role. I do a lot of coordination with the printer we work with, advertisers, and I usually write the editorial every week, and make sure all the other editors and writers know what they’re doing and answer any questions they might have. 

Kalie also adds that when she first started working for the Whit her sophomore year, the staff was mostly male. In her three years there, she’s seen a trend in more diversity with race, gender and majors. 

Can you briefly describe what your organization does?

We’re basically the independent student newspaper on campus, so that means we are the source of news on campus. We cover events that are happening and general university happenings. We get to dictate what content we put out. We’re student-run, so we don’t have faculty influence aside from our advisor who is there to make sure things are running smoothly. 

Kalie sits and smiles outside on campus.

What have you learned in your role as a leader?

I’ve learned to trust the people that I’m leading with their capabilities. I tend to be very particular about what I want to do. I started last year as our features editor, I would have an image in my head about what I thought an article should turn out like, but I’m not writing the article, someone else is. I had to get used to trusting my staff. It’s been a lot of learning when to step in and when to take a step back and let everyone do their own thing. You can be a leader without having control all the time. 

What’s the most significant barrier to women today?

It’s that we don’t say what we feel. I feel like it’s kind of been internalized to just accept what is happening. It’s that feeling of if I don’t do what everyone else wants, I won’t be accepted. I think because of that, ideas and feelings that are completely valid may not be brought to light. 

Kalie sits at a bistro table on campus.

What advice would you give to the next generation of leaders?

Be confident in yourself and confident in your abilities. Specifically for leading, be confident in the people that you are leading. Know the strengths and weaknesses of your team. It’s important to know.

Check out Kalie’s work at The Whit here.  

Like what you see?


Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations major and 
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Leadership #PROFspective: Camryn Hadley, Choosing Her Own Legacy

Camryn kneeling outside near a house and bush.

Today we feature Camryn Hadley, a leader at Rowan University. Camryn is involved with many activities on campus like SUP (Student University Programmers), Student Government Association, PRaction, Residence Life and more. Camryn is a senior from Somerset, NJ (Somerset County) who double majors in Public Relations and Advertising with minors in Journalism and New Media […]

Lifting Black Creative Voices

Desi smiles outside on campus.

Today we are highlighting Black students who major in creative fields at Rowan University. Each share insight on being a Black student in a major/field where there is not strong representation and tell us where they are headed in their professional careers.

Jabreeah smiling and wearing a grey Rowan sweatshirt with a burnt orange jacket.

“I really didn’t have an insight being a Black student coming from a predominantly white high school; however, when I got to college I was able to express myself about my views. In terms of my professional goals, I want to work behind the scenes in movies.” – Jabreeah Holmes, senior Radio/TV/Film major, Camden, NJ

Check out some of Jabreeah’s work on her YouTube channel.

An artistic photo of Giovanna with a halo over her head.

“Since Black women artists are not predominant in the art field nor get the representation that they deserve, it motivates me to stand out and make work that’s unique or different. Also, to make work that responds to Black issues and beauty. For my professional goals, I’m still debating about that. Right now, I’m considering a career in the museum field like a museum archivist, a curator or a crime scene technician in the forensic/ law and justice field.” – Giovanna Eley, senior Art major with a minor in Law and Justice and CUGS: Forensic Studies, transfer student from Rutgers Camden,  Plainfield, NJ (Union County)

Check out Giovanna’s portfolio here: https://giovannaeley.com

Sabrea posing for a photo on the beach.

“It feels really good to be who I am and be a part of this field that I think is also teaching me more and more of who I am. I was mainly the only Black person in my writing courses, there were maybe one to two more if that. My professional goals are to just write, to be happy in doing so, I hope to maybe get a book published of a selection of pieces I have written! Maybe even submitting a script to a production company!” – Sabrea Bishop of Newark, NJ (Essex County), junior, first-generation college student, Writing Arts (Creative Writing) major, transfer from Albright College, PA 

Check out Sabrea’s work here

Daija posing outside the student center while wearing a furry black coat.

“It gets a bit lonely, especially walking into a class and being able to count the Black students in the room on one hand. But with that it mind, it keeps me determined to make sure other Black creatives feel comfortable enough to be in the room in the first place. I feel as though creative fields aren’t taken as seriously, but people are always enjoying new books and shows and pieces of art. So, I feel as though by being confident in myself in my creative life, I can be an inspiration for others to actually go for their creative craft, instead of pushing it away because of fear. My professional goals are to write movies, books, and possibly television shows for people to enjoy. I also want to create different forms of art like paintings and sculptures and have my work displayed in galleries all over.” – Daija McNeil, junior, first generation college student, Studio Art major with a minor in Creative Writing, Willingboro, NJ (Burlington County)

See Daija’s artwork here.

Read Daija’s written piece, “A Love Letter To Black Women,” here.

Desi sitting outside the student center holding her book.

“It’s definitely difficult, when I come to class I am either the only Black student or it may be me or maybe two others, never more than five. In any field you want to see a model to follow and it’s hard when you have to be your own model. In terms of professional goals, I have so many; however, the one related to this field would be to start my own production company.”  – Desi Jones, junior Radio/TV/Film major, transfer from Camden County College, Camden County, NJ

Check out and purchase Desi’s book “Daily Dose of Desi, A Year of Light, Love, and Inspiration” here

Bryce outside the Campbell library wearing a yellow and black jacket.

“The writing industry is no stranger at all to minorities, but Blacks are rarely highlighted in that field. I think a part of that is due to both the immutable nature of the industry and Blacks being unaware of how much they can benefit from having a career in creative fields. I feel that Black students are the perfect participants for writing arts by the simple fact that we don’t go through the same experiences as everyone (even ourselves) and have a different view on life than most others. While I’m currently a freelance writer for an online publication (Screen Rant), I plan to expand my writing to an even greater professional level with my ultimate goal of working on a TV series or film.” – Bryce Morris, junior Writing Arts major, Trenton, NJ (Mercer County)

Read one of Bryce’s published pieces here

A selfie of Mya.

