#PROFPRIDE: Faculty Shares Advice

Dr. Stephen Fleming is Assistant Dean for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. He offers his perspective and resources for incoming or current LGBTQIA+ students.

Stephen Fleming standing outside of Bunce Hall while wearing a blue suit and tie.

1. You are not alone. 

College is a very common time for students to question their sexuality and/or gender identity. You are not alone, and there are resources available on campus to help you through the process.

2. It is OK to not know. 

We live in a world of labels and many of us strive to fit into one of them. Understandably, students can feel pressure to quickly commit to knowing who they are and who they like. But, it’s OK to not know and to take your time in exploring these aspects of your identity.  

3. Get involved.

There is so much value in getting involved with peers and educators who have similar interests as you. Whether it be a club, sport, campus employment or something else, these involvement opportunities can help you feel a sense of belonging at Rowan. Even better — you can meet new friends and build your resume in the process!

4. Assert your Name.

Rowan has a preferred name policy as part of our effort to ensuring all feel valued and welcome. If you are not being called by the preferred name that you listed on Banner, don’t be afraid to respectfully address it with your faculty, peers, etc. Almost always, the mistake is not intentional and folks are happy to do all they can to do better.

5. RU a LGBTQIA+ ally?

There are spaces for you on campus also! Don’t miss your opportunity to show your support for LGBTQIA+ members of the campus community. It is noticed and it means a lot.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, music industry graduate

Photo of Dr. Fleming courtesy of Queer Voices Project

Queer Voices: Psychology Major Ella Emmer

This interview was originally featured on the Queer Voices Instagram page @queer_voices. 

Biomedical Art and Visualization major Emerson Harman created the Queer Voices Project, which is working “to amplify LGBTQ+ student, faculty, and alumni voices at Rowan University through portraits and interviews.” You can also find more of their content here.

Name, pronouns, and identity?

My name is Ella Emmer, my pronouns are she/her, and identify as gay.

What is your year in school and your major?

I’m a junior Psychology major and am also pursuing a minor in German.

A selfie of Ella with a rainbow Pride flag in the background.
When did you come out as LGBTQ+, and why then?

Unfortunately, the first part of my coming out journey was being outed. I got outed my sophomore year of high school to my field hockey team, my coaches, and the entire athletic wing. I had a lot of different friend groups and so it was kinda divided. My friends in the theater wing didn’t find out until I chose to come out my junior year.

The first time I chose to come out I felt like it was almost a form of activism. I was in my high school psychology class and I heard really harmful and derogatory words being thrown around and so I turned around to the group of guys saying those harmful things and I said, ‘Well, what’s wrong with being gay,’ which immediately shocked everyone into silence. He tried to defend it and be like ‘Well Daniella, what would you do if a girl came up and tried to kiss you, wouldn’t you think it’s weird,’ and despite not being out to anyone in the school except that one athletic section, I said, ‘I’d kiss her right back’ and then he was like ‘Oh so you’re a dyke’ to which I said yes.

It was a very uncomfortable experience and it was extremely embarrassing in the moment, but it’s something I look back on with pride because I wanted to make a statement. I didn’t like how no one was saying anything, especially the teacher because I knew he was hearing what was happening. After that class I had a really long and meaningful talk with my high school choir director and he said something that has stuck with me since. He said, ‘Empower yourself and live in your light,’ and that’s something I still live by today. 

​Has being LGBTQ impacted or influenced your education?

Being gay, one of the criteria I looked at when choosing a college was how accepting of LGBTQ students they were and the resources they have for our community. When I saw that Rowan has various LGBTQ+ clubs and the SJICR center, it made me feel very at-home and comfortable, and also I’ve always been someone who loves activism and social justice work, so finding Prism felt like a perfect fit. It felt like a great balance between being a social group for LGBTQ members to meet each other as well as pursuing activist work.

I also want to be a trauma therapist, and part of my mission is to advocate and support LGBTQ+ individuals because unfortunately, people in the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to face trauma. 

​​Has LGBTQ culture and acceptance changed throughout your time at Rowan?

In my experience, I’ve always felt that Rowan has been a very accepting place. I’ve loved to see Prism grow over the years. When I first started it was a small, tight-knit group and now we’re still a family but it’s amazing each year to see more and more people join the family and it makes my heart so happy.

How has attending Rowan helped you in finding an inclusive community?

I was lucky enough to find Prism early on and because of that, I met some of my closest friends. I found people who understood and related to experiences I’ve had. There’s a bond that comes from facing similar oppressive situations. While extremely unfortunate, we all understand what it’s like to be rejected for who we are, and have faced discrimination in one form or another. I’m so lucky to have found Prism and all of the amazing people in the club.

Were there any faculty that you particularly enjoyed, inspired you and/or made you feel you had a safe space?

I initially met JoAnna Murphy by accident, but ever since she has been the person I go to for everything. JoAnna exudes traits that the rest of this world needs to adopt. I truly admire her compassion, authenticity, and dedication to create change in the world. She is a woman and activist I strive to emulate. I feel so lucky to know her and have her as a mentor.  JoAnna has undoubtedly affected my experience at Rowan in an extremely positive way.

Is there anything you would want to see changed at Rowan in regards to LGBTQ+ life?​

I’ve heard many painful stories that my friends have shared about their professors aren’t using the right pronouns or the right name. I feel that that is completely unacceptable and there is no reason why professors or anyone for that matter can’t respect someone’s identity. In the future I would hope to see change implemented that holds all professional staff to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all of their students.

Anything else you want to discuss?

The journey of figuring out your identity can be extremely terrifying and it can feel isolating, but I want people to know that they’re not alone in any of it and that they have a community. They’re exactly valid and worthy for who they are and if anyone ever needs support or a safe person to talk to, just know that I’m an email away.

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Rowan Global Student Kaitlyn Anthony: A Career Woman Earning a Master’s in Business Administration

Kaitlyn in front of Business Hall.

Kaitlyn Anthony, a recent Rowan alumna, shares her journey of pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at Rowan University. 

Being a career woman did not stop Kaitlyn from pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration with a concentration in management.

Currently, Kaitlyn is in the field working for Sesame Street under the large corporation of SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment. Even though she is already working, Kaitlyn said she wanted to get her MBA because “in order to grow, I wanted to stand apart from other applicants. The business and hospitality industry is growing and changing every day, so I wanted to not only grow as a leader but constantly educate myself on how to grow as a business professional. I would also love to teach and be a professor in the future, so getting this degree would help me reach that goal.”

Kailyn sitting at a table outside Business Hall.

Working and earning a 4.0 GPA in Rowan’s MBA program comes with challenges, but Kaitlyn is working hard to face them.

“The biggest challenge is being the best I can be in both roles as a student and as a professional. I never want the quality of my work to hinder on either side. I always strive to put my best effort forward and be as organized and professional as possible,” she says.

Kaitlyn talks about why she chose Rowan to get her MBA. She explains: “After earning my undergraduate degree at Rowan and having such an amazing experience, I knew I would be in good hands to take the next step in her professional career. The professors at Rowan are so motivating and really help their students. They have not only helped me in the world of business but have helped me grow as a person and as a well-rounded leader.”

Kaitlyn works on her laptop in Business Hall.

Kaitlyn is not only a career woman and student but is extremely involved in extracurricular activities. “During my first semester of my master’s program, I was offered the Robert D. Lynch scholarship for my leadership background and academic excellence. Within that scholarship, I was inducted into the Rowan Graduate Student and Alumni Advisory Board (RGSAAB). This organization is about building a community and networking opportunities for students within Rowan, specifically for the MBA program.”

She explains, “After conducting research, we found that there were not as many opportunities to network as we do for the undergraduate program. So RGSAAB holds workshops and meetings to enhance the MBA experience by building a community for current students and alumni.”

When asked to offer advice for potential MBA students, Kaitlyn says: “I’ll be short and sweet: do it. It will give you the opportunity to enhance your experience as a professional. Remember your goals and keep them in mind along the way. Be confident in yourself and your abilities.”

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major 


#PROFPRIDE: Learning to Embrace Myself

The front of Bunce Hall being lit up at night with rainbow colored lights

Today, from a member of our Rowan Blog team: “In honor of Pride Month, I wanted to share my own story in grappling with and understanding my sexuality.” 

Dealing with my sexuality has never been an easy task since it isn’t something that can be easily placed into one box. My identity in general intersects at multiple points that, until recently, have been viewed as separate entities.

I’m Black, which subjects me to racial discrimination; but I’m also a girl, which dips this racial discrimination/prejudice in a coat of misogyny known as misogynoir. However, I can acknowledge that in spite of the fact that I have experienced misogynoir throughout the duration of my life, I also experience privilege in that I have never and will never experience colorism which is something that my darker brothers and sisters have been subjected to for years that I, in spite of being a Black girl, will never know. These conflicting intersections of my racial identity have already complicated how I view myself and how the world views and  interacts with me sometimes leaves me confused. This confusion was only heightened when I fully embraced by bisexual identity. 

I’ve known I wasn’t straight ever since I was a child and always did my best to hide it knowing that people aren’t exactly accepting of people whose identities stray too far from the social norm. Growing up, I saw my other peers who were more open about their sexual identities be the targets of bullying and harassment, which only caused me to further retreat into myself and hide that part of my identity. In middle school, I was already a Black child in a predominantly white school whose mother couldn’t afford many of the same luxuries that my peers had, which made me an easy target. I knew that disclosing my sexual orientation would only make this harassment worse, and maybe there was a bit of privilege in that in some capacity. 

There is no way to look “gay,” “straight,” or anything else but people often associate certain characteristics with a person’s sexuality which is so ignorant but it was a part of growing up and something people (on all points of the spectrum) still actively do in their adult life. The fact that I didn’t have any of those perceived characteristics allowed for me to hide in plain sight and would continue to allow me to hide if I wasn’t no longer ashamed of my sexuality or the woman I’m becoming. It’s actually at Rowan University where I was able to get in front of a group of my classmates and openly say, “I’m bisexual” and not care what people think, and the response I got was very warm and welcoming. 

I won’t lie and say I now live a life without fear, but I do live a life where I care less about what people think. While my sexuality is no one’s business, it is also not something I’m ashamed of. If it comes up in conversation, then I have no problem disclosing it and, if anyone has a problem with it, then that’s not something that will weigh on me. In the words of Nicki Minaj, “I am who I am because I am who I am.” Take it or leave it. 

Girl in flannel shirt sitting on a rock and smiling.

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Story by:
Bianca Gray, senior English major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

RJ Wentzell, senior exercise science major

My Favorite Class: Professions in Publishing

Exterior shot of 301 High Street.

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.

Scott MacLean is a senior Writing Arts major enrolled in the 4+1 dual degree program. He is from Wenonah, NJ (Gloucester County) and transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey.

What was the name of your favorite class at Rowan? 

Professions in Publishing

What department was the class in? 

Masters in Writing (MAWR)

Who taught the class when you took it? 

Megan Atwood

Scott smiling outside.

Tell us a little about what the class is.

Professions in Publishing looks at the publishing industry as a whole and trade publishing in particular. We went over the various career paths involved in the publishing process, with an emphasis on the editing aspects. We worked to edit manuscripts and learned from many guest speakers who all play a role in the publishing industry.

Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting or special to you. 

I’ve always been a book lover, and throughout my time at Rowan I’ve learned I’m an excellent peer editor. My goal is to one day work as an editor in the publishing industry, and this class gave me the skills needed to realize that dream!

Is there anything else that made this class impactful?

I have never had a class that so closely applies to what I want to do with my future. I am so thankful for the chance to learn from Professor Atwood and the many guest speakers!

Scott holds his diploma at commencement.

What makes this professor great?

Professor Atwood has first-hand knowledge of the ins and outs of the publishing industry. She is truly a wonderful professor who made this class not only informative, but fun too! She is always open to questions and creates a safe environment for classroom discussions. It’s easy to tell she’s invested in our futures and wants us to have all the knowledge we’ll need to be successful writers and editors.

How did this class help to support your academic or personal growth, or your professional goals? 

For the first time, I feel not only prepared for my future career, but eager to begin! It’s as if some divine force crafted this class to fit my needs perfectly.

What are your professional goals? 

My dream is to become an editor in the publishing industry and to eventually go on to be an author myself.

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Caitlyn Dickinson, public relations and advertising graduate

#PROFPRIDE: Filmmaker Riel Dioquino on “Beyond His Closet”

Riel wears his graduation regalia and squats by a tree.

Today we speak with Riel Marc Dioquino (he/him), who recently graduated with a degree in Radio/Television/Film (RTF) and a concentration in Production. Riel hails from Burlington Township and is a first-generation college student. He also participated in Cinema Workshop and earned recognition for this short documentary, Beyond His Closet, in the Edelman College of Communications & Creative Arts Student Showcase. Beyond His Closet follows Adam Kowalski in his journey after coming out. Riel also earned recognition for his narrative film, Lost & Found, at the 7th Annual RTF Media Festival.

Why is this a relevant story to share? 

Anyone that’s in the LGBTQ+ community, we hear a lot of stories of people coming out, but little do we hear stories of what happens after. There are a lot of inner demons you still have to work with maybe your whole life you’ve closeted yourself and you’ve hidden your identity for so long. That affects your way of living and you have to find a way to find yourself again.

This goes back to the concept of coming in, which is what Adam talks about [in the documentary]. The concept of coming out is that you tell everyone, your friends and your family that you’re gay or bi, or whoever you are. Coming in is just as important because it means you’re coming into yourself. You’re starting to explore the good and bad sides of yourself and become more comfortable in your own skin. That’s what this whole story of Adam and this documentary focuses on, not just the process of coming out, but going through life afterward and finding yourself again. 

Is there anything else you want viewers to realize or feel after watching the film? 

Coming from my personal struggles, I think from what Adam says at the end to keep going through life and keep moving forward, I think that makes us stronger. 

I just hope anyone that watches this feels the hopefulness and the strength Adam shows. I think Adam is a really strong person, and having that film in mind kind of helped me mentally prepare for my surgery [Riel currently has a broken arm that required surgery]. I feel like we should just appreciate life as it is, not take life too seriously and just continue on regardless of whatever you’re are going through, I think that’s what’s going to make your life the fullest.

Adam, wearing glasses and a black t-shirt, plays the guitar on his porch.

How did you prepare Adam to be your documentary subject? 

I did a pre-interview with Adam before we started shooting for the film. We met up and talked about his life for a few hours that first day. After I knew a little bit about him, I had my questions lined up so that he could talk about: his childhood, his process of coming out, what happened after he came out and then a wrap-up of what he thinks about his life.

How long did it take to film the documentary? 

On all phases of production, it took a whole semester. This film was for my TV Documentary Field Production class. I had Professor Jonathan Olshefski and I chose to do it independently, which was a tough job to carry but it wasn’t too bad. Thankfully, I had Prof. Olshefski to guide me. 

Surprisingly, it took four days to film the documentary. Before and during those film days throughout the semester, I had to find a subject, pre-plan the shoot, plan all the equipment, then commute to get all of the equipment from the RTF room. Once production was done, I edited everything at home. 

Beyond His Closet film cover photo showing Adam playing the guitar while barefoot.

In the future, what kind of films do you want to make? 

I’ve honestly never really thought of that because I’m always thinking about what’s the next job to do. I just graduated and I always get asked, “What’s your plan? Do you have any jobs lined up?” It’s the pressure of “What is next?” or “You have to keep going even though you have no idea where to go” that kind of scares me.

I always thought about maybe doing freelancing or production assistant jobs. Personally, I never thought of making a documentary or a huge film because it’s not usually my thing. But, if anyone asked me to join their project, I would!  

For my Instagram posts, I play around with a lot of lighting and smoke on concepts for my photo/video shoots. Recently, I’ve been wanting to get out of my basement to do more photo/video shoots in nature for a change. The way I work with projects on Instagram or non-jobs is more about expressing myself, what I feel in the moment, and what I need to get out of my chest into visuals. Then I’m onto my next project. 

I used to make a lot of dark, emo, Billie-Eilish-inspired projects where I’m in this dark void, but recently I want to make more projects where I feel free with the use of outside nature. 

Going back to the making of my documentary, it can be hard for filmmakers to create a documentary if you don’t understand the energy of the person. That’s what brings life to it, showing compassion and deep feelings about it. Not just the way people talked in the interview but the way you edit it, the way you shoot b-roll, and how you use lighting. Everything influences how you want to portray this person’s life on screen.

Riel looks contemplatively into the golden sunset with his hand on his face.

Is there anything else you want to share about the film? 

I just thought it was cool how I was able to be comfortable enough to dive deep in this subject of being a part of the LGBTQ+ community and exploring someone’s life through that. I definitely would give credit to my production classes especially my Video Art class because I was able to express myself and be open about being gay through projects where I was given the freedom to make whatever I want. From that, I felt open to doing the documentary on Adam which I am very grateful for.

What’s your message to people during Pride Month or are you keeping anything in mind during Pride Month? I feel like I’m a newbie at being openly gay because this is the first year where I’m actively expressing my identity through projects where I’m able to tell people my struggles with being gay. 

I have social anxiety, I’m very introverted, and I’m Asian. My advice for people is that there’s always going to be a group for you even if you think there’s not. 

Keeping that fire or spark alive is so important. Do what makes you happy. When I grow up, I don’t want to regret not doing the things I wanted to do. I don’t want to have an unfulfilled life when my time comes. Having that mindset helps me move forward and blocks out all the negativity. Letting go of all the tension in your chest and just doing whatever you want helps bring a lot more meaning to your life. I know it won’t be easy but I think it’d be worth the shot if you tried.

Check out more of Riel’s work at:

Instagram – @rmarc99

Portfolio Website – https://rieldioquino.myportfolio.com/work 

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Story by: 
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos by:
Riel Dioquino, radio television film graduate

Beyond the Classroom: Idea Challenge Winner, Steminist Squad Founder Talia Tomarchio

The Steminist Squad leader and volunteers pose in front of Business Hall.

Today we speak to Talia Tomarchio, a recent graduate with a degree in computer science, a minor in neuroscience and an honors concentration. Talia is a transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County and a first-generation college student. Talia founded the Steminist Squad, an online community for women in STEM industries. Her business won first place at both Rowan’s 2020 Idea Challenge and the 2021 Rohrer New Venture Competition and was a semi-finalist in KPMG’s Ideation Challenge. 

Talia poses on the bridge behind Wilson Hall.

What kinds of career-related opportunities have you had beyond the classroom? 

I performed research with Dr. Anthony Breitzman (from the Dept. of Computer Science) this semester on analyzing Myers–Briggs personality types through Twitter tweets. I was planning on getting an internship last summer, which would be my first summer at Rowan. I applied for research for undergraduates (REUS) through the National Science Foundation, but because of COVID-19, all the opportunities I applied to got canceled. I reached out to Dr. Breitzman, and he allowed me to do research with him! We started our research over the summer, and we continued it through the fall. I also founded an online community for girls in STEM called Steminist Squad. 

Can you tell me more about the community? 

It started out as an online chat server on Discord where girls can talk about their major, post internships they found, share resources and help each other with homework. It has now grown into a professional development resource and supportive community of like-minded individuals. We also have an inspirational social media presence and a podcast that is coming soon. 

The Steminist Squad walks to Business Hall.

How did you come up with Steminist Squad? 

After coronavirus broke out and closed campus last spring, I was taking a few courses in the summer and realized the impact that online learning had on me as a student. I felt disconnected and missed the campus environment, and I’m sure that I wasn’t alone. That feeling inspired me to create a community to connect women from different colleges and communities, and that was the start of the journey to what is now Steminist Squad! 

What was your experience like entering the Squad in idea challenges and competitions? 

It boosted my confidence by practicing my pitch so many times! I met so many new people and learned a lot from the mentors and teachers. I also gained valuable insight on how to pivot the business direction to reach more women and help them. 

What knowledge or skills have you developed through The Idea Challenge and New Venture Competition that you will take with you for future endeavors? 

There are a few major takeaways that I learned from these experiences. I learned the basics of entrepreneurship, like business models, customer discovery and financials. I developed teamwork skills by leading a team of volunteers for two semesters, and my presentation skills have [dramatically] improved. 

The Steminist Squad sits in Business Hall.

Has there been anyone from Rowan that helped you start and keep this community going?

Jessica Vankawala, a junior Biomedical Engineering major in a PreMed program with Cooper Medical School, and Kayleigh Ostberg, a junior Bioinformatics major, have been essential volunteers from the Bantivoglio Honors College. Kadie Davis, a Biomedical Engineering major with a Chemistry minor, also volunteered in the Spring 2021 semester. 

