A Look Inside the Rowan Men’s Club Lacrosse Team

An athletic field as seen through a fence on campus.

Today we feature three members of the Men’s Club Lacrosse team as they share their experiences and touch upon why Rowan Men’s Club Lacrosse is a great extracurricular to participate in.

Participating in sports at the high school level is important to students as it fuels their competitive edge, allows individuals to make new friends, and simply teaches students about leadership and confidence. However, being recruited by collegiate sports teams and continuing to play at college can be physically rigorous, difficult to manage socially, and requires an immense amount of time. 

Team volunteering to help the youth players of Washington Township for a clinic.
The Rowan Men’s Club Lacrosse Team volunteers to help the youth players of Washington Township at a clinic.

Rowan University does not have a collegiate Division III Men’s Lacrosse team; however, the university does offer a Men’s Club Lacrosse team. Today we feature several members of the team to hear their insights on the program. 

Rowan Men's Club Lacrosse celebrating a tournament win in Spring 2021.
Rowan Men’s Club Lacrosse celebrating a tournament win in Spring 2021.

Ryan Meiluta is a senior long stick midfielder majoring in Civil Engineering from Delran, NJ (Burlington County).

Why did you choose to play men’s club lacrosse?

I wanted to continue playing lacrosse and compete.

What is your favorite thing about being a member of the men’s club lacrosse team?

The bonds we have with our teammates. 

Do you play on the team more so for the social aspect or because you love the sport?

I started because I love the sport, but the social aspect makes it a lot better.

How many days a week do you practice? 

Two days a week.

Rowan Men's Club Lacrosse goalie and defenders walking onto the field for a game.
Rowan Men’s Club Lacrosse goalie and defenders walking onto the field for a game.

Christian Boylan is a senior midfielder from Hillsborough, NJ (Somerset County) majoring in Environmental Science and Sustainability and minoring in geology and environmental planning.

Why did you choose to play men’s club lacrosse?

I really enjoy playing lacrosse and wanted to continue to be a part of a team.

What is your favorite thing about being a member of the men’s club lacrosse team?

My teammates.

What is a pro of playing for the team?

Winning games and winning the games without a coach is definitely a pro. 

If Rowan had an NJAC/ NCAA men’s lacrosse team, would you pursue that or try to walk on?


Rowan Men's Club Lacrosse at their annual walk for one of their founding members, Donnie Farrell, in Glassboro.
Rowan Men’s Club Lacrosse at their annual walk for one of their founding members, Donnie Farrell, in Glassboro.

Ryan Collins is a junior defender majoring in Marketing and is from Lacey Township, NJ (Ocean County). 

Why did you choose to play men’s club lacrosse?

I chose to play lacrosse at Rowan because I wanted to continue playing the sport after high school. I felt it was a good way to meet new people and to continue playing.

Do you travel and play other schools?

Yes, we travel to different tournaments and colleges playing other club teams from all different schools.

How competitive would you say the team is?

I’d say the team is very competitive. Every practice and game we have we all give 100%, and our goal is to be the best we can.

Do you play on the team more so for the social aspect or because you love the sport?

I’d say a little bit of both, they’re both great factors that come with playing on the club team. I’ve always loved lacrosse and have played my whole life so I knew I wanted to play in college. But, I think club lacrosse was the perfect thing to do because I am able to focus a ton on school while still playing the sport and spending time with teammates.

Face-off win by Dylan Ritchkoff during a scrimmage in Spring 2021.
Face-off win by Dylan Ritchkoff during a scrimmage in Spring 2021.

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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Related posts:

Sports and Mental Health

First Person Perspective: Women’s Lacrosse at Rowan University With Natalie DePersia

Rowan RAs Share Tips for Creating a Positive Environment while Living with a Roommate

two people sitting in apartment.

For most people, college is the first time students live with a roommate. Resident Assistants (RAs), who are trained with mediation tactics, share some tips on how students can create and maintain a positive environment in their spaces. 

Senior RA in Townhouse Apartments Alyssa Putiri thinks the key to a positive roommate relationship is “all about being open to communication. Discussing boundaries and personal preferences are crucial to making sure both you and your roommate are comfortable with each other. Remember, you don’t need to be best friends with your roommate, but it’s important to create a comfortable environment for the both of you to live in.” 

Alyssa Putiri leans against an outdoor railing on campus.
Alyssa Putiri

Alex Jackson, a senior RA in 230 Victoria Nexus Apartments, says to “pick your battles. There’s always going to be disagreements, as people in general have different living styles. But if you and your roommate can learn to compromise on things that aren’t too important, you will both be sure to take important issues much more seriously.”

Alex standing outside

Whitney Center RA senior Mathew Mcgrath says “first and foremost, it is essential that roommates maintain respect for one another. Roommate agreements provide a framework for what roommates want and expect from one another. Having respect for each other will make developing personal bonds both a less complicated and less intimidating venture.”

Mathew McGrath

Sam Eloy, a junior RA in Rowan Boulevard Apartments, challenges students to “make sure they are as transparent as possible. Address any issues immediately rather than letting them simmer. Drawing lines of respect and understanding is important to make sure no one is ever offended or gets hurt.” 

Selfie of Sam Eloy.
Sam Eloy

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

3 Rowan RAs Share Their Favorite Programs

Resident Assistants, or RAs, are tasked with creating programs to connect residents with each other and the greater Rowan community. Each program is designed specifically and intentionally by the RA of the floor to promote a sense of belonging in the residence hall. Here are some programs that RAs loved to host for their residents. 

Junior Keianna Williams, an RA in Chestnut Hall, shared her favorite program titled “Self Reflection.”

“I displayed a mirror outside of my room and then made a heart full of sticky notes. Each resident was asked to write something they loved about themselves in a sticky note displayed on the wall. I then handed out tiny pocket mirrors for them to keep. I told them that every time they opened the mirror, they should say something nice about themselves. This program helped promote self-esteem and self love. I also loved that it included Rowan Thrive, a wellness initiative on campus attributes of purpose.” 

Keianna Williams
Keianna Williams

Sydney Ramos, a junior RA in Mimosa Hall, shared that her favorite program that she has done is a Black Lives Matter Brave space.

“This was a program that encouraged an open discussion on issues surrounding racial injustice in our communities. It also was a space where those who did not know much about the BLM movement could understand what it was and gain information and resources to have a better understanding as to why the BLM movement is so important. I had a decent outcome with residents, and they were happy to be able to have a discussion on issues that sometimes are hard to talk about. I was even interviewed by The Whit for a featured article about my program.”

Sydney Ramos
Sydney Ramos

Alyssa Salera, a senior RA in Holly Pointe Commons, described her favorite program that combined fun with important conversations about relationships.

“We had a Bachelor finale watch party. My residents all loved the show, both my male and female students, so we all got together, snacked on a bunch of food and desserts, and talked about the show and everything it encompassed. I loved seeing how excited they got about who the star chose to get engaged to, as each of my residents had a personal preference. We then talked about toxic relationships and the importance of mental health in regards to how it pertains to the show, they were all so involved in the conversation! It was the most I’ve heard some of my residents speak and be engaged in all semester, so it was great seeing them come out of their shell.”

Alyssa holding goat
Alyssa Salera

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Sneak Peak into the Theatre – Design/Technical Program and its Stagecraft Class

Someone measures a line on a piece of wood.

Today we share moments from our conversation with College of Performing Arts students Michael Landolfi and Jenna Hope during a session of their Stagecraft Fundamentals class. We asked them about their favorite parts of their majors and the course itself.

Michael Landolfi is a sophomore Theatre major with a concentration in Theatre – Design/Technical

Why did you come to Rowan?

“I recently just transferred from the Music Industry program so it was actually the major that made me want to come to Rowan. I also like that it is fairly close to home but not too close. It was important to me to be close enough to home where I could see family but still be able to explore a new area.”

In the Stagecraft Fundamentals course, have you found anything you are particularly passionate about that you did not think you would like? 

“I definitely have taken an interest in woodwork and carpentry more than I thought I would have.”

Michael in class.
Michael Landolfi

Can you tell me about the relationships you have between the staff here? 

“Especially the staff in the theatre department and the staff in the music program … [t]hey all have been pretty open with communication. Several professors have helped me figure out what trajectory I am taking in terms of what I am learning here and what I want to do in the future.” 

What made you change your major?

“I personally did not like taking business classes … [t]here were quite a few of those classes I had to take. Also I have also always loved live sound, and that is mainly what I am trying to get a career in because those jobs are more secure than trying to land a job as a music producer or a performer in general.” 

A student working in Stagecraft Fundamentals.
A student working in Stagecraft Fundamentals

What is your favorite class so far?

“Stagecraft Fundamentals is pretty great. Starting to get involved in the theatre department and stuff has been a really good experience. I also enjoy a Social Problems class I have taken that is completely not related to my major. I just needed to take it for credits, but I heavily enjoyed it.”

Stagecraft Fundamentals student, Jenna Hope, using power tools in class.
Stagecraft Fundamentals student, Jenna Hope, using power tools in class.

Jenna Hope is a transfer junior Musical Theatre major; however, she will be switching to the Theatre – Design/Techical major. 

What made you want to change your major?

“What made me change my major was the fact that I felt like I was not able to use my hands as much, and getting to take classes like Stagecraft Fundamentals in my first year was something that really made me realize that design and tech is something that makes me really excited. Things like carpentry and costuming are so interesting and also simply fun for me.”

A picture of a power saw used in Stage Craft Fundamentals.

Out of all the elements in design and tech, what would you say your favorite is?

“Out of all of them I would say carpentry, but I really have a soft spot for costuming even though I have not gotten to do it yet.”

Can you tell me about some things that you have made in your Stagecraft Fundamentals class?

“We made a couple of different things … sadly most of the things we make in class are for productions we are holding in the semester, but with Covid we were unable to put on the amount of productions that we would have liked to so we did not have that many sets or props to make. With that being said, we have been making birdhouses this semester as a little project for everybody.”

What advice would you give to a person who is interested in the major but unsure of design and tech?

“I think they should just take Stagecraft because it gives total insight to the major. Asking for help is also so important. Just because you need assistance or help does not mean you cannot partake in something you enjoy.”

Stage Craft Fundamentals students using a power saw.
Associate Professor Tom Fusco (left) works with Jenna (center) and another student using a power saw.

See more from the Stagecraft Fundamentals class in this video. 

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Story By:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

#PROFspective: Brian Seay, Double Major and Rowan Admissions Twitch Streamer

Headshot of Brian Seay against a black backdrop.

Today we feature Brian Seay, a double major in Radio/Television/Film and Sports Communication and Media from Cumberland County. Brian also has a certificate in undergrad study (CUGS) in Esports. We interview Brian as he touches upon his involvement with the Rowan Admissions Twitch streaming account through his job as a Digital Content Contributor for Rowan’s Marketing and Enrollment Management team. 

Why did you decide to get a certificate in undergrad study (CUGS) in Esports?

“I love video games. My friends and I play very frequently, and during quarantine I got interested in competitive 2k (basketball video game). When I was looking at my Sports Communication and Media major and the credits I needed for it, I came across the CUGS for Esports. I quickly realized that obtaining a CUGS in Esports was only one more course in addition to all my courses I have already taken for my major in Sports Communication and Media, so I thought why not?”

What is Twitch?

“Twitch is simply just a place where you can stream something live — it does not necessarily have to be video games. It started off as ‘Justin TV’ where this guy named Justin just basically streamed his everyday life on this website that he created. It has now turned into a place where content creators can stream videos; Twitch is primarily used for videogames but can be used for anything.” 

Headshot of Brian Seay.
Brian Seay

What do you do for Rowan as a content contributor?

“My primary task is to create videos and to help Rowan’s Marketing team to draw students in. One of the projects we did a few weeks ago was that we went in a filmed some of the residence halls so we can create a video on all the different resident and housing options Rowan offers. These videos are our most popular because they appeal to a big population of students, while club videos and certain sport videos are geared to a smaller target audience.”

What do you do to prepare for each Twitch stream?

“Setting up for my streams takes a decent amount of time. I stream on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. so I usually start setting up at 5 p.m. This allows me enough time to make sure all my equipment and software is running smoothly before I go live. Set up consists of sound checks, microphone checks, controller checks and more.”

Brian Seay playing a video game.
Brian Seay playing a video game

How does your CUGS in Esports help with your job for Rowan as a Twitch streamer?

“As I stated previously, I only needed one class to obtain a CUGS in Esports because of all the classes I have already taken for my major in Sports Communication and Media. With that being said, my Intro to Esports class not only equipped me with a lot of knowledge on Esports but made me very interested in playing Esports.”

What is your favorite part of streaming on Twitch?

“As stated previously, I just love video games, so this job is honestly not looked at as work for me. I am doing something I enjoy, and it makes my streaming sessions go by so quickly.”

Brian Seay.
Brian Seay

What is your favorite Esport game to play for Rowan Twitch?

“First off, it is important to note that I have to play games that are educationally appropriate. However, I like to play games that are popular in Esport streaming. Therefore, I enjoy playing Rocket League as it is a very popular Esport game.”

What is your favorite game to play on your free time?

“I have to say, my favorite game of all time has to be Minecraft. I am very creative and I love how the game caters to what your needs are. I think it is so cool how you can spend weeks and months on a world and you create your own environment and atmosphere and I think it is really cool how you can truly make it your own.”

Brian Seay's game controller.
Brian Seay’s game controller

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Story By:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Photos courtesy of:
Brian Seay

#PROFspective: Natalie DePersia, Public Relations Major and Lacrosse Athlete

Natalie poses on the bridge in front of Mimosa Hall.

Today, we feature junior Natalie DePersia, a Public Relations major with minors in Psychology and Sports Communication and Media. Natalie shares her experience at Rowan as a student and lacrosse athlete.

Do you live on campus, or do you commute? 

“I live off campus in a house across from the football field.”

What are some likes and dislikes of your major?

“I was originally a Communication Studies major, but it was too broad for me. I enjoy writing because it forces me to come out of my shell. Since I just started in this field, I don’t have any dislikes yet.”

Natalie poses next to some greenery.

How is your experience at Rowan so far?

“All of my professors, especially Professor Cristin Kastner Farney, Professor Sherry Hicks and my coaches are genuinely caring and are very helpful. As a student-athlete, I started off as a defender even though I wanted to be a midfielder. Because of Covid, I could not play from September to February. Eventually, I progressed my way back to playing lacrosse, but it’s been inconsistent and challenging. I hope to start back up in fall 2021. Overall, I have had a good experience at Rowan so far.”

Why Rowan?

“I first looked into Rowan because my brother attended the school as a basketball athlete. I live pretty close, which makes it convenient as well. In my junior year of high school, I played lacrosse and wanted to play it at Rowan. Everything Rowan offered was convenient. I ended up liking the school after visiting.”

Do you have a job? 

“I’m a server at PJ Whelihan’s in Medford, and so far the job’s been cool.”

What do you like to do for fun? 

“I enjoy hanging out with friends, spending time with my dog, playing lacrosse and working out. I also like writing and singing my own songs, just not in front of people.”

Natalie sits in a gazebo near Bunce Hall.

What is one interesting fact about yourself?

“I have a twin brother, but we don’t share the same birthdays. I was born at midnight and he was born the hour before. I also have two older twin brothers.”

What is your dream job?

“My dream job is to travel, meet people, hear and write their stories.”

Do you have any life advice for Rowan students?

“You are capable of more than you think you are. Challenge yourself.”

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Story by: Nene Diallo, senior public relations major

Photography by: Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major, and Reshaun Timmons, senior business major


#PROFspective: Sports Communication and Media Major, Track and Field Success Jah’Mere Beasley

Jah'Mere sits in front of the Rowan Athletics Owl statue.

What is your dream profession? Where do you see yourself after graduating in 2023? If the opportunity presents itself for me to continue my athletic career, then that would be a dream come true. However, if I end up getting the chance to work as a sports broadcaster for a decent company, then that would […]

Rowan Sorority Sisters Share How Greek Life Brings Women Together

Bunce Hall behind trees

Six of Rowan’s sorority members talk with us about how Greek life brings women together and how they’ve positively changed as individuals. 

What is it like being in a sorority?

Lesley Esteves, junior Accounting and Finance double major, and president of Rowan’s Delta Phi Epsilon chapter, says being in a sorority is very impactful. “Personally, I’ve definitely grown so much as an individual. I have a better understanding of people and understanding that not everyone is raised the same way. I’ve definitely become more confident in myself. Being in a sorority has given back to me so much more than even what I’ve put into it. I’ve become more organized, independent, and professional. It’s given me more than I can even explain.”

Lesley smiles while wearing her Greek letters.
Lesley Esteves

How do you think Greek life brings women together?

Kristin Jennings, a recent Public Relations and Advertising graduate and member of Rowan’s Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter, says Greek life helps to bring all of the people in your organization together. “Because you meet every single girl that you’re part of the sorority with, it helps you make friends with way more people than you’d probably ever be friends with otherwise. It’s so much togetherness because of all the events and bonding. It creates a sense of comfort within the sorority and brings us together that way.”

Kristin smiling at home.
Kristin Jennings

How important is sisterhood to you?

Lauren Marini, junior Finance major and member of Rowan’s Alpha Sigma Tau chapter, says sisterhood is really important. “Sisterhood is really important, especially within my close friend group, but it’s also nice to have that sense of sisterhood with girls I’m not as close with because no matter, if you need something there is always someone there for you and we all always have each other’s back.” Lauren also adds that sisterhood is supporting one another and that it’s a sense of bonding. 

Lauren smiling at the beach.
Lauren Marini

How does Greek life inspire you?

Jennifer Probert, a recent Public Relations and Advertising graduate and former president of Rowan’s Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter, says Greek life is inspiring because of the tradition that it holds. “Even with other ASA chapters throughout the country, we all hold the same values and it’s cool because sisters that I don’t even know still reach out and refer to me as a sister. It’s inspiring that one mutual thing bonds us and shows how much we respect that bond and each other.”

Jen smiling outside of Bunce Hall.
Jennifer Probert

What’s your favorite aspect of your organization?

Shanell Mighty, junior Law and Justice Studies major and Mu Sigma Upsilon sister, says her favorite aspect is the support within the organization. “Regardless of anything, all of us are always here for each other. It doesn’t matter what happens, someone is always going to be there for you in our chapter. It’s like a home away from home.”

Shanell Mighty poses with two of her sisters.
Shane Mighty (right)

Do you have any advice for other students looking to rush next year?

Maura Jackson, senior Accounting major and president of Rowan’s Mu Sigma Upsilon chapter, advises students to remember why they wanted to rush in the first place. “I think the best way to find out what organization you like is to first, before you even pick an organization is to form what we like to call ‘the why you’re joining Greek life.’ Then, figure out what organization lines up with your whys. A lot of people do this backwards, which isn’t bad but you don’t want to form yourself to an organization, you want your organization to form to you.”

Maura with sisters on the beach.
Maura Jackson (seen at left)

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising graduate

Photos courtesy of:
Lesley Esteves, Kristin Jennings, Lauren Marini and Maura Jackson

Photo of Jennifer Probert by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

My Favorite Class: Philosophy of Science

Madison inside Business Building

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.

Madison Dautle is a junior Bioinformatics major. She is from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) and transferred from Stockton University.

What was the name of your favorite class at Rowan? 

Philosophy of Science

What department was the class in? 

Philosophy (PHIL)

Who taught the class when you took it? 

Dr. Nathan Bauer

Madison outside on the bridge

Tell us a little about what the class is.

Most people assume that science is constantly progressing to explain the true nature of the universe. To explain what it is we see. This class teaches you that isn’t necessarily true. It opens up your eyes to assumptions you hold as a scientist that you probably didn’t even know you were assuming.

Share with us a few details on why this class was interesting or special to you.

This class finally made me think. Sure, I’m good at explaining chemistry and biology, but that doesn’t make you think, or at least not in the same way. That class made me think in ways I never had to before, and it was exciting!

It’s funny to be able to believe something yet not have a fully thought out reasoning for why. Like one hypothesis referred to as the Grue hypothesis. This idea states that all emeralds are green until a certain date when they all suddenly turn blue. Seems silly, right? That can’t possibly be true, but until the date passes, it can’t be proved false. Yet we all believe that the emeralds will stay green when that hypothesis has a 0% chance of occuring. Look it up. It’s really interesting. My brain hates it but also loves it because I want to know why we believe that.

Madison outside Business Building

Is there anything else that made this class impactful?

The way Professor Bauer ran the class. He really made it easy to follow while still making us think. He asked for student input and gave us the opportunity at the end of the semester to present one of our own ideas as a group. I still think about that class daily, and it’s been a while since I’ve taken it.

What makes this professor great? 

He’s engaging. Quirky. Kind of what you’d expect from a philosophy professor, but you can tell he loves it. Sometimes you’ll ask a question and he’ll become confused because he didn’t think of that, but he just tells you to go write it down because it’s a good idea. He supports a learning environment and gives adequate room to grow.

Madison sitting on a rock

How did this class help to support your academic or personal growth, or your professional goals? 

To be honest, I thought I would hate this class. Turns out it was the best possible thing that could have happened to me. I finally have something to really THINK about. I am thinking about things that can’t be reconciled by a Google search or even a bit of heavier research. The answers for these questions aren’t written down because no one has truly figured them out yet. Academically and professionally, it can help just broaden my horizons. But personally, it entertained my brain.

I’m lucky that I don’t struggle with understanding most teachable concepts, but with this class, the more he taught, the more questions I had. A really amazing class.

