How the Volunteer Club Impacts My Rowan Experience

Student volunteer pets a gray tabby cat at an animal shelter

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a recent communications studies graduate self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.

Volunteering at Rowan University has been such a wonderful and rewarding experience. Are you looking to make friends? Help out the community? Feel good about yourself? I would recommend joining the Volunteer Club at Rowan.

Rowan students volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House South Jersey

It’s also important in other ways. Volunteering is important as it offers essential help to worthwhile causes, people in need and the wider community. Indeed, many organizations and charities rely on the generosity of volunteers as often they’re only partially-funded through government or local councils and cannot afford to pay salaries for all their staff. In fact, many companies depend almost solely upon teams of volunteers (like you!) to help them thrive and do their work.

If you’re feeling bored, isolated or simply want to widen your social circle, volunteering for Rowan is an important – and often fun – way to meet new people. In fact, one of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together, and volunteering lets you do just that.

Rowan student volunteers at animal shelter

What kind of volunteer options does Rowan offer? Many! Some of my favorites have been playing bingo at our local senior citizens center, helping out the local ASPCA animal shelter, and even taking a bus over to Camden to help serve food to the homeless and less fortunate at Cathedral Soup Kitchen. I even volunteered to be a tutor at South Woods State Prison.

Every volunteer event is meaningful and impacted my life positively. The look on the senior citizens’ faces to have someone young sitting next to them to play bingo is priceless. The animals I got to walk for a couple hours at the animal shelter felt loved. The prisoners I got to teach mathematics to and socialize with felt important. The greatest reward I have ever felt is donating at the soup kitchen and passing out hot cooked meals to families in need. 

Rowan students volunteer at Food Bank of South Jersey

Doing good for others and our community helps to create a sense of accomplishment. And working as a volunteer can also gave me a sense of pride and identity, helping to boost my self-confidence further by taking me out of my natural comfort zone and environment. It was also an escape from the typical school day. I was able to wake up and volunteer in the mornings for a couple of hours and then go to my classes. The volunteer event schedule has numerous days and times to apply yourself. I noticed that volunteering boosted my mental health simply because it made me happier: the so-called “helper’s high.” 

So next semester, try it out. Volunteering is a win-win situation all around. Reach out to the Volunteer Club and Rowan University if you have any questions or would like to learn more. 

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Story by:
Devon Graf, Communication Studies graduate
Rowan University Volunteer Website

#PROFspective: Sophomore Health Promotion & Wellness Management Major Hajah Carpenter

Hajah walks around campus.

Today we feature sophomore Health Promotion & Wellness Management major Hajah Carpenter. She is a first-generation college student from Somerdale, NJ (Camden County). Before campus closed due to COVID-19, Hajah lived in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments.

How are you getting the most out of your college experience? 

I’m getting the most out of my experience at Rowan by trying to participate, get involved and take walks on beautiful days. I really appreciate Rowan’s campus and how beautiful it is. 

Hajah leaning up against a tree

What are you learning socially and academically about yourself?

I am learning about how much I love to work and communicate with people! I love to help others, whether it’s with schoolwork or being someone to talk to!

How have you grown as a person since coming to Rowan? 

Rowan has helped prepare me for the outside world and has made me very excited for my future! My ideas for the future have grown and I’m excited to continue in my education! My major has inspired me to hopefully open up my own gym one day!

What experiences have you enjoyed the most at Rowan?

I love all the events Rowan runs in the Student Center!

Hajah walks around campus.

How do you get involved on campus?

I get involved by attending events on campus, and being a part of the Club Lacrosse team!

How have you made friends and continue to make friends?

I have many many friends at Rowan who I love dearly. I have met some friends from Willow Hall, where I lived my freshman year! I also like to keep in contact with people I have done group projects or been in classes with! I have made a good amount of my friends in study groups I join for my classes too.

How do you create that “away” at school experience while close to home?

My friends have become my family here at Rowan, so I feel at home here.

Why Rowan?

Rowan has always had a good reputation while I was growing up! My family is from Glassboro, and watching the ‘boro be built up to what it is now has been amazing!

Exterior photo of Hajah leaning up against a tree

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Julia’s Corner: Finding Friends

a photo of julia sitting outside the Rec Center

Headshot of Julia, who is smiling and has long blond hair.Recent grad Julia McAleavey shares guidance through this advice column for incoming students. A student with well-rounded experience, Julia earned a bachelor’s in advertising. She transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, after another school wasn’t a great fit. While at Rowan she started as an exploratory studies major, unsure of what to major in. She’s lived both on campus and off campus, held student worker jobs and internships, and participated in clubs and sports.

There are a lot of things about starting college that can be absolutely terrifying. One of those things is worrying about finding friends. I’ve got some good news for you: you are not the only person anxious about this. Every college first year or new transfer is worried about not making any friends. Here are some ways to help you come out of your comfort zone and break that fear of never finding friends.

Get out of your room.

When first moving in, you might not know what to really do with yourself besides sit in your room and watch television. Or, if you commute, you might just drive to campus and back home after class. I know this is a crazy time for you and it’s so easy to get stuck inside, but do not do this! Friends are not just going to magically appear at your door. Sure, you might have been friends with your roommate already, but you both need other friends so you do not get sick of living with each other.

A good start would be to go to the events that your resident assistant sets up at the beginning of the semester, or make a point to go to the September organization fair, where there are tons of tables of people representing their clubs and organizations. This way, you get out of your room (or car), and get to know some of the people. 

Students on Bunce Green.
Go to first-year student events.

At the beginning of the semester, there will be some events to attend for new students to get to know each other. Rowan After Hours (RAH) has a lot of fun, late-night events to get students to interact with one another. They might sound lame at first, but don’t let that keep you from going. You might even meet your best friends there. Plus, there is usually free food of some kind, and it’s hard to say no to that, right? 

First year students outside Holly Pointe.

Two words: Get. Involved.

This is HUGE! Many first year and new transfers go into college not wanting to get involved because they are afraid they will fall behind on school work or won’t fit in. Yes, it is true you are at Rowan for a degree, but getting involved in something will help you to make friends and professional connections. I joined the Swim Club and it introduced me to my best friends. 

There are a lot of activity fairs at the beginning of each semester to share information about different clubs and organizations. Look out for these dates so you can find the perfect fit for you.

I’m going to be completely honest with you — college can sometimes feel like a lonely place. You might feel sad and overwhelmed and might even just want to go home. But once you find a great group of friends everything will fall into place. 

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Story by:
Julia McAleavey, advertising graduate

Meet Rowan #2024: Alex Micharski Prepares for a Strong Start at Rowan

Stock image of robotics parts

Today we feature incoming freshman Alex Micharski, a Computer Science major with a Math minor from Hamilton, NJ (Mercer County).

A photo of Alex holding his Rowan admissions package and wearing a gray Rowan sweatshirt.What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? Or something new you’d like to try?

I spent a lot of my time in high school in FIRST Robotics and spent four years on the football team: two years as a player, and due to academic constraints and an internship in my junior and senior years, I became a student manager on the football team, filming games and occasionally calling plays. Although I wasn’t too happy when I had to step down from being a player, I will be graduating high school with 61 college credits with the decision that I madeWhile I was at the STEM Academy, I had a debut on the morning announcements starting from my freshman year lasting until my junior year, where I cracked jokes over the loudspeaker and laughed harder at my jokes than anybody else. 