Tapan Soni, once my cybersecurity teaching assistant and now a professional cybersecurity analyst, is an active and vital member of our online server. With the support of Dr. Kristen diNovi and Dr. Susana Santos [featured here], and guidance from Dr. Eric Liguroi [featured here] and Brandon Graham [featured here], I was able to transform this from an idea to reality. 

How do you feel you are helping others with the Steminist Squad? 

Being a first-generation student, I often think about the other girls who don’t have the support or confidence in themselves to be successful in school or in life. So, I feel like a part of me understands what they are going through and wants to give them a way to feel included and supported. If it doesn’t get any bigger than this and I end up helping one girl gain confidence in what she is capable of, I will be happy. 

The Steminist Squad sits in front of Business Hall.
Talia (second from left) with Squad members Jessica Vankawala, Kayleigh Ostberg and Kadie Davis.

What are your future plans for the Steminist Squad, now that you have graduated?

I am planning on taking this summer to grow Steminist Squad. I was accepted into the Rowan Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summer Accelerator program, also known as StartupRU, where I will further develop my startup with the help of mentors and resources. I hope to have a fully functioning model by the end of the summer so I can start recruiting more Squad members for next semester!

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major, and Talia Tomarchio, computer science graduate

Photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major

Header photo:
Talia (second from left) with Steminist Squad members Jessica Vankawala, Kayleigh Ostberg and Kadie Davis

Vinyl Record Club [VIDEO]

Stock photo of vinyl album covers

Members of the Vinyl Record Club share their favorite aspects of vinyl, analyze the authentic analog sounds of records, and welcome you to join the fun. Whether you own vinyl or just love music – all are welcome.

Explore our clubs, honor societies, Greek organizations and sports to make the most out of your college experience.

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Video & Music by:
Max Morgan, Radio/TV/Film graduate

Secondary videographer:
Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major

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PROFFAMILY poses next to Bunce Hall.

“PROFFAMILY is a group of college students looking to spread positivity and awareness,” says Music Industry major Samuel Poku (who prefers to be called Poku). It is a great way to network and pursue goals as a college student. “Inclusivity to me means that everyone has equal opportunity, an opportunity to be great and successful,” […]

Meet #Rowan2025: Biological Sciences Major Lauren Kliniewski

A Rowan student works in a lab.

Meet incoming first year student Lauren Kliniewski! Lauren is a first-generation college student and aspiring Biological Sciences major from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County). She tells us more about what she’s looking forward to at Rowan! Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college? Furthering my education and […]

Senior Reflects: 4+1 Student Mia Fondacaro

Mia stands in front of Bunce Hall.

Mia Fondacaro recently graduated with a degree in Biological Sciences through the Combined Advanced Degree 4+1 program (CADP) along with minors in Sustainable Studies and Psychology. She is now working toward her master’s degree in STEM education. She reflects on her time at Rowan and offers some advice to incoming students.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

Not sure if this counts but I had this one professor who was super connected with her students. If you missed a class but did not inform you, she would check in on you to make sure you’re ok. She was/is a great professor, and her class was always really fun.

Mia smiles on the steps of Bunce Hall.

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

My favorite moment as a student has to be my junior year Homecoming. This is where I really went out of my comfort zone and met a lot of new people.

What are your career aspirations?

Finish my +1 year, work in a high-need school, get my doctorate, work in higher ed.

Mia stands in front of a white spring flowering shrub on campus.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

My program is unique. For your three years as an undergrad you are only taking classes for your subject matter (for me it is biology) then in your fourth and +1 year you are taking graduate courses for education. With this set up I feel like it makes getting certified being a teacher easy because I do not have to double major in my subject matter and then education, here it is a program that is already set up.

Also with this accelerated program, yes I graduate a year later than my peers, but I graduate with a MA, which will have me entering the job market with higher income. To employers I think I will look like a valuable employee based on this program and my education from Rowan.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Dr. Courtney Richmond, Intro to Marine Biology, connected with her students, really knew how to teach, and was well educated in the subject.

Mia stands inside a gazebo on campus.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

With me being a senior and having Covid take away my last year at Rowan, I’m thinking back to all the amazing memories I had at Rowan and wish I could have been able to make more this year with my friends and professors.

To the incoming students at Rowan, please make the most out of your time here. Join clubs, go to events, live in a resident hall, eat on campus, sit in the student center pit, sunbathe at Bunce Green, go to the REC center. Be an active student on campus because you never know when it is all going to be taken away. What seems like a normal day on campus might end up being your last, so appreciate every moment here.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, music industry graduate

Photos by:
Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major

Queer Voices: Theatre Major Tyler “TJ” Jacobs

This interview was originally featured on the Queer Voices Instagram page @queer_voices. 

Biomedical Art and Visualization major Emerson Harman created the Queer Voices Project, which is working “to amplify LGBTQ+ student, faculty, and alumni voices at Rowan University through portraits and interviews.” You can also find more of their content here.

TJ smiling while wearing a rainbow headband.

Name, pronouns, and identity?

I am Tyler “TJ” Jacobs, my pronouns are he/him/his, and I am a gay man.

What is your year in school and your major?

I am a junior Theatre major at Rowan University.
When did you come out as LGBTQ+, and why then?

[laughs] Ok, this is actually a really funny story. So there is never a right time for anything. I actually came out twice, and the first time was of my own accord. I was in 8th grade, and I had attended an open house at my sister’s elementary school with my family and my sister. My sister’s school had one of those “cafetoriums” where there’s a stage in the cafeteria, and I had gone up on the stage and had done some kind of flourish or something, and my mom was like, “Be careful Tyler, do something like that and people might think that you’re gay.”

I said “Haha, yeah,” and she said, “It would be ok if you were,” and I was like, “Cool, that’s good to know.” 

That in mind, we were going out to the car, and I said, “Well, I am gay.”

My stepdad laughed and said ok, but my mom proceeded to freak out. She pulled every emotional trick to basically force me back into the closet, and that was not great. She had said it would be okay, so I had been like, well, there’s no better time than the present, and it turns out the present was not a great time. Later, sophomore year of high school, I had two of my friends over. My friend, who I had a crush on at the time, and I were cuddling and my mom came in and said “Stop that.” Well, obviously, we didn’t stop, and then she came back and said​ that I needed to come downstairs, while my friends were still in my room, and then had this entire confrontation with me that was forcing me out of the closet. Now everything’s fine, we have a great relationship. My mom doesn’t have a problem with it; she did research on her own to figure out what was going on, and we have a great relationship now. Certainly back then, things were a bit rocky.

Has being LGBTQ impacted or influenced your education?

Not really in any negative way. Generally, I’ve been pretty blessed with being a white cis man, who is also straight-passing, that I haven’t had any backlash. I mean, I’ve been called “fag” only twice in my life, and not so many are that lucky. 

Has LGBTQ culture and acceptance changed throughout your time at Rowan?

I’m in the theatre department, so I’m just generally around a large amount of LGBTQ+ people, but I haven’t really felt super connected to a larger community of LGBTQ+ people as a whole at Rowan. I haven’t felt that at all. I haven’t really experienced any hatefulness or anything from the general public, besides being called “fag” once, but that was one time out of three years. Ultimately, it doesn’t feel like there’s a huge presence with any of the LGBTQ+ organizations. I know that they’re there, but I’m never able to attend because of my schedule.

This year I’m really, really trying to reach out and connect to other people in the community because in general LGBTQ+ youth do not get to connect to others in the community throughout their adolescence. I really think we are negatively impacted by that, because we don’t get to relate and share our experiences with others as our straight counterparts do. I’m hoping that the community continues to grow and open up and connect with others on campus, but I haven’t seen any new developments. It’s honestly stagnant. The community at large here is very accepting.

How has attending Rowan helped you in finding an inclusive community?

Rowan, like many other institutions, helped me find an inclusive community by providing a space where I could find like-minded individuals. Whether it is in the classroom, at the student center, the library, or the theatre, usually I could find someone to speak to or learn something from. Rowan has also provided me with a wealth of opportunities to build smaller communities within through artistic endeavors, educational experiences, and club formulation. For instance, from my understanding I was the only puppeteer on campus with the exception of the puppetry workshop professor. Seeking to change that, I created RU Puppet Artists (RUPA), which allowed me to create the community I wanted to be a part of. Over a single school year, despite COVID-19, there are now several students that would proudly call themselves puppet artists that I know I can rely upon. 

Were there any faculty that you particularly enjoyed, inspired you and/or made you feel you had a safe space?

My biggest inspiration is the Department of Theatre & Dance’s Technical Director Tom Fusco. Not only is Tom an incredible professor, he has been an amazing friend and collaborator. He has been there to support myself and many other students throughout all of our endeavors. I know that whenever I need a hand or advice, I can call on him. That is not to say that he is the only professor who has supported me, especially when it comes to the theatre & dance department. There are several of them who I am proud to have worked with and am incredibly grateful for all the support and wisdom that they have imparted upon me. As I approach the end of my undergraduate studies, I can smile at all that I have learned from these incredible people and look forward to continuing my work with them in the larger South Jersey/Philadelphia community so that we can continue to inspire young artists trying to find their voice.

Is there anything you would want to see changed at Rowan in regards to LGBTQ+ life?​

I would like to see a large presence besides rainbow balloons at Pride month. There are drag competitions that happen, but only once a year. Maybe I’m wrong, because I’m not super connected to any of the organizations, but I would generally like to see more outreach and letting people know “Hey we’re here.” Other than me just being aware of the existence of these clubs, I see and hear nothing. That’s really unfortunate because there are a lot of people who could really use a little more messaging and letting them know that they’re there. There’s no connection, there’s no flyer up or anything that’s constantly up in their periphery to remind them that ‘Oh, there are people out there like me on campus who I can connect to and grow with.’ It would be really assuring if there was a general expansion of LGBTQ+ presence to let people know we are here.

Anything else you want to discuss?

​I think it’s really, incredibly important to find people in the community you look up to and can relate to and maybe reach out to. I’m a puppeteer, and the puppeteering community, like most professions, is dominated by straight, cis, white men, but there are queer puppeteers out there, and there are some truly amazing ones. While I haven’t had the privilege of getting to speak with them, just knowing that they exist and being able to see and relate to their work, and to know that they’re approaching it through that [LGBTQ+] lens is a really powerful thing. To know that there are these artists representing gay men in the puppeteering profession is really important to me. They are truly my biggest heroes.

I know for me, I hope I can connect with them so maybe one day I can be that hero where someone looks at my work and says he did it, I can do it, which is a beautiful thing. Find your idols, find your role models, and if you can, let them know that you’re here too. 

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My Favorite Class: Instrumental Conducting 2

Rowan music performance in Wilson Hall.

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series. 

Abby Bernhardt is a first-generation college student and a recent graduate with a degree in Instrumental Music Education from Egg Harbor City (Atlantic County). Her favorite class was Instrumental Conducting 2 in the Music department taught by Dr. Joe Higgins.  

Abby standing with French horn in hands.

Tell us a little about what the class is.

This class is a continuation of Conducting 1, and in this class you learn skills regarding how to conduct a band. We also focused a lot on things to do to make us better educators, and how to select repertoire that represents wide groups of people.

Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting or special to you. 

I loved this class because it made me realize what I want to do with my future. I learned so many things that I had been waiting for since high school, and I plan on using all of them in my career.

Is there anything else that made this class impactful?

Dr. Higgins is a wonderful teacher and role model, and I am so grateful to have been able to have had this time spent learning from him.

Abby smiling with French horn in front of Christmas tree.

What makes this professor great? 

Dr. Higgins not only is an amazing educator himself, but he is very good at teaching others how to be their own type of great teacher also. He also is always around for a chat or some advice.

How did this class help to support your academic or personal growth, or your professional goals? 

This class helped me solidify that I want to be a music teacher. I was always excited to go to class and learn new things that will help me immensely in my future. This class also gave me a lot of motivation to do well in school.

What are your professional goals? 

I plan on being a music teacher for a bit and then getting my master’s and going into administration as an arts administrator or vice principal. This way I will be able to support my students in the classroom and then help to support them from above, and hopefully help others to see the importance of arts education.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, public relations and advertising graduate

International Student Shares Why Rowan

Femme in front of Bunce Hall

Oluwafemi Sonubi is a senior international student from Nigeria majoring in Computer Science who became interested in Rowan for swimming.

How did you hear about Rowan’s swim team? 

A recruiter from Nigeria was helping me look at schools. I was going to either go to England, Canada or here. I applied to about 30 different schools. Rowan was the second offer I received, and after that I started traveling and looking at all the schools.

I was bullied a lot in high school and so England was out of the question for me because that’s where all my bullies were. I wanted to start fresh, and Rowan has given me the tranquility that I wanted and needed to focus. 

How do you like New Jersey?

New Jersey has been an experience. Meeting [my friend] Josh and everyone around me, the culture, the music. The different diversities and generations of history, it’s beautiful. I actually went to the Glass Museum, and it was so fun. World history never used to excite me, but history of regular things does.

Oluwafemi posing in front of Bunce Hall

What are your plans after graduation? Are you graduating now?

No, I’m staying an extra year because I want to add on a business minor. My dad convinced me to because I’m a big numbers person. After graduation I plan on focusing on my music more. Music has been my escape, whether I’m happy or sad or emotional I’ve put it all out through music or art. I produce, draw and DJ. 

Do you plan on staying in New Jersey?

I want to stay in New Jersey for a while. 

How have you felt supported on campus? How did you acclimate to being in a new country?

The first thing was the African Student Association on campus. That was the first place I found people who understood my background and culture and helped me acclimate out of it and how to get adjusted and be myself.

Willow giving paw to Oluwafemi on Bunce Green

How did you end up with Willow?

My roommate actually. He wanted to get a dog and so one day there was a dog in the house. Because he works so much, I take care of her more. I plan on buying her from him at the end of the year. She runs about 2-3 miles a day.

What’s the worst food you’ve had in New Jersey?

That’s an interesting question because I do go out to eat a lot. I don’t think I’ve had bad food. The best food, I tried the cheesecake milkshake at Wawa. That was an experience for me because I’ve never had it before.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Photography by: 
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Queer Voices: Business Major Ian McClellan

An exterior shot of Bunce Hall is illuminated in rainbow colors for Pride Month.

This interview was originally featured on the Queer Voices Instagram page @queer_voices. 

Biomedical Art and Visualization major Emerson Harman created the Queer Voices Project, which is working “to amplify LGBTQ+ student, faculty, and alumni voices at Rowan University through portraits and interviews.” You can also find more of their content here.

Name, pronouns, and identity?

My name is Ian McClellan, my pronouns are he/him/his, and I am gay.

What is your year in school and your major?
I am currently a junior here at Rowan University majoring in local Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship.

Ian leaning against a bridge overlooking a lake.
When did you come out as LGBTQ+, and why then?

I officially came out when transitioning between high school and college. For me it was just an easier transition, because I didn’t have to keep up any sort of façade. Everyone who was going to be at my school wouldn’t know me, so it was an easier time to be open instead of trying to hide it.

Has being LGBTQ impacted or influenced your education?

For the most part, there isn’t a noticeable impact. My teachers have never quite cared, and most of them probably don’t know. I’m not super forthcoming about being gay, it’s more of a fun fact or piece of trivia that you figure out if you figure it out, so I guess there’s been no profound impact.

Has LGBTQ culture and acceptance changed throughout your time at Rowan?
I’d say the change is minor, but I noticed it through the LGBTQ clubs on campus. When I first started attending Rowan my [first] year, the LGBTQ clubs and organizations were more of a social gathering where you could go and meet other LGBTQ people in the community, but today it’s more focused on activism and social change. That has come around due to leadership changes in the clubs, so activism is a bit bigger on campus than it once was. Social interaction still occurs through the activism of those clubs, but it’s not quite what it was. The culture hasn’t changed too much, but just changed what the focus is about.

How has attending Rowan helped you in finding an inclusive community?

Rowan has allowed me the opportunity to meet other members of the LGBTQIA+ community who are of a similar age. This has allowed me to feel more comfortable and to physically see others thriving and believe that I can thrive myself.

Were there any faculty that you particularly enjoyed, inspired you and/or made you feel you had a safe space?

The residential learning professional team at Rowan made me feel more comfortable in my time as both a resident and a resident assistant. They not only encourage diverse perspectives but celebrate them. Everyone has something to bring to the table.

Is there anything you would want to see changed at Rowan in regards to LGBTQ+ life?

I know a lot of people at Rowan struggle at the moment with their identity. College, for a lot of people, is a time to get away from the pressures of home and feeling like you have to achieve certain things, so I know a lot of students have the opportunity to explore their sexuality. A lot of people are quiet or hushed about it, though, because they feel that there’s some kind of stigma or stereotype about experimenting with your sexuality, like it’s something you can be made fun of, especially if you’re a male. You seem to have to want to experiment, because if you experiment, people think you automatically are [LGBTQ] and there’s no going back, so a lot of people go on apps to explore sexuality and use fake names or don’t put up photos, so overall there’s a lot of insecurity about it, which could be worked to be decreased.

Anything else you want to discuss?

There’s a living-learning community in Holly Pointe Commons for LGBTQ+ people. I know that RLUH (Residential Learning and University Housing) is really pushing to create more learning communities to allow people to express their interests, so people who want to be involved in the LGBTQ community have a place where for the first time in college they can come out and meet people in the community. They get the opportunity to feel an aura of comfort, because other people in their community don’t judge them for who they are.

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Passing the Torch: Rowan STEM Majors See All the Possibilities

Alyssa smiles and stands in front of the Rowan arch.

“One thing I like is that you have a lot of options. Once you graduate, there’s so many fields you can go into,” says recent grad Margot Clarke about the Chemical Engineering program.

“And it’s something that you can take on with an open mind. I would say my biggest lesson was learn as you go.” 

Margot stands in front of Bunce Hall.

Margot, from Burlington County, NJ, is looking at positions in the pharmaceutical industry. She says she hasn’t accepted an offer yet but is “considering something right now.” 

Margot smiles and stands in Bunce Green.
Margot Clarke

Alyssa Salera of Gloucester County, NJ, who graduated with a degree in Biochemistry, plans to continue doing research at Rowan while applying for jobs and focusing on her long-term goal of medical school. 

“Personally, some of my friends are going to medical school, some of my friends are going to be pharmacists. And then I have a lot of friends who are going to get Ph.D.s and … research in different aspects of chemistry. The major is very diverse and you can really do whatever you want with it, which is really nice,” she says.

Alyssa stands in front of the Rowan arch.
Alyssa Salera

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Passing the Torch: Second-Generation Rowan Grad, Top-Tier Engineering Student Alexa Aulicino’s Favorite College Memory

Alexa stands in front of the Rowan arch.

When we first met Alexa Aulicino, the year was 2017, and the first-year Mechanical Engineering major from Burlington County walked us through her day for this feature profile

Four years later, the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honors Society president and Medallion award winner is poised to begin her career across the country. 

Alexa wears her graduation gown with spring flowers in the foreground.

The move makes sense for Alexa, whose favorite Rowan memory saw her travelling more than 7,000 miles away. 

As a sophomore in 2019, Alexa enrolled in a pilot course called Engineering in a Global Context, where she says students learned what it means to be “globally competent engineers.” The class culminated in a two-week study abroad tour of China, visiting Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. 

The students visited Inductotherm Group China, a branch of the company founded by Rowan University’s namesake, the late Henry Rowan. They toured its factory, where Alexa recalls they were warmly greeted by employees and presented with tiny, hand-painted Inductotherm cups. 

Alexa stands in front of the Rowan arch.

“Then the rest of the trip, we got to visit different universities and engineering programs and see the robotics, their technology, their buildings, and it was really cool,” Alexa explains.

“It definitely puts in perspective how big the world is. And it makes me grateful for things, to live here. And then it also makes me curious, like, what else is out there?”

Alexa smiles in her graduation gown.

Alexa will soon find out. She’s headed out west to work for Roccor, a Colorado-based aerospace company. 

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Passing the Torch: Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts Grads Reflect

Recent graduates from Rowan’s Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts (ECCCA) share their memories, tips and wisdom with future Profs.

Marian smiles and stands in front of the Bunce Hall steps.

“Get involved with clubs like PRSSA and Ad Club because they let you build a community outside of class and you get to practice classroom skills with real clients! Start working internships as soon as possible,” says Marian Suganob, who earned degrees in Public Relations and Advertising.

Caitlyn smiles in front of spring flowers on campus.

