Rowan PROS Share Their Six Favorite Things at Rowan [VIDEO]

Matt Ortiz being interviewed about his experience working for the Rowan PROS

The Rowan PROS (Peer Referral and Orientation Staff) share their favorite things about our campus and tips for starting out at Rowan. From socializing tips to where to eat on campus, the PROS have it all.

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Video by:
Dean Powers, sophomore radio/TV/film major

#PROFspective: Music Industry Major Jeff McConnell

Music Industry major Jeff McConnell stands outside Wilson Hall

Jeff McConnell posing in the SUP office.Name: Jeff McConnell 

Major: Music Industry  

Year: Senior 

Hometown and County: Marmora, NJ (Cape May County)

Commuter: Off-campus 

Social clubs you are a part of: E-board member for Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship 

Do you work on campus? Director of Live Events for the Student University Programmers (SUP) and Building Manager at Rowan Rec Center

Jeff playing the piano in Wilson Hall.Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field. The first class I took for my major was Business of Music 1, and as soon as the class started and we got into the course material I knew I had made the right choice.

We started learning about the “ins and outs” of the music industry, and all of my professors experiences while working in the music industry with some of the biggest names in music. Once this class started in addition to the other classes I was taking once I transferred into this major, nothing felt like homework anymore and I just wanted to know more about everything we were learning. Ever since then, I have loved every class I have taken and each one has made me more excited to get a job and start doing everything my professors have been telling me about the past three years. 

Describe an on-campus experience (academic or non-academic) in which you felt that your future goals are supported. I think getting my job as the Director of Live Events for the Student University Programmers really helped support my goals. I’ve had the opportunity to plan and execute events, concerts, comedy events and committee meetings. 

Jeff McConnell (left) discussing future SUP plans with his coworkers.
Jeff McConnell (left) discussing future SUP plans with his coworkers.

In addition to that, I’ve been able to work with so many graduate students and professional staff members who have helped me so much on my path with encouragement and insight. Lastly, this position has afforded me the opportunity to work with outside companies for my events and I have made so many good on-campus and off-campus connections that I will definitely keep up, even after graduation.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? Honestly, as cliché as it may sound, I think I have always felt welcome and as if Rowan was a home for me. With being involved in so many clubs in my time here, as well as working many different jobs on campus, I feel like I have always had a space to feel at home and a group of people that I know Music Industry major Jeff McConnell stands in front of a hallway displayare always going to be there for me. I think one club that has really done this for me above any other has been Chi Alpha. I have been a part of Chi Alpha for the past four years and it has given me so many lifelong friends and amazing memories and experiences. I will be forever grateful for the people that are in my life now that I met through my undergraduate time in Chi Alpha. 

And lastly, why Rowan? My freshman orientation leaders were the ones who told me that college was going to be what you make of it: “You will get out what you put in,” they told me. Since then, I took that and ran with it, working in three different offices in my undergraduate time, as well as being a part of about 10 clubs. Rowan had so much to offer and I really think I took advantage of it.

As a senior headed into my last semester, I look back so fondly on my time at Rowan and am so grateful for a school that has so much to offer. I have loved my time here and made so many friendships with students and professional staff members and it makes me sad to think about leaving. But I am so grateful for everything I have learned and truly feel as though Rowan has prepared me well to be successful in whatever I decide to pursue post graduation.

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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

#PROFspective: International Student & Marketing Major Marko Minic

Today, we speak with Marko Minic, a senior Marketing major and Sports Communication and Media minor from Belgrade, Serbia who lives on-campus. Marko will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Marko Minic
Major: Marketing
Minor: Sports Communication & Media
Year: Senior
Transfer Student: Yes, I transferred to Rowan from the University of Rio Grande.
Hometown: Belgrade, Serbia
On-Campus Resident: Yes, I am an RA in Mimosa Hall.
Academic club: Secretary, Sports Communication and Media Club
Athletic club: Basketball Club
Social club: Treasurer, International Club

Do you work on campus? If so, where/what do you do? Yes, I am a Resident Assistant, an Admissions Ambassador and I work at the Rec Center.

Describe an experience you’ve shared with a professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field. There are a handful of professors at Rowan who I have had meaningful conversations with. Professor Kate Harman made a big impact on me when I took her Intro to Sports Communications class. She was always a great mentor and I am still in contact with her through the Sports CAM club. One thing that made her stand out was her high energy and her ability to see the big picture.

Describe for us an on-campus experience in which you felt that your future goals are supported. Every week, as a part of the Sports CAM club, I attend the “Pizza with the Pros” session where outside employers in the sports industry come and talk to us about their careers. It’s a great networking opportunity and is helping me a lot with my employment opportunities and career goals.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you?Meeting Charles Barkley, a retired NBA player, through Pizza with the Pros, and having a private reception with him. 

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling? Monday is a packed day from me. I have classes back to back from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I always go for a workout before my busy day starts at 7 a.m. After that I usually go either to the admissions office or the Rec Center to do some work before our weekly meeting at 6 p.m. Finally, I come back to my room in Mimosa Hall, usually around 8 p.m, and see how things are going with my residents. Sometimes, as a part of my RA job, I am on duty for the building or assisting residents. If not, I use some time to catch up on some homework or just relax.

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

#PROFspective: Rowan After Hours Programming Coordinator Joseph Scafiro

Rowan After Hours Programming Coordinator Joseph Scafiro outside Robinson Hall

Today we speak with Joseph Scafiro, a senior History major from Cinnaminson, NJ (Burlington County) and programming coordinator for Rowan After Hours (RAH). Joseph will share his #PROFspective with us about what his job entails and why you should get involved each weekend. Name: Joseph Scafiro Major: History Minor: None Year: Senior Where do you […]

Beyond the Classroom: Jesse Panico, an Act for Theatre Arts

Rowan Music Performance major Jesse Panico next to the Henry Rowan statue

Meet Jesse Panico, a junior Music Performance major with a specialization in Voice from Magnolia, NJ (Camden County). He is also the senior student technician for Rowan’s Theatre Arts Management.

Rowan offers many flexible job opportunities for its students. After meeting his (now) supervisors at Theatre Arts Management through other networking, Jesse asked them for a job, filled out some paperwork “and since then it’s been wonderful!” Jesse said.

Jesse helps runs events in both Pfleeger Concert Hall and Boyd Recital Hall

“It greatly benefits me working there because I’m always there and the bookings are often from my own peers. Being able to work a recital (in Boyd Hall) and the person working it is someone you know and trust really takes the pressure off of the person performing,” he said. The work he does in Pfleeger Hall is little bit of everything, from ushering to lighting. 