How/why did you choose your major?

I chose Computer Science to be my major because I have been into programming and information technology since I was 11 years old.

Alex reclines in a desk chair next to a desk with a laptop and scattered papers.What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

Next year at Rowan, I am looking forward to doing many new things. This might surprise you, but I am a boater. My family just bought a new boat and we named it “Unsinkable II.” The best thing about Unsinkable II is the glass bottom, which allows us to see Unsinkable I every time we’re out on the water. I am also hoping to try out some intramural sports like football and lacrosse (I also played lacrosse in high school for a year and spent more time in the penalty box and on the bench for slashes than I did playing). Another thing that I am looking forward to doing at Rowan is looking to run a morning podcast where I talk about life, Rowan events, and stuff going on around us. I also heard about open mic nights on campus, and I might give one a shot.

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan University for a few reasons. The first reason is the low tuition. The second reason is because their Computer Science program is about to explode in size. The third reason is because of its location. Rowan is far enough where I can live on my own, but also not too far where if something happened, I could go back home without a problem. And the last reason, which is certainly not the least, is because it’s close to Philadelphia, which is where the Eagles play (sorry Giants fans). I am hoping to meet a lot of new people, learn new things, and see where life takes me.

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Photos courtesy of:
Alex Micharski

Senior Reflects: Professional Skills Through Greek Life

Group photo of Alpha Sigma Tau.

Today’s story is from Melanie Sbaraglio, a senior public relations and advertising double major social-distancing from her house in Nutley, NJ (Essex County). Melanie joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Ace Screen Printing in Glassboro was cut short due to COVID-19 affecting business. 

Many people recognize Greek life for its social aspects however, coming from experience there is a lot more to it. Gaining professional skills is a very valuable thing that Greek life provides. For instance, having a position within your sorority or fraternity, such as being on the executive board, can teach you a lot. There are also a lot of positions across the organization that are very important.A few Alpha Sigma Tau sisters at a recruitment event this past spring.

I was the merchandise chair for my sorority, Alpha Sigma Tau, this semester. My role was to design and place orders for apparel that represented our sorority during events. This position taught me a lot because I was able to practice time management, staying organized, and working with other people. A lot of the positions within Greek life relate back to your major as well. Someone interested in accounting could become the financial chair and keep track of the budget. There is also a public relations chair who runs our sorority’s social media. Any of these positions can be great to put on a resume in the future to show a potential employer you have experience.

Pink Alpha Sigma Tau recruitment shirt.
Pictured above is one of our Alpha Sigma Tau spring recruitments shirts that I designed this year.

Even if you don’t have a position within your organization you are still learning skills just by participating in events and meetings. Weekly chapter meetings are basically business meetings to discuss and plan for future events.

Sorority recruitment also taught me a lot because I experienced both sides of it, as a recipient and as an organizer. It teaches you networking skills and gives you the confidence to be able to go into a room and start up a conversation with anyone. Gaining that kind of confidence will help you in the future with things like job interviews and working with new people.

I would recommend Greek life to anyone because it is definitely something great to be a part of while also getting the benefits of learning professional skills along the way.

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Story and photographs by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, senior public relations and advertising major

Take a Look Inside Rowan’s Anime Club [VIDEO]

An Anime Club member draws an anime figure on the whiteboard at a club meeting

Rowan Blog produced this video pre-quarantine.

Join us as we visit a meeting of the student-run Rowan University Anime Club.

You don’t even have to watch anime to join Anime Club, which its members describe as “inclusive,” “open” and “accepting.” Students with little to advanced anime knowledge will find a community here. 

Anime Club meets in Robinson Hall. 

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Video by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Tom Copsetta, senior radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Bianca Torres, junior music industry major

Pandemic Profs: Netflix Edition

Laptop with the Netflix logo and a plate of snacks

Welcome to our series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a senior Communication Studies major isolating from her home in Gloucester County, NJ. 

Currently with too much time on some of our hands at home, we may not know where to begin. I’m here to give you some top Netflix shows around. While being at home, this can be a great time to sit around with family and start a new series! Let’s get to it!!

Dexter. Netflix Television show.

1. Dexter

  • Oldie, but a goodie? Am I right? Expect to see graphic close-ups of severed arms, legs and heads. And running a close second to the bloody visuals is the psychological mayhem that comes with taking a peek inside the twisted mind of a killer. The real catch is Dexter Morgan’s day job: He’s a blood-splatter expert for the Miami Police Department, which further assists him in his clean technique of taking care of his own victims. This eight-season show will have you in for a thrill. One question you can take away is, Why do we sometimes root for the bad guys? Is Dexter a “bad guy”? 

Black Mirror. Netflix show.

2. Black Mirror 

  • With all of this chaotic pandemic craziness going on, what better way to take your mind off with some sick, twisted Black Mirror episodes? One thing I love about this show is that every episode is different. You have five seasons and 22 episodes of dark, British social commentary. There are lots of violent (and often scary) events, sexual themes and cursing. There are references to social media like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, as well as similar but futuristic technological concepts, like a Tinder app that helps people find their true love by using computer simulations. Definitely a show that can mess with your mind! Take this away: Can you think of examples where technological advances seem to have gone too far in real life? 

When They See Us. Netflix show.

3. When They See Us

  • Looking for something more in depth and real? When They See Us is a dramatization of the Central Park Five case, in which five teenagers were wrongly convicted of the violent rape of a 28-year-old woman. The 1990 trial was widely publicized at the time and has become an example of institutional racism within the police and the American justice system. The complex subject matter makes this brutal but often powerful series is a harsh reality that is very compelling, although violent. If you watch maybe with a younger sibling, there is some strong language and the content is mature, so I would recommend this for those who are 14+ and able to handle content involving racism, violence, sexual content, etc. 

Dead To Me. Netlix show. 4. Dead To Me

  • This quirky dark comedy is about a widowed woman who makes a mysterious new friend in a support group. This unusual show combines both a suspenseful mystery and a narrative about a woman becoming a stronger and more complete person after a terrible blow through a supportive (if fraught) friendship and therapy. This show stars Christina Applegate as Jen, a recently widowed woman whose overwhelming grief leads her to a support group where she meets Judy (Linda Cardellini), who’s going through her own grief process. When the two spark a friendship, Jen quickly learns that there’s more to Judy than meets the eye — but just how much more will take longer to unravel!!!! You can also talk about this with family while watching and ask about what type of show this is. Is it a crime drama? A fantasy? A family drama?

The Umbrella Academy show cast on Netflix.

5. The Umbrella Academy

  • Looking for a dark comic? This show is a series about a group of adopted siblings with superpowers who team up to try to prevent a fiery future apocalypse. Characters, usually depicted as villains, bad guys or faceless “hench” people, are dispatched bloodily by the so-called heroes. They’re shot, stabbed and torn apart, with spurting blood and gore — in piles of dead bodies. Action packed? I think so.  Here are some questions you could pass around the table with your family: What makes stories about humans with extraordinary powers especially appealing? Why would people want to have superpowers, particularly at this moment in time? If you could have a superpower, what would it be? 