What are your professional goals? 

I would like to perform genomics research using bioinformatics. Currently, I am interested in long-term memory — what genes, and in what concentrations, are expressed during memory recall and consolidation.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Creating Change Through The Social Justice Action Committee [VIDEO]

Three students protesting for Black Lives Matter.

“We can’t let fighting for change become a fad, because it’s not a fad, it’s something that needs to happen,” says Ayanna Johnson, a junior women’s basketball player and Social Justice Action Committee member. The committee is a student-led, university-wide umbrella initiative for projects and programming that promote diversity and inclusion through sport on American […]

Meet Transfer Profs: 3+1 Psychology Student and Mother Victoria Hable

Victoria sits with her son, Rowen.

Today we speak to Victoria Hable, a first-generation college student and mom from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Victoria transferred from Harrisburg Area Community College to Rowan College at Burlington College. She will transfer to Rowan University in the fall as part of the 3+1 program. Victoria is majoring in Psychology and will graduate next spring.  

Victoria sits on stones in front of greenery on Rowan Boulevard.

Can you tell me a little about the 3+1 program that you’re currently enrolled in?

I’m in the 3+1 program for Psychology. The 3+1 program is going to Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) for three years and transferring to Rowan and finishing a bachelor’s degree there for one year. I was a Music Business major at Harrisburg Area Community College. When I transferred to RCBC, I changed my major to Psychology. I had a lot of credits from the Music Business program that my 3+1 advisor Diana helped me work in as some extra electives so it wouldn’t delay my graduation date. From there, I created a plan to complete my last two years of my bachelor’s degree at RCBC and Rowan.

How did you hear about Rowan and what made you want to come here? 

I moved to the area two years ago for a change of scenery. I was able to live with family and babysit for them. I started at RCBC in 2018 to finish up community college, and I found out about the 3+1 program while I was there. I started the program when I was a year into my time at RCBC, and that is how I found out about Rowan.

Victoria sits and hugs her son on Rowan Boulevard.

What is it like to balance being a mother with being a student?

It’s difficult. It’s definitely a lot. My son was born with Down Syndrome, so he has a lot of therapies and appointments. Balancing his appointments, my appointments and schoolwork is a lot. I’m not working, so it gives me a little more leeway in my schedule, but my job right now is to take care of him and finish school.

How has Rowan supported you in being a mother and a student?

It was two weeks into the spring semester, last January when I went to Diana, my advisor. I told her I had just found out I was four months pregnant, and I didn’t know what to do with my 3+1 plan. She helped me rearrange my plan to accommodate my being out for six weeks. I was out over the summer, so it only put me behind by two classes. It did not move my graduation date back at all. Instead of encouraging me to take a semester off because I found out I was pregnant, my advisor encouraged me to keep going. Diana was very dedicated to helping me figure out a new plan and stay in college like I wanted. The professors I have had so far are also willing to work with me.

Victoria and Rowen sit on the grass in the Glassboro Town Square.

How does your son motivate you to continue to pursue your career?

I had some prenatal testing that was done about five months into my pregnancy, but I didn’t know until my son was actually born that he was 100% going to have Down Syndrome. Last May, I saw that the first student with Down Syndrome graduated from Rowan University last year. That was really cool for me to see, and that gave me more motivation to keep pushing to pursue my career and more motivation that my son might be able to go to college. Seeing that student graduate is also the reason why I decided to name my son Rowen. Rowen is in therapy twice a week, we’re working with him constantly. Seeing his resilience to everything and how he adapts to his environment is a big motivator for me, especially me being a psychology major. Watching him grow and learn new things is so fun, and it just makes me want to learn more about him and more about neuro-psychology.

Do you have any advice for any current or incoming Rowan students that are also moms?

Since COVID has happened, I have met online classmates who are moms as well. But as for advice, if you have a support system, take advantage of it. The school is 100% percent behind you to help. But I think the biggest thing is just to stick with it. Even if it gets a little heavy sometimes.

What are your goals after you graduate?

When I switched my major to Psychology originally, I wanted to pursue my master’s in Psychology. I wanted to apply for the FBI and work in forensics. But since I’m a Mom now, I had to change my path a bit. Now, I eventually want to get into trauma psychology and maybe criminal justice reform.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

#PROFspective: ESS Major, Athlete and Activist Ayanna Johnson

Today we speak with Ayanna Johnson, a junior Environmental & Sustainability Studies (ESS) major under the School of Earth and Environment. She comes from Ewing, NJ in Mercer County and is the captain of the Women’s Basketball Team. She also participates in We Are One Team, Social Justice Action, and OWL (Outstanding Women Leaders) Group.

Ayanna smiles and leans against a tree outside on campus.

Why did you choose ESS? 

When I was a senior, I went on a trip to the Bahamas and studied at the Island School. I focused on environmental science and marine biology. We saw the coral reefs that were dying and how the Bahamas is being disproportionately impacted by global warming. It made me feel that this is a really important field more people need to study. 

What has been your favorite ESS class?  

My favorite ESS class was called Earth, People, and The Environment taught by Professor Richard Federman. I learned about the interconnectedness of people and their environment. 

What do you want to do in the future? 

Every company needs an Environmental Sustainability Specialist to make sure they’re following the rules and regulations from like the EPA. I want to do that in the future. 

Do you have a mentor on-campus? 

My mentor is Mandy Jiang, the former assistant coach of the Women’s Basketball Team. She helps me with school, studying, basketball and basically anything! 

Can you tell me more about the We Are One Team panel that happened in October 2020?  

The We Are One Team panel was an opportunity for me to speak on my personal experiences and also listen to different people from diverse backgrounds speak on social justice issues. We also discussed how we’ve been working to improve our communities by helping people become more educated and understanding about issues that are going on in modern-day America.

I was able to connect with other people that cared about these issues and also wanted to learn more. I made good friends with people who are dedicated to making a difference and speaking out. We bounce ideas off of each other about how we can do more to get our message across.

Ayanna smiles while sitting and leaning on a bench on campus.

What’s it like being the captain of the basketball team? 

It’s not much different than being a regular player. Everyone on my team is so awesome, and we all work together. It’s more about the responsibility of leadership. It pushes me to be more confident when speaking up and in my ability to lead. I never really looked at myself as capable of this, but it’s forcing me to face my insecurities and just do it. 

What advice would you give to newer college students? 

Appreciate the moment and enjoy it. Don’t keep thinking about the next thing. You’re going to waste your whole life thinking about the next step. You have to be in the present and enjoy the current moment. Appreciate life when you are happy because it’s not going to always last. 

If you spend your whole time stressing and not experiencing college, you’re going to regret it. You’re not going to be in your 20s forever. 

Make sure that you’re taking care of yourself because it’s a hard time for everyone. We don’t validate our own emotions or acknowledge things that we’re feeling inside. Everybody should take time to look inside yourself. 

What social justice issues are you most passionate about? 

I’m most passionate about educating people. A lot of what perpetuates injustice is people being ignorant to it. People not understanding how the small things are actually big things which allow for injustice to continue. 

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities do you juggle? 

I have practice, academics and work. I also juggle about 15 credits per semester along with basketball. This gives athletes room to stay above the 12-credit minimum and drop a class if necessary. 

How do you balance all of it?

I’m actually not very good at balancing or time management. I try my best to get organized and refocus. I try to make sure that I’m taking care of myself first because I can get caught up with so many different things. I’m not going to be able to do my best like mentally and physically if I don’t take care of myself.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Music Majors Share Music to Listen to While Studying

Photo of a student studying.

Need some tunes to help you study for finals? Here are some recommendations from upperclassmen music majors.

The "Spiegel im Spiegel" by Arvo Part album cover.

Spiegel im Spiegel – Arvo Pärt

“It’s one of my favorite minimalist pieces. It repeats over and over, so it’s good to listen to when you’re trying to focus. I love how delicate it sounds; it reminds me of a lullaby. A couple years ago, I was reading a book called ‘The Rest Is Noise’ by Alex Ross. Pärt was mentioned in it, so I wanted to dive into his music more,” says senior Kimmy Speers, a Music Education: Instrumental major from Morristown, NJ (Morris County).

The "3am Talk" by Icemann album cover.

3Am Talk – Icemann

“Chill vibe. I created the song myself,” says first-generation junior Justin Nunez, a Music Industry major with a concentration in Technology and a transfer from Kean University from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County).

Lisa holding a clarinet outside by the Rowan Hall pond.

Nocturnes (all 21) – Chopin

“It is very calming and relaxing. Chopin is very popular in the classical music world, and played very often by pianists,” says senior Lisa Harkisheimer, a Music Education Instrumental major from Sicklerville, NJ (Gloucester County).

Melissa wearing a Rowan sweatshirt while walking on the beach.

Etude No.2 – Phillip Glass

“Phillip Glass is a minimalist artist. His songs are thought provoking and stimulating to the ear. I studied minimalist artists in my theory course a year ago and found the compositions of Phillip Glass. I use his Playlist on Spotify to focus when I’m studying and thought it might help other students,” say junior Melissa Breslin of Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County), a Music Education Instrumental major and transfer student from Rowan College at Gloucester County. 

Liz sitting on a bench.

Rêverie – Claude Debussy (or really anything by Debussy)

“It relaxes me without putting me to sleep. I discovered the song by researching romantic composers on my own and also hearing his music in my music classes,” says senior Liz Cicali, a Music Education major with a specialization in instrumental music from Absecon, NJ (Atlantic County).

Sunshine holding a guitar while smiling outside.

 The Brain Dance – Animals as Leaders

“This will stimulate your mind and senses in every way. You will be awakened to learn and receptive to new information. I discovered the song at a concert,” says senior Sunshine Jones, a Music Education Vocal Major and Classical Guitar minor from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County).

The "Viberations" by Iman Omari album cover.

L.A. Vibes – Iman Omari 

“Iman Omari is the king of chill and loops. He’s a producer that makes dream like beats. He can chop any song up and claim it as his own. A lot of his music doesn’t contain words, he has a beat tape that has nothing but loops and it really helps me study. Hearing the beats allow me to read, think and focus on my tasks. I’m able to listen to music and concentrate, that’s all I need in this world. Music and focus,” says first-generation college junior Phinesse Scott, a Music Industry major and transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County

Phinesse adds: “I discovered Iman Omari through YouTube. You can really go down a never-ending hole on YouTube. I typically like to search for beats on there and I came across one of his old tracks and it was at that moment I became a fan and looked for every song I could find that he made.”

The "We the Kings" album cover.

Check Yes Juliet – We The Kings

“It’s a good song and catchy but by studying to this song it helps you to think back to what you read right before an exam if you listen to it again. It’s a popular pop rock song similar to artists I listen to,” says first-generation college junior Amanda Uretsky, a Music Industry major with a concentration in Technology and Business from Lumberton, NJ (Burlington County).

Emileigh smiling for a photo.

Imagine Paris – Daniel Paterok

“I find this song very relaxing, which I believe is important when doing homework or studying. Plus, I find the melody really pretty and catchy. I found this song on a public Spotify playlist that I sometimes listen to when I study,” says junior Emileigh Zane, a Music Industry major with a Business concentration who transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey and is from Penns Grove, NJ (Salem County).

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major 

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Why I Chose a School 20 Minutes Away from Home

Figuring out where you want to go to college is no simple task. Here, junior Public Relations and Advertising major Loredonna Fiore offers four reasons she says Rowan made it easy for her to pick a school 20 minutes away from home.

1. Amazing housing options

Normally, only juniors and seniors get to live in fancy apartments: not at Rowan. As early as your sophomore year, you can choose to live in an apartment with a kitchen and a living room. Rowan also has a great Residential Learning University Housing program where you can become a Resident Assistant and get free housing!

Loredonna sits on steps outside on campus.

2. Affordability 

As a New Jersey resident, I qualify for in-state tuition at Rowan. This allows me to get all of the benefits the school has to offer at a reduced rate. The Rowan Financial Aid office is always helpful with any questions about billing and tuition as well. 

3. Surrounding Location

Rowan is a 20-minute drive to Philadelphia, two hours to New York City, and two hours from Washington, D.C. The close proximity to these major cities was intriguing to me because I knew I was near places with amazing professional opportunities.

Loredonna smiles behind purple springtime flowers on campus.

4. Rowan’s opportunities

Even though I live close to Rowan, I didn’t let that get in the way of all of the opportunities it had to offer. I loved getting to tour the new College of Communications and Creative Arts building and thought that was a great indication of how up and coming Rowan is. 

Like what you see?


Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

Beyond the Classroom: Junior Ad Major Madelaine Mayfield and Her Passion for Nonprofits

Madelaine poses against a wall next to a pond.

Today we feature Madelaine Mayfield, a junior Advertising major and recent transfer student from the Rowan College of South Jersey, Cumberland Campus. Madelaine hails from Millville, NJ (Cumberland County) and currently interns for the Bullock Garden Project in Glassboro, NJ.

Madelaine stands in front of the Engineering Pond.

Can you tell us more about the Bullock Garden Project? 

The Bullock Garden Project (BGP) is a nonprofit that aims to empower and educate families to grow their own food. They’re especially focused on helping with food insecurity in marginalized communities as well as informing people about the overall benefits of gardening. 

For one of our many projects, I attended a Zoom meeting about helping schools in New Jersey and Pennsylvania [by providing gardening] supplies and showing them how to garden. We have about 10 schools involved in this project including the Glassboro Child Development Center, Tewksbury Elementary and Secaucus High School.

The Rowan grant-funded project consists of free webinars called Get Up and Grow with the founder, Sonya Harris. Attendees can ask her any questions, and Sonya gives them valuable advice. She also will send them supplies! We have kids, grown-ups and college students attending. We usually have about 20 to 25 people attend.

Sonya worked at a school [as a special education teacher] and she made a garden one day at her school. Then, she reached out to a TV show about improving gardens. They came out and helped her. She realized that she wanted to help other schools have the same opportunity. 

A child wears a Rowan shirt while gardening.
Ten schools participate in the Glassboro-based Bullock Garden Project.

How did you come across this position and what motivated you to join?

This job position was posted on ProfLink under Content Creation and Social Media. What motivated me was the fact that it was a nonprofit. I want to use my skills and what I’m learning for a good cause and a greater purpose. I was really excited because I love nonprofits. It motivates me more, knowing that [my work is] for a good cause. I know that if more people join and donate, then it’s helping the future. 

Could you tell us a little bit about other BGP projects?

I came up with the Kind Acts Initiative as BGP’s Christmas campaign, where each member of our staff did at least one kind act. I did another campaign recently, where I share quick environmental facts. Before the pandemic, BGP would go to school and help them with supplies and gardening. 

Madelaine poses in front of a wooded background.

What classroom skills are you practicing in your internship?

The most influential class has been Advertising Copywriting. I practice copywriting in social media posts, captions and graphics. I’ve learned so much about how to get audiences engaged, how to create better content, and how important social media is (especially with BGP). Social media has helped BGP to grow and gain a lot of recognition.

What was the most rewarding part about working with BGP? 

The most rewarding part about working with BGP is the amazing staff who are truly so encouraging, uplifting and want to see me grow. I feel very appreciated, and I know that they all care about me. Also, knowing that I’m doing work for an organization that is changing the world, school by school. They always encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone. They’re [supportive] of everything I do. I haven’t had that in any other job in my past. It’s so refreshing. I don’t feel embarrassed or scared in any way when I [share my work].

What skills and knowledge did you develop from working with BGP? 

Definitely communication because I have to do meetings and social media. I know how to communicate my ideas and convince [the team] that it will work. I got my video editing skills from my YouTube channel I started in high school. I’m also really thankful for the graphic design skills I learned from Prof. Nancy Reighn-Garron in Publication Layout & Design. She was so helpful and always went out of her way to help me. I record the Zoom meetings and edit them into an Instagram video. I really like making videos because they are more engaging than photos. 

Madelaine poses against a wall next to water.

What made you decide to switch majors from Radio/TV/Film to Advertising? 

I chose Advertising because I want to help amazing small businesses, nonprofits and other organizations get the recognition they deserve. I love creating content, being creative and engaging with others online. 

What advice would you share with a future student interested in your major? 

Get involved, especially with internships, and do as many as you can so that you can gain experience. Figure out what you want to do. Working for BGP, I figured out so many things. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do advertising, but now I know I want to work in social media. Doing it outside of class definitely helps you. You can use the skills that you learned in class, outside of class.

Advertising impacts the world in a way that spreads the word about brands, companies and organizations. Advertising is a huge factor in what the public consumes. As an advertising major, I want to make sure there are positive things being shared for a good cause. 

I would like to bring attention to what matters most. Working for non-profits, I would like to encourage others to help and get involved in some of the global issues.

Check out the Bullock Garden Project at https://www.bullockgardenproject.org/.

View more of Madelaine’s work on 

Instagram: @bullockgarden 

YouTube: Bullock Garden Project, Inc.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major 

Photography by: 
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

Junior Giavana DiDonato Shares Insight on Electrical & Computer Engineering

Giavana sitting on a stone near the engineering building with trees behind her.

Today we feature first-generation college student Giavana DiDonato, a junior Electrical and Computer Engineering major from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County). Gi transfered here from Rowan College of Gloucester County after getting her associate degree. She tells us about being a woman in her field and her experience in the engineering classes at Rowan. Tell […]

#PROFspective: Junior Marketing Major Jake Mayer

Jake poses in a wooded area.

Today we speak to Jake Mayer, a junior Marketing major with a Management Information Systems minor. Jake is a first-generation student from Stratford, NJ (Camden County), and a Resident Assistant. Jake is co-president of Rowan Club Baseball and a member of both the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Rowan Economics Society.

Jake poses in front of Business Hall.

On your busiest day, what personal, academic, non-academic, and social responsibilities are you juggling?

On my busiest day, I would be balancing my schoolwork, being a Resident Assistant (RA) and the responsibilities that come with that, having two other jobs at Trifecta Therapeutics and Pro Image Sports, while also going on a daily Zoom call with my family members at night.

What are your professional goals?

My short-term professional goals are to apply and get accepted as a second-year Resident Assistant (RA) or Assistant Resident Director (ARD) for the 2021-22 school year, as well as get an internship for the summer to hopefully turn that experience into a career. My long-term professional goals are to graduate from Rowan University and get a job in the marketing, business world to begin my career.

How are you involved on campus?

On-campus, I am a Resident Assistant (RA) in 230 Victoria, the co-president of Rowan University’s club baseball team, and a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA). Being involved in these allow me to be involved and network with fellow Profs of different majors, ages and backgrounds. The most supportive of my future goals is AMA, where I interact with fellow marketing majors and network with marketing professionals. Hopefully, by interacting with fellow marketing majors and networking with professionals, I will make connections that will help me get into my future career field.

Jake poses in a wooded area on campus.

Could you share with us one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

I felt really inspired in my Entrepreneurship class during the final project of the class when my groupmates were looking towards me to lead the project in the marketing aspects. It was a fictional company and product idea that we came up with and I put a lot of effort into the project and we got an A. It may not sound like a lot, but leading this project in the marketing aspect of our project really inspired me and made me feel confident about my chosen major.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a Rowan professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.

One professor who I really enjoy talking to and one who makes me feel supported in my goals is Dr. Michael Milovich, professor of MIS. He is extremely supportive of students’ goals and guiding them to reach them in realistic ways. In his lectures and discussions, he always relates class material to the real world and how we can use tips and tricks that he provides to us to succeed in future situations that we will all experience, such as a job interview or how to move up the ladder of a company. I love him as a professor and would highly recommend that any student take his class if they have the chance.

What advice would you give your high school self about choosing a major, campus involvement, or choosing a college/university?

If I were in high school, I would tell myself to choose a major that I really enjoy and can envision myself working in for the rest of my adult life. As far as finding the perfect college or university, do more research and look around at other schools. Choosing the right place is important so that there isn’t the chance of transferring and going back to square one.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies, and public relations double major

Photos by:
Jabreeah Holmes, senior radio/TV/film major

Leadership #PROFspective: Gabrielle Magbalon, President of Rowan Philippine American Coalition

Gabrielle sitting outside.

Today we feature Gabrielle Magbalon, a leader at Rowan University. Gabrielle is a junior Radio/TV/Film major from Lindenwold, NJ (Camden County). She tells us about her time at Rowan and experience being a leader. This story is part of a series spotlighting campus leaders during Women’s History Month.  What is your role in your organization? […]

Leadership #PROFspective: Photography Club President Jill Taylor

Jill poses with three cameras next to a fountain.

Today we speak to Jill Taylor, president of the Photography Club. Jill is a junior Biological Sciences major with a concentration in Environmental Sciences and minors in Environmental Engineering and Chemistry. Jill is a first-generation college student and commutes to campus from Fortescue, NJ (Cumberland County).

This story is part of a series spotlighting campus leaders during Women’s History Month. 

Jill poses next to a fountain at the Engineering Pond on campus.

What is your role in your organization? Briefly describe what your organization does. 

I am the president and founding member of Rowan’s Photography Club, which you can join by joining our Discord. You can also find us on Instagram @rowanphotoclub. I do a little bit of everything. I do a lot of the planning and delegating between Eboard members, general members and SGA, taking notes and planning future things, trying to see what the club can do in the future. The biggest thing I do is trying to encourage people to join or participate in the club.