“I feel like there’s a different type of pressure. I personally feel like I have to be better and focus more in order to do what. One reason I wasn’t interested in doing broadcasting was my hair. I didn’t want to have to wear it straight or certain way to look “professional.” I find it difficult on how to be myself yet also “professional” because the second you might sound rude you have an “attitude” or maybe you talk “too loud” and now you’re considered the loud Black girl with an attitude. For my professional goals, I hope to become a magazine writer, focusing on music!” – Mya Calderon, junior, first-generation college student, Journalism major with a minor in Psychology from Hanley Falls, Minnesota

A selfie of Khadijah.

“For my professional goals, I want to be a freelance concept artist for a video game one day. But I also want to make and direct on my projects and hopefully be financially stable. Some advice for Black high school students going into creative majors: Make sure you build your portfolio and be aware that traditional pieces are a must have when trying to get into the art program. Make sure you bring at least two traditional art pieces for your review! This was a hard pill for me to swallow when I first did an art portfolio review, and I only drew cute anime-inspired chibis. But trust me, your hard work will pay off! Cartoony/semi-realism stuff is okay to add too! If you do digital, I recommend coming in with a time-lapse of your workflow process on a tablet/laptop to show! Also, don’t listen to cynical individuals saying you drawing anime and character art, won’t get you a job. Sure, the market is competitive but there are plenty of art jobs out there looking for different art styles of all sorts! Anime included! Make sure you do your research!” – Khadijah Owens of Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County), junior Art major working toward a dual major in Art Education, transfer from Rowan College at Gloucester County.

Check out some of Khadijah’s work here.  

Like what you see?


Story by: Bianca Torres, senior Music Industry major

Photography not submitted by: Jabreeah Holmes, senior Radio/TV/Film major and Joe Gentempo, senior Art major

Keeping Houseplants In Your Dorm or Apartment

Close up of houseplants on a windowsill in Willow Hall.

Today we speak with three Rowan students about living on campus with plants in their living spaces.

Two green plants inside of small pots. The pot on the left looks like a cat. There is also multiple other items on the table.
Tara’s plants

Tara Lonsdorf, a senior Geology major from East Windsor, NJ (Mercer County) has three plants, all of which were given to her from different people. She says she has, “a tiny air plant given to me by my dad, an aloe plant given to me by my boyfriend, and a jade plant given to me by Lindsay Johnson at the Wellness Center after completing counseling with her.” Tara’s reasoning for her having those specific plants are that they are convenient for her. She explained, “All of the plants are small, easy to transport, and super low-maintenance.” Tara also advised, “Don’t get a plant just to have a plant. Get a plant that will be meaningful to you and fit your lifestyle.”

Three green plants sitting on a brown table. There is also a "groot" holding one of the plants.
Kalie’s plants

Kalie VanDewater, senior Journalism major from Mt. Holly, NJ (Burlington County) said, “I have three plants: an aloe, a cactus, and the other one is a vine plant.” Kalie said, “I just got them because I thought they were cool. I honestly can’t remember why.” Kalie’s advice is, “I recommend a cactus because that’s my most resilient plant and does well without a lot of water.”

Small green bamboo plant with mini pumpkins around it.
Rachel’s bamboo

Rachel Rumsby, a sophomore Communication Studies & Public Relations double major from River Edge, NJ (Bergen County) said, “I have one bamboo plant. My roommate, friend and I went to a Rowan After Hours event because we heard they were giving away pumpkins. They ran out of pumpkins so we were not able to get one. However, they had these bamboo plants so we each got one of those instead.” Rachel’s tip was, “Buy something easy to take care of and small to start off.”

Among the three of them they all are happy and enjoy living with their houseplants.

Like what you see? 


Story by: Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

From NY to NJ: Melissa Luna

Melissa standing outside.

Today we speak to Melissa Luna, a junior, out-of-state student from Queens, NY majoring in Radio, Television and Film with a Journalism minor. Melissa transferred from CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is involved in Rowan Radio 89.7 WGLS-FM. What are some fun off-campus things to do within 20 minutes of Rowan on […]

Today I am Grateful for…

With the holiday season upon us, we spoke to Rowan students about what they are thankful and grateful for this year. This is what they had to say.

Jenna Fischer, a senior Public Relations major, says she is thankful for her family who supports her in every phase of her life. She says that no matter what dream and goal she has, she knows they will always stand by her side.

Jenna poses with her family.
Jenna (center) and her family.

Chase Shebey, a junior Marketing major, says that he is grateful for all the opportunities that Rowan University has given him.

Chase poses on the intramural field with a rugby ball.

Jessica Newell, a junior Communication Studies major, is grateful for her roommates who remind her that every accomplishment, no matter how small, is to be celebrated and that every problem can be somewhat improved by ordering pizza.

Jessica poses on the side of 301 High Street building.

Mya Calderon, a junior Journalism major, is grateful that she didn’t have to work on Thanksgiving again this year.

Mya sits next to flowers in front of the student center.

Jasmin Jones, a junior Law and Justice Studies and Sociology double major, is grateful for her loved ones and for all the opportunities she has been given. 

Jasmin poses outside of the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

John McCleery, a sophomore Civil Engineering major, is thankful for his siblings and how close they have become during COVID.

John poses in front of a waterfall wearing a Rowan shirt.

Lianna Johnson, a sophomore Vocal Music Performance major, is thankful to have been able to live on campus so far this semester. She is grateful to see old friends, make some new ones and even have an in-person class!

Lianna poses in front of Mimosa Hall.

Erwin Lopez, a sophomore Health and Exercise Science major, says that he is thankful for his family and the support they give him, especially during these uncertain times. He is also thankful for all of his friends that give him moral support.

Erwin poses in front of some trees.

Nickvens Delva, a freshman Psychology major, is thankful for many things, but he is most thankful for both his family and his health. He says that the most important thing to him is his family, so the health of his family and him during these unusual times is truly the biggest blessing to him.

Nickvens poses in front of Mimosa Hall.

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Story and photos of Chase, Jessica, Mya, Jasmin, Lianna and Nickvens by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photo of Erwin by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Photo of Jenna provided by:
Jenna Fischer, senior public relations major

Photo of John provided by:
John McCleery, sophomore civil engineering major

Header photo courtesy of:

9 Radio/TV/Film Majors Share How Their Major Supports Their Professional Goals

Today, we speak with 9 Radio/TV/Film (RTF) majors on how their major will advance their future careers. 