“There is just so much room for you to do whatever you want. There are so many possibilities. When I started my Comm. Studies major, I thought I wanted to do interpersonal, organizational; and within the past few months, I realized that I don’t want to do that. But I still have enough skills to go into any other field that I want within communication. So there’s lots of options, and you’re never going to feel like ‘Oh, I picked the wrong thing,’ because you have so many options,” says Caitlyn Halligan, who earned a degree in Communication Studies

Jenna smiles and stands on Bunce Green.

“Take every opportunity you can when it’s right in front of you. It’s definitely going to pay off when you’re applying to jobs,” says Jenna Fischer, who earned a degree in Public Relations.

Zachery smiles in front of Bunce Hall.

“I think one of the most fulfilling things about being a part of the Westby community and being a student studying in the arts is certainly the faculty and the friends you make along the way. It’s a wonderful community. Everyone is very inspiring and always pushes each other for success,” says Zachery Woodward, who earned a degree in Studio Art with a concentration in printmaking.

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Passing the Torch: International Studies, Modern Languages Dual Major on Taking Advantage of Every Rowan Opportunity

Ashley walks down Bunce Green in her cap and gown.

If there’s one member of the class of 2021 who truly knows the ins and outs of Rowan University, it’s Ashley Hermansen.

The Gloucester County native and dual major in International Studies and Modern Languages and Linguistics works as an Admissions Ambassador coordinator. In this student leadership role, she has recruited and trained dozens of students to connect prospective Profs and their families with Rowan’s history, culture and campus.

Portrait of Ashley in front of Bunce Hall.

As a sophomore, Ashley led the Spanish Studies Association as its president. She’s also been involved with the Arabic Club and Model UN, contributed articles to Her Campus, coordinated opportunities for the Office of Volunteerism and studied abroad

“The more you talk to people and the more you take advantage of all the opportunities you have, the more you’re going to feel like you got out of it. And so I feel like I’ve exhausted all my opportunities” at Rowan, Ashley says.

“I’ve done everything. And I’m ready to pass the torch on to the next incoming [first year] class because there are so many things for them to take advantage of. And I know I did, and I know they could totally do the same thing and have just as great and even a better experience, too.”

Her favorite experiences — and people — extend to the classroom as well.

Ashley smiles and stands on Bunce Green.

“My advisor, Christine Larsen-Britt, she’s my favorite person on this planet. She has helped get me from point A to point B in college, and I could not have done it without her. She’s the best.”

She adds, “My favorite class was with Dr. Schrader. He was absolutely awesome. He’s turned my research from high school level to academic and professional level. I’ve had experiences with all the Modern Language professors, Dr. Hernandez, Mousa, mainly all of them.”

Ashley hopes when she enters graduate school, it will even compare to the level of connection and care she has had with her Rowan professors. 

“They care about you so much. They just want to see you succeed. They’re so happy when you do succeed, they all support you really well,” she says.

Ashley photographed from behind in front of Bunce Hall.

Ashley will head to Washington, DC this fall to begin her master’s program in International Development Studies at The George Washington University.

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Meet #Rowan2025: Advertising and Management Major Emily Gizzi

Meet incoming first year student Emily Gizzi! Emily is an aspiring Advertising and Management dual major from North East, Maryland. She tells us more about what she’s looking forward to at Rowan.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college? (Personally, academically, anything!)

I’m really looking forward having a dorm. I can’t wait to meet a roommate and decorate the dorm!

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club you were a part of in high school that you’d like to continue in college?

Future Business Leaders of America.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself in college? 

I’m excited to find a deeper independence but also a more social side of myself.

What majors are you considering and why?

Advertising and management because I have a very creative mind and I enjoy being a leader, so I’d like to learn about how a bit more.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

I toured the campus and I love the Boulevard!

Do you have advice for other high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Go with your heart and let the rest fall in line. Pick a place that feels the most like home.

Where are you going to live next year?

On campus!

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

The campus feel.

Emily stands on the #RowanProud chair on campus.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, music industry graduate

#PROFPRIDE: Leah Boyle, RA for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community

Leah smiles in front of Bunce Hall while wearing a gray Rowan shirt and glasses.

Today we speak with Leah Boyle, who graduated this May with a degree in Psychology. Leah comes from Haddonfield, NJ in Camden County and is a first-generation college student. She has been an on-campus resident all four years and worked as an RA (Resident Assistant) for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community in Holly Pointe for the last two years.

What has it been like being an RA?

It’s been so good. I love everything about it. I’ve gotten so many opportunities through it. I am the RA for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community. I make programs and oversee all of our students as they transition into Rowan. 

Is there a moment that stands out to you as particularly meaningful being the RA of this pod? 

Making programs [focused] on helping people introduce themselves and finding footing in a completely safe space for the first time has been the most impactful to me. Just having people refer friends to me if they have questions. Knowing that I myself am a resource has been my favorite thing about it. 

Do you get a lot of first years? 

Yes, it’s only first-years. I’m so happy I was able to do it. It’s been the happiest job I’ve had. It’s been so positive and a great environment.

Can you tell me more about the programming that you’ve offered? 

Because of Covid, it’s a little bit different. This semester I taught American Sign Language every month on Zoom. Last year I did Coming Out parties and LGBTQIA+ History Trivia Nights (showing the names and faces of people who are really important to our history). We have certain events for people who were celebrating their one-year anniversary since transitioning. It was so great, we had so much fun.

It’s a little different with Covid. I had a Diversity Movie Club, where everyone would watch the movie on their own time and then we would get together later on and discuss whether it was reflective of our experiences. It’s more flexible, but last year I had a lot more [spontaneous yet purposeful] events.

Leah puts a hand on her hip while standing under the Rowan arch.

What feedback have you gotten from residents in comparing this community to where they originally come from? 

I’ve had people tell me that this is the first time that they have had people refer to them by the name that they always wanted to be referred to by. [I’ve been told], “You’re the first person to ask me what my pronouns are and if I’m comfortable” or “I was nervous about my roommate but because I’m part of the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community, we’ve had the same experiences and I feel validated.” It’s so important that we have this space for people to meet other people. They all go off and join clubs together and lead together through Rowan. Having people show up to events that don’t even live in my pod and knowing more people around campus is so great. This has been great too. If people are happy within the community, it will continue to grow and grow. 

When you talk about your job with people who are not directly part of the campus community, such as parents or relatives, do they embrace it or do you find yourself having to explain its importance? 

One of my favorite things about coming to college has been that everyone comes from a different understanding of the community. It’s a bit confusing for people who are older than me or don’t really understand [why] I work specifically with this community. [It] also means that sometimes my job is more difficult than the people who live in neighboring pods because it comes with more difficult conversations. Sometimes I have to explain that, “Yeah, I have fun programs but sometimes it can be really intense.” 

It’s a bit different from a typical resident assistant but a lot of times my friends would always want to show up to these events, meet people, and get people involved. I think it’s important to talk about it and learning communities at Rowan are so important. They’re really, really successful. I hope that the more we talk about it, maybe we could have learning communities in one or two other buildings. I like to spread the good word and let people know it’s a really great space.

Leah and Kevin stand under the arch together.

Have you ever encountered any hate towards you as being the RA or towards people who live in your pod?

I think with having a diverse community living in a space, people can make the decision to come through and be judgmental or defacing property. In those situations, we have a lot of things in place to make sure that students are feeling supported. It’s not very common. I’ve been in this position for two years and very few times have I had to sit down with someone and say “Let’s talk about why you’ve done this thing.” 

It doesn’t really happen that often. A lot of the time we get people who didn’t sign up for it but they’re really just happy at the end of the experience because they were able to learn. I’ve had a lot of people grow and learn more. It helps not only our community but the people around us. Yes, we’ve had situations where people have not been accepting, but Rowan has a very strict policy for any of that behavior. It’s always been taken care of. 

For people coming into the university, do they have to share who they are to be able to qualify for this pod in terms of identifiers? 

We don’t want anyone to feel like they have to out themselves to their family or friends when they’re coming to Rowan. So, what they can do is when they sign up for housing there will be boxes of all of our learning communities. You can select that you want to be with first-gen people or social justice people. Then you can have information sent to your personal email about the LGBTQIA+ community and find out if you were able to be placed. 

I don’t get a list of [how] people identify. You can join if you’d like to and it’s not shared with a lot of different people. So I go into my job [thinking] that maybe this person signed up or maybe they didn’t. It’s more of an educational experience. A lot of people will come in letting me know that they’re so excited and share their past experiences. This year is different because we have different numbers than usual. I have people who don’t identify as LGBTQIA+. They have the complete same housing experience as everybody else. They just get more resources. It’s a win-win.

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Story by: 
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

My Favorite Class: Gender, Sexuality, and Literature

Field of flowers near Wilson hall.

Today we feature recent graduate Amanda Carlin. Amanda earned her degree in English with a minor in Psychology and is from Bridgewater, NJ (Somerset County) where she transferred from Raritan Valley Community College. Amanda’s favorite class is Gender, Sexuality, and Literature in the English department, which was taught by Dr. Yvonne Hammond. Tell us a […]

Meet Transfer Profs: Biology Major Stephanie Berdugo-Hernandez

Today we feature incoming transfer and first-generation college student Stephanie Berdugo-Hernandez from Rowan College at Burlington County. Stephanie will be commuting from Eastampton, NJ (Burlington County) and studying Biological Sciences. Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University? I am looking forward to continuing my education […]

Faculty PROFile: Joseph L. Coulombe

Joe Coulombe sits in front of a stack of bookcases.

Meet Dr. Joe Coulombe, an English professor who has been teaching at Rowan University for 20 years.

An outdoor portrait of Joseph L. Coulombe a professor in the english department at Rowan University.
What is your area of expertise?

I’m a generalist in U.S. literature, but I’ve used that broad framework to develop research specializations in three areas: Mark Twain and the American West; contemporary Native American fiction; and the function of humor in literature.

What inspires you to continue teaching?
Two things: literature is endless, and my students are wonderful.

I’ve always been fascinated by the ideas and artistry of literature, specifically the ways that literary narratives shape our nation and its cultures. Literature involves so much – history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, etc. – that you can never reach the end! There are always new intersections and insights.

Second, I love talking with students about how literature informs our past and present. Rowan students bring such an exciting energy to the classroom, and they share unique and sometimes generational ways of thinking about issues and ideas. The classroom dynamic – that is, students’ interests and backgrounds – directs our discussion.  It’s always new!

How would you describe your teaching style?
My goal is to create a collaborative classroom that invites students to voice their own responses about assigned poems, plays, and novels. While I provide interpretive frameworks for our discussions, I adapt my approach to students’ interests. They often alert me to themes and questions that I hadn’t fully anticipated, and I use those moments to redirect our collective focus to how the text addresses their concerns. Ideally, my teaching style is one of informed versatility and structured exploration.

Joseph L. Coulombe sitting in a classroom in Bunce Hall.

Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your discipline that made you feel passionate about your field. 
My students and I were talking about a collection of very engaging and funny short stories by Sherman Alexie, and we noticed that the narrator repeatedly and explicitly stated when characters laughed. This seemingly minor detail led us to think about how humor can function in varied ways: as a signal of creativity and intelligence, or as an insulting put-down, or as method of fostering a connection between ostensibly different people.

We increasingly focused on this last possibility, theorizing that humor can create a sort of shared space for people to occupy together. Then we related these moments within the text to the reading experience itself, arguing that Alexie’s fiction builds bridges between groups that have historically been divided. These organic moments of realization and discover are very exciting.

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or your research focus?
Majoring in English isn’t simply about learning correct grammar and punctuation. Sometimes the most expressive statements break the rules.  Vernacular language is rarely correct, but it can be engaging and insightful.

Second, literary texts don’t “mean anything we want them to.” We support our claims using textual evidence. If we can’t defend our interpretations with evidence, then they are unconvincing at best and wrong at worst.

Our English program prepares students for a variety of career trajectories, not only teaching. Our students learn to work and think independently; they develop their oral and written communication skills; and they build a broad yet detailed understanding of language and culture that facilitates their individual success.

Learn more about the English program at Rowan University.


3D Printing Club [VIDEO]

Stock image of 3D printing supplies.

The mission of the 3D Printing Club is to give all students, regardless of major or skill level, the opportunity to learn about 3D printing.

“You don’t have to be a pro at 3D modeling or 3D design,” says Lauren Repmann, co-president of the 3D Printing Club. “You can take an idea that you have in your head and make it something that you can hold in your hands.”

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Video by:
Adam Clark ’20, radio/TV/film major

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Beyond the Classroom: Fiona Hughes, CFO for SGA [VIDEO]

Exterior shot of Chamberlain Student Center.

As Chief Financial Officer for Rowan’s Student Government Association, Finance major Fiona Hughes oversees all finances, monitoring all clubs and resolving any issues that may arise.

“I’ve learned a lot more with my position in SGA, relating to my major, than I would have if I were just … attending classes,” she says.

“I think my role in SGA has helped me learn how to be a better leader as a woman in a male-dominated field.”

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Video by:
Joshua Hedum, radio/TV/film graduate

Meet #Rowan2025: Exploratory Studies Major Maria Celeste Lopez Vasquez

Photo of Science Hall and flowers in the foreground.

Today we feature incoming first year and first-generation college student Maria Celeste Lopez Vasquez. Maria will major in Exploratory Studies and commute from Camden, NJ (Camden County). Maria attended Camden Academy Charter High School. Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college? In college, I’m looking forward […]

Senior Reflects: Anderson Chumpitaz on Mentorship and His Rowan Legacy

Anderson posing near a tree outside wearing a blue suit.

Today we feature first-generation college student Anderson Chumpitaz, who will graduate this summer. Anderson majors in Health Promotion and Wellness Management and is from Newark, NJ (Essex County). He gives advice and tells us about his involvement on campus. Do you have any advice for people who are moving to campus for the first time […]

4 Out-Of-State First Year Students Share Why They Chose Rowan

Today we speak with four out-of-state first year students about why they chose a university further from home and their experiences here at Rowan. Abby Riley, a first-generation student and Exercise Science major from Elkton, Maryland, shares the value of attending an out-of-state university. Abby says, “I considered and chose an out-of-state university because I […]

My Favorite Class: Philosophy of Science

Madison inside Business Building

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.

Madison Dautle is a junior Bioinformatics major. She is from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) and transferred from Stockton University.

What was the name of your favorite class at Rowan? 

Philosophy of Science

What department was the class in? 

Philosophy (PHIL)

Who taught the class when you took it? 

Dr. Nathan Bauer

Madison outside on the bridge

Tell us a little about what the class is.

Most people assume that science is constantly progressing to explain the true nature of the universe. To explain what it is we see. This class teaches you that isn’t necessarily true. It opens up your eyes to assumptions you hold as a scientist that you probably didn’t even know you were assuming.

Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting or special to you.

This class finally made me think. Sure, I’m good at explaining chemistry and biology, but that doesn’t make you think, or at least not in the same way. That class made me think in ways I never had to before, and it was exciting!

It’s funny to be able to believe something yet not have a fully thought out reasoning for why. Like one hypothesis referred to as the Grue hypothesis. This idea states that all emeralds are green until a certain date when they all suddenly turn blue. Seems silly, right? That can’t possibly be true, but until the date passes, it can’t be proved false. Yet we all believe that the emeralds will stay green when that hypothesis has a 0% chance of occuring. Look it up. It’s really interesting. My brain hates it but also loves it because I want to know why we believe that.

Madison outside Business Building

Is there anything else that made this class impactful?

The way Professor Bauer ran the class. He really made it easy to follow while still making us think. He asked for student input and gave us the opportunity at the end of the semester to present one of our own ideas as a group. I still think about that class daily, and it’s been a while since I’ve taken it.

What makes this professor great? 

He’s engaging. Quirky. Kind of what you’d expect from a philosophy professor, but you can tell he loves it. Sometimes you’ll ask a question and he’ll become confused because he didn’t think of that, but he just tells you to go write it down because it’s a good idea. He supports a learning environment and gives adequate room to grow.

Madison sitting on a rock

How did this class help to support your academic or personal growth, or your professional goals? 

To be honest, I thought I would hate this class. Turns out it was the best possible thing that could have happened to me. I finally have something to really THINK about. I am thinking about things that can’t be reconciled by a Google search or even a bit of heavier research. The answers for these questions aren’t written down because no one has truly figured them out yet. Academically and professionally, it can help just broaden my horizons. But personally, it entertained my brain.

I’m lucky that I don’t struggle with understanding most teachable concepts, but with this class, the more he taught, the more questions I had. A really amazing class.

What are your professional goals? 

I would like to perform genomics research using bioinformatics. Currently, I am interested in long-term memory — what genes, and in what concentrations, are expressed during memory recall and consolidation.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Senior Reflects: Student Leader Cam Hadley

Cam smiles outside Bunce Hall.

Cam Hadley, a Public Relations and Advertising major with minors in New Media and Journalism, reflects on her time at Rowan.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

My favorite memory in class was participating in mock interviews with Professor Rodilico in Portfolio Prep! We got to be the interviewer and interviewees which really helped us get good practice. He gave me questions that he thought would stump me and was so proud I was able to answer them. 

Cam sits on a paver bench on campus.

Could you share your favorite social memory?

My favorite social memory was working Hollybash each year with SUP.  As the Vice President of SUP, I had so much fun being next to the artist who performed and interacting with students throughout the set.

What are your career aspirations?

I am looking to earn my Doctorate in Public Relations and then own a PR agency named JB Communications after my dad. I’d also love to become a professor after I retire because I can’t stop working!  

Cam smiles under a tree on campus.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

I was able to learn about each aspect of PR and learn how to lead others to success. All of my involvement in SUP, SGA, PRSSA and PRaction helped me realize that you’re always working towards your team’s goal, not just a personal goal.

Do you want to give a thank-you shout-out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

I want to shout out Melissa Ulmer from SUP. She is the best advisor ever and always willing to hear us out! 

Cam smiles under a gazebo on campus.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite? 

My favorite professor has to be Lou Rodilico, who I had for Advertising Copywriting and Portfolio Preparation. He is one of the funniest and most passionate professors who truly wants us to succeed. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience? 

I would say to get involved early and attend as many events as you can! Try to get involved in leadership positions as soon as possible. Climbing up those leadership ranks will lead to personal and professional growth.

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Joe Gentempo, art graduate

20 Minute Radius: Best Burgers (and Alternatives)!

Stock image of burgers with a side of French fries.

Happy National Burger Day! Today we looked for some of the most bun-tastic burgers on campus and nearby. Finding your perfect burger, fries, and shake spot is a great way to explore Gloucester County. Smashburger, Alumni Grill, Five Guys, and Burgerzoid are all less than 20 minutes away from Rowan and all four offer more than just burgers!

Storefront image of Alumni Grill.

Alumni Grill is located directly on campus down Rowan Boulevard and features memorabilia from local schools and colleges!

Holding a burger up to the photo of Bunce Green inside Alumni Grill.

Alumni Grill offers a black bean patty and gluten-free buns! You can also use Rowan Bucks or Dining Dollars at Alumni Grill 🙂

Holding up a burger to the Alumni Grill sign.

We recommend the Black and Tan burger, which has fried onions, pepper jack cheese, and the beef patty includes bacon and is seasoned perfectly! 

Exterior of Smashburger fast food restaurant in Glassboro.

Next, we have Smashburger on right Delsea Dr. in Glassboro.

Jen enjoying her burger from Smashburger while wearing a yellow Rowan shirt.

Having the Classic Smash, Smash Fries and any shake is always solid! 

Nick and Jen enjoying burgers and a shake inside Smashburger.

You can customize your burger to make a “Jersey Burger” by adding bacon, blue cheese, grilled onions, haystack onions, lettuce, tomato and mayo.

Exterior of Five Guys burger place in Sicklerville, NJ.

Five Guys is located in Sicklerville, 15 minutes away from campus! 

Marian holding up a burger in front of the Five Guys fast food place while wearing a yellow Rowan Blog shirt.

All the toppings (except for the cheese) are free at Five Guys!

Glowing Five Glows logo inside the store.

Five Guys offers veggie options, hot dogs and milkshakes.

Bright green Burgerzoid sign over the store.

Burgerzoid is also located in Sicklerville, only 13 minutes from Rowan. 

Onion rings on top of a burger with a side of fries from Burgerzoid restaurant.

Burgerzoid is new to the area and offers veggie burgers as well as crazy milkshake options!

Like what you see?


Story by: 
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos by:
Nick Flagg, senior theatre and advertising double major with concentrations in theatre ed, acting/directing, & musical theatre

Header image courtesy of:

Senior Reflects: Biomedical Engineering Major Hannah Doyle

Hannah smiles while standing next to a white flowering plant on campus.

Today we speak with Hannah, a graduating senior Biomedical Engineering major from Seaford, Delaware. She tells us more about her time at Rowan and provides some advice for incoming students.

