Dr. John Jeffrey Hand, senior vice president of the Division of Student Affairs, explains why Rowan University is growing when so many surrounding colleges and universities are not. Hint: it has to do with retention. Rowan isn’t admitting a larger number of students each year; instead, more students than ever are staying to complete their […]
Author: Natalia Panfilova
RISE: Helping Financially or Academically Disadvantaged Students with Dawn Singleton

Today Director of the Achieving Success through Collaboration, ENgagement, and Determination (ASCEND) program Dawn S. Singleton, Ed.D., talks with us about one of the ACSEND’s components – the RISE scholarship program. RISE provides financial and academic support to students as they transition from high school to college. RISE and the Education Opportunity Fund (EOF) are the […]
Rowan Students Receive Prestigious National Awards [VIDEO]

This spring Rowan University has had the extraordinary distinction of seven of our students being selected for highly competitive, national awards. We currently have two Fulbright Scholar winners and one alternate, as well as two summer Fulbrights. Fulbright is considered one of the most prestigious scholarships in the world and offers merit-based grants for international educational […]
Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like to Live With You, Mullica Hall [VIDEO]

What will they say? Mullica Hall roommates Davon Dickson (freshman finance major) and James Falcone (freshman accounting major) dish on what it’s really like to live with roommates at Rowan University. By: Natalia Panfilova, senior public relations major Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. Related stories: Sophomores Give Advice: What It’s Like to Live […]
Roommates Reflect: What It’s Really Like to Live With You, Whitney Center [VIDEO]

What will they say? Whitney Center on Rowan Boulevard roommates Elizabeth Leick (sophomore writing arts and public relations double major), Hanna Dietrich (sophomore biomedical engineering major) and Olivia Grasso (sophomore history and modern languages and linguistics major) dish on what it’s really like to live with roommates at Rowan University. By: Natalia Panfilova, senior public […]
Rowan Community Dishes About the Tutoring Center

In my previous post “Tutoring Center Helps Students Boost GPA” I talked about the benefits of using tutoring services. But this time, I decided to investigate deeper, and ask the Rowan community to share their thoughts about the tutoring center. Here is what they have to say: Sean Hendricks, Director of the Office of Academic […]
Incredible Tuition Discounts for South Jersey High School Students

Did you know that the earlier you start preparing yourself for college the more money and time you can save? Let me explain. Here’s a blog post about Raise.me micro-scholarships that a future college student can start earning while still in high school. But, wait, there’s more! Rowan offers another great program for high school students to […]
Tutoring Center Helps Students Boost GPA

Why do we forget what we learn? Think about it. You may spend countless hours memorizing information for a test. But after the test, you won’t probably remember a thing. So what can you do about it? Understand what you study and not just simply memorize it. Tutoring is most definitely one of the most effective […]
Green Dot: The Change That Starts with You

“If you see something, say something.” While this slogan was not created for the Green Dot program, it emphasizes the core idea behind it. Green Dot is a bystander intervention training program aimed to reduce power-based personal violence on Rowan campus. In 2014, a CDC funded study found a 50% reduction in sexual violence perpetration in […]
International #PROFspective: Biochemistry Major Tsion Abay

Today we speak with Tsion Abay, a sophomore biochemistry major originally from Ethiopia, who commutes to Rowan from Williamstown, Gloucester County. Tsion shares her #PROFspective with us on with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University international student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Tsion […]
International #PROFspective: Radio/TV/Film Major Frank A. Villarreal

Today we speak with Frank A. Villarreal, a freshman Radio/TV/Film major originally from Venezuela, who lives on campus in Edgewood Apartments. Frank, who loves the craft of making movies and is passionate about becoming an actor, will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University international student and how […]
Insanely Quick & Easy Way to Dress to Impress for $8!

Ever heard the term “broke college student”? I bet you have. In fact, I hear it almost every day from someone. The truth is, we all go to school hoping to land that dream job one day. But how can a student on a tight budget afford to dress effectively to get that job? Today, […]
#PROFspective: Political Science Major Arthur Andrew Bautista

Today we speak with Arthur Andrew Bautista, a junior political science major originally from the Philippines, who commutes to Rowan from Washington Township, Gloucester County. Arthur will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University international student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. […]
5 Reasons to Attend Rowan Transfer Tuesdays
with Jeanne Lewis

Planning to transfer to Rowan, but would like to know more information about the University? Keep reading, as Jeanne Lewis, an Assistant Director of Admissions, will give you 5 reasons to attend Transfer Tuesdays at Rowan. 1. Explore Your Options “Transfer Tuesdays are our outreach effort to expedite the transfer admissions process,” specifies Jeanne, who coordinates […]
9 Things to Know About Rowan’s International Center

Dr. Li Yang, the Director of the International Center and the Intensive English Language Program, and Katelyn Sullivan, the administrative assistant, share with us 9 things we need to know about the International Center here at Rowan. 1. Rowan hosts 170 international students The International Center assures that our international students have a smooth transition coming from abroad […]
Benefits of Improved Advising Model with Rory McElwee

