Today, we introduce you to Aaliyah Jenkins of Mercer County, NJ. Aaliyah, a first-year student, studies Music Education and lives on campus. Could you share a few on-campus activities, clubs, sports or events that you’ve attended so far? What was your favorite, and why? There are many on-campus activities to do. This is because of […]
chamberlain student center
#PROFspective: Civil Engineering Student and Clubs Enthusiast Kayla King

In this edition of #PROFspective, we learn more of Kayla King of Burlington County. Kayla is currently a senior and majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering and in this excerpt we learn more of how Rowan provided opportunities to further her career as well as enriched her experience as a college student.
What is civil engineering?
Civil engineering, to me, is the ability to design, build and construct all types of bridges, buildings, any type of infrastructure. Civil engineering also deals with maintaining all of that aforementioned infrastructure When you’re on a job site you’ll see that it’s not just all the construction workers that you see building things. It’s also all the design teams, consulting teams, the land surveying teams, there’s a bunch that goes into all of the different infrastructure that we see today.
What made you choose engineering and more specifically civil engineering?
I’ve always known that I wanted to be an engineer; my father was actually in the construction industry growing up. My father was an ironworker, to put it into perspective, those are people that you see climbing all the high rises, putting up all that steel. Later in his career he switched into becoming an operating engineer with Local 825. I’ve always had a background in construction, which has influenced my decision, but I’ve also always loved math and science.
I was always a problem solver, I love to answer questions and come up with solutions with intricate questions or challenges. I’ve also really enjoyed engineering diving, that is something that I’ve learned all the way back in eighth grade. I would say that because of my upbringing and just familiarity in the construction industry I’ve gotten some inner niche details within the industry. So I’ve just kind of always known that I wanted to do civil engineering.
What goes into civil engineer diving?
They’re basically commercial divers, they do not have typical scuba equipment but you do have something similar to the whole helmet. There are a lot of intricate differences such as how you don’t have the air tank on your back it’s fed into a line to you. Throughout the dive, you have a tagline throughout. With civil engineer divers, these people are the ones that kind of will go in anything that has water. They’re certified to be able to go underground, and they end up taking special care into noticing how things are down below and then report that information to the people up above. That’s how they’re able to do underwater inspections on timber piles on bridges or foundations. So it’s really nice. It’s an interesting thing that a lot of people don’t know about.
What made you choose Rowan initially?
Rowan is close to home, but not too close. I’ve also been very fortunate to get a lot of scholarships to go here. Rowan has an incredible engineering program. In my opinion, it’s got to the point where you cannot even argue that it isn’t. I believe we’re 15th in the nation for the last year for our civil engineering program. So I’m very proud to consider myself to soon be a Rowan graduate.
Describe your experience here.
So I’ve been involved in everything since the start of my freshman year. I have been a Chamberlain Student Center building manager and before I did that I had a position working at the Information Service Desk.
Outside of work-related aspects, I’ve been involved in the Wrestling Club, which is something a lot of people wouldn’t think of. I had met a friend freshman year and we became really close. I kind of pinned him in his freshman dorm room and I’ve been going to the club ever since.
I’ve also been involved in various other clubs throughout my time on campus. I am ASCE president and have been for the past two years. Before getting that position, I was the senator of the club. I’m also involved with women’s engineering. I used to hold the workshop chair position as well as the senate chair position for that club as well.
What does ASCE stand for, and what does it represent?
ASCE is the American Society of Civil Engineers and it is a worldwide organization. The ASCE national has different student chapter branches where we are able to compete in various different competitions with other regions of schools. So for example, we are hosting the ASCE Region One metropolitan symposium from April 21 to the 23rd this upcoming year. There is a lot of excitement around it because of how so many different students can get involved in it. The competition has a bunch of different challenges and tasks such as making things like concrete canoes with surveying competitions. It’s a whole bunch of things to help facilitate fun and learning at the same time.
Could you provide some insight on what went into Women in Engineering?
WE (Women in Engineering) was definitely a club that I enjoyed being a part of. I wasn’t as involved as I have been in comparison with ASCE just because ASCE is more directly geared towards my major, so I decided to give more time towards that. But WE was definitely a great thing because it was under the I triple E which is the electrical engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering major club. And I just like WE slightly better than SWE (Society of Women Engineers) throughout my time here because I feel like the individuals that WE had were more personable while SWE was definitely more professional. So it kind of depends upon what you were looking for at the time. In my case,I decided to go the latter route because I wanted to make more friends. They also had really good baked ziti at the time.
What is it like being a woman in the engineering field? How would you say your experience has been so far?
I love being a woman in STEM. I like the fact that I’m constantly expected to do less, because then I always do more and there’s always an element of surprise. I’ve grown accustomed to hearing things such as “What the heck? Where’d this come from?” I like to be able to prove myself and my worth.
So, talk to me about your most influential professor here.
So the most influential professor for me would definitely be Dr. Douglas Cleary. He’s a great teacher. You get an introduction to him in your freshman or sophomore year. Dr. Cleary has courses where you deal with statistics, which is a really fundamental civil civil engineering course. Right from the start, you definitely understand that he’s a professor who’s looking out for your best interest. As time went on, I got more involved with ASCE and I spent more time with Dr. Cleary and I definitely can say he is one of the best professors here.
What are some of the clubs that you’ve been involved with like?
I’ve been a part of a slew of different clubs. One of the ones that I’ve been involved in throughout my time here is ASCE, WE and SWE, but there are a million other different ones like Tau Beta Pi, which is an honor-based introductory society. For Tau Beta Pi, it’s invitation only, which is really cool. I’ve also been a part of the Rowan Environmental Action League, which is something where if kids are interested in the environmentally friendly side of civil engineering, it’s definitely a way to give back to the community and participate in a lot of campus cleanups.
We also have EWB, which is Engineers Without Borders, which is a club where a lot of the students can have opportunities to go out of the country and be able to work on small different tasks to help the communities there. Another club is 3D PC. So this one’s not technically engineering-based, but it is something to keep an eye on, because a lot of civil engineers might have some like niche interests. So say if they want to build something themselves, 3D PC allows you to print your own personal designs. You also have NSBE, which is the National Society of Black Engineers, or SAME which is the Society of American Engineers.
When you’re here at Rowan in my opinion I think you should try and give every club that you might be interested in the chance. In my experience, a lot of my peers were doing the same thing and it gives you the chance to separate yourself from others, they’re gonna be the things that get your name out there.
Being a part of different clubs and associations is gonna be the way that professors know you. And professors obviously have had their own life, their own network. So it’s really important to make sure that you are involved in the clubs, because it’ll set you apart from everyone else.
What are your goals for the future?
I would love to end up becoming an engineer diver. If that falls through I’d also be open to the idea of becoming a construction project manager, I don’t necessarily have a direct path right now. I’m in a place where I have a great amount of internship experience. I’ve done an excellent amount of work during my time at Rowan. So it’s kind of just kind of where life takes me so far.
What impact do you wish to have on the world?
I would love to be the “know it all” answer for everyone. That’s what I kind of did at Rowan, just being involved in everything. That’s what I really like to do is just being a leader and being able to help anyone, no matter what it is. Even if I don’t know the answer, I would love to find out and help you with that. So that’s why I’ve always enjoyed being a part of all the clubs because of all the different mentoring opportunities that they include, there is definitely a great way to foster more relationships, and therefore more networking opportunities for a better job in the future.
What’s one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?
I would say don’t give up and keep your head high. You know yourself best. So if it is something that you want to do in regards to a club, Greek life, or if it’s something that you’re not sure about and you say you want a friend to go with, that’s ok. You don’t need a friend. Do it by yourself. You have the confidence.
See our video with Kayla here:
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Lucas Taylor, English Education graduate student
Prof Pairs, Love is in the Air: The Story of Scott and Kevin