Hannah stands inside a campus gazebo.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

Working with my classmates to all get through a semester together that was really tough. We shared notes, studied together, and even though it was one of my hardest semesters, it is something I am fond of and will cherish.

Hannah smiles behind bright pink spring flowers.

Could you share your favorite social memory?

Hanging out with my friends in the Holly Pointe dorms and having bonfires with my friends when they moved off-campus.

What are your career aspirations?

I want to do research and development in industry with nanomedicine.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

The BME program at Rowan helped me find out that I was interested in drug delivery. The faculty also helped me write my personal statement, and helped me fill out my applications to graduate school.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

Thanks Mom and Dad and Dr. Brewer!

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Dr. Brewer was my favorite professor. I took him for three classes, and he was always down to help with coursework at any time of the day, even weekends. He was also a good teacher and willing to help and advise in any way he could. His personality was great and class was never boring. He really cares about the students here.

Hannah stands with Bunce Hall in the background.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Stay out of your dorm room as much as you can, spend as much time with your friends as possible.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, music industry graduate

Photos by:
Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major

My Favorite Class: Earth, People, and the Environment

Ross sitting outside on steps

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.

Ross Billig is a senior Geography major with a Planning minor. He is from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County) and transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County.

What was the name of your favorite class at Rowan? 

Earth, People, and the Environment

What department was the class in?

Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability (GPS)

Who taught the class when you took it? 

Prof. Richard Federman

Joe sits and smiles inside Engineering Hall.

Tell us a little about what the class is.

This course revolves around the broader spectrum of geography both with the physical environment as well as social issues facing the world today.

Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting or special to you. 

I liked this class a lot because it’s a microcosm of what geography is. It includes earth science, sociology, regional issues, and so much more. If someone is considering Geography as a major, this is the class for you.

What makes this professor great? 

I took this class online, and the fact that Professor Federman can make an online course so engaging and so relatable is a huge testament to his teaching abilities. He has great lectures with very good visual aids and finds ways to make everything easy to understand.

Joe smiles and sits outside the Engineering pond.

How did this class help to support your academic or personal growth, or your professional goals? 

This was the course that let me know that I had truly selected the right major, and it was the catalyst for the rest of my undergrad experience.

What are your professional goals? 

After Rowan, I’m looking forward to attending grad school, initially for my master’s and possibly a Ph.D. program after that. My goal is to help protect the environment by better educating the public about how valuable and fragile our planet is.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Meet Transfer Profs: Future History Teacher Joseph Leonard

Stock photo of books.

Meet incoming transfer student Joseph Leonard! Joseph is an aspiring History Education major from Gibbsboro, NJ (Camden County) who transferred from Camden County College. He shares more about what he’s looking forward to at Rowan University and he gives advice to other transfer students.

A selfie of Joseph smiling while in the car.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?

I’m looking forward to getting back to in-person learning and being able to meet new people again.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?


A picture of Joseph holding a bowling ball.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan?

I’m looking to get involved more in clubs and activities outside of my academics. School comes first, but I want to be able to have fun as well.

What majors are you considering and why?

History education. I want to be a teacher because the excitement I get from teaching others about subjects I’m passionate about and history is a subject I’m very passionate about. I love studying the past, learning about the world’s history and also my own.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

No I haven’t. I’ve been to Rowan once before for my brother’s graduation, but that’s it.

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Always know there is a college for you. You don’t have to be forced into picking any one college. Pick one that makes you happy and excited to continue your education.

Where are you going to live next year?

Commute from home.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

I very much like the diversity of the classes offered and how grand the campus appears to be. It also granted me to come in with a head start on my degree.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

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Senior Alex Brown Shares Insight on Rowan’s Music Industry Major

Alex stands in front of Bunce Hall

Today we speak with Alex Brown, a senior Music Industry major from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County). He tells us more about his experiences in the Music Industry program.

What area of the music industry interests you?

“Artist management. I’ve always enjoyed helping people, and I’ve taken that aspect of my personality and translated it to music. Music is one of my passions; I used to sing throughout middle school and high school. I kind of just merged the two into this field of managing artists, getting their music out there for fans to discover them and make sure those fans stay to support them. That’s my dream job, but I’m content with anything within the music industry.”

What music was played in your home? What music did you grow up listening to?

“I’m from a Caribbean family. Both of my parents and I were born in Jamaica, but since my father had citizenship in the U.S., I’m considered American. They would play all kinds of songs, top 40 pop songs, reggae, old school songs like classical blues. I had a wide range of influences.”

Alex smiling outside

Alex mentions that there are two different tracks you can take within the program. The first is the business side of the industry, which focuses on contracts, the structure of labels and organizations, learning about deals, management, marketing, touring, promoting and sponsorships. The second aspect is the technology side that focuses on the production of music, where students gain skills about special effects, recording vocals, using a soundboard and live recording.

Alex says, “There are many options available for people who want to be an artist and hone their craft or people who want to work more behind the scenes and looking at the business aspect.” 

Alex enjoys that the program is run by professors who are still actively working in the industry. He mentions one of his professors is currently working at Atlantic Records managing artists like Estelle. Alex adds, “It is good to have that aspect that you’re working with people who are still in the field.”

Have you had any internships yet?

“I’ve had two internships, one being with the Philadelphia International Music Festival. They bring in [students] from all over the world for a two-week program where they get to work with professional musicians who are part of the Philly Orchestra. Before the camp started, I worked in their offices where I was mainly contacting universities and schools to see if anyone was interested in registering for any last-minute spots. Once the camp session started, I acted as a residential manager for children who chose to stay on the camp. I’d stay there for the entire two weeks, live in the dorms with them, make sure they were going to lessons, practice their instrument and I helped out with the choir program.

“My second internship was with the school label, Rowan Music Group, over the summer. We essentially worked on building up our social media, looking for music to put in a compilation, and learning about different aspects of how labels run.

“Both internships were so fun, I learned different things from the two and I hope to take that experience with me into whatever next position I can get.”

Alex stands on the steps of Bunce Hall.

Is there anything you wish you knew beforehand about your major or anything that is better than you expected that you could share with others?

“I wish I knew more about this option in high school. I never knew there were dedicated programs for the music industry and learning the ins and outs. I wish I was better prepared for all this program has to offer.”

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Photography by: 
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Meet #Rowan2025: Elementary Education Major Madison Jacobs

Madison wears a cheerleading uniform.

Today we speak to Madison Jacobs, an incoming first-year Elementary Education major from Franklinville, NJ (Gloucester County). Madison tells us what she’s looking forward to at Rowan.

Madison poses in front of a lake.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college? 

I am looking forward to meeting new people and getting involved in different clubs/activities.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club you were a part of in high school that you’d like to continue in college?

I am involved in my school’s FEA Club and also am a state ambassador for NJFEA. I am looking into continuing my involvement with these types of clubs while in college.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself in college?

I am looking to expand my involvement throughout campus.

What majors are you considering and why?

I am majoring in Elementary Education because making a change in a child’s life has always been my biggest dream.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

I have toured Rowan and have also attended a future teachers’ convention. Rowan felt like home from the very first time I went there, and I’m super excited to spend my next four years there!

Do you have advice for other high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet?

My advice for a senior who hasn’t committed to a school yet is to simply follow your heart. You know what’s best for you, and the place that feels like home the most is the place you are meant to be!

Where are you going to live next year?

Commute from home.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

One thing about Rowan itself that I liked is the family oriented relationship between everybody on campus.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, music industry graduate

Studio 231: Rowan’s Central Hub For Ideation and Prototyping [VIDEO]

Photo of the inside of Studio 231.

Studio 231 is an experiential learning lab and makerspace, dedicated to all students of any major. At the Studio, students are provided with the resources they need to grow their ideas into profitable, scalable, and sustainable businesses.

“We go from helping you create ideas or come up with ideas for different problems all the way up to different forms of prototyping, so whether that’s 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.,” says Andrew Bunoza, a Rowan Global student in the master’s of engineering management program. 

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Produced by: Max Morgan, radio/TV/film graduate

Video Credit: Quintin Stinney, junior radio/TV/film major
Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major

Meet #Rowan2025: Incoming Business Major Maddie Angradi

Exterior shot of Rowan Boulevard at night.

Today we welcome incoming first year student Maddie Angradi. Maddie plans on studying business and living on campus. Maddie is from Lumberton, NJ (Burlington County) and attended Rancocas Valley Regional High School (RVRHS). Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college? I’m looking forward to experiencing life […]

Senior Reflects: Biomedical Art and Visualization Major Emily Higgins

Emily in front of Bunce Hall

Emily Higgins is a senior Biomedical Art and Visualization major, with minors in Art History and Biological Sciences, from Randolph, NJ in Morris County.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

One of my favorite class experiences was going to the cadaver lab at Cooper Medical School in Camden. I was able to draw from in-person observations, as well as being exposed to a professional medical setting as a freshman. 

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

Some of my favorite memories come from Outdoors Club, like going camping for the first time, to seeing wild horses at Assateague Island, to eventually joining the executive board and helping plan club trips. 

Emily outside in gazebo

What are your career aspirations?

Medical Legal Illustrator.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

I had several professors over the years offer practical advice for entering the workforce, and professors who went out of their way to help support their students’ professional growth and personal well being. 

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

I would like to say thank you to my parents, my sister Trish, and my partner Danny for their continuous love and support over the past four years. I’d also like to give a big shout out to the friends I have made while at Rowan, including the BMAV crew + co., friends from freshman year D-Pod, and countless others who I hold very near and dear to my heart. 

Emily on Bunce steps

Who is your favorite professor and what class did you take them for? 

My favorite professor was Ron Mathias, who I had for a few classes within my major including Introduction to Figure Anatomy for the Artist and Digital Rendering Techniques. Ron no longer works as a professor here, but keeps in touch with former students and is always available to give us advice about our art and practical advice for our futures as well. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Join some clubs and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Everyone else is just as nervous about making friends as you are, so reach out to others with compassion. You can reinvent yourself into whoever you want to be, and can choose to take a step in the right direction at any point, no matter how many mistakes you have made in the past.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Brian Seay, sophomore sports communication and media major

Alumni Success: Photography Studio Owner Gabi Previtera

Gabi stands in front of the Endless Smiles Photography Sign

Gabi Previtera, alumna and current photographer and business owner, shares her experience at Rowan and her journey starting her own business from the ground up. Gabi graduated from Rowan in winter of 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, but her story only starts there.

“I actually started out shooting portraits in a mere 200-square-foot space in my parents’ dining studio!” Gabi reminisces, who now works as a full-time photographer. “As my business started to grow, I knew I’d need to move into a larger studio and now I’m excited to have a much bigger space.” 

Not sure what she wanted to pursue at first, Gabi changed her major while at Rowan. “I originally wanted to be a marine biologist, but I was doodling too much in biology classes and not paying attention at all. I realized I probably shouldn’t pursue this route anymore and maybe go into the art field since I’ve always been an artsy person. I tried that, and of course my parents told me that I need to go into a degree that makes money, so that’s where the graphic design part came in.”

Gabi sitting in a green chair looking out the window.

Gabi started her business, Endless Smiles Photography LLC, after she realized that she wanted to do more than graphic design and expand into working as her own boss. 

“Being a business owner is tough, but is great. You never stop working!” Gabi explains. “I’m a perfectionist so I really like to be able to do what I want, how I want, and on my own schedule.” Some months she has more than 100 shoots while other months are dedicated solely to newborn sessions.

Gabi poses with her hands on her hips.“My proudest moment actually happened early today. I finally reached a big financial goal I thought I’d never make. I did this all on my own. I paid my own bills, got my own clients, built up referrals through word of mouth because of how I treat my clients and the service I offer,” says Gabi.

Gabi believes in investing in education each year because you never stop learning in the field. Whether it be art classes, finding a strong mentor, or getting your first camera and watching videos to learn, education is important.

“For anyone starting out, please don’t go into debt for this. You don’t have to have the best equipment, don’t let others fool you. Pay whatever you can to learn through workshops and practice. Learn what you can, replicate your favorites, and never stop growing.”

Gabi sits in front of newborn photos.

Looking back at her time at Rowan, Gabi reminisces about the lifelong friendships she’s made. “I absolutely love my friends that I made at Rowan. We would all hangout in the art areas together and just make stuff. I keep in touch with them still.”

The biggest advice Gabi shares with creatives is, “Charge your worth, figure out what you want to do and make it happen. Art is a field with careers, so choose the major you want. Don’t just give out photoshoots or give your work out for free — know your worth.”

Like what you see?


Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising double major

Meet Transfer Profs: Dual Major Stephanie Maszera

Exterior shot of Stephanie smiling.

Meet incoming transfer student Stephanie Maszera! Stephanie is an aspiring double major in Athletic Training and Education from Millstone Twp., NJ (Monmouth County) who transferred from Brookdale Community College. She shares why she chose Rowan and what she’s looking forward to!

Stephanie smiles outside wearing a yellow dress.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?

Being able to fulfill my dream career for real.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

Stage crew, managing a sports team, and participating in any sort of band.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan?

I’d like to learn a new language in my program!

What majors are you considering and why?

I want to double major in athletic training and education, because both would go together really well in a school environment, leading to two great jobs. I love the field of sports medicine, and I see myself as a teacher.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

I toured Rowan back in 2018, and was in love with the campus ever since.

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

The process is extremely tedious and frustrating, and it takes all of your time. You’re going to worry about things not working out, but I promise if you take it slow and get help, everything will be perfect.

Where are you going to live next year?

On campus!

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

The environment and the beautiful campus.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Alumni Success: Ryan Geiger, Creative Media Business Owner and Accomplished Filmmaker

Ryan types at his a work table on his laptop.

Today we speak with Ryan Geiger, who attended Rowan from 2004 to 2008. He was an RTF major and advertising minor. He now owns his own media studio called Pinch located in North Jersey. Ryan also is an independent filmmaker and has won awards in several film festivals, including the Cannes Film Festival.

Can you tell us more about where you currently work? 

Ryan Geiger recently opened his own media studio called Pinch. With 15 years of experience in the creative industry, Ryan created a strong network with many creative professionals. Ryan previously worked at Bingley Digital in Connecticut as the Creative Director. Bingley was bought by one of their clients, and the owner of Bingley trusted Ryan with its remaining clients.

He strongly encourages students to forge strong connections as early as possible and opportunities like this can be in their future. 

Ryan remembers his first job immediately after college, proving the power of connections. Through one of his connections, Ryan went to work as an Assistant Director for Center City Film & Video (CCFV) in Philadelphia, which films commercials. Ryan enjoyed the feeling of being on a stage set with actors and how it felt so professional. Ryan shared the news about opening Pinch studio with his network and received a request from CCFV to work with that same client he worked with at CCFV. 

“You never know when someone from your past is going to come to you for more work!”

Starting your own business is way harder than it looks. You see people on Instagram; they sell cookies and go viral because [a] celebrity posts about their [product]. In all life, you [either] get lucky or you work, grind, hustle, and you make a name for yourself.” 

Ryan poses confidently wearing blue plaid.

What does your day-to-day work look like? 

“When you start your own business, a lot of it is me reaching out to previous clients and new clients trying to get work. Then, it’s directing all the current workload. Working with the clients to direct digital ads, web design, a video series, or social media videos. 

It’s navigating when things are due, how things get done, and who needs to work on them. I still have my hand in a lot of it. I was editing up until the minute I took this call. I’m always working on something. We [creatives] are always working, always tormented. We’re always trying to do better things. We are obsessed with looking at what other people are making and learning how they made it. It’s not an easy job.”

Can you tell me about your experience as an undergrad?

“I had a wonderful four years and that was partially due to the fact that I engrossed myself in everything. I dabbled in Rowan Radio (89.7 WGLS-FM) and had a morning radio show. I had a  television show on RTN called The Rowan Update. I shot 22 episodes and it was a spin-off of “The Daily Show,” a comedy show that reports on the news. I was a Student Ambassador and I ended up becoming the Ambassador Coordinator my senior year being the leader of all of the tour guides. I could walk around campus blindfolded! I knew everything about every single building! Landmark was my local watering hole as an undergrad.”

Ryan attends The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival in a suit.

Did you have a favorite class or professor? 

As a freshman, Ryan took a philosophy class and fondly remembers the professor treating every student as an adult. The professor’s honesty, seriousness and curtness left such an impression on Ryan.  

“He was the classic idea of a professor who comes in barreling through the door, yells at everybody, and writes things on the wall. It really opened my eye to philosophy, to the phrasing of sentences, and to the thought process of decision-making.”

Ryan’s favorite professor was Prof. Sheri Chinen Bieson, who wrote a book about film noir called “Blackout: World War II and the Origins of Film Noir.” Her contagious passion and giddiness about film made the class more engaging and exciting.

What was one thing about Rowan that was a happy surprise for you? 

“I think the Student University Programmers really did an amazing job in finding a lot of really funny things to do and keeping people engaged. I remember a lot of my fun memories are going to all the comedian shows. They had Bob Saget to Zach Galifianakis. They had a ton of bus trips to go to Philly and to Broadway shows. All the tickets were so cheap! Coming from a guy who grew up in North Jersey, there were a lot of really funny things that I never experienced before. I hope it’s still being funded and that they are still doing awesome stuff because they really did some great programming.”

Ryan sits at his desk at work, typing on his laptop.

What was your journey like after Rowan? 

“My journey after Rowan has been nothing but completely tumultuous, challenging and exciting times. I graduated in 2008, during the collapse of the economy and the housing market crash. It was a real psychological struggle to realize that it wasn’t as simple as I thought it was going to be.” 

Ryan hustled and worked on a few TV shows and movies, but never got the breakthrough he was looking for. He continued to chase his passions in 2009, making his first feature film called “Stealing God’s Money.” It went on to win Best Feature at the Garden State Film Festival

“It was such an encouraging and amazing thing. I was at the awards ceremony and sitting at a table with production companies that spent $100,000 on their film. One guy leaned over and he asked, ‘What was your film budget?’ I said, ‘A thousand bucks. What was yours?’ He said, ‘A hundred thousand.’” 

Ryan continues: “You can do it on a scrappy budget. I made some more movies and that went on to also win film festivals and awards. Most notably, my film ‘Town Red screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013. That was a massive moment for me to go there, walk the red carpet, be in the same building as Leonardo DiCaprio (who was showing ‘The Great Gatsby’ that year). I even got an interview on NBC about Town Red. But, the phone doesn’t just ring because you get an interview. You still have to hustle and work hard. I didn’t let that discourage me and I still kept going down the creative direction.”


Although Ryan loves Rowan, the journey after was not the easiest. Rowan taught him so many things but most importantly to never give up. As an alumnus, Ryan would like to help current students get involved in more real-world productions. He also hopes to offer his mentorship through the Alumni Association, offering a valuable connection to students now and in the future. 

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Story by: 
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

Senior Reflects: Leadership and Social Innovation Major Sarah Niles

Sarah outside under a blooming tree

Sarah Niles is a senior Leadership and Social Innovation major, with a Dance minor and a CUGS in Adventure Education Leadership, from Haddonfield, NJ.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

My favorite class experience was in my Wilderness First Responder class when we went out into the woods behind Rowan Hall and pretended we were injured or sick and had to fake rescue our classmates using what we learned in class. We learned how to make tents out of sticks and leaves, how to administer emergency first aid, and how to survive in the elements. It was the most fun I’ve ever had in a class!

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

My favorite memory is my freshman year Homecoming Lip Sync competition! I was on the Student Center and Campus Activities team and we ended up winning first place! That’s where I truly felt like I found a home at Rowan and with the SCCA. That’s also where I met some of my closest friends. Full circle, I actually oversaw that event in Fall 2020 as the student director!

Sarah with Prof Statue.

What are your career aspirations?

I hope to become a professional in Student Affairs in a higher education setting. I want to oversee college students that have a passion for being involved in student activities and being campus leaders. I’ll be attending University of South Florida for the M.Ed College Student Affairs program and will be the new graduate assistant for Student Support Services there.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help or support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

My mentor, Megan McHugh, guided me to be as involved as I am today, as well as my best friend, Mia Nardone, who basically made me join clubs with her so I would be involved. Through my work with the names above, as well as the SCCA, the Orientation team, and Admissions, I have found my love for student affairs in higher education and I’m determined to continue to do this in my future. 

Do you want to give a thank you or shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

Shout-out to my dad, who is my best friend and does everything he can to support me. I got my work ethic and drive from him and hope someday I can be as amazing as him. Also, I’d like to shout-out Maria Arbizo, Melissa Ulmer, Megan McHugh, Serafina Genise, Mia Nardone, Dylan Regan, Ayala Gedeon and Arielle Gedeon for supporting me and loving me unconditionally. 