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Story by: 
Devon Graf, senior communication studies major

Header photo courtesy of:

20 Minute Radius: Super Smash Bros. Tournament [VIDEO]

students playing a video game

Rowan Blog produced this video pre-quarantine. 

Join us as we visit a local, student-run Super Smash Brothers tournament.

Super Smash Bros is a fighting game made by Nintendo featuring a plethora of classic Nintendo characters that can be fun for everyone. Although it isn’t a school event, the tournament takes place every Friday afternoon in James Hall, Room 2096.

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Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major
Noel Waldron, senior advertising major

Music by:
Tommy Bell, senior music industry major

Pre-Quarantine 20 Questions with Cam Hadley [VIDEO]

Cam sits in her office in the Student Center.

Welcome to Rowan at Home, our new series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story features Camryn Hadley, a junior isolating in her house in Somerset County, NJ. As we walk through the Student Center into the Student Government Association office, Camryn answers questions about her major, jobs on-campus, and leadership positions. Rowan Blog captured this footage pre-quarantine.

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Video by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

Alumni Success: Chemical Engineering Major Brad Johnson

a drone photo of engineering hall at sunset.

Brad Johnson is a Chemical Engineering alumnus from the Class of 2016, from Langhorne, PA (Bucks County). Brad was part of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society, University Orchestra, String Ensemble and Republican Club. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate for the Department of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

What inspired you to choose Chemical Engineering?Brad Johnson lecturing in a chemical engineering room.

“In high school I was interested in chemistry and, in particular, physics. I was drawn to engineering in general because of its hands-on nature and emphasis on applying scientific principles to improve the world.”

What would you share with a future student interested in Chemical Engineering?

“Chemical engineering unit operations and processes are pretty cool. There are so many inventive ways to transport, transform, separate and combine different materials.”

How does your field impact the world? What impact would you like to have on the world in your field?

“Chemical engineers have a hand in developing and producing almost anything you can imagine: energy, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, food and advanced materials to name a few. We excel at process modeling, utilizing math, chemistry and physics to create products in a safe and economical fashion.

“My sub-field is process systems engineering. We develop and apply rigorous mathematical optimization and modeling methods to improve the design, operation and control of chemical engineering processes.”

Can you share a current research project you’re working on?

“I’m currently developing computationally efficient dynamic models for powder flow in pharmaceutical drug product continuous manufacturing. For example, one model leverages our knowledge of powder properties to predict how fast a powder can be fed through different screw feeders and under different process conditions. Predictive models can speed up a new drug’s time to market by reducing the need for experimental data to begin process development.”

What is your biggest academic/career accomplishment so far?

“Successfully proposing my thesis, ‘Theory and Application in Best Subset Selection and Constrained Regression,’ last September.”

Tell us about your transition into graduate school and how you pushed through any challenges.

Exterior shot of Engineering pond“The biggest difference between undergraduate coursework and graduate research is the switch from solving curated, self-contained problems with well-tested methods to having to pose your own problems and solutions with no guarantee they will work. This difference, in part, made it challenging to transition my strong undergraduate work ethic into my graduate work. To combat this, I’ve scheduled a period of time each day to focus on meeting small research goals. This helps me keep momentum even when unexpected challenges arise.”

Do you have any plans after graduation? 

“I don’t have firm plans for after graduation. In the future, I hope to continue developing technical software and algorithms. I’d also like to help teach the next generation of engineers.”

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Story by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

Pre-Quarantine 20 Questions with Faith Diccion [VIDEO]

Faith poses for a photo outside on a spring day.

Welcome to Rowan at Home, our new series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story features Faith Diccion, a sophomore isolating in her house in Atlantic County, NJ. A double major in Theatre and Radio/TV/Film Faith shares what it’s really like to be a Rowan Prof while answering 20 questions strolling on Rowan Boulevard. Rowan Blog captured this footage pre-quarantine.

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Video by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

ROWAN RESET | Sleepy Cat Edition [VIDEO]

a close up photo of Harison the cat.

Rowan Reset is our self-care series of laid-back videos to view as you go about your day — play as you study, nap, practice self-care or just veg out.

Meet the adorable, sleepy cats of one Rowan Prof’s household.

Harrison (white/tabby), Simon (skinnier gray), Priya (fluffy), Jingle (not-so-skinny gray) and Gouda (jet black) enjoy their mid-day sunny nap. Interested in a furry companion? Local rescues are in need of fosters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reach out to your local organizations to temporarily take in a cat. Most rescues/shelters cover all expenses — food, litter, veterinary — you just supply the space and the love!

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Students Make Furry Friends at Salem County Humane Society [VIDEO]

a person petting a cat on its head.

Through Rowan University’s Office of Volunteerism, students mingle and make new furry friends while volunteering at the Salem County Humane Society. Volunteer tasks include cleaning cages, setting out food and water, and socializing the animals. 

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Video by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Music by:
Louis Testa III, junior music composition major

Jehu’s Home Away From Home: Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship [VIDEO]

Exterior shot of Rowan Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship.

Sophomore computer science major Jehu Ananoria feels most at home at Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship. As a resident of Sussex County, NJ, Jehu moved nearly three hours away from home to come to Rowan.

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Video by:
Peter Planamente & Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism majors

Iridian Shares 3 Ways She’s Gotten Involved as a Transfer

After completing two years at Atlantic Cape Community College, I decided to transfer over to Rowan University to get my bachelor’s in Journalism. Transferring over to a new school can be both exciting and intimidating. You’ll get to create new memories, meet new people and experience new opportunities.Student portrait of Journalism major Iridian outside on Rowan's campus

At community college I was involved in many extracurricular activities, like being part of the communication club and assistant editor for the Atlantic Cape Review. For me, getting involved has always been important. It improves leadership and interpersonal skills, but most importantly, it gives students practical experience.

When I first transferred to Rowan, I did not know anyone, but I immediately felt welcomed by all my professors and classmates. I knew I wanted to get involved and create new memories, just like I did at my community college.

I started asking other students what they were involved in, and I checked Rowan’s Student Organization Services page, where I found clubs and organizations that caught my attention. There are many ways to get involved — you’ve just got to be open to new experiences and opportunities.

Here are three ways I’ve gotten involved as a transfer student and commuter.Copies of The Whit, Rowan's student newspaper where Journalism major Iridian works as a copy editor

  1. Joined The Whit,The Campus Newspaper: As mentioned earlier, I am majoring in Journalism; for me, getting outside the classroom experience is extremely important. By joining The Whit, I got to meet the most amazing group of people. I created new friendships that I know will last forever and help each other out even after college. Aside from making friends, this past fall I got elected to become one of the copy editors for the paper. It’s all about being open to new opportunities.A screenshot of Rowan Blog's main page featuring one of Journalism major Iridian's stories
  2. Became a content writer for Rowan’s blog: By becoming a writer and working for the Admissions office, I have gotten the chance not only to work on my craft, but meet so many people, from students, to faculty and alumni. Now I walk through campus seeing familiar faces all the time, from interviewing so many people, and that feels amazing.
  3. Attended campus events: One thing I really like about Rowan is that there are always events going on. I like to say that there is an event for everyone here at Rowan. If you are interested in art there are events at the Art Gallery in 301 High St. There are many lectures you can attend, and many special guests are brought in as well. One way I check to see for upcoming events is by checking an email announcer we all get in the morning.