Kevin: “The Rowan Music Department is pretty small and close-knit, so we always knew of each other. I always thought of Scott as… a little intimidating. He was the choral librarian, the choir section leader, the upperclassman. He was a HUGE part of the music department! I was accepted into Rowan as a saxophone player, […]
#PROFspective: Chemistry Major, Rowan After Hours Programming Coordinator Jon Marcolongo

Today we speak with Jon Marcolongo, a senior Chemistry major and commuter from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County). Jon is a programming coordinator for Rowan After Hours (RAH). He will share insight on studying chemistry and his involvement in his student worker position.
Why Rowan?
I knew I wanted to pursue chemistry ever since junior year of high school. Rowan stuck out to me because it is local as I am a commuter from Mullica Hill, and because my sister went here. Prior to making my college decision I was very familiar with the campus and it quickly became one of my first choices in my college search.
Why did you choose to study Chemistry?
During my time in high school, I was always interested in science. It wasn’t until junior year that I took chemistry and realized it was the route I wanted to explore while in college. I had an amazing teacher for chemistry who inspired me to choose this type of science as my major.
Although being a chemistry major is difficult and a lot of work, the professors are there to help you. Put in the time to complete your work and ask for help when you need it because you professors truly do want to see you succeed!

What are your future plans and what is your dream job for working as a Chemistry major?
Eventually I do want to work in a laboratory setting, preferably involving research. Right now I am planning on graduating and hopefully working for a chemical manufacturing company.
What is it like being a commuter on campus? What advice do you have for fellow commuters when trying to get involved around campus and meet new people?
The one difficult and stressful part about being a commuter is finding parking. However, it has pleasantly not been too difficult to find a spot this year yet.
My advice for fellow commuters is to go to any clubs or activities that you are interested in. I would definitely recommend seeing if Rowan offers the clubs or activities that you were a part of in high school. There are so many options and ways to get involved around campus.
Most importantly, go to events. This is the best way to meet new people and find others with similar interests.
What inspired you to get involved on campus?
Back in high school I was more of an introverted than extroverted person. I decided that in college I wanted to make a conscious effort to break out of my shell. I started going to different activities and events on campus especially through Rowan After Hours and I quickly realized that RAH was simply an enjoyable experience. This is how I ended up applying for RAH in the first place.
What is your typical day like at Rowan?
Typical day starts with breakfast before driving to Rowan for the day. During my free time I usually go to the student center to relax between classes or to get work done. I then attend any classes I have for the day and head back to the student center for RAH.

What is the best part about being a part of RAH?
The best part is definitely all the experiences you’re going to have. During my time as a member of RAH I have met so many amazing people whether it was co-workers or students attending our events. I even met my girlfriend while being a member of RAH. This experience has also led me to express myself and has taught me to put myself out there especially while being the introverted person I am.
What makes Rowan feel like home?
The people here. All the people that I have gotten to know over the years have made this campus feel like home for me.
What are some of the activities that Rowan After Hours provides?
Our most popular events are our bingo events. We always give great prizes out to the winners of our bingo events and I am actually in charge of the bingo events. We just gave out a 32 inch TV to the winner of the event.
We also do some cultural appreciation nights. We brainstorm a variety of different events and are always looking for ways to attract more people and different interests.
When can students participate in RAH activities? Is there a calendar event list?
Our calendar event list is located on the Rowan After Hours ProfLink website. This provides all events for RAH and SUP (Student University Programmers.) The typical RAH events take place between Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 9 p.m. to midnight.
If anyone is interested in joining RAH there is an opportunity to interview for a position next semester. More information is available on the RAH website as follows:

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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major
Photos provided by:
Jon Marcolongo
Gettin’ Sudsy with Whoo RU [VIDEO]

Laundry service on the ground floor of the Chamberlain Student Center lets our Profs stay spiffy and clean. With 10 washers and 10 dryers that accept quarters or Rowan Bucks, this central location on campus is easily accessible.
Watch as Whoo RU demonstrates how to do laundry.
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Produced and edited by:
John Hunter, junior radio/TV/film major
Video by:
Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major
Tips On Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle And Eating Habits In College

Rowan Blog contributor, Public Relations major and student athlete Natalie DePersia shares how students can make healthy options available in their residence halls and where healthy options are accessible around campus.
Dorm eating can be difficult. The refrigerators that come in your room can only hold a little bit of space between two roommates, and there is no access to cooking in dorm rooms. Despite the adjustment from home living to dorm living, there are many ways to seek out healthy food options and to get the daily nutrients your body needs.
Utilize Holly Cafe in Holly Pointe Commons
This was key for me my first year. Because I was always hustling to get from class to practice, I needed to be able to grab something quick and easy at all times. Holly Cafe always has bananas, apples, bars, and cereal available that can be taken on the go. There is even a yogurt and granola station!