Sarah sitting down outside.

Who is your favorite professor and what class did you take them for? 

My favorite professor is Shari Willis, who I completed my Adventure Education Leadership CUGS with. She is my favorite because she cares about her students as both people and students and is willing to help you do anything to accomplish your goals. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshman or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

I would say get involved! Don’t sit in your dorm all day long, get an on-campus job. Get the most out of the money you’re paying for student activities fees. Go to events and get free food and t-shirts (you’ll want to make a t-shirt blanket when you graduate).

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Brian Seay, sophomore sports communication and media major

Creating Change Through The Social Justice Action Committee [VIDEO]

Three students protesting for Black Lives Matter.

“We can’t let fighting for change become a fad, because it’s not a fad, it’s something that needs to happen,” says Ayanna Johnson, a junior women’s basketball player and Social Justice Action Committee member. The committee is a student-led, university-wide umbrella initiative for projects and programming that promote diversity and inclusion through sport on American […]

Senior Reflects: Donald Ivy Jr. Shares How Rowan Supported His Career Aspirations

DJ standing under Engineering Building

Donald “DJ” Ivy Jr. recently graduated from Rowan University in December 2020 with his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He is from Browns Mills, NJ (Burlington County) and transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

One of my favorite classes that I would tell anyone to take is Computer Lab Techniques. It’s a class anyone can take because it teaches you all the ins and outs of shortcuts on the computer. We’re required to take it as Computer Science majors, but I think it’s a more universal class for anybody who wants to learn more about computers. We learned directories and even how to program a clock, like the ones found in microwaves. 

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

I made a lot of friends in Robinson, specifically in the computer lab. When I transferred to Rowan, I was already a junior and knew that there were already established friend groups made with people who have been here since freshman year. I’m a pretty shy person, so it took me a couple months; but once I opened up, my friends and I started going to the events at the Student Center. In high school and community college, I didn’t know a lot of Computer Science majors, so it’s been so cool meeting so many new people with the same major as me. 

DJ sitting on a bench outside Robinson Hall

What are your career aspirations?

I was fortunate enough to find a job right after college. I’m currently working at McKesson, we’re a pharmaceutical distribution company, but I want to do more. I want to work for a bigger company or maybe try and do a start-up, but that I need the experience first, I can’t just make a business out of nowhere. I have thought about coming back to Rowan to get an engineering degree. Computer science deals a lot with the software of computers and applications, and I want to be more well-rounded and involved in what the computers actually do and would want to know how to fix a computer if it ever breaks. 

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

My advisor, Mike Schillo, was a really big part of getting me on the right path and figuring out what I wanted to do within my major. There are a lot of computer science classes that all count towards graduation, but if you wanted to specialize in something specific they have a lot of different avenues you could take. 

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

I want to thank my parents and shout out to two friends who also went to Rowan but I have lost contact with: Joe Barton and Siobhan McGuinness. They were two people in my life who made me want to come to Rowan in the first place. 

DJ sitting inside Engineering building

Who is your favorite professor and what class did you take them for? 

Professor Mansaray, I took him for Software Development. He was such a down-to-earth guy and very straightforward. He let us in about everything we’ll need to know. He made all my worries about post-graduation just go away. He told us to build up a portfolio, and what’s so nice about my program is that we do so many projects that by the time we leave, we already have things to put in a portfolio. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Focus on what you really want out of life, this is the time to do it.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Senior Reflects: Biomedical Art & Visualization Major Hannah Knight

Hannah poses outside.

Today, we speak to graduating senior Hannah Knight. Hannah is a Biomedical Art and Visualization major with minors in Art History and Biology from Shamong, NJ (Burlington County). She transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County and currently lives off campus. She shares more about her experience at Rowan and gives advice to incoming students.

A picture of Hannah taking a selfie while on a hike.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

Being in and working thoughout the night in Westby Hall, specifically painting in the studio after mourning a death.

Could you share your favorite social memory?

Going to bingo or The Pit for events. Walking down the Boulevard and to the High Street Gallery.

What are your career aspirations?

Help the future of health care and science via biomedical arts.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

I work with professionals in the field who can give me real-world advice.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

To Doc for keeping me in high spirits, Ryan Berardi for always understanding, and Amanda Almon for starting BMAV here at Rowan.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Nancy Ohana. She teaches figure drawing and constantly reinforced freedom, diligence and the process of art.

What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Take an art class that you’ll actually enjoy, not just the “easy” ones. Go to RAH events because they’re pretty cool most times, and be kind to everyone.

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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Senior Reflects: Esther Dede, Health Promotion and Wellness Management Major

Esther wears her graduation gown and stands in front of campus greenery.

Today we speak with Esther Dede, a graduating senior Health Promotion and Wellness Management (HPWM) major from the island of St. Maarten. Esther transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) at Gloucester County and is a first-generation college student.

Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes!

My favorite moment with a faculty member was when I told her that I planned to take three summer courses as prerequisites for dental school, and she looked at me and said that I was very ambitious and that it’ll take me far in life, and that she was happy for me and to continue being great.

Esther smiles and stands in front of a campus gazebo.

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

S.O.C.A. (Students Organization for Caribbean Awareness), which I was a part of, held a SOCA gala, which was amazing. We had amazing food, music and art where different cultures were showcased. It was so fun to dance to different Caribbean music and overall have a great time.

What are your career aspirations?

My goal is to become a dentist and specialize in either orthodontics or cosmetics.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

They motivated me to keep on excelling in life. After having events with S.O.C.A. and doing community service work such as Back to the Boro, they made me realize that I can do so much to give back to the community, especially in my career.

Esther stands and smiles in front of an entrance door at Bunce Hall.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Dr. Robert Weaver (Practicum in HPWM) and Dr. Leslie Spencer (Foundations of HPWM) are my favorite professors because they always remind me how great I can be in life. This really helps me because sometimes I can be so hard on myself, and the fact that they always remind me that due to my ambition I can go far in life is really helpful. Also, they show me that they truly care for my future, and make time to meet with me when I need it.

Esther smiles wearing her graduation gown with Bunce Hall in the background.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

To create a list of goals they’d like to accomplish and to be willing to make sacrifices to accomplish those goals. Also, remember to always be kind to others and themselves.

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Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Photos by:
Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major

Senior Reflects: Marketing Major Jessica Russo Aspires to Work in the Fashion Industry

Business Hall shines under the sun.

Today we speak with Jessica Russo, a senior Marketing major and Economics minor from Westwood, NJ. Jessica is a first-generation college student and an off-campus resident.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? 

My favorite memory is when Professor Pontes told me that in the past two years he has had over 180 students and I have been the first to have completed the Salesforce Assignment so early. He praised me for my abilities and that being a “pre-crastinator” is a great quality to have.

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

My favorite social memory is being the Treasurer of the American Marketing Association as we meet every Friday at 12 pm.

What are your career aspirations?

I want to go into the fashion industry where I would be conducting B2B activities on a global scale as I would be purchasing products from different brands to distribute to consumers at the company I would work for. 

Jessica Russo stands outside in the sun snapping a selfie.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

By developing personal relationships with my professors, they were more inclined to recommend me for opportunities presented by Rowan alumni. They have taught me important key characteristics for job interviews and how to professionally present myself.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

Shout out to the lovely ladies on West High Street! 

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite? 

My favorite professor is Dr. Nina Krey, who I had for Advanced Marketing Research Methods, since she has real-world experience. She was able to teach me skills that I can bring into the professional world. She is a great person to go to if you need advice as she is very honest and helpful. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Get involved in extracurricular activities! It’s always a great idea to increase your network!

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Senior Reflects: Art Education Major Bianca Fusaro

Bianca smiles with the top of Bunce Hall in the background.

Today, we speak to graduating senior Bianca Fusaro. Bianca is an Art Education major from Randolph, NJ (Morris County). She shares more about her favorite times at Rowan and offers some advice to incoming students. 

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

My favorite moment with a faculty member is with Doc Appelson in Printmaking. He made the class fun to be in and I learned so much. Almost everything in printmaking I know because of him. he also helped me become a better teacher by giving me tips and tricks on how to create printmaking lesson for little kids!

Bianca stands on the steps of Bunce Hall.

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

My favorite memories I have with clubs is every year TRAC, or The Rowan Arts Collective, participated in Homecoming Banner Competition. It was so fun and exciting to complete a banner in a matter of a couple of hours.

What are your career aspirations?

I want to become an elementary art teacher. I love little children, their love to learn and their drive to want to create.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

The Art Education program is very small here, but that smallness created a family. Everyone in the program helps each other when it comes to teaching, even our senior project, which is presenting at the Art Educators of New Jersey conference. The professors in the program have been art teachers throughout their life. They know what you’re going to go through when you get a job. They want you to succeed and they share stories to help you become the best art teacher you can be.

Bianca smiles inside a gazebo on campus.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

I want to thank everyone in the Art Education program. These professors helped my classmates and I become who we are today as teachers. We learned from the best, and I hope that I can be an amazing art teacher like they are.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Fred Adelson is my favorite professor at Rowan University. I took his Art History classes during my time at Rowan. He is so knowledgable about everything he teaches. He makes art history fun to learn about because he is so energetic and passionate about everything he teaches.

What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Make friends with the people in and outside of your major. Get out there and join clubs that you are interested in. You may make lifelong friends!

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, music industry graduate

Photos by:
Brian Seay, Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major

Senior Reflects: Dyone Payne, PR Major, Reflects on the Joys of College

Dee poses ecstatically in a pink dress and glasses, with her hands up in the air.

Today we speak with Dyone Payne, who will be graduating this May with a degree in Public Relations and two minors in Journalism and Strategic Communication. Dyone is from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County) and is part of the Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) sorority. 

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

My favorite class memory was with Dr. Schoenstein during IMC. Every week we would give a presentation about a product or company we created. From start to finish, we created the logos, company brand, position statement, and most importantly the presentation. She actually wanted us to be prepared for the real world. She wanted us to be able to present a brand in a short amount of time. 

Could you share your favorite social memory?

Meet the Greeks is one of my favorites. To see all of the organizations come together, perform, have a good time, and most importantly inform students about who they are. 

What are your career aspirations?

I aspire to work in the marketing and advertising space. I would love to contribute to storytelling, especially in this environment.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

The EOF program is how I got admitted into Rowan. They have been a major support system to and for me throughout the past four years! Shout out to everyone in that office. 

Dyone poses by a pile of lemons and hanging plants at the Philadelphia Garden Convention, wearing a lovely baby blue dress.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

Shout out to my advisors and professors, Mr. Morton, Ms. Brucker, Mrs. Mummert, Prof. Farney, and Prof. Rodolico. From beginning to end, all of you have pushed me to grow beyond boundaries, ask questions, and go beyond what is expected of a student, person, and most importantly, a professional. I value each lesson I learned from every one of you.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Professor Royek! I believe I took Composition Writing I or II with him my freshman year. Professor Royek taught me so many lessons, but most importantly he taught me to always ask questions, be patient, and learn something from what others have to offer. I’ll never forget he helped me with my paper and as we did the mock interview he taught me how to be conversational rather than sticking to the script. 

I then applied that to my life by always having a plan and if the plan fails, improvise! Want to learn from people. Want to be friendly. And most importantly take your time!!

What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience? 

Incoming freshmen, take your time. Whatever you want to do, do it and don’t let anyone stop you! You’ll learn so many things once you just live life outside the classroom. At the end of the day, JUST DO YOU!

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Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Senior Reflects: Civil Engineering Major Liam Cutri-French

Liam stands outdoors on campus.

Today, we speak to senior Civil Engineering major Liam Cutri-French from Glen Gardner, NJ (Hunterdon County). He tells us more about his time at Rowan and provides some advice for incoming students.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

My favorite moment from a class was freshman engineering clinic, where I had to trade up from a paperclip to a backpack.

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

My favorite memory from Rowan was probably my time spent in the Holly Pointe. I was able to meet so many great friends while working together to pass freshman year courses.

What are your career aspirations?

I plan on attaining my M.S. in Engineering and Public Policy, and after that I hope to work on designing major infrastructure projects with a focus on how infrastructure impacts the public.

Liam stands in front of the Rowan arch..

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

My work with interdisciplinary courses as well as extracurriculars helped me to grow as an engineer. I was able to gain valuable project management skills through Engineers Without Borders. I was also able to learn about the intersection of engineering and policy while working as the AVP of Facilities and Operations for SGA.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

I would like to give a shoutout to my roommates Augie Scorzo, Sam Mardini, Chris Contos and Matt Cangemi for always helping me be the best student I could be.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

My favorite professor is Dr. Jagadish Torlapati, who was my advisor for the Engineers Without Borders Clinic. Dr. Torlapati was extremely helpful for us to complete our projects and has been an excellent mentor.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

I would recommend that freshmen and transfers should get involved as quickly as possible. Don’t turn down any opportunity, as you never know where it could lead you.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos not submitted by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Senior Reflects: Sarah Dixon, Law & Justice Studies Major Thanks Outstanding Professors

Photo taken by a drone of Bunce Hall with students sitting on the marble steps.

Today we speak with Sarah Dixon, a graduating senior Law & Justice Studies major from Philadelphia. Sarah is a commuter who transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC).

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

In my Public Speaking class, the professor was 9 months pregnant. Each class, she would tell stories at the beginning of class about her life. She had four kids already, and the way she told the stories was so funny and real! I loved her class!

What are your career aspirations? 

I aim to be a public defender.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations? 

The Law & Justice Studies program really helped shape me in the way I think and view things now.

Sarah James poses with her daughter in matching shirts.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?

I wanna give a huge shout out to Professor Buie who teachers Law Seminar because he is the best professor on earth! 

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

My favorite professor is Buie. I have him for Law Seminar. He is the most intelligent, down-to-earth professor I ever had!

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Be yourself and follow your own path! Everything happens for a reason and as long as you choose good over evil you will succeed in college and in life!

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Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Psychology Major Joshua Olumakin Shares Insight On His Major

Joshua poses outside of Bunce Hall.

Joshua Olumakin, senior Psychology major and transfer student from Rowan College of South Jersey, talks with us about his experience in his major here at Rowan.

Joshua holds his camera on Bunce Green.

Joshua became interested in psychology after watching and listening to his mother’s online psychology courses she took in pursuing her master’s degree.

Along with studying psychology, Joshua is a photographer; he uses what he knows from his courses to enhance his photos.

“I want to pursue photography more after graduation. It’s one of my passions, and my major supports that by understanding others and myself as I grow,” he says.

Joshua realized he was in the right major from talking with other people about psychology. What excites him most about psychology is the people. “I really enjoy interacting with people, it excites me and it’s what gets me more interested in this major,” he adds.

Joshua sits on the steps of Bunce Hall.

When asked to share one cool thing about his major, Joshua says, “Reading people. You tend to pick up on habits of people and how they are. It’s amazing the way you expect things to be and then see them exceed your expectations. It’s strange.” 

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Aspiring College Professor Holly Zurenda

Holly stands against a brick wall.

Today we speak to Holly Zurenda, a senior Computer Science and Mathematics double major. A Rapid City, South Dakota native, Holly attended Black Hills State University and South Dakota School of Mines & Technology before transferring to Rowan University ten years later. Holly commutes from Egg Harbor Township, NJ (Atlantic County). Holly is set to graduate in December 2021. 

Holly poses next to the sign for Science Hall.

How was your transition into Rowan?

The process was amazingly simple. I had originally applied to be in the Combined Advanced Degree Program (CADP) in Subject Matter Education for Math and Science majors. Then, somebody had mentioned Computer Science and told me to try that degree program instead to see if I would like that more. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I thought I would teach, but I liked math more, so I ended up in the Computer Science program.

Could you share a moment when you felt that Rowan was the right place for you?

I think most of all, it’s the professors. I feel like every professor is always willing to help. They help within office hours. They’ll schedule meetings with you outside of office hours if you need help. I think definitely it was the professors who have made this experience the best that it can be for me.

What are you most excited about when Rowan returns to face-to-face learning?

I think I’ll be most excited to work as a team with people in person, rather than on group calls. It is a little more difficult to work in a group online, especially when it’s computer science. Everybody has something up on their screen and we can’t all share our screens at once. I’m definitely most excited to do a group project in a true group fashion.

What are your plans for after you graduate from Rowan?

I think I will get a master’s degree in Computer Science. Then, I will get a Ph.D. in Computer Science. I want to teach Computer Science at a college level. 

What are you passionate about in your majors?

I wouldn’t say that my passion is truly for computers, science or math. My passion is actually teaching people. I seem to have a knack for it, and computer science is a high-need area. Most people don’t understand math and therefore they don’t understand computer science or vice versa, so I just figured it would be an excellent subject that I could actually help people learn about.

Holly poses in front of Science Hall.

How was transferring to Rowan the right choice for you?

I think that overall, it comes down to flexibility. A lot of colleges put a cap on how far you can commute, and I could commute from an hour away to Rowan. Also price-wise, it was better for me than other colleges. Overall, I just think Rowan is a pretty standup school. 

Do you have any advice for someone else who is returning to college after a long hiatus?

It’s definitely going to be difficult at first, but don’t give up. You will get back into the swing of things so quickly if you just keep trying.

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Story and photos by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Senior Reflects: Lucinda Lau, Accomplished Engineering and Future Med Student

Photo of the Rowan Hall bridge with pink flowers close to the lens.

Today we speak with Lucinda Lau from Parlin, NJ (Middlesex County). Lucinda will be graduating this May with a Biomedical Engineering (BME) degree. She is part of the 3+4 BS/MD program.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? 

In one of my core BME courses, I had the opportunity to work with an industry professional to discuss the validity and feasibility of a design project that I was working on with a group of students. This gave me better insight into what I could expect outside of my undergraduate career.

Could you please share your favorite social memory?

I made most of my close friends in the Holly Pointe study rooms [my first] year. We would study together, watch movies, and just spend most of our free time in those public spaces. It was a great way to meet new people as well. I was also the Assistant VP for Habitat for Humanity. This gave me an opportunity to help the organization build houses with the families that were going to live there in the future.

Lucinda smiles wearing a blue dress and holding a sunflower.

What are your career aspirations?

I am planning on attending medical school after graduation. Some fields I am interested in include pediatrics, orthopedics and surgery.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?

My advisor, Dr. Staehle, was a great resource all throughout my time at Rowan for both biomedical engineering and the steps needed for me to prepare for medical school.

Do you want to give a shout-out to your family, friends, advisors, or mentors?

I want to thank all the amazing people that I have met through my time in the Society of Women Engineers, Admissions Ambassadors, and just the Biomedical Engineering Department in general.

Lucinda poses confidently in front of a cactus plant.

Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?

Dr. Ik Jae Lee! I took him for Math for Engineering Analysis, and he was probably the best professor I have ever had. He would stay up the night before an exam with us in the library to hold study sessions. He was also just a great professor who made us interested in learning difficult engineering math. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?

Make sure to join clubs that you are truly interested in and don’t be afraid to go up to people and just introduce yourself. It seems daunting at first but most freshmen have that same social anxiety because everyone is in a new environment. 

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Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

Advice from Cannes Festival Award-Winning Filmmaker to Radio/TV/Film Majors

Ryan types on a laptop at a work table in the office.

Today we speak with Ryan Geiger, who attended Rowan from 2004 to 2008. He was a Radio/TV/Film major and Advertising minor. He now owns his own media studio called Pinch located in North Jersey. Ryan also is an independent filmmaker and has won awards in several film festivals, including the Cannes Film Festival 

What advice would you give to students about starting their own business? 

Pinch is going really well, but starting a business was so much harder than I thought it would be. When you start small, you wear all of the hats. It can make for a very stressful work environment. You have to juggle all of the balls all at once. If I had $1,000,000 in seed money, I would hire 100 people. You have to think about every single step because there is little room for mistakes.

I was a Creative Director for nine years, and after Bingley was bought out, I finally decided that I did not want to put my career in the hands of somebody else. I know this [field], and I know what I want to do. It just made sense at that moment, with the handful of clients I was trusted with, to start my own marketing studio. Earning those clients was the ultimate push to start building Pinch. Now, I’m making an animated logo for the Yankees and filming commercials for Roadwarez Backpacks, Natural Delights Medjool Dates and Vinglace Wine Chillers. I get to be a director every single day!

Ryan wears a tuxedo to the Cannes Film Festival.

I think like a storyteller, not a marketer that’s focused on the numbers and packing in as much information as possible. I want people to connect with the story we show the people they’re watching and the name of the brand. Part of this has to do with the fact that I am a perfectionist and my love for the craft of making compelling stories gets me up every morning.