His behind-the-scenes knowledge with Theatre Arts has helped him with his own student work as well. 

Rowan Music Performance major Jesse Panico in the Rowan Opera

“Knowing everything off-hand helps me plan as a student. When I was planning my Junior Recital, I knew how far to plan in advance, what works and what doesn’t,” Jesse said. 

“Rowan best prepared me by giving me to opportunity work with the technical side of what I want to do. I love to perform. It is very near and dear to my heart. It gives me insight on how to do certain things on stage — such as, many people think to stand right in the middle of the spotlight. But you actually should stand in front of the spotlight so you don’t have the lower half of your body cut off,” he said. 

Jesse noted that Theatre Arts Management tries to emphasize working all parts of the theatre so you get a better understanding of what goes into everything.

“I have developed a lot of people skills from starting as a house manager, which deals with the public saying ‘No ma’am, you can’t bring food in.’ A lot of the training was learning as I go. The high-stress environment helped me to learn quickly. I’ve learned everything from lights and rigging to building the sets.

“I feel at home in Pfleeger Concert Hall,” Jesse said.

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Story and photography by:
Justin Borelli, senior advertising major

#PROFspective: Transfer Student Iridian Gonzalez

Iridian Gonzalez sits on a bench outside of Bunce Hall

Today we speak with Iridian Gonzalez, a senior commuter from Somers Point, NJ (Atlantic County) who majors in journalism. Iridian will share her #PROFspective with us about transferring from community college and how she gets the most of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Iridian Gonzalez
Major: Journalism
Minor: Strategic Communication
Year: Senior
Transfer Student?: Yes! I just completed my second semester here at Rowan. I transferred from Atlantic Cape Community College in Mays Landing, NJ.
Where do you live?: Somers Point, NJ (Atlantic County)
Commuter?: Yes, I travel approximately an hour and ten minutes to campus

Iridian sits on a rock wall at Rowan University, holding a camera to take a picture Iridian laughs, head turned to the side, at Rowan University

Academic or social clubs: I work for The Whit, Rowan’s newspaper, as a copyeditor.

Do you work on campus?: I am one of the summer interns for the Rowan Student Affairs blog! The internship primarily takes place in the Office of Admissions in Savitz Hall.

Why did you choose Rowan?: I chose Rowan University because of our phenomenal journalism program and I knew the schools closer to where I live couldn’t provide me with the experience I was looking for.

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling?: Apart from being a full-time student, I am taking phone calls, drafting contracts, and going on site to evaluate the work that needs to be done. My family and I own a landscaping company, on top of my school work I am constantly booked and busy with my family’s company.

Did you ever have a moment of uncertainty within your major? How did you get through the challenge?: Journalism is so broad, I had no idea until I transferred here. I felt so lost and confused with all new information being thrown at me. However, I knew I had to stay positive and keep my goals in mind. The Rowan staff was so accommodating and helpful, it made it almost impossible to fall behind.

Tell us about one moment that made you feel like Rowan was the right fit for you: Coming here I knew immediately this was the place for me. Everyone was so welcoming and driven. They really want to see you succeed.

Iridian sits on stone ledge at Rowan University, legs cross while holding a camera for Rowan Blog

Tell us about your transition into college and how you pushed through any challenges: My transition was very hard. Going from high school to community college was a breeze, but the real challenge was transferring from a community college to a university. Especially transferring into a program as a junior, I knew I was going to face some difficulties. The biggest challenge of them all though, the parking. I did what I had to do though. I buckled down and studied hard and made sure I left a little early to find a parking spot!

What advice would you give your high school self about choosing a college?: There is nothing wrong with going to a community college and transferring to a larger university. And look for the school with the best opportunities for you, fortunately for me that was Rowan.

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Story and photography by:
Chad Wittmann, senior journalism major

Rowan: Not My First Choice, But My Best Choice

Male student holding DSLR camera with trees in the background

Graduating senior Alexander Belli, a double major in public relations and advertising – and recently granted with the highest honor for this year’s advertising students, the medallion – shares his story on how Rowan University was not his first choice, but ultimately was the best choice for him. Alexander commuted to Rowan from Voorhees, NJ (Camden County.)

When I was first looking into attending college my sole priority was making sure the major and department I chose would help me achieve my goals after graduation. This was a choice that I truly struggled with. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life – I was only 19 years old. How was I supposed to know what the right choice for me was? Eventually I came to the conclusion that I would attend a two-year college – giving myself more time to decide and explore my options.

During this time I explored biology, pre-med, accounting, nursing, and personal training. All of which ended up not being the right choice for me. However, myAlex, wearing blue sunglasses, leaning against a tree. time to transfer to a four-year institution was approaching. I needed to decide quickly and be absolutely certain I made the right choice. Eventually I came to the aviation industry – settling on the idea that I wanted to become a pilot. This decision lead me to a university out in northern Arizona. 

A year later I realized this was actually a terrible choice for me – I ended up not enjoying the program I entered and the college’s other majors all focused on the aviation industry. After getting past the fear of breaking the news to my parents, I revived the search for my future. When I thought about my next college Rowan University had appeared in my mind. Two of my three siblings had attended Rowan and both graduated from the university. I had hoped to do things differently than them, A portrait shot of Alexander in a suit.I just didn’t know of any other options that would fit me.

I came in initially as an advertising major, later adding public relations on after my first semester. Originally, I was the commuter student who went to class, went home, did my homework, and repeat. I wasn’t overly involved or active in the Rowan community; my only thought was graduation. However, when you attend classes at Rowan the students are incredibly welcoming and encouraging. It was because of talking to someone who sat next to me during one of my first classes that I got involved in a student club known as PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America). And through this club I received a scholarship and one of the College of Communication & Creative Arts’ prestigious medallion awards. Just because a kind student who sat next to me encouraged and believed in me. That’s just the kind of people Rowan has.

And my involvement didn’t end there. After the end of my first year at Alex using a dslr and flash, sitting on a staircase.Rowan I received a student worker position as a digital content contributor for Rowan’s Division of Student Affairs. A position I received from interacting with one of my professors (who I now work with). She inspired me to pursue various aspects of public relations – eventually leading me to my passions in photography and cinematography. The position I held allowed me to develop these passions into skills that I can use to establish a career that I can enjoy and be proud of.