Get snacks that do not need to be refrigerated
You do not need a refrigerator to have healthy snacks. Lots of protein-packed snacks can be stored in a pantry. A couple healthy options can be trail mix, rice cakes, protein/energy bars, nuts, nuts/seeds and popcorn. These snacks are not only guilt free, but they taste good!
Seek out healthy options
There are many healthy options available on campus. My personal favorites are Bowl Life and Freshens in the Student Center. Bowl Life is awesome because you can get foods like spinach, sweet potatoes and whole-grain rice. Freshens offers a wide variety of options like smoothies, wraps, salads and more. There are also healthy places off campus like Playa Bowls.

Meal prep
This is targeted more toward students who live in apartments or off campus. Meal prepping can be difficult in a dorm but still possible. Meal prepping is a great way to stay full and while maintaining portion control. I like to meal prep my food on Sundays and again on Wednesdays so I have fully prepared food for a few days at a time!
Carry a reusable water bottle
Staying hydrated is pivotal to overall health. My reusable water bottle not only keeps my beverages cold, it is environmentally friendly. There are many fill up stations located around campus including stations on each floor of each dorm.
Invest in a Keurig
If you are a coffee lover like me … a Keurig was my saving grace by not only saving money, but by staying away from unnecessary sugar. Instead of going to Starbucks or Dunkin daily, I would use my Keurig to make my coffee. I also like how you can make tea, hot cocoa and other beverages with the Keurig.
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Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major
The Best Study Spots on Campus

Rowan Blog contributor Bianca Gray compiled this list of her top places to study on campus that she says “you need to know about for the upcoming semester.” 5. Campbell Library Since it’s kind of a given, I’ve decided to place the university’s library at the bottom of the list of places to study. However, […]
Ten Ways to Avoid Getting Lost on Campus

Are you new to campus? Is it your first time taking in-person classes on-campus? As any new place is, Rowan’s campus may be confusing at first. To help you out, here are 10 ways to avoid getting lost!
1. Visit the information desk
The Information Desk at the Chamberlain Student Center provides directions and other useful resources to students, parents and any other visitors on campus! The Information Desk is located on the main floor of the Student Center.

2. Tour campus before the semester starts
Even if you are already committed to Rowan, taking a campus tour is a great way to get to know the campus and have questions you may have answered. Rowan is currently offering guided personal and multi-family campus tours, as well as self-guided audio tours. There are also virtual opportunities to learn more about your major and campus culture!
3. Walk your class schedule
Can’t get to campus for a tour before moving in? No problem! A great idea is to walk around campus and find the buildings your classes are in before the first day of classes.
4. Check out the campus map
Already out and about and lost? Check out the campus map on your phone!

5. Look for landmarks
Try to associate certain landmarks on campus with certain buildings. For example, when I see the Prof statue, I know I am next to Robinson Hall, and Science Hall and Savitz Hall are across the path.

6. Read the signs around campus
There are signs in front of buildings telling you their names, as well as signs around campus pointing you in the direction of other buildings. Find one of these signs to figure out where you are.

7. Ask an RA for directions
If you live on campus, you will most likely get your RA’s contact information during your floor meeting. If you need directions, your RA is there to ask for help!

8. Stop into Admissions at Savitz Hall
There are Admissions Ambassadors that work the front desk for Admissions. The Ambassadors give tours of Rowan. They know where most buildings are, so they can give you directions.

9. Find a PROS member
PROS (Peer Referral and Orientation Staff) are the staff members in the yellow polos that you see at Orientation and during Welcome Week. They don’t wear yellow polos during the school year, but they do wear big braids on their bags to identify themselves. PROS members are trained on how to answer questions from new students and families, including where buildings are located! If you see a PROS member with a braid on their bag, you can ask them any questions you may have.

10. Stop in the Welcome Center on Rowan Boulevard
The Welcome Center is located at the end of Rowan Boulevard. Staff members know the layout of campus. If you are lost on that end of campus, popping in there and asking for directions can be helpful!
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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major
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The Best Study Spots on Campus
Summer Session: Painting Campus Landmarks with Art Education Major Brooke Bryant
Beyond the Classroom: Fiona Hughes, CFO for SGA [VIDEO]

As Chief Financial Officer for Rowan’s Student Government Association, Finance major Fiona Hughes oversees all finances, monitoring all clubs and resolving any issues that may arise.
“I’ve learned a lot more with my position in SGA, relating to my major, than I would have if I were just … attending classes,” she says.
“I think my role in SGA has helped me learn how to be a better leader as a woman in a male-dominated field.”
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Video by:
Joshua Hedum, radio/TV/film graduate
Senior Reflects: Leadership and Social Innovation Major Sarah Niles

Sarah Niles is a senior Leadership and Social Innovation major, with a Dance minor and a CUGS in Adventure Education Leadership, from Haddonfield, NJ.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite class experience was in my Wilderness First Responder class when we went out into the woods behind Rowan Hall and pretended we were injured or sick and had to fake rescue our classmates using what we learned in class. We learned how to make tents out of sticks and leaves, how to administer emergency first aid, and how to survive in the elements. It was the most fun I’ve ever had in a class!
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
My favorite memory is my freshman year Homecoming Lip Sync competition! I was on the Student Center and Campus Activities team and we ended up winning first place! That’s where I truly felt like I found a home at Rowan and with the SCCA. That’s also where I met some of my closest friends. Full circle, I actually oversaw that event in Fall 2020 as the student director!
What are your career aspirations?
I hope to become a professional in Student Affairs in a higher education setting. I want to oversee college students that have a passion for being involved in student activities and being campus leaders. I’ll be attending University of South Florida for the M.Ed College Student Affairs program and will be the new graduate assistant for Student Support Services there.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help or support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
My mentor, Megan McHugh, guided me to be as involved as I am today, as well as my best friend, Mia Nardone, who basically made me join clubs with her so I would be involved. Through my work with the names above, as well as the SCCA, the Orientation team, and Admissions, I have found my love for student affairs in higher education and I’m determined to continue to do this in my future.
Do you want to give a thank you or shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Shout-out to my dad, who is my best friend and does everything he can to support me. I got my work ethic and drive from him and hope someday I can be as amazing as him. Also, I’d like to shout-out Maria Arbizo, Melissa Ulmer, Megan McHugh, Serafina Genise, Mia Nardone, Dylan Regan, Ayala Gedeon and Arielle Gedeon for supporting me and loving me unconditionally.
Who is your favorite professor and what class did you take them for?
My favorite professor is Shari Willis, who I completed my Adventure Education Leadership CUGS with. She is my favorite because she cares about her students as both people and students and is willing to help you do anything to accomplish your goals.
What advice would you give to incoming freshman or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
I would say get involved! Don’t sit in your dorm all day long, get an on-campus job. Get the most out of the money you’re paying for student activities fees. Go to events and get free food and t-shirts (you’ll want to make a t-shirt blanket when you graduate).
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Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major
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Brian Seay, sophomore sports communication and media major
Senior Reflects: Biomedical Art & Visualization Major Hannah Knight