Every single day I’m learning something new, whether it’s how to better interact with a client or finding the right conditions to film with a drone. In my last commercial, it happened to be raining that day and the street we wanted to film on had too many wires for flying a drone. I’m problem-solving every day. I really look forward to seeing Pinch continue to grow. I hope one day to make more industry connections and possibly pivot into producing a television show or an animation.

Ryan Geiger directing his independent film, Death By Scrabble.

How did you learn to be your own boss?

All of my bosses over the years have played a role in shaping the professional I am today. Also, knowing what I want to accomplish gives me drive. I want to feel proud at the end of the day, knowing that my clients are happy is what motivates me every day.

What was the most important lesson you learned after you graduated? 

When I was the Creative Director at an animation studio in Brooklyn, we were always recruiting local talent or talent that came from college. It was really important to me to onboard them correctly and prepare them for the real world. This means you’re making creative [meaning creative projects or materials] for clients. You’re not making your own personal little project. In any kind of art, you go from being told by professors to look deep within yourself and create wonderful art. When you start working in the real world, you’re making art for other people. You have to start thinking about that. It’s a hard thing to accept when you step right out of college. It’s really critical that we prepare our oncoming workforce to be ready for the challenges.

When Ryan graduated and became an art director for a magazine called Hometown Quarterly in Cranford, N.J., he made ads for local businesses. He remembers the creative director slashed through his designs because they were not geared for the client’s taste. He quickly learned how to adapt to this expectation in the creative industry. 

What advice would you give to a student today, especially a RTF major?

I could write a book about advice for RTF majors. I was a huge part of the RTF program. I was part of RTN and Rowan Radio. I really tried to take full advantage of everything while I was there. 

If you feel embarrassed to join RTN late, it doesn’t matter. Get in there and make friends. These people are going to be your peers in the future. These people are going to eventually find work. Make friends with everybody in the RTF network. Before you graduate get their email and contact information. Don’t just rely on Facebook. People get off Facebook or become married and change their names. Go around all to all the people that you admire and have done really great stuff. Say, ‘Hey, I want to stay in contact.’

Get behind a camera. Mess with a camera. Go shoot some birds. It doesn’t matter. Write a really short little movie. This is the time to take advantage of the fact that you have all of this free work at your disposal to make movies. Always be creating because you need to walk away with something to show for yourself. All I had was my resume. I thought it was a good one because it had NBC on it. I still had done nothing to show for it. I had no real website. It’s so crucial to showcase some of your work. Post your videos. 

Ryan attends the Cannes Film Festival photo op.

I wish I made more movies in college. I wish I’d kept in contact with a lot of my friends and not just watched what they did on Facebook. I wish I actively kept calling them and picking their brain about how they got out to L.A. Once you go five to 10 years without talking to them, it’s hard to build a relationship back up again. 

You have to think of yourself as your own little business. Even in college, you need to start building a repertoire of work. Nobody goes to art school, just takes a class and says, ‘I’ll start painting when I get my degree.’ You gotta have a gallery of work by the time you graduate.

There are so many options and roles for RTF majors. I was so pigeonholed and determined on directing films. There should be constant filmmaking on campus and pushing students to utilize the bubble that they’re in. You have talent all around you, friends who can help, and scriptwriters [from any background]. Once I graduated, no one could help me anymore with filmmaking.

At the same time, the film wasn’t like it is now with DSLRs and 4K cameras. You can grab your iPhone 12 and you can make a movie. It’s come such a long way since I graduated. You have to get on set and realize that it’s not just about directing. There are 1,000 roles on set.

Who do you hope to work with one day? 

I really hope to work with Apple, Pixar and Nickelodeon one day. I created a script for Nickelodeon in the past, but I’m holding onto it because I hope to line up the right stars and the right budget for this idea. From the film festival circuit, I learned festival judges have to be very selective because almost anybody can make a movie. When recognizable names are attached to a project, they often get more attention than projects without those names. Being a perfectionist, I want to have all of my ducks lined up, and it would be really great for Pinch to be able to financially host those big names one day.

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Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

Rowan Alumna Shares Advice with Future Profs

Amanda wears a cap and gown in front of a brick building.

Amanda Paton, a recent Rowan alumna, graduated summa cum laude as a triple major from the School of Earth and Environment. Here, she shares her experience and advice with future Profs!

How did Rowan prepare you for your professional goals?

My professors encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and taught me important skills outside of the standard curriculum.

Were you involved in any impactful pre-professional opportunities? 

My internship at Rowan was very helpful in preparing me for my professional career. My internship was with the National Guard GIS program run by Steve Berg. I did fieldwork to GPS various assets on the national guard bases in New Jersey, digitized the assets in the office using GIS, kept an inventory of the assets and created maps showing the assets on the bases. 

Amanda Paton in front of Henry Rowan Statue
Amanda Paton stands next to the Henry Rowan statue at her 2018 commencement from Rowan’s School of Earth and Environment.

What is your advice for those who are either preparing to attend or are transferring to Rowan?

Participate in as much as you can and get out of your comfort zone. There are so many people in the same position as you and feeling the same way as you.

What was your favorite accomplishment you achieved at Rowan?

My favorite accomplishment was graduating in three years, with three majors, summa cum laude. My three majors were Geographic Information Systems, Planning and Geography

Amanda at her School of Earth and Environment commencement
Amanda at her School of Earth and Environment commencement.

Was there a specific mentor who you would turn to if you had any problems along the way?

Megan Bucknum Ferrigno and Jen Kitson were always there to listen and offer advice for any issues I may have had.

What clubs/organizations (on- or off-campus) would you recommend to future Rowan first-year/transfer students?

Anything in the Geography department.

Did you use Rowan connections or networking opportunities to get you to the next professional step? If so, how?

I made a connection with my intern lead. They heard about a job opportunity from a previous intern. I applied to Colliers Engineering & Design, and that’s where I’ve worked for the past three years as a GIS Specialist.

I create, edit and manage various types of data specifically utilities and parcels. I create figures (maps) for site analysis showing wetlands, streams, flood zones, contours, etc. I create and maintain parcels and tax maps. I do fieldwork in which I collect GPS locations of various utilities, mainly assets for municipalities. I utilize ArcGIS Online to create web maps, story maps, dashboards, survey123 forms and more. 

Amanda with friends and fellow students at her commencement.

What should be on every Rowan student’s bucket list?

Go to Hollybash! 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Cory Monroe: Graduating Public Relations Major and Mother

Cory sits with her son on the Rowan Proud chair.

Today we speak to Cory Monroe, a graduating Public Relations major and mom from Medford, NJ (Burlington County). Cory transferred to Rowan from Rowan College at Burlington College. Corey is a first-generation college student.  

Cory poses in front of trees on campus.

If you could paint a picture of your time here at Rowan, what would that look like?

It would look like it’s come full circle, I suppose. I graduated from Rowan College at Burlington County and transferred to Rowan University in 2014. I was finishing up one semester and then the next semester would have been my final year at Rowan, but my mom got sick and was hospitalized the week of finals. I couldn’t even finish taking my finals because she was diagnosed with cancer. It was a chaotic time for me. She passed away quickly the next month. It took me a very long time to come back to school. I would say that I just feel like my time at Rowan, though chaotic, has come full circle.

What are some challenges you faced, being a student and a mother?

I would say that I experienced mom guilt sometimes. Sometimes I need to ask my husband, “Hey, I didn’t get everything done that I had to get done. During naptime or bedtime, I need a few hours to study or to write this paper,” and I feel bad. My husband is very supportive. I still feel bad segmenting off that time, even though it’s for the better. It’s for the best that I finish my degree. I would just say time management has become really important, and conquering mom guilt is very important.

Cory poses with her husband and son.

How has Rowan helped you achieve your goals?

I would say that Lori Brucker, the advisor for the Public Relations and Advertising department, has been very helpful. There were a few times I was going to come back to school, but then it just didn’t pan out. I was suffering with some depression prior to having my son, and the people at Rowan were really patient. They didn’t say, “Oh my gosh, this is like your third time talking about coming back to school, get your life together.” They were really patient and believed that I could graduate. Each time that I would come back and ask “Okay, what do I have to do?” and then I didn’t go through with it, they were always just very supportive of me finishing my degree and telling me what I had to do to get there. I appreciated that.

What was your inspiration for coming back to finish your degree?

My son, 100 %. Eventually, when he’s a little older, I want to go back to school for nursing in an accelerated bachelor’s program, and you have to have your bachelor’s degree to be in the program. I want to complete what I started and make my mom proud of me for finishing it, even though it wasn’t easy. 

How do you best balance school, life, and being a mom?

I take advantage of nap time. Luckily, my son still naps. During his nap time, I set a goal of getting something finished, and that’s when I do it. I actually find that I’m more proactive with deadlines now as a mom than I was before. I used to wait until the last minute and say that I don’t have any time, but now I finish assignments two weeks in advance. I try to get things done, so it’s off of my shoulders.

Cory looks on as her husband holds her son in the air.

What advice do you have for other mothers that are thinking about coming back to school or that are already here trying to finish their degree?

I would say that if it makes you happy, come back to school and complete your degree. You’re definitely going to be inspiring your son or daughter. They’ll be able to see that you made sacrifices and that you work towards an end goal that wasn’t easy. They’ll see that as an adult, it’s difficult to come back to school to finish a degree, or begin and finish a degree while having a child.

What is your favorite thing about being a mom?

I love absolutely everything about being a mom right now. I’m a stay-at-home mom. I love being a stay-at-home mom. My son is always happy to see me. As soon as he wakes up in the morning, he’s always so happy to see me. He is just full of like endless love and limitless fun. He’s my heart.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Interview by:
Kayla Tucker, junior public relations major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Yes, Mama, YOU CAN DO IT!

Alexis holds her son outside on campus.

Alexis Houck is a junior Advertising major and a certificate of undergraduate study (CUGS) in graphic design student from Ocean County, NJ. She shares her first-person perspective, tips and advice for the mom going back to college.  

Two years ago, I was at a dead-end job being paid minimum wage not feeling very fulfilled with my life. I was married, and my husband worked hard to take care of us. I had always thought about going to college, but unfortunately, I could not afford the luxury of it straight out of high school. I also lacked the support, guidance and help to get into one.

Portrait of author Alexis on campus.

Well, that all changed July 2018 when I saw two pink lines and I knew. It was time to go back to school. I understood the challenges I was about to face being a new mom and now a [first year student] in college. Yet, I knew the importance of an education.

The second I saw the positive pregnancy test I knew I wanted, I needed, to do more for my baby. He needed parents who were not too stressed out about money and bills to enjoy life and parenthood. I wanted to make sure we could live comfortably on two incomes not just one. I wanted to make sure my child knew how important an education and hard work is.

I made the right choice to go back to college, and I started that fall. Of course, when my son was born, I took one semester off and then jumped right back into it. I now have my associate degree and am currently working on my bachelor’s in advertising and undergraduate study in graphic design here at Rowan University.

Alexis, her son and husband walk through the Rowan welcome gate.

I could not be prouder of being a Rowan Prof even at 30 years old with a 2-year-old at home. If I can do it so, can you. I hope I can inspire some hope and encourage you to further your education here at Rowan University.

Stop asking how and why? Stop questioning if you could do it because yes, Mama, YOU CAN DO IT!                          

Here are a few tips and advice for the mama starting your college education journey here at Rowan University:

  • Talk to an advisor and be realistic.

This is a big one. You need to be honest, talk about what you want to do. If you are unsure this is where you and your advisor discuss your strengths and what you have a particular interest in. I changed my major three times before I finally found the one I love. Ask your advisor about the courses you need to take and how much time you will need to delegate to your studies. Rowan offers full-time and part-time enrollment. I prefer full-time, but do what you can. Certain degree programs only have day classes; making a schedule that is realistic and works for you and your family is crucial. College and being a parent are hard enough; do not stress yourself out any more than you need to.

  • Financial aid, grants and other scholarships are available!

Financial aid and grants have been super helpful! Make sure to apply in time and get that situated ASAP. Scholarships are available as well. Make sure to do your research so you know you will be prepared and financially stable during your time at Rowan.

Alexis holds her son and poses with her husband on campus.

  • Rowan supports parents with a family-friendly campus!

Rowan has on-campus childcare. It is called the “Early Childhood Demonstration Center,” home of the Little Owls! They are parenting friendly at Rowan — they even have a Lactation Center and Nursing Mothers’ Room available, which is open Monday through Friday, they even provide storage for your milk! 

Rowan is a “family-friendly campus.” Rowan offers resources and events for all students who are parents. Rowan CCAMPIS Program (Child Care Access Means Parents In School), offers free or low-cost tuition for eligible students’ children at the Early Childhood Demonstration Center as well as social and academic services designed just for college student parents. Rowan also has events for student parents who attend the university! Join in! You will meet others going through exactly what you are, and you can really lean on each other.

  • Stay organized and keep your family on a schedule.

Make sure you have an area in your home you can designate to your studies, a nice, quiet and organized place where you can store all your school supplies that is away from any distractions. Due to COVID I know it is tough to find places nearby, luckily Rowan has some great on-campus options including the library. When you are going back to college, you need to pick out a regular time each week to get the work done. I personally make evenings a time to get my work done. I cook dinner and then my husband takes over for bath and bed time while I get my work done. Once you schedule your time for your assignments, treat it like you would a doctor appointment for your child(ren). You and your work are important, too. Let the rest of the family know that you are unavailable at these times.

  • Let your support system help you.

Thankfully, I have an amazing husband and family who support me in my goals and help as much as they can. There will be days when unexpected things happen, I mean, come on, we are parents!!! It’s important to acknowledge that you will need some help to get it all done. Make sure to let your support system help when they can. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, it takes a village.

Alexis smiles with her son and husband.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Alexis Houck, junior advertising major

Meet Transfer Profs: 3+1 Psychology Student and Mother Victoria Hable

Victoria sits with her son, Rowen.

Today we speak to Victoria Hable, a first-generation college student and mom from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Victoria transferred from Harrisburg Area Community College to Rowan College at Burlington College. She will transfer to Rowan University in the fall as part of the 3+1 program. Victoria is majoring in Psychology and will graduate next spring.  

Victoria sits on stones in front of greenery on Rowan Boulevard.

Can you tell me a little about the 3+1 program that you’re currently enrolled in?

I’m in the 3+1 program for Psychology. The 3+1 program is going to Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) for three years and transferring to Rowan and finishing a bachelor’s degree there for one year. I was a Music Business major at Harrisburg Area Community College. When I transferred to RCBC, I changed my major to Psychology. I had a lot of credits from the Music Business program that my 3+1 advisor Diana helped me work in as some extra electives so it wouldn’t delay my graduation date. From there, I created a plan to complete my last two years of my bachelor’s degree at RCBC and Rowan.

How did you hear about Rowan and what made you want to come here? 

I moved to the area two years ago for a change of scenery. I was able to live with family and babysit for them. I started at RCBC in 2018 to finish up community college, and I found out about the 3+1 program while I was there. I started the program when I was a year into my time at RCBC, and that is how I found out about Rowan.

Victoria sits and hugs her son on Rowan Boulevard.

What is it like to balance being a mother with being a student?

It’s difficult. It’s definitely a lot. My son was born with Down Syndrome, so he has a lot of therapies and appointments. Balancing his appointments, my appointments and schoolwork is a lot. I’m not working, so it gives me a little more leeway in my schedule, but my job right now is to take care of him and finish school.

How has Rowan supported you in being a mother and a student?

It was two weeks into the spring semester, last January when I went to Diana, my advisor. I told her I had just found out I was four months pregnant, and I didn’t know what to do with my 3+1 plan. She helped me rearrange my plan to accommodate my being out for six weeks. I was out over the summer, so it only put me behind by two classes. It did not move my graduation date back at all. Instead of encouraging me to take a semester off because I found out I was pregnant, my advisor encouraged me to keep going. Diana was very dedicated to helping me figure out a new plan and stay in college like I wanted. The professors I have had so far are also willing to work with me.

Victoria and Rowen sit on the grass in the Glassboro Town Square.

How does your son motivate you to continue to pursue your career?

I had some prenatal testing that was done about five months into my pregnancy, but I didn’t know until my son was actually born that he was 100% going to have Down Syndrome. Last May, I saw that the first student with Down Syndrome graduated from Rowan University last year. That was really cool for me to see, and that gave me more motivation to keep pushing to pursue my career and more motivation that my son might be able to go to college. Seeing that student graduate is also the reason why I decided to name my son Rowen. Rowen is in therapy twice a week, we’re working with him constantly. Seeing his resilience to everything and how he adapts to his environment is a big motivator for me, especially me being a psychology major. Watching him grow and learn new things is so fun, and it just makes me want to learn more about him and more about neuro-psychology.

Do you have any advice for any current or incoming Rowan students that are also moms?

Since COVID has happened, I have met online classmates who are moms as well. But as for advice, if you have a support system, take advantage of it. The school is 100% percent behind you to help. But I think the biggest thing is just to stick with it. Even if it gets a little heavy sometimes.

What are your goals after you graduate?

When I switched my major to Psychology originally, I wanted to pursue my master’s in Psychology. I wanted to apply for the FBI and work in forensics. But since I’m a Mom now, I had to change my path a bit. Now, I eventually want to get into trauma psychology and maybe criminal justice reform.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Professional Goals of Engineering Entrepreneurship Majors

Kenyon looked to the side outside of Rowan Hall.

Today, we feature the long-term and short-term goals of two students in the Engineering Entrepreneurship program. 

Kenyon sits inside the Engineering Bridge.

Kenyon Burgess, a sophomore from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County), is taking advantage of the programs Rowan has to offer to reach his goals.

Currently, Kenyon is on an engineering research project and is also attending events held by the College of Business for networking and personal development. These are all steps he’s taking to be prepared for his next steps after graduation.

His long-term goal is to own his own business where he can utilize his engineering experience. 

Michael sits by Engineering Pond and Rowan Hall.

Senior Micheal Lampasona, from South Plainfield, NJ (Middlesex County), is taking charge of his future by actively expanding his network, self-educating through reading books and watching videos, and reaching out to business professionals to ask them questions regarding his interests in different industries.

In his last semester, Micheal wants to continue to search the technical and business fields to see what industries he gravitates towards for his career. His long-term goal is to own and develop real estate by investing in and developing multi-unit (30+) properties.

He says: “Engineering entrepreneurship will support my dreams and goals because it gives me the best of both the technical and business world. I know that the world of technical sales, product development, project management, technology commercialization, and operations in manufacturing is what I was born to do.”

Like what you see?


Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Select photos by:
Quintin Stinney, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Beyond the Classroom: Cultural Clubs and Landing Internships with JT Kurtz

JT leans against a tree on Bunce green, wearing a Rowan sweater with hands in his pockets.

Today we speak with JT Kurtz, a first-generation college student from Egg Harbor Township (Atlantic County). JT will be graduating this year with a degree in Computer Science and currently works as an ARD (Assistant Resident Director) on campus. He is also active in RUPAC (the Rowan University Philippine American Coalition) and is a Human Factors Researcher for the Psychology department. 

What clubs have you been a part of? 

I am part of the Rowan University Philippine American Coalition (RUPAC – the Filipino club). I am half-Filipino and half-Italian! 

I’m also a Human Factors Researcher for the Psychology department. Human Factors looks at processes (not just technical, anything with how a team operates or any technologies they work with). We try to find the most efficient way to make it better or redesign it so that it’s much easier for everyone.

When I was in the Honors College, my Comp II professor (Professor Flocco) was the coordinator for the Honors B.L.A.S.T. Mentor Program. I told her about my passion for computer science. I really like taking something, being innovative or redesigning it, and making sure it’s the best for someone to visually see and understand. That’s considered User Interface or User Experience Design (UI or UED). That segued into “Oh, she knows somebody at UPenn. Speak with them and see what opportunities you can get from there.” So, I went all the way to Philly, had a 30-minute conversation and that person was like “Hey, I know somebody that’s here at Rowan.” I came back and had an interview with my advisor, Dr. Tremoulet. She is fantastic without a doubt. She said “I’m going to bring you on board with my team. So I’ve been in her lab for about a year and a half now. We actually just published one of her researches. It was super awesome.”

JT smiles and points at the camera on Bunce green.

Tell me more about RUPAC!

I’ve been a part of that since my sophomore year. I went out my freshman year to the Org Fair, that was always an awesome opportunity. My friend and I went to high school together. He’s been in it since freshman year and was like “Hey, you should check it out.” I met some really great people and being part of that org has helped me start my DJ career because they always needed a DJ for any of their on-campus events. And from there, I was able to build my network because RUPAC is affiliated with major regional and national Filipino conferences [all under the organization called “Filipino International Networking Dialogue” (FIND) spanning colleges from Massachusetts down to Florida]. 