Photography is so universal and is for everyone. We want to cultivate the photography and model and visual arts type of scene at Rowan because there is such an interest. We didn’t want to limit the club to just photographers, we also wanted to include models and graphic designers. At general meetings, we view and vote on photos submitted for the themed photography contests we have each week. Whoever won the previous contest picks the theme for the next contest. Sometimes we critique the photos and tell the photographers what they might do better next time. We have also been trying to integrate Kahoot and Jeopardy into our meetings so that our members can learn more about photography.

We have many beginners in our club, and we try to teach them as much as we can, help them figure out what they want to do and also be as inclusive as possible. One day, we will be able to all practice photography together. 

What have you learned in your role as a leader?

I have learned that assuming responsibility is not always what you think it is. We have this idea of what a leader should be, which is someone who is in charge and tells us what to do dominantly. I think leadership requires a different approach, where you say what has to be done, but also are more flexible and empathetic, especially to be an outstanding leader that someone should look up to. I’ve seen too many more male people in positions of power with no emotional aspect of leadership and have toxic masculinity and sexism. Empathy is the most important thing, you can have all the power in the world if you don’t care about the people around you, it’s not worth it. 

Jill adjusts her camera settings.

What’s your favorite memory as a leader or at Rowan in general? 

Starting the Photography Club and finding people who are just as passionate as I am is a great memory. There are people who trust me, even though I think I don’t know what I’m doing. The vibe is totally different.

Who inspires you and why? 

I draw a lot of inspiration from many people and a lot of literature, but if I had to pick one person, it would be Barbara Dunkelman. She is a social media personality actor and model who pushes for empathy and a deeper understanding of each other and being a better person. She gives advice, and none of it is too serious. She discusses very serious topics, but she can throw in a terrible dad joke or keep it lighthearted. 

Jill looks off into the distance while sitting on Bunce Hall's steps.

What’s the most significant barrier to women today? 

I think it’s the idea of what a woman should be. Women are often expected to be very effeminate and nurturing, and we can empower them until it comes to taking charge and having leadership roles. The characterization of women is very one-dimensional, especially in media and day-to-day conversations.

What advice would you give to the next generation of leaders? 

I think you should be as compromising as you can until there is a topic where you don’t think you can yield and don’t be as open and as forthcoming with new ideas and advice from others. If there is something you refuse to budge on, don’t. Don’t put up with it. If it’s your belief, dig your heels into the ground and stand up for what you believe in, unless it has the potential to hurt other people. Hold up your boundaries, but also don’t be so closed off where you are hindering your own ideas. 

Jill takes a photo in the woods.

As long as people are not waiting for the next person to just do something and they just do something themselves. Don’t put something off when you can do it and take charge, which is a scary leap of faith and a big jump. But if it’s something you want, just take it. 

Like what you see?


Story by:
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major and Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies, and public relations double major

Photography by: 
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major


Leadership #PROFspective: Eliya Bravo, Inspiring Community Action and Change

Bravo speaking into a horn.

Today we feature first-generation college student Eliya Bravo, a leader at Rowan University. Bravo is the founder and president of the Women of Color Alliance and vice president for both the Students For Caribbean Awareness and Rowan Universities Club Swim Team. Bravo is also the public relations rep for the United Latinos Association and a […]

Leadership #PROFspective: Shivani Shah, Cofounder Of South Asian Students Association (SASA)

Shivani sits in an academic building on campus.

Today we feature Shivani Shah, a leader at Rowan University. Shivani is cofounder of South Asian Students Association (SASA) and currently serves as its copresident. Shivani is a junior, first-generation college student from Egg Harbor Township, NJ (Atlantic County). She majors in Biochemistry and has a minor in Psychology. This story is part of a […]

Leadership #PROFspective: Ayanna Johnson on Speaking Up as a Woman in Sports

Ayanna sits down and leans against a bench on campus.
Ayanna wearing a yellow dress while posing against a tree.

Today, we speak with Ayanna Johnson, captain of the Women’s Basketball Team and an active member of We Are One Team, Social Justice Action Committee, and Rowan Athletics’ OWL (Outstanding Women Leaders) Group. Ayanna is an Environmental & Sustainability Studies (ESS) major from Ewing, NJ (Mercer County). 

This story is part of a series spotlighting campus leaders during Women’s History Month. 

What is your role in your organizations? What do your organizations do? 

We are One Team gives a voice to those in sports who are not always recognized and uses the power of sports to unify people. What’s special about sports is it unites people who all come from different backgrounds and walks of life and they have the same love for the game. It really represents who we are. We are activists, we care about social justice. We’re more than just athletes. I’m an athlete representative for the club. I speak for panels that they want to have an athlete representative for. I’m very involved in my team and the club!

(OWL) Group is Outstanding Women Leaders. It’s really about empowering women in sports and shedding light on women’s sports because it’s so underrepresented and under-publicized. It’s about leadership in women’s sports and how to be good to other women as a woman. I really love that club because it sheds light on issues that need to be brought to light. As athletes, we’re already in a man’s world.

I’m also a member of Social Justice Action. I’m not on the e-board, but you don’t always have to be the one out there and organizing things. As long as you can be there and have your voice heard, there’s a lot of value in that.

    Ayanna wearing a Rowan Basketball shirt.

    What have you learned in your role as a leader? 

    I’ve learned that your impact on people is way bigger than you realize. When you talk to that [first-year student], they will probably remember that conversation for the entirety of their college career. Just doing small things can change people’s lives more than you know.

    I need to realize how small acts of kindness can make a difference in people’s lives and just speaking up. If everybody felt like their voice didn’t matter, that’s what the people who want to keep you silent want you to feel like. Once you have knowledge and education about things, that’s power.

    Knowledge is power. When you’re educated about something, you can recognize when something isn’t right. When you’re used to being ignorant about things, you want even recognize injustice. So, I take every opportunity to educate myself on history. 

    What’s your favorite memory as a leader or at Rowan in general?

    Hands down, winning the NJAC (NJ Athletic Conference) championships! In 2019-2020, we beat Montclair who has won the conference for the past 10 years. We came back from being down and we won. I ended being the defensive player of the year and broke two records that year! 

    Who inspires you and why? 

    A lot of people inspire me. My little sister inspires me a lot because she’s one of those kids that is good at everything, and she looks up to me a lot. I have to do what I can to be a good role model for her. I know my little sister will root for me, just being able to see her blossom. I just love her so much. How she views me as a good big sister, makes me want to be that. I struggle a lot with self-confidence but I love both of my sisters so much. Your siblings see your whole life. You go through all the ups and downs with your siblings!

    Ayanna wearing a yellow dress while sitting on a bench and smiling.

    What’s the most significant barrier to women today? 

    Knowing that there’s a problem. In 2021, a lot of people are complacent with the way things are. There’s still discrimination and things we need to fight for. If we’re not educated about that, and still don’t see there’s still a problem, then we won’t fight it. If you think racism and sexism is a thing of the past, you’re never going to realize what you’re facing is injustice. 

    What advice would you give to the next generation of leaders? 

    Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to have your own opinions. Just because the majority feels this way doesn’t mean you do. If you feel like you should speak up about something, speak up about it! There   are probably other people who are hiding and feel the same way. If you’re brave, you’re probably being brave for so many other people who didn’t have the courage to say the thing you said. 

    Is there anything else you would like to share?

    Take care of your mental health. It impacts your whole life. It’s something I struggle with, it impacts sports a lot. It impacts everything. Just because you’re physically healthy doesn’t mean you’re mentally healthy. There’s a lot of stigma around it, and it’s something I’m really passionate about.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

    Photos by:
    Joe Gentempo, senior art major

    Leadership #PROFspective: Catherine Nguyen, Cofounder of Rowan Vietnamese Student Association

    Catherine against a railing at Bunce.

    Today we feature Catherine Nguyen, a leader at Rowan University. From Washington Township, NJ (Morris County), Catherine majors in Biological Sciences and minors in Chemistry, Sociology and Thomas Bantivoglio Honors Concentration. She talks about her experience with the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) and overall experience as a student leader. This story is part of a series spotlighting campus […]

    7 History Majors Share How Their Degree Supports Their Professional Goals

    Raymond standing outside.

    “This major supports my professional goal of being a teacher and continuing to give back to my community and my country. I am excited to see where my dual major takes me,” says junior Frank Gurcsik, a History and Education major from Gloucester County. “My major has been helping me to prepare and become an educator […]

    Beyond the Classroom: Woman in Business, Management and Marketing Major Lexi Jubin

    Lexi standing in a wooded area near Rowan Hall on campus.

    Junior Lexi Jubin from Monroe Township in Middlesex County, NJ shares her experience about being a woman in business. She is a Management and Marketing major with a certificate of undergraduate study in Entrepreneurial and Independent Media.

    Lexi Jubin’s calendar is filled with office hours, events and leadership meetings. Her extracurricular involvement is extensive, as she is a Resident Assistant in Mimosa Hall, the Marketing Director of Student University Programmers (SUP), a part of the American Marketing Association, the Society for Advancement of Management, and has an outside internship at Soccer Therapy NYC. It’s safe to say that Lexi is taking advantage of the opportunities provided at Rowan. 

    Lexi outside on campus.

    When Lexi was asked about her experience being a woman in a predominantly male field, she shared her honest feedback. “Most of my classes have male students, so the women are usually outnumbered. I definitely notice a difference when we are in virtual breakout rooms. I feel like sometimes I have to stand my ground and talk over people, but I always make sure my voice is heard. That’s one of the reasons I am so involved; I try to let my knowledge and experience speak for itself so I don’t need to prove anything to anyone.”

    Lexi stands in front of the entrance to Business Hall.

    Lexi talks fondly about one of her favorite professors, Dr. Guner, who is the head of the marketing department at Rowan. “Dr. Guner is an example of another strong woman in business. She can easily hold the attention of the class because she’s so outspoken and interesting and carries herself so well. She is such a role model for me. 

    As you could’ve probably guessed, Lexi has some big goals after graduation. “My ultimate goal is to work in marketing for national aquariums or to have my own small businesses. I would also love to help other small businesses compete by doing their digital marketing for them,” Lexi says.

    She adds that Rowan has given her the tools to achieve those goals. “My experiences as a student employee have helped me so much. I’ve learned communication skills, flexibility, time management, and most importantly: confidence. Given the opportunity to head the marketing for Student University Programmers (SUP) shows me I have the ability to lead a team as well as demonstrate marketing practices.”

    Her coursework has also given her some great opportunities. “In the Rohrer College of Business, we are required to attend networking events. This allows me to expand my connections and gives me a chance to update my LinkedIn profile.” 

    Lexi stands on the steps in the Business Hall lobby.

    Lexi shares some powerful advice to other women who want to enter the field of business. She says “you deserve respect, you deserve to be heard, and you deserve to be there.” 

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

    Photography by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

    #PROFspective: Junior Athletic Training Major Jocelyn Reuben

    Drone shot of Route 322 portion of campus.

    Jocelyn Reuben, a junior transfer student from Burlington Township, is an Athletic Training major with a minor in Spanish. She is very involved on campus and is a part of Improfs, Black Cultural League, and the Athletic Training Club. Here is a little bit about her Rowan experience thus far! 

    Tell us about one club, organization, or group of friends that make you feel like Rowan is home.

    My friends Keyanna Meade, Keianna Williams, Alex Brown, Rob Brown, Reena Patel and Liam O’Brien have made me feel like Rowan has been home since the day I step foot on campus. Keyanna Meade is my childhood best friend who transferred here; meanwhile, I met my other friends through being an RA and Rowan’s ASPIRE Leadership Development Program. They all inspire me to get out of my comfort zone and try new things. Furthermore, their dedication to education makes me work harder so we can thrive together. They have each been a part of the reason I’m glad I came to Rowan.

    Jocelyn smiles, stands by a staircase inside an academic building.

    Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you?

    Last year, during Black History Month, Black Cultural League hosted a Speakeasy Night with [Rowan After Hours]. It was the most amazing event I had ever been to on campus. The Pit transformed into the well-known “Cotton Club” and even required a password to get in. Once inside, host, Treasure Cary was dressed perfectly to fit the 1920s theme and she looked amazing. The event had an open mic, a live jazz band, card games, and a raffle. It was nice to see Black talent showcased and celebrated.

    I was debating going on stage because I was nervous and my phone battery was on 5% (all my poems were on my phone). This girl next to me gave me her charger without asking questions and once I had at least 20% I mustered up the courage to perform an original poem of mine and was met with so much love and support from the audience and the people who organized the event. I gave her the charger right back and thanked her. She said it was no problem and even complimented my poem. I had only wished I dressed up for the occasion.

    A candid photo of of Jocelyn.

    What’s your favorite thing about one typical day at Rowan for you?

    Every day at Rowan you can meet someone or learn something new. There is always an opportunity on campus to network with other students and even faculty, and I learn new things in and out of the classroom setting at Rowan.

    What is one thing about Rowan that was a happy surprise for you?

    A happy surprise for me was definitely the Student Mental Health Conference. Mental Health is such an important issue/topic, it’s good of Rowan to allow students to share their stories and talk about them openly in a safe environment. I especially like that it was mostly student-led. “For students by students.” I had the pleasure of presenting at the conference two years in a row.

    Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a professor or staff member in which you felt like they truly cared about your wellbeing.

    Mrs. Laurie Dwyer, my academic advisor, is amazing! She’s definitely cared about me and my well-being on numerous occasions. When I transferred to Rowan she made the process easy and painless. Although I was a transfer, she helped me get right on track with all the requirements and classes I had to complete to even be eligible to apply to the Athletic Training Program.

    She has always pushed me to be better academically and encourages me when I would get insecure about taking some of the harder classes in my major. I know she is the advisor for hundreds of students so for her to always show so much patience and care for me … I appreciate her for always having my best interest at heart. Even when I told her that I wanted to do a Spanish minor and it seemed like there was no room in my schedule to do so, she came up with a plan that allowed me to finish it right on time before it would possibly interfere with my Athletic Training classes. In short, I would not be as focused and prepared without her.

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    Story by:
    Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

    How the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication Will Benefit Rowan Students

    Two Rowan students stand in front of 301 High St.

    Today we speak to Dr. Julie Haynes, director of the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Rowan University. Dr. Haynes is also a professor of Communication Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies. Dr. Haynes, along with two students who intern at the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts, tell us how the Center will benefit Rowan students.

    A portrait of Dr. Julie Haynes, the director of the Center for the Advancement of Women.
    Dr. Julie Haynes, director of the Center for the Advancement of Women.

    Can you tell me a bit about how the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Rowan University came to be?

    “The Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Rowan University is an affiliate of The Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University. The Kopenhaver Center was founded in 2012 by Dr. Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver, who currently serves as its executive director.

    “Dr. Kopenhaver graduated from Glassboro State College in 1962 and continues to be active at Rowan. She has been instrumental in several recent initiatives on campus, including The Dr. Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for Alumni Engagement in Shpeen Hall as well as the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Career Resource Library in Savitz Hall.

    “Dean Sanford Tweedie, the Dean of the Ric Edelman College of Communication of Creative Arts, discussed the possibility of creating an affiliate center for women in communication at Rowan with Dr. Kopenhaver. He approached me about directing it, and I was thrilled. We launched the Center in October. Although our initial plans were to launch in spring 2020, COVID, like in so many areas, presented challenges, so we pivoted to more virtual opportunities in the fall.” 

    Can you tell me about the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication?

    According to Dr. Julie Haynes, “The mission of the Center is to promote advancements for women, and gender equity overall, in communication industries and academia. We highlight career and internship opportunities for students and provide networking events while serving as a thought leadership center on gender equity in communication for southern New Jersey. We work collaboratively with the Kopenhaver Center to advance these initiatives across our campuses and across the country.”

    A Zoom screenshot of "A Level Playing Field: Female Leaders in Sports Communication", a virtual workshop the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication held.
    A screenshot on Zoom of “A Level Playing Field: Female Leaders in Sports Communication,” a virtual workshop hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication.

    How do you feel that the Center has helped students at Rowan?

    “We just launched in October, but I feel that we are already starting to help students at Rowan. We provide students with opportunities to get involved in internships within the Center. I have students working on my social media and website that are students. We also give students opportunities to network with professionals and potentially find internships through our virtual workshops. Our inaugural event was “100 Years of Speaking through the Ballot: Women and Political Communication.” Students were able to hear about women in politics and political communication from E. Michele Ramsey, a professor at Penn State, Berks, and Heather Simmons, a Gloucester County Freeholder and director of University Business Relations at Rowan. We also held a program on Women in Sports Communication as well, with speakers Gail Dent from the NCAA and Marisabel Muñoz from Major League Soccer & Soccer United Marketing.

    “In April we’re holding an event on working in museums and public spaces with a communication degree. One of the speakers for that event, Julissa Marenco, is the Chief Marketing Officer at the Smithsonian Institution and a 1997 RadioTV/Film graduate of Rowan. She has also sent me information on how to get a paid internship at the Smithsonian for students. Our goal is to expose students to different speakers from a variety of communication backgrounds and provide them with networking opportunities. In the future, we also plan to have a student club.

    “In addition to our events, students have also been able to take advantage of programs offered through the Kopenhaver Center at Florida International University (FIU). We have been excited to collaborate with them on these workshops. For example, the Kopenhaver Center held a virtual workshop on starting your own communication business in January, which featured a southern New Jersey public relations firm owner, Laura Bishop. Bishop currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts and is a member of the Leadership Council for Rowan’s Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication. It has been rewarding and so interesting to work together on creating events, and the feedback from attendees and students has been extremely positive. Once the pandemic is over, I will be able to take selected students to FIU for the Kopenhaver Center’s annual conference as well.”

    Jessica poses outside of the 260 Victoria building.
    Jessica Newell, an intern for the Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts

    How do students feel about the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication and its benefits and future benefits to students?

    According to Jessica Newell, an intern for the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts that works with the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, “The Center serves as a networking hub for students, scholars, and industry professionals in the various communication-related fields. Our events showcase female leaders and seek to demonstrate how a solid background of communication skills will help you thrive in any path you take. For students, like myself, seeing these female role models inspires me to pursue leadership roles in my own future. I think students also benefit from seeing the breadth of career possibilities in the field of communication, some of which may not be immediately obvious.” Jessica is a junior Communication Studies major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County). Jessica also minors in Spanish and Women’s and Gender Studies, and holds an Honors Concentration.

    “It is so inspiring to see the Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Rowan University putting gender equity at the forefront of its agenda,” says Sarah McCabe, a junior Public Relations and Advertising double major from Mantua, NJ (Gloucester County) with an Honors Concentration who also interns for the college. 

    “As a female Public Relations student at Rowan, I am always looking for ways to create connections with powerful leaders in the field, especially leading women in communication. The new Center offers students just that, with virtual workshops and events featuring different professional communicators each month. I am so glad to see the Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts recognizing and empowering women’s voices.” 

    Sarah McCabe, one of the interns for the Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts.
    Sarah McCabe, an intern for the Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts

    How has COVID affected your plans for the Center?

    “Launching in the midst of COVID has been challenging, but there have been some excellent opportunities created by it and the overall shift in virtual communication. We have been able to have virtual workshops with people from all over the country who might otherwise not be able to visit campus in person. While we certainly can’t wait until we can be together in person, we are excited to be able to provide such excellent opportunities for our students and the entire Rowan community. “

    Like what you see?


    Story and photo of Jessica by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    All other photos provided by:
    Sarah McCabe, junior public relations and advertising double major

    7 Economics Majors Share Their Professional Goals

    Student reading a Rowan flyer at the Business Hall

    Seven students in the Economics program share with us how they’re dreaming big and where their major will take them in their professional goals. “My long-term professional dream goal is to be able to apply my knowledge of economics and business alongside my personal interests to find a career path best fitting for me,” says […]

    Black #PROFspective: Junior Sports Communication and Media Major Zai Smith

    Outdoor photo of track at football field.

    Today we speak to Zai Smith, a junior Sports Communication and Media major with a concentration in Sports Journalism from Trenton, NJ (Mercer County). Zai is a transfer student from Virginia State University and lives on campus.

    Thank you to Tatianna Addison, senior communications studies major from Browns Mills, NJ (Burlington County), for this series idea to honor Black students during Black History Month. 

    What is your student experience here at Rowan, as a Black student at a Primarily White Institution?

    My experience at Rowan as a Black student isn’t bad at all. I didn’t expect certain things that I’ve experienced. I feel supported by my peers and my professors, alongside my advisor.

    How did you find your friend group here at Rowan?

    My friend group came from the track team.

    Zai Smith smiles, wears sunglasses while in front of a door.

    How would you describe inclusion? 

    In my opinion, it’s kind of seen as “human rights.”

    What advice would you give to a Black high school student considering your major here at Rowan?

    Just go hard, reach for the stars, because nobody will get in your way and in your head more than you will.

    What are your professional goals?

    I want to become a famous writer because I love to write, and I have quite a story to tell. I also want to own my own business.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    Header photo by:
    Anthony Paisley, senior history major

    Black History Facts All Students Should Know

    "Black History Month" written in colorful letters.

    Today we speak to Rowan students from three different colleges who share insight on key moments in Black history and suggest books and movies to learn more. 

    “Black History Month originally began as Negro History Week, created by Carter G. Woodson in 1926. It only became Black History Month in 1976 when President Gerald Ford called for the public to ‘seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.’ The month of February also coincided with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.” 

    Gregory Williams, a freshman Dance major from South River, NJ (Middlesex County) is a resident on campus at Magnolia Hall. Gregory says he learned about Black history mostly through social media and his own research online. He recommends students read “Stamped from the Beginning” by Ibram X. Kendi or view the movies “Selma,” “13th” and “Harriet” to educate themselves about Black history. 