Today, we speak to graduating senior Hannah Knight. Hannah is a Biomedical Art and Visualization major with minors in Art History and Biology from Shamong, NJ (Burlington County). She transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County and currently lives off campus. She shares more about her experience at Rowan and gives advice to incoming students.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
Being in and working thoughout the night in Westby Hall, specifically painting in the studio after mourning a death.
Could you share your favorite social memory?
Going to bingo or The Pit for events. Walking down the Boulevard and to the High Street Gallery.
What are your career aspirations?
Help the future of health care and science via biomedical arts.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
I work with professionals in the field who can give me real-world advice.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
To Doc for keeping me in high spirits, Ryan Berardi for always understanding, and Amanda Almon for starting BMAV here at Rowan.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Nancy Ohana. She teaches figure drawing and constantly reinforced freedom, diligence and the process of art.
What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Take an art class that you’ll actually enjoy, not just the “easy” ones. Go to RAH events because they’re pretty cool most times, and be kind to everyone.
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
#PROFspective: Biomedical Engineering Major Ashleigh Jankowski

Today we speak to Ashleigh Jankowski, a sophomore Biomedical Engineering major with a minor in Chemistry from Catonsville, Maryland.
What is a typical Rowan day for you?
In the morning, I go to do research in Engineering Hall. I do research for Dr. Byrne’s biomedical engineering lab. Usually, after that, throughout the day I have various classes, and I usually grab a quick lunch from the Student Center. Typically, a nap fits in there somewhere. I work in the evenings as a Classroom Support Technician for Rowan’s IRT Department. After I get off work, I either do homework or hang out with my housemates. We watch movies together, play games, bake, and more.
Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?
In doing research with the Byrne Lab, I have realized that majoring in Biomedical Engineering was definitely the right choice for me. We have weekly meetings where fellow teammates present their work. It was in the first of these meetings that I attended where I realized that being a BME is something I genuinely enjoy and can get excited about.
Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?
I was very nervous but super excited. At first, my transition was rough, but it was self-inflicted. I kept my head down and didn’t go out. But, with the coaxing of my wonderful roommate, I began attending RAH and SUP events, which is where I came out of my shell and met some of my best friends.
What are your professional goals?
I intend to pursue a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering once I complete undergrad, and after that, I intend to pursue a research career in biomedical engineering.
How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?
Rowan offers so many opportunities to help support me in achieving my educational and professional goals. I am a part of multiple student organizations, including the Society of Women Engineers, Women in Engineering (WIE), and Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), that provide networking opportunities as well as workshops for academic growth. Professors are more than supportive, offering help when needed in class and advice on career-based matters. Getting the opportunity to do research starting my freshman year has also been a big help in supporting my goals. I am learning through experience how to do hands-on research, how to work in a lab team, how to formally present data, and how to write a paper for publication. All of these things are going to benefit me in the long run as I pursue a Ph.D. and a successful biomedical engineering career.
Like what you see?
Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Elementary Education Major Mikayla Hiddemen

Today we feature Mikayla Hiddemen, an Elementary Education major from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County). Mikayla is a senior, and this is her fourth semester at Rowan University. Mikayla transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County. Tell us a little bit about your favorite class at Rowan so far. My favorite class at Rowan so far […]
#PROFspective: Bio Major Alyssa Putiri Talks Campus Life, Diversity of Clubs

Today we feature Alyssa Putiri, a senior Biological Sciences major with a Pre-Med concentration from Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County). She is a part of the Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS), Pre-Health Society, Leadership Rowan (LR) and Residential Learning and University Housing (RLUH). Tell us about one club, organization or group of friends that […]
5 Ways Students Are Giving Back This Season

Although this time of year is filled with gifts and twinkly lights, the holidays are also known as the season of giving. Here are 5 ways Rowan students are giving back this holiday season through the Office of Volunteerism.
1. The SHOP
The SHOP is a food and resource pantry located in room 141 of Building 5 in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. The SHOP is donation based, so students, faculty and members of the Glassboro community can donate items for students to pick up free of charge. The SHOP has a plethora of canned goods, cleaning supplies, toiletries and other items students may need. To give back this season, consider donating or volunteering to help work at The SHOP.
2. Fresh for All
The Fresh for All program by Philabundance is a resource available on Rowan’s campus. Fresh for All provides fresh fruits and vegetables for Rowan students and the Rowan community. Each Friday, the produce is available for pick up from 10-11 a.m. in Parking Lot D on Rowan’s Glassboro campus. This is a great resource for students of the Rowan community to stay healthy and eat well. To give back this season, volunteer by portioning out the produce, bringing the produce into the person’s vehicle and/or assisting walkup clients. See our video on the Fresh For All program.
3. Volunteer for Ronald McDonald House Charities
To give back this season, consider volunteering at the Chamberlain Student Center with the Office of Volunteerism. There, you’ll be able to help make snack packs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Ronald McDonald House Charity is a non-profit organization that aims to support children and their families.
4. Make Handwritten Cards
A handwritten note can really show someone how much you care. This holiday season, you can help the members of the assisted living center at Juniper Village feel appreciated. The Office of Volunteerism is hosting card making sessions at the Chamberlain Student Center to provide supplies for the cards.
5. Make Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
There’s no better combination than peanut butter and jelly. To volunteer this season, you can come make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Cathedral Kitchen with the Office of Volunteerism. This is a great way to give back to the greater South Jersey community.
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Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major
#PROFspective: Studio Art Major Hannah Spronz

Today we feature Hannah Spronz, a senior Studio Art major from Belvidere, NJ (Warren County). Hannah is president of The Rowan Arts Collective and a part of Rowan After Hours (RAH). On your busiest day, what personal, academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling? When I’m super busy, I’m probably balancing classes with my […]
TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Inclusive Elementary Education Major Joseph Soto

Today we speak to Joseph Soto, a junior Inclusive Elementary Education major from Riverdale, NJ (Morris County). He transferred from Passaic County Community College and talks about his time and transition to Rowan. How has a faculty or staff member here helped to connect you with the next step for your career? An admissions counselor […]
(FRESH)man Voices: Radio/TV/Film Major Vicky Stein & Geology Major Sammy Mason

Today, we speak to freshmen Vicky Stein and Sammy Mason from Lewes, Delaware who live on campus in Chestnut Hall. Vicky is a Radio/TV/Film major and Sammy is a Geology major. They tell us more about their favorite spots on campus and give some advice for incoming students.