I believe it was last year, prior to COVID, I went to TCNJ. They hosted a big conference called “Dialogue” where all of these other Filipino organizations come together. They talk about what it’s like to be Asian American and how we can better our communities from all different kinds of perspectives. It was really cool, it’s always fun! You play games, share stories, and then you make new friends. With that, I was actually able to segue into being the DJ for their regional formal dance (hosting students from 7 out of the 8 regions in FIND). With RUPAC, it’s been really great to be on campus. I know they’re still working their best now even with the pandemic. 

JT stands in front of the Rowan University archway near Bunce Hall.

Are you part of any other clubs? 

I feel like I always do too much (everyone always describes me like that). Aside from that, nothing else on campus. I have my off-campus internship as a software developer for General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT).

Where are they located? 

They have a lot of different branches and offices. They’re a government contracting agency, similar to Lockheed Martin. I interned with them over the summer and I will continue interning with them throughout the school year. Thankfully, I just accepted a full-time job with them. 

When do you start working for them full-time? 

I believe I start with them in June. I have to smooth things out, fill out some paperwork with the manager. I’m super excited. The game plan from there is to work with them and hopefully, I would like to pursue my master’s in Computer Science. 

How did you find that internship? 

Every year since freshman year, I went to the Career Fair and that’s how I found GDIT. 

JT leans against a tree, looking solemnly across Bunce green.

Do you have any thoughts on what’s happening with Asian hate? 

We definitely live in a world where there’s hatred all throughout. It’s a shame that there are different groups that are being targeted. I think a lot of people try to work together to make things better. I know recently we had a march around campus [protesting Asian hate]. I encourage any group that has [been targeted] to come together and speak on how we can make our society better. We can acknowledge that things are happening in our world that is definitely wrong. At the same time, we need to work together and come up with solutions to prevent that from happening. 

Have you ever experienced any Asian hate on campus? 

Personally no, that’s actually an interesting topic now. I think about how when you walk around campus and how people can tell if you’re of a certain race. I don’t think that’s fair because you don’t fully know their background. You probably didn’t know I was Filipino because I don’t portray the common characteristics of a Filipino. I think that contributes to why I don’t experience much of that perspective. At the same time, I can still resonate with my friends, my family, and my culture. I’m sure there are other people in that same situation. Maybe they don’t contribute to the hate but they don’t understand it. I will definitely support this movement as much as possible with as much as I can. 

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Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

#PROFspective: ESS Major, Athlete and Activist Ayanna Johnson

Today we speak with Ayanna Johnson, a junior Environmental & Sustainability Studies (ESS) major under the School of Earth and Environment. She comes from Ewing, NJ in Mercer County and is the captain of the Women’s Basketball Team. She also participates in We Are One Team, Social Justice Action, and OWL (Outstanding Women Leaders) Group.

Ayanna smiles and leans against a tree outside on campus.

Why did you choose ESS? 

When I was a senior, I went on a trip to the Bahamas and studied at the Island School. I focused on environmental science and marine biology. We saw the coral reefs that were dying and how the Bahamas is being disproportionately impacted by global warming. It made me feel that this is a really important field more people need to study. 

What has been your favorite ESS class?  

My favorite ESS class was called Earth, People, and The Environment taught by Professor Richard Federman. I learned about the interconnectedness of people and their environment. 

What do you want to do in the future? 

Every company needs an Environmental Sustainability Specialist to make sure they’re following the rules and regulations from like the EPA. I want to do that in the future. 

Do you have a mentor on-campus? 

My mentor is Mandy Jiang, the former assistant coach of the Women’s Basketball Team. She helps me with school, studying, basketball and basically anything! 

Can you tell me more about the We Are One Team panel that happened in October 2020?  

The We Are One Team panel was an opportunity for me to speak on my personal experiences and also listen to different people from diverse backgrounds speak on social justice issues. We also discussed how we’ve been working to improve our communities by helping people become more educated and understanding about issues that are going on in modern-day America.

I was able to connect with other people that cared about these issues and also wanted to learn more. I made good friends with people who are dedicated to making a difference and speaking out. We bounce ideas off of each other about how we can do more to get our message across.

Ayanna smiles while sitting and leaning on a bench on campus.

What’s it like being the captain of the basketball team? 

It’s not much different than being a regular player. Everyone on my team is so awesome, and we all work together. It’s more about the responsibility of leadership. It pushes me to be more confident when speaking up and in my ability to lead. I never really looked at myself as capable of this, but it’s forcing me to face my insecurities and just do it. 

What advice would you give to newer college students? 

Appreciate the moment and enjoy it. Don’t keep thinking about the next thing. You’re going to waste your whole life thinking about the next step. You have to be in the present and enjoy the current moment. Appreciate life when you are happy because it’s not going to always last. 

If you spend your whole time stressing and not experiencing college, you’re going to regret it. You’re not going to be in your 20s forever. 

Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself because it’s a hard time for everyone. We don’t validate our own emotions or acknowledge things that we’re feeling inside. Everybody should take time to look inside yourself. 

What social justice issues are you most passionate about? 

I’m most passionate about educating people. A lot of what perpetuates injustice is people being ignorant to it. People not understanding how the small things are actually big things which allow for injustice to continue. 

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities do you juggle? 

I have practice, academics and work. I also juggle about 15 credits per semester along with basketball. This gives athletes room to stay above the 12-credit minimum and drop a class if necessary. 

How do you balance all of it?

I’m actually not very good at balancing or time management. I try my best to get organized and refocus. I try to make sure that I’m taking care of myself first because I can get caught up with so many different things. I’m not going to be able to do my best like mentally and physically if I don’t take care of myself.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Meet Transfer Profs: Liberal Studies Major Erin Finter

Photo of future Prof Erin taken outdoors.

Meet incoming transfer student and first-generation college student Erin Finter! Erin is an aspiring Liberal Studies major from Medford, NJ (Burlington County) who transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County. She shares more about what she’s looking forward to at Rowan University and she gives advice to other transfer students.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?

New professors!

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

I’m currently the VP of the criminal justice club … I’d love the chance to continue that!

What majors are you considering and why?

I’ve chosen liberal studies with a focus in law.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

The 3+1 info event. It was well put together and full of great information!

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Figure out what you want to do after graduating and pick a school bed equipped to help you achieve it!

Where are you going to live next year?

Renting off campus!

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Meet Transfer Profs: Public Health & Wellness Major Heather Doerr

A photo of Heather outside at the beach wearing sunglasses.

Meet incoming transfer Prof Heather Doerr, a Public Health & Wellness major from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County). Heather transferred from the University of Maryland Global Campus. She shares how she chose Rowan and what she’s looking forward to!

A selfie of Heather wearing glasses.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?

I am looking forward to being involved in clubs and initiatives that advocate for wellness and support communities’ overall health.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

I recently joined the Public Health Club.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?

I have changed my major from IFSM to Public Health and Wellness, which is a new venture for me, but an interest I have had for a few years. I hope to combine my passion to advocate for our community’s good health with the skills and knowledge that I will be learning at Rowan and play an instrumental role in educating, empowering and improving the overall health of communities.

What majors are you considering and why?

I am enrolled in the Public Health & Wellness BS program. After working in the Information Systems realm for the last two years, I realized my work did not fulfill my desire to help users as I had intended when entering the field. Working in a stationary position in front of a computer for 8-12 hours a day was not conducive to my good health, both physically and mentally. When I took the Nutrition class in my first year, I was amazed by how uninformed I was in what my body needed for optimal health function. This sparked my interest and passion to play a role in improving not only the health of myself and my family, but also society.

Heather standing on the beach with her dog.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

Yes, I attended the Rowan self-paced tour. The Rowan campus was huge, the campus has grown into its own community, which is very inspiring and comforting. Although I was there on a Saturday during COVID restrictions, I was able to get a sense of the positive energy and support that exists at this school. The buildings that I was able to access were easy to find and had an abundance of resources.

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Review all the programs that Rowan has to offer as well as the career options within those programs. Rowan provides prospective students with information online, over the phone, and through various tour options of the campus. Everyone I have communicated with through email or virtual meetings were very informative and helpful.

Where are you going to live next year?

Commute from home.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

The abundance of resources to help achieve success.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Meet Transfer Profs: Psychology Major Rosetta Briscoe

An outdoor shot of Rosetta smiling and wearing reflective sunglasses.

Meet incoming transfer Prof Rosetta Briscoe. Rosetta is a Psychology major from Pemberton, NJ who transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County. She shares how she chose Rowan University and what she’s looking forward to!

Rosetta posing for a photo in a hot pink sun dress and reflective sunglasses.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?

I’m looking forward to everything the school has to offer. I’m excited for the academic and personal growth that is to come.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

I’m not active in any clubs, but I do have a hobby of jewelry making and singing. I would love to be a part of any club that inspires me to be creative and help individuals.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?

I would like to explore my options and join clubs, be active, and perhaps try a new skill. I love learning something new and being able to apply the knowledge toward my degree.

What majors are you considering and why?

Psychology so I can help counsel, and perhaps business, so that I can have my own practice.

Rosetta wearing a black sequined mask.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

I attended a virtual event for Psychology, it was informative and wonderful. I would recommend it to students.

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Do your research, then see which schools are the best fit for you. Think about the financial requirements, your academics, and what would be best for you.

Where are you going to live next year?

Commute from home.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

I like that so far I have experienced people working together as a team to make sure students are able to succeed.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos courtesy of:
Rosetta Briscoe

#PROFspective: Perks of Living On Campus with Dom Natali

Dom sits on marble steps at Bunce Hall wearing black-and-white plaid.

Today we speak with Dominick Natali, a first-year Music Industry major from Washington Township (Gloucester County) who lives on campus. 

What are you looking forward to about next year?

I’m looking forward to my first apartment and not having people accidentally come into the room. I currently live in a suite. Some days I’m working in my room in my pajamas and one of my suitemates will accidentally open the room when they’re trying to lock the door.

Do you know how to cook? 

I know how to cook pasta. I’m a proud Italian! I can only make pasta. I don’t know what I’ll be learning to cook next year, but I am going to get an unlimited meal plan. I love getting as much food as I want. I do enjoy Jersey Mike’s. 

Dom smiles up at the camera by Bunce Hall, wearing black-and-white plaid and pink sunglasses.

What aspect of apartment life do you look forward to most of all? 

I am looking forward to having personal space and the way the apartment is set up where everyone has their own individual room. 

I don’t have a roommate right now luckily. So I don’t experience having to hear somebody else’s alarm before your own or somebody not coming back to the room because they’re out. If anything, I’m just excited to be able to have a place with some buddies.

Has it been lonely without a roommate?  

It hasn’t been very lonely this year even without a roommate. It’s also beneficial because I like being able to play loud music in his room. I listen to a lot of rock and metal, 90s metal (Slipknot, Korn, Linkin Park) and modern stuff. I met Stephanie Batista [featured here] through the Rowan Alternative Music Club. I thought I was the only person that liked this kind of music because everyone talked about Weezer. I didn’t hear anyone talk about Slipknot or Chevelle until Stephanie did! That’s how we became friends. There’s always a place for loud music at Rowan. Rowan has a diverse music taste.

Dominick does a yoga pose in pink sunglasses by Bunce Hall.

Tell me more about your social life!

My friends at Rowan are from before college as well as music events. The Rowan Alt Music Club and Rowan Photography Club have been really great for making new friends. I’m not a photographer [yet] but I model for the club and hope to learn more about photography.

I haven’t been able to do much because of school work, but I go to the trivia nights with friends. [Surprisingly,] a whole room of 30 people didn’t know anything about Tom Cruise movies! I also go to RAH events, and I look forward to “post-Covid” in-person classes. I learn better in person and can focus more when in an actual classroom compared to studying in your dorm room on your laptop. I associate the dorm room with downtime, food, comfort and the classroom with work. For me, it’s a weird balance of “I have to learn” and “I want to get food out of my fridge and take a nap.”

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Photography by: 
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

History Graduate Student Shares: Teaching Online and Supporting Distant Students [VIDEO]

Rowan Global student Steven Anderson shares how his history degree prepared him as a high school social studies teacher during COVID-19. Steven recently earned the James Madison Fellowship as an outstanding educator of the U.S. Constitution. This prestigious award is granted to only two history teachers yearly.


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Video by:
Adam Clark, senior Radio/TV/Film major
Max Morgan, senior Radio/TV/Film major
Brian Seay, sophomore sports communication and media major

Advice From a Rowan RA on the Residence Hall Experience

Exterior shot of Chestnut Hall Building

Today we speak with Alex Brown, a senior Music Industry major and first-time resident assistant (RA) at Chestnut Hall.

What advice do you have for incoming first years or transfers living in residence halls?

Definitely do not be afraid to try something out. If there is something that peaks your interest even a little bit and you feel like you can manage that with your course load, or even if you think you can’t, at least give it a shot. One, you’ll meet the people who run it; two, learn more about it; and three, you can say that you gave it your best shot.

There are people who leave after four years regretting not joining a club or being more involved on campus. 

What advice do you have for students who choose to live in a residence hall?

It’s a great experience, but it’s also something where you get what you put in. I highly recommend talking to as many new people as you can. You never know who is going to be your next best friend or resource for the rest of your college career.

Alex stands on the steps of Bunce Hall.

Do you have any advice for students dealing with homesickness?

You’ll definitely feel homesick the first few weeks, but Rowan does a lot of welcome week events where you can start immersing yourself with all the opportunities Rowan has to offer. Put yourself out there, go to events, go to Rowan After Hours (RAH) events every weekend, walk around, learn more about the campus and you’ll start to fit in to the environment. If you put in the effort to be a part of the community, the community will welcome you with open arms. 

Can you tell us about some of the best parts of Chestnut Hall?

Chestnut Hall is huge. It’s on the bigger end of the first-year dorms. Because of that, there are a lot of people you see on a daily basis. The space allows for more connections and friendships to be made without having to go too far.

Alex sits on the steps of Bunce Hall.

How would you describe the proximity to the academic buildings?

The way Chestnut is placed, you have a lot of different things that can help you. Chestnut has a parking lot for first-year students with access to a car. It’s a reasonable walk to Rowan Boulevard where there are a lot of restaurants. It’s also just a great hangout area for Rowan students and close to other first-year buildings.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

20 Minute Radius: Oishii Ramen

Bianca Torres, a graduating senior Music Industry major and Marketing minor, brought along some friends and recently visited the newest restaurant addition to Rowan Boulevard, Oishii Ramen!

If you’re looking to support a local business owned by a recent Rowan alum and grab some great ramen, you need to stop by Oishii Ramen on Rowan Boulevard!

Bianca showing her friends a pork bun.
Grab some appetizers like Pork Buns with your friends!

What makes Oishii Ramen so unique is that it is owned by a recent Rowan alumnus and former international student. The biggest inspiration for the restaurant was to bring a different culture and cuisine to the Rowan and Gloucester County communities.

Three different flavors of Mochi covered ice cream.
Three different flavors of Mochi-covered ice cream!

Oishii Ramen’s speciality is, of course, ramen! However, if ramen’s not what you’re looking for, there’s plenty of other appetizers, dishes and desserts to enjoy too.

Bianca holds a bowl of Chicken Ramen.
Chicken Ramen (seen here) is one of many varieties Oishii offers, including Seafood and Vegetarian.

There are many different flavors of Ramen to choose from, and all at affordable prices. College students, you can now ditch the cup ramen and get a big bowl of goodness at Oishii Ramen!

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Music Majors Share Music to Listen to While Studying

Photo of a student studying.

Need some tunes to help you study for finals? Here are some recommendations from upperclassmen music majors.

The "Spiegel im Spiegel" by Arvo Part album cover.

Spiegel im Spiegel – Arvo Pärt

“It’s one of my favorite minimalist pieces. It repeats over and over, so it’s good to listen to when you’re trying to focus. I love how delicate it sounds; it reminds me of a lullaby. A couple years ago, I was reading a book called ‘The Rest Is Noise’ by Alex Ross. Pärt was mentioned in it, so I wanted to dive into his music more,” says senior Kimmy Speers, a Music Education: Instrumental major from Morristown, NJ (Morris County).

The "3am Talk" by Icemann album cover.

3Am Talk – Icemann

“Chill vibe. I created the song myself,” says first-generation junior Justin Nunez, a Music Industry major with a concentration in Technology and a transfer from Kean University from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County).

Lisa holding a clarinet outside by the Rowan Hall pond.

Nocturnes (all 21) – Chopin

“It is very calming and relaxing. Chopin is very popular in the classical music world, and played very often by pianists,” says senior Lisa Harkisheimer, a Music Education Instrumental major from Sicklerville, NJ (Gloucester County).

Melissa wearing a Rowan sweatshirt while walking on the beach.

Etude No.2 – Phillip Glass

“Phillip Glass is a minimalist artist. His songs are thought provoking and stimulating to the ear. I studied minimalist artists in my theory course a year ago and found the compositions of Phillip Glass. I use his Playlist on Spotify to focus when I’m studying and thought it might help other students,” say junior Melissa Breslin of Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County), a Music Education Instrumental major and transfer student from Rowan College at Gloucester County. 

Liz sitting on a bench.

Rêverie – Claude Debussy (or really anything by Debussy)

“It relaxes me without putting me to sleep. I discovered the song by researching romantic composers on my own and also hearing his music in my music classes,” says senior Liz Cicali, a Music Education major with a specialization in instrumental music from Absecon, NJ (Atlantic County).

Sunshine holding a guitar while smiling outside.

 The Brain Dance – Animals as Leaders

“This will stimulate your mind and senses in every way. You will be awakened to learn and receptive to new information. I discovered the song at a concert,” says senior Sunshine Jones, a Music Education Vocal Major and Classical Guitar minor from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County).

The "Viberations" by Iman Omari album cover.

L.A. Vibes – Iman Omari 

“Iman Omari is the king of chill and loops. He’s a producer that makes dream like beats. He can chop any song up and claim it as his own. A lot of his music doesn’t contain words, he has a beat tape that has nothing but loops and it really helps me study. Hearing the beats allow me to read, think and focus on my tasks. I’m able to listen to music and concentrate, that’s all I need in this world. Music and focus,” says first-generation college junior Phinesse Scott, a Music Industry major and transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County

Phinesse adds: “I discovered Iman Omari through YouTube. You can really go down a never-ending hole on YouTube. I typically like to search for beats on there and I came across one of his old tracks and it was at that moment I became a fan and looked for every song I could find that he made.”

The "We the Kings" album cover.

Check Yes Juliet – We The Kings

“It’s a good song and catchy but by studying to this song it helps you to think back to what you read right before an exam if you listen to it again. It’s a popular pop rock song similar to artists I listen to,” says first-generation college junior Amanda Uretsky, a Music Industry major with a concentration in Technology and Business from Lumberton, NJ (Burlington County).

Emileigh smiling for a photo.

Imagine Paris – Daniel Paterok

“I find this song very relaxing, which I believe is important when doing homework or studying. Plus, I find the melody really pretty and catchy. I found this song on a public Spotify playlist that I sometimes listen to when I study,” says junior Emileigh Zane, a Music Industry major with a Business concentration who transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey and is from Penns Grove, NJ (Salem County).

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major 

Header photo courtesy of:

Meet #Rowan2025: Incoming First-Year Student Dara Donahue

Close up of top of Bunce Hall.

Today we speak to Dara Donahue, an incoming first-year Marketing major from Wantage, NJ (Sussex County). Dara hopes to live on campus next semester.

Dara stands in the parking garage wearing a Rowan sweatshirt.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward to in college?

I am really looking forward to living on campus and getting to make friends!

What is one hobby, activity, sport, or club you were a part of in high school that you’d like to continue in college?

I was a part of DECA, a club that builds business and leadership skills, and I hope to join a similar club in college as well. 

Dara poses by a car and a fence.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself in college?

I hope to better my education in marketing and business in general.

What majors are you considering and why?

I am considering a career in either marketing or becoming a lobbyist.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events?

I toured Rowan my junior year before COVID hit and loved it right away. I have attended some virtual events as well.

Do you have advice for other high school seniors who haven’t committed to a school yet?

My advice is cheesy, but just listen to your gut and see how you feel at each college you tour.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Sports and Mental Health

McCarly sits on a bench outdoors on campus.

Junior Psychology major McCarly Thompson shares advice on how taking up exercise or participating in sports improves more than just our physical well-being.