Journalism major Iridian sits outside on Rowan's campusThese are just three ways how I have gotten involved here at Rowan, but there are so many other ways to get involved. It’s all about being open to new experiences and being OK with getting out of your comfort zone.

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

ROWAN RESET | Morning Plant Care [VIDEO]

A cat sitting in plants

Rowan Reset is our Self-Care Sunday series of laid-back videos you can view as you go about your day — play as you study, nap, practice self-care or just veg out. Choose. Play. Reset.

Noel deep cleans her plants every January, but this time she is helped by a cat!

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Video by:
Noel Waldron, senior advertising major

Music by:
Gabe Georges, music industry alumnus 


Rain the dog with Gabe the human walking down a path

Rowan Reset is our Self-Care Sunday series of laid-back videos you can view as you go about your day — play as you study, nap, practice self-care or just veg out. Choose. Play. Reset.

Noel and Gabe go for a winter hike with the very good boy, Rain. 

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Video by:
Noel Waldron, senior advertising major


a dog lying on the ground wearing a harness

Rowan Reset is our Self-Care Sunday series of laid-back videos you can view as you go about your day — play as you study, nap, practice self-care or just veg out. Choose. Play. Reset.

Just some good boys hangin’ out in the good boy park!

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Video by:
Noel Waldron, senior advertising major

Music by:
Joseph Murphy, senior music industry major

Rowan PROS Share Their Six Favorite Things at Rowan [VIDEO]

Matt Ortiz being interviewed about his experience working for the Rowan PROS

The Rowan PROS (Peer Referral and Orientation Staff) share their favorite things about our campus and tips for starting out at Rowan. From socializing tips to where to eat on campus, the PROS have it all.

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Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Destiny’s Home Away From Home: Equestrian Club [VIDEO]

Destiny standing with her horse at the barn

Destiny Sheard, a senior Marketing major from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County) and a first-generation college student, feels most at home at the barn with the Equestrian Club.

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. 


Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Music by:
Jayce Williams, senior music industry major

Social Benefits of Rowan University’s Game Room

Matt and his friend play Super Smash Bros in the Game Room.

Meet Matthew Penn, a junior at Rowan who majors in Advertising Matt Posing for a portrait in the game room.and says video games have played an important role in his life since he was very young.

By the time I was in third grade, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, a form of autism that primarily affects an individual’s social skills, from poor eye contact to social isolation.

Since I was very young I have always had an interest in video games and they’ve always been my comfort. For the longest time I never really wanted to leave my house until I started to meet friends who shared similar interests in video games just like me. Since coming to Rowan University I’ve never felt more comfortable. The Game Room in the Student Center is such an amazing place for me to go, where I can be myself or play video games with so many people.

When I’m at the Game Room, I forget that I even have Asperger syndrome and I believe that the Game Room is perfect for anyone looking to make some new friends.

The Game Room offers all students many great games to play — not just video games, but plenty of regular games as well, including billiards, shuffleboard, ping pong, foosball, darts and plenty of board games. There are approximately six video game consoles: two Nintendo Switches, two Xbox Ones and two Playstation 4s. There are plenty of choices for video games to play and plenty of people to talk to and possibly play a couple games with. 

Matt playing foosball in the rowan university game room.

The overall design of the Game Room is very inviting. When a you first enter, you see a great mural on the wall signifying this is the room for anyone looking to play some games and have some fun. The first section of the room is comprised of billiards tables and a mini shuffleboard table. After that you will be greeted with a large selection of video games. You’re more than likely to see a group of students playing a video game, and any student is more than welcome to ask any group of students if they can join in. However, if video games aren’t quite your thing, there are plenty of board games and tabletop games such as foosball, ping pong and air hockey. 

A close up shot of a gamecube controllerThings are very upbeat and exciting here with plenty of events and tournaments. Tournaments range from multiple genres of video games, including fighting games, first-person shooters and sports games. However, it’s not limited to just video game tournaments. The Game Room offers a few distinctive and simplistic tournaments as well such as Jenga tournaments and even classic arcade game tournaments such as Dig Dug.

The Game Room has a very symmetrical worldview when it comes to how it runs things. The staff here are very open to the idea of bringing in new features events to keep the Game Room exciting. At the front desk there’s a jar where students can write down their ideas to what they would like to see added, whether it be different events or even offering additional classic video game consoles.

The Game Room is very open to looking into any and every student opinion to see what can be done to keep people happy who walk through those doors and come back every day.

Two students playing skee ball in the Rowan University Game Room.If you don’t really know where to start to meet other gamer students, this is the perfect place to start. If you have any kind of social anxiety, asking to join in a group of people playing a video game is a perfect starting point. With tons of games to play and a large quantity of people to talk to, social interaction is impossible to avoid.

There’s no doubt about it, college can be very stressful with all the assignments and the pressure of tests and finals. The Game Room is the perfect place for students to reduce stress. Here you can forget about your busy life for an hour or two and enjoy some games for a while. Having a place where you can go to take some time off is great, whether it be playing any of the games or just sitting down and taking some time to spend with your thoughts.

Two students playing in the Game Room.

In the time that I’ve been at Rowan University, the Game Room has been my go-to place to hang out, to take some time away from all the work I have or just a nice spot for when I’m just having a really bad day. I hope other students will have similar experiences as mine and I hope that it can help them get over their social anxiety and help relieve their stress from school as much as it did for me.   

Story by:
Matthew Penn, junior advertising major

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#PROFspective: Music Industry Major Jeff McConnell

Music Industry major Jeff McConnell stands outside Wilson Hall

Jeff McConnell posing in the SUP office.Name: Jeff McConnell 

Major: Music Industry  

Year: Senior 

Hometown and County: Marmora, NJ (Cape May County)

Commuter: Off-campus 

Social clubs you are a part of: E-board member for Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship 

Do you work on campus? Director of Live Events for the Student University Programmers (SUP) and Building Manager at Rowan Rec Center

Jeff playing the piano in Wilson Hall.Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field. The first class I took for my major was Business of Music 1, and as soon as the class started and we got into the course material I knew I had made the right choice.

We started learning about the “ins and outs” of the music industry, and all of my professors experiences while working in the music industry with some of the biggest names in music. Once this class started in addition to the other classes I was taking once I transferred into this major, nothing felt like homework anymore and I just wanted to know more about everything we were learning. Ever since then, I have loved every class I have taken and each one has made me more excited to get a job and start doing everything my professors have been telling me about the past three years. 

Describe an on-campus experience (academic or non-academic) in which you felt that your future goals are supported. I think getting my job as the Director of Live Events for the Student University Programmers really helped support my goals. I’ve had the opportunity to plan and execute events, concerts, comedy events and committee meetings. 

Jeff McConnell (left) discussing future SUP plans with his coworkers.
Jeff McConnell (left) discussing future SUP plans with his coworkers.