Lauren smiling and posing for a photo.

“This major supports my professional goals because it helps me succeed in my field and prepared me for when I go into the professional scene.” – Lauren Kilroy, senior, transfer, RTF major from Cinnaminson, NJ (Burlington County)

Jabreeah posing for a selfie.

“It teaches me all about the behind the scenes work in movies.” – Jabreeah Holmes, senior, RTF major from Camden, NJ (Camden County)

Emily smiling and posing for a selfie.

“It supports my professional goals because I already know hands-down I want to be a part of the television industry. I’ve already started floating possible job ideas in my head once I graduate Rowan. I am also taking a minor in advertising just in case I want to apply my RTF skills in a more commercial type of way. The fact is there are so many job opportunities with this major it’s still hard to know which one you will wind up taking once you graduate!” – Emily Sayles, sophomore, RTF major, Advertising minor from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County)

Jerry posing for a picture while wearing sunglasses.

“It teaches me a lot about the industry and how to get my foot in the door.” – Jerry Libert, junior, transfer, first-generation college student, RTF major and Creative Writing minor from Beachwood, NJ (Ocean County)

Corey posing for a selfie.

“It teaches me about the process of making films, television, and radio which allows me to see what things I like about each. It gives me access to equipment I can use to make my own projects.” – Corey Peoples, senior, transfer from RCGC, RTF major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County)

Julia smiling and posing for a selfie in front of a world map.

“This major teaches me the skills I will need to get into the industry. By educating us on Radio, Tv, and Film, we are able to get our foot in the door easier because we have so many skill sets.” – Julia Faupel, junior, transfer, RTF major, Theatre minor from Collingswood, NJ (Camden County)

Ally smiling and hugging an orange cat.

“It helps me to get into NASCAR or the NFL to pursue the career I want.” –  Ally Bruce, freshman, RTF major from Woolwich Twp., NJ (Gloucester County)

Gary smiling for a photo while wearing headphones.

“I learn from a lot of people who i respect and are professionals in my desired fields.” – Gary Erdelyi, senior, first-generation college student, RTF and Journalism major from Brick, NJ (Ocean County)

A picture of a flyer of a production written by Joe.

“I want to be a screenwriter, and the classes have helped me learn more about the craft while Cinema Workshop has given me real life experience in writing for the screen.” – Joe Pidgeon, junior, transfer, RTF major and Creative Writing minor from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County)

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

First Year Voices: Journalism Major Austin Ahart

Today, we speak to Austin Ahart, a freshman Journalism major who currently resides on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Austin tells us more about his on-campus experience.

Austin posing for a picture.

How is living in Holly Pointe? 

I love Holly Pointe, it’s beautiful! 

Have you met your RA?

I have! My RA is super supportive. He’s been really awesome, to be honest. He’s helped me a lot throughout the move-in process, and he’s made me feel very welcome.

Austin posing for a picture.

What’s your favorite on-campus spot to eat?

I love eating at Chef Jet! The food is great, and to be honest, the people working there are pretty great too.

Any advice to incoming freshmen? 

Take it patiently. In terms of trying to absorb everything, I really recommend just being patient.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

3 Sports Communication and Media Majors Share Why They Became Interested in Their Major

Center field at Wackar Stadium.

“This major combined my two biggest passions: sports and cameras. I’ve always been a huge sports fan, and I’ve always known I wanted to work in sports. During high school I knew I wanted to work around cameras doing photo/videography. So, when I found out about Sports CAM at Rowan, it was the perfect match.” […]

Rowan Commuters: Kayla Santiago [VIDEO]

Welcome to our new “Rowan Commuter” series, where we take an inside look at the lives and experiences of Rowan University commuters and how their overall college experience is without living on campus.

In this video, Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts double-major Kayla Santiago talks about how she balances a busy schedule with being a commuter student here at Rowan. 

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Video by:
Tom Copsetta, radio/TV/film graduate

Junior Communication Studies Major: How I’m Gaining Lifelong Skills at Rowan

Christian walks with a group of students down Rowan Boulevard

Today we feature junior Communication Studies major and Journalism minor Christian A. Browne, who commutes to Rowan from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County) and is originally from Philadelphia. Christian transferred to Rowan from Camden County College. Going to Rowan has been one of the best experiences of my life. Through the university newspaper The Whit, Rowan […]

Journalism Student Reduces the Negative Stigma of the Word “Homelessness” Through Her Blog

drone shot of Philadelphia skyline

“It’s important not to judge someone before listening to them,” says Lauren Purnell, a first-generation college senior majoring in journalism and minoring in new media from Florence, NJ (Burlington County).

Lauren used her passion for storytelling and giving a voice to the voiceless to create a blog called Naming the Homeless, where her mission is about reducing “the stigma and the negative connotations attached to the word homelessness,” by interviewing homeless individuals to share their stories.

Rowan student Lauren Purnell interviews a subject for her blog on the homeless

Lauren’s effort has led her to gain lots of support from her community, fundraising more than $1,000. Today, Lauren will share with us why she started the blog and what she has learned through the process of interviewing homeless individuals.

The idea of creating the Naming the Homeless blog came to Lauren when her Intro to Journalistic Writing professor at Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) explained to her class the importance in having outside work experience.

“I took that into heart and said, ‘OK, let me do a blog.’ I didn’t really know what to write about and … I didn’t want to write about myself. I was thinking about different issues that were important to me, and one of them is homelessness,” she says. 

Lauren chose to venture to Philadelphia to find people to interview (Philadelphia has become a city with one of the highest poverty ratings in the nation). Each time Lauren went she took a couple of care packages that she put together with the help of her mother (who has supported Lauren from the very beginning) going with her to Philly each week.

The first time Lauren went to Philly, it took her a while to build up the courage to ask someone for an interview. “It’s kind of uncomfortable at first because you are just asking these searching questions. You never know what they are going to say and that is the best part, because you don’t know what they are going to tell you,” she says.

Rowan student Lauren Purnell interviews a subject for her blog on the homeless

Lauren recalls one of the sweetest moments she has encountered:

“I had done my interview already for the day, but we passed an older lady and I asked her if she wanted a sandwich. She looked at me and my mom and was like ‘Thank you so much, I was having such a rough day, and this was a sign that I needed. Everything will be okay; this is my kids up in heaven telling me that it’s going to be alright and thank you so much, it really means a lot to me.”