It is safe to say that the watching and/or playing of sports has been one of the world’s greatest pastimes for centuries. From childhood, through the stages of adulthood, leading up to old age, humans all over the country participate in sports-related activities throughout their daily life.

McCarly sitting on a bench next to his skateboard.

According to the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine, “The Royal College of Psychiatrists recognize exercise prescription as a treatment modality for a wide range of mental health conditions.” That’s right: Not only can exercising and participating in sports benefit us on the physical level, but also the mental level as well! 

Participating in exercise and sports on a team-based or competitive level has many benefits to our mental health in ways we may not even imagine. By helping us form social connections with others, sports can prevent and decrease the chances of depression and help us create strong relationships with people of similar interest as us. Participating in these activities also do justice on the personal level by increasing motivation and self-esteem via selective hormones in the body. Physical activity is also good for children in helping them make friendships, learn how to problem solve, and work their way through a task to reach an end goal.

Clinicians have recently been promoting physical activity as a substitution for many other intervention services. Instead of writing up a prescription or putting someone in an institution, physical therapists have seen positive results in just advising several hours of physical activity a week to their patients. Ironically, it is important to note that many professional athletes do not seek mental health assistance due to the stigma behind it. The stereotype also follows that “big, strong men” don’t need to talk to anyone about their problems or feelings, when in fact this is not the case.

Therapeutic service has actually been shown to increase performance in athletes, proving a strong correlation between sport and mental health. I believe that if we as a people raise awareness of the benefits of sports/physical activity, we would see the rise of a healthier generation on the physical and mental side, and also more elite athletes, able to reach their full potential on the field.

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Story by:
McCarly Thompson, junior, psychology major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Beyond the Classroom: Tanvi Koduru, 3D Confectionery CEO

Tanvi Koduru is a senior Entrepreneurship major and hails from Somerset, NJ. She founded the Rowan Period Movement organization on campus and also leads the Rowan Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO). Period Movement aims to bring free and easily-accessible period products to all students in need on campus. Tanvi began her own business, 3D Confectionery, her […]

Meet Transfer Profs: Psychology Major Sara Brooks

Outdoor photo of Sara smiling in a pumpkin patch.

Meet incoming transfer Prof Sara Brooks. Sara is a Psychology major originally from Orlando, Florida who transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County. She shares why she chose Rowan and what she’s looking forward to!

A selfie of Sara wearing a brown hat.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?

I am looking forward to completing my bachelor’s degree in Psychology at a school that has progressive outlook on mental health and mindfulness.

If you are from out of state, why did you choose a university not in your home state? Why Rowan?

I grew up in Florida, and when I moved to New Jersey after getting married, I was lucky enough to find RCBC and enroll in their 3+1 program, which has given me the opportunity to transfer into Rowan University for my senior year and complete my bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

One [activity] that I look forward to becoming a part of is Rowan Thrive, especially in their Emotional Well-Being program. Stress and anxiety is something that all students face, and having resources that can help in learning how to navigate these emotions is important for everyone to discover their best self.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?

I am really looking forward to exploring more in Student Services and learning how I can be of service to more transfer students like myself who are coming into a new university and the opportunities that are available.

Sara laughing and sitting in a pumpkin patch.

What majors are you considering and why?

I am a senior psychology major due to my natural interest in learning about why people are the way that they are. I currently work as a Behavioral Health Technician at an alcohol and drug treatment center working toward completing a certification as a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor. Being able to complete my bachelor’s degree at Rowan and continue on to a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology is my goal, where I will focus more on dual diagnosis aspect of addiction.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

Due to COVID being very present in my time of transferring to a university, I have only been able to attend virtual events and I have really enjoyed them. Being able to schedule Zoom advising sessions and talk with an advisor one-on-one has been so helpful in planning my future goals.

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Not to focus too much on where you want to transfer schools to but why. Look into schools that offer programs that you could see yourself being a part of after graduation and that have programs that you could see yourself being a part of.

Where are you going to live next year?

Commute from home.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

I really liked that they offer so many courses in Psychology that focus on research and the study of behavior, especially mindfulness, and that they offer a Philosophy track as well.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Photos courtesy of
Sara Brooks

Meet Transfer Profs: Business Management Major Brett Fleming

Brett smiles, stands in front of a shaded window on campus.

Meet incoming transfer Brett Fleming. Brett is a Business Management major who calls Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County) home. He transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey. He shares why he chose Rowan University and what he’s looking forward to!

Brett sitting inside the Business building while wearing a suit and tie.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward to at Rowan University?

I am looking forward to attending in-person classes again. I have always enjoyed direct instruction from my professors and interesting interactions with my classmates. I appreciate when a professor relays his or her expertise while also sharing real-life experiences with us.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

Although I was involved in many extracurricular activities in high school such as varsity basketball, acting groups, choir and school musicals, my current school and work responsibilities have since consumed my time. I am now a RCSJ ISP [Intern Scholarship Program] Business Administration and Marketing intern, a bank CSA [Customer Service Associate], a committed gym goer, and an attendee at a college-age Bible study.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?

Now that I have completed most of my general education classes at RCSJ, I look forward to digging deeper into the field of business. I hope to acquire applicable knowledge and wisdom in classes such Consumer Behavior, Operations Management, Principle of Training and Management, and the Business Management Simulation. Also, if time permits, I would love to have the opportunity to act or to play basketball again.

What majors are you considering and why?

I am enrolled as a Business Management major, and I also am minoring in Marketing. Since I was young, I have always loved working with both numbers and people. I am a reader, researcher and communicator. I have grown up playing sports and performing for others. I have been a camp counselor in multiple venues, and I was also an after-school child care provider in an elementary work setting.

Every day, I manage my time, resources, workload, employment and social life. I am always planning, scheduling and troubleshooting. I am constantly making phone calls, sending emails and texts, and ideally, connecting with others in person to develop relationships. While doing this, I strive to be genuinely caring and professional. Hopefully, that’s good management.

Brett sitting by the window of the Business building wearing a suit and tie.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

Although I have not toured Rowan’s academic buildings or attended any virtual events yet, I am familiar with the campus because some of my friends are Rowan students. Additionally, I have already made fun memories at Rowan’s surrounding restaurants and shops.

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

My advice would be to commit to Rowan University, which has a great reputation all across the country. Rowan is practically in my backyard, offers me a solid education at an affordable price, and allows me to conveniently commute. It is a win-win in my book.

Where are you going to live next year?

Commute from home.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

Even though I am transferring as a junior, I am already connected to Rowan University. I remember going to both the Escape Room and the Virtual Reality Center with my friends. I’ve also been to one of Rowan’s basketball games. I can recall the electricity of the crowd as they cheered on our home team. All in all, I have developed a built-in affinity to Rowan.

Also, I love how my foundational learning at RCSJ seamlessly transfers to Rowan. Because of this uncomplicated process, I can easily continue my undergraduate education.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior, music industry major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Meet Transfer Profs: Human Services & Psychology Major NyEsha Cintron

An outdoor photo of a branded chair on campus.
A selfie of NyEsha in a botanical garden.

Meet incoming transfer student NyEsha Cintron. NyEsha is a first-generation Human Services and Psychology major from Maple Shade, NJ (Burlington County) who transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County. She shares how she ended up at Rowan and what she’s looking forward to!

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward at Rowan University?

I am looking forward to meeting new people, the ability to foster lasting relationships and grow in experience with my area of study. I am excited to see how school will impact my life as well as how I will impact the lives of others.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

I’d like to get involved in the Human Services Club or a language club.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club?

I will be taking a Spanish class, and I’d like to see my knowledge increase in this language to speak it fluently.

What majors are you considering and why?

I am a Human Services and Psychology major through and through. I love learning how to better understand people in efforts to better serve them. These majors are very organic to how I am wired, and I feel that I can be my best by furthering my education in these areas of studies.

Did you tour Rowan or attend any virtual events? If so, which ones, and what did you think?

I haven’t had the time to do so, but am awaiting orientation for transfer students, can’t wait!

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Do it and get started!

Where are you going to live next year?

Commute from home.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked?

I like that Rowan participated with community colleges to ensure continuity of learning to a accredited university.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Why I Chose a School 20 Minutes Away from Home

Figuring out where you want to go to college is no simple task. Here, junior Public Relations and Advertising major Loredonna Fiore offers four reasons she says Rowan made it easy for her to pick a school 20 minutes away from home.

1. Amazing housing options

Normally, only juniors and seniors get to live in fancy apartments: not at Rowan. As early as your sophomore year, you can choose to live in an apartment with a kitchen and a living room. Rowan also has a great Residential Learning University Housing program where you can become a Resident Assistant and get free housing!

Loredonna sits on steps outside on campus.

2. Affordability 

As a New Jersey resident, I qualify for in-state tuition at Rowan. This allows me to get all of the benefits the school has to offer at a reduced rate. The Rowan Financial Aid office is always helpful with any questions about billing and tuition as well. 

3. Surrounding Location

Rowan is a 20-minute drive to Philadelphia, two hours to New York City, and two hours from Washington, D.C. The close proximity to these major cities was intriguing to me because I knew I was near places with amazing professional opportunities.

Loredonna smiles behind purple springtime flowers on campus.

4. Rowan’s opportunities

Even though I live close to Rowan, I didn’t let that get in the way of all of the opportunities it had to offer. I loved getting to tour the new College of Communications and Creative Arts building and thought that was a great indication of how up and coming Rowan is. 

Like what you see?


Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

First Year Dorm Survival Kit

Exterior shot of Holly Pointe Commons.

Don’t know what to pack for your dorm? We’ve got you covered. Take a look at this list we’ve compiled to help you prepare for your first year. 

Interior shot of a Holly Pointe Commons dorm room.
  1. Storage. Whether it’s bins or under-the-bed trays, it’s always a good idea to make sure everything has its own place. Storage containers will also help to keep your dorm clean and leave more room for yourself. 

  2. Desk Lamp. Keep your workspace bright for maximum productivity. 

  3. Power Strips. Since Rowan’s dorms don’t allow extension cords, it’s important to pack power strips so you’ll never run out of outlets and can keep all your electronics charged. 

  4. Aspirin or other pain relievers. It’s always good to be prepared, you never know when a headache could occur.

  5. Posters/Art. Keep your dorm totally you. Express yourself!

  6. Fan. Remember to stay cool. Research shows a cool room helps you maintain sleep throughout the night. 

  7. Laundry Basket. It keeps your clothes off the floor and it’s easy to carry your laundry. 

  8. All-purpose Cleaner and Paper Towels. Don’t let dust collect, a clean space is a comfortable space. 

  9. Umbrella. Don’t get stuck walking to class wet in the rain. 

  10. Calendar/Planner. Stay up to date with your assignments and schedule. With all this new freedom, it’s easy to fall behind. 

Start your Rowan career off on the right foot. If you still don’t feel prepared, there are plenty of great resources online (like this post) to help you out. See you soon, Profs!

Like what you see?


Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations major

Related posts:

Freshmen, Don’t Freak! It’s Easy to Eat

Inside Look: Holly Pointe Commons

Advice for Incoming Freshmen from Upperclassmen

Beyond the Classroom: Junior Ad Major Madelaine Mayfield and Her Passion for Nonprofits

Madelaine poses against a wall next to a pond.

Today we feature Madelaine Mayfield, a junior Advertising major and recent transfer student from the Rowan College of South Jersey, Cumberland Campus. Madelaine hails from Millville, NJ (Cumberland County) and currently interns for the Bullock Garden Project in Glassboro, NJ.

Madelaine stands in front of the Engineering Pond.

Can you tell us more about the Bullock Garden Project? 

The Bullock Garden Project (BGP) is a nonprofit that aims to empower and educate families to grow their own food. They’re especially focused on helping with food insecurity in marginalized communities as well as informing people about the overall benefits of gardening. 

For one of our many projects, I attended a Zoom meeting about helping schools in New Jersey and Pennsylvania [by providing gardening] supplies and showing them how to garden. We have about 10 schools involved in this project including the Glassboro Child Development Center, Tewksbury Elementary and Secaucus High School.

The Rowan grant-funded project consists of free webinars called Get Up and Grow with the founder, Sonya Harris. Attendees can ask her any questions, and Sonya gives them valuable advice. She also will send them supplies! We have kids, grown-ups and college students attending. We usually have about 20 to 25 people attend.

Sonya worked at a school [as a special education teacher] and she made a garden one day at her school. Then, she reached out to a TV show about improving gardens. They came out and helped her. She realized that she wanted to help other schools have the same opportunity. 

A child wears a Rowan shirt while gardening.
Ten schools participate in the Glassboro-based Bullock Garden Project.

How did you come across this position and what motivated you to join?

This job position was posted on ProfLink under Content Creation and Social Media. What motivated me was the fact that it was a nonprofit. I want to use my skills and what I’m learning for a good cause and a greater purpose. I was really excited because I love nonprofits. It motivates me more, knowing that [my work is] for a good cause. I know that if more people join and donate, then it’s helping the future. 

Could you tell us a little bit about other BGP projects?

I came up with the Kind Acts Initiative as BGP’s Christmas campaign, where each member of our staff did at least one kind act. I did another campaign recently, where I share quick environmental facts. Before the pandemic, BGP would go to school and help them with supplies and gardening. 

Madelaine poses in front of a wooded background.

What classroom skills are you practicing in your internship?

The most influential class has been Advertising Copywriting. I practice copywriting in social media posts, captions and graphics. I’ve learned so much about how to get audiences engaged, how to create better content, and how important social media is (especially with BGP). Social media has helped BGP to grow and gain a lot of recognition.

What was the most rewarding part about working with BGP? 

The most rewarding part about working with BGP is the amazing staff who are truly so encouraging, uplifting and want to see me grow. I feel very appreciated, and I know that they all care about me. Also, knowing that I’m doing work for an organization that is changing the world, school by school. They always encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone. They’re [supportive] of everything I do. I haven’t had that in any other job in my past. It’s so refreshing. I don’t feel embarrassed or scared in any way when I [share my work].

What skills and knowledge did you develop from working with BGP? 

Definitely communication because I have to do meetings and social media. I know how to communicate my ideas and convince [the team] that it will work. I got my video editing skills from my YouTube channel I started in high school. I’m also really thankful for the graphic design skills I learned from Prof. Nancy Reighn-Garron in Publication Layout & Design. She was so helpful and always went out of her way to help me. I record the Zoom meetings and edit them into an Instagram video. I really like making videos because they are more engaging than photos. 

Madelaine poses against a wall next to water.

What made you decide to switch majors from Radio/TV/Film to Advertising? 

I chose Advertising because I want to help amazing small businesses, nonprofits and other organizations get the recognition they deserve. I love creating content, being creative and engaging with others online. 

What advice would you share with a future student interested in your major? 

Get involved, especially with internships, and do as many as you can so that you can gain experience. Figure out what you want to do. Working for BGP, I figured out so many things. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do advertising, but now I know I want to work in social media. Doing it outside of class definitely helps you. You can use the skills that you learned in class, outside of class.

Advertising impacts the world in a way that spreads the word about brands, companies and organizations. Advertising is a huge factor in what the public consumes. As an advertising major, I want to make sure there are positive things being shared for a good cause. 

I would like to bring attention to what matters most. Working for non-profits, I would like to encourage others to help and get involved in some of the global issues.

Check out the Bullock Garden Project at https://www.bullockgardenproject.org/.

View more of Madelaine’s work on 

Instagram: @bullockgarden 

YouTube: Bullock Garden Project, Inc.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Photography by: 
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

6 Tips To Live More Sustainably in College

Want to do your part in helping the environment? Here are some things that can help you be a more sustainable college resident!

  1. Recycle

    This is the most obvious and easiest way to do your part in helping the environment! Make sure to separate (and clean) your recyclables from your usual trash waste.

  2. Try Meatless Mondays (or any day!)

    By not eating any meat or meat by product once a week, “The U.S would save 100 billion gallons of water, and we would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide” (Huffington Post). Going meatless every Monday is a quick and easy way to make a big difference.

  3. Swap Disposable with Reusable Coffee Cups 

    As college students, we love our coffee. That being said, invest in a reusable coffee cup (and straw)! It helps save the planet and saves you some cash as many coffee places will offer you a discount for bringing in your own cup.

    A Rowan student sips coffee at a local coffee shop.

  4. Turn Off and Unplug 

    Make sure to unplug any appliances you’re not using and remember to turn off your lights when you leave the room! One of the leading factors of climate change is carbon emissions caused by electrical production. By turning off your light, you’ll be helping to do your part.

  5. Reduce Paper Waste 

    Instead of using paper towels to clean with, try switching to biodegradable and reusable wash cloths or kitchen towels! Try reading your textbooks as e-books instead of paperback. You’ll save money and the planet at the same time!

  6. Get Involved

    There are many ways to get involved just by yourself, outside organizations or even in a club on campus such as the Rowan Environmental Action League

There are plenty of small ways to make a big difference when living in college. Try some of these out and recommend them to a friend or roommate in order to live a more sustainable college lifestyle!

Like what you see?


Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior, music industry major



Surviving a Breakup: Taking One’s Power Back to Change Life Forever

Melinda sits on a bench on campus.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Melinda smiles, sits on a bench on campus.

The minutes, hours and days after the demise of a relationship can be some of the most profoundly painful moments experienced by humans. In today’s fast-paced, social media-driven world, romantic relationships have become more difficult to navigate than ever. Add to that the implications of social distancing amid a global pandemic and breakups seem almost inevitable — and they can be, but, they don’t have to hurt.

Breakups usher in uncomfortable feelings, self-criticism, emotionality and heartbreak — yet, these moments of adversity are powerful agents for growth and change: “…An ideal coping strategy should encourage those who have experienced a romantic relationship’s end to purposefully focus on the positive aspects of their experience while simultaneously minimizing negative emotions” (Seligman, et al 1). Breakups are opportunities that teach incredible life lessons and help cultivate personal power in a manner that can expand our perspectives which, in turn, can create the best version of ourselves.

Still reeling after experiencing a breakup? First, assess any and all feelings relating to the relationship and ensuing breakup. Honor these emotions by grieving as it feels natural, and realize any residual emotions are normal and healthy as the acceptance of such emotion can prove to be a critically important part of the healing process, particularly, as one re-establishes their own independence.

At this time, do not be afraid to reach out to family, friends or even a counselor to further process these feelings. It is paramount to accept all positive support, love and encouragement as it can be soothing, even transformative, in tough times. In addition, The Wellness Center offers counseling and psychological services for students which can assist in unpacking these feelings. To schedule an appointment call (856) 256-4333 Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Melinda sits inside an academic building on campus.

Next, prioritize the needs of the self-conscious. Choose to step up self-care: get back into the gym, fearlessly contemplate switching up personal style with a new haircut or outfit, consider getting a massage or look into planning a day or weekend trip away with friends or family as breakups are the perfect time to “break free” and retreat to self in a comforting and empowering way. Further, don’t be afraid to constructively channel focus elsewhere, perhaps by re-engaging academic goals, giving back through acts of service such as by volunteering, discovering a new hobby or activity to partake in — cultivate experiences that give a sense of fulfillment as keeping oneself engaged in other aspects of life can be restorative. Overall, the key to healing and expanding upon oneself post-breakup is by adopting healthy behaviors that assist in facilitating this new life change, while also helping to promote dynamic growth and personal power.

Lastly, after taking adequate time to grieve, process and heal, don’t be afraid to get back out there — but only when ready and not a moment sooner. Above all, acknowledge that every individual person is unique when it comes to grieving and healing post-relationship. One’s journey may not be similar or reflective of another’s, and that is perfectly fine. Upon determining one is ready to open their heart again to love, accept that you are worthy of loving (and expressing love), proceed forward thoughtfully, at a speed that is comfortable. Initially, start by getting to know new people and growing new friendship connections — taking the time to enjoy the company of others can truly restore the confidence and strength required to reignite ones’ romantic life. 


Breakups aren’t all bad: Coping strategies to promote positive outcomes. http://www.apa.org/research/action/romantic relationships

Like what you see?


Story by: 
Melinda Steward-Cobbs, senior psychology major, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Jabreeah Holmes, senior radio/TV/film major 


Leading Innovation: Rowan Engineering, MBA Grad Brandon Graham Launches Startup Venture, Mentors Future Entrepreneurs

Brandon poses inside Business Hall.

Today we feature Brandon Graham, a recent graduate of Rowan Global’s Master of Business Administration program. Brandon co-founded the company Arke Aeronautics while still an undergraduate Mechanical Engineering student at Rowan. Learn more about Brandon, his business and his contributions to the Rowan community. Brandon Graham defined his own education at Rowan. Now, as a […]