There’s still more Rowan has given me. Including the opportunity to travel to Austin, TX for a leadership conference, holding an internship in Philadelphia, PA, at an established advertising agency, having the opportunities to witness what goes on behind-the-scenes of a professional photography shoot, and making life-long-lasting friendships. I couldn’t be more grateful to the students, faculty, and the overall community at Rowan University. It’s because of them that I can feel so successful and prepared for my future. I only wish I had chosen Rowan sooner.

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Story by: Alexander Belli, B.A. in public relations and advertising
Photography by: Vanessa Vause, B.A. in public relations and theater; Bianca Torres, sophomore music industry major

#PROFspective: Journalism Major Chad Wittmann

Chad, standing in the gradd of bunce hall with a camera

Today we speak with Chad Wittman, a rising senior journalism major from Alloway, NJ (Salem County), who rents a house off-campus in Glassboro. This is Chad’s story and his #PROFspective on his experience as a Rowan student.

Name: Chad Wittman
Major: Journalism in the College of Communication and Creative Arts
Minors/concentrations: Media and Strategic Communication
Year: Senior
Hometown and County: Alloway, NJ (Salem County)
Off-Campus resident: Yes, I currently live in an apartment in Glassboro
Social clubs: Rowan Alternative Music Club

Do you work on campus? If so, where/what do you do? I’m currently a Digital Content Producer for Rowan’s Admissions office.

Being Welcomed To Rowan

The moment I felt like I made the right decision to come to Rowan was my sophomore year, when I joined the Rowan Alternative Music club. All of the club members were very inclusive and out going, I met my best friends there. The Rowan music scene is very new and fresh to Rowan, and is built on inclusivity and diversity. The shows that I have been to brought very welcoming people who would go out of there way to become your friend.

Chad sitting in the office working on a computer

A Typical Monday

Mondays are my days off, I try every semester to get Mondays off and that allows me to catch up on everything and prepare myself for the week. I usually go to the student center or the coffee shop in pitman to relax and get my work done for the week.Chad standing in the courtyard of Bunce

Happy Surprises

Something that came as a happy surprise for me is that the two on-campus gym are free. The new facility on Victoria is so nice and is so convenient to go during the semester. All the machines are always spotless and everyone there is always friendly.

Caring Professors

A professor that I felt that truly cared about my well-being was Professor DiUlio. He would ask students how they are, not just out of making pleasantries. He was genuinely curious about how we were doing. He actually reached out to me when I fell behind in class asking if I needed an extension on any assignments. He assured me that he’d support whatever I needed to help get through the class. I have never had another professor engage with me like that and be so willing to help, and it really stuck with me. It truly shows that he cares about his students and his job.

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Photography by: Justin Borelli, rising senior advertising major

PROS Learn Best Practices for Orientation at NODA Region VII Conference

A close up of the owl statue under blue skies

Aaron Lee, a junior biochemistry and public relations double major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County) shares his student leadership experience. 

Absolutely amazing! Those are the only words I can use to describe my experience at the NODA (The Association for Orientation, Transition, and Retention in Higher Education) Region VII Conference. Over spring break, eight of my peers and I were given the opportunity to go to Virginia Tech for a weekend. We served as representatives of Rowan and its orientation team, the PROS. The best part was that the entire trip was funded by Rowan’s Office of Orientation & Student Leadership Program (OSLP).

Student in red shirt and jeans standing against waist-high stone wall with field and trees in the background
Aaron leaning against stone wall at Virginia Tech.

Throughout the weekend we not only got to go sightseeing, but we also got to learn more about how other universities and colleges run their orientation programs. Orientation is an experience all Rowan students have, and I’m sure we could all think back to our first time on a college campus. The mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness blend together to create a unique sense of unease and exhilaration. Will I fit in? Will I be able to keep up in classes? How am I going to handle living away from home/commuting? Why are they making me do this cheesy ice breaker? I’m sure we all had many questions, worries, and doubts just like these. Orientation is all about easing that transition and helping students address those concerns, and I’m thrilled to be a part of that. Without a doubt orientation has an impact on students, and having insight into how we could improve our program is so valuable for me. This trip gave us the ability to do that first-hand, and bring back new and interesting perspectives on leadership and orientation.

Although I like thinking about how this trip has helped me gain new perspectives and grow intellectually, I can’t deny that it was straight up fun. I got to spend a weekend in a new location with seven of my closest friends from the orientation team for free! We explored the campus and Gazebo with stone path leading to it and a lake with trees in the backgroundhung out in our free time. I personally spent time networking with some amazing people from universities all across the east coast. I exchanged numbers with tons of people and made some amazing connections over this trip. Nearly 40 institutions gathered together at this event and it showed. Every workshop, presentation, and cheesy icebreaker were electrifying. Finally, one of the best parts is that all the presentations were run by students. It created a relaxing, informative, and fun atmosphere for nearly every session.

Over view of a green field with trees in the distanceAll in all, the NODA Region VIII Conference was an awesome leadership experience. I know the word “leadership” can be scary to many of us, however; I would challenge those of us who aren’t involved in leadership on Rowan’s campus to try taking that first step. Run for executive board for an organization or club, apply to be apart of PROS or become a Resident Assistant. Find opportunities to take that first step because you’ll never know where it can take you. Who knows? Maybe it could land you an opportunity to go to a conference yourself someday.

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. 

Photos provided by Camryn Hadley
Story by Aaron Lee

EMS Chief Shares How Students Benefit From Volunteering

Rowan EMS employee sitting at his desk working diligently on a Mac computer

Vernon Howery, chief of Rowan University’s EMS, shares how students benefit from joining his team. Rowan’s EMS handled approximately 800 calls last year and participates in two dozen on-campus events throughout the year — giving student volunteers real-life, practical, hands-on experience that helps them grow as pre-professionals. 

Two EMS team members standing together in from an EMS transport vehicle

“The students are the best part of my job,” Chief Howery says. “Watching them be trained and watching them evolve, and knowing that when they leave here that they’ll be well trained and easily find employment after graduation.” This organization provides real-world experiences, giving students a glimpse into life after college. Previous students who were Rowan EMTs have gone to medical school, pursued nursing and have become physician assistants. This organization provided those students the experiences that better prepared them for various career paths.

EMS employee reviewing medical supplies inside the back of an EMS transport vehicleBy joining Rowan’s EMS team students join one of the nation’s top collegiate units — standing as the only collegiate unit in the nation awarded bronze, silver, and gold awards from NCEMSF (National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation) for the organization’s preparation and readiness. Volunteers stand among peers who are required to maintain GPA standards, but still managed to accumulate a collective total of 16,000 volunteer hours as a group for the year. This organization operates as a family — relying on one another, helping one another, and laughing with one another.