In the beginning, Lauren made care packages that were paid out of her pocket, but as her blog grew and more people knew about her project, she started getting support and recognition. Lauren was interviewed by Fox 29 — “that got a lot of attention and I ended up having a GoFundMe, the biggest donation I got was from an organization who gave $250. Each of my care packages are like $20 so that really helped make an impact.”

Burlington County Times, Lauren’s hometown newspaper, interviewed her and gave her an internship opportunity over the summer. South Jersey Magazine did a feature of her as well. Lauren also won two awards. “At RCBC I got an award for journalism and I also got their Civility Award,” she says.

Lauren’s blog currently has over 1,200 subscriptions and over 500 likes on the Naming the Homeless Facebook page. “When I first started it, I was just doing it for personal reasons and then it took off. It was really because of my community [because] without their support I wouldn’t have been able to do it.

“Every time I leave an interview, I just want to take them home. You obviously want to see them again, but you really hope you don’t see them again because if you run into them again it means that they are probably in the same situation when you first saw them.”

Rowan student Lauren Purnell interviews a subject for her blog on the homeless

After graduating, Lauren would like to continue writing community stories and continue giving a voice to the voiceless and working her way up to investigative reporting.

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major 

Photos courtesy of:
Lauren Purnell/Naming the Homeless

Rowan at Home: Glassboro Native Builds Sports Career in Her “Own Backyard”

Kayla smiles and stands in front of Wackar Stadium

Welcome to Rowan at Home, our new series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story features sophomore Kayla Santiago, and was captured by senior Nicole Cier, writing arts, before quarantine. 

Sophomore Kayla Santiago, of Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County), had never considered applying to Rowan, though it was just a five-minute drive from home — “it’s practically in my backyard, and I didn’t want to commute.” She feared she would miss out on the typical college experience of living in a dorm, but soon discovered that Rowan was the perfect missing puzzle piece in the search for her future career. 

Kayla stands in front of the Prof statue by the Rowan University team house.“I originally didn’t even apply until the day of the [application] deadline, and then I found out about the Sports Communication and Media (Sports CAM) major, and realized it was perfect for me,” she reflects. “It brought me back to the passion I’ve had for sports since my childhood, when my dad would take me to the Phillies batting practice and I’d be chanting players’ names at three years old.”

Taking on the Sports CAM and Journalism majors, with a minor in Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Kayla dove into the world of Rowan athletics. She asked her advisor for advice on getting involved in the major as a freshman and found her place with Rowan Television Network right away as a football sideline reporter. 

“RTN allowed me to get experience right away. I mentioned that I was interested in sideline reporting, and they needed a sideline reporter that weekend for football and asked if I could do it,” she says. “I had never done it in my life, and it was a really great learning experience to just be thrown into it right away and have to figure it all out.”

Kayla commentates on a Rowan Athletics game.The following year was a whirlwind of experience, as Kayla found more ways to get involved with sports communications and strengthen her resume. She jumped into play-by-play, color commentating and sideline reporting for Rowan Athletics, as a TV broadcaster. She even broadcasted the first football game of the fall 2019 season against Widener by herself! “We usually don’t [broadcast without a partner], but we were first getting into a groove for the season and figuring out our roles. It was definitely difficult, but it was cool to have that pressure and experience to get me started,” Kayla recalls.

Since her first year as a Prof, Kayla has expanded her athletic commentating experience to include football, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey and more! Broadcasting allows her to study team rosters, examine player records and statistics and interview coaches — tasks that allow her to implement the journalism skills she learns from her second major. Kayla even made Rowan Athletics history as the first female play-by-play commentator for football and basketball on TV!

Kayla holds a microphone up for basketball coach Demetrius Poles during a sideline interview.
Kayla interviews head coach of the Rowan Women’s Basketball Team, Demetrius Poles.

“It’s not just about being a sports broadcaster; it’s also about making relationships with the coaches and players. You develop a gain of trust, and they want to give you good answers [to your interview questions] and tell you what’s going on as much as they can,” she says.

“For me, [Sports CAM] is more than just being a fan. I want to keep growing my knowledge and passion about sports and see where it can take me. Now, my whole course load is sports, and how could I not love that? It’s exactly what I wanted to do.”

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Iridian Shares 3 Ways She’s Gotten Involved as a Transfer

After completing two years at Atlantic Cape Community College, I decided to transfer over to Rowan University to get my bachelor’s in Journalism. Transferring over to a new school can be both exciting and intimidating. You’ll get to create new memories, meet new people and experience new opportunities.Student portrait of Journalism major Iridian outside on Rowan's campus

At community college I was involved in many extracurricular activities, like being part of the communication club and assistant editor for the Atlantic Cape Review. For me, getting involved has always been important. It improves leadership and interpersonal skills, but most importantly, it gives students practical experience.

When I first transferred to Rowan, I did not know anyone, but I immediately felt welcomed by all my professors and classmates. I knew I wanted to get involved and create new memories, just like I did at my community college.

I started asking other students what they were involved in, and I checked Rowan’s Student Organization Services page, where I found clubs and organizations that caught my attention. There are many ways to get involved — you’ve just got to be open to new experiences and opportunities.

Here are three ways I’ve gotten involved as a transfer student and commuter.Copies of The Whit, Rowan's student newspaper where Journalism major Iridian works as a copy editor

  1. Joined The Whit,The Campus Newspaper: As mentioned earlier, I am majoring in Journalism; for me, getting outside the classroom experience is extremely important. By joining The Whit, I got to meet the most amazing group of people. I created new friendships that I know will last forever and help each other out even after college. Aside from making friends, this past fall I got elected to become one of the copy editors for the paper. It’s all about being open to new opportunities.A screenshot of Rowan Blog's main page featuring one of Journalism major Iridian's stories
  2. Became a content writer for Rowan’s blog: By becoming a writer and working for the Admissions office, I have gotten the chance not only to work on my craft, but meet so many people, from students, to faculty and alumni. Now I walk through campus seeing familiar faces all the time, from interviewing so many people, and that feels amazing.
  3. Attended campus events: One thing I really like about Rowan is that there are always events going on. I like to say that there is an event for everyone here at Rowan. If you are interested in art there are events at the Art Gallery in 301 High St. There are many lectures you can attend, and many special guests are brought in as well. One way I check to see for upcoming events is by checking an email announcer we all get in the morning.