How did you two meet each other?
Sammy: It’s kind of a funny story actually! I was originally from New Jersey, which is pretty funny. We went to the same high school. She was friends with one of my friends. She originally thought I was annoying … but three years later, we became friends and now we’re here!
How is living in Chestnut? Have you met your RA?
Vicky: Chestnut is fine! I really like my RA, she’s really nice!
Are you interested in joining any clubs?
Sammy: I really wanted to do Crew Club but then [Covid-19] hit us, and I don’t know how that would work!
Vicky: I’m not sure about any of the clubs here yet!

What’s your favorite spot on-campus so far?
Vicky: I really like the Rec Center.
Sammy: I mainly just hang out at the Student Center. I like it there!
Any advice for incoming freshmen?
Vicky: Rowan’s a really nice community to come to. If you’re looking for a place to talk and interact with people, Rowan’s a great place.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Photography by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations major
First Year Voices: Musical Theatre Majors Ben Helbert and Connor Shields

Today, we speak to freshmen Musical Theatre majors Ben Helbert and Connor Shields! Both out-of-state students, Ben is from Williamsburg, VA and Connor is from Holland, PA. They live on campus in Holly Pointe and Mimosa Hall. Here, they tell us more about their time at Rowan so far and why they like living on campus.

How did you two meet each other?
Ben: My friend Leslie made a Facebook group chat. We got together through that chat but then decided to make a separate Performing Arts Snapchat group chat too.
Connor: So, that’s how a lot of us met each other beforehand through that. Now, here we are!
How do you like campus and New Jersey so far?
Connor: I love it here. I don’t want to go back home!
Ben: New Jersey is different than I expected. The cars are a lot louder here, but other than that, it’s pretty similar!

How are classes going?
Ben: It’s going great! I had my voice lesson. I got to meet my voice teacher and figure out how I sound. It was good! At the moment my classes are online, but hopefully they will move to Hy-flex soon.
Where are you living on campus, and how do you like it?
Ben: I live in Holly Pointe. I like that Holly Pointe is colder, its so nice and I love the dining hall attached to it! I also love hanging out around Rowan Boulevard.
Connor: I live in Mimosa! I love living there. I like the vibe of it. It’s so nice that it’s right in the middle of campus, so I can just say “It’s a 5 minute walk, let’s go get something!”

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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
#PROFspective: Music Education Major Austin Kurbansade

Today we feature Austin Kurbansade, a sophomore Vocal Music Education major from Roxbury Township, NJ (Morris County). He is an on-campus resident and is involved in the National Association of Music Education, American Choral Directors Association and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. He tells us today about his student experience and how connected he has felt at Rowan. […]
Physically Distant but Socially Strong: Luis and Nick

Assistant resident director Luis Acevedo and resident assistant Nick Petrole share how they continue to social distance during the pandemic. Luis a senior, first-generation college student from Camden, NJ (Camden County), majors in Biological Sciences with a minor in Psychology. Nick is also a senior and a first-generation college student from Flemington, NJ (Hunterdon County), […]
#PROFspective: English and Computing & Informatics Double Major Chris Finnegan

Today, we speak to rising senior Chris Finnegan. Chris is a double major in English and Computing and Informatics and is an on-campus resident. He’s also an admissions ambassador for Rowan University! Chris tells us more about why he chose Rowan and what a typical on-campus day is like for him.

Why did you choose your major?
Indecision. My advisors worked with me to find a path for me to pursue all of my personal and academic interests when I couldn’t bring myself to choose just one, which led to me landing a double major in English and Computing & Informatics.
Why did you choose Rowan?
Rowan was the third school that I visited, and as soon as I toured campus I could truly just see myself there. Rowan grants its students nearly full independence from the first day they move in and provides numerous avenues to pursue social and academic extracurriculars at your own pace.
I chose to go to Rowan because I knew they provided the flexibility that I needed to explore many different interests.

Take us through a typical Rowan day for you!
Every day starts with lots of coffee, but if I’m not giving a daily tour at 11 a.m., you would probably find me getting a breakfast sandwich meal swipe from Peet’s Coffee in the student center. I try to take all my classes in the afternoon so that I can work and study in the morning, and go to Rugby practice and do my homework in the evening. If possible, I will try and eat every meal with friends, classmates, teammates or coworkers.
Like what you see?
Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Photo provided by:
Chris Finnegan, senior English and computing and informatics major
Sophomore Reflects: Navya Kunigal Shares Tips and Her Top 5 Reasons She Chose Rowan