In addition to that, I’ve been able to work with so many graduate students and professional staff members who have helped me so much on my path with encouragement and insight. Lastly, this position has afforded me the opportunity to work with outside companies for my events and I have made so many good on-campus and off-campus connections that I will definitely keep up, even after graduation.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? Honestly, as cliché as it may sound, I think I have always felt welcome and as if Rowan was a home for me. With being involved in so many clubs in my time here, as well as working many different jobs on campus, I feel like I have always had a space to feel at home and a group of people that I know Music Industry major Jeff McConnell stands in front of a hallway displayare always going to be there for me. I think one club that has really done this for me above any other has been Chi Alpha. I have been a part of Chi Alpha for the past four years and it has given me so many lifelong friends and amazing memories and experiences. I will be forever grateful for the people that are in my life now that I met through my undergraduate time in Chi Alpha. 

And lastly, why Rowan? My freshman orientation leaders were the ones who told me that college was going to be what you make of it: “You will get out what you put in,” they told me. Since then, I took that and ran with it, working in three different offices in my undergraduate time, as well as being a part of about 10 clubs. Rowan had so much to offer and I really think I took advantage of it.

As a senior headed into my last semester, I look back so fondly on my time at Rowan and am so grateful for a school that has so much to offer. I have loved my time here and made so many friendships with students and professional staff members and it makes me sad to think about leaving. But I am so grateful for everything I have learned and truly feel as though Rowan has prepared me well to be successful in whatever I decide to pursue post graduation.

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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

20 Minute Radius: Boro in Lights Festival

An outdoor shot from the annual Boro in Lights Festival
The tree displayed at the festival.
The 32-foot tree!

On Dec. 6, 2019, in partnership with Kingsway Church, Glassboro held its annual “Boro in Lights Festival.” Entertainment included a tree lighting ceremony, carriage rides, a live sculptor, photos with Santa, live music performances, free food, and an animal pet show all in the Glassboro Town Square and along Rowan Boulevard from 6-9 p.m.

Local businesses attended to give away free items (I got lightup reindeer antlers).

Rowan University’s Student Government Association (SGA) attended the event for its “Stuff the Bus” fundraiser. SGA members collected food items, hygiene products and winter apparel for The SHOP, Rowan’s student food pantry and resource center.

I definitely recommend checking out next year’s festival!

SGA members pose at their "Stuff the Bus" tent.
SGA members pose at their “Stuff the Bus” tent.
A baby goat taking a snack break during the mini petting zoo.
A baby goat taking a snack break during the mini petting zoo.
Santa being sculpted in the middle of Rowan Blvd.
Santa being sculpted in the middle of Rowan Blvd.

Like what you see, come visit us!


Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

First Year Voices: Public Relations Major Rachel Rumsby

Freshman Public Relations major Rachel Rumsby sits on a bench outside on Rowan's campus.

Freshman Public Relations major Rachel Rumsby sits outside on Rowan's campus. Ten toes in. This is the motto of First-Year Connection: Leadership, and how I tried to live during my transition into college. For me, this meant getting as involved as possible to meet a lot of people and get acclimated to campus. 

The first home I found on campus was First Year Connection: Leadership (FCL). This is a four-day program for freshmen and transfer students that focuses on kickstarting your leadership journey at Rowan. This program allowed me to move into Mimosa, my freshman dorm, early, which really set me up for success here at Rowan. By the time the semester started, I had 40 new friends and was all moved in! FCL also jump-started my leadership Rowan career, where I am currently working on my Bronze Leadership Certificate. I still hang out with these people now, even though FCL ended months ago!

Rachel Rumsby (middle) poses with her First-Year Connection: Leadership group.
Rachel Rumsby (middle) poses with her First-Year Connection: Leadership group. (photo by Jessica Hassell)

The second group that I joined at Rowan is Student University Programmers (SUP). SUP is a group that makes programs and events happen for students by students here at Rowan. One of the FCL mentors is the president of SUP, and my RA is the Director of Charitable Events for SUP, and they really encouraged me to join. I don’t attend every event or meeting, but when I do they are always super friendly.

Joining Rowan’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, a national pre-professional organization, and PRaction, Rowan’s student-run public relations firm, also helped me in my transition to Rowan.

Rachel Rumbsy (right) hands out granola bars at Rowan University's Student Center for The SHOP.
Rachel Rumsby (right) hands out granola bars at Rowan University’s Student Center for The SHOP food pantry.

Being on a team for a PRaction client as a freshman really makes me feel like I am going to be professionally prepared after leaving Rowan. I am learning about the profession that I would like to go into, so I can be sure that public relations is actually what I want to do. 

My team on-campus is the Crew Club team. We are an up-and-coming club that welcomes people of any skill level in rowing. We are working toward earning enough money to buy a boat so that we can start competing. We are preparing to compete by working out, erging (rowing on a machine) and team bonding. I have found the members of the crew team to be my closest friends on campus. We are always looking for reasons to be together!

All of these clubs are family because they have helped me transition into having a successful start at Rowan. However, my college experience would be very different if I didn’t live on campus. My RA has been amazing with helping me through everything from roommate issues to how to use the laundry machine. My floormates are also becoming like family to me as well. I am so thankful to have this experience living on campus with them.

Like what you see, come visit us!


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, freshman public relations major

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

#PROFspective: Vietnamese Student Association President Brianna Nghiem

Brianna Nghiem and members of the Vietnamese Student Association hang out on Rowan Boulevard

Today, we speak with Brianna Nghiem, a junior Biological Sciences major from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) who lives on-campus. Brianna will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Brianna Nghiem
Major: Biological Sciences (3+4 BS/DO Program)
Minors and concentrations: Bantivoglio Honors Concentration in the Honors College
Year: Junior
Hometown and County: Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County)
Resident: Yes, I live in 220 Rowan Boulevard
Academic clubs: Bantivoglio Leadership and Service Training Program (Mentor)
Social clubs you are a part of: Vietnamese Student Association (President)

Biological Sciences major Brianna Nghiem sits on a bench outside of Barnes & Noble

Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field. One moment in my major that made me feel passionate about my intended field was in my Intro to Cellular Biology class with Dr. [Gregory] Eaton. Learning about the different cellular processes in life and its complexity was an extraordinary experience. Although I have always known that I wanted to go to medical school, this class truly furthered my love for medicine.

Describe an experience you’ve shared with a professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field. When I was a freshman, I had a biology professor who I was very intimidated by on the first day of college. However, upon getting to know him during class and visits to office hours, it was apparent that he truly cared for his students and genuinely wanted us to all succeed academically and personally. Over the semester, he helped me develop proper study habits, manage my stress and ease my transition to college. He really helped to shape me into the student I am today. I have nothing but appreciation to have had him as a professor.

Biological Sciences major Brianna Nghiem sits with members of the VSA at Kung Fu Tea on Rowan Boulevard
“I try to encourage friendships by having our meetings in fun spots,” Brianna (second from right) says.

Describe an on-campus experience (academic or non-academic) in which you felt that your future goals are supported.  When I was in high school, I was the President of my school’s Vietnamese Culture Club, where I developed passions for my culture as a Vietnamese American. During Summer 2017, as I was about to enter college, I always aspired to start a Vietnamese organization at Rowan with similar values to my high school club. The mission was to have an organization where interested students can unite and appreciate the beauty of the Vietnamese culture and traditions.