To join the organization students start by submitting an application. Once accepted, within the first year of becoming a member students are expected to gain their EMT certification. This means the student is already in progress or actively pursuing the certification. After gaining this EMS male employee sitting intensely in the driver seat of an EMS transport vehiclecertification a member goes through a six to nine month training program held at the Gloucester County EMT Training Academy paid for by the organization. Chief Howery stated, “In addition to arranging the training at no cost, we have a continual no-cost-training program. So every month, Cooper Hospital, as part of the contract that we have with them, will come to Rowan and hold training classes in various topics we suggest or recommend.”

EMS employee standing proudly in front of an image of a training exercise conducted by RowanTypical scenarios volunteers might find themselves in include medical and injury responses, transport services for medical appointments and prescription drug pick-up, emergency medical transport, community engagement, mental health responses, training and awareness spreading of proper CPR techniques and AED usage, and the installation and maintenance of campus AEDs.

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Story and photography by:
Alexander Belli, graduating senior with dual degrees in public relations and advertising

Passing the Torch: Law & Justice Grad Gives Advice

Christian stands with two friends, wearing his graduation gown from Rowan University

“On campus I’ve worked with Tutoring, Housing, and as a Public Safety intern. Networking is everything!” says law and justice graduate Christian Grund, from Verona, NJ (Essex County.) He says that having a job while going to school makes college more fun and manageable.

His best advice to freshmen on time management is, “Do it early or suffer later. Don’t procrastinate – just do it!” 

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Exploratory Studies Student Finds His Passion: Political Science

Jason, wearing a Rising Rowan shirt, standing outside Bunce Hall

Rising junior political science major Jason Brooks, from Monroe Township, NJ (Middlesex County) shares his journey with us on how Rowan’s exploratory studies major helped to connect him with the right major for him: political science. The on-campus resident, who recently wrapped up his sophomore year, lived in one of our newest residence halls on Rowan Boulevard, 114 Victoria. 

I always knew when I was visiting other schools that Rowan was the place I ultimately wanted to call home. When I was accepted to Rowan, I came in as an Exploratory Studies student, and was wrestling between becoming a student in the Rohrer College of Business or becoming a political science major within the College of Humanities & Social Sciences. I always had a knack for politics, but was unsure if that was what I wanted to make my living off of it.

After discussions with my advisor, and attending workshops for both Jason, wearing a Rowan Rising shirt, standing in front of a flagprograms, courtesy of the Exploratory Studies program, I decided to pursue a political science degree. In addition to declaring my major, I also applied for the honors program, and was accepted into that program. As a political science student at Rowan, I have accomplished so much in my two years here. I was selected to be a member of the Student Alumni Association where I have engaged with proud Profs from all generations. From there, I was awarded a job in the admissions office as an Admissions Ambassador, giving campus tours to prospective students.

I have also gotten involved with student government, and this past fall I was elected as a Senator At Large, and was recently elected as Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs for the 2019-2020 school year. In addition, Rowan has afforded me the opportunity to work in the political field as well. I have been fortunate enough to hold two internships during our last summer recess and the fall semester respectively.

I am also looking forward to starting my new internship this summer in the New Jersey State House. These internships would have not been possible without the help of the great faculty I have been surrounded with here at Rowan. Specifically, I would not be where I’m at without the help of Dr. Ben Dworkin and his program with the Rowan Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship (RIPPAC).

Overall, Rowan has afforded me with so many opportunities to expand my network and professional experiences. In the future, I am planning on using my Rowan degree to make an impact on our government and political landscape. But for now, I am looking forward to what the rest of my Rowan experience has in store!

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. 

Aspiring Counselor Started As Exploratory Studies Major

Autumn sits on a bench outside of Savitz Hall at Rowan University

Sophomore Autumn Vilches-Cruz, who commutes from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County), shares her insight with prospective students every day in her role as an Admissions Ambassador who gives tours of campus. Today she shares one snippet of insight, as a former exploratory studies major (commonly known as an undeclared or undecided major.)

Autumn stands in front of Savitz Hall at Rowan University, with her hands clasped in front of her.Coming in as an exploratory studies major really helped me to solidify what I wanted to do as a career.

When I was a freshman, my Rowan 101 seminar required me to attend at least two information sessions about different majors provided at Rowan. I have always had a fascination with people and why we do the things that we do, and think the things that we think. I came in knowing that psychology was the major for me, and once I was finally declared a psychology major, I could not have been happier!

I’m aspiring to become a counselor, and I’m actually thinking about working at Rowan’s Wellness Center when I’m done with my schooling.

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Exploratory Studies Student: Allison Cespedes

student Allison outside of cherry blossom tree in Rowan hoodie

Meet Allison Cespedes, who started off her Rowan experience as an exploratory studies major and discovered her interest in pre-med.

Allison sitting outside in a Rowan hoodie

“Hello! I’m Allison Cespedes, a first-generation college student who is a senior psychology major on a pre-med track with an honors concentration. I am from Bridgewater, NJ (Somerset County) and have lived on campus all four years.

I’ve been a resident assistant and a student admissions ambassador for the past two years now and currently I am a resident assistant for the Whitney Center. I began my college career as an Exploratory Studies major after I took a career course during the summer, before coming into the fall semester. Starting off as this major gave me a good idea as to what I wanted to study for the rest of my time at Rowan.”

Allison wearing Rowan hoodie sitting on bench outside of Bunce

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Photography by:
Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and theatre major

Jasmin Brown’s Home Away From Home: Rowan’s Rec Center [VIDEO]

Woman leaning on counter inside with multiple gym machines in the background

Jasmin Brown, a senior radio, television, and film major feels most at home on campus at her student worker job with Rowan’s Rec Center. The Roselle Park, NJ (Union County) native rents an apartment just off campus, making her school and work “commute” an easy one. Jasmin assists Rec Center patrons by making sure everyone’s properly using all the equipment and all weights are returned. Take a peak at a typical day for Jasmin.