Today we feature Navya Kunigal, a rising sophomore Community Health major from Hillsborough, New Jersey (Somerset County). Here, Navya writes about her on-campus, first-year experience and gives future Profs her best Rowan tips.
As a freshman, I lived in Chestnut Hall, and I loved it! It is a wonderful dorm with so many wonderful people. I lived in a double by myself there.
Get involved. I am [involved] on Rowan’s campus in so many different ways. I’m a member of the National Wellness Institute (NWI) (Rowan Student Chapter) and the Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC).
I am also part of the Get Fit program that the Health and Exercise department manages. Get Fit is a program where we help people with intellectual and learning disabilities and work with them to benefit their health. It is such a rewarding experience. I look forward to this every day of the week.
I am usually quite occupied on campus. When you get involved in stuff, you will never be bored, every day will be a new adventure.
Where to go when you first arrive on campus. When I first came to Rowan, I had no friends. The Chamberlain Student Center is a great place to meet people. Try to have a friend in every class so you have an additional resource other than the professor.
Rowan After Hours (RAH) is how I made most of my friends. Rowan After Hours has night activities every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Activities include cooking, arts and crafts, dancing and a food bar. Sometimes we play video games too. It is really fun, and it is such an easy and cool way to meet new people. Definitely, go to RAH!!
Check out Rowan Boulevard! They have delicious restaurants and really cool places to visit. There are a lot of jobs on Rowan Boulevard as well. It is a really cool place to spend your time.
The Rec Center has something for everyone. Yoga, Zumba, Pilates, you name it! They got it! I go to yoga there once in a while, and they have so many different levels and types of yoga. I go to beginner yoga and it is so calming. It releases so much stress for me. Definitely go to the Rec Center when you have a chance!
Advice for choosing a major: It’s okay to be undecided (Exploratory Studies) when you go to college! Rowan gives you a chance to explore and find what you’re good at. Always consult with your advisor before choosing a major. They can help you narrow down your choices.
Moving in tips (do’s and don’ts): Moving into campus can be confusing, here is what to bring and what not to bring.
- Enough clothes.
- Hygiene products.
- Decorations to spruce up that room.
- Shoes, of course.
- And some coats, for the chilly days.
These five things are mandatory to bring on campus — most importantly, shower shoes!
What not to bring:
- Candles, because they can set off fire alarms.
- Not too many bags, they can cause clutter.
Five reasons why I love Rowan:
- The people
- The buildings
- Diversity
- Kindness
- Friends
I chose Rowan because not only was it a great fit for me, but it was a great experience being a freshman! I hope incoming freshmen have such a wonderful experience, too. Rowan had everything I was looking for and more. I cannot wait to go back and start a new chapter as a sophomore.
Enjoy campus as much as you can!
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Story and photos by:
Navya Kunigal, rising sophomore community health major
Organized by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
10 Inclusive Clubs at Rowan University

Looking for a safe space or ways to connect with others on campus? Here are some clubs and organizations available at Rowan to check out!

1. Queer People of Color
Queer People of Color (or QPOC) is a “multi-cultural, LGBTQ+ social group that works to promote well-being, inclusion and diversity to students of all backgrounds,” according to its website.
The club “[aims] to build community and relationships, as well as educate each other about cultural and LGBTQ+ issues. Allies of all walks of life welcome and inclusive to all races, sexual orientations, gender identities, etc.”
To learn more about QPOC and its president, Jahnaya Peyton, watch this video produced by Rowan Blog.
2. Women in Business
According to their website, the Women in Business Club is “a network of professionals committed to empowering, supporting, and guiding the men, and especially women, of Rowan University to achieve success in their future business endeavors.
“With the understanding that women face unique challenges, we strive to inspire learning and communication. Our inclusive programs are dedicated to personal and professional growth through discussions, speakers, and conferences.”
3. Men of Color Alliance
The Men of Color Alliance (MOCA) is a club that aims “to create a safe place,” according to its site.
“As an organization we strive to help educate and change the negative stereotypes placed upon minority men,” says MOCA Director of Outreach Chair Naledge Brown.
“We as an organization give men an outlet to be themselves as well as help provide them tools to function at a high level in today’s world. We also help educate young minority boys on higher education, trade schools, and credit. While also providing them with a ‘big brother,’ they can just talk about anything with (life, sports, etc.),” adds Naledge.
To learn more about MOCA, watch this video produced by Rowan Blog.
4. True Colors at Rowan University
As stated by their site, True Colors is a safer space organization recognized by the Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution. They welcome any and all students from the LGBTQIAAPPD community and its allies. They promote self-care, self-acceptance, and self-expression while providing a safe space for Rowan’s LGBTQ+ community to hang out, discuss issues and meet other community members and allies.
5. Unified Sports Club
According to its Campus Labs page, Rowan United Sports is “where Rowan students (Unified Partners) and Special Olympics athletes come together to play on the same team for soccer in the fall and basketball in the spring.
“The goal of the Rowan Unified Sports Club is to promote friendship and inclusion through sports while still keeping a competitive atmosphere.”
The club offers opportunities to play, coach or volunteer. They “encourage all no matter what walk of life or athletic ability to join us in our Unified family.”
In 2018, ESPN visited Rowan to nationally recognize the Unified Sports Club; watch this special event here.
6. Phi Sigma Pi
“Phi Sigma Pi is a national, gender-inclusive fraternity dedicated to promoting life-long learning, cultivating lasting relationships and offering various leadership opportunities through our core values of Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Service,” says Eta Mu Chapter President Christina Gentile.
“It is our organization’s mission and personal motto to ‘Improve Humanity with Honor.’ We are an opportunity to meet a diverse group of students on Rowan’s campus that you may not meet otherwise, gain life-long friendships and make memories that you will happily remember long past graduation,” adds Christina.
“We are very passionate about staying involved on campus, fundraising for a variety of organizations, and supporting current events such as our philanthropies, Habitat for Humanity and HOBY, CHOP, the Black Lives Matter movement, and The SHOP on Rowan’s campus.”
7. United Latinos Association
ULA, according to its page, “[is] all about providing a space for people of different cultural backgrounds to celebrate their culture while learning about others. They also work to educate others about issues that the Latino community faces.”
8. South Asian Students Association
A newer organization on campus, the South Asian Students Association (SASA) aims to” foster a community” among South Asian students.
SASA plans to host networking opportunities, formals and service events all centered around “[having] fun while celebrating and spreading our culture.” The organization’s goal is to “be an inclusive community to anyone interested in or a part of South Asian culture.”
9. Prism
“Prism is Rowan’s LGBTQ+ activism organization,” says Prism President Ella Emmer.
“In addition to educating, advocating, and supporting our members, we also provide a safe space for our members to hang out and have fun. Our overarching goal is to create a reality of chosen family between our community, while creating change at the same time,” adds Ella.
To learn more about Ella and Prism, watch this video produced by Rowan Blog.
10. American Sign Language Club
According to its site, the Rowan ASL Club is a unique, fun and interesting club to get involved with! The club “[focuses] on learning some ASL, learning about Deaf culture, helping in the Deaf community, and having a blast doing all of the above!” You do not need prior knowledge of or experience with ASL to join.
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
#PROFspective: Nutrition and Exercise Science Major Caroline Lippincott