By fall 2018, three other students (Catherine Nguyen, Jessica Do, Jessica Liu) and I worked together to form the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA). Dr. Thanh Nguyen, our advisor, has been incredibly supportive with this journey and with all of VSA’s goals. I am so blessed to have met such amazing individuals who are my biggest supporters and who constantly push me to become a better person of myself. As a result, VSA has made me realize my true potential and capabilities as a leader, as well as becoming my platform to connect with and provide support to others. 

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? Through the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA), I was able to meet a family of unique yet compatible individuals, each of whom I am so grateful for. VSA embodies empowerment, inclusivity and cultural advocacy. Over this past year, VSA has become an outlet and safe space for not only my creativity, but also for my growth as an individual. The people I have met through VSA have helped mold me into the person I am today. I’m so privileged and honored to go through this journey in celebrating such a beautiful culture with them. Everyone in VSA has made me feel at home at Rowan.

Why did you choose Rowan? While I was applying to colleges, I had a close friend who was completing his education at Rowan. He shared with me his experiences and all of the wonderful opportunities he received through Rowan. As I researched more, I found that Rowan would provide me the best college experience in preparing me for medical school. The 3+4 BS/DO Program with Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine allows me to receive my bachelor’s degree and medical degree in seven years. Being here, I have met a community who is incredibly supportive of my dream and passion in becoming a physician. Deciding to come to Rowan was one of the best decisions I could have ever made.

Biological Sciences major Brianna Nghiem holds up a T-shirt with the Vietnamese Student Association logo on it.What’s your favorite thing about your typical Monday at Rowan? My favorite thing about a typical Monday at Rowan are the Executive Board meetings for the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA). Normally, our E-board meets on Monday mornings and everyone brings their favorite breakfast foods. At the meeting, we eat together, plan for upcoming events and bond with each other. My goals during these E-board meetings are not just to plan for events, but also to have time to connect and support each other on a personal level. VSA is more than a just club, it is family!

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling? Along with a full course load, I am currently studying for the MCAT, which I plan on taking in January. On a typical day, after doing MCAT practice, I usually take time in preparing for Vietnamese Student Association events, where each task varies depending on the upcoming meeting. In addition, I am a mentor for the Bantivoglio Leadership and Service Training (BLAST) Program, where I have the privilege of mentoring first-year students in the Honors College. My hope is not only guide them, but also to encourage and support them in the best way I can. Lastly, as a Music Director of the South Jersey Vietnamese Alliance Church, I spend a portion of my day coordinating plans in preparation for the next weeks.

Interested in joining the Vietnamese Student Association? Follow them on Instagram to get connected!

Seven friends and members of the VSA eboard stand together at Kung Fu Tea on Rowan Boulevard

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

#PROFspective: From The Republic of The Gambia to Rowan University

Mary Gomez, an international student and Community Health major, stands inside the Chamberlain Student Center

Mary Gomez, an international student and Community Health major, stands inside the Chamberlain Student Center

Meet Mary Gomez, an international freshman student from The Republic of The Gambia. This is her second semester at Rowan University. She is currently majoring in Community Health from the School of Health Professions. Today she will share with us her experience on becoming an international student and how Rowan has become her second home.

Name: Mary Gomez           Mary Gomez, an international student and Community Health major, sits outside the Chamberlain Student Center

Major: Community Health

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Washington Township

Resident: Triad

Academic clubs: African Student Association, Leadership Rowan and Public Health.

As an international student, where are you coming from? I’m from The Republic of The Gambia. We call it the smiling coast of Africa.   

How did you hear about Rowan? My uncle works here, Dr. Banutu-Gomez, he’s a business professor. Last year, I was kind of confused on which schools to look into, and my mom was like ‘Oh, your uncle works at Rowan.’ He told us about Rowan, and then I started the application process.

Why did you choose to come to Rowan? First, I chose to come to Rowan because the application process was so easy to fill out. Other schools can be complicated and hard to know where to find information. Sometimes, you have to call 10 times just to talk to someone. But here, the application process was so easy to do. Every information I needed was online, like literally everything.     

As an international student, you can imagine I can’t keep calling every time. They [Rowan] had the live chat right there, so I could talk to pretty much anyone. It’s pretty expensive to call from an international phone number to the U.S. so the live chat was perfect, and the people were so nice from the international center. I was like, ‘This is definitely the right school for me.’

Mary Gomez, an international student and Community Health major, stands inside the Chamberlain Student CenterWhat else caught your attention about Rowan? The school was pretty diverse. I’m from Africa and in Africa we always treat each other like family, and we are all about feeling welcomed. So, I wanted to be in a place where people were welcoming and where I wouldn’t feel left out.

Also, I’m a twin. So, I was looking for a school that had both majors we wanted. A major that would go into biochemistry for my sister and public health for me.

Tell us about one moment that made you feel like Rowan was the right fit for you. After I applied to Rowan and came here, I didn’t have any friends at all. But I got enrolled in this class called Rowan 101 and my professor was Jessica Syed. She basically made me fall in love with this school. In the class we had to go to five events and write about them. When I started going to these events, I got to meet so many people. And Professor Syed got people from the Rowan Leadership program to come talk to the class and from then I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is the correct school for me,’ because I’m all about leadership and public speaking. And that’s when I knew Rowan was for me. I recommend any student that comes here to take Rowan 101.

Favorite thing about Rowan? One thing I like about Rowan is that you can go to any event, and if you Mary and two students sit on a pink chairdon’t know anyone at the event you come back knowing about 10 people. There was one time I went to this event, I think the African Student Association hosted it, I didn’t know anyone — at the end of the day I knew like 10 different people. I didn’t feel like an international student anymore. Everyone is included here; all the opportunities are for everyone.         

What’s your biggest life goal? Since I’m studying public health, my biggest life goal is to be able to change the healthcare system in my country. I want an institution where no one has to say ‘I’m not going to the hospital because I don’t have money.’ I don’t want money to be the reason why people don’t have access to healthcare. Afterwards, I want to go into global health and probably work with the United Nations and improve the healthcare system at large, so after helping my country I want to go bigger.

Any advice for international students? I would tell them not to be afraid to ask questions. That’s one limitation I used to have during my first weeks. I used to worry about what people would think if I was asking a question, but don’t be afraid to ask questions, ask as many questions as you can. And for your accent, don’t let your accent be a barrier and don’t ever worry about how you speak. Nobody really cares, as far as you can get your information out there.

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

The Mental Health Benefits of Cosplay

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Meet Allison Niemiec, a first year graduate student in the Higher Education Administrative Track program, who wrote this article because cosplay has been […]

Beyond the Classroom: Ryan Clare and Ian Nielsen Canvassing for Bernie Sanders

Meet the partners and leaders of Rowan for Bernie at Rowan University — President Ryan Clare, a junior in Music Composition from Jackson (Ocean County), and Vice President Ian Nielsen, a senior with a major in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Allentown (Monmouth County).

Rowan for Bernie is a group dedicated to canvassing and talking to individuals around campus about their political ideals on Bernie Sanders and to help upcoming voters build their opinions leading to the upcoming election. Their mission is to network with as many people as they can to persuade and educate them in the hope to get votes for Bernie Sanders.