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Video production by: Alexander Belli, senior public relations and advertising major
Music by: Don Dewitt, junior music industry major

#PROFspective: Translational Biomedical Science Major Zachary Padron

Your Name: Zachary PadronYour Major: Translation Biomedical ScienceYour Minors: Bantivoglio Honors Concentration in the Honors College, Pre-Medical Minor, Neuroscience Minor, and Ethics Certificate of Undergraduate StudyYour Year: JuniorHometown and County: Hamilton, NJ (Mercer County)Resident: Yes, I live as a Resident Assistant in the Townhouse ComplexAcademic Organizations: American Physician Scientist Association (Research Chair Executive Board Member)Social Clubs: President of Colleges Against Cancer and Chi Alpha Christian FellowshipOn-Campus Employment: Resident Assistant for the Townhouse ComplexOff-Campus Employment: Research Assistant in the Neuroscience Research Lab at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia […]

#PROFspective: International Student Gatha Adhikari

Today, we speak with Gatha Adhikari, a sophomore biomedical engineering major from Begnas Tal, Pokhara (Nepal), who lives at Holly Pointe Commons as a Resident Assistant. Gatha will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be an international Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

How is Rowan welcoming to you? During the Flying First Symposium by Rowan’s Flying First Task Force for first generation college students, I was invited to speak on the panel to Gatha Adhikari posing in front of her Resident Assistant sign in Holly Pointe Commons.share my journey. To see the first generation alums and get their support made me feel welcomed and a sense of belonging.

Could you tell us a little bit about being a first generation college student? My family is back home in a small village in Nepal and were supportive to let me come here for my studies. Being first-gen is a point of pride in itself, but is also a big struggle. As a first-gen student, I am able to accomplish the dreams of my parents and inspire my community. I affirm for the young ones that they can live their dreams and achieve immense opportunities. Gatha Adhikari mixing a solution in the Science Hall.

Tell us a little bit about the sacrifice that you and your family has made in order to make college a reality for you.  My family and community have made a big emotional sacrifice to let me come to this foreign land and study while my other friends got married without finishing their education. While my family could have kept me home to assist them with their agriculture, they decided to let me fly away and be independent, which means a lot to me. I have left behind my friends and family who are very close to my heart, my traditions and festivities behind and work days and nights to make college a reality.

How do you feel your family will feel when they watch you walkGatha Adhikari posing in the first floor in Engineering Hall. across that graduation stage? I can imagine the tears of joy in the eyes of both my parents and brother when I finish my degree and graduate. They have dedicated their love and sacrificed so much to make it happen. My parents’ goal in life will be fulfilled when they see my accomplishments. My graduation ceremony will mean a lot.

What organization is most meaningful to you on campus? I work as a Resident Assistant (RA) for the Residential Learning and University Housing which means a lot to me. As a team, we strive to build communities within Rowan’s campus to provide the best possible residential life experience to Rowan students so they can find a home away from home here. The residents I lead are a part of an engineering learning community in Holly Pointe Commons

Gatha Adhikari handing a beaker to her professor in Science Hall.

Tell us about your transition into college and how you pushed through any challenges. Leaving everyone I knew and my home country behind when coming to Rowan has been a challenging journey. I have faced numerous obstacles along the way including financial difficulty, as I don’t get any financial aid for being an international student and it is hard to find scholarships I am eligible to apply for. I still have this problem, but I work hard, work on-campus and apply to every scholarship I can.

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Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major

#PROFspective: Mechanical Engineering Major Morgan Dean

Today, we speak with Morgan Dean, a senior mechanical engineering major who rents a house off campus with friends. Morgan will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Name: Morgan DeanMorgan Dean sitting in Rowan's Engineering building.
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minors or concentrations: Writing Arts, Mathematics; Bantivoglio Honors College
Year: Senior
Hometown and County: Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County)
Off-Campus resident: Yes, I live in a house on University Boulevard with my five roommates!
Do you work on campus? If so, where/what do you do? I work as a tutor in the Rowan University Writing Center (in Campbell Library)

Morgan Dean sitting in front of the Engineering auditorium. What wakes you up in the morning? The thrill of getting to do and/or learn something new. Also, I love to have my morning coffee while reading!

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or research focus? I find that being a girl in engineering, especially one of the five or six in the MechE undergraduate program, is more advantageous than most realize. Additionally, although mechanical engineering tends to be associated with cars/engines/etc., the possibilities of post-undergraduate work are endless. You’re in no way tied down to any one field of work.

What is one thing this field has allowed you to do, that you either Morgan Dean showing Rowan student something on her laptop.dreamed of doing or thought you’d never get to do? Through its interdisciplinary program, mechanical engineering sparked my interest in biomedical engineering. Although I once said I would never take another biology class again, I am now set to be a PhD Biomedical Engineering student come Fall 2019.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? The Rowan Writing Center has provided me with a sense of belonging ever since I began working there. The staff took me in immediately as family and I always feel a sense of peace while in the space.

Morgam Dean posing in front of the pond in back of the Engineering building.Why Rowan?  I have made some incredible student-professor relationships here which have shaped my future by unlocking my potential. Professors Dr. Staehle, and Dr. Merrill and Writing Center Director Celeste DelRusso have exposed me to new areas of research through the engineering clinic curriculum, summer programs, and professional development conferences. Additionally, I would never have been accepted to graduate school if it weren’t for these valuable connections I made.

Like what you see, come visit us!


Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major

First Generation College Student, Aspiring Doctor, Plans to Serve Camden

Luis Acevedo posing on the bridge behind the Engineering building at Rowan University.Luis Acevedo, sophomore dual biology and chemistry major from Camden, NJ, originally entered Rowan as an education major. Luis wanted to teach the people in his community about mobilization – something that is a challenge for many from the city. After a semester into his education career, Luis kept his promise to educate his community, but felt he would be able to make a bigger impact educating them on physical health. He rediscovered his passion for the field of medicine, and is eager to apply his passion at home.

Luis speaking at the First-Generation Student Symposium on Feb. 13, 2019 at Rowan University.
Luis speaking at the First Generation Student Symposium on Feb. 13, 2019 at Rowan University. Photo by Nicole Cier.

Luis explains, “The general knowledge of health is not known. Not all members of Camden have access to healthcare or are able to communicate their physical aches and pains to doctors. If people aren’t able to describe their pain, they won’t receive proper care to fix their problem.” Luis wants to provide people with the help they deserve, but aren’t receiving yet. Everyone should have the opportunity to a healthy life and adequate medical attention. His degree and skills sets will allow him to properly attend to the members of his community who desperately need it.

Luis appreciates his family members’ encouragement throughout his Luis Acevedo posing inside the main entrance of the science building at Rowan career and the mentors who’ve built a family full of support at school. After an interview with Dr. Mateo for Rowan’s ASCEND program, Luis felt Rowan was a good choice. Luis’ judgement was right. He explains, “The Camden Campus is a small family. Everyone is welcoming and all are happy to be there. If I ever need help, any one is happy to help me. They are my nest.” Luis, being in the Flying First program, is introduced through the program to professionals and other first-generation college students on campus who advance his academic success. Dr. Mateo, known as “mama bird” to most ASCEND members, meets with Luis regularly to ensure he’s on the right path and connects him to other resources on campus – one of them being the Peer Referral and Orientation Staff (PROS), where he joined as a member of the orientation staff the summer after his freshman year. 