Having multiple jobs and an hour commute, I knew I was doomed to spend countless, fragmented hours piecing together my class schedule. RateMyProfessors.com and course catalogs were my best friends as I earned my education at my local community college. I have to say, I was doing fine – that is, until I once overestimated […]
#PROFspective: Elementary Education and English Major Nicole Wyglendowski

Today we speak with Nicole Wyglendowski, a senior elementary education and English dual major from Washington Township, Warren County, who rents a house off campus. Nicole will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a […]
4 Rowan Scholarship Awardees Share Their Stories

Back in November I had a pleasure to meet with Steven C. Farney, Ed.D., senior director of administration from the Division of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM), who shared information every Rowan student needs to know when applying for scholarships. If you had a chance to read that post, then you should be an expert in […]
Affording the College Life: A Student Forum

Teenage Hollywood movies made up a big chunk of how I imagined college life to be. Crazy parties … lots of them, food fights and little to no homework. There has to be a fraternity or sorority in which you can only get in by passing some humiliating test. And, of course, let’s not forget […]
Alumni PROFile: Cassie Aran & Brandon Lucante of Cookie Munchers

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here. Our series of alumni spotlight blogs feature Profs who have stayed connected to the Rowan community after graduation. Here we speak with 2016 graduates Cassie Aran and Brandon Lucante, who own Cookie Munchers. […]
Financial Aid: Reducing Roadblocks with Pamela Gordy

Feeling overwhelmed or even frightened by the financial aid process? Guess what? You are not alone. Many of us find it difficult to follow all of the deadlines and fill out complicated financial aid forms. But no one has ever said that finding money for college is an easy task. The good news is that […]
Alumni PROFile: Mike Jenkins, Anchor Moving & Storage

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here. Our series of alumni spotlight blogs feature Profs who have stayed connected to the Rowan community after graduation. Here we speak with 1992 graduate Mike Jenkins, who now owns Anchor Moving […]
6 Reasons to Study Abroad

Senior Vivian Wang talk to us about her study abroad experience Many Rowan students contemplate studying abroad for a semester, but are often too nervous to actually go through with it. Learning a new language, immersing yourself in a different culture and making new friends can seem intimidating. But as intimidating as it sounds, the experience […]
Step-by-Step Financial Aid Infographic

High school taught me how to skim through the book and prepare myself for a test in one night. There I learned how to follow the deadlines, but still somehow leave everything to the last minute. But what they didn’t teach me in high school, and I think many of you can relate to this, […]
Theorizing at Rowan: “America: The Miscegenation Nation” by J. T. Mills

Theorizing at Rowan is a series of lectures covering a broad range of topics about philosophy, religion studies and other related disciplines. All the events are free and open to the public aiming to promote academic exchange within the Rowan University community and scholars throughout the region. You can find the full list of Theorizing […]
How SEM Helps You Minimize Debt

Think about why you’re considering joining the Rowan family. Is it affordability, location, safety or maybe something else? Whatever your answer is, you’re making the right choice. Rowan, particularly the Division of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) within Student Affairs, is here to help you achieve your dreams, build your future and reach success. For the past […]
Scholarship Process, Made Simple

You are finally back into the semester routine and seem to be caught up with all of your assignments. Yet, without realizing it, you have to start preparing for your next semester. Putting together your class schedule can be hard to handle. But what is more important is the fast approaching scholarship application deadline. Certainly, […]
Advice for Parents: Help Guide Your Student to the Right Major

No one knows your children better than you do. You know their interests, strengths and weaknesses. And when it is time to decide what career path they should take, you need to step up and guide them in the right direction. Almost 50% of students entering college are undecided about their majors. In addition, two […]
Job Hunting 101: Career and Graduate School Fair

Get your shirt ironed, shoes polished, hair groomed and put on your best perfume… No, this isn’t for a date. Instead, it is to make a memorable first impression on your prospective employer. On October 5, 2016, more than 1,000 students visited the Student Recreation Center to meet with over 160 of the region’s top employers […]
Perfect Pitch:
Agencies Share Success Stories

Four guest speakers, over 60 students, free food and admission — what else do you need to spend a quality evening outside your classroom? On October 24, 2016, the Philly Ad Club together with the Rowan Ad Club hosted their 3rd annual Perfect Pitch at Rowan University’s Shpeen Hall for students to prepare for careers in […]
2 Alumni Donate $25M to Expand Fossil Park

On Monday morning, October 17, 2016, Science Hall swarmed with curious students, faculty and media portending a big day in Rowan’s history. Two Rowan alumni, Jean and Ric Edelman, founders of Edelman Financial Services, pledged $25 million to expand and transform the Rowan University Fossil Park into a world-class citizen science marvel and a global tourist destination. […]