Ryan and Ian first met at a Bernie Sanders networking program, which helped students start groups and organizations in their colleges and provided the support and tools to help students understand canvassing. Through this meeting, Rowan for Bernie was created.

They were able to support a decent following on-campus with around 20 dedicated members going to club meetings as of now, and they look to further expand the organization.     

Ryan Clare, junior in music compositionRyan explains his passion for his position: “Bernie Sanders has inspired me to really get involved with the political process, and I feel like he is our one chance to get somebody into the White House that has been this consistent for his entire political career…

Ryan further adds, “…he has motivated me, and I feel like I have to fight as hard as I can to get this man elected.” 

Ian also shares why he wanted to get involved: “I wasn’t really super political, [but] I always was somewhat into politics all throughout my high school years.

Ian also explains his viewpoint: “I just really believe that it’s our responsibility as citizens to participate in the democratic process and make sure that people are taken care of. Bernie has Ian Nielsen, senior with a major in Electrical Computer Engineeringbeen consistent over the decades, whether it comes to talking about healthcare he’s been pushing for Medicare for all these years. He was on the right side of civil rights, which is something we can not say for other candidates. He has been pushing for $15 an hour wage, that’s something he has been pushing for years … He is not only pushing for these things in Congress but he is actually doing them right now.” 

One of their upcoming goals is to become a chartered organization at Rowan. As of now they have a petition with 200 signatures and are looking to propose their organization to the Student Government Association for further advancements.

With all the time put into the organization, they truly share a passion and work hard toward creating a bigger following and sharing some amazing experiences in the field. Ryan adds: “I’ve just really enjoyed canvassing and talking to new people, we openly will discuss ideas to people from very different political backgrounds … just really enjoyed sharing my views and backing them up with facts as opposed to just how I feel about things.” Ian further adds his most favorite experiences so far, “Just hearing people’s personal stories is just really moving and it really inspires me to keep pushing and try and make things better for everyone.”      

For now, they look to further expand their club and to help people understand the importance to participate in the election and to have fun doing it! 

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Story and photography by:
Adam Goskowsky, junior advertising major

20 Minute Radius: Rowand’s Farm

Rowand's Farm, a view of the strawberry picking area

Just last week, a friend and I were cooped up in the house with nothing to do. So we decided to take a drive around Glassboro to see what we can get into. We had a craving for fresh fruit, but didn’t want to risk the chances of buying bad fruit from a grocery store. New Jersey is full of produce stands and we knew there had to be a good one around campus.

Strawberry at Rowand's Farm

To our surprise on Greentree Road just behind the ShopRite is a quant little farmer’s market. We decide to pull over to check it out and we ended up very pleasantly surprised. Watermelon, cherries, avocados, bananas, corn, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, plums, pears, apples, peppers, zucchini — any fresh produce you could possibly want! Rowand’s Farm is a produce stand that sells only locally grown fruits and vegetables without breaking the bank.

Jayce Williams, a Rowan student, picks his own strawberries at Rowand's

Rowand’s offers a variety of fresh produce and the opportunity to pick your own strawberries! Sunday through Friday the market is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, they are not open on Saturdays. Fortunately the market recently opened for the season and will be open until October. Once the fall rolls around the market will have a larger assortment of fresh vegetables as well.

Bundles of strawberries at Rowand's

The best part is that the market is less than five minutes from campus! Students can easily get there by car, bike or even by foot. The produce is reasonably priced and picked fresh daily. Get your friends together, take a refreshing bike ride to the Rowand’s Farm and spend the day picking your own fruit and making memories. It is definitely worth the trip, and the strawberries hit the spot!

Contact them at (856) 589-9234 or on their Facebook page!

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Story and photography by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major

20 Minute Radius: Glassboro’s Summer Fest

Aerial view of multiple people sitting in lawn chairs in a grassy town square

Summer is upon us once more, and with that comes warm weather, outdoor activities, and delicious food. At Glassboro’s Summer Fest I was sure able to find all of that plus live musical entertainment, interactive performances, and access to local shops. This will be Glassboro’s third Glassboro residents relaxing on lawn chairs during a beautiful sunny daysummer presenting the event, hosted by a local organization, Nexus Properties.

As an attendee I was able to enjoy Glassboro’s newly renovated Town Square, located at the corner of High St. and County Rd 553. With fresh grassy hills, picnic tables with umbrellas, and lawn chairs I easily found relaxation and serenity. Family and friends from around Glassboro came and enjoyed the oasis-feel in the middle of suburbia while listening to various styles of music (depending on the band performing; check out the band line-ups here). While there, I heard laughing among the community and saw everyone coming together to enjoy a fun-filled experience.

A woman singing passionately into a mike while playing the guiar
Lead vocalist of TK and the Howlers passionately singing to Glassboro.

If you’re not one for sitting for too long, though, the event also provided the equipment to enjoy a game of cornhole (a lawn game in which players take turns throwing bags of plastic resin at a raised platform with a hole in the far end). The perfect opportunity to show off your hand-eye coordination. I certainly saw plenty of people enjoying the game while there. While enjoying the summer-fun, I was also able to choose from several food trucks the event brings in as well as some local restaurants setting up serving stations.

The area also provides easy access to Glassboro’s recently constructed Rowan Boulevard, a city-like environment with restaurants and shops lining the store-fronts. Glassboro is a historical community, having been established in 1779 growing its economy through glass-making. Today, the town has grown into a modern version of itself, constantly innovating and advancing its infrastructure. With both a cosmopolitan atmosphere and a historical foundation, Glassboro is growing into the town for everyone.

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house.


Story and photography by: Alexander Belli, recent graduate B.A. in public relations and advertising

20 Minute Radius: Rowan Art Gallery

3 story brown and light stone building at 301 High Street, Glassboro, which houses the Rowan Art Gallery

One of the hidden gems around Glassboro is the Rowan Art Gallery at 301 High Street, on the edge of campus. Full of amazing classic and modern art pieces, the beautiful gallery currently features an exhibit titled “Women Defining Themselves,” curated by Andrew D. Hottle, a Rowan professor in the art department, within the College of Communication & Creative Arts. The current exhibit is commemorating the 45th anniversary of SOHO 20, a tribute to the historically significant women’s cooperative art gallery, this exhibition features works by the founding artist-members. Most of the exhibited works were first shown at SOHO 20 in the 1970s. Rowan University Art Gallery has a history of programming that recognizes the achievements of women in the visual arts.

The gallery is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon looking at these historic pieces, filled with passion and culture. My friends and I love going to see the exhibits and we try to go to the opening nights along with the meet the artist nights! 

Girl looking at painting on the wall in the art gallery

Like what you see? Come visit us!

Story and photography by:
Justin Borelli, senior advertising major

PROS Learn Best Practices for Orientation at NODA Region VII Conference

A close up of the owl statue under blue skies

Aaron Lee, a junior biochemistry and public relations double major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County) shares his student leadership experience. 