    Gregory poses outside the student center in a Rowan sweatshirt.
    Gregory Williams

    “Jack Johnson became the first African American to be a world heavyweight champion.”

    Latiesha Small, a freshman Biological Sciences and Mathematics double major from Matawan, NJ (Monmouth County), is a resident on campus at Evergreen Hall. Latiesha says she learned about Black history from her family. 

    Latiesha poses at a table.
    Latiesha Small

    “Before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus, there was a young girl named Claudette Colvin who refused first.”

    Jamar Green, a junior Law & Justice Studies major with an Africana Studies minor, is from Linden, NJ (Union County). Jamar transferred to Rowan from Union County College and is a resident on campus at 230 Victoria. He is a first-generation college student. Jamar says he learned about Black history by researching. “I was always told by my grandfather if you want to know your history you have to learn it for yourself, so I read articles, books and watched videos, documentaries and movies.” A book that he recommends for students to educate themselves about Black history is “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” by Frederick Douglass.

    Jamar Green sits and smiles, wearing a red vest.
    Jamar Green

    Like what you see?


    Story and photo of Gregory by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    Photo of Latiesha provided by:
    Latiesha Small, freshman biological Sciences and mathematics double major

    Photo of Jamar provided by:
    Jamar Green, junior law and justice studies major

    Header photo courtesy of:

    #PROFspective: Junior Biochemistry Major, Student-Athlete Caitlyn Cordell

    Catie poses, sitting on a bench.

    Today we speak to Caitlyn Cordell, a junior Biochemistry major with a Psychology minor from Middletown, Delaware. Caitlyn is a first-generation college student who lives off-campus. 

    Catie poses in front of a brick wall wearing a Rowan soccer shirt.

    What is a typical Rowan day for you?

    I typically start with breakfast, go to class anytime from 9:30-1:45, eat a snack between classes, I have soccer practice starting at 2, then I eat some dinner and do homework. After that, I will watch a movie or hang out with some friends if I am caught up on my work.

    Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?

    One time I felt inspired that my major was right for me was when I got accepted into a research program at Cooper Hospital. I felt like all my classes had prepared me well and I made the right decision.

    Catie poses by the Campbell Library wearing a Rowan soccer shirt.

    Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?

    I was really excited to be living on campus for the first time, to make new friends, and study subjects I was interested in. I think my professors did a really great job of being accepting and creating a comfortable environment in their classrooms. This allowed me to connect with other students in the class easier and I made some of my best friends because of that welcoming feeling.

    What are your professional goals?

    I want to go to medical school and become a physician.

    Catie poses outside wearing a Rowan soccer shirt.

    How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?

    The science department has prepared me for my medical school exam and given me an excellent foundation of knowledge. The Pre-Health Society at Rowan has been a very beneficial club, the meetings help keep me on track for success. They also host cool workshops on topics such as vital signs, suturing, or getting to view and touch different brains.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    Photos by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    Black #PROFspective: Junior Law and Justice Studies and Africana Studies Double Major Jamar Green

    Drone shot view of Campbell Library and Savitz Hall.

    Today we speak with Jamar Green, a junior double major in Law and Justice Studies and Africana Studies from Linden, NJ (Union County). Jamar, who transferred to Rowan from Union County College, is a first-generation college student. Jamar lives on-campus at 230 Victoria.

    Thank you to Tatianna Addison, senior communications studies major from Browns Mills, NJ (Burlington County), for this series idea to honor Black students during Black History Month. 

    What is your student experience here at Rowan like, as a Black student at a PWI (Predominantly White Institution)?

    I feel that going to a PWI will better benefit me. The experience I have had so far at Rowan had been on the positive side. I do feel included at Rowan. In both of my majors, I feel like they support Black students well.

    Jamar Green sits and smiles, wearing a red vest.

    How did you find your friend group here at Rowan?

    The way I found my friend group at Rowan was by joining clubs and a transfer group chat when I first attended.

    Are you involved with Black Rowan?

    Yes, I am. I am on the executive board for the African Student Association and the NAACP chapter.

    What advice would you give to a Black high school student considering your major here at Rowan?

    Be ready to work hard and don’t give up no matter what anyone says. It’s not a field they want to see us in, but a field they’re going to need us in if they want to see change.

    What are your professional goals?

    I want to become a criminal defense attorney.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    3 Environment and Sustainability Studies Majors Share What Excites Them About Their Major

    Photo of trees.

    Today, we speak to three Environment and Sustainability Studies majors from Rowan’s School of Earth and Environment about what gets them excited about their major.

    Selfie of Joanna.

    “I want to say that I am making a difference or at least attempting to. I am an environmental and sustainability major and there are a lot of issues revolving around that topic. I do want to make the world a better place,” says Joanna Janowski, a junior from Livingston, NJ (Essex County) who transferred to Rowan from Montclair State University. 

    Selfie of Madison.

    “The fact that there are all these ways to be sustainable in the world and we can all contribute to living in a sustainable world excites me. Also, how we can change the world to apply to all walks of life,” says Madison Kerr, a junior with a minor in Sustainable Built Environments from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County) and transfer student from Rowan College of Burlington County. 

    Headshot of Gabby Davis.

    “How incredibly relevant it always will be. Cities are constantly growing, changing and evolving. They are living things that need constant attention. Knowing that I have to keep educating myself and can never be complacent in my field of study is exciting,” says Gabby Davis, a senior double major in ESS and Community and Environmental Planning with a CUGS in Food Systems Planning. Gabby, who transferred from from Montclair State University, lives in Manahawkin, NJ (Ocean County).

    Like what you see?


    Story by: Bianca Torres, Senior, Music Industry major

    Header image courtesy of:

    Lifting Black Creative Voices

    Desi smiles outside on campus.

    Today we are highlighting Black students who major in creative fields at Rowan University. Each share insight on being a Black student in a major/field where there is not strong representation and tell us where they are headed in their professional careers.

    Jabreeah smiling and wearing a grey Rowan sweatshirt with a burnt orange jacket.

    “I really didn’t have an insight being a Black student coming from a predominantly white high school; however, when I got to college I was able to express myself about my views. In terms of my professional goals, I want to work behind the scenes in movies.” – Jabreeah Holmes, senior Radio/TV/Film major, Camden, NJ

    Check out some of Jabreeah’s work on her YouTube channel.

    An artistic photo of Giovanna with a halo over her head.

    “Since Black women artists are not predominant in the art field nor get the representation that they deserve, it motivates me to stand out and make work that’s unique or different. Also, to make work that responds to Black issues and beauty. For my professional goals, I’m still debating about that. Right now, I’m considering a career in the museum field like a museum archivist, a curator or a crime scene technician in the forensic/ law and justice field.” – Giovanna Eley, senior Art major with a minor in Law and Justice and CUGS: Forensic Studies, transfer student from Rutgers Camden,  Plainfield, NJ (Union County)

    Check out Giovanna’s portfolio here: https://giovannaeley.com

    Sabrea posing for a photo on the beach.

    “It feels really good to be who I am and be a part of this field that I think is also teaching me more and more of who I am. I was mainly the only Black person in my writing courses, there were maybe one to two more if that. My professional goals are to just write, to be happy in doing so, I hope to maybe get a book published of a selection of pieces I have written! Maybe even submitting a script to a production company!” – Sabrea Bishop of Newark, NJ (Essex County), junior, first-generation college student, Writing Arts (Creative Writing) major, transfer from Albright College, PA 

    Check out Sabrea’s work here

    Daija posing outside the student center while wearing a furry black coat.

    “It gets a bit lonely, especially walking into a class and being able to count the Black students in the room on one hand. But with that it mind, it keeps me determined to make sure other Black creatives feel comfortable enough to be in the room in the first place. I feel as though creative fields aren’t taken as seriously, but people are always enjoying new books and shows and pieces of art. So, I feel as though by being confident in myself in my creative life, I can be an inspiration for others to actually go for their creative craft, instead of pushing it away because of fear. My professional goals are to write movies, books, and possibly television shows for people to enjoy. I also want to create different forms of art like paintings and sculptures and have my work displayed in galleries all over.” – Daija McNeil, junior, first generation college student, Studio Art major with a minor in Creative Writing, Willingboro, NJ (Burlington County)

    See Daija’s artwork here.

    Read Daija’s written piece, “A Love Letter To Black Women,” here.

    Desi sitting outside the student center holding her book.

    “It’s definitely difficult, when I come to class I am either the only Black student or it may be me or maybe two others, never more than five. In any field you want to see a model to follow and it’s hard when you have to be your own model. In terms of professional goals, I have so many; however, the one related to this field would be to start my own production company.”  – Desi Jones, junior Radio/TV/Film major, transfer from Camden County College, Camden County, NJ

    Check out and purchase Desi’s book “Daily Dose of Desi, A Year of Light, Love, and Inspiration” here

    Bryce outside the Campbell library wearing a yellow and black jacket.

    “The writing industry is no stranger at all to minorities, but Blacks are rarely highlighted in that field. I think a part of that is due to both the immutable nature of the industry and Blacks being unaware of how much they can benefit from having a career in creative fields. I feel that Black students are the perfect participants for writing arts by the simple fact that we don’t go through the same experiences as everyone (even ourselves) and have a different view on life than most others. While I’m currently a freelance writer for an online publication (Screen Rant), I plan to expand my writing to an even greater professional level with my ultimate goal of working on a TV series or film.” – Bryce Morris, junior Writing Arts major, Trenton, NJ (Mercer County)

    Read one of Bryce’s published pieces here

    A selfie of Mya.

    “I feel like there’s a different type of pressure. I personally feel like I have to be better and focus more in order to do what. One reason I wasn’t interested in doing broadcasting was my hair. I didn’t want to have to wear it straight or certain way to look “professional.” I find it difficult on how to be myself yet also “professional” because the second you might sound rude you have an “attitude” or maybe you talk “too loud” and now you’re considered the loud Black girl with an attitude. For my professional goals, I hope to become a magazine writer, focusing on music!” – Mya Calderon, junior, first-generation college student, Journalism major with a minor in Psychology from Hanley Falls, Minnesota

    A selfie of Khadijah.

    “For my professional goals, I want to be a freelance concept artist for a video game one day. But I also want to make and direct on my projects and hopefully be financially stable. Some advice for Black high school students going into creative majors: Make sure you build your portfolio and be aware that traditional pieces are a must have when trying to get into the art program. Make sure you bring at least two traditional art pieces for your review! This was a hard pill for me to swallow when I first did an art portfolio review, and I only drew cute anime-inspired chibis. But trust me, your hard work will pay off! Cartoony/semi-realism stuff is okay to add too! If you do digital, I recommend coming in with a time-lapse of your workflow process on a tablet/laptop to show! Also, don’t listen to cynical individuals saying you drawing anime and character art, won’t get you a job. Sure, the market is competitive but there are plenty of art jobs out there looking for different art styles of all sorts! Anime included! Make sure you do your research!” – Khadijah Owens of Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County), junior Art major working toward a dual major in Art Education, transfer from Rowan College at Gloucester County.

    Check out some of Khadijah’s work here.  

    Like what you see?


    Story by: Bianca Torres, senior Music Industry major

    Photography not submitted by: Jabreeah Holmes, senior Radio/TV/Film major and Joe Gentempo, senior Art major

    6 Geology Majors Share Their Long-Term Career Goals

    Kayla and her friend talking about a fossil.

    Today, we ask six Geology majors about where they would like to see themselves long-term. “To be a paleontologist and either be a college professor or a museum curator. I want to focus on either paleoneurology or paleopathologies,” says junior Kayla Bagley, a Geology major with a concentration in Paleontology and a transfer from Ocean […]

    7 Students Share Why They Like Magnolia and Chestnut

    Exterior shot of Chestnut Hall.

    Two of Rowan’s on-campus residence halls, Magnolia and Chestnut, have a lot to offer. We spoke to a few of the residents to see what they like about living there. 

    Leena Nesby, a freshman resident at Chestnut, says: “I like Chestnut because the lake is just outside my window, so I like my view. I like that it is really close to Holly [Pointe Commons], which is where my friends and I go to eat a lot of the time. I do like the courtyard, the benches and all the bike racks night there.” Leena is a Nutrition major from Tabernacle, NJ (Burlington County).

    A selfie of Leena.

    Griffin Roughgarden, a freshman Entrepreneurship major from Caldwell, NJ (Essex County), says that Chestnut is a quiet place to sleep, study and live.

    Griffin poses in front of Chestnut.

    Christopher Maestoso, a freshman Exploratory Studies major from Fairfield, NJ (Essex County), says that Chestnut is the perfect temperature once the heat of summer passes.  

    Christopher poses in front of Chestnut.

    Amanda Holzlein, a junior Human Resource Management major from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County) and a Resident Assistant at Chestnut, says that it feels like home. 

    Amanda poses in front of Chestnut.

    Bryce McMaster, a freshman Explorartory Studies major from Southampton, NJ (Burlington County) and a resident of Magnolia, says that he likes that he only has to share his bathroom with three other residents and that he has his own room, which he really likes. 

    Bryce poses in front of Magnolia.

    Andrew Mercurio, a freshman Music Education – Instrumental from Kendall Park, NJ (Middlesex County) and a resident at Magnolia Hall, says he likes that it sits right in the middle of where all his classes are and Rowan Boulevard. He likes that convenience.

    Andrew poses in front of Magnolia Hall.

    Samuel Poku, a freshman Music Industry major from Old Bridge, NJ (Middlesex County), says: “The main reasons why I do like living at Chestnut are because it is a very cozy environment and quiet. Even though it is an older dorm it still has a great the environment with the people in and around it. I like the location, too, because it is between everything and easy to find everything. The Resident Assistants also do a very good job and make sure students are safe.”

    Like what you see? 


    Story and photography by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major and Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    First student photo courtesy of Lena Nesby

    The Path to Finding My Major: Junior Kayla Tucker

    Today’s story is by Kayla Tucker, a junior Public Relations major from Bordentown, NJ (Burlington County). She lives on campus at 220 Rowan Boulevard. Kayla writes about her experience picking a major at Rowan. 

    When it was time for me to come to Rowan, I thought I had everything figured out as far as my major was concerned, but boy was I wrong. In my first semester, I started out as a marketing major. It did not take very long for me to figure out that a major pretty heavily based on mathematics was not going to be a good fit for someone like me. So, I began my journey to find my happily ever after. 

    Kayla poses at an event.

    Something that I feel like most high school students could use help with is finding a major during their search for colleges. At the high school I attended, we had very little assistance when it came to finding a major and or a career path. Most of the heavy lifting fell on the students. This being the case, I started to look for jobs and careers that typically make a lot of money, and at the very least, I knew I wanted to be in the business field. I thought I had found a career that played to my strengths when I had discovered marketing but did not do enough research on the courses required for the degree. 

    Kayla poses outside of the student center.

    I have always been interested in the creative side of things and struggled with anything numeric. When I got to campus as a marketing major and looked at the classes provided by my advisor, I was hopeful that my semester would go well. I knew taking classes such a micro-economics and other required math courses, I was going to be in for a wild ride. By the end of the semester, I knew that marketing just wasn’t the major for me and switched to exploratory studies. Making that switch was by far one of the best decisions I made my freshman year.

    By making that change, I was able to take the proper time to work on completing my Rowan Core classes, all while taking additional classes that piqued my interest, which lead to me finding public relations. Rowan has so many different majors out there to explore for students to find what fits them best. For me, it was public relations. After declaring PR as my new major, I began to see myself flourish academically and even socially. 

    Kayla poses in a dress.

    The best advice that I have to offer incoming students or even students who have declared a major that they feel unsure about is to major in exploratory studies. Coming to college is scary enough and then having the additional pressure to pick a major that will one day lead to your career is heavy stuff. There is nothing wrong with taking the time to find your perfect fit for a major because taking your time might be what leads you to your happily ever after.

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    Story and photos provided by:
    Kayla Tucker, junior public relations major

    Valentine’s Day Birthdays

    Red gift box with bow.

    Valentine’s Day is not reserved for strictly couples. Here are some Rowan students who feel some extra love on their birthday. 

    Mackenzie Campbell, a sophomore Law and Justice major from Great Falls, Virginia, was meant to be born on the holiday. “My mom actually had a scheduled labor for Valentine’s Day, but her water broke that morning and she had me and my twin brother naturally.” To celebrate, even though they go to different schools, Mackenzie and her brother always make it a point to call each other to wish each other a happy birthday. 

    Mackenzie Campbell sitting inside on her phone looking at the camera.

    Senior Emily Johnson, also a Law and Justice major, from Menifee, California, says holiday birthdays are common in her family. “I was born two weeks early, my sister’s birthday is two days after Christmas and my dad’s birthday falls on Easter some years!” Emily embraces the uniqueness of her special day. “Having a birthday on a holiday is unique but double the fun! I absolutely love everything heart-shaped and enjoy the traditions of Valentine’s Day! I typically celebrate my birthday on the 14th and celebrate a “Valentine’s Day” dinner with my boyfriend the following day.” 

    Emily Johnson poses for a selfie.

    Ashley Edwards, a Law and Justice major, says having a birthday on Valentine’s Day is “actually pretty nice. Haven’t come across anyone who has tried to jip me of a birthday present so that’s a good thing! The only con is that I can never make last-minute dinner plans … it’s nearly impossible.” The junior from Central Jersey came early and surprised her parents “with the most romantic gift … childbirth.”

    Ashley Edwards sitting on a couch.

    Emma Knoll, a dual major in Early Childhood Education and American Studies, embraces her unique birthdate to the fullest. “I always loved having my birthday on Valentine’s Day, even more so because I am also a twin! When I was a child, my twin and I never felt like the holiday was taking over our birthday. My parents and family always made it a point to celebrate our birthday as well as Valentine’s Day. As an adult, my boyfriend continues to shower my birthday with love and presents but still celebrating Valentine’s Day, so I get extra treated on my birthday!” The senior from Cape May County, NJ would recommend “celebrating the birthday as well as the holiday. Your birthday is something worth celebrating even if it is on a holiday!” 

    Selfie of Emma Knoll.

    Senior Anthony Sokolowski, a Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management major from Berlin, NJ (Camden County) has mixed feelings about having a birthday on Valentine’s Day. “A pro is that it’s unique since no one that I know has a birthday on a holiday, let alone Valentine’s Day, and when I was a child I sometimes got both Valentine’s cards and birthday cards at school. A con is that my birthday is on a holiday that’s meant to be about love and relationships, so I feel like that can take away from my birthday sometimes.” His advice for having a birthday on a holiday would be “to ask that person whether they enjoy having their birthday on a holiday and if they would like it to be celebrated on the day or would prefer that it be celebrated before/after.” 

    Selfie of Anthony Sokolowski in a green hoodie and glasses.

    Audry Feltner, a junior Biological Science major with a concentration in pre-med and minors in Chemistry and Spanish, is from Chesapeake, Virginia and she loves having her birthday on Valentine’s Day. “You get lots of candy when your birthday is on Valentine’s Day, mostly chocolate. When I was a kid I would walk into the store and see the Valentine’s Day stuff for sale and I would tell my mom that they were decorating for my birthday because I didn’t understand Valentine’s Day. Scheduling dates now is actually easier for me because it’s a birthday and Valentine’s.” To celebrate, Audry “usually has a birthday party just like anyone else. I’ve had a few Valentine’s Day-themed parties just because it’s easy with all the decorations in the store (pre-Covid of course).” 

    Selfie of Audry Feltner.

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    Story by:
    Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

    Black STEM Majors Share Advice for Black High School Students Interested in STEM

    Ylanda sits outside campus near Campbell Library.

    Today, we’re highlighting Black STEM majors as they share some advice on where to start when looking into STEM.

    Ylanda wearing a Rowan shirt and posing outside the Campbell Library.

    “Attend as many events as you can to meet new people that has the same interests as you and to also carry out with your interests,” says Ylanda Souffrant, a sophomore, first-generation college student and Math Education major from Trenton, NJ (Mercer County)

    Josephine wearing a lab coat and posing in the Science building.

    “It’s alright if you know you’re interested in STEM, but you don’t know what you want to do with it in life. Carefully choose the school/program you join because that is how you will position yourself and expose yourself to experiences and individuals that will guide you along your journey,” says Josephine Babatunde, a senior Biochemistry major and transfer student from Union County College (Union County, NJ).

    Dévon sitting and posing for a photo while wearing a dotted dress shirt and blue dress pants.

    “One major key of advice I would give for high school STEM students is to not give up. I know this sounds a bit cliché, but you’re going to run into many obstacles and people who try to hold you down or stop your progress, but you can’t let nothing stand in your way. The road is going to be rough and tough but like my family always used to preach to me, ‘If someone already did it, you can too,'” says DéVon Malloy, a junior, first-generation college student and Biomedical Engineering major from Hillside, NJ (Union County)

    Briana sitting and posing on the fountain stature outside Campbell Library.

    “Hold your head up high! The courses may seem rigorous and tedious, but you are more than capable. You are just as competitive as anyone else around you; don’t give up! Ask for help if you need it, take advantage of programs that cater to your major whether it is directly or indirectly correlated with the unrepresented, be sure to make connections any chance you get, and try to get some some volunteer experience in the field if possible.” — Briana Davy, junior, first-generation college student and Biological Sciences major (planning on receiving a CUGS in Spanish), Honors Concentration, transfer from RCSJ Cumberland, Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County)

    Akil leaning against the bridge and smiling outside Engineering Hall.