Today’s #PROFspective features Caroline Lippincott, a senior majoring in Nutrition and Exercise Science from Columbus, NJ (Burlington County). Caroline, a first-generation college student who lives off campus, transferred to Rowan from Stockton University. How have you gotten involved on campus? I’m proudly a part of organizations such as Theta Phi Alpha and Inter Greek Council […]
#PROFspective: Sophomore Health Promotion & Wellness Management Major Hajah Carpenter

Today we feature sophomore Health Promotion & Wellness Management major Hajah Carpenter. She is a first-generation college student from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County). Before campus closed due to COVID-19, Hajah lived in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.
How are you getting the most out of your college experience?
I’m getting the most out of my experience at Rowan by trying to participate, get involved and take walks on beautiful days. I really appreciate Rowan’s campus and how beautiful it is.
What are you learning socially and academically about yourself?
I am learning about how much I love to work and communicate with people! I love to help others, whether it’s with schoolwork or being someone to talk to!
How have you grown as a person since coming to Rowan?
Rowan has helped prepare me for the outside world and has made me very excited for my future! My ideas for the future have grown and I’m excited to continue in my education! My major has inspired me to hopefully open up my own gym one day!
What experiences have you enjoyed the most at Rowan?
I love all the events Rowan runs in the Student Center!
How do you get involved on campus?
I get involved by attending events on campus, and being a part of the Club Lacrosse team!
How have you made friends and continue to make friends?
I have many many friends at Rowan who I love dearly. I have met some friends from Willow Hall, where I lived my freshman year! I also like to keep in contact with people I have done group projects or been in classes with! I have made a good amount of my friends in study groups I join for my classes too.
How do you create that “away” at school experience while close to home?
My friends have become my family here at Rowan, so I feel at home here.
Why Rowan?
Rowan has always had a good reputation while I was growing up! My family is from Glassboro, and watching the ‘boro be built up to what it is now has been amazing!
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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Senior Reflects: My Experiences that Made the Most of Rowan

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a senior communications studies major self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.
One of my favorite memories is studying abroad with my Theories of Crime class my freshman year. Not only was I able to create amazing friendships with my classmates and professor, but we got to travel Italy together! We went to many cities and learned so much. I highly recommend taking Theories of Crime, or any other course at Rowan that gives the opportunity to travel. We spent a week in Italy and had the best time.
Another great memory at Rowan University is experiencing RoGlow. Student Center & Campus Activities hosts this super fun event at a location near campus. My freshman year my roommates and a couple of my friends went, not expecting what went down! We were all put in a big tent with a super loud DJ playing top hits and strobe lights. We got paint to throw at each other while being shot by paint shooters up on stage. It was such a fun night to start my college year.
Back to the Boro was also a super fun experience all while giving back to the Glassboro community. My friends and I in my Communication Studies Club volunteered to do this event. We were given a location, rakes, gloves, and trash bags to help give back to the local homes around campus. We all got together to help clean up, plant flowers, and get to know some of our friendly neighbors.
Rowan’s Homecoming Football Game my senior year was another great memory. My friends and I all got together to attend this fun event. We dressed in our best in Rowan colors and showed off our spirit. Before the game we all met in the parking lot to tailgate with hundreds of students. They were giving away free food and drinks as well!
There are so many memories created at Rowan University looking back as a senior now. These were the fastest four years of my life and I am honestly so sad it’s over. Cherish these times while you can. You’re going to look back when you’re graduated and living your adult lifestyle and wish you could go back and do it all over again. I’m proud to say I created such a wonderful life going to Rowan and have created the best friendships and made the best times.
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Pre-Quarantine 20 Questions with Cam Hadley [VIDEO]

Welcome to Rowan at Home, our new series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story features Camryn Hadley, a junior isolating in her house in Somerset County, NJ. As we walk through the Student Center into the Student Government Association office, Camryn answers questions about her major, jobs on-campus, and leadership positions. Rowan Blog captured this footage pre-quarantine.
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Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major
First Year Voices: Chemical Engineering Major Dylan Snyder

Today, we talk to Dylan Snyder, a freshman Chemical Engineering major from Wilmington, Delaware.
How has your freshman year at Rowan been so far?
“Freshman year has been great! It is so much more interesting than high school. I’ve gotten so many new phone numbers and made so many new friends. If you get yourself out there, you can create the best experience at college.
Have you joined any clubs yet?
“Yes! I am currently a part of five clubs: The Rowan Alternative Music Club, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, MMA Club, Karate and Self-Defense Club and Student University Programmers (SUP). In that club, we plan a lot of the campus and charity events.”
How have you been adjusting to college life?
“I’ve adjusted pretty quickly. It’s a different rhythm, living on your own, for sure. If you’ve ever held a job, it’s similar to that. You just need to be responsible and manage your time well. As an engineering student, I’m constantly complaining about your lack of time; but as long as you know how much time to put aside for yourself and what you need to get done, it’s really smooth sailing. All that matters is that you’re interested in what you’re doing.”
What are some of your favorite spots on campus?
“Favorite spots on campus? Honestly, the beautiful pond out back behind Rowan Hall. The Market Place in the Student Center is really nice too. The Student Center is where all of college life happens at. Most of the clubs will meet around there. Mariachi Grill and Dawn to Dusk on Rowan Boulevard are also some of my favorite spots.”
What is one piece of advice you can give to incoming freshman?
“Don’t be afraid of anything. Go do everything and whatever you’re interested in. I signed up for emails for at least 50 clubs my first day! It’s funny, as soon as you get yourself out there you start making so many new friends. Don’t be afraid to be friendly, get out there, meet new people. Just go for it!”
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Story by:
Bianca Torres, junior music industry major
Photos by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major
Rowan PROS Share Their Six Favorite Things at Rowan [VIDEO]

The Rowan PROS (Peer Referral and Orientation Staff) share their favorite things about our campus and tips for starting out at Rowan. From socializing tips to where to eat on campus, the PROS have it all.
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Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major
Social Benefits of Rowan University’s Game Room