Absolutely amazing! Those are the only words I can use to describe my experience at the NODA (The Association for Orientation, Transition, and Retention in Higher Education) Region VII Conference. Over spring break, eight of my peers and I were given the opportunity to go to Virginia Tech for a weekend. We served as representatives of Rowan and its orientation team, the PROS. The best part was that the entire trip was funded by Rowan’s Office of Orientation & Student Leadership Program (OSLP).

Student in red shirt and jeans standing against waist-high stone wall with field and trees in the background
Aaron leaning against stone wall at Virginia Tech.

Throughout the weekend we not only got to go sightseeing, but we also got to learn more about how other universities and colleges run their orientation programs. Orientation is an experience all Rowan students have, and I’m sure we could all think back to our first time on a college campus. The mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness blend together to create a unique sense of unease and exhilaration. Will I fit in? Will I be able to keep up in classes? How am I going to handle living away from home/commuting? Why are they making me do this cheesy ice breaker? I’m sure we all had many questions, worries, and doubts just like these. Orientation is all about easing that transition and helping students address those concerns, and I’m thrilled to be a part of that. Without a doubt orientation has an impact on students, and having insight into how we could improve our program is so valuable for me. This trip gave us the ability to do that first-hand, and bring back new and interesting perspectives on leadership and orientation.

Although I like thinking about how this trip has helped me gain new perspectives and grow intellectually, I can’t deny that it was straight up fun. I got to spend a weekend in a new location with seven of my closest friends from the orientation team for free! We explored the campus and Gazebo with stone path leading to it and a lake with trees in the backgroundhung out in our free time. I personally spent time networking with some amazing people from universities all across the east coast. I exchanged numbers with tons of people and made some amazing connections over this trip. Nearly 40 institutions gathered together at this event and it showed. Every workshop, presentation, and cheesy icebreaker were electrifying. Finally, one of the best parts is that all the presentations were run by students. It created a relaxing, informative, and fun atmosphere for nearly every session.

Over view of a green field with trees in the distanceAll in all, the NODA Region VIII Conference was an awesome leadership experience. I know the word “leadership” can be scary to many of us, however; I would challenge those of us who aren’t involved in leadership on Rowan’s campus to try taking that first step. Run for executive board for an organization or club, apply to be apart of PROS or become a Resident Assistant. Find opportunities to take that first step because you’ll never know where it can take you. Who knows? Maybe it could land you an opportunity to go to a conference yourself someday.

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. 

Photos provided by Camryn Hadley
Story by Aaron Lee

Kerry’s Home Away From Home: Blackbox Theater [VIDEO]

Kerry and cast on the stage in the blackbox theater at rehearsal

Meet Kerry Jules, senior theatre major and advertising minor from Union, NJ (Union County), directing an original musical conceived by Matthew Vesely, senior theatre and writing arts major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County). Lights went up for the world premier of “Trigger Warning: A Melancholy Musical” on March 7 & 8 at 7:30 pm, and […]

Engineer Furthers Her College Experience

Kelly outside Rowan College of Engineering sign outside

Like a proton, Kelly Yorke has a positive charge, driving her to go above and beyond in her field. The New York state resident, a chemical engineering major, became president of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at Rowan as a sophomore, a remarkable feat, and continued on through her junior year. Heavily involved with […]

Seth Jackson: Previous #PROFspective’s Vision Comes to Life

Seth outside Bunce with his show poster

Featured in 2017 on Rowan’s #PROFspective, Seth Jackson, a first generation college student junior from Baltimore, MD, spoke of proposing his original show, The Blurred Perspectives, to Lab Theatre, a student-run organization producing and performing many varieties of art. You can even find a picture of his original script in his #PROFspective! Fast forward to September […]

#PROFspective: Biological Sciences Graduate Arash GhasemiNejad

student scientist inside science hall at Rowan

Today, we speak with Arash GhasemiNejad, a recent graduate with a biological sciences bachelor’s degree from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County) who now lives in Voorhees, NJ. Arash will share his #PROFspective with us on what it was like to be a Rowan University student and how he got the most out of his college […]

20 Minute Radius: Philly Fringe Festival 2018

Lover of the arts? It’s the time of year again to take the 20 minute drive to Philly to binge watch some of the most unique and captivating theatrical experiences around. During the month of September, hundreds and hundreds of performances will be put on throughout Philadelphia, bringing thrilling and never-before-seen shows to students like […]

Living in Willow Hall

girls outside willow hall at rowan university

Meet the freshmen of the Willow lounge and see how they spend their time living on campus! Video featuring: Jordan Simhony, nursing major, Cherry Hill, N.J. (Camden County) Melanie Quido, exploratory studies major, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. (Bergen County) Mike Rodolico, computer science major, Cinnaminson, N.J. (Burlington County) Maycon Pinto, international studies major, Delran, N.J. (Burlington […]

Sophomore Biomedical Engineering Major Jeremy Decker

Jeremy inside science lab at college of engineering

“We’re creating microfluidic devices to take analytical measurement of biologically significant molecules. Now, I know that sounds confusing…” When I first met with Jeremy, he spoke a language I probably could only follow about 80 percent of the time … but after listening to him explain and talk about his work, I walked away with […]

Rowan Playa Bowls & Stunited: Student Businesses Create and Collaborate

Stunited bowl in Playa Bowls

On a spring day just before final exams, one of the newest student-managed businesses added to the Rowan Boulevard, Playa Bowls, and student-developed business Stunited joined together for a day of creation, collaboration and promotion. “I’m a huge fan of Playa Bowls and when I heard they were coming to Rowan, I thought this would be […]

Sophomore Finance Major Davon Dickson

Davon sitting on the couch inside the Rohrer Business of college at Rowan University in Glassboro NJ

Full time student taking on five to six classes a semester. Employee with H&R Block. Secretary of fraternity Alpha Phi Delta. Bowling coach and student tutor. How does sophomore finance major Davon Dickson, of Logan Township (Gloucester County) balance it all? “It’s a lot of work, but I know it will pay off. My experiences are […]

#PROFspective: Psychological Science Major Mark A. Ziegler-Thayer

Mark inside Campbell Library at Rowan on campus

Today, we speak with Mark A. Ziegler-Thayer, a junior psychological science major from Stratford (Camden County), New Jersey, who lives on campus, in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. Mark will share their #PROFpective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how they’re getting the most out of their university experience […]

Inside Look at Campbell Library: Beyond the Books

library books

Like most students, I often find myself facing the challenge of killing time in between classes. As a commuter, I lack the luxury of trekking back to my dorm and squeezing in the next episode of Stranger Things. I discovered the wonders of Campbell Library and since then I habitually find myself there every day. […]

Student Remembrance: Philanthropy at Rowan

PRSSA remembrance table of Colette Bleistine

See what philanthropic events take place at Rowan University as the students remember one of their own. Colette Bleistine was an incredibly inspirational and devoted person, who only knew how to give back. Listen to how people today continue the legacy she left behind. Visit Colette Paying It Forward for more information on Colette’s life […]

Rowan Lab Theatre Takes the Stage

Rowan Lab Theatre logo

Over the past few weeks, Lab Theatre e-Board (executive board) members have built up their name and reputation through social media with their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat @RowanLabTheatre. I personally have received follows from all accounts, so great job with the publicity, team! Rowan Lab Theatre, a student-run, student government club, serves as a student-elected, […]