After finding PROS, Luis created a tremendous amount of connections on campus. PROS introduced Luis to faculty and students with different backgrounds, and knows learning to communicate with diverse cultures will help him in his future career.

Luis is setting a positive example for the people of Camden. His hometownLuis Acevedo posing outside the science building at Rowan University. holds a negative stereotype for fostering an adverse community. “A lot of people think we’re not prepared for college. The fact that people ask questions about the type of education I had is unreal. It’s important to inform people that we’re all the same and we were all accepted to the same university.” Luis takes advantage of his resources at Rowan, knowing these connections will prepare him to be a successful doctor.

Like what you see, come visit us!


Enter for a chance to win a Rowan t-shirt! Email RowanBlog [at] with the date and time of your upcoming campus tour … we may just email you that we’re going to surprise you while you’re visiting!

Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Katherine Villacis

Katherine Villacis sitting in the bridge connecting Rowan's Engineering building.

Meet transfer student Katherine Villacis, a junior civil engineering major  from Beverly, NJ (Burlington County) who is a resident assistant here on campus. Katherine recently served as a student panelist on Rowan’s first-generation college student symposium, hosted by Flying First

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you?

“One of my first experiences since I transferred was just taking the leap and getting involved. Being an RA helps me know what’s going on around campus and connect me to resources. I’ve met returning and professional staff who want to see me succeed. Flying First, Rowan’s support program for first-generation college students, is also welcoming environment. We recently had a symposium that was open to other schools, with student panelists discussing their first generation experience.”

Why did you choose Rowan?

“I chose Rowan because of convenience. I went to Rowan College at Burlington County and the programs here made it easier for me to transfer. I didn’t know at first where I wanted to go, but heard great things about the engineering program and knew this was something that could work out.”

Like what you see? 

Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major

#PROFspective: Civil Engineering Major Joseph Cerasi

Today, we speak with Joseph Cerasi, a junior civil engineering major who rents a house off campus. Joseph will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Joseph Cerasi Major: Civil Engineering Year: Junior […]

Marcus’s Home Away From Home: Education Praxis Lab [VIDEO]

Marcus standing inside James Hall near the Praxis Lab in jacket and bookbag on

Marcus King feels most at home around his friends and classmates in the Rowan Praxis Lab in James Hall. Get a sneak peak into the area that’s important to this junior health and physical education major from Willingboro, NJ (Burlington County.)

Like what you see? Come visit us!


Video by: Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and theatre double major
Music by: Dan Ledden, senior public relations major

Capturing the Moment in Photojournalism Class

student inside Barnes and Nobles on campus in book aisle taking a photo

Your photography skills before the class vs. after? I had very little photography knowledge at the beginning of the course but was eager to learn more. I wanted to be criticized and really come out of the class with a new found perspective on how to approach photography. I quickly learned photography has a lot […]

Rebecca Schnier Discusses Student Teaching

Rebecca Shnier stands outside of James Hall at Rowan University, in front of a bronze artwork that says Knowledge is Power

Meet Rebecca Schnier, a senior Education and Liberal Studies dual major from North Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County). She has a Teachers of Students with Disabilities endorsement and student teaches at John H. Winslow Elementary School in Vineland, NJ.  Today we chat with her about the opportunities she has had to engage in her majors at Rowan University, […]

#PROFspective: Electrical & Computer Engineering Major DJ Stahlberger

DJ sitting inside electrical lab

Today, we speak with DJ Stahlberger, a junior electrical and computer engineer major from Pittsgrove, NJ (Salem County) who commutes. DJ will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: DJ StahlbergerMajor: Electrical and […]

#PROFspective: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate Student Dave Berg

David outside Science hall

Today, we speak with Dave Berg, clinical mental health counseling graduate student from Wenonah, NJ (Gloucester County). Dave will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University graduate student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Dave Berg Major: Clinical Mental Health […]

Engineer Furthers Her College Experience

Kelly outside Rowan College of Engineering sign outside

Like a proton, Kelly Yorke has a positive charge, driving her to go above and beyond in her field. The New York state resident, a chemical engineering major, became president of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at Rowan as a sophomore, a remarkable feat, and continued on through her junior year. Heavily involved with […]

#PROFspective: English & Writing Arts Major Rachel Barton

Rachel outside Barnes and Nobles sitting on bench with her books and Her Campus pennant

Today, we speak with Rachel Barton, a senior English and Writing Arts double major from Camden County who lives off campus in a house with friends. Rachel will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as […]

#PROFspective: Supply Chain Management and Logistics Major Rachel Breuninger

Rachel outside business building with silver sign in background saying Rohrer College of Business

Today, we speak with Rachel Breuninger, a senior supply chain management and logistics major who lives off campus in a rented house. Rachel will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she got the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Rachel Breuninger Major: Supply […]

#PROFspective: Mathematics and Education Major Lawrance Stephenson

Student outside Wilson Hall on bridge

Today, we speak with Lawrance Stephenson-Mosley, a freshmen Mathematics and Education major from Bridgeton, NJ, who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Lawrance will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he got the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. […]

Juggling Two Internships To Prep For Graduate School

female student in hallway surrounded by pt equipment

Emily Acton holds not just one internship but two – acting as a research assistant in the Health & Exercise Science Department here on campus and shadowing professional therapists at Woodstown Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab. Emily’s time at the rehab clinic, located close to her Pennsville (Salem County) home allows her to experience the professional life a […]

It’s Who You Know: Management Information Systems Major Lands Internship

Serving as a volunteer peer mentor for the Dr. Harley E. Flack Student Mentoring Program opened the door for  Management Information Systems (MIS) major Steven Brito to land an exciting internship in his desired field, beginning early in his junior year. With his internship, which is on campus within the web services portion of the Office of […]

Sophomore Biomedical Engineering Major Jeremy Decker

Jeremy inside science lab at college of engineering

“We’re creating microfluidic devices to take analytical measurement of biologically significant molecules. Now, I know that sounds confusing…” When I first met with Jeremy, he spoke a language I probably could only follow about 80 percent of the time … but after listening to him explain and talk about his work, I walked away with […]

#PROFspective: Physics Major Nabil Jamhour

Nabil walks down the stairs in James Hall at Rowan University

Today, we speak with Nabil Jamhour, a junior physics major from Clifton (Passaic County), NJ, who lives on campus in Mimosa Hall. Nabil will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Nabil […]