Journalism major Iridian sits outside on Rowan's campusThese are just three ways how I have gotten involved here at Rowan, but there are so many other ways to get involved. It’s all about being open to new experiences and being OK with getting out of your comfort zone.

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

Journalism Student Paves the Way as First Female to Commentate a Rowan Football Game on Radio

Katie (in center) works with members of Rowan Radio

When Katie Francis, a junior Sports Communication & Media and Journalism double major from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County), discovered the campus radio station her sophomore year, she “knew it was a good path to take.” An email in her student inbox with the subject line, “Are you Rowan’s new voice in Radio?” inspired her to take a leap into an area of journalism she had never considered before. “I knew that, being a transfer student, it might be difficult to meet people. So I signed up for training sessions for Rowan Radio,” she says.

Katie with Rowan Radio station manager Derek Jones and sports director Gary Erdelyi.

Katie’s family had introduced her to Philadelphia sports early, and she grew up watching the Flyers, but her interest in football picked up as the Eagles made their way toward the playoffs two years ago. “I started to think that I should really learn [football] so I could enjoy it more and fully understand what I was watching,” she recalls. She began to actively follow the games with her dad, learning more and more with each game.

Fast forward to one year later, and Katie is the assistant news director at Rowan Radio 89.7 WGLS-FM, and the first female broadcaster on Rowan Radio to cover a Rowan football game in the school’s history!

In November, Gary Erdelyi, the sports director, shared with her that there was an opportunity to cover a Rowan vs. Christopher Newport University football game in Virginia. With 10 years of experience playing soccer, Katie had done color commentating on two soccer games before, but football was a whole different game — literally. Derek Jones, the station manager and Katie’s sports broadcasting professor, provided the support she needed to succeed at this opportunity. Jones is a mentor and role model for Katie, having first trained her at the radio station and guided her through multiple classes at Rowan, so “from the beginning” she felt “comfortable asking questions as I learned the ropes of broadcasting.”

Katie with her co-host and classmate, Gary Erdelyi, on game day!

“I said, ‘if you need somebody to do this, I will step up and figure it out,’” Katie reflects.At first I was nervous, not sure if I was saying the right things, but the people that I had supporting me were really helpful. They validated me and made me feel like part of a good team there.”

She didn’t realize it at the time, but bravely stepping up and covering the game, despite her doubts, put her in a record-setting position. As the first female at the university to cover a football game, she is paving the way for other women in sports communications and journalism to follow her lead.

Katie is the only woman in both her Sports Broadcasting and Sports Journalism II classes, a field predominantly composed of male students.

Katie picks out a record for the daytime music show she hosts.

“There was never a time where I felt like I wasn’t included, whether in my classes or at the radio station, and I’m thankful for that,” she says. “Being a part of a team of people who are as passionate about something as I am, and being able to meet people through it is a really great experience. It can be weird at times, looking around and being the only girl in a room, but with every experience I’ve had, I’ve always felt like everybody was rooting for me.”

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Alumni Success: Julia Lechner, From NJ to LA

Rowan alumna Jula Lechner (at left) was the Rowan mascot, WhooRU, while a student here.

Julia Lechner is a Journalism graduate of the 2009 class from Pitman, NJ (Gloucester County). She reported for the Courier Post while she was still an undergraduate along with DJing for Rowan Radio and being the school mascot, Whoo RU. She worked for E! News after she graduated and is currently a senior writer with CBS Interactive.

Julia Lechner HeadshotWhat did you like the most about Rowan?

“I really liked the community feel on campus. It felt like professors really knew me and cared to get to know their students. There was also always a lot of stuff to do on campus.”

What were some extracurricular activities that you did?

“Along with working for the Rowan Radio and being the mascot, I tried to attend the intern fairs that they held on campus, and that’s how I attained my first job at the Courier Post.”

How did attending Rowan impact your decisions about your future career?

“Rowan is really centrally located near a lot of work opportunities because you’re right near Philly and not too far from New York. Getting my job at the Courier Post really helped me find out what career I wanted to pursue, and I have Rowan to thank for connecting me with Courier.” 

What got you interested in your field?

“I really enjoyed storytelling and that’s really the heart of journalism, I just love hearing others’ stories and what they are passionate about. I loved interviewing people who loved what they were doing.”

How did Rowan help you achieve your goals?

“I fully took advantage of all the things on campus — the career fairs, tutoring, working [with] my advisors to help me find the right workload for me. And because of that I was able to finish my degree in three years.”

How did Rowan help prepare you for your current job?

“I very much appreciate that Rowan helped me achieve my goals academically while I was still working for the Courier Post. Working and going to school taught me time management, being professional and other things that just classes won’t teach. Something that I remember from the Journalism program specifically was that all the professors were still active in the field and had insightful experience, and this was during the recession so they did not sugar coat the working world, which I appreciated. All the advisors and professors really wanted to help any way they could.”

Do you think you would have had the same career path if you attended a different university?

“No, I don’t think I would have. I would not have got my first job from the career fair at Rowan, and that job led to where I am now.”

Was there a specific mentor that you would turn to if you had a problem about anything?

“I had several, such as Kathryn Quigley, who I still keep contact with — she had extensive experience and knowledge about her field. She goes above and beyond for her students and still roots for them even after they graduate.”

What is your favorite accomplishment in your field? 

“I really love seeing people sharing on social media something that I wrote (even if it’s negative), because something in it was something that they thought was worth sharing. Another accomplishment would have to have been meeting Richard Simmons and getting a hug from him!

What would be some advice for students who are on their way to graduating?

Julia with her co-workers at CBS interactive
Julia with her co-workers at CBS interactive

“Take advantage of all the resources on campus, have resumes and portfolios ready and don’t be afraid to ask someone to look over them. Also keep in touch with people — you never know what opportunities they might have for you!”

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Justin Borelli, senior advertising major

PROF Pets: Doby the Chihuahua

Doby the chihuahua smelling flowers Meet Doby. He’s a chihuahua, and he loves to go outside each morning to smell the flowers.