    “Start early. Time flies really fast and you never know what the next day will bring you. Get involved in programs, especially offered by the schools you go to, because it not only looks fantastic on your resumé but also the skills and knowledge you acquire from it goes a long way. Get involved early too, don’t be afraid of clubs and participating, and don’t be afraid to reach out to people in college now and ask questions.” — Akil DeBruhl, junior Biological Sciences major with a minor in Psychology, South Orange, NJ (Essex County)

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    Story by: Bianca Torres, senior Music Industry major

    Photography by: Stephanie Batista, sophomore Music Industry major and Joe Gentempo, Senior Art major

    #PROFspective: Junior Computer Science Major Alex Levinson

    Today we speak with Alex Levinson, a junior Computer Science major from East Windsor, New Jersey (Mercer County). He lives on-campus in the Townhouses, and he is involved with Student University Programmers, Neurodiversity Club, and Colleges Against Cancer

    Alex poses with his stocking.

    Why did you choose your major?

    I chose my major because I’ve always loved technology-related activities, and my dad was also a computer science major in college. I thought this would be the perfect major for me. I love working with technology and learning how computers work. I like learning about programming too. I might go into IT after graduating. 

    How do you feel that the clubs and activities you are involved with on-campus fulfill you?

    The clubs I am involved with, Student University Programmers, Neurodiversity Club, and Colleges Against Cancer, fulfill me because they give me a nice break from, you know, doing schoolwork, and also allows me to get to know my peers and other people on campus. 

    What would you share with a future student interested in your major?

    Computer Science is a really great major, and with how common technology is nowadays, there is so much you can do with this major and in this field. It is important to work hard in the major, but in the end, it is worth it.  

    Alex poses with an ice cream cone.

    What impact would you like to have on the world by going into your field?

    Computers and technology, in general, are so common nowadays, it feels good to help technology move forward and stay up to date with technology in the future. Also, the more I learn about computers and how they work, the more I am able to help others who may not be as proficient in technology as I am. If someone were to ask me for help with their computer, I would be able to help them fix any problems or explain how to use certain functions of their computer. 

    Is there a professor that has helped you get where you are today in your major?

    I had Professor John Manz, an adjunct professor, for a programming class. I was not very good at programming, but he explained it very well, and some of the programming concepts clicked in my brain after taking his class. 

    Alex poses outdoors.

    How was your transition to Rowan?

    My transition to Rowan was mostly good. I handled it a lot better than I thought I would, being in a whole new environment and not having my parents with me every day.  I was able to get through this by having weekly Skype sessions with my parents. There are also times where I am able to visit home, or they are able to visit me.

    Why did you choose Rowan?

    I chose Rowan because I really liked the campus. I like to compare the campus to the Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It’s not too big, not too small. It’s just right. We have a main street, which is something I wanted in a college, and Rowan Boulevard. I thought the size of Rowan was a perfect fit for me.  

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    Story by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    Photos provided by:
    Alex Levinson, junior computer science major

    International Studies Majors: My Professional Goals

    Today we speak with five International Studies majors. They tell us about their short- and long-term goals, how Rowan has prepared them for their field and how it all relates to their goals and dreams. “After graduation in the spring, I plan to go to law school. My long-term professional dream goal is to have […]

    TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Elementary Education Major Paige Smith

    Page standing behind greenery.

    Today we feature first-generation college student Paige Smith, a junior Elementary Education major from Alloway, NJ (Salem County). She is a transfer from Salem Community College, and this past fall was her first semester at Rowan. Why Rowan? I have always dreamt of going to Rowan. For the area that I live in Rowan has […]

    7 Dance Majors Share How Their Degree Supports Their Dreams and Goals

    Photo of dancer Grace Koller in an upward split.

    Shoot for the stars. Seven Dance majors share how they’re dreaming big and how their degree is going to get them there. 

    Grace dancing in a dance studio.
    Grace Koller

    “Being in a B.A. dance program gives me the opportunity to expand and customize my dance major. While I am taking dance classes weekly, I also have the opportunity to grow in my passion for business through my entrepreneurship minor. Some days I am in the dance studio all day working on my technique, and other days I am in the business building learning how to run my own business and how to create product prototypes in the lab. This degree supports my short term and long term goals by giving me the confidence to dance professionally and the knowledge to run my own business!” says first-generation college student Grace Koller, senior, Dance major with a Entrepreneurship minor from Pitman, NJ (Gloucester County).

    Gregory outside the student center wearing a Rowan sweatshirt.
    Gregory Williams

    “Having a degree in dance would help me expand my ideas so that I can become a more well-rounded dancer. I like to keep in mind the things that I am taught so that everything can intertwine with each other creating depth in my ideas,” says freshman Gregory Williams, a Dance major with an Entrepreneurship minor from South River, NJ (Middlesex County).

    Katie dancing in a show.
    Katie Fasbach

    “As someone who has been dancing my entire life up until this point, there is no way I couldn’t include dance in my future – near or far. Through my dance degree, I will be able to accomplish all that I plan to because I have learned the necessary skills to go beyond in the real world of dance,” says senior Katie Fasbach, a Dance major from Monroe Township, NJ (Middlesex County).

    Brooke posing for a picture on a railing while wearing a yellow skirt with a lake in the background.
    Brooke Foster

    “A dance degree is the first step to reaching my goals of getting my master’s in dance.” says senior Brooke Foster, a Dance and Exercise Science double major from Burlington, NJ (Burlington County).

    Abby holding a trophy from a dance competition.
    Abby Lamb

    “My dance degree supports my dreams and goals because I needed to be fully experienced and educated in dance to be able to continue and educate others. A dance degree shows my eligibility to teach dance in schools and show future members of my studio that I have a very good understanding,” says junior Abby Lamb a Dance and Business Management double major from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County).

    Lesleigh posing for a picture on train tracks.
    Lesleigh Emanuel

    “Pursuing my dance degree has allowed me to study with so many amazing different professors and learn different techniques to broaden my horizons. I also study so many different styles of dance that I have become a more well rounded dancer,” says first-generation college student, freshman Lesleigh Emanuel a Dance major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County).

    Gabrielle smiling on a cobblestone street.

    “A dance degree will help me gain a possible dance company job after I graduate. Also, this degree allows freedom to possibly do other things such as, teaching or choreographing,” says freshman Gabrielle Langevine, a Dance major from Piscataway, NJ (Middlesex County).

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    Story by: Bianca Torres, Senior, Music Industry major

    International Student, Violinist, Shares: Why Rowan [VIDEO]

    Juan plays the violin at Wilson Hall.

    Juan Yanez, an international junior from Venezuela, shares his experience as a violinist in the music performance program. He thanks his professor Jiannan Cheng for connecting him to the resources to guide him through the process of becoming a Rowan University student. Video by:Quintin Stinney, sophomore radio/TV/film major

    #PROFspective: Geology Major James Milward

    James standing outside.

    Today we feature James Milward, a junior Geology major with minors in Geographic Information Science and Geography from Pitman, NJ (Gloucester County). James is a first-generation college student and has a passion for climate change. Has there been a club or group that made you feel like Rowan was home? My freshman year I played […]

    5 Law and Justice Majors Share How They Became Interested In Their Major

    A close up of marble columns at the top of a traditional looking state building.

    Today, we speak to five Law & Justice Studies majors about how they became passionate about their major and why it was the right choice for them.

    Shakira taking a selfie.
    Shakira Harris

    “As a Black woman I have lived a life where the justice system played a major part of my childhood. Being in an environment where anything you do could get you stopped by the police, from a parent of mine going to jail for something he did not do. I knew that there were so many injustices in the system and I wanted to change it,” says senior Shakira Harris, a transfer from Rowan College of Gloucester County (now RCSJ), from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County).

    Josh wearing a police uniform.
    Josh Abbott

    “Since I was a kid, I wanted to be a police officer or fireman. Then the events of 9/11 cemented my interest in law and justice. I worked as a first responder for ten years and decided I wanted to finally complete my bachelor’s degree. This program most closely aligns with my passion and experiences,” says first-generation college student, senior Josh Abbot a transfer from Rowan College of Burlington County from Hainesport, NJ (Burlington County).

    Carl taking a selfie.
    Carl Watkins

    “I have wanted to be an attorney since I was a child. It started with watching the old Perry Mason show while visiting my grandmother,” says junior Carl Shawn Watkins a transfer from Devry University, who is from Chicago, IL.

    Teressa taking a selfie.
    Teressa Stringfield

    “My son was falsely accused of a crime, and exonerated. I started my interest with wanting to work with youth, and especially minorities, who are absorbed into the system and do not either have fair advantage or are wrongfully accused. That is what gave me my passion in law and justice,” says first-generation college student, junior Teressa Stringfield from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County).

    Jamar sitting on a chair while wearing a red sweater and red bottomed shoes.
    Jamar Green

    “I want to be a criminal defense attorney,” says first-generation college student, junior Jamar Green, a transfer from Union County College who is from Linden, NJ (Union County).

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    Story by: Bianca Torres, Senior, Music Industry major

    Thriving In My Faith As A College Student

    The word "faith" written using stones.

    Today we hear from Rowan students and how they are involved in their faith on campus. They are involved in clubs such as Catholic Campus Ministry, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, and Hillel.

    Amanda poses with a bouquet of flowers.

    Amanda McNally is a freshman Athletic Training major from Tabernacle, NJ (Burlington County). Amanda is involved with Catholic Campus Ministry. She says that “just going to the meetings alone, and the student masses every Saturday, I have had the opportunity to hear from speakers, such as religious sisters and a married couple, and talk with a bunch of other students who are my age and share the same beliefs as me. It is really nice to be able to talk about my faith with other people my age and go to mass with other people away from home. I have noticed in this first semester that all of the members are there by choice. In high school, people went to my youth group and their parents made them go, but it’s great to be with people who want to be there and follow their faith.”

    Morgan poses in front of a garage door.

    Morgan McRae a junior Music Therapy major from Forked River, NJ (Ocean County), is also involved with Catholic Campus Ministry. Morgan says that it was nice to connect and bond with people over something deeper than surface level. “I never really had Catholic friends before, I went to a public school, so that was a big change for me. I feel like I can talk about different aspects of my faith and feel accepted.” She also discusses the different kinds of activities and discussions they have. “Before March, we used to have different activities. When March came, everything moved online. Rebekah Hardy, our Director of Campus Ministry, and Father Rossi, the pastor at Saint Bridget’s University Parish, did a great job of picking topics that are just as impactful online as in person.”

    Carley Robinson poses in her apartment.

    Carley Robinson a junior Psychological Sciences major with a neuroscience minor from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County) is involved with Catholic Campus Ministry, as well as Chi Alpha. “Catholic Campus Ministry has meetings every week to discuss different topics in the Catholic faith. We learn about one sacrament, belief, or doctrine in the Catholic faith in each meeting. We usually have a retreat every semester for a weekend, as well. On the retreats, we have many more Catholic activities such as mass, adoration, listening to talks, and getting to know other Catholics in the Rowan community in a special way. There is a college student mass on Saturday night at 4:30 pm at Saint Bridget’s University Parish. There is a bible study every other Thursday as well. I also am involved with the Christian club Chi Alpha. They have bible studies, and praise and worship every week.” She says that over quarantine, she was able to take time and make sure her foundation was in God. “During 2020, I was able to have the perception of it being a challenge, rather than something to destroy your faith, and I think that helped me. As a Catholic, you want to have God as your foundation, so being alone and separated from people is a good opportunity to work on that and see where your priorities really are and see if your foundation really is on God.”

    Brianna poses near some trees and on a pathway.

    Brianna Broadwater is a freshman Psychology major from Bel Air, Maryland, and a new Catholic. She completed the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) over the summer at a church in her hometown, and now she loves being part of the Rowan Catholic community. “Catholic Campus Ministry has honestly helped me make the most friends and helps me get to do a lot of things, especially during the pandemic. We haven’t gotten to do as much, but there is still Newman Night every Wednesday, and we have group chats. We have a whole freshmen group chat dedicated to freshmen from the club, and we all talk and eat good food. We get to help each other with anything we are going through and tell each other stories and make each other laugh. It is amazing.” I have gotten to thrive more in my faith this year because I have been able to go to Newman every Wednesday, and I go to the bible studies on Thursdays sometimes. I also go to the student mass on Saturdays, and I have been able to cantor for that. I have been very involved in church, and I have been able to have more of a prayer life. I have started a prayer journal about things that are important to me, and goals. I have started getting more involved in my faith.”

    Steven poses against a white wall.

    Steven Douglass a sophomore Chemistry major from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) is also involved in Catholic Campus Ministry. “Catholic Campus Ministry gives me a community of like-minded people and it helps to have a good friend group that has the same beliefs as you.”

    Alex poses outdoors on her deck.

    Alex Herschman is a junior Management and Marketing major from Marlboro, NJ (Monmouth County). She just finished her term as vice president of Hillel, and began serving as president. “I began going to Hillel as a freshman and loved it ever since attending my first event, which made me eager to join Hillel’s executive board. I started off as the organization’s social media chair, then served as the vice president and now president.” She says that Hillel gave her a sense of belonging at Rowan. “Hillel gave me that Jewish community and sense of belonging on campus. We are all super close, and I feel comfortable with them, and it is nice to have something in common with each other. If I am on campus and not at home, I can celebrate the Jewish holidays with the community at Hillel. During Passover, we do a seder, and for Yom Kippur, we were able to do an outside break fast event, which was very nice, because it was on a Monday and I was not able to go home. It was great to spend the holiday with my fellow Hillel members when I couldn’t go home and spend it with my family.” 

    Christa poses in front of some trees.

    Christa Ouellette a senior Civil and Environmental Engineering major from Delanco, NJ (Burlington County),  is also a part of the Catholic Campus Ministry. “Catholic Campus Ministry has opened up so many doors for me. One of the greatest things that Catholic Campus Ministry has done for me spiritually is the group discussions and retreats we do. These guided retreats we do one weekend a semester are just us and we get to step away from the world for a bit and reconnect spiritually. We also do different trips sometimes. In 2018 or 2019, we went to the border in Texas and we volunteered with the Humanitarian Respite Center, and we got to help refugees that were recently released by ICE. That was really awesome.”

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    Story by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    Header photo courtesy of:

    Molecular & Cellular Biology Majors: Professional Goals

    Today we hear from three Molecular and Cellular Biology majors about their professional goals. They talk about both their short- and long-term goals, as well as how Rowan prepares them to achieve those goals. “My short-term professional goals include securing an internship as a research assistant and going to a graduate school with an accredited […]

    TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Communication Studies Major Sarah Marshall

    Sarah sitting outside on a stone.

    Today we feature junior Sarah Marshall who majors in Communication Studies. Sarah is from Atco, NJ (Camden County) and this past fall was her first semester at Rowan. She is involved in the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and the student-led firm PRaction. Why Rowan? My mother was a graduate of Rowan and […]

    #PROFspective: Mathematics Major Alisa Patel

    Alisa standing outside of Robinson Hall.

    Today we feature Alisa Patel, a junior Mathematics major with a Statistics of Operations Research and Data Analysis minor. Alisa is a first-generation college student from Cedar Grove, NJ (Essex County). Alisa is a tutor through tutoring services, a resident assistant (RA) through Residential Learning & University Housing and a mentor with Dr. Harley E. […]

    5 Geology Majors Share Their Short-Term Professional Goals

    Kelsey and her friend talking about a fossil.

    We spoke to five Geology majors about their short-term professional goals and plans.

    A portrait photo of Kelsey.

    “I am currently working on applying for summer internships. The internships I am looking into are research-based and field-based, but all revolve around Paleontology. I am set to graduate with my BA in Geology in the fall of 2021, and will be off to the graduate school I finally decide on in the fall of 2022.” – junior Kelsey Barker, a Geology major working toward a Certificate in Paleontology Foundations and transfer student from Rowan College of South Jersey (Gloucester Campus) from Hackettstown, NJ (Warren County)

    Justin wearing a Jurassic Park t-shirt.

    “In the short term, I would like to get into the Ph.D. program for Paleontology.” – junior Justin Vieira, a Geology major from Beachwood, NJ (Ocean County)

    Mallory sitting and wearing a brown coat.

    “I think this major at Rowan is really helpful in achieving my goals and will play such a huge role. We’re such a small major and we’re able to really be on good terms and close with all of our professors, which ends up leading us to great opportunities through their connections in the career field!” – first-generation college junior Mallory Osmun, a Geology major and transfer from Rowan College at Burlington County whose hometown is Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County)

    A selfie of Cooper.

    “My short-term goal is finishing my research project I’m doing for Rowan. I’m using mass spectrometry to figure out if 2 bone beds in Wyoming are the same. I’m looking at turtle, Hadrosaur, and Triceratops bones.” – sophomore Cooper Caputo, a Geology major with a concentration in Paleontology from Washington, DC

    Zachary smiling and wearing tan outdoors gear.

    “Currently, I’m only taking classes on Geology and, soon, Paleontology. Before the summer I plan on looking for internships that might help me. I am a member of the Delaware Valley Paleontological Society. I do have two family friends who are retired paleontologists whose advice I’ve taken.” – junior Zachary Armstrong, a Geology major with a concentration in Paleontology from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County)

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    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Chemistry Major Serena Amador

    Serena sitting on a bench outside.

    Today we feature junior Serena Amador who majors in Chemistry. Serena is from Eastampton, NJ (Burlington County) and transferred to Rowan this past fall from Rowan College at Burlington County. Why Rowan? Rowan is very close and I thought it would be an easy transition from the community school that Rowan owns to Rowan University. […]

    Kudos To Professors Who Made An Impact

    Exterior shot of the side of Campbell Library.

    We recently spoke to students who each picked a professor they’ve had at Rowan who really made an impact on them. Here, the students explain how these professors affected them and what made them truly enjoy their classes. Tiara Gbeintor, junior Psychology major Professor Lisa Abrams, Psychology: “She was a very understanding teacher. She made […]

    Beyond the Classroom: Events and Publications Intern Jessica Newell

    Jessica outside.

    Today we feature junior Communication Studies major and Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts events and publications intern Jessica Newell. Jessica also minors in Spanish and Women and Gender Studies, and holds an Honors Concentration. She is from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County) and lives on campus at 230 Victoria. Through my internship I am […]

    #PROFspective: Translational Biomedical Sciences Major Neha Alaparthy

    Viles of blue liquid.

    Today, we speak to Neha Alaparthy, a Translational Biomedical Sciences major from Princeton, NJ (Mercer County). Neha is a junior and looks forward to joining the club Active Minds. She talks about why she chose her major and her time here at Rowan. What inspired you to choose your major? Growing up, I have always […]

    TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Early Childhood Education Major Mikayla Priscopo

    Mikayla sitting outside of James.

    Today we speak to junior Mikayla Priscopo, an Early Childhood Education major from Clayton, NJ (Gloucester County). Mikayla talks about her time here at Rowan and how Rowan has prepared her for her field. How would you tell a fellow student interested in your major that they’re choosing a worthwhile field?  I would tell a […]

    6 Economics Majors Share What They Wish They Knew About Their Major

    Economics major Sarah stands outside

    “Economics is a social science which is focused on governments, individuals, companies, the environment, and every factor which affects each of these. Economics is not similar to a business or finance major and students will receive a broad education about the world rather than a specific education to prepare one to trade stocks or such.” […]

    From NY to NJ: Melissa Luna

    Melissa standing outside.

    Today we speak to Melissa Luna, a junior, out-of-state student from Queens, NY majoring in Radio, Television and Film with a Journalism minor. Melissa transferred from CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice and is involved in Rowan Radio 89.7 WGLS-FM. What are some fun off-campus things to do within 20 minutes of Rowan on […]

    3 Anthropology Majors Share How They Became Interested In Their Major

    Exterior shot of campus walking paths.

    Today, we speak to 3 Anthropology majors from Rowan’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences. They tell us what sparked their interest in the major. 

    Kasia posing with a grad cap and gown.

    “I took a Human Variation class as an elective for, at the time, my Biology major that I later switched. I loved the class and the teacher so much that I decided to make it my minor, but as time went on I decided to make the full commitment to make it my major.” – Kasia Krzton, senior, Anthropology major, Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County)

    Jessica taking a selfie with friend.

    “I love history and learning about cultures, so anthropology was a natural choice.” – Jessica DeJesus, junior, Anthropology major, transfer student from Rowan College of South Jersey, Millville, NJ (Cumberland County)

    Selfie of Kimberly.

    “[I became interested] through a TV show I used to watch when I was younger. The main character was a forensic anthropologist, and I thought that was the coolest job out there.” – Kimberly Proctor, junior, Anthropology major with minors in Law & Justice Studies and Sociology, Burlington County

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    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    English Majors Share What They are Reading over Winter Break

    Snowy scene on campus.

    Rowan students and English majors from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences suggest some good reads for Winter Break.

    Senior Superia Ryan from Pittsgrove, NJ (Salem County) recommends “Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin. She thinks the book “shares a powerful story that I believe others should hear.” To read, Superia enjoys sitting and reading in Starbucks with a cup of coffee.

    Superia Ryan pictured outside.

    Senior Fatima Khalid from Brooklyn, NY recommends “For One More Day” by Mitch Albom because it is one of the only books to make her actually cry! Fatima’s spot to read is her room with a candle lit. 

    Selfi of Fatima Khalid.