#PROFspective: Writing Arts Major Nicole Cier

Today, we speak with Nicole Cier, a sophomore writing arts major from East Brunswick (Middlesex County), NJ, who lives on campus in Rowan Boulevard. Nicole will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]

#PROFspective: Psychological Science Major Mark A. Ziegler-Thayer

Mark inside Campbell Library at Rowan on campus

Today, we speak with Mark A. Ziegler-Thayer, a junior psychological science major from Stratford (Camden County), New Jersey, who lives on campus, in the Rowan Boulevard Apartments. Mark will share their #PROFpective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how they’re getting the most out of their university experience […]

#PROFspective: English and Biological Sciences Major Kasey DiSessa

Today, we speak with Kasey DiSessa, a junior English and Biological Sciences major from Hackettstown (Warren County), NJ, who lives on campus in the Whitney Center. Kasey will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as […]

#PROFspective: Computer Science & Electrical and Computer Engineering Major Josiah Bell

Today, we speak with Josiah Bell, a freshman electrical & computer engineering and computer science double major from Pemberton (Burlington County), NJ, who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Josiah will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of […]

#PROFspective: Health & Exercise Science Major Nikayla Pascual

Nikki stationed with physical therapy equipment

Today, we speak with Nikayla Pascual, a senior health and exercise science major from Cranford (Union County), NJ, who lives on campus in 220 Rowan Boulevard. Nikki will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as […]

#PROFspective: Art Education Major Melissa Glenn

Rowan student Melissa holding her drawing outside Westby art building

Today, we speak with Melissa Glenn, a recent graduate this fall with a bachelor’s degree in art education from Randolph (Morris County), NJ, who lives in a rental house off campus. Melissa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she got the most out […]

#PROFspective: Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management & Political Science Major Kevin McCarthy

Rowan student Kevin standing outside Rowan EMS building

Today, we speak with Kevin McCarthy, a freshman disaster preparedness and emergency management, and political science major from Cranford (Union County), NJ, who lives on campus in Willow Hall. Kevin will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his […]

5 Things I Wish My Residents Knew: An RA Perspective

As I continue to move through my senior year at Rowan, I find myself reflecting on my experience as a resident assistant on campus. Working in the position for three years, I’ve seen how residents’ concerns and problems evolve throughout the year. In the beginning, most express concern over their living environments. But as the […]

#PROFspective: Management Information Systems Major Steven Brito

Today, we speak with Steven Brito, a junior management information systems major from Plainfield (Union County), NJ, who lives on campus in Triad Apartments. Steven will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan […]

#PROFspective: Psychology and Sociology Major Jeraca Marsh

Jereca sitting on Rowan University brick sign outside of Holly Pointe

Today, we speak with Jeraca Marsh, a senior psychology and sociology major from Burlington City (Burlington County), NJ, who resides on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. Jeraca will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a […]

#PROFspective: Environmental and Sustainability Studies Major Katie Elliott

Katie standing outside of the Rec Center

Today, we speak with Katie Elliot, a senior environmental and sustainability studies major from Hopewell (Mercer County), NJ, who rents an apartment off campus. Katie will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]

#PROFspective: Geographic Information Systems Major Tim Lemon

Today we speak with Tim Lemon, a senior Geographic Information Systems major from Glendora (Camden County), NJ, who commutes. He will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Your Name: Tim Lemon Your Major: Geographic […]

#PROFspective: Philosophy & Religion, Biological Sciences Major Mahaa Ahmed

Mahaa stands in a dress, with arms outstretched

Today, we speak with Mahaa Ahmed, a junior philosophy and religion studies and biological sciences double major from Washington Township (Gloucester County), NJ, who resides on campus in 220 Rowan Boulevard. Mahaa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out […]

#PROFspective PROS Edition: Physics Major Katherine Carranza

Kathy sitting in Science Hall lobby in front of the Planetarium.

Today, we speak with Katherine Carranza, a sophomore physics major with a concentration in astronomy  from Bayonne, NJ, who resides on campus in Edgewood Park. Kathy will give us insight on her career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan […]

#PROFspective PROS Edition: Civil and Environmental Engineering Major Marissa Ciocco

standing on bridge holding 12 sign

Today, we speak with Marissa Ciocco, a junior civil and environmental engineering major from East Greenwich, NJ, who resides on campus in the Whitney Center. Marissa will give us insight on her career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan […]

A Late Night at the Writing Center

Writing center helpers

Fighting the end-of-the-year drag we students know oh-so-well, students and tutors alike gather each semester in the Rowan Writing Center for the long NAP (Night Against Procrastination) event. Students take advantage of a first year writing portfolio station, workshops, slime and stress ball crafts, a meditation station, English language support, research and citation help, and free […]

#PROFspective PROS Edition: Chemical Engineering Major Steven Schwartz

hands up in front of Holly Pointe

Today, we speak with Steven Schwartz, a senior chemical engineering major from Manahawkin, NJ, who resides on campus in Holly Pointe Commons as a resident assistant. Steven will give us insight on his career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University […]

#PROFspective PROS Edition: Engineering Entrepreneurship and Music Industry Major Jeff McConnell Jr.

unified sports club

Today, we speak with Jeff McConnell Jr., a sophomore engineering entrepreneurship and music industry double major from Marmora, NJ, who will live on campus in Whitney Center this year. Jeff will give us insight on his career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like […]

#PROFspective PROS Edition: Philosophy Major Donald C Roberts III

rowan pros member giving tour

Today, we speak with Donald C Roberts III, a junior philosophy major from Irvington, NJ, who lives on campus in Edgewood Park Apartments. Donald will give us insight on his career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student […]

#PROFspective PROS Edition: Advertising and Public Relations Major Annie Busarello

Today, we speak with Annie Busarello, a junior advertising and public relations double major from Audubon, NJ, who resides in a new on campus apartment, 223 High Street. Annie will give us insight on her career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be […]

Behind the Scenes: Student Worker has Amazing First Week [VIDEO]

Dr. Jeff Hand and Rowan Mascot Whoo RU

Being a brand new student worker for this blog presents many opportunities for me to experience real-life jobs within my field such as interviewing people, becoming a photographer and editing photos, publishing my own articles and working with a team to generate content for the blog. Being a public relations major, it’s great that I get […]