Age: Nine

Owner: Iridian Gonzalez, Journalism major, College of Communication and Creative Arts

Likes: Going on long walks and getting lots of attention.

Dislikes: Going to the vet and getting his nails clipped.

“My favorite place in the whole world is the park near my house because it’s the only park where the grass isn’t taller than me.” 

Doby chihuahua smelling flowers

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Story and photography by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

Faculty PROFile: Journalism Department’s Kathryn Quigley

Professor Quigley and a student sit in her office during a meeting

Meet Kathryn Quigley, Associate Professor of Journalism within the College of Communications & Creative Arts and Faculty Advisor for The Whit student newspaper.

Rowan Journalism Professor Kathryn Quigley in her officeShare an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your discipline that made you feel passionate about your field

When reporters at The New York Times and The New Yorker magazine produced solid, detailed and hard-hitting exposés of rampant sexual discrimination in Hollywood and other industries, ushering in the #MeToo movement. Good, dogged reporting can produce tremendous results — even in the face of intimidating and powerful people.

Describe an experience you’ve had with a student that made you feel excited about educating the next generation in your field

In July 2016, my colleague Mark Berkey-Gerard and I took a class of students to cover the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Our students worked very hard and had so much fun. They reported on protests, politicians and celebrities. They worked in heat, torrential downpours and wind. The students got to mingle with journalism alumni who now work at NJ Advance Media, Fox News and the Burlington County Times. 

The name plaques of Professor Kathryn Quigley on her desk in her office

What’s your favorite thing about being on campus on a typical Wednesday

Since I have been advisor to The Whit student newspaper on and off for 13 years, a typical Wednesday means Whit production night. That is when the staff of editors and reporters gather in their office to put out the weekly newspaper — in print, on the website and via social media. I love discussing stories with the student journalists and hearing them chatting and bounding up the stairs to their office at 6 East High St.

What is your area of expertise?

I have several. As a journalist, I focus on news and feature reporting — teaching the nuts and bolts of writing and putting together a well-crafted story. As an educator, I focus on media ethics. This involves examining and discussing coverage of current events and how journalists can/should do their jobs in an ethical way. As a researcher, I focus on children and families journalism. My graduate school fellowship at the University of Maryland focused on issues and concerns of children and their families. That can be anything from the rising rate of children diagnosed with autism, to teens and technology to foster care trends. These topics sometimes get the short shrift in newsrooms, and I am passionate about their coverage.

Professor Quigley speaking with Professor Garyantes in her office

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or your research focus?

Journalism is NOT “fake news” and journalists matter now more than ever. The printed newspaper as a product may be in steep decline, but consumers’ hunger for news is greater than ever.

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Story and photography by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major

Journalism Alumna Tells Her Story of Giving Back

Callie Condo and her fellow Whit employees during a fire drill during her time at Rowan University

Calista Condo, a 2008 alumna, has made her way from working at Rowan’s The Whit student newspaper to her role as an outreach specialist for Temple University’s Career Center. She has Rowan’s Journalism department to thank for her communication skills and her ability to transmit information to the public. 

Condo began her journey as a commuter from Deptford, New Jersey (Gloucester County). At her time at Rowan, she studied Journalism with a concentration in editing and publishing. She also had a minor in Art with a concentration in photography. Classes such as Media Studies and News Reporting impacted her professional career. Within those classes she learned how to analyze our society and the way we view media. She developed a close relationship with Professor Kathryn Quigley, who was not only one of her favorite professors, but the faculty advisor for The Whit. 

Condo and her husband on their wedding day
Calista and her husband on their wedding day.

She also met her husband at Rowan!

While at Rowan she also participated in two intensive internships. The first was an internship with Next City, a nonprofit organization about city planning. She was an art intern whose main job focused primarily on copy editing and design editing for their magazine.

She then ventured on to intern for the South Jersey Times as a photojournalist. According to Condo, both internships were amazing experiences that really prepared her for the field of journalism. In fact, the South Jersey Times appreciated her efforts so much that they offered her a part-time job after her graduation in 2008. 

Rowan alumna Calista Condo volunteering with a youth soccer league in Camden.
Volunteering with a youth soccer league in Camden.

In the midst of working for the South Jersey Times, she developed a strong connection to her community. She started volunteering for a nonprofit youth soccer organization in Camden. After some time of volunteering, she became a board member for this organization and eventually helped run the program.

Her passion for community, volunteerism and youth, in addition to her keen communication skills, led her to eventually begin working for Big Brothers, Big Sisters. While working there, she helped recruit volunteers for their school-based programming. Through this organization she worked with student organizations all over, one of them being the Temple University Career Center.

After this long journey of giving back, Condo eventually landed a position with the Temple University Career Center as an outreach specialist for employer partnerships. In this position, she helps students find employment through career fairs and special events. 

Rowan alumna Calista Condo with her relatives, who are also graduates of Rowan
Condo (left) with her relatives, who are also Rowan graduates.

Her time at Rowan, especially as a Journalism major, made her able to look at information and make it digestible to the public. She believes, “Journalists are some of the most intelligent people [she] has ever known, which makes them so versatile and with those important communication skills, they can settle into any position with ease.” 

She still holds the fun and goofy times, working late at night for The Whit, near and dear to her heart. 

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Story by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major

Photos courtesy of: Calista Condo

Journalism Alumnus Tells His Journey to His Dream Career

Rowan alumnus Leon Purvis conducting an interview for Redwood News

Leon Purvis, a 2018 Rowan alumnus, has made a name for himself in the world of multimedia journalism. From internships at “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and “Good Morning America” to “The Today Show,” Purvis made the ultimate journalism victory lap. However, it all started right here at Rowan University. 

Headshot of Rowan alumnus Leon Purvis

Purvis, born and raised in Glassboro, made it all the way through the Glassboro school system before eventually heading to Rowan. In order to get the full scope of communications-based experience, he double majored in Journalism and Radio/TV/Film (RTF).