    Junior Brianna Benfield from Gloucester County, NJ recommends “A Darker Shade of Magic” by VE Schwab. Brianna describes the book as a “fantastic new adult/adult fantasy novel with a well-developed new world and magic system and ample LGBTQIA+ representation. This is the first book of a trilogy that keeps you hooked until the very end!” Brianna’s favorite way to read is in bed with headphones in. 

    Brianna Benfield sits on a stone bench outside.

    Senior Chris Finnegan (seen below, left) from Wyckoff, NJ (Bergen County) recommends “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury because of its prescience and relevance in regards to today’s digital culture. To read, Chris needs natural lighting and a hot drink! 

    Chris Finnegan and friend on campus.

    Senior Dominique DiGiacomo from Atco, NJ (Camden County) recommends “The Wind Up Bird Chronicle” by Haruki Murakami. Dominique has begun reading the book in Japanese! Dominique thinks the book is super interesting and that there are translated versions of it as well! To read, Dominique gets in a quiet area and wears her favorite loungewear.

    Dominique in front of bridge

    Junior Hannah Roselli from Bordentown, NJ (Burlington County), recommends “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott. Hannah loves Little Women. She explains: “While it is a timeless classic, it also brings the reader into a time before the world went crazy.  It is a sweet and endearing novel with an amazing meaning. It may seem to be too old for our generation to read, but when they say that this book is a timeless classic, they mean it.” Hannah enjoys reading while snuggled up with a cup of tea in the evening and my dog and fiancé by my side.

    Selfi of Hannah Roselli.

    Sophomore Sam Grasso from Sicklerville in Camden County, NJ recommends “Inkheart” by Cornelia Funke. “If you really want to get lost in a fantasy world where characters from your favorite books can plop into the real world, this is the perfect book to dive into,” she says. To read, Sam tends to wait until she’s alone, usually at night, curled up on the couch with her puppies right beside her. 

    Samantha Grasso

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    Story by:
    Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major


    5 Juniors Share Why They Changed Their Majors

    These students recognized their majors weren’t the right fit and took the time and energy (which isn’t much) to make the switch. If you don’t absolutely love what you’re studying, it might be good idea to make a switch to improve your college experience!

    Selfie of Bria Riley.

    “I was exploring a couple different paths such as addiction counselor, teacher and community health educator, but I realized they weren’t for me. Then what really drove me to add world religions was just my own personal experiences with spirituality, and I realized that I really value critical thinking and multicultural competency … everyone having peace with one another and getting along.” – Bria Riley, junior Psychology major (previously Writing Arts) from Washington Township (Gloucester County)

    Outside headshot of Michaela Navarro.

    “I wanted a place where I could do music business and not have to deal with the recording and playing an instrument. My ex-boyfriend took me to see ‘Wicked’ and that was the deciding factor for me. I wanted to do theatre and I wanted to make amazing theatre like ‘Wicked.’ I just always really loved the technical aspect of everything. I do live sound, so I mix musicals here and I do lighting.” – Michaela Navarro, junior Musical Theatre-Design/Technical major (previously Music Industry) from Howell, NJ (Monmouth County)

    Jackie Carlton sits on a purple chair outside.

    “I was a Mechanical Engineering major up until the fall of my sophomore year. I wasn’t really enjoying the classes that were more specific to it, I was trying to go to the clubs to figure out more what to do. But all the career stuff wasn’t really stuff I wanted to do. I want to get as much diverse experience as I can, I’m not really sure what I specifically want to get into, but I kind of want to learn a little bit of each field.” – Jackie Charlton, junior Civil & Environmental Engineering major (previously Mechanical Engineering) from Boonton, NJ (Morris County)

    Shirley stands in front of a tree and a nearby academic building.

    “I changed a bunch of times. I came to Rowan as a Biochem major, then I switched to Psychology, then I was undecided for like two seconds, then I was Physiological Sciences, and I became an Anthropology major and I recently doubled majored in Modern Language & Linguistics. Spring semester [sophomore year] I had to take an Anthropology class and I was given Natives of South America with Dr. Maria Rosado, and she changed my perspective on everything. Coincidentally, the major just became a major that same semester, if I’m not mistaken. – Shirley Celi-Landeo, junior Anthropology / Modern Language & Linguistics dual major (previously Biochemistry) from Newark, NJ (Essex County)

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    Story by:
    Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

    Photos not submitted taken by: 
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
    Quintin Stinney, sophomore Radio/TV/Film major

    According to Karen: Advice for High School Seniors

    Karen and her friends.

    Today we feature Karen Lee, a junior marketing major with a minor in strategic communication. Karen is from Edison, NJ (Middlesex County), lives on campus in the Townhouses and is public relations chair of the Animal Advocacy Club. Karen shares her experiences with us today to help future students.  On graduating college early: I didn’t […]

    6 English Majors Share How Their Major Supports Their Professional Goals

    Six students from Rowan’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences tell us how their English major will support them professionally.

    Reilly posing for a photo with pink flowers and a white structure in the background.

    “I want to teach elementary school after college, and I feel like an English major covers so many important things that go alongside education. An English major explores racial issues, class issues, historical moments, gender, sexuality and so much more. I feel like that is so important in order to aid in the understanding of how history has treated your students differently.” – Reilly Stowell, Junior, English and Elementary Education dual major, Sicklerville, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Cat posing with an old blue police public call phone box.

    “This major supports my professional goals because by analyzing literature, I can use that knowledge to better construct my own written works. Rowan also has a great Writing Arts department so by taking some creative writing courses as electives I can really feel at home in my major.” – Cat Reed, Junior, English major, transfer from RCBC, Pemberton, NJ (Burlington County)

    Abigail posing for a portrait photo.

    “I have made great connections with many of my professors, peers and other faculty members by being a part of this major. My professors have also helped me transform my writing over the years. I hope that because I’ve experienced such a transformation myself, I’ll be able to help my students transform their writing in the future as well.” – Abigail Brous, senior, English and Education (BA/MST) and American Studies major with a minor in History, West Deptford, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Caroline posing in Central Park, New York City.

    “My major will help me understand the material that I’d love to teach to middle school/high school students!” – Caroline Dillon, junior, Secondary Education and English major, Hamilton, NJ (Mercer County)

    Taryn posing for a portrait photo.

    “My career goal currently is to work as an editor in the book publishing field. English has helped me develop my writing and critical reading skills, which are both of key importance in this field.” – Taryn Guettler, Senior, English major with minors in Writing Arts and Women’s and Gender Studies with concentrations in Honors and Shakespeare Studies, Succasunna, NJ (Morris County)

    Nicole posing for a selfie.

    “I always get the question, ‘So what are you going to do with that major?’ My response is ‘Everything!’ I am going on to Rowan’s Master’s in Teaching: Subject Matter-English in May 2021 so that I can become a high school English teacher, but my major has taught me life skills that I know could be an asset no matter what profession I choose. Between critical thinking skills and communication skills, being an English major taught me to look at anything I encounter in new and creative ways and how to share my knowledge with others.” – Nicole Tota, Senior, English and History dual major with minors in International Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and American Studies, Marlton, NJ (Burlington County)

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    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    Healthy New Year’s Suggestions from Health-Related Majors

    Close of Hannah's face surrounded by fruit.

    As we finally kiss 2020 goodbye, enjoy this advice from our health-related majors on some New Year’s suggestions that can hopefully make 2021 a better year! 

    Amanda poses wearing a red dress.
    Amanda Murphy

    Amanda Murphy, a senior Nutrition major specializing in Exercise Science from Tinton Falls, NJ (Monmouth County) shares a great New Year’s resolution to encourage healthy eating habits. She challenges you to “rely less on convenience foods and more on whole food sources.” Healthy eating is possible on a college campus, you just have to be committed to finding the foods that work for you! 

    Erica pulls her hair back, while standing in the woods with a lake behind her.
    Erica Walsh

    “You only have one life to live – make changes now to help your quality of life later,” says Erica Walsh, a senior Health & Exercise Science major from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County.) She suggests putting your mental health first, getting activity every day and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

    Close up of Heather's face and comfy, casual hair.
    Heather Tomaselli

    Heather Tomaselli, a sophomore Nutrition major with an Honors Concentration from Bound Brook, NJ (Somerset County) challenges you to take the stairs rather than the elevator to promote physical health. “The choices we make now determine our long term health!”

    Tyler Weiss poses at a tourist destination, with a city behind him.
    Tyler Weiss

    “Not only will exercise and a healthy diet improves your physical health, but it will also have a positive impact on your mental health as well.” This advice about the importance of exercise comes from Tyler Weiss, a senior Nutrition major Specialized in Exercise Science from Winfield Park, NJ (Union County.)

    Jocelyn holds onto her mustard yellow jacket, looking slightly off to her right. She is wearing blue lipstick.
    Jocelyn Reuben

    Junior Athletic Training major Jocelyn Reuben from Burlington, NJ (Burlington County) doesn’t drink any soda, unless it’s ginger ale for a stomach ache, and she walks everywhere she goes. She shares that, “Making healthy changes can help you see and carry yourself more confidently.”

    Hannah shares a smiling selfie.
    Hannah Holzhauer

    A few healthy practices that you can try are “Going on walks outside to center yourself, listening to podcasts to motivate and inspire, using art as a form of self-expression.” These are some suggestions from Hannah Holzhauer, a junior from Nutrition major, Dietetics Master Program from Green Township, NJ (Sussex County.) 

    Krishna stands leaning on a tree with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.
    Krishna Mansukhani

    Although it may be difficult  “you simply can’t buy a bottle of soda and label it ‘self-care’ … you need to actually make the decision to upgrade your life, make it your number one mission to become overall happier, more positive than ever  and take steps every day to get that result.” so “ leave a toxic relationship, say daily positive affirmations, forgive  yourself for past mistakes and try to disconnect from stress by going  for a walk.” These are all great suggestions from Krishna Mansukhani, a senior Health Promotion & Wellness Management major with a minor in Psychology Sports, and Exercise from Sayreville, NJ (Middlesex County.)

    Danielle Holroyd shares a selfie taken inside her car.
    Danielle Holroyd

    Danielle Holroyd, a senior Health Promotion and Wellness Management major from Barrington, NJ (Camden County) shares a few ways she stays healthy while in college. She is committed to “eating healthy, exercising, and keeping up with her school work.”

    Caroline Lippincott sits on a Jeep wearing her sorority's t-shirt.
    Caroline Lippincott

    Caroline Lippincott, a senior Nutrition and Exercise Science major from Columbus, NJ (Burlington County) suggests taking daily walks in the new year to promote physical and mental health. 

    Brianna stands arms outstretched mimicking the tree branches behind her.
    Brianna De la Cruz

    To stay healthy, try to “remember to take breaks. Yes, school is important, but so is mental health.” Brianna De la Cruz, a senior Nutrition and Dietetics major from Hillsborough, NJ (Somerset County) tries to “exercise most days of the week, eat well, and hang out with my roommates to help destress.” 

    Haley sits in a chair smiling for a portrait.
    Haley Bencivengo

    “One small healthy change you can make is taking 10-15 minutes out of your day to meditate. This can help give your mind a break and relieve stress from school and work.” This advice comes from Haley Bencivengo, a sophomore Nutrition major from Hamilton Township, NJ (Mercer County).

    Emily looks over her shoulder, with a view of sand, beach and palm trees in the background.
    Emily Nicholson

    A small, healthy change you can try to make in the new year comes from Emily Nicholson, a sophomore Nutrition major from Turnersville, NJ (Gloucester County). “Instead of sugary coffee every morning, try green tea!”

    Sal poses in a tuxedo with brick behind him.
    Sal Murphy

    In the new year, try “Spending 30 minutes less on electronics to be outside and enjoy the fresh air! This is good for mental health and can also be beneficial to physical health if you decide to go on a walk or perform any physical activity.” This advice comes from Sal Murphy, a senior Health Promotion & Wellness Management major from Gloucester County, NJ. 

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    Story by:
    Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

    7 Biomedical Engineering Majors Share One Cool Thing About Their Major

    Biomedical engineering student in the lab.

    Application, research and … a games competition? Upperclassmen from Rowan’s Biomedical Engineering program share what they’ve discovered in their major.

    Lauren sitting outside on campus.

    “The coolest thing about Rowan’s biomedical engineering department is the annual BMES [Biomedical Engineering Society] Games Competition! This outdoor sports competition is hosted annually during the fall semester, and it gives students and professors the ability to bond outside of the classroom.” – Lauren Repmann, junior, Biomedical Engineering with a Chemistry minor, Laurence Harbor, NJ (Middlesex County)

    AJ studying on his laptop in a study room.

    “One cool thing about my major is that there are different tracks you can follow as a BME to help guide what upper-level BME classes to take. But at the same time, the Rowan BME department understands that everyone is different and has different goals. If none of those tracks lines up with what you what you’re looking to do as a career, the advising staff at Rowan is always flexible in helping you figure out what the right path is for you.” – AJ Pingol, senior, Biomedical Engineering major (Pre-Med), Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Hannah posing for a selfie.

    “All of the microbiology and how it interacts with medicines and implants. You tend to only think of things on the big scale, so I thought it was interesting to learn how things work on the cellular level. It has definitely made me more curious, and I have started reading how medications work on the cellular level every time I learn about a new one.” – Hannah Doyle, Biomedical Engineering major, senior, Seaford, Delaware

    Gatha smiling for a picture while wearing a Rowan Proud shirt.

    “Biomedical Engineering has so much to offer including applications in tissue engineering, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, pharmaceutical engineering and therapeutic delivery, orthopedic engineering, and bio mechanics.” – Gatha Adhikari, senior, Biomedical Engineering major, first-generation college student, Begnastal, Nepal

    Brandon posing for a picture while wearing his Rowan University PROS shirt.

    “One cool thing is that we normally have a very small graduating class. Since there are so few of us, the faculty and staff develop a great personal relationship with each and every student.” – Brandon Hickson, junior, Biomedical Engineering major, Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Katie sitting on a bench with foliage in the background.

    “One cool thing I’ve learned is how ears transduce sound. I was actually reading the wrong chapter in the textbook for a homework assignment and I was confused because we had been working on the muscular system and I wasn’t sure what hearing had to do with that but it was so interesting I finished the whole section. I definitely recommend doing some research about it because it is super complicated but really interesting.” – Katie Driscoll, junior, Biomedical Engineering major with minors in Chemistry, History, and Arabic and concentrations in Honors College and Global Health, Durango, Colorado

    Danny posing with a friend in the rec center.

    “That research can come from anyone, including undergrads.” – Danny Tepper (seen at left), senior, Biomedical Engineering major, transfer from Atlantic Cape Community College, Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County)

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    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    #PROFspective: Computing and Informatics Major Niyati Patel

    Niyati standing outside.

    Today we feature Niyati Patel, a junior Computing and Informatics major with a Computer Science minor and concentration in Data Analysis. Niyati is a first-generation college student from Burlington, NJ (Burlington County). She is also involved with Beta Alpha Psi honor society. What inspired you to choose your major? “I have an interest in technologies, […]

    Today I am Grateful for…

    With the holiday season upon us, we spoke to Rowan students about what they are thankful and grateful for this year. This is what they had to say.

    Jenna Fischer, a senior Public Relations major, says she is thankful for her family who supports her in every phase of her life. She says that no matter what dream and goal she has, she knows they will always stand by her side.

    Jenna poses with her family.
    Jenna (center) and her family.

    Chase Shebey, a junior Marketing major, says that he is grateful for all the opportunities that Rowan University has given him.

    Chase poses on the intramural field with a rugby ball.

    Jessica Newell, a junior Communication Studies major, is grateful for her roommates who remind her that every accomplishment, no matter how small, is to be celebrated and that every problem can be somewhat improved by ordering pizza.

    Jessica poses on the side of 301 High Street building.

    Mya Calderon, a junior Journalism major, is grateful that she didn’t have to work on Thanksgiving again this year.

    Mya sits next to flowers in front of the student center.

    Jasmin Jones, a junior Law and Justice Studies and Sociology double major, is grateful for her loved ones and for all the opportunities she has been given. 

    Jasmin poses outside of the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

    John McCleery, a sophomore Civil Engineering major, is thankful for his siblings and how close they have become during COVID.

    John poses in front of a waterfall wearing a Rowan shirt.

    Lianna Johnson, a sophomore Vocal Music Performance major, is thankful to have been able to live on campus so far this semester. She is grateful to see old friends, make some new ones and even have an in-person class!

    Lianna poses in front of Mimosa Hall.

    Erwin Lopez, a sophomore Health and Exercise Science major, says that he is thankful for his family and the support they give him, especially during these uncertain times. He is also thankful for all of his friends that give him moral support.

    Erwin poses in front of some trees.

    Nickvens Delva, a freshman Psychology major, is thankful for many things, but he is most thankful for both his family and his health. He says that the most important thing to him is his family, so the health of his family and him during these unusual times is truly the biggest blessing to him.

    Nickvens poses in front of Mimosa Hall.

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    Story and photos of Chase, Jessica, Mya, Jasmin, Lianna and Nickvens by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    Photo of Erwin by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    Photo of Jenna provided by:
    Jenna Fischer, senior public relations major

    Photo of John provided by:
    John McCleery, sophomore civil engineering major

    Header photo courtesy of:

    5 Early Childhood Education Majors Share How Their Major Interests Them

    College of Education student Cheyenne holds a pennant on campus.

    Today, five Early Childhood Education majors tell us why their passion lies in teaching and why their major interests them!

    Jordyn posing for a picture in front of a scenic waterfall.

    “I’ve always wanted to major in special education. My cousin has Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of ASD. I began working in a special services school district and realized how much I loved doing what I do. Once I fully made my commitment, I transferred to Rowan.” – Jordyn Briner, senior, Early Childhood Education major, Psychology minor, transfer from RCBC, Burlington Twp., NJ (Burlington County)

    Cheyenne holding a Rowan flag outside on Rowan's campus.

    “I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I began working in a daycare center and felt like I was in the right place. It was then that I wanted to learn more about this field.” – Cheyenne Smith, senior, Early Childhood Education major with a Africana Studies and American Studies dual minor, transfer from Camden County College, Somerdale, NJ (Camden County)

    Alicia posing for a selfie.

    “I’ve always been interested in early childhood education!” – Alicia Bramble, junior, first-generation college student, Early Childhood Education major, transfer from Camden County College, Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County)

    Tyra sitting on a yellow bench on Rowans campus.

    “For my whole life, I have been surrounded by early childhood education from my mother. After babysitting and looking after my neighbors and friends, I fell in love with helping children learn.” – Tyra McCombs, sophomore, Early Childhood Education and Liberal Studies major, Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Grace posing for a photo outside Robinson Hall.

    “I have known I wanted to be a teacher since I was very little. I would always play ‘teacher’ in my basement and would write on the walls as if it was a classroom.” – Grace Badillo, senior, Early Childhood Education and Literacy Studies major, Orangeburg, NY (Rockland County)

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    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    Photos not submitted by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    Five Reasons the Rowan Boulevard Apartments are Great

    View of the Rowan Boulevard Apartments from the courtyard.

    The Rowan Boulevard Apartments (RoBo) are upperclassmen dorms. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors can live there. Here are five reasons why students love living there.

    1. The rooms. Quintin Stinney says he was pleasantly surprised by the size of the rooms. He is a transfer student, and he says the rooms in RoBo are larger than those at his previous college.

    Erwin Lopez, another resident, loves that he, and everyone else in RoBo, is able to have their own rooms while still having the “college experience.”

    Quintin poses outside of RoBo.
    Quintin Stinney

    2. The community. Jasmin Jones, an RA at RoBo, says the community in RoBo, especially the staff, is great. She says that RoBo probably has the most diverse group of students living on campus. Everyone always says “Hi” and holds the door for each other.

    Jasmin Jones poses outside of RoBo.
    Jasmin Jones

    3. Living in an apartment. Jasmin also says she likes being able to live in an apartment instead of a dorm room. Jon Colon, another RA in RoBo, speaks about this further.

    “I like living at RoBo because it really does encapsulate what being an adult is. Getting up in the morning, making my own breakfast, and leaving my apartment in the morning to just go outside and live my life feels so surreal,” Jon says.

    Apartment living definitely feels more like being an adult rather than living in a dorm. 

    Jon Colon poses outside of RoBo.
    Jon Colon

    4. The windows. Leeranie Vazquez loves that the window screens open up all the way. She says that this is great, especially because she lives on the first floor.

    Leeranie Vazquez poses outside of RoBo.
    Leeranie Vazquez

    5. The proximity to Rowan Boulevard. Erwin Lopez likes that RoBo is so close to Rowan Boulevard. Jon Colon also likes that RoBo is so close to the restaurants, stores and common areas on Rowan Boulevard.

    Erwin Lopez poses outside of RoBo
    Erwin Lopez

    Check out the Rowan Boulevard Apartments here:

    Like what you see? 


    Story and photos by:
    Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

    Related posts:

    What is Rowan Boulevard?

    20 Minute Radius: 7 Delicious Coffee Stops

    What I Love About Rowan Boulevard!

    PA to NJ: 7 Pennsylvanians Share If They’ve Adopted Any “Jersey” Tendencies

    Exterior shot of Kailey Booth sitting on campus.

    Today, 7 Pennsylvania native students reveal what New Jersey sayings, mannerisms or other traits — if any — have rubbed off on them. 

    Delaney posing outside the Campbell Library on campus.