Meet Matthew Penn, a junior at Rowan who majors in Advertising and says video games have played an important role in his life since he was very young.
By the time I was in third grade, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, a form of autism that primarily affects an individual’s social skills, from poor eye contact to social isolation.
Since I was very young I have always had an interest in video games and they’ve always been my comfort. For the longest time I never really wanted to leave my house until I started to meet friends who shared similar interests in video games just like me. Since coming to Rowan University I’ve never felt more comfortable. The Game Room in the Student Center is such an amazing place for me to go, where I can be myself or play video games with so many people.
When I’m at the Game Room, I forget that I even have Asperger syndrome and I believe that the Game Room is perfect for anyone looking to make some new friends.
The Game Room offers all students many great games to play — not just video games, but plenty of regular games as well, including billiards, shuffleboard, ping pong, foosball, darts and plenty of board games. There are approximately six video game consoles: two Nintendo Switches, two Xbox Ones and two Playstation 4s. There are plenty of choices for video games to play and plenty of people to talk to and possibly play a couple games with.
The overall design of the Game Room is very inviting. When a you first enter, you see a great mural on the wall signifying this is the room for anyone looking to play some games and have some fun. The first section of the room is comprised of billiards tables and a mini shuffleboard table. After that you will be greeted with a large selection of video games. You’re more than likely to see a group of students playing a video game, and any student is more than welcome to ask any group of students if they can join in. However, if video games aren’t quite your thing, there are plenty of board games and tabletop games such as foosball, ping pong and air hockey.
Things are very upbeat and exciting here with plenty of events and tournaments. Tournaments range from multiple genres of video games, including fighting games, first-person shooters and sports games. However, it’s not limited to just video game tournaments. The Game Room offers a few distinctive and simplistic tournaments as well such as Jenga tournaments and even classic arcade game tournaments such as Dig Dug.
The Game Room has a very symmetrical worldview when it comes to how it runs things. The staff here are very open to the idea of bringing in new features events to keep the Game Room exciting. At the front desk there’s a jar where students can write down their ideas to what they would like to see added, whether it be different events or even offering additional classic video game consoles.
The Game Room is very open to looking into any and every student opinion to see what can be done to keep people happy who walk through those doors and come back every day.
If you don’t really know where to start to meet other gamer students, this is the perfect place to start. If you have any kind of social anxiety, asking to join in a group of people playing a video game is a perfect starting point. With tons of games to play and a large quantity of people to talk to, social interaction is impossible to avoid.
There’s no doubt about it, college can be very stressful with all the assignments and the pressure of tests and finals. The Game Room is the perfect place for students to reduce stress. Here you can forget about your busy life for an hour or two and enjoy some games for a while. Having a place where you can go to take some time off is great, whether it be playing any of the games or just sitting down and taking some time to spend with your thoughts.
In the time that I’ve been at Rowan University, the Game Room has been my go-to place to hang out, to take some time away from all the work I have or just a nice spot for when I’m just having a really bad day. I hope other students will have similar experiences as mine and I hope that it can help them get over their social anxiety and help relieve their stress from school as much as it did for me.
Story by:
Matthew Penn, junior advertising major
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#PROFspective: Rowan After Hours Programming Coordinator Joseph Scafiro

Today we speak with Joseph Scafiro, a senior History major from Cinnaminson, NJ (Burlington County) and programming coordinator for Rowan After Hours (RAH). Joseph will share his #PROFspective with us about what his job entails and why you should get involved each weekend. Name: Joseph Scafiro Major: History Minor: None Year: Senior Where do you […]
#PROFspective: Biology Major Sarah Sosa

Name: Sarah Sosa
Major: Biology
Minors or concentration: Environmental Studies and Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Year: Junior
Hometown and County: Elizabeth, NJ (Union County)
Resident: Rowan Boulevard Apartments
Academic Clubs: Pre-Vet Club, REAL Club
Tell us about your travel home up to North Jersey and how you get there using public transportation:
The first time I had to go home from Rowan to Elizabeth, I think it was just to see some friends. I didn’t have a car so I didn’t know what to do. We always talked about “How am I supposed to go home?” Nobody knew and nobody was going to volunteer to come pick me up and take me all the way home. So I went to the front office of the Student Center and I asked them about the route to go home. They showed me the route and what to do. They had bus schedules and maps that I could take a look at … but I also did my own research too.
I downloaded the NJ Transit app (this was before I knew about the Rowan-Camden shuttle), but for my first entire year I would take the NJ Transit bus that stops at Campbell Library to Camden. Using the public bus does take a little longer than the shuttle. However, I didn’t find that out until the end of the semester when I had missed the bus and finally used the Rowan shuttle.
From Camden, I take another bus from the Camden-Walter Rand Transportation Center to the Trenton train station, which is about an hour. From there you take the Northeast Corridor line which goes all the way to New York City, but I take it to get to the second-to-last stop, Elizabeth.
I always let people know about my commute and let them know that it does take about three hours, but I’m so used to it already it doesn’t bother me that much! I usually go by myself, but recently I bumped into a friend who was going home too, so we ended up leaving together. It’s nice to have a buddy to go with you for the long ride.
Why did you choose Rowan?
I chose Rowan because I liked being someplace not too close but not too far away from home. There’s a good amount of distance. I also felt like Rowan was the only school really reaching out to me. There was a program called the Rowan Select Program, which helped students get more of a push into college life. I liked that Rowan had a program like that and that my Rowan Select orientation was two nights and three days so we could get more assimilated. During that orientation we actually started listening to lectures and during the summer we took a two-credit online class, which was a good head start. I liked that Rowan was doing something different.
Why did you choose Environmental Studies?
I have always been into the environment — green everything, conservation biology, animal extinction and the reasons why they’re going extinct. I’ve also just been interested on how pollution and climate change are affecting us.
What advice would you give to your high school self about choosing the right school?
Just relax! It’s not the end of the world. I can’t remember how many times I stressed out about deciding before May about what I wanted to choose! I thought I had to choose an entirely different lifestyle for the rest of my life. You have options! Be confident about your decisions, and don’t be afraid to do whatever you want to do.
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Story and photography by:
Bianca Torres, junior Music Industry major
Freshmen, Don’t Freak! It’s Easy to Eat

Luckily, there’s an endless amount of food options on campus, so eating all three meals a day is never an issue. Figuring out where to go can definitely be overwhelming, so freshmen, have no fear, your meal guide is here. Location: Chamberlain Student CenterThe Market Place: Monday – Thursday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. | Friday […]