During his time at Rowan, he participated in the Rowan TV Network, Rowan Radio and The Whit newspaper. He acknowledged the amazing support and experiences he gained at Rowan that helped propel him into his successful careers. Classes like Media Law and On-Camera Field Reporting really opened his eyes to the journalism and broadcasting industries. Professors Quigley, Kelley, Garyantes and Berkey-Gerard were first to come to mind in terms of who made the biggest impacts on his journalistic career. 

Leon Purvis reporting on the Philadelphia Eagles for Rowan UniversityAnother wonderful experience provided by the Rowan Journalism department was the opportunity to take a class and cover the Democratic National Convention in 2016. This experience made him feel like a true reporter. He even referred to this as “the Super Bowl for journalists.” He covered protests, made livestreams and networked all from a South Jersey perspective. He said this experience helped in the transition from college journalist to professional.

As an RTF major at Rowan, Purvis had the opportunity to apply for an internship at “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” based in Los Angeles, California. With his position, he allowed for Rowan RTF majors to apply for the prestigious internship. While working in LA, Purvis said that this experience taught him “all of the puzzle pieces that go into putting on a successful talk show.”

Rowan alumnus Leon Purvis with GMA hosts Robin Roberts and Michael StrahanAfter his internship at the Ellen Show, Purvis moved onto another big-name internship, “Good Morning America,” where he learned how to create a morning TV show at the network level. Along with getting the network TV experience under his belt, he also made some recognizable friends along the way! Once again Purvis followed one amazing internship with another. In fall 2017, he began his work for “The Today Show.”

Upon graduating in spring 2018, he accepted a position in Eureka, California, as a multimedia journalist for Redwood News. For all future Rowan journalists, Purvis wanted to share a little advice: “I applied to over 100 on-air jobs across the country, and I wanted to go anywhere that would give me the chance to gain that on-air experience. All it takes is that one yes. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get your dream position right away. That one yes just happened to be Eureka, California. You have to work for it. Even when you get the job, there is so much growing and room for improvement.”

Recently, Purvis got to fill at the anchor desk. And in August 2019, he will attend the National Association for Black Journalists convention in Miami. 

Rowan alumnus Leon Purvis reporting on air for Redwood News

“It is an honor and a privilege to be a reporter and give a voice to the voiceless,” said Purvis. “You’re a public servant, and they are trusting you to tell their stories. Journalism is about telling the story and making an impact. If you want to be in this industry, you have to work really hard. I was determined, put myself out there and accomplished my goal.” 

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Story by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major

Photos courtesy of: Leon Purvis 

How to Help Your Student Adjust to “Adulting”

Students studying and playing on a field

Helping your child adjust to “adulting” is easier than you think. Today we hear from Ferdoushe Laizu, mother of rising Rowan senior Mohammed Fuad (journalism); Brunilda Gomez, mother of rising Rowan senior Miguel Martinez (radio/tv/film); and Kathy Vause, mother of recent Rowan graduate Vanessa Vause (public relations and advertising). They will share their tips on how to help your child adjust to “adulting.”

There is no book in the world with instructions on how to properly help your child adjust to “adulting,” but if every parent shares at least one tip or advice that has worked for them then there is a higher chance you can help your child adjust to “adulting” properly. Here are three “adulting” skills/qualities that Gomez thinks is essential for your child to learn before entering college:

  1. Time management- “Being able to manage your time between priorities is important in the real world, whether that is for a job or just in general in life.”Girl reading at the library
  2. Respect- “Respecting your coworker or people you come across in life. Show what kind of person you are. If you respect people, they will also respect you.”
  3. Organization- “Just like time management, organization is something you will use in real life and being good at it will bring you a long way.” 

Laizu’s piece of advice for students:

“One advice I would give is to tackle responsibilities like an adult and if you mess up, you have to learn how to take responsibility.”

students hanging out Kathy Vause shares her own experience as a parent on how she helped her recently graduated daughter adjust to “adulting.”

“As a parent, I’m there for my daughter but I need to step back and let her live out her life. Yes, she’ll make mistakes and struggle but that’s what will make her stronger and give her the ability to grow. It’s important to find a balance of supporting, but letting your child learn lessons on their own.”

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, rising senior journalism major

#PROFspective: Transfer Student Iridian Gonzalez

Iridian Gonzalez sits on a bench outside of Bunce Hall

Today we speak with Iridian Gonzalez, a senior commuter from Somers Point, NJ (Atlantic County) who majors in journalism. Iridian will share her #PROFspective with us about transferring from community college and how she gets the most of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Iridian Gonzalez
Major: Journalism
Minor: Strategic Communication
Year: Senior
Transfer Student?: Yes! I just completed my second semester here at Rowan. I transferred from Atlantic Cape Community College in Mays Landing, NJ.
Where do you live?: Somers Point, NJ (Atlantic County)
Commuter?: Yes, I travel approximately an hour and ten minutes to campus

Iridian sits on a rock wall at Rowan University, holding a camera to take a picture Iridian laughs, head turned to the side, at Rowan University

Academic or social clubs: I work for The Whit, Rowan’s newspaper, as a copyeditor.

Do you work on campus?: I am one of the summer interns for the Rowan Student Affairs blog! The internship primarily takes place in the Office of Admissions in Savitz Hall.

Why did you choose Rowan?: I chose Rowan University because of our phenomenal journalism program and I knew the schools closer to where I live couldn’t provide me with the experience I was looking for.

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling?: Apart from being a full-time student, I am taking phone calls, drafting contracts, and going on site to evaluate the work that needs to be done. My family and I own a landscaping company, on top of my school work I am constantly booked and busy with my family’s company.

Did you ever have a moment of uncertainty within your major? How did you get through the challenge?: Journalism is so broad, I had no idea until I transferred here. I felt so lost and confused with all new information being thrown at me. However, I knew I had to stay positive and keep my goals in mind. The Rowan staff was so accommodating and helpful, it made it almost impossible to fall behind.

Tell us about one moment that made you feel like Rowan was the right fit for you: Coming here I knew immediately this was the place for me. Everyone was so welcoming and driven. They really want to see you succeed.

Iridian sits on stone ledge at Rowan University, legs cross while holding a camera for Rowan Blog

Tell us about your transition into college and how you pushed through any challenges: My transition was very hard. Going from high school to community college was a breeze, but the real challenge was transferring from a community college to a university. Especially transferring into a program as a junior, I knew I was going to face some difficulties. The biggest challenge of them all though, the parking. I did what I had to do though. I buckled down and studied hard and made sure I left a little early to find a parking spot!