    I think I’ve picked up a little bit of the South Jersey accent. I’ve started saying “caw-fee” instead of coffee. Also, I miss being able to order pork roll whenever I go home. – Delaney Molnar, senior Theatre major with concentrations in Musical Theatre and Acting and a Spanish minor from Pittsburgh, PA

    Kendall posing for a picture in a green shirt.

    I’m originally from Jersey, so I always have it! – Kendall White, senior in  Applied Sociology, Lumberton/Burlington, PA

    Daniella posing outside Robinson and Wilson Hall on campus.

    No way PA wins in this! – Daniella Emrich, sophomore, Elementary Education and History major from West Chester, PA

    Brendan posing outside the Engineering building.

    I’ve started calling it “pork roll.” – Brendan McGrath, junior Mechanical Engineering major with a concentration in Automotive Engineering from West Chester, PA

    Kailey sitting on the Rohrer College of Business outdoor steps.

    Pork roll, egg and cheese and cheesesteaks. – Kailey Booth, senior Marketing major from Easton, PA

    Lindsay posing outside Holly Pointe Commons.

    No, I think the Taylor ham/pork roll debate is as stupid as PA’s Wawa/Sheetz debate! – Lindsay Tobias, junior, Radio/TV/Film and Creative Writing major from Wayne, PA

    Haley posing for a selfie.

    I’ve gotten a slight accent! – Haley DiMezza, senior, Music Industry major with a specialization in Music Business, transfer from Chestnut Hill College and Des Moines Area Community College, from Montgomery County, PA

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    Photos not submitted by students taken by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    Fear of Failure and How to Move On

    Jennifer stands outside by a wooded area of campus.

    This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

    Jennifer leaning against the trail bridge on campus.
    Author Jennifer Necsutu.

    As Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

    Of course, failure to accomplish a certain goal in our life is a common fear that we all experience. Some say fear can be so paralyzing for certain individuals that they “freeze” instead of “fighting” in response to the anxiety and stress of completing that specific goal. In other words, fear of failure can evolve into an obstacle in our lives and sometimes prevents us from becoming successful. 

    According to neuropsychologist Dr. Theo Tsaousides (2017), there are several reasons why people are generally afraid to try to fulfill their goals, which include a setback to one’s self-worth, emotions of shame, loss of social connections, disappointing important people in one’s life and the dread of an uncertain future.

    Moreover, fear of failure could potentially impact our mental and physical health should we allow ourselves to be consumed by it. Typically, those who are afraid of attaining a goal can eventually suffer from fatigue, emotional exhaustion, hopelessness, and/or chronic worry as well as become more unhappy with their lives and perform worse in their particular fields (Tsaousides, 2017). 

    Jennifer sitting and smiling.

    Despite these possible reasons and consequences for being scared to fail, it is crucial for us to realize that failure is what makes us human and is an essential part of our lives. Ultimately, nobody is perfect; we all make mistakes and fail endlessly. Failure does not make us a loser or any less successful than we were before. Rather, it gives us an opportunity to learn new challenges and build our confidence when we bounce back from a difficult situation.

    Overall, just as the entrepreneur Courtney Johnson emphasized in his TedTalk (2018), we shouldn’t let the fear of failure prevent us from pursuing our goals, desires and dreams; it is the fear of not trying that we should be afraid of instead. Additionally, we should keep in mind that we are all strong in our own ways and can overcome our individual fears of failing to reach our full potential. Because, in the end, anything is possible if we continue to take our journey of discovering ourselves.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Jennifer Necsutu, junior biochemistry major, Wellness Center intern

    Photography by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major


    Johnson, C. (2018, October). Failure is necessary [Video]. TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/courtney_johnson_failure_is_necessary

    Tsaousides, T. (2017, December 27). Why Fear of Failure Can Keep You Stuck. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/smashing-the-brainblocks/201712/why-fear-failure-can-keep-you-stuck

    9 Radio/TV/Film Majors Share How Their Major Supports Their Professional Goals

    Today, we speak with 9 Radio/TV/Film (RTF) majors on how their major will advance their future careers. 

    Lauren smiling and posing for a photo.

    “This major supports my professional goals because it helps me succeed in my field and prepared me for when I go into the professional scene.” – Lauren Kilroy, senior, transfer, RTF major from Cinnaminson, NJ (Burlington County)

    Jabreeah posing for a selfie.

    “It teaches me all about the behind the scenes work in movies.” – Jabreeah Holmes, senior, RTF major from Camden, NJ (Camden County)

    Emily smiling and posing for a selfie.

    “It supports my professional goals because I already know hands-down I want to be a part of the television industry. I’ve already started floating possible job ideas in my head once I graduate Rowan. I am also taking a minor in advertising just in case I want to apply my RTF skills in a more commercial type of way. The fact is there are so many job opportunities with this major it’s still hard to know which one you will wind up taking once you graduate!” – Emily Sayles, sophomore, RTF major, Advertising minor from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County)

    Jerry posing for a picture while wearing sunglasses.

    “It teaches me a lot about the industry and how to get my foot in the door.” – Jerry Libert, junior, transfer, first-generation college student, RTF major and Creative Writing minor from Beachwood, NJ (Ocean County)

    Corey posing for a selfie.

    “It teaches me about the process of making films, television, and radio which allows me to see what things I like about each. It gives me access to equipment I can use to make my own projects.” – Corey Peoples, senior, transfer from RCGC, RTF major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Julia smiling and posing for a selfie in front of a world map.

    “This major teaches me the skills I will need to get into the industry. By educating us on Radio, Tv, and Film, we are able to get our foot in the door easier because we have so many skill sets.” – Julia Faupel, junior, transfer, RTF major, Theatre minor from Collingswood, NJ (Camden County)

    Ally smiling and hugging an orange cat.

    “It helps me to get into NASCAR or the NFL to pursue the career I want.” –  Ally Bruce, freshman, RTF major from Woolwich Twp., NJ (Gloucester County)

    Gary smiling for a photo while wearing headphones.

    “I learn from a lot of people who i respect and are professionals in my desired fields.” – Gary Erdelyi, senior, first-generation college student, RTF and Journalism major from Brick, NJ (Ocean County)

    A picture of a flyer of a production written by Joe.

    “I want to be a screenwriter, and the classes have helped me learn more about the craft while Cinema Workshop has given me real life experience in writing for the screen.” – Joe Pidgeon, junior, transfer, RTF major and Creative Writing minor from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    RAINN and Sexual Assault Prevention

    McCarly sits on a bench on campus outside.

    This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

    McCarly sitting on a bench outside James Hall.

    Hey everyone, McCarly Thompson here from Healthy Campus Initiatives! According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), “Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 5 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison” (RAINN, 2020).

    I’m sure I can speak for everyone reading this when I say these are very disturbing stats that definitely trigger a response for change.

    Fortunately for us, change has been on the way. Did you know that the rate of sexual assault and rape has decreased 63% since 1993? This trend is due to the increase of sexual assault awareness spreading across the nation. RAINN is the largest anti-sexual violence organization amongst these groups, partenering with over 1,000 local service providers nationwide.

    One of their main resources is the National Sexual Assault Hotline, where people can call in for a number of reasons. By either getting help from trained staff members, locating health centers that provide a number of health care services, or obtaining long term sexual assault support in their area, RAINN offers a number of free services to everyone. Get this: the National Assault Hotline has helped more than 3,000,000 who have suffered from sexual violence since its commencement in 1994!

    There are even other ways RAINN promotes sexual assault awareness/prevention aside from a victim reaching out. Even if you haven’t personally been a victim to sexual violence, you can call the hotline in order to find out ways you can get someone else the help they need. RAINN also promotes the idea of C.A.R.E., which stands for creating a distraction (from the victim), asking directly (to the perpetrator), referring to authority (against the perpetrator) and enlisting others (to help). These four scenarios are taken by a bystander and can effectively decrease the chances of a sexually violent act occurring, putting victims in the hands of safety. 

    The main message of spreading sexual awareness/prevention is standing up and speaking out. If you see something, say something. Most sexual assaults go unreported due to the fear of misbelief of retaliation; however, third-party bystanders are able to intervene either directly or completely anonymously. Putting an end to sexual violence may seem like a far-reaching goal, but if we all do our parts as actively-caring citizens, we can put a stop to this epidemic in significant ways. 

    Be safe and be smart, MC out.

    McCarly sitting on a bench next to his skateboard outside on campus.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    McCarly Thompson, junior psychology major, Wellness Center intern

    Photography by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    The following URL is a link to RAINN’s official website where you can find more information on sexual awareness/assault prevention: https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline

    TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Inclusive Elementary Education Major Joseph Soto

    Joe sitting on a chair outside.

    Today we speak to Joseph Soto, a junior Inclusive Elementary Education major from Riverdale, NJ (Morris County). He transferred from Passaic County Community College and talks about his time and transition to Rowan. How has a faculty or staff member here helped to connect you with the next step for your career? An admissions counselor […]

    8 Chemical Engineering Majors Share the WOW Moment in Their Majors

    Chemical engineering student works in lab.

    Today, eight Chemical Engineering majors share their “WOW! I’m in the right major for me!” moments.

    Dylan sitting on the steps of the engineering building.

    “Well, it turned out my physics teacher was right. Most of everything that I’ve learned is intuitive to me, whether it is in engineering or chemistry. Quite honestly, I catch myself accidentally memorizing equations and information before I go to study.” – Dylan Snyder, sophomore Chemical Engineering major from Wilmington, Delaware

    Tori posing with a sign that says "AlChe".

    “Once I visited Rowan and heard about the program I knew it was right for me.” – Tori Vanduren, senior Chemical Engineering major from Kutztown, PA

    Margot smiling and wearing lab gear.

    “Learning about how the healthcare industry and engineering can intersect in a chemical engineer’s career fascinated me.” – Margot Clarke, senior, Chemical Engineering major with a concentration in Biomedical Engineering and Honors Studies, minor in Chemistry, and CUGS in Spanish, from Delran, NJ (Burlington County)

    Alyssa posing in a scenic area on a bridge.

    “I love science and math.” – Alyssa Grassie, senior, first-generation, Chemical Engineering major and Mathematics minor, Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County)

    A black and white photo of Jenna smiling.

    “I knew this was the right major for me by making friends in my major that love and get excited about the same weird things as me. Just when you walk outside and the humidity makes you think about the topics discussed in class, your mind goes on a tangent, and then you stop yourself (and think ‘Wow I am weird’). But the next day a friend tells you how they did a similar thing. When that happens, it just makes you feel understood and at home.” – Jenna Wyshinski, Senior, Chemical Engineering major with a minor in Business Administration, from Pennsville, NJ (Salem County)

    Courtney posing with a Rowan shirt inside the Wilson Hall building.

    “Sophomore year, I had the opportunity to work as a research assistant in Dr. Stanzione’s lab. Getting to experience so many applications of chemical engineering and material synthesis was such a cool experience and made me realize that I am right where I am supposed to be.” – Courtney Lemasney, junior, Chemical Engineering major, Sicklerville, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Rebecca sitting and smiling on the floor.

    “When I started taking classes my freshman year and genuinely enjoyed what I was learning.” – Rebecca Hansson, senior Chemical Engineering major from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County)

    A chemical engineering lab.

    “Actually making alum in chem lab.” – Evan Harper (not pictured), sophomore Chemical Engineering major working toward minors in Chemistry and Mathematics, Bridgewater, NJ (Somerset County)

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    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    4 Communications Studies Majors Share One Cool Thing They’ve Learned From Their Major

    Exterior shot of the Victoria ECCA building.

    From curriculum to content, four Communication Studies majors reveal what they really like about this program.

    Nadine posing and smiling for a picture.

    “I think the coolest thing about the Communication Studies major is our ability to customize our experiences and tailor it to our specific interests through the addition of other majors, minors and CUGS. There’s a lot of really valuable free elective space, so we are granted the opportunity to branch out, try different things, and further our studies in different areas if we so choose. Students should take full advantage of this, and try something new or declare some other majors, minors, CUGS, etc., in order to really make the most of their time at Rowan University and make themselves stand out!” – Nadine El Maalem, junior, first-generation college student, Communication Studies major, with minors in International Studies and Arabic, French CUGS, from Monmouth County

    Lexi posing for a selfie.

    “One cool thing about my major is the conversation-based classes. I’ve found myself engaged 100% of the class time. I have also learned much more in my major courses than in Rowan Core courses because of the way our professors structure them.” – Lexi Robinson, Junior, Communications major, Bellmawr, NJ (Camden County)

    Jonathan smiling for a photo.

    “One cool thing that I learned this major is the different types of communication from interpersonal, mediated, and face-to-face. Learning these concepts helped me to be a better speaker and effective communicator.” – Jonathan DeRose, senior Communications Studies major from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County)

    A picture of Tatianna's two dogs.

    “In a way communications reminds me of psychology, but instead of learning about why people are the way they are you learn about how they react to things you say/do. In return you are able to create better relationships with others.” – Tatianna Addison, senior, transfer student from Rowan College of Burlington County, Communications Studies major from Pemberton, NJ (Burlington County)

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major


    Angela stands on a bridge on campus.

    This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

    A portrait style photo of Angela.

    Turning on the TV or opening up the News app nowadays can feel like a chore. Or the opposite could be true — it may bring a sense of control.

    Developing obsessive news checking behaviors is a common phenomenon, moreso now than ever. People want to remain informed as often as possible. Nobody wants to be the “last to know” or be seen as “uneducated.” However, constantly having a stream of news media, oftentimes not good news, can be anxiety inducing.

    According to a clinical psychologist at McLean Hospital, Jacqueline Bullis, Ph.D., “staying glued to the television or constantly refreshing our social media feeds may help us feel slightly less anxious in the short term. These behaviors ultimately have the opposite effect.” (Bullus, J. (2020, April 21). 

    Angela sitting and reading a book outside the Business building.

    While it’s important to stay up to date in order to continuously be aware of how to protect yourselves and others, it’s not necessary to stay plugged in all hours of the day. It may be beneficial to designate an amount of time it’s okay to check the news per day, or set aside a specific time slot when reading the news is acceptable.

    Limiting exposure to news media outlets may be a key component to self preserving mental health. Not engaging in news-related conversation or viewing all hours of the day does not make someone uneducated, but rather is vital to self preservation. It’s important to set boundaries with friends, family and peers when it comes to these discussions since they can be incredibly emotionally draining. 

    While it is tempting to be up to date all day, the news will be there at the end of the day, or early the next morning if one wishes to consume it. The amazing aspect of technology is that things online don’t disappear: people aren’t missing out if they don’t click the notification on their phone for the newest Covid-19 update right away.

    Put the phone on Do Not Disturb and take a break.

    Angela sitting and posing.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Angela Colo, junior psychology major, Wellness Center intern

    Photography by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    #PROFspective: Learning by Doing with Engineering Major Nicholas Kreuz

    Nick stands outside in front of green tree foliage.

    Nicholas Kreuz working on electronics in an engineering lab.

    Today we speak to junior Nicholas Kreuz, an Electrical and Computer Engineering major from Pennsylvania. Here, Nick shares his Rowan experience through his work in Engineering Clinics, including creating a quadcopter drone and a rocket, which he will enter into a competition in New Mexico. 

    Nicholas Kreuz of Quakertown, Pennsylvania is the epitome of “involved” at Rowan. He has an on-campus job as a building manager for Campus Recreation while also being a part of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity.

    Nick is on track to get his bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His goal with this degree is to work in the field of aerospace engineering. Nick said he “would love to work for a company like Boeing or Lockheed Martin” when he is finished at Rowan. 

    Nick grew an interest in engineering at an early age due to his desire to be very “hands-on and technically oriented.” He said throughout middle school and high school he knew he would want to pursue something involving engineering, but it wasn’t until he arrived at Rowan that he became interested in the electrical and computer engineering aspect to it.

    “When I came to this college in particular I really liked how they combined the two majors into one and really had a hands-on focus to their curriculum, especially the clinical classes through the engineering building,” Nick says.

    Engineering student Nicholas Kreuz poses sitting down with his hands on top of one another.

    Engineering Clinics are the signature aspect of Rowan’s engineering programs. For all four years, engineering students participate in these clinic classes, which involve various hands-on projects. With the guidance of a credentialed engineer, students in groups have the opportunity to learn by doing. 

    One of the things that Nick has accomplished in a clinic class involved “constructing and testing a fully submersible Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle (UROV).” Kreuz explains the concept of the project and what was asked of him and his group:

    “We had to simulate a task that a UROV in the field would have to do. For example, work on an oil rig and go to the seafloor to examine something. So we had this obstacle course set up and had a basic system of motors and a receiver that we could use that would be the actual operation of the vehicle but as far as constructing the vehicle and designing it to complete all its tasks was completely up to us.”

    One semester later, Nick was tasked with creating a “Quadcopter Drone,” which unfortunately he was not able to finish once all students were sent home for Covid-19. He says this project’s objective was a similar concept to the UROV because there was a certain task that the drone had to perform. Like his last project, this too was going to be tested on an obstacle course that was meant to simulate a real-life situation. 

    Perhaps the most impressive part of Kreuz’s college career so far is his most recent endeavor. Nick is a part of a team with nine other students and one professor to build a rocket and compete in the Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition in New Mexico. 

    Nick Kreuz poses and smiles outdoors.

    This is a yearly competition that hosts around 40-50 schools in a desert in New Mexico. Anyone who is a part of a college or university is allowed to enter the competition. Teams at the competitions will test their rockets in front of a group of judges. 

    “The way it works is they judge us on our documentation, our predictions, and our calculations, and the second half of the competition comes from how well our rocket actually performs,” Nick says.

    Projects in the engineering clinics can be so involved and advanced that they can last as long as five years. Nick will work on this one through this entire school year, and the competition in New Mexico will take place after next semester. 

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    Story by:
    Luke Garcia, junior music industry major

    Photos by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    DE to NJ: Biochemistry Major Catie Cordell

    Catie sitting on a bench.

    Today we feature Catie Cordell, a junior Biochemistry major with a Psychology minor. Catie is a first-generation student from Middletown, DE. She is involved with the Women’s Soccer team, Flying First task force and Pre-Health Society. What are some fun off-campus things to do within 20 minutes of Rowan on this side of the bridge? […]

    2020: A Year To Remember

    David stands outside on campus.

    This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

    David standing outside the freshman dorms.
    Author David Malomo on campus.

    2020 … a year of missing stars, murder hornets, Kobe Bryant’s passing, Chadwick Boseman’s (Black Panther) passing and many, many more.

    This year has been filled with so many ups and downs that it has easily become one of the hardest years for a lot of people. According to the CDC, COVID 19 has infected 6.9 million people so far and has taken the lives of 216,000* people in the United States alone.

    My first experience with the virus was one night in mid-February; my friends and I were all sitting around talking and laughing about basketball, unaware of what was to come. Days prior, whispers of schools shutting down were quickly moving through university, but since we were not affected yet we did not really understand what was going on.

    Until we got the news that the NBA (National Basketball League) had suspended its season indefinitely. I know it might not seem like it was a big issue, but for sophomores in college who played and watched basketball almost every day, this was BIG news. We did not really understand that this was just the beginning of what was to come.

    Everything else happened so fast that I could not really catch my breath. All I knew was that one day I was back home taking Organic Chem 2 in the living room of my home while my mom was making food in the kitchen. 

    David leaning against the Campbell Library pillar.

    As a student, having your life change so drastically in the midst of all that was happening was one of the most stressful things to ever happen to me. Having to stay home and do nothing for hours except eat, sleep, watch TV and maybe go get groceries — then repeat the same thing the next day —was a big struggle, a struggle that millions of students all over the world have been going through. I was left with thoughts, decisions and problems that I had avoided for months and now, I had to face them head-on before they ate me alive. Waking up in the morning, getting out of bed, finding something productive to do became a struggle.

    But we all got through it, we pushed on and made the impossible possible.

    Even though this pandemic lifestyle is starting to become normal, the struggles of one’s life changing so drastically, almost losing one’s identity and not knowing who we are anymore are still very real struggles that we all deal with in our everyday lives. But we will push on; this is the time that we use to grow and discover new things about ourselves. This is the time when we grow closer to our families and fix relational mistakes that were made years ago. This is the time when we grow as brothers, sisters, friends and good people. This is the time that we rediscover picnics and taking walks in the park and taking the time in our day to just breath and fully live in the moment. 

    According to an article from John Hopkins Medicine, mindfulness can reduce stress and you do this by sitting quietly and just focusing on your breathing and enjoying the moment.

    We as a generation are a different breed, we are not like those before us, we do things differently and that is OK. We have been through a lot, but we are still here, fighting and causing change in our everyday lives. And as long as we do not give up or quit on ourselves, we will continue to grow stronger each and every day.

    * as of publishing date

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    David Malomo, junior biological sciences major, Wellness Center intern

    Photography by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major


    McGuire, Joseph F. “Stressed About COVID-19? Here’s What Can Help.” Stressed About COVID-19? Here’s What Can Help | Johns Hopkins Medicine, John Hopkins Medicine, www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/stressed-about-covid19-heres-what-can-help. 

    TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Geology Major Callie Stockton

    Callie sitting on a wooden bench outside.

    Meet Callie Stockton, a junior Geology major with minors in Astronomy and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). She is from Tabernacle, NJ (Burlington County) and transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County (RCBC). She’s also part of the Physics & Astronomy Club and the GEO Club. Here, Callie talks about her transition to Rowan. How has […]

    TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Studio Art Major Christine Stewart

    Christine standing outside in front of trees in a blue shirt.