Why I Love Working at the Rowan Writing Center

student library

Morgan Douglas is a senior at Rowan University double majoring in writing arts, with a concentration in creative writing, and biology, with a concentration in pre-med. A mouthful, right? Even with all of her school work, Morgan took a job working at Rowan University Writing Center in Campbell Library as a writing tutor at the beginning of spring semester […]

#PROFspective: Journalism Major Greg Scharen

Greg sits on a bench outside of the Campbell Library

Today we speak with Greg Scharen, a freshman journalism major from Middletown, Monmouth County, who lives on campus in Mullica Hall. He will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Greg Scharen Major: Journalism in the College […]

#PROFspective Elementary Education and Mathematics Major Kaitlee Francisco

student in education building

Today we speak with Kaitlee Francisco, a sophomore elementary education and mathematics  major from Washington Township, Gloucester County, who lines on campus in the Townhouses. She will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: […]

#PROFspective Spanish; Secondary Education; Modern Languages and Linguistics Major Christina Terry

student outside international building

Today we speak with Christina Terry, a senior Spanish, secondary education and modern languages and linguistics triple major from Voorhees, Camden County, who lives on campus as an resident assistant in the International House. She will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college […]

#PROFspective: Chemical Engineering Major Nick Testa

student inside whitney center

Today we speak with Nick Testa, a sophomore chemical engineering major from Hainesport, Burlington County, who lives on campus in Whitney Center. Nick will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Nick Testa Major: Chemical […]

#PROFspective: Elementary Education & Literacy Studies Major Katherine Brown

Today we speak with Katherine Brown, a senior elementary education and literacy studies major from Cherry Hill, Camden County, who lives off campus. Katherine will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Katherine Brown – […]

#PROFspective: Computer Science Major Damen Tomassi

student sits outside rec center

Today we speak with Damen Tomassi, a senior computer science major from Longport, Atlantic County, who lives on campus at 220 Rowan Blvd. He will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Damen Tomassi Major: 5 Year […]

International #PROFspective: Biochemistry Major Tsion Abay

Tsion Abay Rowan PROFspective Feature Photo

Today we speak with Tsion Abay, a sophomore biochemistry major originally from Ethiopia, who commutes to Rowan from Williamstown, Gloucester County. Tsion shares her #PROFspective with us on with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University international student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Tsion […]

#PROFspective: Early Childhood Education Major Naveen Khan

Student in SGA office

Today we speak with Naveen Khan, a senior early childhood education and history/Spanish double major from Cherry Hill, Camden County, who commutes from home. She will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Naveen Khan […]

#PROFspective: Psychology Major Carly Sanchez

student in student center

Today we speak with Carly Sanchez, a junior psychology major from Edison, Middlesex County, who lives on campus in the Rowan Blvd Apts (Robo). Carly will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Carly Sanchez Major: Psychology […]

#PROFspective: Business Administration Major Anthony Ramos

student with SUP banner

Today we speak with Anthony Ramos, a junior business administration major from Oxford, Warren County, who lives on campus in Rowan townhouses. Anthony will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Anthony […]

#PROFspective: Psychology Major Cassandra Cabrera

student works in SUP office

Today we speak with Cassandra Cabrera, a sophomore psychology major from Woodlynne, Camden County, who lives on campus on Rowan Boulevard, more commonly known as RoBo. Cassandra will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: […]

#PROFspective: Fine Arts & Public Relations Major Kaitlyn Fedor

Rowan artist paints in art class

Today we speak with Kaitlyn Fedor, a senior fine arts and public relations double major from Hamilton, Mercer County, who lives off campus in Glassboro. Kaitlyn will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: […]

#PROFspective: Communications Studies Major
Hamish James Silva

students in True Color club meeting

Today we speak with Hamish James Silva, a junior communications studies major from Hammonton, Atlantic County, who lives off campus with friends. He will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Hamish James Silva Major: […]

#PROFspective: Education and History Double Major Erin Anderson

student outside office of admissions

Today we speak with Erin Anderson, a junior education and history major from Marlton, Burlington County, who lives off campus. Erin will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Erin Anderson Major: Subject Matter Education: History […]

#PROFspective: Philosophy & Religious Studies and Communication Studies Major Vincent Colantuoni

Today we speak with Vincent Colantuoni, a senior philosophy and religious studies and communication studies double major from Brick Township, Ocean County, who lives on campus as the assistant resident director in Rowan Blvd. Apartments (Robo.) Vincent will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s […]

#PROFspective: Political Science Major Arthur Andrew Bautista

Political Science Major Andrew Bautista poses in a new Business Hall at Rowan University

Today we speak with Arthur Andrew Bautista, a junior political science major originally from the Philippines, who commutes to Rowan from Washington Township, Gloucester County. Arthur will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University international student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  […]

#PROFspective: Communications Studies Major Troi Foster

student ra room

Today we speak with Troi Foster, a senior communications studies major from East Orange, Essex County, who lives on campus as a resident assistant in Mimosa Hall. Troi will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: […]

9 Things to Know About Rowan’s International Center

Dr. Li Yang, Katelyn Sullivan and Arthur Bautista at the International Center

Dr. Li Yang, the Director of the International Center and the Intensive English Language Program, and Katelyn Sullivan, the administrative assistant, share with us 9 things we need to know about the International Center here at Rowan.  1. Rowan hosts 170 international students The International Center assures that our international students have a smooth transition coming from abroad […]

#PROFspective: Marketing Major Jeff Goodwin

student presents powerpoint

Today we speak with Jeff Goodwin, a freshman marketing major from Erial, Camden County, who commutes to Rowan. Jeff will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: Jeff Goodwin Major: Marketing […]

#PROFspective: Law & Justice Major Anthony Young

student sits at desk

Today we speak with Anthony Young, a sophomore law and justice major from Sicklerville, Camden County, who lives on campus in Edgewood Apartments. Anthony will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  […]

#PROFspective: Psychology Major Miles Cordero

student stands on intramural field

Today we speak with Miles Cordero, a junior psychology major and passionate anthropology minor from Freehold, Monmouth County, who lives off campus. Miles will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  Name: […]

#PROFspective: Elementary Education and English Major Nicole Wyglendowski

Nicole Wyglendowski working as a supervisor at the Rowan's Rec Center

Today we speak with Nicole Wyglendowski, a senior elementary education and English dual major from Washington Township, Warren County, who rents a house off campus. Nicole will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a […]

#PROFspective: Biology Pre-Medicine Major Emeli Valdez

student works on club website

Today we speak with Emeli Valdez, a sophomore biology major on a pre-med track, from Cherry Hill, Camden County, who lives on campus in Edgewood Apartments. Emeli will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a […]