What advice would you give your high school self about choosing a college?: There is nothing wrong with going to a community college and transferring to a larger university. And look for the school with the best opportunities for you, fortunately for me that was Rowan.

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Story and photography by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major

#PROFspective: Journalism Major Chad Wittmann

Chad, standing in the gradd of bunce hall with a camera

Today we speak with Chad Wittman, a rising senior journalism major from Alloway, NJ (Salem County), who rents a house off-campus in Glassboro. This is Chad’s story and his #PROFspective on his experience as a Rowan student.

Name: Chad Wittman
Major: Journalism in the College of Communication and Creative Arts
Minors/concentrations: Media and Strategic Communication
Year: Senior
Hometown and County: Alloway, NJ (Salem County)
Off-Campus resident: Yes, I currently live in an apartment in Glassboro
Social clubs: Rowan Alternative Music Club

Do you work on campus? If so, where/what do you do? I’m currently a Digital Content Producer for Rowan’s Admissions office.

Being Welcomed To Rowan

The moment I felt like I made the right decision to come to Rowan was my sophomore year, when I joined the Rowan Alternative Music club. All of the club members were very inclusive and out going, I met my best friends there. The Rowan music scene is very new and fresh to Rowan, and is built on inclusivity and diversity. The shows that I have been to brought very welcoming people who would go out of there way to become your friend.

Chad sitting in the office working on a computer

A Typical Monday

Mondays are my days off, I try every semester to get Mondays off and that allows me to catch up on everything and prepare myself for the week. I usually go to the student center or the coffee shop in pitman to relax and get my work done for the week.Chad standing in the courtyard of Bunce

Happy Surprises

Something that came as a happy surprise for me is that the two on-campus gym are free. The new facility on Victoria is so nice and is so convenient to go during the semester. All the machines are always spotless and everyone there is always friendly.

Caring Professors

A professor that I felt that truly cared about my well-being was Professor DiUlio. He would ask students how they are, not just out of making pleasantries. He was genuinely curious about how we were doing. He actually reached out to me when I fell behind in class asking if I needed an extension on any assignments. He assured me that he’d support whatever I needed to help get through the class. I have never had another professor engage with me like that and be so willing to help, and it really stuck with me. It truly shows that he cares about his students and his job.

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Photography by: Justin Borelli, rising senior advertising major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Jelani James

Meet Jelani James, a senior journalism major who lives on campus in 114 Victoria from Stratford, NJ (Camden County). Jelani transferred to Rowan last fall from Villanova University. 

Jelani James posing outside of 114 Victoria on Rowan University's campus.

What wakes you up in the morning? “The drive to graduate! I’m finally a senior and I’ve waited so long for this moment. I want my family to see what I’ve been working so hard for.”

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? “Coming to Rowan’s campus, I wasn’t really introduced to any organizations other than sports. I was finally introduced to a Jewish organization I found very welcoming and a great opportunity to make new friends.”

And lastly, why did you choose Rowan? “I chose Rowan because it was the school I knew the most about when transferring. Being away from home in another state was fun, but I knew I wouldn’t want to go that far again. I was familiar with the environment at Rowan and I knew it’d be a perfect fit for me.”

Like what you see? 

Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major

Miguel’s Home Away From Home: The Whit Newsroom [VIDEO]


Miguel Martinez, a junior journalism major from Pennsauken, NJ (Camden County), shares his feeling of home here at Rowan, in the newsroom of The Whit, where he works as the multimedia editor. Miguel commutes from our Camden campus and is an English language learner. 

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Video by: Nicole Cier, junior writing arts major
Music by: Bianca Torres, sophomore music industry major

Faculty PROFile: Sports Cam Emil Steiner

Professor Emil Steiner standing outside Rowan Universitys football stadium

Emil Steiner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Program Coordinator: Sports Communication & Media Program Department/College: Journalism; College of Communication and Creative Arts Twitter: @EmilSteinerPhD Degrees: Ph.D., Media & Communication – Temple University, 2018 M.A., Journalism – Temple University, 2012 B.A., Political Science, Psychology – University of Pennsylvania What is your area of expertise? My research areas are […]

Open Doors to Prospective Students

Dean Tweedie of College of Communication and CreativeArts at Rowan talking inside the High St art gallery

Rowan University recently hosted Open Doors Day, a banquet for students accepted into the College of Communication & Creative Arts. Prospective students and family members began their day with breakfast in the new High Street Art Gallery, followed by campus tours. Writing Arts, Communication Studies, Public Relations & Advertising, Journalism, Art and Radio, TV & Film […]

Vanessa, College of Communication & Creative Arts at Rowan University [VIDEO]

vanessa sitting in a college of communication and creative arts classroom

Hey! I’m Vanessa, a junior at the College of Communication & Creative Arts. I’m thrilled to introduce you to my College, and to Rowan University. Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: Carlo’s Day at Rowan University [Video] College Essay Advice [Video] Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like to […]

Rowan was Not My Dream: My Transfer Story

Rowan Blvd/Whitney Center

As a senior in high school, Rowan University was never my number one choice. In fact, Rowan failed to crack the top five in my university power rankings. Since grade school, I knew that I wanted to go to a major four-year university in Philadelphia. It seemed like a no-brainer. So, that’s exactly what I did. […]

#PROFspective: Advertising Major Erika Solis

Erika at the High St sign

Today, we speak with Erika Solis, a junior advertising major from Elizabeth (Union County), NJ, who rents an apartment off campus. Erika will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Erika […]

Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like To Live With You, Holly Pointe Commons [VIDEO]

holly pointe outside look

What will they say?  Sophomores Amanda Palma (public relations and journalism double major) and Kate Twilley (radio, TV, film major) give the scoop on what it’s really like to live with a roommate at Rowan University. By: Jen Green, senior public relations major Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.  Related stories: […]

#PROFspective: Journalism Major Greg Scharen

Greg sits on a bench outside of the Campbell Library

Today we speak with Greg Scharen, a freshman journalism major from Middletown, Monmouth County, who lives on campus in Mullica Hall. He will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Greg Scharen Major: Journalism in the College […]