    Today we welcome Christine Stewart, a transfer student from Cumberland County College. They are a junior majoring in Studio Art with a specialization in Graphic Design from Pennsauken, NJ (Camden County). They are also involved in Prism, Queer People of Color (QPOC), and Women of Westby. What wakes you up in the morning? Being able […]

    3 Sports Communication and Media Majors Share Why They Became Interested in Their Major

    Center field at Wackar Stadium.

    “This major combined my two biggest passions: sports and cameras. I’ve always been a huge sports fan, and I’ve always known I wanted to work in sports. During high school I knew I wanted to work around cameras doing photo/videography. So, when I found out about Sports CAM at Rowan, it was the perfect match.” […]

    9 Biomedical Art & Visualization Majors Tell Us Why Their Major Excites Them

    Biomedical Art and Visualization student draws for a project.

    From new mediums to emerging technologies, 9 Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts students in the Biomedical Art & Visualization program share why they are passionate about their major. 

    Isaiah holding a dog in the middle of a flower field.

    “Learning new techniques and nuances of drawing and illustration that I was entirely unaware of prior. That and the steady and consistent addition of new mediums to explore and develop skills with.” – Isaiah Reese, senior, first-generation college student, Biomedical Art and Visualization major with a Biology minor from Newton, NJ (Sussex County)

    Rose sitting at a table filled with Rowan souvenirs.

    “I love that I’m getting a great education in the sciences and methods of educating others, while also still be held to the esteem of a studio artist. Though I’m not a studio art major, I’ve still been taught all of the same skills you would expect a studio art major to have. This way I can make beautiful anatomical and scientific drawings as well as traditional fine art.” – Rose Price, senior, first-generation college student and Biomedical Art Visualization major with a minor in Biology, Sicklerville NJ (Gloucester County)

    Terry posing in a portrait photo.

    “The BMAV program is much more diverse than you would expect. Students are able to choose their topic of choice to research and to build their portfolio. There might be a student who enjoys studying scientific processes next to you and another student who likes exploring prosthetics on your other side. A student sitting across from you might like studying animals and another likes examining medical conditions. I am never bored in class because there is always something interesting to learn and do. Everyday is exciting and worthwhile.” – Terry Nguyen, junior, majors in Biomedical Art and Visualization and Music, Pre-medical minor from Moorestown, NJ (Burlington County)

    Mariele smiling outside wearing a drawstring backpack.

    “The atmosphere in our major is what excites me most. We are a small family, so we support each other. We all have our different interests and learn from each other as well.” – Mariele Ford, junior Biomedical Art Visualization major with a minor in Biology, Brigantine, NJ (Atlantic County)

    Hannah holding a her associate degree diploma.

    The future of my possibilities [is] in the arts.” – Hannah Knight, senior, transfer, first-generation college student and Biomedical Art and Visualization major with a minor in Art History and an associate degree in Biology from Medford, NJ (Burlington County)

    Sofia sitting and smiling wearing glasses and earphones.

    “The thing that excites me the most about my major is the ability to portray what I want while it’s still very informational and well-researched. Creating infographics about animals or plants is definitely what captivates me the most. But not only that, but the ability to also use newer technologies such as 3D modeling and even a chance to experiment with VR excite me to no end!” – Sofia Monaco, junior Biomedical Art and Visualization, CUGS in Game Media Design from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County)

    Diana posing for a selfie wearing glasses and a pink sweatshirt.

    “All the possible choices I will have for jobs in the near future and the fact that you build your own way.” – Diana Lahr, sophomore, first-generation college student and Biomedical Art and Visualization major from Elmer, NJ (Salem County)

    Harley sitting outside and smiling.

    “I am excited to learn more about the anatomy of humans as well as plants and animals along with how to properly illustrate and explain them. I am also excited to be able to communicate these aspects of life with others.” – Harley Modestowicz, sophomore Biomedical Art and Visualization major, Franklinville, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Veronica posing and smiling on a stair case.

    “What excites me most about Biomedical Art is how much I realize I’m being prepared for my future. I feel as if all my classes are geared toward strengthening my talents as an artist and creating artwork just as I would when dealing with clients in the future.” – Veronica Cava, junior Biomedical Art and Visualization major, Marlton, NJ (Burlington County)

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    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    Beyond The Classroom: Musical Theatre, RTF Double Major Shows Support For the Filipinx Community by Organizing a Talent Showcase For Charity

    Stock image of a microphone
    Faith sitting and posing on the edge of a fountain.

    Today, we speak to Faith Lynn Diccion, a junior Musical Theatre and Radio/ TV/ Film double major from Egg Harbor Township, NJ (Atlantic County). She currently lives on campus in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. She tells us more about her work this past summer with the nonprofit organization EmbraceRace and how she put together a Filipinx talent showcase for charity.

    First, how did you find Rowan?

    I found Rowan after being scouted at the NJ Thespian Festival by one of the theatre professors my senior year of high school. I had never really thought about Rowan as a theatre school, but I was instantly captivated by the faculty and campus. So, I was eager to come and audition at the school.

    Why did you choose your major?

    Growing up, I loved participating in theatre productions and singing. I just found it natural to pursue what I loved as a kid in college. Watching Disney movies when I was younger also left a big impression on me and gave me a push toward a career in performance and art creation.

    What is EmbraceRace? How did you get involved?

    EmbraceRace is a nonprofit organization that provides resources to parents, teachers and all in order to help raise children in a community based on acceptance, understanding and equity. From March 2016-2020, EmbraceRace has published 170+ articles from many storytellers, 34 Talking Kids & Race webinars with over 9K registrants per session, 30K+ email subscribers and 90K+ Facebook fans, and partnerships with well-known organizations such as The American Psychological Association and The Prejudice and Intergroup Relations Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    I happened to stumble upon EmbraceRace’s website while researching for organizations to donate to for my final project with the DIAL National Fellowship with Metro Arts Nashville under Americans for the Arts.

    At the time, I was brainstorming ideas for what causes I was most interested in supporting. In light of the surge in BLM protests and rallies, I wanted to show my support as well. Also, the slogan for EmbraceRace is “Raising a Brave Generation.” It really resonated within me and further strengthened my resolve to donate.

    I organized this showcase to show support not only for my Filipinx community and heritage, but also for the BLM movement that paved the way for all of the following minorities to come to America.

    How did you go about finding the talent for the showcase?

    Finding the talent was super fun. All I had to do was reach out to my network of friends and acquaintances to see who would be interested in participating, and it all just happened to work out somehow. Some of the talents I know very well, and some of them I had never even met before. Still, we are all connected to each other. So it was really uplifting to be able to reach out to these wonderful performers and ask them to share their talents for a special cause.

    A social media flyer for the Filipinx Talent Showcase.
    Featured performers from the Sa Bahay (“At Home”) musical showcase.

    What was a typical day like working with EmbraceRace?

    Because this was an individual project under my Fellowship, I did not work exclusively with EmbraceRace to accomplish this. When the fundraising timeframe ends, I will personally send the money raised as a one-time donation on the EmbraceRace website. As of [early September], our goal of $500 has been met. But because we are still accepting donations, we are still receiving donations and have exceeded our goal by a substantial amount.

    Any advice to students looking to get involved with EmbraceRace or advice in general?

    Browsing their official website is a great place to start. They even have volunteer opportunities available for people looking for more active roles in the organization. Also, their donation button has options to either donate as an individual or set-up up a fundraiser. The individual donation option fit the best with my showcase’s structure, so I opted out of creating a fundraiser directly though the organization. All in all, EmbraceRace is a wonderful nonprofit with useful resources and a great community open to discussion, so I highly recommend checking them out!

    Like what you see? 


    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

    Photos provided by:
    Faith Lynn Diccion, musical theatre and RTF double major

    Header photo courtesy of:

    5 Ways I’ve Gotten Involved on Campus

    Loredonna on bridge.

    College isn’t complete without getting involved to make campus feel like home. Here are 5 ways Loredonna Fiore, a junior Public Relations and Advertising major, did it.

    1. Joining Residential Learning and University Housing (RLUH).

    As a commuter during my freshman year, I didn’t know how to feel more connected to campus. A friend of mine who was an RA asked me to go to an information session to look further into the position. I applied, interviewed and thankfully got the RA position. As a sophomore, I found where I belonged on campus. I got to work with amazing student leaders, supportive professional staff and got to connect with wonderful freshman residents (shoutout to Chestnut Hall Class of 2023). I am now the Assistant Resident Director of Mimosa Hall, and I am learning and growing in this new role alongside my awesome team. RLUH has taught me the power of impact and how each of us can make a difference, big or small. 

    Loredonna stands outside on campus.

    2. Being an admissions ambassador. 

    When I applied to be an admissions ambassador, I learned so many things about Rowan that made me love it even more. Getting to learn about Rowan’s history, all of the resources we offer and working with the professional staff was an awesome experience. I loved helping prospective students and giving them a glimpse of Rowan.  

    3. Becoming an Orientation Leader. 

    Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, I wasn’t able to put all that I learned in PROS training to the test. I am looking forward to doing so next summer (hopefully). From what I did get to experience, I know that I am excited to go back to it. During training, I enjoyed learning about my staff and how we would operate as a team. I can’t wait to get to work with and help freshmen students. 

    4. Interning with Rowan Blog. 

    I was able to apply for my internship because of my Introduction to Public Relations professor. Professor Farney would always talk about real-life examples from her work with Rowan Admissions. I reached out to her in the summer to see if there were spaces available on her team, and she welcomed me with open arms. This is an awesome way to get involved on campus — using the connections you form in your classes and seeing them through to opportunities. Now, I get to meet so many great students and faculty members and expand my portfolio every week. Take advantage of these opportunities. 

    5. Attending Events. 

    Throughout my college experience so far, I have been able to attend events that make Rown feel like home. I love watching Rowan men’s soccer games and attending the live shows at the Bunce Black Box theatre. I also love going to the events put on by Rowan After Hours and the Student University Programmers. Some of my favorites are the Tuesday movie nights, $10,000 bingo and the food truck festival. You can meet people and have fun with your friend at these free Rowan events.

    Loredonna stands outside on campus.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

    Photography by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

    Rowan Student Leaders Alexa Bassano, Sydney Ramos and JT Kurtz Share Their Insights

    Read firsthand accounts from three Rowan students who talk about the benefits of their on-campus leadership positions. 

    First up is Alexa Bassano, a junior Biological Science major from Brick Township, NJ (Monmouth County). Alexa is a Resident Assistant at Mimosa Hall, a member of Rowan Emergency Medical Services and the Director of Collegiate Alumnae Engagement of Alpha Sigma Tau sorority. She explains: “Each role has benefited me in a different way. Now more than ever, people are thanking me for my service with EMS. As an RA, my residents tell me how much they appreciate me referring them to resources or just showing them where a building is. To me, those little things are just me doing my job, but that gratification reminds me I am a part of something bigger. Being involved and helping people just makes me so happy, whether it comes with a ‘thank you’ or not.”    

    Lexi in front of library columns
    Lexi Bassano

    Next, Sydney Ramos is a junior Human Services major from East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County). When talking about her role as a student leader, she shared her experience from the very beginning. “Overall, I have to thank Res Life for making me the leader I am today. As a freshman, I really kept to myself and didn’t explore what options were out there for me. But as soon as I found RLUH, I knew I was where I needed to be: in a family atmosphere with amazing people I really respect.” Sydney is a Resident Assistant at Mimosa Hall and a new member of the United Latinos Association

    Sydney on bridge
    Sydney Ramos

    JT Kurtz, a senior Computer Science major from Egg Harbor Township, NJ (Atlantic County), is also heavily involved on campus. He is the Assistant Resident Director of Nexus Properties, a learning assistant for the Computer Science department, a researcher in the Psychology department, and a member of the Filipino Club. “In all of my roles, I want to be a valuable resource for the people around me,” he says. “I want to push people to be the best they can be and get them to success. By coming up with innovative ways to work and help others, I get to learn and grow every day.”

    JT with tree in the back
    JT Kurtz

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

    Photography by:
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

    Advice from the Joes of Rowan

    Exterior shot of Joe in a black hoodie

    Ten Joes of different majors and eight counties share their advice for incoming and current Rowan students. 

    “Study more than you sleep, sleep more than you have fun, and have as much fun as possible.” – Joe Gummere, senior Mechanical Engineering major from Vernon, NJ (Sussex County, pictured above)

    Joe Frascella standing outside in front of trees.
    Joe Frascella

    “You’re going to fall down. College is humbling for many people, you just have to be willing to accept the lessons you gain and learn from them.” – Joe Frascella, senior Communication Studies major from Hightstown, NJ (Mercer County)

    Joe Gentempo sitting under an umbrella with a drink.
    Joe Gentempo

    “Don’t over stress but don’t under stress. Take it easy and just get assignments done on time. It also helps immensely to befriend your professor[s].” – Joe Gentempo, senior Art major from Middletown, NJ (Monmouth County)

    Joe D'Intino playing ultimate frisbee.
    Joe D’Intino playing ultimate frisbee.

    “Put yourself out there, try something new. I know going in I was really quiet and shy. Then I found the best on-campus job (Rec Center), became a part of a sport club (Ultimate Frisbee) and now I’m president of the organization.” – First-generation college student, Joe D’Intino, junior Chemical Engineering student from Medford, NJ (Burlington County)

    Headshot of Joe Kayal
    Joe Kayal

    “Be open to making new friends at any time and in any place, this will lead you to try new things and join new clubs.” – sophomore Joe Kayal, Civil Engineering major from Mahwah, NJ (Bergen County)

    Joe Sansone standing next to a woman holding pink raffle tickets.
    Joe Sansone

    “My advice would be to never compare yourself to anyone and never be discouraged by a missed opportunity. Take your life in college day by day, set goals and never be afraid to lean on your peers/professors for support.” – Joe Sansone, senior Business Management and Marketing major from Howell, NJ (Monmouth County) 

    Joseph Breymeier standing in sunlight looking down at his phone.
    Joseph Breymeier

    “Making friends is scary for EVERYONE. Don’t be afraid to ask to sit with strangers. You may just get a best friend out of it! The advisors at Rowan are invaluable resources. Ask them for information on clubs the campus offers and show up. The busier you are, the better your college experience.” – Joseph Breymeier, MBA student from Mount Laurel, NJ (Burlington County)

    Joe Carriero is playing Hockey.
    Joe Carriero

    “The best thing that you can do is get involved! In spite of the current situation, Rowan is still offering plenty of clubs and activities that are easy to join and give you a great way to meet new friends and feel more comfortable with taking this big step in your life. I was nervous about going to Rowan and not knowing many people, but once I joined the Roller Hockey Club, I felt right at home!” – Joe Carriero, sophomore Finance major from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Joe Hunt taking a selfie.
    Joe Hunt

    “Don’t play it safe with choosing your major. I used to be a Bio major because it was the ‘safe’ option. The only problem with that was … I hate biology. I love movies, writing and storytelling. So I picked a major that reflects my passions. When I enter my career field, I’ll get a job that I enjoy, and not just make money at; and if you enjoy your job you’re not really ‘working,’ are you? Do what you love, and good luck, class of 2024.” – First-generation college student Joe Hunt, senior Radio/TV/Film (RTF) major from Audubon, NJ (Camden County)

    Joe Hammer standing with two friends.
    Joe Hammer (right)

    “Be outgoing and make friends in your major! You will be in the same classes a lot and getting to know them will help with homework, studying and making your classes enjoyable. A friend that I met on my first day at Rowan ended up being my roommate senior year. Maintain a balanced workload by taking an easy or fun class each semester. If you think you are overdoing it, it’s okay to drop a class; summer classes helped me stay on pace.” – M.S. in Computer Science major Joe Hammer from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County)

    Like what you see?


    Header photo: Joe Gummere, senior mechanical engineering major

    Story by: 
    Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

    Junior Major Moments: Combined Advanced Degree Program (CADP), Law and Justice Studies Major Julia Esposito

    Julia sitting and smiling wearing a Rowan sweatshirt.

    Today, we speak to Julia Esposito, a Law and Justice Studies major with a concentration in Forensic Science from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County). Julia transferred from Stockton University to Rowan her sophomore year and has no regrets about it. She’s been a commuter since her freshman year. She tells us more about her experience at Rowan, including more details about her major’s Combined Advanced Degree Program (CADP). 

    Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

    One of my favorite experiences with a faculty member was taking American Constitutional Law with Prof. Kathy Balin during fall semester of junior year. She has become one of my favorite professors due to the genuine care she has for her students and the information she taught us about the field of law. I knew walking into every class that I would leave truly learning something new and feeling more confident with my knowledge about the subject.

    Whenever I would have concerns regarding a grade or assignment, Prof. Balin always took extra time to assure me that I was on the right track and always answered any questions I had leaving me feeling assured. She truly goes above and beyond for her students, and I am grateful to have had that experience with her.

    Prof. Kathy Balin on campus.
    Prof. Kathy Balin

    What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth?  

    A pre-professional experience that is helping to support my growth is being accepted into the Law and Justice Combined Advanced Degree Program (CADP) my junior year. I first learned of this program on my tour of Rowan during my senior year of high school. Then known as the 4+1 Program, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of, as it is an amazing and rewarding experience. There are certain requirements upon being accepted, such as having a high grade point average, not only overall, but in my Law and Justice major.

    Throughout my three years of college, I worked to keep my GPA high and above the requirement for the CADP. My hard work was rewarded, and I was accepted into the program in the spring semester of my junior year. This is a huge accomplishment for me and has been a goal of mine since freshman year of college. I am proud of my acceptance into the program and it was definitely the highlight of my junior year at Rowan.

    What is the most amazing or interesting ​thing you’ve learned in your major this year?

    The most interesting thing I have learned in my major [my junior] year was a variety of Supreme Court cases that have shaped the laws of our country. Each case has a unique story that never fails to intrigue and make me want to read and learn more about the process that goes into deciding and ruling on a case.

    Like what you see?


    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, music industry major

    Header photo by:
    Anthony Raisley

    100 Reasons 100 Profs Love Rowan

    Students enjoying Oishii Ramen located on Rowan Blvd
    • Landmark Americana
    • Escape Room
    • Chickies and Petes
    • Mexican Mariachi Grill
    • 7 Eleven
    • Pierogi Place
    • Hollypointe commons
    • Nexus Properties
    • Rowan Blvd Apartments
    • Rowan After Hours
    Some members of Greek life here at Rowan
    • Hollybash
    • Study Abroad
    • Baseball
    • Rugby
    • Soccer
    • Skateboard Park
    • Victoria Street Gym
    • Rowan Rec Center
    • Late Library Hours
    • Freshens
    A member of the student run newspaper The Whit
    Holly bash shirts
    A look at the Rowan University campus
    Students working on the Rowan community garden
    Spring 2023 Grads bid farewell
    • Writing Arts Club
    • Women’s Basketball
    • Center for access success and equity
    • A wide range of Greek organizations
    • Tutoring is easily accessible
    • Wide range of majors
    • Helpful staff and administration
    • CHAARG
    • College of Performing Arts
    • College of Science and Mathematics
    Members of the Rowan Dance Team on game day
    Rowan Thrive outside the Chamberlin Student Center
    Wilmington Blue Rocks intern and Rowan alumni Daniel Ryan

    Like what you see?


    Junior Major Moments: Alex Marzocca Gains Confidence for a Career in Finance and Accounting

    Alex pictured in professional attire.

    Today we feature double major in Finance and Accounting, Alex Marzocca from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County).  

    Close up photo of Alex.

    Can you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? 

    My favorite experience with a faculty member is with my finance professor, Joseph Henry. His method of teaching is the best I’ve ever experienced. He reinforced everything explained during lectures with math-based examples on Excel. Not only that, he also allowed me to assist him with his Excel-based finance research. It was a fantastic learning experience for me! 

    What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year? 

    The most interesting thing I learned in my major this year was the complexity involved in pricing a stock option. The scholastic calculus combined with the statistics included in the model are quite intricate especially, when the equation is extrapolated. 

    What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? 

    A pre-professional experience that helped support my growth is the internship I had with a boutique real estate investment bank over winter break. I was made aware of the opportunity through a personal connection, and my time there provided me with hands-on finance and real-estate experience.

    The experience will certainly be helpful as I begin my search for full-time employment. More importantly, it instilled a confidence in me that I have the skills needed to contribute and be a valuable member of a professional team.

    Like what you see?


    Story by: 
    Melanie Sbaraglio, recent public relations and advertising graduate

    Photos courtesy of:
    Alex Marzocco

    Junior Major Moments: Law and Justice Major Nicolette Salzano

    Exterior shot of the Owl statue and the back of Campbell Library.

    Today we feature Law and Justice major and Psychology minor Nicolette Salzano. Nicolette is a transfer student living off-campus this fall. 

    Can you please share a favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?

    As a Law and Justice major, I have had numerous classes with Professor Houser. She is a great teacher, motivator and friend. She makes our classes engaging and interesting for each student and has worked closely with me to help me achieve success in the field. 

    Law and Justice major Nicolette at a formal event.

    What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year? 

    The most interesting thing I have learned in my major this year is how many vast options of work are available to me. Being a Law and Justice major, the opportunities are endless in the field. It is great to know I will always have something interesting going on in my everyday work life. 

    What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? 

    I am a member of the Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority, Phi Kappa chapter here at Rowan. This chapter has expanded my horizons in so many different ways, such as making so many new and extraordinary friendships and always keeping busy with community and campus work. 

    Like what you see? 


    Story by: 
    Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

    Header photo by:
    Anthony Raisley